How to make your eyes smaller exercise. How can you make your eyes look bigger with makeup? The orbicularis oculi muscle helps make the eyes appear larger

Special makeup secrets, false eyelashes, lenses with the effect of “expressive eyes” - all kinds of methods girls use to visually enlarge their eyes. Today we will share with you another trick that will help you open your eyes and lift your eyelids absolutely free.

The orbicularis oculi muscle helps make the eyes appear larger

Even if you have not yet encountered age-related problems in the area around the eyes (crow's feet, drooping eyelids) that make your eyes less expressive, you may simply be unhappy with the shape of your eyes or their size. Fortunately, this problem can be solved. And special eye exercises will help with this.

“The fact is that around the eyes we have a circular muscle, which, like all the muscles of the face, is attached to the skin at one end,” explains Anastasia Burdyug, author of the SUPER Face gymnastics course for the face. “This means that by training this muscle, we can tighten the skin around the eyes.”

How does the process of “opening” the eyes occur?

When you regularly work your arm muscles, your biceps and triceps gradually begin to emerge and your shoulders acquire a beautiful, sculpted shape. The same thing happens with the facial muscles when we do special exercises for them.

We typically only use the muscles around our eyes to blink or squint. With these movements, the lower eyelid is almost not involved, as well as the area under the eyebrows. It is these microzones that the eye exercises from Anastasia Burdyug’s complex are aimed at.

On this topic:

Eye opening exercise

In order to perform an exercise aimed at opening your eyes, connect your index fingers with your nails to each other and place them on the bridge of your nose. At the same time, place the nails of your thumbs on the corners lower eyelids close to the eyelashes. Try not to put pressure on your eyes, just lightly touch the skin. Your palms should form something similar to glasses or a mask.

Close your eyes tightly and use your fingers to pull the skin into opposite sides: index fingers point upwards, and thumbs point diagonally to the sides. Try not to put pressure on your face, but rather provide light resistance.

Hold this position for 30 counts. Relax your eyes, lower your hands.

Repeat the exercise at least once a day, and the results will appear within a couple of weeks.

This is just one exercise for the area around the eyes from Anastasia Burdyug. Even more exercises for all areas of the face with detailed video analysis await you in .

What else will the eye-opening exercise give you?

This simple exercise will help you not only open your eyes. By engaging the muscles, you activate blood flow in the tissues in this area, which means you nourish the delicate skin around the eyes well from the inside. It helps counteract the formation of wrinkles and dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. “Just do the exercise once a day and you will see for yourself how the swelling will become smaller and then disappear,” says Anastasia Burdyug. “And the eyelids will gradually begin to lift.” In addition, activating blood flow in the eye area helps relieve tension and even improve vision, which is important for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.

As you can see, facial gymnastics is not only an excellent method of rejuvenation without surgical intervention, it is also effective way improve and make natural beauty more expressive. Try it!

Photo:, archive of Anastasia Burdyug

Special makeup secrets, false eyelashes, lenses with the effect of “expressive eyes” - all kinds of methods girls use to visually enlarge their eyes. Today we will share with you another trick that will help you open your eyes and lift your eyelids absolutely free.

The orbicularis oculi muscle helps make the eyes appear larger

Even if you have not yet encountered age-related problems in the area around the eyes (crow's feet, drooping eyelids) that make your eyes less expressive, you may simply be unhappy with the shape of your eyes or their size. Fortunately, this problem can be solved. And special eye exercises will help with this.

“The fact is that around the eyes we have a circular muscle, which, like all the muscles of the face, is attached to the skin at one end,” explains Anastasia Burdyug, author of the SUPER Face gymnastics course for the face. “This means that by training this muscle, we can tighten the skin around the eyes.”

How does the process of “opening” the eyes occur?

When you regularly work your arm muscles, your biceps and triceps gradually begin to emerge and your shoulders acquire a beautiful, sculpted shape. The same thing happens with the facial muscles when we do special exercises for them.

