How to become a smart and interesting woman. How to be the perfect girl. Where to start to “get smart”


Intelligence and education are different concepts

Being smart doesn't mean two things at all. higher education. For example, Coco Chanel had a religious orphanage behind her, where she was only taught to sew and read the Bible. She loved literature, knew painting and music, was close friends with all the talents of that time and had an amazing sense of humor.

So, you will need to complete the following tasks to become smart:

1. Read fiction. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Zola, Balzac, Wilde and other famous writers. Your vocabulary will increase, your understanding of many life situations will become clearer. Read books as recommended, put off detective stories and novels until better times. Read everything first to have a basis for comparison. Subsequently, your taste will develop and you will become more selective.
2. Find yourself a friend who you consider more erudite or smart than you. If there is nothing like this in your immediate environment, read blogs famous people, biographies.

3. Communicate as much as possible on different topics; if something is not clear to you, ask for more details. It's better to appear stupid than to actually be stupid.
4. Keep a notebook and write down all the words and concepts you don’t understand. In the evening, opposite each item, write an explanation that you will find in the dictionary. An intelligent person not only knows a lot of complex terms, he knows how to use them in conversation.
5. Solve puzzles and problems. Mathematical, logical, imagination, erudition - this will develop your logical and heuristic thinking. It is also useful to become familiar with the principles of logic. Then you will understand which judgments are true and which are not and think.
6. Tackle any topic by studying basic knowledge.

7. Ask questions: “Why is this?”, “What does this mean?”, “How is it possible?”. Be curious and open to new knowledge.
8. Get different opinions on the same issue. Then think aloud as you consider each argument. Consider whether you agree with him. Next, form your opinion on this topic and try to discuss it with someone. You may make mistakes at first, but over time people will listen to you.

9. Make your speech clear and pleasant. Get rid of rude and clogging words.

Beauty is a multifaceted concept

In past centuries plastic surgery They didn’t do it; basically, only white and velvet flies were used. The modern girl has countless means for transformation at her fingertips. There is only one problem: how to use them correctly to become beautiful.

1. Take a good look at yourself. Write down all the features of your body and face. At the same time, without dividing what is bad and what is good.
2. With the help of books, the Internet, stylists, makeup artists, write down tips for correction and use next to each item. For example: a full figure - shapewear, beautiful legs - short skirts.
3. Using the instructions you received for choosing clothes, create several outfit options: everyday, evening, etc. Consider the color scheme; if you find it difficult to decide for yourself, visit a stylist.
4. In one of the outfits, go to the hairdresser, where you will get a beautiful haircut, taking into account your wishes and characteristics. Make it a rule to visit the hairdresser once every 1.5 months.
5. Once the dressing room is filled with the right beautiful clothes, learn the rules of makeup. There is now a wealth of literature on this issue. If difficulties arise, contact a professional makeup artist.
6. Choose the perfume that best describes you.
7. After you learn how to combine and put on things that suit you, do neat, corrective makeup. Learn to walk easily and gracefully.

Video on the topic


  • How to become smart
  • how to become different or change

Tip 2: How to become beautiful and healthy without extra effort

Knowing how to harmonize with your body, you can become beautiful and healthy without extra effort. Regular attention to your body, elimination of bad habits and several pleasant activities for the soul and body help you gain lightness and harmony.


Try to eat wisely, without excesses. Make it a rule not to eat at night, even if you really want to. Don't exhaust yourself with destructive diets, especially if they don't help you. And if you go on a diet or limit yourself to certain foods, make sure that your body gets everything essential vitamins And nutrients. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Set aside a few hours a week for exercise or yoga. Don't deny yourself adequate sleep. If you know that you have to get up early in the morning, don’t stay up late. Try not to drink a lot of fluids at night, otherwise bruises under the eyes and swelling may appear in the morning. It won't hurt to take a walk before bed; even 15 minutes of walking in the fresh air is enough.

Be careful to keep your face and body clean. Wash your hair as often as it requires. Use products that suit your age, skin type and hair type. Don't let your hands and nails look unkempt. If possible, look in the mirror more often and watch your hair and makeup. Sometimes treat yourself to a trip to a beauty salon or hairdresser.

