How to make a hammam in an apartment. Construction of a Turkish bath. What is unique about the oriental bathhouse?

"East is a delicate matter…"

Comrade Sukhov, “ White sun desert"

Hammam- this is not a pursuit of exoticism and not an alternative to a sauna and steam bath. Turkish baths were recommended by Avicenna for their beneficial effects on humans in his famous “Canon of Medical Science” and therefore the first mentions of the construction of hammams appeared more than a thousand years ago.

Five main features of the hammam

  • Mild temperature conditions (from 35°C to 55°C) in the hammam, which is not dangerous even for heart patients. The possibility of thermal burns is absolutely excluded.
  • Increased steam saturation (humidity) – up to 100%.
  • An excellent opportunity to prevent respiratory diseases using the hammam.
  • True pleasure from a complex of cosmetic and aromatic treatments. The steam saturates the skin and actively exfoliates. Combine exfoliation with a soap or honey massage and you will fall in love with the hammam forever.
  • Thoughtful design in oriental style, magnificent oriental decor.

Hammam has not changed its traditions for many centuries. Visiting a bathhouse in the East is a special ceremony, true spiritual pleasure and health benefits. The interiors of Turkish baths can be emphasized by strict or orientally luxurious, even elite solutions. The main thing is the desire to provide National character and keep the quality level at a decent level. The ElitSaunaStroy company and its talented designers have implemented dozens of exclusive hammam projects throughout Russia, so they know everything about the construction of Turkish baths (hamam construction).

Interior decoration of the hammam ( hammam construction) - the most popular materials

In addition to the special aesthetic requirements for the design of Turkish baths, it is necessary to take into account two the most important moments: unconditional waterproofing and thermal insulation. All materials that are used for the construction of a Turkish bath and, especially, its interior decoration must have increased moisture resistance and can easily withstand significant temperature changes. Therefore, the construction of a hammam involves a competent choice of building material, which must be selected by a specialist.

Lux Elements panels. This material is lightweight and durable, it is convenient to work with, it does not absorb or allow moisture to pass through, it provides the required temperature conditions and at the same time “breathes” - a comfortable pastime is guaranteed in a room lined with such panels.

Lux Elements panels appeared on the market about thirty years ago and during this time they have confidently proven their superiority. Their base, which provides heat and sound insulation, is made of rigid foam polystyrene. Additional waterproofing is provided by a special double-sided coating based on cement and fiberglass - it allows you to easily cover Lux Elements with ceramic or marble tiles, flexible stone (the coating can withstand enormous loads - up to 1.5 kg per square decimeter). They can also be used to reliably hide all communications.

Any structures made from Lux Elements are easy to install and do not require additional primer or plaster, which saves a lot of time on finishing work. Due to their plasticity, the panels are perfect for creating a domed ceiling in a hammam, and the strength of such structures allows them to be used to create load-bearing walls and floors.

Lux Elements panels are environmentally friendly and durable. They are perfect for making kurnas (fonts), decorative columns, sun loungers, and for the construction of a hammam, no better material has yet been invented.

    Marble. Traditionally, hamams use natural stone finishing. Marble looks expensive and stylish, giving Turkish baths a touch of sensual oriental luxury, but most importantly, it quickly heats up to the required temperature. Marble loungers are especially good - the body is steamed evenly and efficiently on them, while burns are completely excluded. In the decoration of the hammam, not only marble slabs (slabs), but also marble mosaics are used.

    Mosaic. It can be very different: from marble, glass, smalt. Marble is famous for its durability, special “solidity”, and is perfect for creating oriental patterns and ornaments, including when laying floors.

Glass mosaic is completely unaffected by moisture, its color spectrum is extremely diverse, and the ability to reflect light creates a magical rainbow effect that is very suitable for the hammam. Including for the design of swimming pools and plunge pools.

Smalt is one of the most popular types of glass, or rather its alloy with semi-precious minerals. Due to such “ennobling” additives, any smalt panel looks great; it is not subject to the destructive influence of time, temperature and humidity, however, if necessary, it can be easily restored.

    Ceramic tile. Large tiles are usually used for laying floors, with preference given to corrugated, less slippery decorative coverings. You can use plain ceramics, creating a graphic pattern from it, or opt for variegated tiles, painted in oriental style. For decorating walls during the construction of hammams in to a greater extent Ceramic mosaic is in demand.

    Flexible stone. Made from marble chips and special binders (usually acrylic) compounds. It is very durable, beautiful, reliable, can be used in the most different conditions and goes great in the Turkish bath. The main advantage is its amazing plasticity, which makes flexible stone an ideal finishing material for a hamam dome.

A Turkish bath with majestic decor is nothing without the proper equipment. By recommending ovens and steam generators (HYGROMATIK, EOS, TYLO, HARVIA), ice systems for the cool zone and lighting (CARIITTI, TYLO, EOS, HARVIA), we guarantee the main thing - quality. High humidity and electrical appliances (lighting, steam generators) are a combination that requires compliance with the strictest safety standards. Global brands producing equipment for hammams are on the list of our suppliers.

Finishing with stone and mosaic, installing bathhouses does not require modifications, everything needs to be laid out at the initial stage of the design project. Make a choice in favor of specialists who do not make mistakes, confirming this with successfully implemented Turkish bath projects.

Having finished the hammam according to all the rules, you will be able to get closer to unraveling the secrets of the East and better understand the Arab sheikhs. And they are invariably faithful to Turkish baths, spending long hours of pampering and pleasure in them. It's time to think about construction of hamam!

