What are the benefits of cats for humans? Fluffy healers of soul and body: what are the benefits of cats for humans for health and mood. What benefits do cats bring?

Hello, dear friends! Some time ago I wrote an article, and today I want to talk in detail about the benefits cats bring to humans, regardless of age.

I have often heard from some people that cats are of no use, just dirt. I would like to object to this.

I love all pets: dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters and others, but I always wanted to keep only cats at home.

A very smart and beautiful Siamese cat, Levik, has been living in our family for 15 years. So I experienced it myself positive influence cat per person.

What benefits do cats bring?

1. The very first thing is the joy of communicating with a cat.

Most of them are gentle and affectionate creatures. These furry animals can lift your spirits, relieve fatigue and set you up for positivity.

When I came home from work, my cat literally followed on my heels, and as soon as I sat down, he immediately ran onto my lap so that I could pet him, and began to purr. At such moments all the fatigue and Bad mood leaving.

2. Cats have a beneficial effect on human health.

♦ When stroking cats for a few minutes, it returns to normal. arterial pressure, heart rate returns to normal.

♦The purring of a cat reduces a person’s stress level, calms them down, relieves tension, and helps them cope more easily with unpleasant life situations.

By the way, the purring of a cat is similar to therapeutic ultrasound; these vibrations at a certain frequency contribute to more fast healing fractures, are an excellent prevention of osteoporosis and joint diseases, and simply calm down.

♦ Cats on energy level are able to detect changes occurring in the human body and prevent the development of many diseases.

When the owner is sick, the cat likes to be nearby or climbs on him and lies on the sore spot, purrs, sometimes does a “massage”, releasing its claws, and the person feels relief.

♦ They say that cats need negative energy for normal development of the body, and humans need positive energy.

Some scientists believe that cats, when lying on a person, take away negative energy from him and give back positive energy.

But it is impossible to force a cat to treat a patient. She herself must want it.

These furry animals have a good sense of how each family member treats them, and will only help those who truly love them.

♦ I experience all these healing cat abilities on myself every day. As soon as I lie down, Levik immediately runs and lies down on me, purring, almost always in the same place. During such a “session” I feel on the physical level how I am saturated with positive energy. After lying there for a few minutes, he calmly leaves.

3. A cat is capable of clearing the space of the house from negativity with its presence., taking on bad energy.

Not without reason before, and even nowadays, when moving to new house, first they let the cat in, and then the residents themselves came in.

4. Helps a person get rid of harmful rodents: mice and rats.

This is especially true for those who live in private houses. Also, some cats catch insects that accidentally fly in: flies, mosquitoes and others.

5.Cats are able to anticipate earthquakes, floods, fires and other tragic events a little earlier than they begin.

Sometimes, while saving people’s lives, they begin to show strong anxiety and try to leave the apartment as quickly as possible.

6. Some cats are stubborn alarm clocks.

If every day you get up in the morning at the same time, then the cat usually gets used to this regime and begins to wake you up with its meows, if suddenly you didn’t get up on the alarm clock.

The downside is that not all cats can feel the difference between weekdays and weekends, and continue to wake up their owners even on weekends, when they want to sleep longer.

7. Many cats are capable of showing heroism, saving people.

There are known cases when cats caught poisonous snakes, saving a person from a fatal bite, they woke people up during a gas leak, during a fire, found infants abandoned on the street by cruel mothers, and saved them from dog attacks.

This is exactly what these two videos are about, watch it, it’s very interesting.

I hope I was able to tell you what benefits cats bring.

I can no longer imagine my life without our fluffy, affectionate animal. Love your pets, take care of them, and they will definitely repay you in kind.

Cats remain the most beloved pets for many. They are pleasant to play with, they show affection and playfulness, they are funny and sensitive to the mood of the owner. To maintain such an idyll in the house, you should take care of some things. This will help keep your household and the cat healthy. How dangerous are cats for humans? Few know the answer to the question, but the danger exists. These are diseases that domestic cats carry.