We typically only use the muscles around our eyes to blink or squint. With these movements, the lower eyelid is almost not involved, as well as the area under the eyebrows. It is these microzones that the eye exercises from Anastasia Burdyug’s complex are aimed at.

On this topic:

Eye opening exercise

In order to perform an exercise aimed at opening your eyes, connect your index fingers with your nails to each other and place them on the bridge of your nose. At the same time, place the nails of your thumbs on the corners of the lower eyelids close to the eyelashes. Try not to put pressure on your eyes, just lightly touch the skin. Your palms should form something similar to glasses or a mask.

Close your eyes tightly, and with your fingers pull the skin in opposite directions: with your index fingers upward, and with your thumbs diagonally to the sides. Try not to put pressure on your face, but rather provide light resistance.

Hold this position for 30 counts. Relax your eyes, lower your hands.

Repeat the exercise at least once a day, and the results will appear within a couple of weeks.

This is just one exercise for the area around the eyes from Anastasia Burdyug. Even more exercises for all areas of the face with detailed video analysis await you in .

What else will the eye-opening exercise give you?

This simple exercise will help you not only open your eyes. By engaging the muscles, you activate blood flow in the tissues in this area, which means you nourish the delicate skin around the eyes well from the inside. It helps counteract the formation of wrinkles and dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. “Just do the exercise once a day and you will see for yourself how the swelling will become smaller and then disappear,” says Anastasia Burdyug. “And the eyelids will gradually begin to lift.” In addition, activating blood flow in the eye area helps relieve tension and even improve vision, which is important for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.

As you can see, facial gymnastics is not only an excellent method of rejuvenation without surgical intervention, it is also an effective way to improve and make natural beauty more expressive. Try it!

Photo:, archive of Anastasia Burdyug

This trick was invented by Koreans. To by nature narrow eyes appeared larger, they wear lenses with enlarged irises.

Lenses with an iris of 14–15 mm (with or without diopters) will make your eyes look like a doll, like those of anime characters. For comparison, the iris typically measures about 11–13 mm in diameter.

The effect of magnifying lenses is instant and very bright. But before using them, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist. For some people, even wearing lenses for a short time causes irritation.

2. Highlight the corners of the eyes and the area under the eyebrows

According to the laws of color, dark shades visually reduce everything, and light shades increase everything. To make your eyes look bigger, be sure to highlight the inner corners of your eyelids and the areas under your browbones.

Use light matte shadows or highlighter for this. You can apply products with light shimmer to the corners of your eyes. Also, a little mother-of-pearl won’t hurt in the center of the eyelid. It will add volume to your makeup and make your eyes more noticeable.

3. Line your eyes and draw arrows correctly

One of them is to enclose the eyes in a black frame. When the eyeliner moves from the moving eyelid to the fixed eyelid and captures the water line, the eyes turn into small black slits. Looks terrible!

To enlarge your eyes, use the pencil technique. Draw the eyelash edge of the upper eyelid with a pencil: the closer to the inner corner, the thinner the line should be. Then line the lower eyelid, but only between the eyelashes and only to the middle of the eye. Blend the eyeliner thoroughly and apply eye shadow.

If you decide to add arrows, be sure to extend them beyond the outer corners of the eyes towards the tips of the eyebrows.

4. Apply light kajal to the waterline

A soft eyeliner pencil of pale pink or cream color, applied to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, will not only visually enlarge the eyes, but also hide signs of fatigue.

5. Try a blue, purple or turquoise liner

These cool, rich colors will make your makeup brighter and your eyes more expressive.

Try lining your eyes with a blue or purple pencil instead of black, and you will see how your eyes widen.

6. Draw the crease of the eyelid just above the natural line

If you highlight the crease of your eyelid with shadows several shades darker than the main shade in your makeup, your look will become more expressive. And if you shift the drawing line 1-2 mm from the natural fold, the eyes will become visually larger.

7. Add volume to your eyelashes

The thicker and longer the eyelashes, the larger the eyes. If nature has not blessed you with luxurious eyelashes, use mascara to increase volume.