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How to build a hammam according to all the rules? So that it would really be pleasant and useful to be in it, and the interior would indicate that this is really a Turkish bath, and not its pitiful semblance? Will you really have to go to Turkey for specialists? This is, of course, an interesting idea, but why go somewhere and look for someone to build a hammam? If you need a real oriental steam room, built according to all the rules, meeting all existing requirements, in which you can relax and improve your health, then you need order the construction of a turnkey hamam in "ElitSaunaStroy". Your fulfilled desires and our high professionalism are the secret of the company’s successful work.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


A fashionable trend among steam room lovers is the Turkish bath or hammam. It is popular because the temperature and air humidity are in a favorable ratio for healing the body and relaxing. Many people want to build such a source of pleasure at home, in the country or even in an apartment.

How to build a Turkish bath with your own hands step by step

To equip a hammam with your own hands, you need to carefully approach the issue of planning. It is necessary to understand that to equip a Turkish bath you will need 2 rooms: for the bath itself and for placing the equipment. It is better to have a separate area for a bathhouse, but if you wish, you can design it at home with your own hands. To build a hammam with your own hands you need:

  • heating system for walls, floors, sun loungers (electric or steam);
  • steam generator;
  • lighting system;
  • special ceiling design (in the form of a dome);
  • separate ventilation and sewage system.

About the heating system: it is better to use an electric one, because... it is more profitable, easier to install and maintain. Before getting down to business, you should not only make a plan, take measurements, mark out the equipment connections, but also calculate how much this pleasure will cost financially. People with average earnings do not undertake the construction of a hammam, because... Separate supply of premises requires a lot of money, and the construction itself will take a lot of money.

How to make a hammam in an apartment

It is possible to build a Turkish steam room in an apartment, you just need to plan everything carefully. The room for equipment can be very small - an area of ​​2 by 2 m is enough. If desired, it is possible to make a round ceiling in an ordinary room, but it is desirable that the ceilings in the apartment are not standard, but high. Instead of a kurna, an ordinary tap will suffice, but it is better to adhere to the classic design. In apartments, mini-hamams are isolated using steam cabins, which already have a curved ceiling in their design.


To decorate the walls of a hammam in the classics, they use not ordinary tiles, not mosaics, but marble. This material has the necessary properties: durability and good thermal conductivity. The hamam at home is laid out with marble, using hamam tiles or mosaics. Using the latter, you can create unusual floor and wall designs. A mosaic for the hammam, correctly laid out by a master, and a kurna made of marble will add the desired flavor and atmosphere of a real Turkish steam room.

How to choose lamps for the hammam

It is important to choose safe and durable lighting. The hammam in the house is illuminated with LED lamps and tapes with moisture-proof properties. Lighting that imitates the starry sky is popular; its light is adjustable and also has moisture-proof properties. Lamps can be chosen monochrome or colored, according to your taste. There are many lighting options on the market from manufacturers such as RGB, WDT, Xenoflex. You can install such lighting yourself.

Do-it-yourself steam generator for hammam

Using a steam generator, you can create a steam room at home. This device pumps steam at a given temperature up to 50 °C and humidity 98%. Modern steam generators have the following advantages:

  • control the amount of steam;
  • steam circulates throughout the room;
  • built-in automation maintains the set temperature and air humidity.

Multifunctional steam generators for hammam can be equipped with a container for aroma oils, a water pre-purification system, and automatic drainage. If you want the best apartment option, then it is better to buy a standard model with a minimum set of necessary functions. European manufacturers that have earned the trust of consumers:

  • Luxus;
  • Timo;
  • Jacuzzi.

Turkish bath project

The project of your own bathhouse, be it Russian or Turkish, is specific. In order for the created steam room to bring pleasure, and not problems associated with unfair planning and construction, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons in advance. The hammam will be an expensive pleasure, and its construction will take a lot of time. But in the long-awaited steam room you can then relax your soul and body. Before starting construction with your own hands, you need to plan all the stages:

  • take measurements of the room, taking into account the design of the ceiling and the dimensions of the equipment;
  • think over the design of the hammam (finishing, placement of sun loungers, kurnas);
  • plan the placement of lighting, sewerage and ventilation;
  • consider a heating system for floors, walls, and sun loungers.

Before construction, the walls are treated with a special coating that prevents the destructive effects of moisture. Do the waterproofing with your own hands so that the bathhouse does not cause damage to the building and serves you well for a long time. An important aspect is retaining heat inside the room using thermal insulation, which will allow you to save resources and prevent adjacent rooms from heating up if it is not possible to create a separate building.


You can plan the design of the hamam yourself or order it from a designer. The dimensions of the room, equipment, desired dimensions, and number of sunbeds are taken into account. You need to choose a finishing material: tile, mosaic or marble. A ready-made design for a Turkish steam room can be found on the Internet and chosen to suit your taste, so that your stay in the hammam brings you maximum pleasure. The door for a Turkish bath can be glass or wood. The interior of the sauna will not be damaged if you order the production of an ordinary wooden door.


Drawings are the first thing to do. The plan for a future bathhouse begins with designing the ceiling. Further planning is based on its size. The ceiling dome is calculated individually for each project. The slope is made so that drops of condensation flow onto the walls. An incorrectly designed ceiling can take up a large portion of the room's floor space. This can be avoided if you study the construction technology and calculate everything in advance. The hammam is planned with your own hands so that every detail of the interior is depicted on a single drawing. Schematically draw up a plan:

  • ventilation;
  • insulation;
  • steam supply;
  • sewerage;
  • lighting.

It is better to entrust the construction of Turkish baths to experienced workers who will do the work from design to construction. But it is possible to make a hammam with your own hands. On the Internet you can find standard projects with already planned placement of sun loungers and supply systems. The rooms can be round, square, rectangular, or honeycomb-shaped. Providing electricity for lighting is trusted to a step-down transformer operating from the network. Ventilation, heating and sewerage – all aspects can be planned independently.