Take a closer look at what you are wearing. Do not allow your clothes to become sloppy; make sure that all buttons are in place, there are no stains or protruding threads. Update your wardrobe occasionally, especially if you have lost or gained weight, so that your clothes don’t look “out of size.” Choose clothes so as to highlight the advantages of your body and hide its shortcomings.

Look at life positively, be optimistic about what is happening. Smile more often, learn to enjoy life. Be as polite as possible, do not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

Helpful advice

You need to be beautiful, first of all, for yourself, to love your body. Feeling beautiful makes others see you that way. Remember, true beauty comes from within.


  • How to become beautiful and attractive

If you have an important event coming up in a week, you need to look your best. Don’t worry that you don’t have much time left - you can get yourself in order in 7 days.

Start becoming beautiful with your nails

Hands are a business card. First of all, make an appointment for a manicure. You won't be able to give your nails the same shine as in a salon on your own. If it's summer outside, don't forget about a pedicure. You can also extend your nails, cover them with acrylic, gel polish, regular colored or clear polish. A French manicure with bleached nail tips always looks trendy. If you decide to get a manicure with regular polish, visit the salon as close as possible to the date of your important event, at the end of the allotted week, so that the polish does not peel off at the wrong time.

Tidy up your hair

Even if you look great, overgrown hair roots, burnt hair and split ends will make you look unkempt. Be sure to visit a hairdresser and get your hair in order. You may need to undergo some cosmetic procedures or buy special styling products. Do not use cheap dyes for coloring and do not dye your hair yourself - the specialist will help you achieve the desired shade and not spoil your hair. Don't hold onto long hair if your ends look like a washcloth. Get a fashionable haircut and you will notice how your appearance will change.
Self-care lifts your mood, improves self-esteem and saves you from depression.

Go to a cosmetologist

The air of big cities, daily stress, lack of sleep and poor quality food negatively affect the appearance of facial skin. It becomes gray, the pores expand, capillaries and fine wrinkles appear. Make an appointment with a cosmetologist and find out what kind of care you need. You may need a facial, massage or anti-aging treatment. A cosmetologist will not only carry out the necessary procedures, but also recommend suitable cosmetics.
After visiting a cosmetologist, it is advisable not to use decorative cosmetics for a day.

Take care of your body

Sedentary work and absence motor activity negatively affect the body. It becomes less flexible and mobile, and posture worsens. The masses and moderates will help you physical activity, for example, several yoga classes. You should not train hard before a significant day - muscle pain will negate all efforts to achieve beautiful posture. And to maintain smoothness and elasticity of the skin, you can go for a spa treatment or just take a relaxing bath with essential oils.

In modern society, individuality and the ability to be competitive in one's business are encouraged. In such a situation, becoming a modest person is quite difficult. However, modesty is still valued as long as it does not hide shyness or shyness. True modesty helps a person to soberly assess his capabilities and respect others.

Don't strive to be the best at everything

It is impossible to be the best in absolutely every area of ​​activity. Admit to yourself that at this particular moment in time you are limited in your skills. Even if you are great at your job, there will always be those who do it better than you. Take them as an example, this is your guide for self-improvement. In addition, there are things that you will never be able to do for some objective reason.
You should not think that recognizing your limitations means giving up the desire for new knowledge and skills. You can always learn something new or improve your own abilities.

Stop judging others

One of the most harmful habits is the habit of judging other people for their actions, while own shortcomings and mistakes are not subject to discussion. This approach always negatively affects relationships with other people, and also interferes with the formation of new relationships. Learning to put yourself in the shoes of those you judge will help you improve and be prepared for different situations.

Apperciate things which you have

If you have reached certain peaks in your professional activities or studies, remember that your position is the result the right choice done in the past or the presence of favorable conditions at one time. Don't forget that there are people who have achieved more from the same starting positions that you had. Likewise, there are people who made the wrong choice or did not have the same opportunities and, as a result, became less successful in their activities. Always remember that one wrong step can greatly change your life.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes and admit it

A person's modesty is determined by his ability to admit that he has made and will make mistakes. Understanding that each person has limited knowledge, while he knows nothing about the future, will help you not be afraid of your own mistakes.