Dangers to humans

There are breeds dangerous cats who are naturally susceptible to various diseases. Cats can tolerate different kinds diseases. Diseases from cats are transmitted to humans and pose a great danger to them. In particular, this applies to pregnant women, small children, allergy sufferers and people with weak immune systems.

Symptom of cat scratches

Statistically, this is the most common problem. Cat owners experience scratches very often. It's common for small kittens to scratch. Traces of their claws can provoke the development of itching and redness. If bacteria enter damaged skin, it begins inflammatory process, which is accompanied:

  • high temperature;
  • joint and headaches;
  • fatigue;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

The majority of people recover from scratches fairly quickly.




A type of fungus that the owner becomes infected with from a cat, resulting in a skin infection as a reward. An animal usually picks up a fungus in a house if several pets live in it at once.. They endure the disease for a long time. However, the cat itself does not show any symptoms. Cure from ringworm hard enough. Cats can infect a person with a fungus, and the owner will not even guess where the disease comes from.

A sick cat should be isolated. After the course of treatment, in the absence of pathological symptoms, the room must be disinfected.


Toxoplasmosis is the most dangerous disease, which is spread by cats. Pathogens live in animal excrement. Cats become infected with toxoplasmosis from raw meat that she eats, or after contact with sick animals.

Infection of humans from cats occurs very rarely, but if this happens, it is deadly for humans. Much more often, toxoplasmosis is contracted from eating dirty vegetables.

Toxoplasmosis poses a huge danger to unborn children. In the mother's womb, the baby can become infected from the woman herself, who has close contact with cats during pregnancy. The expectant mother should refrain from cleaning the cat's litter box on her own. Infecting a child with toxoplasmosis can lead to miscarriages or physical deformities.


Quite rare infection for the cat family. However, such danger still occurs. If your cat suddenly becomes lethargic, starts sneezing and coughing, or has loose stools, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Despite all its affection, tenderness and devotion, a cat can be dangerous for its owner and surrounding people in terms of contracting serious diseases. To avoid unpleasant situations, the animal should be well looked after, fed the right foods, kept clean and monitored for its health. Do not neglect scheduled visits to the veterinarian. This will help not only to identify signs of the disease in time, but also to prevent them altogether.


There are people who do not accept the presence of animals in the house. I sincerely feel sorry for them, because pets make our lives more beautiful in every sense of the word. Cats stand out from all domestic animals for their independence. Sometimes it seems that they live their own lives and do not obey the person in any way. In fact, they do a lot for us. You just need to find out in detail how cats are useful in order to use their “gifts” to the fullest.

Cats are bioenergy

Parapsychologists have long proven that a cat is capable of absorbing bad energy. If a dog in the house always chooses a place with positive energy, then the cat will point you to a “bad” place and cleanse its energy with its presence. Black cats know this best. It’s not for nothing that fairy tales and legends say that witches have black cats. We must somehow help the poor witches in fits of anger!

Treatment with cats

The main answer to the question of whether cats are beneficial lies in their healing power. A cat is able to recognize a person’s illness and will try to lie down next to the sore spot. She can begin to purr and treat in a similar way to infrasound, only at a different frequency - from 4 to 16 Hz. This strengthens the human immune system, promotes skin regeneration, strengthens bones and joints. Persian cats have this ability. But the Sphinxes, Korats and Egyptian Mau help solve problems with digestion, excretory and genitourinary systems. Siberian, Angora, Norwegian forest cats relieve stress and depressive states. Sleep is normalized. Benefits of cats, regardless of breed, for diseases of cardio-vascular system simply huge. There are cases when they saved their owners from attacks, from a hypertensive crisis, and brought the pulse and blood pressure back to normal. All you have to do is stroke your pet - your beloved cat! Cats also conduct acupuncture sessions for their owners. They release their claws and begin to “punch” the sore spot with their paws. As a result, skin receptors are irritated and recovery occurs.