Ventilation diagram

The temperature in the hammam must be maintained at an optimal level and air circulation is an important component of the climate inside the “created thermos”. The ventilation scheme is planned immediately along with the main construction plan. Ventilation is provided both in-line and forced. Ventilation pipes are often installed in the place of the former window. The following features are taken into account:

  • dimensions of the bath;
  • room layout (shape of the room).

The air outlet tube is made sealed, made of stainless steel with a special pipe for draining condensate. More often they choose supply and exhaust ventilation. In the room reserved for the bath, there are 2 ventilation holes located opposite each other. Multi-level ventilation is often done, when the ventilation holes are located at different heights. You can do any type of ventilation with your own hands, but it is important that it is separate, then the optimal temperature will be ensured in winter and summer.

Photo of a Turkish hammam in an apartment and in a country house

Video: how to make a hammam

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The Turkish bath or Hamam has a number of features. It quickly caught on and was loved in Russia for its soft and light steam, which is supplied through a special design of bends. A Turkish bath can be built with your own hands in 2–3 months. But before installation, you need to understand what features the Hammam has and how to assemble the structure correctly. Our experts will tell you how to build a Turkish bath yourself in this article. For the convenience of readers, we will tell you what a Hammam is, what features a bathhouse has, and the step-by-step construction of a Turkish bath.

Distinctive features of Hamam

The main difference between a Turkish bath and a Russian one is the steam supply and the location of the vat hot water. The temperature of the steam is lower and it is moist, so when supplied to a dry steam room isolated from moisture, it has a beneficial effect on the body. The vat where the water boils is located in the next room, and the system regulates the steam supply.

Türkiye is a warm country, so there is no need for steam rooms with high temperature. The hammam is usually lined with stone inside and is heated only by steam. During construction, it is important to correctly plan the system of pipes and bends, select finishing materials and select equipment.

Material for finishing and construction

The classic Turkish bath was built of stone and finished with natural granite inside. The modern construction market offers a wide range of materials, which makes it possible to make the Hammam close to the traditional one.

The main requirements that the material for a Turkish bath must meet:

  1. Increased strength.
  2. Waterproof.
  3. Resistance to high temperatures.
  4. Environmental friendliness.

Granite in Turkish bath decoration is used as a classic option, but is expensive.

The best option is to use marble tiles or stone for interior decoration. But modern glass mosaics and ceramic tiles are not inferior to them in terms of quality characteristics. For DIY installation, it is easier to use large elements. If you have enough patience and skills, you can use smalt (small pieces various shapes smelted from a mixture of cobalt, silicic acid and colored glass). She has whole oriental-style patterns or full-fledged paintings laid out on the walls of the bathhouse. Ceramic mosaic has an even shape and is easier to work with your own hands.

A Turkish bath can be built from brick, gas blocks or stone. As a last resort, use wood. But the wooden one will need to be tiled inside, and this will be more difficult to do.

It’s cheaper to take gas blocks and do the interior and exterior finishing. To decorate the outside of the bathhouse, natural or artificial stone, tiles, siding or plastic lining are used. But finishing the bath is not the most important thing; you need to calculate and select the equipment.

It’s easier to make a hammam in a separate room at home. This way you won’t have to spend effort on pouring the foundation, installing the frame and roof.

What equipment is needed for Hamam

The steam temperature in a Turkish bath should not exceed 55°C. A steam generator is used to generate and supply steam. This is the heart of the Turkish bath. To install a steam generator, it is necessary to plan a special room, and the steam generator is selected by power depending on the volume of the steam room. To maintain the temperature regime, it is necessary to install an automatic system that will operate at 56°C and above.

Modern steam generators can be equipped with a control panel. It is installed near the entrance to the steam room. This creates additional ease of management and is safe for users.

The Turkish bath is equipped with a ventilation system that will make the room as comfortable as possible. The air in the steam room should be completely renewed every 15-20 minutes. But because of the steam, the air in the hammam will always be humid; to dry it before entering the rest room, you need to install a separator. It will trap excess moisture and dry out the air.

In addition to the steam generator and separator, it is necessary to consider and install:

  1. Heating system (electric or water).
  2. Aromatherapy, special devices for adding additives based on infusions of herbs or oils into steam.
  3. Power supply system (special waterproof lamps, switches, etc.).

Plan diagram of a small Turkish bath, with dimensions and layout.

Water-based heating is less expensive, but installation will require some effort. It is necessary to draw up a plan and lay a system of pipes through which water will circulate through the floor structure and heating elements. Electric heating is expensive, but installing it yourself is easier. The main thing is that the temperature in the Turkish bath should always be at least +30°C.

If the bathhouse is built inside a residential building, then a separate heating circuit is made from the boiler; otherwise, the entire house will have to be heated in the summer.

How to properly plan premises for Hammam

When planning a Turkish bath in a house, you need to think about everything before construction. For a free-standing bathhouse, you need a box of a size that can accommodate not only a technical room for equipment, a steam room, a washing room, but also a small rest room. In the house there is no need to have a rest room and shower, just like in apartments.

There is no need to allocate a large area for a Turkish bath. Minimum sizes are calculated based on the following indicators:

  • Technical room - minimum 1 m².
  • Steam room - from 3 m²;
  • Rest room - from 5 m².

The technical room where all the equipment is located should be located no further than 15 meters from the steam room. If it is placed in one part of the house, and the steam room in another, then when passing through the pipe system the steam will lose temperature, in addition, condensation may accumulate on the pipes in the summer.