If you made a mistake and admit it, people around you will see that you are not selfish or stubborn. This behavior shows that you are willing to learn from your mistakes and work on yourself.

Look for and value people who are willing to help you with advice or action.

Give up bragging

Never flaunt or flaunt your achievements. If you have something to be proud of, others will definitely notice it and elevate you themselves. Your achievements are certainly worth celebrating, but your bragging will make you look like a selfish person. You can impress people much more if you give them the opportunity to study you for themselves. If asked about your accomplishments, answer honestly, but don't say more than what people are asking about. Be modest, it is a person's best adornment.

Sometimes tough, strong, independent women want to look cute and weak. This is especially true when a girl seeks to get male attention.


If you want to appear like a nice girl, you need to pay attention to your appearance. Usually, the character of a representative of the fair sex is reflected in what wardrobe items she prefers. Certain clothes, shoes and accessories will help you create the look you want.

Give preference to romantic dresses and skirts with blouses. They will make it easier for you to make the desired impression. Pay attention to calm, gentle colors. In denim, sportswear and things, your image will most likely be too active, maybe even aggressive. Therefore, forget about this type of clothing for a while.

Work on your hair and makeup. Cute curls, loose hair, braids - all this will help you create the image of a soft, calm,... It is better not to use very bright colors in makeup. Highlight your eyes a little, apply pink or peach blush, use a neutral lipstick or lip gloss. Your perfume should not be too intrusive. Give preference to light floral scents. They are great for a cute girl look.


if you have bad habits, for the sake of a new image you will have to abandon them. It is difficult to call a girl who smokes and abuses alcohol nice. Naturally, you should not use profanity, otherwise all other efforts will be in vain.

Remember to be friendly. Smile softly more, demonstrate openness and cheerfulness. If you are a leader by nature, you will have to cede this role to a man for a while. Talk less, do not attract too much attention to yourself with bright gestures, loud laughter and sudden movements.

When talking, try not to argue with your interlocutor. Of course, you can express your own point of view, but you probably shouldn’t defend it too zealously. Watch what you say. Stories about your past adventures and stunning career victories can show who you really are. If you don't need it yet, be more reserved.

On hot summer days it is especially difficult to take care of your beauty. In city conditions, the skin is harmed by dry hot air, harmful car fumes, and the scorching sun. To always look attractive and fresh, you need to know time-tested tips for taking care of yourself in the summer.

In the heat of the sun, our hair is directly exposed and noticeably fades. To protect yourself in the absence of a hat, you need to apply a small amount apple cider vinegar along the entire length of the hair and dry it. In this simple way you will protect them from burnout and the “straw effect”.

You can combat brittle split ends of your hair in summer using coconut oil. It not only moisturizes and smoothes the hair along the entire length, but also gets rid of split ends. The oil is applied to dry, unwashed hair from roots to ends, left for 20 minutes, then washed off. running water. After use, the result is immediately visible: manageable, silky hair. For the same purposes, you can add avocado juice to coconut oil in equal proportions, this will provide nutrition hair follicles. Hair will become shiny and voluminous

Ice Cube.

Wash your face and then simply wipe your face with an ice cube, the pores will tighten and a nice glow will appear on your face. You can also make an ice cube from chamomile tincture to relieve inflammation and redness on the skin.

Not only will you get a lot of benefits for your body by eating a banana, you can also use the skin of the same banana: wipe the inside of it on your face, especially areas with fine wrinkles, wait about a minute and just rinse the skin with water.

Dry shampoo.

If you urgently need to get your head in order, but there is no way to wash it, dry shampoo will help out perfectly, but if you don’t have that, then you can use regular baby powder.

Run for one minute.

By thus increasing blood circulation and increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, we will improve metabolism and a gentle blush will appear.

If you apply it in the morning and make a high bun, then in the evening you take your hair down in a minute and simply lay it out with your hand - we will get beautiful light waves.