Cats and children

Those who have children do not have to explain the benefits of having cats in the house. A child, of course, can simply kill a cat with his games and unceremonious treatment. But over time, he understands that the cat is the youngest member of the family and needs to be taken care of. The child receives the first lessons of kindness, responsibility, learns to treat the weak and protect them. He understands that the pet must be fed, it must be cleaned after it, it must be loved and forgiven for its pranks.

Saves from loneliness

Cat - a real find for those who live alone. A man talks to a cat, this already sets him up for a positive wave. Even autistic people can communicate with cats, and even from them the disease recedes. And lonely people, over time, begin to consider a cat as their main member of the family; it will amuse, and caress, and even make you angry if it misbehaves. Any manifestation of emotions and feelings is very necessary for a lonely person for mental health. And the cat also puts you in a positive mood with its cheerful and optimistic disposition. In this regard, only dogs can compare with her.

In addition, cats will protect your home from mice and rats, your balcony from unwanted feathered guests, even from the attack of stray cats and dogs, if you have a private house or the first floor of a high-rise building. Researchers-gerontologists from Berlin helped find out what benefits cats bring, who found that cat owners live 10 years longer than those who have never had these cheerful and wayward animals in their home. So get a cat with confidence, and long life to you!

Fans of mysticism believe that cats, by the very fact of their presence, “ennoble” the atmosphere of the house. In folk beliefs, it is believed that cats have a special relationship with the spirits of the house - brownies. They patronize tailed purrs, and therefore protect the house from troubles and unwanted guests. This is one of the reasons why the cat should be the first to enter a new home.

Parapsychologists adhere to a similar point of view, only the mechanism of a cat’s influence on the space of an apartment, from their point of view, is structured differently: it is assumed that cats feel the energy of surrounding objects and “clean” it, and can also neutralize the consequences of interaction with negative biofields. It is also believed that if the owner is a cat, it can absorb the energy of the disease, thereby alleviating the human condition.

Family doctor

However, not only parapsychologists talk about the healing effects of cats on humans. Many people have become convinced that “cat therapy” is an effective thing. Cats heal people – and in several ways at once.

It is believed that the purring of cats affects humans in almost the same way as infrasound, only at other frequencies (4-16 Hz). And such “physiotherapy at home” helps strengthen bones, regenerate skin, and also strengthens the immune system. In addition, when a cat comes to “purr” next to a person, his body adapts to the rhythm of the purring. As a result, breathing is normalized, stress is relieved, mood improves, and sleep normalizes. The result is a general healing effect.

Secondly, the body temperature of cats is a couple of degrees higher than that of humans. Therefore, when a fluffy lump settles on the chest or stomach, it turns out something like a compress. The cat warms up the sore spots, which really heals.

IN last years A number of studies have been conducted on the health status of cat owners and the health benefits of cats. And it turned out that cat owners have a risk of death from heart attack or other diseases of the cardiovascular system is 30% less than in those who do not communicate regularly with cats; they tolerate illnesses more easily and recover faster from them. So it turns out that cats cure human diseases by acting as family doctor wide profile.

Free psychotherapist

As the same studies have shown, on average, owners also cope better with stress and crisis situations. And this is not surprising - not only does cat treatment strengthen the body as a whole, communication with these funny animals in itself acts on a person as an antidepressant. Even autistic people communicate with cats, let alone ordinary withdrawn or lonely people. Interaction with a cat allows them to relax, give free rein to their emotions - and this is already good.

Communicating with a cat, watching its antics, stroking its soft fur relaxes, puts you in an optimistic mood, and relieves tension. Of all the representatives of the animal world, only dogs have a similar effect on humans. So there is no doubt that cats have a place in the human psyche.

Living security system

Cats are excellent guards. And, although saving from mice and rats is most often not particularly important for residents of modern cities, cats continue to fight against uninvited guests. They will drive pigeons away from balconies and window sills, prevent stray animals from entering their territory, and some cats even successfully exterminate flies and other insects.