Ceiling design of hammam and qurna

Separately, it is necessary to think about the ceiling of the Turkish steam room. Since the temperature in the steam room is low - 30 ° C, and the steam is 55 ° C, condensation will form on the ceiling. It will be unpleasant if it drips on the head while steaming, so traditionally in a steam room there is a dome-shaped ceiling. The ceiling height is provided for at least 2.5 m, which is not traditional for a Russian bath.

In the steam room there is a special bowl - kurna. It not only serves as a decorative element, but also serves as a container for infusion. herbal infusions and soap solutions for massage. Next to the kurna there is always a bench, traditionally made of stone, but you can make a wooden one with your own hands for massage. You can assemble a special table made of red brick and trim it with stone or ceramic tiles. Since the structure is heavy and designed for several people at once, a separate pillow is made for it in the foundation. Table height 80 cm, width at least 120 cm and length 210 cm.

In order not to slide on the massage bench, cover it on top with a sheet or a special rubber mat.

Features of DIY construction

When installing a Turkish bath with your own hands, it is important to carry out high-quality waterproofing of walls, floors, and ceilings. For this purpose, a special membrane waterproofing is used; it is easy to attach to the surface and does not prevent the penetration of oxygen.

Mandatory steps for building a Turkish bath with your own hands include:

  1. Installation of waterproofing material throughout the steam room.
  2. Insulation using materials that do not absorb moisture. It is easier to install insulation when finishing the façade outside the bathhouse and along the ceiling. We discussed how to properly insulate a bathhouse ceiling in one of the previous articles.
  3. Installation of foil insulation, which will not only reflect heat, but will provide additional thermal insulation.
  4. Planning and installation of a communications system.
  5. Screed on walls, ceiling, floor, plaster.
  6. Final waterproofing.
  7. Facing work with tiles or stone.

Installation of the heating system is carried out according to the instructions from the manufacturer. The easiest way is to implement an infrared heating system. Since the walls, ceiling, and floor must be heated in the room, an infrared system in rolls is selected. It is rolled out and secured with a tie.

The situation is more complicated with the water one. Pipes must be installed after waterproofing. Then the entire system is plastered and leveled for cladding. It is necessary to install a separate boiler for the water system or install an individual circuit. In the second case, the boiler in the house must be double-circuit.

The floor is designed with a slope of 5-10 °C for water drainage, which can be seen in one of the photos above. The drain is installed at the screed construction stage. The screed consists of three layers: cement-sand, waterproofing and again cement-sand.

Since the drainage system will be installed into a single sewer system, a plug is made in the floor. it will protect the room from the penetration of unpleasant odors. The ceiling is made round in the shape of a dome.

Electrical wiring is made from thermal and moisture-resistant cables. For decoration, you can place fiber-optic moisture-resistant lamps on the ceiling. This will give effect and create the feeling of stars above your head. Then the kurna is installed and the massage bench is installed. They are placed according to the project plan.

At the end, the steam room is tiled with tiles, mosaics, stone or marble, as in the photo above. It is better to decorate the lounger with flat sea or river stones. It will look impressive, and in design it corresponds to a classic boor.

Do-it-yourself Turkish bath, construction secrets

DIY Turkish bath. Learning to build a hammam, expert advice with photos and videos. What features does a hammam have and how to properly organize a steam room.

How to build a hammam with your own hands

Bath traditions different nations have quite a lot of differences. This includes temperature, humidity level, and methods of steam formation. One of the most gentle baths is Turkish. The temperature here is not very high, but the high humidity causes profuse sweating, cleansing and healing the body. But building a hammam with your own hands is not an easy task and requires a significant investment of time, effort and money. Judge for yourself how much you will have to provide and take into account.

Hammam is not only a bathing procedure, but also an aesthetic pleasure

Construction of a Turkish bath

The hammam differs from the traditional Russian bath and Finnish sauna in that it has a more gentle temperature of no higher than 50-55 o C and very high humidity. Traditionally, this type of bathhouse was built from marble, which remains pleasant to the touch at any temperature, only sometimes other stones were used for cladding. Used as separate inserts onyx- a mineral that is a type of quartz.

Onyx is a very beautiful stone for decorating a hammam (klibel)

Today, ceramic tiles have become a good replacement for natural stones for hammam, which everyone chooses based on tastes and preferences, but mosaics are more suitable than others for creating national flavor.

Mosaic tiles - the best choice for decorating the hammam

Everything is made of stone: walls, floors, ceilings and sunbeds. Therefore, to maintain the required temperature, all surfaces are heated. Another feature of Turkish baths is location of equipment in a separate room. You won't see any technical stuff in any of them. The equipment is hidden and invisible, and steam is supplied through special holes. The technical room can be quite small - it is quite possible to place everything on an area of ​​1 m 2, but it should be located no further than 15 meters from the steam room.

In ancient times, to produce steam, water was boiled in large vats, and the steam was supplied through pipes. Today, steam is also supplied through pipes, but special equipment is used to generate it - steam generators. These are small devices, packed with electronics, which are easy to control (when laying communications, do not forget to lay steam supply pipes). Steam generators from the German company Hygromatik have proven themselves on the market and are quite suitable for use in a Turkish bath.

It is necessary to provide a heating system for the hammam, which will be located in the walls, sun loungers and on the floor. There are two ways to organize heating:

  • Water - pipes are built in, and water circulates through them. The boiler can be anything, the main thing is that it can support constant temperature coolant. If you plan to heat the hammam with a boiler that heats the house, you need to make a separate circuit. Otherwise, you will have to heat the house at any time of the year - when you need to go to the bathhouse.
  • Using electric heating cables (they are also called the “warm floor” system). It is also advisable to place the control panel for this system in the technical room.

