What is the name of a dog that has many folds? Strange and bizarre dog breeds, many of which you didn't even know existed. Behavior in society

There are many dog ​​breeds in the world. They are all different. Each has its own interesting features. Today we will tell you about a dog with folds. There are several breeds with such characteristics. Let's start with the most common one.

Dog with folds: Shar Pei breed. Description of appearance

The cause of the appearance of folds is considered to be a different gene sequence and mutation. Scientists came to this conclusion.

At first, this breed of dog with folds on the muzzle was bred to hunt animals such as wild boar. All the folds that the dog had were distracting elements. They were difficult to grasp. Therefore, the Shar Pei could easily dodge the attacking angry animal.

This dog with folds of skin is small in size. Weight - approximately 23 kilograms. Enormity appearance gives the skin. The coat of these dogs is short and rough.

Representatives of this breed, like the Chow Chow, have a blue tongue. At the same time, they have fighting qualities. The color varies.

Shar Pei character

This folded dog is an excellent guard and watchman. She can become a devoted friend to the family. She is calm by nature. May show aggression towards unfamiliar dogs.

Training should start from the very beginning. early age(from about three to four months). This breed has fighting tendencies, so it is very advisable that the owner and the dog go through obedience school.

English Mastiff

This is an old breed that originated in Central Asia. Such a dog with folds was considered at that time an excellent hunter and warrior. She could enter into mortal combat with bears or tigers.

The representative's weight is more than seventy kilograms. Massive body and hanging folds on the muzzle - distinctive features breeds This dog has a quick reaction.

A well-mannered dog behaves with dignity towards its owner. Peaceful towards others. But still, such a dog has excellent fighting qualities. You shouldn't forget about this. Therefore, such a dog can make an excellent family protector. The dog rarely barks.


This is a Belgian breed. Its representatives are large. The weight of one dog is fifty kilograms. Height at the withers is approximately 65 cm.

If we talk about the character of such dogs, they are quite capricious.

It's best to get a puppy. He will become a member of your family. This dog will happily play with both children and adults. This folded dog understands everything without words. You need to educate her only with affection. Aggression and anger should not be used in the training process.

English bulldog

This breed, as the name implies, is registered in England. Its representatives are excellent guards. Although they are small in size. The weight of an English bulldog is no more than 25 kilograms. Height at the withers does not exceed 38 cm.

The body shape of such a dog is short and stocky. This dog with a wrinkled face needs serious training. But it is necessary to teach without the use of aggression and force. Because the dog does not tolerate disrespectful treatment.

If there are children in the family, then it is worth telling them that such a dog should be treated with care. You should play with your dog carefully. It is necessary to monitor the joint fun of the child and the pet.

Such a dog, due to its qualities, may not live in every family where there are children or other animals. This dog has difficulty sharing a room with anyone else.


This is a German breed. It comes from those with bulging eyes. Representatives of the pug breed can live up to fifteen years. The weight of an adult dog is no more than seven kilograms. Height at the withers is no more than thirty centimeters.

This breed has a special feature. This is a pattern on the face created by folds.

The coat of such dogs is smooth, shiny, and the tail is ringed. Pugs have a very funny gait. They swing their pelvis a little while walking.

Different emotions can appear on the cute face of such a dog. Such changes can be observed especially when a dog with folds begs for a piece of tasty treat. Please note that you cannot give her everything and in large quantities. Since pugs very often have various types of allergies. In addition, they are prone to being overweight and obese.

When caring for such a dog, you should pay special attention to the condition of the eyes. Since these dogs have genetic problems with the organs of vision.

Therefore, with such a pet it is worth visiting veterinary hospitals periodically. If any problems with the eyes or other organs are detected, all doctor’s instructions should be followed.

As mentioned above, pugs have a tendency to be overweight, as well as weaken the muscles of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, these cute fidgets require feasible leisurely walks. Due to the special structure of the body and head, heavy loads are contraindicated for such dogs.

Caring for dogs with facial wrinkles

I would like to note that such dogs sweat in the hot season and under strong physical activity. Microorganisms develop on secretions. As a result, there may be fungal disease skin. Therefore, such representatives of the above-mentioned breeds, especially Shar-Pei, require systematic skin care. After all, as they say, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.


Now you know what a dog with folds is, you see a photo of it in the article. We have named several breeds with this feature. We hope that the information in the article was interesting to you.