Tighten up upper eyelashes with special tongs, and then apply the first layer of mascara. Paint your eyelashes not towards your temples, but straight up. Lightly dust your eyelashes with loose powder and apply a second layer or use false eyelashes.

Apply one coat of mascara to your lower lashes or leave them bare.

You can see these and other tricks in action in the following video:


A glance allows you to form a first impression of a person without words. People with large eyes look more open and honest, while people with small eyes are more likely to be wary. Tips and tricks from cosmetologists will help make unattractive eyes larger and more expressive.

How to enlarge your eyes without makeup

Lack of sleep and nervous shock are the main factors that make your eyes look dull and tired. Women go to great lengths to solve the problem, from heavy makeup to cosmetic surgery.

To make your eyes look bigger, you need proper skin care with moisturizers. Try using an eyelash curler to create a beautiful curl. Make sure your eyebrows are well-groomed to balance out your facial features. Then choose clothing colors that naturally highlight the shade of your eyes: a red top will highlight brown ones, a yellow dress will highlight green ones. Use pharmaceutical drops to relieve fatigue and redness.


The tendency to go to bed late at night and lack of sleep provoke redness of the mucous membranes and a dry look. You should fight against a broken regime if you want to visually make the eye shape larger.

To fully recuperate, you need to sleep at least 5 hours a day. Good health and a cheerful mood ensures a night's rest of 7 hours.

One of the important conditions is to sleep in complete darkness so that your eyes do not strain.


Complete care of the skin around the eyes improves their appearance and makes the look visually larger. Gentle moisturizing creams are developed taking into account the characteristics of this sensitive area of ​​the face. Careful care of the area around the eyes will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

Special masks help relax tired eyes and reduce puffiness. These products have a gel-like consistency. They contain moisturizing and softening components: hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and colloidal gold. This is a temporary solution to get rid of puffiness and dark circles: the procedure does not replace proper sleep.


Gently warming up the area around the eyes stimulates blood circulation, reduces dark spots and makes your eyes look fresher. Slowly massage the problem area with your fingertips using light circular motions. Before performing the procedure, remove any remaining oil or cream from your hands to avoid skin irritation.

There are relatively inexpensive vibrating rollers on the market. The devices prevent germs from getting on the face and are designed for gentle massage.


Train your eyes to keep your muscles toned. Targeted exercise will improve your agility, reaction time, and brighten your eyes.

Eye exercise:

  1. Rotate your eyes in an imaginary figure eight for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Look at the numbers on the wall clock in both directions 10 times.
  3. Quickly move your gaze from near to distant objects 20–30 times.
  4. Move your eyes as wide as possible in different directions for 2-3 minutes, keeping your head still.
  5. Close your eyes, gently massage the outer corners with your fingertips 3 times for 1 minute with short breaks.

Cold compress

Use a cooling mask to enhance your eyes. Apply the cloth for ten minutes to reduce inflammation. If the procedure is done regularly, the skin will become softer and the eyes will shine. Rubbing the problem area with ice cubes has almost the same effect.

Be careful: the delicate area around the eyes is very sensitive.

Makeup for the effect of big eyes

The safest and quick way visually emphasize the depth of the look - cosmetics. For an instant effect, use paired eyeshadow shades from the same palette. Using eyeliner, try to emphasize the natural contour. Do not skimp on mascara - the more layers, the more expressive the look. You can use false eyelashes for this purpose.

Eyebrow shaping

This is a way to visually make small eyes look bigger.

Use a product with a shimmering effect to draw attention to your eyebrows:

  1. Start with concealer along the outer edge to define and sharpen the arch.
  2. Fill in the sparse areas with a wax pencil of a suitable color.
  3. Apply shimmer highlighter above and below the arch of your brow.
  4. Blend for a natural look.


Use a nude or white product to create a dramatic, fresh look. Eyeliner that matches your skin tone is subtle and suitable for any situation. To make your eyes appear bigger, try applying a white liner to your waterline (inner edge) and adding shadow to your lower lid.