Hamam has another one characteristic– presence of a massage table (heated, of course). Its optimal height is 80cm, and the traditional shape is round, however, the height and shape of the table can have other parameters. Usually in large baths it is located in the middle and is designed for several people.

A characteristic feature of the hammam is the presence of a massage table

Square massage table

If the bathhouse is small, then the massage table is small in size.

Rectangular massage table

This is not always possible for a home Turkish bath. Traditionally, in the washing room there is a “qurna” bowl (again made of stone), to which cold and hot water is supplied.

Option for a home Turkish bath. It’s easy to build such a hammam with your own hands

Premises requirements

The hammam also places special demands on the ceiling: it must be domed or close to it. In conditions of high humidity, condensation actively forms on the ceiling. To prevent drops from falling on heads, but flowing down the walls, the ceiling is made in a round shape (to organize it, the height of the room must be at least 2.5 m).

The hammam should have a dome-shaped ceiling to prevent condensation from dripping onto the heads of visitors

As already mentioned, almost everything in the hammam is heated: the floor, walls, seats, massage table.

The hammam has heated floors, walls and seats.

Much attention must be paid to the heat and moisture insulation of all surfaces of the Turkish bath. The floor consists of two sand-cement screeds, between which a layer of waterproofing is laid (pipes or heating cables also run there). The walls, seats and ceiling have a rather complex “pie”:

  • insulation + layer of reflective thermal insulation (foil material);
  • waterproofing;
  • heating system (except ceiling);
  • leveling plaster;
  • screed + final waterproofing;
  • decorative material.

The floor must have a slope, allowing condensation and water to flow into the drainage system. When organizing a sewer system, it is necessary to provide a shut-off valve that will not allow unpleasant odors to penetrate inside.

Hamams need a ventilation system that will supply fresh air about once every 15-20 minutes. Electrical cables and lighting fixtures must have a protection level higher than IP 65. They must also be able to withstand elevated temperatures (heat-resistant cables). It is advisable to use LEDs or any lamps with moisture protection as lighting devices.

Rules for visiting the hammam

In large Turkish baths there are rooms with different air temperatures - from +30 o C to +55 o C. First you need to enter the room where you feel comfortable, wait until the body warms up, go to a warmer room, wait again until the body warms up, and then begin the massage (before lying down, the table is doused with hot water).

After warming up the body, you can begin the soap massage.

The massage in the hammam is special - soapy. Specially trained massage therapists rub and knead the heated body. This procedure has a very strong relaxing effect. After which you can lie down, rest, relax, gradually moving to increasingly cooler rooms. The peculiarity of the Turkish bath is gradual heating and cooling without extreme temperature changes.

The benefits of Turkish hammam

Turks believe that hammam is useful for people with digestive diseases and of cardio-vascular system: in a comfortable environment, the functioning of all organs is normalized. Profuse sweating reduces the load on the kidneys, cleanses the liver, uniform heating normalizes the intestinal microflora, stabilizes digestion and bile secretion.

Option for a small Turkish bath

Thermal procedures, and therefore visiting the hammam, are contraindicated if oncological diseases, acute hypertension and asthma (incense is often used in hammam, which can cause an exacerbation of the disease or an attack).

Construction cost

Alas, even knowing the size of the hammam, it is impossible to say exactly how much construction will cost. As you already understand, there are many options for interior decoration, the price of which can vary significantly. Some customers may be satisfied with Chinese mosaics, others insist exclusively on Sicis or Bisazza mosaics, which greatly increases the price of finishing.

To evaluate the possibility of building a hammam with your own hands, we recommend watching a video in which a contractor involved in the construction of Turkish baths shares information.

Building a Turkish bath is not an easy task, but time spent in the hammam is a time of complete relaxation and rest.

How to build a hammam with your own hands

Features of the temperature and humidity conditions of a Turkish bath - hammam, nuances of equipment, construction, do-it-yourself finishing.

How to make a hammam with your own hands

The Turkish bath is fundamentally different from traditional Russian and Finnish baths, which are intended for use in areas with cold climates. The hammam is designed for visitors who live in a country with a hot climate, therefore thermal bath procedures are carried out at a temperature that is comfortable for a southern person. At the same time, high humidity ensures profuse sweating and cleansing of the entire body. Any family member, including small children and grandparents, can use such a bathhouse.

The main feature of the hammam is that the room where the main bathing procedures take place is finished with marble. Therefore, the floor, walls and sun loungers must be heated. Steam is supplied to the steam room through channels from a steam generator. The shower room must be equipped with a rain shower. Well, the rest room and bathroom are not much different from competitors. If you want to build a hammam with your own hands, then it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations given below.

Where to start building a hammam?

It is hardly possible to build a hammam in a house or apartment with your own hands without a simple project or at least a drawing. You can develop it yourself or find a standard design if the hammam will be built as a separate building. In this case, it will be necessary to take into account that the bathhouse will need to be supplied with water, sewerage, gas, electricity or other heat sources, for example, solid fuel.

You also need to first decide on the heating system and heating of the bath. If heating is carried out with hot water from a boiler installation, then the design of the heated floor and sunbed will be the same, but if you use a “warm floor” made from a heating cable or infrared films, then it will be different. The most optimal, safe and in an inexpensive way is heating a bathhouse with a water heating system.

Stages of construction of a Turkish bath

Considering the fact that these buildings have very high humidity, the construction of the hammam must be made from traditional stone materials, for example, brick, foam concrete, cinder block, etc. Therefore, the foundations must be designed for such loads.