Many are touched by the amazing big-headed dog, whose skin is gathered in soft folds. This is a Shar Pei and he is the most striking representative of the dog breed with folds. Shar Peis have a long history. They were bred in China more than two thousand years ago and performed both hunting and fighting functions. The Shar Pei's ancestors were mastiffs and chow chows. The color of the tongue indicates the relationship with the latter. In both the Chow Chow and the Shar Pei, it is dark blue in color. The ancient Chinese rejoiced at this sign, believing that when a dog barks, it drives away evil spirits with its blue tongue.

Why does a dog need folds?

Numerous folds on the Shar Pei’s body are his armor that protected internal organs from damage during a fight. These folds are not a whim of nature, but the result of the selection work of Chinese dog breeders. The name of the breed is also associated with its fighting qualities. "Shar Pei" is translated from Chinese as "sand skin". In fact, the skin of this dog is short and tough, as if sand were slipping out of the enemy’s teeth.

It's hard to grab because of the layer subcutaneous fat. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, Shar Peis protected farms from predators and also took part in battles. Just 30 years ago, the Shar Pei was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest dog breed in the world. Only a few representatives of this breed were known at that time. The reason was that in China, in its homeland, the folded dog was actively exterminated in the 40s of the 20th century.

Then the communists, who came to power, issued an order to destroy all domestic animals. Only 30 years later, a group of American dog lovers began to actively revive the breed, searching for surviving individuals throughout China and transporting them to Hong Kong for breeding. Now the breed has been completely restored and is quite common throughout the world. True, American Sharpews have slightly shorter paws and softer fur. In addition to the folded skin, the Shar Pei has other features in its appearance.

Dog with folds

Due to its too deep-set eyes, the Shar Pei has poor peripheral vision and therefore is often frightened by sudden movements. By nature, Shar Peis are calm and balanced, very devoted to their owner, but wary of strangers. Increased attention They are not demanding and are able to perfectly protect their owners and home. True, today these dogs are most often owned simply as a companion, or even

For those who want to make a faithful friend in a city apartment, a description of dog breeds – decorative, pets kept in the apartment, medium and large.

Small dogs

A small (height about 26 cm, weight up to 5 kg) shaggy black dog has thick eyebrows, a mustache and a goatee that make him look like a monkey.

Coat is hard, with undercoat, requires brushing furminator and trimming 4 times a year. Character loyal, friendly.

Easy to care for, but requires daily brushing welsh corgi, and after walks wash your paws and belly - because short legs the wool gets dirty.

The names of dog breeds often reflect their appearance. The dog got its name for its ears, reminiscent of butterfly wings - “Papillon”.

A cute dog up to 30 cm tall and weighing up to 7.5 kg with a bearded muzzle and erect ears may seem like a cute toy, but it is not so.

Medium dogs

You need to regularly comb the dog, trim the hair between the toes, pluck the hairs on the face, and clean the ears if they get dirty with food.

A stately dog ​​originally from China, invulnerable thanks to its tough coat and folds of skin. Height is up to 50 cm, weight can reach 25 kg.

This is an excellent choice for the city - the dog is smart, well trained, obedient, playful and affectionate, vigilantly guards the family and children. Thick coat with dense down needs to be combed, but washing the dog frequently is not recommended.

The long, thick wool has a high fluff and is suitable for spinning. The dog needs to be brushed often, especially during the coat change period.

The character is calm and balanced. Basset- hound always becomes a full-fledged member of the family, loves children very much, patiently endures games and pranks.

the most drooling dog in the world

For some species of animals, jumping is extremely important, since often, thanks to their jumping ability, they manage to avoid death. Some animals are excellent high jumpers, while others are excellent long jumpers. We invite you to take a look at the top 10 best jumpers in the animal kingdom.

During the spawning period, many fish are capable of making incredible jumps that break all records. The highest jumping fish is the chum salmon. Heading to spawning grounds, this marvelous sea creature is capable of jumping out of the water to a height of 3.5 meters. Chum salmon was in tenth place in the ranking.

Everyone knows that the cheetah is the fastest animal, but few know that it is also one of the best jumping animals. A cheetah's jump can stretch up to 9 meters, and it will cover this distance in just half a second. Really impressive.