This is an effective way to draw attention to the eyes and add brightness to the look. Shadows are applied as a basis for other cosmetics. Choose a shade depending on your eye color. It is important to use shadows from the same color palette, otherwise you can make the situation worse.

  1. Brown eyes are versatile and make almost any color work. Cool purple works best.
  2. Blue eyes look great in earthy tones: brown, muted gray.
  3. Green eyes prefer moderate and warm colors. A soft purple or golden brown color works well.
  4. Radiant beige and pearl shades will make any eyes look fresh and open.

Color accent

Start by applying white pencil to the inner corners. Then apply the base color all over the eyelid. Line your upper lash line with brown or gray. Make your eyes look bigger without using large quantity shadows, draw a line of pearl color along the bottom line. Beige or brown eyeliner looks more natural than pure white or shimmer. Bright multi-colored shades are ideal for highlighting the shape.

To give your eyes more definition, apply a brown eyeshadow to your upper and lower eyelids. Highlight the outer corner of the eye with light and pearly shades. Don't forget to apply white eyeshadow under your brow bone to brighten up your eyes. The smoky glow effect makes the look more attractive.

Many layers of mascara

Start by applying a special primer to your lashes to give them extra length, volume and drama. Use mascara to make your eyes pop. Start at the base and work your way to the ends until you cover the entire length of the lashes. For additional expressiveness, apply several layers in succession. The wax in the product creates volume and makes the eyes visually wider.

cat look

This effective method visual increase in eye size. Using liquid eyeliner, draw a line outward from the outer corner, ending with a sharp tip.

There are many techniques for performing the technique. Always apply primer first. Use the lightest shadow that matches your skin tone. This will emphasize the effect of the eyeliner, especially if you choose a dark brown or black eyeliner.

Eyelash extensions to enlarge eyes

Man-made fibers open up the look and create a more expressive effect.

A technique that will “raise” the inner corners and create the illusion of larger eyes:

  1. Start by applying a dark eyeliner (gel, pencil, or liquid liner) along your hairline.
  2. Trim false eyelashes to a comfortable length.
  3. Apply glue to the tape, wait 15-20 seconds.
  4. Attach eyelashes to the outer corners of your eyes.
  5. For the inside, attach the tape slightly above the natural growth line.

Contact lenses for eye enlargement

Custom-sized round glasses function like regular glasses, but visually increase the diameter of the pupil and iris. Although contact lenses are popular mainly in East Asia, you can buy them from online stores. Cost ranges from $20 to $30 per pair.

Wearing contact lenses without first consulting a doctor can cause serious problems, including blindness.

Another way to make your eyes wider is to get rid of glasses for myopia. Thick glasses, as prescribed by the ophthalmologist, create the effect of visually making the eyes smaller. Replace your glasses contact lenses or consult a doctor: laser surgery will permanently correct your vision problems.

Surgical eye resizing

Blepharoplasty – Plastic surgery, which changes the shape of the eyelids. Surgical intervention carried out on cosmetic and medical reasons. This is an effective way to improve vision in older people who have sagging upper eyelids.

The lift does not eliminate dark circles under the eyes, crow's feet or other facial wrinkles. Often the operation is performed in conjunction with laser resurfacing or a forehead lift. The standard eyelid surgery lasts 2 hours on both eyes (performed under local anesthesia). The stitches heal within a week.

Eyelid surgery improves appearance. Before you have surgery, think about your goals for the changes and discuss them with your surgeon. Effect after intervention on upper eyelid lasts 5–7 years. For the lower one, you will have to repeat the procedure every 3-4 years. But plastic surgery will not stop the natural aging process.

Possible complications, undesirable consequences from blepharoplasty:

  • bleeding;
  • infectious diseases;
  • dry eyes;
  • unhealthy eyelid coloring;
  • inability to completely close your eyes;
  • loss of vision.