It is important to keep in mind that high humidity indoors requires high-quality horizontal waterproofing of the foundations, and backfilling should be done in stages with dense clay with layer-by-layer compaction. If the groundwater level in the area is high, coating vertical waterproofing of the outer walls of the foundations will be necessary. Also, do not forget to leave holes for the passage of underground communications.

If the foundations are installed and backfilling with compaction is completed, then proceed to laying the walls, which must have a thickness of at least 40 cm. When making an attic floor, it is necessary to take into account that the main heat losses occur through the ceiling, so it is advisable to use a monolithic structure made of expanded clay concrete. The roof of a Turkish hammam is best done combined, without wooden structures.

It is important to create a good slope using expanded clay. Be sure to install a vapor barrier under the insulation from one or two layers of roofing material or rubemast. The roof can be constructed from several layers of rubemast with fused bitumen.

After the frame and roof of the Turkish bath are completed, you can begin finishing and installation work. It is advisable to install windows from metal-plastic or glass blocks. The domed ceiling in the hammam can be made of moisture-resistant plasterboard.

Before preparing the floors, it is necessary to install the sewerage, water supply and heating pipelines. It is also necessary to lay all the cable wiring that will run along the walls and ceiling.

A two-layer waterproofing from the TechnoNIKOL series is glued onto the first preparation layer 15 cm thick, then a second preparation layer 5 cm thick is placed, on which a heat-reflecting screen made of foil-coated material is laid. Plastic heating pipes are installed on the finished preparation, which are covered with a cement screed.

A good substitute for marble is porcelain stoneware, from which the flooring is made. The walls are insulated with polystyrene foam over a metal frame, to which polymer pipes from the heating system are attached. Then this entire covering is covered with tiles, preferably mosaic.

The lounger in the hammam is made of expanded clay concrete. Then a heating coil made of polymer pipes is mounted on all its surfaces and covered with facing tiles. The horizontal plane of the sunbed must have a minimum slope for water drainage. The seating shelves also have the same design. In the steam room, the floor and seats are also heated by a common heating system. All surfaces must be tiled.

The floor in the bathroom, the shower floor and walls are heated, and everything is also tiled. The rest room can be decorated to your liking or use the services of a designer. But the floor should also be warm and the air not too humid. Therefore, it is necessary to provide supply and exhaust ventilation, which will create the necessary comfort.

The technical room should be divided into two sections. In one of them there is a boiler for heating the entire building and a central electrical panel, and in the second there is a steam generator with aromatizer.

In any case, before making a hammam with your own hands, you need to thoroughly prepare, since the amount of work is quite impressive. Therefore, before building a hammam, it is necessary to determine at least the approximate cost of the project. Sustainable financing will help prevent hammam construction from becoming a long-term construction project.

Do-it-yourself hammam: photos, drawings, video

How to build a hammam with your own hands? Photo and video of the construction of the hammam. Drawings with dimensions. How to make a hammam with your own hands?

We build a hammam with our own hands

Hamam is a Turkish type of bath, which is based on the principle of gradual and gentle heating of the body, and then the same gradual cooling. Traditional Turkish hammams usually have two or three rooms, the temperature of which varies from 35 to 60 degrees Celsius. Also distinctive feature Hamam from, for example, a Russian bathhouse is a method of heating a room - if a Russian bathhouse involves a stove, then heat is supplied to the hammam in the form of warm steam through pipes, and the steam itself is created by a steam generator.

Useful properties of hamam

First of all, the hammam is the only bathhouse that is useful for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the gradual and not so aggressive heating, as well as the absence of stressful actions such as hot steam and whipping with brooms, such a bath will be very comfortable for everyone.

In addition, the hammam normalizes work digestive system and intestines, calms the nerves, relaxes, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Promotes the release of toxins and waste from the body.

Choosing a place to build a hammam

Before starting construction work, you need to thoughtfully design the future Turkish bath: remember that for a private hammam you need to make two rooms - a steam room and a technical room. Just like when building a regular bathhouse, you will need to find a place to lay utilities - water supply, sewerage, electricity, heating, steam pipes and a ventilation system.

The dimensions of the bath room are limited only by the size of the site, your personal preferences and imagination. You can see the approximate dimensions of the bath in the following figure:

But as for the technical department, this room can be the smallest, but only so that it must fit a steam generator, aroma generator, cleaning filters, ventilation systems and a heating control panel.

About materials

Traditionally, natural stone - marble and granite - was used in the construction and decoration of hammams. The stone always maintains a comfortable temperature, is pleasant to the body, waterproof and durable. But, unfortunately, completely finishing the hammam with stone is a rather expensive solution.

In this case, either artificial stone, ceramic tiles, or smalt mosaics come to our aid, which looks simply magnificent and emphasizes the national flavor of the room. The main criteria when choosing materials are their heat resistance, low degree of incandescence and moisture resistance.

Light and warmth

Heating of the hammam can be either water heating - with laid pipes through which hot water circulates, or electric - in fact, it is a “warm floor” type system that has a control panel and the ability to regulate the heat. A classic hammam is built in such a way that there is heating on almost all surfaces - on the floor, walls, benches and tables.

The lighting in a Turkish bath should be good, moderately bright, but not irritating. Heat-resistant lamps and shades with matte milky light are ideal. Remember that all electrical devices and wiring should be protected as much as possible from hot steam and moisture, and the voltage should not exceed 25 volts.

Required attributes

No Turkish bath is complete without such wonderful things as a kurna and a massage table. Qurna is a bowl for washing, which is a large vat with two taps - cold and hot water. For greater authenticity and harmony of the hammam interior, the kurna is made in an oriental style, for example, in the form of a carved bowl, jug or sink.