Massage with a dry soft brush.

By massaging your body with such a brush in the shower, we remove dead skin particles, this starts the lymphatic drainage mechanism and removes excess fluid.

Natural coffee.

After drinking natural coffee, simply mix its grounds with honey and you will get an excellent body scrub against cellulite.


With its help, bruises under the eyes will disappear in just a couple of seconds and your eyes will become fresh.

Peppermint essential oil.

Carry it with you and inhale its aroma whenever you feel stressed or tense.

When choosing tea or coffee, let the choice go towards tea. And even better if it is based on herbs.

Dried fruits.

Replace buns and tea cupcakes with them. Excess sugar leads to premature appearance of wrinkles.

Cold water.

After washing my hair warm water, rinse them immediately with cold water. After such procedures, your hair will have a pleasant shine.

Brown pencil.

If your eyes are red, use a brown pencil instead of black as eyeliner. Black will only highlight their redness.

Combining beauty and stupidity was popular in the past. Nowadays, not only external data is valued, but also internal content. How to develop yourself correctly?

Even having several degrees and reading numerous books will not help if you cannot formulate your thoughts correctly and write correctly. To become a smart girl and an example for your peers, you need to follow simple recommendations.

1. Develop intellectual abilities

Read a lot of books to learn useful information. You can enrich your inner world and intellect by reading classics and books on self-development. Are you on the road a lot? Download audiobooks and online courses on psychological topics to your phone. Talk to educated people. Travel. Expand your horizons.

2. Take note of an interesting site

Today there are many educational resources where you can solve problems to stimulate brain activity. Similar tests develop RAM, concentration, logical thinking. Try to take the test every day: spend a couple of minutes in the morning and a couple of minutes in the evening.

3. In order to develop comprehensively, find yourself a creative activity

Every girl should have a hobby that gives her pleasure. Why not dance, write poetry, read literature, sing? Such activities satisfy aesthetic needs, save from loneliness, obsessive thoughts and despondency.

4. Fill in your gaps

Each person feels as well as possible where his gaps are. If you studiously ignored the classics at school, catch up. Let your library be replenished with a number of works by Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Goethe, and Charles Dickens. Read science fiction, detective stories, motivational textbooks. If you missed English classes, take a course. Start learning other languages.

5. Work on speech

6. Nonverbal communication

To be considered a good conversationalist, you should choose the right posture for communication. At the subconscious level, the interlocutor forms the opinion that you are smart if you adhere to the following: look into the eyes, keep your palms open, if your shoulders are straight and your back is straight, you gesticulate moderately, and smile openly.

7. Subtle humor

A smart girl should be able to joke. A dose of appropriate humor helps defuse the situation. If you have an innate talent, you should use it. If not, books and training programs can help you! Remember the wise proverb: if something goes wrong in a conversation, there are two options - either show a sense of humor or start a scandal. Choose the first one.

8. Never judge people

A smart girl must always remember topics that are strictly not recommended to discuss with strangers: politics, religion, finance, intimacy. In addition, be careful not to express thoughts that discriminate against nations or certain social strata.

9. Playing mind games

Try to develop logic, intuition, and knowledge with the help of chess and checkers. These games will allow you to spend your free time profitably.

10. Proper nutrition for the brain

You can’t fully formulate your thoughts, don’t remember the birthdays of your loved ones? Eat right so your brain gets the vitamins it needs:

  • Walnuts are considered the main food of scholars. Agree, even appearance somewhat reminiscent of the cerebral hemispheres. Nuts activate memory; fish is an ideal product rich in iodine and Omega-3. These microelements guarantee a rapid flow of energy necessary to transmit impulses to the brain. They reduce cholesterol, improve the functioning of blood vessels;
  • spinach - healthy greens that you add to omelettes, soup, borscht, salads in the morning several times a week will protect brain cells from aging;
  • pumpkin seeds - speed up brain function. Let them become your snack at work or school;
  • sage is a plant that suppresses the effects of amino acids that lead to memory impairment.

Do you have any secrets?