The life of this animal directly depends on jumping. In order to escape from a dangerous predator, for example a cheetah, an antelope needs to jump while running, since its running speed is much lower than that of a cheetah. During the jump, the antelope throws its hind hooves back, resulting in very high jumps. As a rule, the jump height is 2.5 meters, but scientists have recorded jumps reaching up to 10 meters in height.

Another predator that finds itself in seventh place in the ranking. Tigers are better at long jumping than high jumping. Before attacking the prey, tigers sit in ambush for a long time, then quietly creep up to the future prey and make a sharp jump. Just one jump is enough for a tiger to overcome 10 meters.

The next representative of the cat family, distinguished by its jumping, is the puma. The jump of a mountain lion, whose weight is almost 100 kilograms, reaches 2 meters in length and 4 meters in height. Cougars have very muscular but

Existing dog breeds with folds

There are more than 400 dog breeds in the world. Breeders develop new ones, but there are no absolute properties. Each breed must have characteristics that distinguish it from others, of course. And if for some breeds this sign is a defect, then for others it is the main one for determination. Often a group of dogs are identified based on the same properties. For example, the dogs described below have folds of skin.

Dog breeds with folded skin

Excess skin on the body of animals appears as a result of selection. Basically, all breeds of such dogs are ancient or restored from ancient ones. At that cruel time, dogs worked, they were hunters, and the folds of their skin helped them in the battle with a seasoned beast. Breeds with folded skin include:

To one degree or another, all these animals have folded skin, and the champion among them will be the Shar Pei, which is called a plush dog for its soft coat and numerous folds throughout its body.

Shar Pei

Exist smooth varieties these animals. Scientists analyzed the skin of both representatives of the breed and came to the conclusion that they have a different gene sequence and the mutation caused the folds in Shar Peis, which was fixed by breeders. It is interesting that in humans, who were wrinkled from birth, they found the same genome structure.

Shar Peis were originally bred to hunt wild boar. The ferocious, bulletproof animal attacked the dog with fury. The dog's numerous sagging and fluttering folds were a distracting element that was difficult to grasp, and the barking animal dodged the huge carcass.

The dog is small in size, up to half a meter tall and weighs 20-25 kg due to skin seemed huge. Short and harsh wool, “sand skin”, complemented the effect, high

big and furry dog

The largest dog in the world is the Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is an attribute of life for Chinese celebrities and the rich. However, with the improvement of well-being, more and more people are acquiring Tibetan mastiffs - animals that have changed the attitude of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom towards dogs. But Chinese laws prohibited owning dogs half a century ago!

Tibetans are very strong and excellent guards. Previously, people used them as guard animals, guarding entire villages or accompanying nomads on journeys through the Himalayan valleys. Ancient Tibetan mastiffs are the ancestors of boxers and St. Bernards.

On the European continent, the first individual of the Tibetan Mastiff breed appeared in 1847; in modern Europe, a purebred Tibetan is not a common breed. It is famous for its mega-size: its weight can reach 100 kg or more, and when it reaches hind legs, often turns out to be taller than a human. It is also known for its deafening barking, willfulness and stubbornness. In order to habitually dominate a Tibetan, a person must engage in his socialization from a very young age.

The FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) classifies this breed as a Molosser type, describing it as a strong and heavy animal with a serious expression on its face. In accordance with the standard, Tibetans can work in any weather conditions, and their maturation begins at the age of four for “boys”, a year or two earlier for “girls”. The height of an individual of the Tibetan Mastiff breed at the withers is close in size to the length of the body. According to the FCI description:

Wide, firmly set on an arched neck; with folds running from the corners of the eyes to the mouth in adults. The muzzle is square-shaped, with brown expressive eyes. The bite is complete. The triangular ears are soft and fall slightly forward.

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Shar Pei dog breed: photo, price and features

There are many beliefs about the origin Shar Pei dog breeds. The information about the breed that has been preserved and reached our times suggests that the breed lived in areas along the coast of the South China Sea and in southern China. The popularity of this breed in China is evidenced by archaeological excavations of tombs depicting a frowning dog with folds of skin on its neck and square muzzle. Shar Pei were common among Chinese dynasties that used fighting qualities and strength.

Shar Pei dog breed: description and characteristics

Very ancient and very beautiful dog breed – shar pei, has its own special and amazing exterior. Shar Peis are medium-sized dogs. Short dense body, square large head profile. The dog's head and withers are covered with deep folds. Small ears and a peculiar muzzle, giving the Shar Pei a resemblance to a hippopotamus.