The massage table, as well as the benches for sitting in the hammam, must be heated. The table for relaxing massage treatments using rich soap foam is usually made of stone - and no wood in a Turkish bath! In a classic, traditional hammam, massage tables are made large enough to accommodate four to six people. We can get by with a massage table, lined with mosaics, for one person, the height of which above the floor is 80 centimeters.

Ceiling and floor

The floor and ceiling in the hammam also have their own characteristics. As for the floor, it is necessary to provide, in addition to heating, a slope for draining water, as well as a device for removing odors from the sewer. Typically, the floor in a hammam is made of two layers of screed made of cement and sand, and between them there is waterproofing and a heating system - pipes or wires.

The ceiling in the hammam can be of any shape, but not straight! The Turks believe that condensation forming on the ceiling and falling down interferes with the complete relaxation and harmony that the hammam space is so conducive to. The shape of the ceiling can be domed, vaulted, triangular. But there is one important requirement - the total height of the room must be more than two and a half meters.

We build a hammam with our own hands

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Hamam is a Turkish type of bath, which is based on the principle of gradual and gentle warming up of the body, and then the same

Hammam is, on the one hand, an element of luxury, which today, as in all times, demonstrates the status and wealth of the owner, and on the other hand, a powerful healing effect. To obtain it, certain conditions must be created. They are only achievable with making the right choice and proper installation of equipment for hammams.

Selection and installation of equipment in the hammam are important stages in the construction of steam rooms

The construction of the Turkish one is carried out in several stages. The first of them is design. After inspecting the place where the equipment of Turkish steam rooms is planned, taking measurements and calculations, the following is discussed and determined:

    list and diagram of communications (plumbing, sewerage, ventilation, electrical wiring, surface heating system);

    materials for creating hydro- and thermal insulation, traditional interior decoration;

    necessary equipment to create the desired atmosphere.

The basic set of installation devices includes a steam generator, a control panel (a panel on which all systems and devices are displayed), located in the utility room, and moisture- and heat-proof lamps. They provide not only the required luminous flux, but also the implementation of special decisions of the lighting designer - the creation of special effects.

Flavoring is also necessary. It increases the functionality of the hammam, increasing the number of procedures and the effect of them. Steam flavored with essences promotes overall health of the body. It is important for respiratory tract, nervous system, skin. Additional equipment includes audio and video equipment.

If you are connecting to a power supply system that is characterized by fluctuations or interruptions in the power supply, it is recommended to install stabilizers, transformers, even your own generators. The list of necessary items is discussed at the stage of drawing up project documentation.

Installation solutions from professionals

The specialists of the ART-HAMAM company take into account all the subtleties and know the features of the construction of Turkish baths. Based on the approved design documentation, craftsmen carry out quick and accurate installation of the hammam during the construction phase.

With the correct choice of devices and compliance with the solutions set out in the design documentation, the necessary microclimate is created in the steam room. It contributes to the fulfillment of all the purposes of the hammam. Among the healing effects provided by systems and units:

    pore enlargement, moisturizing, skin rejuvenation;

    cleansing the body of toxins, eliminating cellulite and loss excess weight;

    normalization of the functioning of all body systems;

    getting rid of colds;

    complete relaxation, stress relief and improved sleep;

    restoration of strength and even pain relief due to muscle relaxation.

Steam generator for hammam and surface heating

Unlike Russian baths or Finnish saunas, where the air is heated by wood stoves or electric heaters, in a hammam it is heated by heated steam. Temperature varies from 30 to 60°C.

The steam generator is the leading equipment for a Turkish bath. Today it has replaced boiling water boilers, which were traditionally used in the East to produce hot steam in past centuries.

    To bring it into the steam room, when installing a modern unit, holes are formed, as before.

    They are located at a certain height from the floor.

    They are invisible, and therefore when steam appears, a complete feeling of magic and enchantment is created.

In our technologically advanced times, to heat marble sun loungers and floors, a built-in electric heating system is used. It replaced steam or heated water circulating under the surface.

Installation of pipelines and ventilation

During the construction of the hammam, it is planned to install a sewerage system. It is then connected to the central one. Our craftsmen always equip the drainage system with a drain with locking devices. This eliminates the spread of unpleasant odors and discomfort due to them during procedures.

Also, any steam room, free-standing or built directly into an apartment or house, requires a supply of cold and hot water. Qurnas - marble bowls - are installed for ablution. A pipeline is connected to them, but traditionally they do not drain into the sewer system.

A ventilation system is required in the hammam. The Turkish bath is characterized by very high air humidity, which reaches 100%. For a comfortable and effective procedure, it is necessary to ensure air renewal. When installing ventilation, it is pre-programmed on a common remote control. Updates are carried out automatically every 10 minutes.

When using the hammam, the steam generator is constantly running. In this regard, it would be fundamentally incorrect to connect the ventilation system to unified system. The steam turns into condensate. Getting into common system, water spoils the decoration of residential or work premises.

If you plan to use the hammam regularly and for a long time (more than 2 hours) when connected to a public ventilation system, our specialists will definitely offer installation of a separator. It will dry up the condensation. The adjustable vent valve is usually not closed. It is placed on the ceiling of the steam room.

This is not a complete list of equipment installed in hammams, which requires certain professional skills during installation.

Our specialists:

  • they will give free consultation;
  • will answer all your questions on the topic of hammam installation;
  • will recommend the optimal set of devices and units with the necessary technical characteristics.

Properly selected and properly installed equipment will help create not only an atmosphere of peace and healing, but also ensure the comfort, safety, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of using Turkish steam rooms.