Sometimes people confuse the concepts of intelligence and wisdom. The difference is that mental capacity help a person to be attentive, smart, have an excellent memory, and think productively. As for wisdom, it should be said that this quality is manifested rather in actions, manifestations human personality in different situations. Women's wisdom includes intuition, experience, sound life reasoning. This article will talk about how to become a smart girl. A wise woman knows how to behave correctly in a given situation and what decisions to make. There are many rules of behavior that will help a girl to be smarter and wiser, to behave correctly and with dignity in any situation.

So, the first rule. It is necessary to develop intellectual abilities. To do this, you should read more and learn new useful information. Classical, philosophical literature helps to enrich the inner world of a person. You can also listen to all kinds of online lectures on philosophy, psychology, and any other science, communicate with educated people, and consult with them. In this way, your horizons and intellectual abilities will develop.

Second rule. Under any circumstances, you must try to maintain restraint and calm. It is advisable not to give free rein to your emotions when a difficult conflict situation arises. Under no circumstances should a woman shout at her interlocutor, insult her with abusive words, or try to humiliate her. This presents her from an extremely negative side; those around her lose respect for such a girl. Women's wisdom lies primarily in kindness, in love for the world and others. A smile, like nothing else, can decorate a woman’s face. A friendly look always encourages communication. You must try to maintain a kind expression on your face. Such people are remembered more often, you want to talk with them and continue communication.

The next rule on how to be a smart girl says that wisdom and intelligence are manifested in creativity. Every woman should definitely have favorite hobby, in which she can realize her abilities. This could be singing or dancing. embroidery, art, reading literary works etc. Finding a favorite activity means satisfying your aesthetic feelings. An individual hobby always saves you from despondency, unpleasant thoughts, and helps you avoid feelings of loneliness. . A woman must also maintain coziness and comfort at home, take care of loved ones, and must remember that first of all she is a housewife, a keeper of the hearth.

Another rule of female wisdom is understanding, empathy for the people around you. Also in helping someone when needed. She will always provide support to those in need, will try to give advice, help in resolving this or that issue. The beauty of the human soul lies in selfless help to another, in understanding the problems of one’s friend, in trying to contribute to their resolution. An intelligent woman is able to calm her interlocutor and support her with warm words.

If a girl is smart and educated, she should under no circumstances humiliate those who are less gifted. There is no need to brag about your intellectual abilities. After all, it is modesty that will decorate the set of personal feminine virtues. Deep down, you need to love yourself, know all your advantages and disadvantages, but you should not demonstrate pride or an arrogant attitude towards those who behave illiterately. In a relationship with a guy, you also need to be wise. It means that the girl does not argue with him, does not try to impose her point of view. Men don't like to be controlled too much. In such situations, they tend to act contrary to the demands of their beloved. Accordingly, a wise girl will not be overly intrusive, picky and demanding of a guy.

I would like to continue the topic of relationships with a loved one. It is known that men really like to get together with friends. Male friendships are usually very strong. A girl should not forbid a guy to meet with friends. And if she is in their company, you should not criticize anything, stir up conflicts or disagreements. A wise lady will always praise her chosen one in the presence of his friends. She will not “wash dirty linen in public”, talk about problems, failures in their married life. A wise woman will also not share stories about her intimate life with her friends. This is extremely unsightly. Such actions indicate that the girl does not feel true love for the man; she is rather trying to assert herself through the young man.

Above were the basic rules on how to become a wise woman. In particular, how to behave in a given situation, what to do to develop intellectual abilities. A wise woman is always successful. She is undoubtedly popular among others, she is loved and respected by friends, colleagues, and relatives. Such a girl is able to arouse interest in people and be an example to follow.


Parables and legends are written about female wisdom. Wisdom is a gift from above, a special power of a woman. This is not an innate quality; it will appear only when a woman changes her own views on life. A wise woman achieves, creates harmonious relationships and is able to carry family values ​​through the years. A wise woman is listened to. They ask her for advice. How to become a wise woman?

Wise woman: what is she like?

Wise are those people who know not much, but what is necessary. (E. Safarli)

Being a wise woman is a whole science. However, there are not many secrets. A wise woman has rules for communicating with others and that she does not violate. What are they?