A characteristic feature of a breed such as the Shorpey is its tail. This part of the body, located high on the dog's flat croup, is thick at the base, tapering to the tip and curling slightly into a spiral. Structure chest It is distinguished by its massive width, reaching down to the elbows. The Shar Pei's short loin curves slightly, giving the dog a strong fighting posture.

A strong muscular base of the body and widely spaced hind legs allow the dog to develop high speed when running, maintaining balance. The ancient Chinese breed Shar Pei means “sand dog”. Shar Pei wool also belongs to characteristic features breeds This breed of dog has a bright red color, the same color as the Pomeranian Dwarf Spitz.

Shar Pei (English Shar-Pei, Chinese 沙皮) is one of the oldest dog breeds, the birthplace of the breed is China. It has been used in various ways throughout its history, including as a fighting dog.

No wonder the literal translation of the name of the breed sounds like “sand skin”. Until recently, Shar Peis were one of the rarest breeds in the world, but today their numbers and prevalence are significant.

  • This breed was considered one of the rarest, for which it was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • Its numbers were restored in America, but at the same time their features were significantly distorted. And today, Chinese native Shar-Peis and American Shar-Peis differ significantly from each other.
  • They love children and get along well with them, but do not like or trust strangers.
  • This is a stubborn and headstrong dog; Shar Peis are not recommended for people who have no experience in keeping dogs.
  • Shar Peis have a blue tongue, just like Chow Chows.
  • They do not get along with other animals, including dogs. We are ready to tolerate domestic cats, but only if we grew up with them.
  • A small gene pool and fashion have led to the appearance of a large number of dogs with poor health.
  • The condition of the breed is of concern to various organizations and they are trying to ban breeding or change the breed standard.

History of the breed

Considering that the Shar Pei is one of the primitive, that is, the oldest breeds, little is known for sure about its history. Only the fact that it is very ancient and that it comes from China, and one cannot say for sure about its homeland. It is impossible to say for sure what group of dogs they belong to.

So, we are unlikely to know where and when Shar-Peis appeared. But peasants in southern China have used them for centuries as working dogs. It is believed that Shar Peis were kept by the lower and middle strata, and they were not particularly valued by the nobility.

They were hunting dogs who were not afraid of either a wolf or a tiger. It is assumed that hunting was their original purpose, and not fighting. Elastic skin allowed the Shar Pei to wriggle out of the predator's grip, protected vulnerable organs and confused the predator.

Over time, peasants began to use them for various purposes. These were guard functions and even sacred ones. The gloomy expression of the muzzle and the black mouth were supposed to scare away not only the unwanted living, but also the dead from the house.

At that time, belief in evil spirits was strong, however, many Chinese still believe in them today. In addition, they also performed herding functions; the Shar Pei is one of, if not the only, known herding breed South-East Asia.

At some point, a fashion arose for dog fighting in pits. The elastic skin that protected the Shar Pei from the fangs of predators also saved it from the fangs of its own kind. These fights made the breed more popular in urban environments, where there was no demand for hunting and herding dogs.

Probably due to the fact that they were kept in cities as fighting dogs, the Europeans considered them exclusively as such and called them the Chinese fighting dog.

The breed remained very popular in southern China until the communists came to power. Maoists, like communists around the world, considered dogs a relic and "a symbol of the uselessness of the privileged class."

At first, the owners were subjected to exorbitant taxes, but quickly moved on to extermination. An untold number of dogs were completely destroyed. Some have disappeared, others are on the verge of extinction.

Fortunately, some breed lovers (usually emigrants) began to buy dogs in regions not covered by total control. Most dogs were exported from Hong Kong (under British control), Macau (a Portuguese colony until 1999), or Taiwan.

Ancient Shar-Peis were somewhat different from modern dogs. They were taller and more athletic. In addition, they had significantly fewer wrinkles, especially on the face, their heads were narrower, and the skin did not cover their eyes.

Unfortunately, there was no choice and the dogs did not end up in breeding work. best quality. However, in 1968 the breed was recognized by the Hong Kong Kennel Club.

Despite this recognition, the Shar Pei remained an extremely rare breed, as only a few were rescued from communist China. In the 1970s, it became clear that Macau and Hong Kong would be merged with mainland China.

Several organizations, including the Guinness Book of Records, have declared the breed rare. Fans of the breed were afraid that it would disappear before it reached other countries. In 1966, the first Shar Pei came from the USA, it was a male named Lucky.