The Turkish bath has gained great popularity among our compatriots relatively recently. However, the unique healing capabilities of these exotic steam rooms have been known for a long time. Water treatments in Turkish baths carry many traditions and features that appeal to people from all over the world.

An example of the interior of a Turkish bath

The widespread construction of Turkish baths has led to the fact that it is rare that a construction organization does not include the construction of Turkish-style steam rooms in its list of services. Do-it-yourselfers are not far behind - forums are filled with posts with tips on how to build an exotic bathhouse at home.

We are accustomed to attributing hammam to the fruits of the activities of the Turks, however, this is not entirely true. The founders of Turkish baths are the ancient Romans. The Arabs became mediators between Turkey and the Roman Empire, conveying the principles of building hammams.

Turkish steam rooms were first mentioned about eight hundred years ago. The oldest steam rooms, which most accurately reflect traditions and culture, are located in Istanbul, and it is not surprising, because according to the chronicles, this is where the Turkish calling card, the hammam, originates.

Detailed layout of the Turkish bath Hamam

It should be noted that this prevalence is determined by religious concepts, which state that “purity is half of faith.”
A Turkish bath allows you to truly relax both soul and body. A warm atmosphere (precisely warm, not hot) along with optimal humidity and spicy aromas will allow you to forget about the routine bustle and plunge into oriental flavor.

Hammam ceremony

A Turkish-style bathhouse is a room in the center of which there are warm stone loungers. The ceilings in the rooms under the steam room should have a dome-shaped appearance so that the steam that is formed here a large number of, did not drip from top to bottom, but flowed down the walls.

Basically, the hammam has three rooms. Entering the Turkish bath, visitors find themselves in a locker room, also called “sogukluk” or “jamekyan”.

Hamam Turkish bath project

In this room, a person must take a shower, change his clothes to a loincloth and take the necessary bath accessories. Also here a person pre-warms up, because the temperature in the locker room is about thirty degrees.

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Bathhouse 4x4 meters - a good compromise

After the visitor warms up, the doors of the “hararet”, or steam room, open in front of him, where all bath procedures will take place.

The layout of the steam room can be compared to a person’s hand, where the platform with the sun lounger is the palm, and the bath niches, each of which has its own temperature and humidity, are the fingers.

Using a sponge or goat hair mitten, dead skin particles are removed from the human body, the pores are opened, allowing the skin to breathe, and a pleasant warmth warms the muscles. This procedure is repeated, alternating it from time to time with water procedures and a relaxing massage.
After the entire list bath procedures will be completed, it remains to visit one more room of the Turkish bath - “sogukluk”, or the relaxation room in our opinion. Here the guest is invited to rest a little, cool down and drink tea.

Advantages of Turkish doubles

If we compare ours with a hammam, the first thing that stands out is the differences in temperature conditions. Those who have been to Turkish baths have probably noticed how pleasant the soft and comfortable warmth is on the body. Another indisputable difference is the fact that the humidity in the hammam is almost one hundred percent, and steam constantly flies in the air. Steam is generated and transferred to the steam room at a temperature of about 45 degrees. Sometimes oils and natural flavors are added to the steam.

Turkish bath interior

Let's look at others beneficial features features of a Turkish sauna:

  • The ability to cleanse the body of toxins thanks to peeling;
  • The ability to restore strength in the body;
  • The ability to cleanse the respiratory tract;
  • The ability to eliminate pain;
  • Help in the treatment of colds;
  • Help in treating insomnia;
  • Help in treating excess weight;
  • The ability to have a positive effect on the digestive system.

Construction of the hammam

It is worth noting that hammams built in our time are different from those that existed in the old days. Previously, baths were a public place, but now there is a tendency to create your own small steam rooms. The rules and nuances of construction were created by the founders of Turkish baths, so there is no need to reinvent the wheel, you just need to go back to the roots.

Installation of a heating system in a hammam

It is best, of course, to use the services of professional builders, but if funds do not allow this, you can arm yourself theoretical knowledge and try to build a Turkish hammam with your own hands.

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Sauna design and layout

Competent designs and layouts of 3x3 pairs include, as noted above, several rooms. Naturally, it will be simply impossible for the average citizen of our country to fulfill these requirements at home. Therefore, you have to sacrifice something, or combine several rooms with different functions in one room.

Interior decoration of a Turkish bath

Let us list some of the nuances that the construction of Turkish baths has:

  1. Few people can boast of having sufficient free space at home, and if it is, then you need to understand that when building a large Turkish hammam, you need to plan an extensive communications system.
  2. All work can be done independently, however, with large dimensions, this can take a lot of time. And it is not surprising, because even experienced builders are sometimes unable to build a hammam in a short period of time.
  3. When considering projects for large baths, you need to understand that construction will cost a pretty penny. Therefore, for those who believe that it is inappropriate to spend that kind of money, it is worth thinking about small hammams. The layout of such baths is distinguished by its simplicity; several rooms can easily include all the necessary functionality. The first room is equipped with sun loungers for massage, and the second is used directly as a steam room.

Where is the best place to place a Turkish hammam?

There are no special rules for choosing a place for a bathhouse in a house or apartment. However, it is necessary to understand that the construction of Turkish baths requires a separate room for the location of everything necessary equipment(steam generator, heating system).

The steam generator can be equipped with a temperature sensor, which, when a certain temperature is exceeded, will give a signal to turn off the steam supply. For those who like to enjoy pleasant aromas, there are devices such as aroma generators, thanks to which the air in the steam room acquires unusual properties.

Hammam layout option

When selecting an area for a Turkish bath, it is necessary to take into account that the finished room will be somewhat smaller. All due to the fact that the walls of the steam room must have good hydro- and thermal insulation.