A wise woman is sure that people should be treated condescendingly. This concept includes not only the ability to understand. Forbearance is the ability to find positive intentions in people's behavior. A wise woman is able to interpret the shortcomings of others or their mistakes in a positive way for them. A wise woman's faith in people is unshakable. By believing in good intentions, a wise woman helps people truly become kind. She forgets the insults, is happy to accept the apology, and herself.
A wise woman is confident that selfishness will lead nowhere. . Only a spiritually mature person is able to pacify his own ego and take into account the interests of other people. A woman, possessing wisdom, shows by her example what a mature relationship is and helps others get rid of selfishness.

A wise woman is confident that talking about problems in the family and personal life is taboo. Such a woman does not “wash dirty linen in public.” She will not call her friends at the slightest and tell in detail what is wrong in the family.
A wise woman creates an atmosphere in the house that will not become an obstacle to development, since each family member will know that he will be supported, understood and heard. This atmosphere is created through the emotional mood of the woman herself. By creating a favorable environment, a woman helps to develop positive qualities and move forward.
A wise woman knows what it is. Whether there will be mutual tact in a relationship depends on the woman. It determines whether tactlessness will be considered the norm. If inappropriate jokes, mutual insults, and evil teasing are acceptable for a woman, then a man will consider this normal. You need to take others into account even in small things. Tactfulness is the ability to choose words so as not to hurt pride, not to offend, not to anger, but to help.
A wise woman is sure that politeness is an obligatory point of communication. She will not be rude in queues, cause scenes in public places and blame a random passer-by for all mortal sins.

Create positive relationships with people life path important, but no woman will be happy if she does not achieve harmony in her personal life.

How to become wise in a relationship with a man?

Knowing the secrets of female wisdom, even an inexperienced girl will be able to build happy relationship.

A wise woman does not go unnoticed by the stronger half of humanity. She feels what men need to feel happy. Many people think that wisdom is the prerogative of old age. However, it is not. You can become wise regardless of age, and here’s how to do it:

Treat a man the same way you would like to be treated by him. personality, regardless of his social status or level of wealth.
Men need a feeling of reciprocity, just like women. It is important for him to feel wanted, needed, cared for and loved.
A wise woman remains herself. We all want to appear better than we really are. However, sooner or later the masks fall off and people are overtaken by disappointment. To avoid a hasty breakup when “all the cards are on the table,” do not hide your character traits and choose a man who will accept you with all your positive and negative qualities.
A wise woman knows that a person becomes successful in aspects of life when respect for each other as individuals reigns in the family. IN happy couple man and woman cooperate. For a woman, it does not matter whether the chosen one has the beauty of Apollo, whether he is wealthy and whether he knows how to be romantic. For her, the readiness of her life partner to cooperate is important.
Do not provoke quarrels and conflict situations. A wise woman does not fall into hysterics, does not reproach a man and does not give him clear ultimatums. Negative aspects of relationships are smoothed out by feminine softness and tenderness.

Who among us hates to hear praise? Men, like women, thrive on flattery and praise. Praise your husband directly, no need to veil or invent lyrical phrases. An enthusiastic look and ordinary words like “Great! Amazing! Cool!" it will be quite enough. A wise woman identifies in her husband those qualities that she would like to see in him more often.
Every person needs to be needed and loved. Even in moments of explosive quarrel, do not forget why you love your man.
There is a saying: “when it’s very good, it’s also not good.” Creating harmony in a relationship and pleasing your spouse are not the same thing. A wise woman will not do everything herself to please her husband. She will ask him for help and sometimes “forget” about an unwashed shirt or a three-course meal.

In a relationship, a lot depends on the woman. She is the keeper of the hearth and whether family life will be happy and relationships will be harmonious depends on her wisdom. Learn the wisdom of being a woman every day. Try to become better than you are today and help others do the same.

Smart men don't break up with wise women. It is easy to create a family with them and maintain warm, happy relationships. A wise wife, through her own actions and statements, maintains comfort and a pleasant atmosphere in the house.