In 1970, the American Dog Breeders Association (ABDA) registered it. One of the most prominent Shar Pei fanciers was a Hong Kong businessman, Matgo Low. He came to the conclusion that the salvation of the breed lay overseas and did everything to make Shar Peis popular in the USA.

In 1973, Lowe contacted a canine magazine asking for help. It contains an article entitled: “Save the Shar Pei”, decorated with high-quality photos. Many Americans are excited about the idea of ​​owning such a unique and rare dog.

In 1974, two hundred Shar Peis were exported to America and breeding began. Hobbyists immediately created a club, the Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America (CSPCA). Most dogs living outside of Southeast Asia today are descended from these 200 dogs.

American breeders have significantly changed the appearance of Shar Peis and today they differ from those living in Asia. The American Shar Pei is thicker and stockier and has more wrinkles. The biggest difference is in the head, it has become larger and very wrinkled.

These fleshy folds give the breed a "hippopotamian" appearance, and in some they hide the eyes. This unusual appearance created a fashion for Shar-Peis, which was especially strong in the 1970-1980s. In 1985, the breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club, followed by other clubs.

Most owners of fancy puppies face difficulties when they grow up. The problem was that they did not understand the history and character of their dog.

The first generations were only one gram removed from their ancestors, who were fighting and hunting dogs and were not distinguished by friendliness and obedience.

Breeders have put a lot of effort into improving the character of the breed and modern dogs are better adapted to life in the city than their ancestors. But those dogs that remained in China have not changed.

Most European cynological organizations recognize two types of Shar Pei, although Americans consider them to be one breed. The ancient Chinese type is called Bone-Mouth or Guzui, and the American type is Meat-Mouth.

The sudden increase in popularity was accompanied by uncontrolled breeding. Breeders were sometimes only interested in profit and did not pay attention to the character and health of the breed. This practice continues to this day.

Therefore, it is extremely important to take a balanced approach to choosing a nursery and not chase the cheapest. Unfortunately, many owners discover that the puppy has poor health or an aggressive, unstable character. Most of these dogs end up on the street or in a shelter.

Description of the breed

The Chinese Shar Pei is unlike any other dog breed and is difficult to confuse. These are medium-sized dogs, most reach 44-51 cm at the withers and weigh 18-29 kg. This is a proportional dog, equal in length and height, strong. They have a deep and wide chest.

The dog's whole body is covered with wrinkles different sizes. Sometimes it forms dewlaps. Because of their wrinkled skin, they do not look muscular, but this is deceiving, since they are very strong. The tail is short, set very high, and curled into a regular ring.

The head and muzzle are the calling card of the breed. The head is completely covered with wrinkles, sometimes so deep that the rest of the features are lost under them.

The head is large relative to the body, the skull and muzzle are approximately the same length. The muzzle is very wide, one of the widest in dogs.

The tongue, palate and gums are bluish-black; in dilute-colored dogs the tongue is lavender. The color of the nose matches the color of the coat, but can also be black.

The eyes are small, deep-set. All standards state that wrinkles should not interfere with a dog's vision, but many experience difficulties because of them, especially with peripheral vision. The ears are very small, triangular in shape, with the tips hanging down towards the eyes.

Although the breed gained popularity in the West because of its wrinkles, its name comes from its elastic skin. The Shar Pei's skin is very hard, perhaps the hardest of any dog. It is so hard and viscous that the Chinese called the breed “sand skin”.

The coat is single, straight, smooth, and lags behind the body. She lags to the point where some dogs are practically prickly.

Some Shar-Peis with very short hair are called horsecoat, others have it up to 2.5 cm long - brushcoat, the longest is “bearcoat”.

Dogs with “bear fur” are not recognized by some organizations (for example, the AKC of America) because this type of coat appears as a result of hybridization with other breeds.

Shar Pei must be any solid color, however, not all in reality could be officially registered.

Because of this, owners registered their dogs under other colors, which only added to the confusion. In 2005, they were systematized and the following list was obtained:

Pigmented colors (black pigment of varying intensity

  • Black
  • Deer
  • Red
  • Red deer
  • Cream
  • Sable
  • Blue
  • Isabella

Dilts (with complete absence black)

  • Chocolate dilut
  • Apricot dilute
  • Red dilut
  • Cream dilut
  • Lilac
  • Isabella dilute


The Shar Pei has a greater variety of personalities than most modern breeds. This is the result of the fact that dogs were often bred for profit, without regard for character. Lines with good heredity have a predictable character, the rest are a matter of luck.