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How to make your eyes bigger and your gaze more expressive

Large eyes are considered one of the standards of beauty, and in some cultures there is a belief that the eyes are a mirror through which the soul is reflected. Sometimes you want, at least for a short time, get a charming look without resorting to expensive operations to increase them. There are several painless and simple ways that will help owners of medium and narrow eyes to widen them, and, on the contrary, to emphasize large ones, making them more expressive.

The methods are simple enough to be used at home, but are not durable. Accordingly, procedures must be performed regularly.

  1. Eye makeup.
  2. Skin care.
  3. Magnifying contact lenses.
  4. Special glue.
  5. Face building or facial muscle training.

Eye makeup

How to enlarge your eyes? The look can be enhanced visually with cosmetics. There are several options that can be used independently or safely combined with each other. Little makeup tricks can change the shape of your eyes, making them bright and expressive.

The correct selection of the base is important. To even out skin tone, use a makeup base, concealer, powder, BB cream, and blush, which will also help hide natural skin imperfections.

Features of applying shadows

Correctly applied shadows are the key to big beautiful eyes:

  • light shades emphasize and highlight the areas to which they are applied, while dark shades hide and reduce;
  • Convex zones are covered with dark shadows and shaded, and sunken zones are covered with light ones. Main feature Any beautiful makeup is the correct transition from one shade of eyeshadow to another.

Typically, for an enlarging effect, light shadows are applied closer to the inner corners, while dark ones are applied to the outer corners. In this case, the transition should be smooth and imperceptible. To achieve this effect, you need to be able to shade the shadows correctly.

The second way to use shadows is to apply a light shiny shade to the area under the eyebrow. This way, the effect of open eyelids will be obtained, although the method is more suitable for evening rather than everyday use.

Pencil or eyeliner

Typically, when lining the eyelids, dark colors are used: dark brown and black. To prevent the eyes from appearing narrow, the lines should be thin, and the eyeliner should only go to upper eyelid and along the very edge of the eyelashes.

Note! In stage makeup, to achieve the effect of large eyes, a method is often used when the eyeliner line is applied just below the lash line.

The line should be thin at the inner corner of the eye and widen towards the edge. In addition, moving the arrow beyond the contour of the eyelid will change its shape and visually elongate it. You need to be very careful with arrows, since with some options they, on the contrary, visually narrow.

The second option is a narrow beginning of the line, a smooth expansion towards the middle of the eye and narrowing towards its edge. The eyeliner should be thin, unobtrusive, and at the same time, quite noticeable.

For additional effect You can use a light pencil to enlarge your eyes. It can be either white or any other pale option, combined with shadows.

The color is applied to the lower eyelid above the lash line, slightly extending beyond the edges of the eye.

In order for the pencil eyeliner to be combined with the applied shadow, its contours need to be shaded a little and made softer.


The mascara should have the characteristics of lengthening eyelashes and increasing volume. It is applied starting from the eyelash line on the upper eyelid, with the brush tilted towards the outer edge. The inner corner of the eyes may not be tinted so as not to get the opposite effect. The layer should be uniform, and after application it is necessary to comb and curl the eyelashes, trying to direct the eyelashes from the outer part of the eye to the temples.

The lower eyelashes must be painted very carefully. One thin layer of mascara will be enough to shade the eyes.

Note! If your eyes cannot boast of lush natural eyelashes even with the help of mascara, you can use false eyelashes or extensions.


Eyebrows play an important role in correcting facial features. They must have correct form, and also be tinted if they themselves are too light. Thick eyebrows, located close to each other on the bridge of the nose or highlighted in black, will make the look stern, harsh and repulsive.

Eyebrows located high from the eyes will help to visually enlarge the eyes, but a thin thread of eyebrows will look unattractive and old-fashioned, so you need to find a balance.

You can also enhance your look by applying a light tone along the lower brow line.