But this is not the only function of cats as a security system. They are much more sensitive than people. And, if cats feel that the house is in danger (an approaching earthquake, a gas leak, smoke from a starting fire in a neighboring apartment, etc.), the cat begins to show great anxiety and strives to leave the apartment at all costs. Sometimes in such situations, cats wake up their sleeping owners - and thereby save their lives.

By the way, according to German gerontologists, cat owners live on average 10 years longer than those who do not keep such animals at home. And perhaps it’s not only about the healing effect, but also about protection from emergency situations.

Persistent alarm clock

Cats also become invaluable helpers for those who have difficulty standing up. These animals are excellent and very persistent alarm clocks, and they have a huge number of tools in their arsenal for waking up their owners. If family members get up at the same time, cats usually quickly get used to the established daily routine and begin active actions upon wake-up at the same time as the alarm clock, or a couple of minutes ahead of it.

True, the desire of cats to wake up their owners in the morning sometimes brings trouble - many cats find it difficult to discern the difference between weekdays and a day off, when they could sleep longer. But some still succeed - and then the cats wake up their owners in strict accordance with their work or school schedule.

Sanitary control

Having a cat at home (as well as a small child) often forces home owners to maintain cleanliness and order. Restless animals do not know the “place” command, love to run around the apartment and often misbehave, dropping dishes or other objects on the floor - or spoiling papers left on the table. This quickly teaches owners to put fragile things back in their places, remove excess from horizontal surfaces, keep balls and threads only in the needlework box, and so on.

And finally, the benefit of a cat is that it is the one that can put an end to the protracted conflict between men and women regarding the initial position of the toilet seat. Many cats show great interest in the water running in the toilet... and then it immediately becomes obvious that the toilet seat should be down and the lid closed. For purely sanitary reasons. This means that there are fewer quarrels in the family.

Ginger cat Published 11/11/2014 admin 13.03.2019

if you have Small child, then no one except a cat can force him to show care and reverent attitude towards animals. The baby will have the opportunity to show a sense of responsibility, and this is also important for the development of the child. Also, the child will find a new friend, which is very pleasing! If you love your child, you will take care of your health and drink freshly squeezed juices. Make vegetable and fruit juices to the delight of yourself and your loved ones with the help of an excellent juicer.

Cats are healers

Many people probably know that cats have the power of healing. Unfortunately, in present time, this has not been scientifically proven, but when something starts to hurt a person, the cat feels it and lies down on the painful place, warming it with its warmth, after which the pain goes away. Cats can even relieve tension, stress, fatigue, nervousness and more. Therefore, if you have a cat at home, it will become not just a good friend, but also a mustachioed doctor. Of course, if the disease requires the intervention of a professional doctor, then a cat, unfortunately, will not help. She can only be nearby and lift your spirits with her presence.

Cats create comfort

Another advantage of having a cat in the house is a cozy, homely environment. It is very pleasant to fall asleep next to a cat when he purrs affectionately. They also say that cats absorb negative energy from the person who brought it into the house from work or study. The reason for this may be a hard day, a bad mood, fatigue, etc. Cats create harmony in the family and also reduce the level of conflict. You will also not be in danger of loneliness if you have such a devoted friend as a cat in the house.

Cat cons in the house

But cats also have their disadvantages. Dirt brought from the street, wool and, if you are unlucky and your cat turns out to be disobedient, then a mess in the house. This includes scratched furniture, ties in curtains and carpets. This disadvantage can be avoided if you carefully choose the owners and make sure that the mother cat of this kitten is clean, calm and completely healthy.

There is also a downside if you cannot train the cat to “go outside”. At first, of course, this will be a problem, but with patience and courage, over time you can accustom your cat to this. Just make sure that no one hurts your cat on the open spaces of the street, watch him carefully so that he doesn’t get lost. Read about it if you suddenly encounter someone like this.