These dogs form strong relationships with their family members, often demonstrating unprecedented loyalty. However, they are also very independent and freedom-loving. This is not a dog that follows its owner around.

She shows her love, but does it discreetly. Since the Shar Pei is prone to dominance and is not easy to train, the breed is not recommended for beginners.

For hundreds of years, this dog was kept as a guard and watchman; it is naturally distrustful of strangers. Most are extremely wary of them; a rare Shar Pei will greet a stranger.

However, even if they are not delighted, they are quite polite and rarely show aggression towards strangers.

Most people get used to new family members over time, but some ignore them for the rest of their lives. Socialization plays an important role; without it, aggression towards a person can develop.

Despite the fact that today they are rarely used for security and watchdog service, the breed has natural inclinations for it.

This is a territorial breed that will not allow strangers to enter their domain.

Most Shar Peis are calm with children if they have been socialized. In practice, they adore the children in their family and are close friends with them.

However, it is extremely important that the child respects the dog, as they do not like to be rude.

In addition, special attention should be paid to those dogs that have difficulty seeing due to folds of skin. They often have no peripheral vision and sudden movement frightens them. Like any other breed, the Shar Pei, if not socialized, can react negatively to children.

The biggest behavioral problems arise from the fact that Shar Peis do not get along well with other animals. They have high aggression towards other dogs; it is best to keep one dog alone or with a person of the opposite sex. Although they are not usually looking for a fight (not all of them are), they are quick to anger and will not back down. They have all forms of aggression towards dogs, but territorial and food aggression are especially strong.

In addition, they are no less aggressive towards other animals. Most Shar Peis have a strong hunting instinct and will regularly bring the carcass of a torn cat or rabbit to their owner.

They will try to chase down and strangle almost any animal, regardless of its size. Most can be trained to tolerate indoor cats, but some will attack and kill at the slightest opportunity.

Shar Peis are quite intelligent, especially when it comes to solving a problem. When they are motivated to learn, everything goes quickly and easily. However, they rarely have the motivation and instead have a reputation for being a difficult breed to train.

Although they are not particularly stubborn or headstrong, Shar Peis are stubborn and often refuse to follow commands. They have an independent mindset that does not allow them to carry out a command at the first call. They expect something in return and training with positive reinforcement and treats works much better. They also quickly lose concentration because they get bored with the monotony.

One of the most big problems is a character trait of the Shar Pei that makes him challenge the role of leader in the pack. Most dogs will try to take control if they are allowed to. It is important for the owner to remember this and take a leadership position at all times.

This all means that raising a manageable dog will require time, effort and money, but even the most well-mannered Shar Peis are always inferior to or. It is better to walk them without letting them off the leash, since if a Shar Pei chases an animal, it is almost impossible to get it back.

However, they are of average energy, for many a long walk is quite enough and most families will satisfy their exercise requirements without problems. Even though they love to run around in the yard, they can adapt well to living in an apartment.

At home they are moderately active and spend half the time on the couch and half moving around the house. They are considered excellent dogs for apartment living for a number of reasons. Most Shar Peis hate water and avoid it at all costs.

This means that they avoid puddles and mud. In addition, they are clean and take care of themselves. They bark extremely rarely and quickly become toilet trained, many times earlier than other breeds.


Not required special care, only regular combing. Shar Peis shed and those with longer fur shed more often. Shorthairs shed unnoticed, except during seasonal shedding periods.

Although all types of Shar Peis have relatively short hair, this is one of the worst breeds for people suffering from allergies.

Their fur causes attacks in allergy sufferers, and sometimes even in those who have never suffered from a dog hair allergy before.

However, if special coat care is not required, this does not mean that it is not needed at all. The peculiarity of the breed is the structure of the skin and the wrinkles on it need to be taken care of daily.

Especially those on the face, since during eating food and water get into them. The accumulation of fat, dirt and feed leads to inflammation.


Shar Peis suffer from large quantity diseases and dog experts consider them a breed with poor health. In addition to the fact that they have diseases common to other breeds, they also have unique ones.

There are so many of them that animal rights activists, veterinarians and breeders of other breeds are seriously concerned about the future of the breed and are trying to raise questions about the advisability of breeding.