Skin care

How to imperceptibly enlarge your eyes? The answer is very simple. The size of the eyes and the breadth of vision are affected by the condition of the skin. Swelling of the eyelids, bruises under the eyes, swelling and redness will negatively affect appearance and visually reduce the look. The reason may be:

  • stress;
  • long periods of time in front of the computer and eye strain;
  • allergies;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • lack of sleep.

There are several ways to eliminate negative consequences.

Thus, swelling due to stress and lack of sleep is relieved with massage and special essential oils. If oil is not on hand, regular ice or frozen herbal tincture and tea compresses will do.

If the cause is cosmetics or any other allergy, then you need to stop using makeup products and consult an allergist who will prescribe appropriate medications. Eliminating the cause of allergic reactions will also help.

In case of eye fatigue due to overstrain and long periods of time at computers, you should consult an ophthalmologist who will help you choose the best eye drops.

It is worth paying attention to the correct sleeping position, avoiding alcohol abuse and drinking a minimum amount of water before bed.

An additional means of improving the condition of the skin and strengthening it is the use of special face masks and creams with a rejuvenating and tightening effect.

Magnifying contact lenses

Perfect for people with any level of vision. There are tinted lenses that completely cover the eye color, transparent, and with UV protection.

Note! Many brands of magnifying lenses are not designed for reading or long-term wear. It is necessary to consult with specialists in advance and select lenses that are suitable in terms of curvature and size, so as not to damage the eyes.

Magnifying lenses are wider than regular lenses, due to which they cover not only the iris, but also part of the sclera. Such lenses are called scleral, and they enlarge the eye itself. Regular lenses can also block and enlarge the iris. In addition, the lenses have several diameters, from barely noticeable magnification to large, due to which the eyes will appear larger, acquiring a doll-like effect.

By purchasing colored or patterned lenses, you can not only enlarge your eyes, but also change their color. There are many shades that will cover even the darkest iris. This applies primarily to Korean manufacturers, who create lenses specifically to cover black eyes. Thus, by purchasing several pairs of lenses, you can vary your own image depending on the occasion and mood.

Interesting to know! If you don’t know how to enlarge a man’s eyes, then use this method or eye gymnastics.

It must be remembered that the use of any lenses for a long time May cause damage to eyes. At a minimum, it is necessary to use moisturizing drops and good cosmetics that do not fall off.

Special glue

In the East (Japan, South Korea, China), where people have naturally narrow eyes, glue was created to give them a magnifying effect. Usually this method is used by people with an Asian type of appearance or who have narrow eyes. But even those with ordinary European facial features can resort to it by experimenting and choosing a convenient option.

For this procedure, you will need the eyelid glue itself and a special slingshot stick, with the help of which a fold is formed on the eyelid. First, try it on and create a fold using a stick, then apply glue to the upper eyelid and adjust the fold again until the desired effect is achieved.

The second similar option on how to enlarge your eyes without surgery is to use adhesive strips and a slingshot stick according to the same scheme.

Note! The procedure itself may be unpleasant, as well as the entire time the glue is on the eyelid.

Facebuilding - how to enlarge your eyes with exercises

This is a set of exercises or, as they also call it, gymnastics for enlarging the eyes, aimed at tightening and smoothing the skin, rejuvenating the face, giving it the necessary shape. Exercises must be performed regularly, at least once a day, and for a long time to get the desired results.

Exercise No. 1

Place your middle fingers between your eyebrows above the bridge of your nose. The index fingers are placed at the outer corners of the eyes. The gaze should be oriented towards the top of the head.

Squint the lower eyelid tightly upward, and you should feel the muscle beating on the outside of the eye. After this, holding your squint, you need to squeeze your eyelids tightly and tense your buttocks, count to forty and relax.

It is important to apply pressure to the skin between the eyebrows to prevent wrinkles and folds from forming.

Exercise No. 2

Raise the upper eyelid as much as possible, opening the eyes, while the eyebrows should not rise and folds should form on the forehead. Do the exercise several times in a row, keeping your eyes open for at least 10 seconds.

A combination of several methods will allow you to create a unique image that can become both an everyday option and an evening one.