24 January 2014, 14:27

Natalia Vasilenko

Have you met the man you love and want your relationship to last a lifetime? Then you should learn how to become a wise woman, because only in this case will a man be comfortable with you. First of all, you should find out what it means to be wise, let's try to figure it out!

Building a harmonious relationship with a man

A wise woman always enjoys success with members of the opposite sex, because she knows what they need to be happy. There is an opinion that wisdom comes with age, however, this is not always the case.

Build ideal relationship Even a girl who has no experience of family life can do it with a man.

How - you ask?

It’s very simple - you need to learn some secrets of a wise woman:

  • The first rule is that you should treat the man you love the same way you want him to treat you. You must learn to love your husband regardless of his material income and social status, respect his personality;
  • If you intend to learn proper behavior in the family, you must do your part to make your life partner feel loved and desired. Men need mutual love just as much as we women do;
  • A truly wise woman should always be herself. There is no need to pretend, hiding some traits of your character; at one point you will get tired of it and everything will come out overnight. So that after some time you do not have to worry about a broken relationship, cast your fate only with the person who is interested in you with all your advantages and disadvantages;
  • Don't quarrel or create conflicts. If a woman is smart, she will never reproach her man and give him ultimatums. Try to smooth out the situation by showing your tenderness and gentleness. Men want to see just such kind and affectionate women around them;
  • Look for a husband who is like you. To be comfortable in your marriage, you should find a life partner who is similar to yourself. He should be similar to you in outlook, thoughts, actions and activities;
  • Remember, being a real woman means not wasting yourself on casual love affairs that ultimately will not lead to the creation of marriage;
  • A wise wife will never compare her husband with other men. You should not notice the shortcomings of your loved one, but, knowing about his merits, extol them;
  • Never criticize or humiliate your husband. If you want to live a happy life with this person, become his support and support, letting him know that he is the leader in the family. Every man cannot bear to endure criticism from his wife;
  • A wise wife never makes a scene of jealousy towards her husband, even if she knows about his love affairs on the side. Hysterics will not keep a man in the family, but if you compete with your rival, conquering your husband again, you will be successful;
  • In relationships, avoid pride; it is this quality of character that leads to many problems. Try to move away from your principles, because adherence to principles does not help strengthen family relationships, it only poisons them.

Many representatives of the fair sex think about how to learn to be a wise woman, because such knowledge will help them create a strong union with their soulmate.

How to become happy

Everyone seeks harmony in family life, but not every person finds it. First of all, we need to understand that personal relationships are the most important thing in our lives, which is why it is so important to build a strong family. A wise woman is a smart woman, and she knows that family well-being is in to a greater extent depends on her alone.

Sincerity, patience, understanding, and, of course, love will help her in this. The task of a wise wife is to care, love, be loved, lift her husband’s spirits and develop family relationships. You must understand that the love of a man and a woman is different, so you should not expect from your loved one actions that are unusual for representatives of the male sex.

To be truly happy, you must learn to forgive your loved one. You must understand that ideal people do not exist, we can all make mistakes, but in order to correct them, a person should be given the opportunity to do so.

Rules of family life

Creating a strong family, where all its members feel as comfortable and harmonious as possible, is actually quite a difficult task. A wise wife will say that it doesn’t take much intelligence to maintain a warm relationship with her husband for many years. But nevertheless, not everyone succeeds in this. What does an experienced wife, who is successful with her husband and at the same time being an example for other women, advise to do?

You must understand that family life is a collaboration between wife and husband. Try to explain to your husband that it would be good to always talk about your wishes, because you will agree that it is difficult to guess what exactly a person wants and expects from you.

Hug your husband and reciprocate his hugs, because tactile communication means much more than any words. Spend more time together. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what you do - watch your favorite movie, walk in the park, read interesting books. Remember, to become closer, you need to communicate more.

Do not expect that an idyll will always reign in your family life; in marriage there is a place for unpleasant situations, disagreements and disputes. Don’t keep these unpleasant moments in your memory, try to get them out of your head, it will be better for both you and your loved one. This way, only warm and pleasant moments will remain in your memory.