Most health problems have their roots in the past: chaotic breeding and an increase in features uncharacteristic of Chinese Shar-Peis, such as excess wrinkles on the face. Today, breeders work in conjunction with veterinarians in the hope of making the breed stronger.

Various studies on Shar Pei life expectancy come up with different figures, ranging from 8 to 14 years. The fact is that a lot depends on the line, where dogs with bad heredity live 8 years, with good heredity more than 12.

Unfortunately, similar studies have not been conducted in Asia, but traditional Chinese Shar-Peis (Bone-Mouth) are much healthier than European ones. Today, breeders are trying to strengthen their lines by exporting traditional Shar Peis.

In the USA, many veterinarians are demanding changes to the breed standard in order to remove redundant traits and return the breed to its ancient form.

One of the unique diseases of the breed is hereditary Shar-Pei fever, about which there is not even a page on the Russian-language wiki. In English it is called familiar Shar-Pei fever or FSF. It is accompanied by a condition known as Swollen Hock Syndrome.

The cause of the fever has not been identified, but it is believed to be a hereditary disease.

At proper treatment These diseases are not fatal and many affected dogs live long lives. But, you need to understand that treating them is not cheap.

Excess skin on the face creates many problems for Shar-Peis. They see worse, especially in peripheral vision.

They suffer from a lot eye diseases. Dirt and fat collect in wrinkles, which leads to irritation and inflammation.

And the skin itself is prone to allergies and infections. In addition, the structure of their ears does not allow for proper cleaning of the canal and dirt accumulates in it, again leading to ear inflammation.

It is impossible not to love dogs for their loyalty, devotion and sincere joy to their owner. Of course, they have their drawbacks: you need to walk with them, sometimes they bark loudly, and often smell, but on the other hand, which of us doesn’t do any of this? Be that as it may, dogs bring so much love and wool on the carpet to this world that you can stop all the wars in the world and knit cute sweaters for all the frozen penguins. Today we want to tell you not about beaten up alien pugs and ridiculous corgis, but about some of the strangest and most bizarre dog breeds, many of which you didn’t even know existed.

Tibetan Spaniel

This little cutie looks like a fluffy pug with a distinct air of royal superiority.

Peruvian Inca Orchid

Not very beautiful, but very charming dogs, whose fiery mohawk belongs in films about Mad Max.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Perhaps the most wrinkled and huge dog you have ever seen. And yes, they are very slobbery.

P.S.: remember Fang from Harry Potter? He was exactly the same breed.


This breed has luxurious golden locks that many people can only dream of. Dog with wet hair effect!

Chinese Crested

Punk rock dog, with unique hair in the style of Cruella De Vil.

Cirneco del Etna

Just look at those perky ears! Yes, this dog must be a really good listener.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Not only do these dogs have a funny name, but they also look like a cute little old lady.

Small lion dog

All the salt of this dog is hidden in its name. Luxurious fur in front and bare bottom in back.


Half dog, half rabbit, half cotton swab. Oh yes, there is an entire page dedicated to pumi on our website.


No, this is not a mutant from the sewer, but a real breed of dog. Main feature This breed has a forked nose, which can supposedly improve their sense of smell.

Xoloitzcuintle or Mexican hairless dog

Apparently all hairless dog breeds are completely hairless except for the head. And this funny guy is no exception. Punk rock!

Bedlington Terrier

It seems that someone crossed a shepherd dog with a sheep, otherwise we don’t know how to explain the existence of this breed.

Bouvier des Flanders

It is still a mystery to the whole world how this dog manages to see something.


An African dog breed that is as fragile as it is athletic. She can clearly beat anyone and win a beauty pageant, and they might even be better than someone else at math, but that's not certain.

Swedish Vallhund

If there were corgis among the wolves, this is what they would look like.


A very curly dog ​​with a unique merle color.

Smooth-haired Brussels Griffon

This little gremlin, unlike his furry relatives, does not have a fashionable luxurious beard, but he is cool without it.

New Guinea singing dog

This breed may not look too unusual, but you will definitely appreciate their habit of howling at high notes.

It looks like this


This dog looks like someone took a Great Dane and flattened it, not forgetting to also make the muzzle narrow and elongated like Pinocchio. Oh yes, that someone also remembered to give this dog a strange name.

Now it remains to find out the main question

Correct answer: yes, very much!