What is the name of the hair dryer? What is the correct name for a hair dryer with a rotating brush? Hair dryer comb. What else could it be

The main advantage of a hair dryer with an ionization function is positive effect, which is not exerted by negatively charged ions. By themselves, they do not restore damaged hair, but soften the negative effects of warm and hot air, which can significantly reduce the damage from regular drying and styling.

The hair dryer ionizer protects hair from drying out and dehydration. When using a hair dryer with this function, the hair loses much less moisture. The ions turn the water on their surface into small droplets, which are absorbed into the hair much faster. Ionization allows you to maintain the level of moisture at a normal or natural level. By the way, the problem of oily hair can arise due to its regular drying. The body begins to secrete sebum in huge quantities, trying to remove the effects of degreasing and drying out. Therefore, using an ionic hair dryer can help with this problem.

Ionization function makes life easier

Ionization fights well against static electricity, restoring the electrical balance of the strands. It neutralizes particles with a positive charge that make your hair look fluffy and tousled. That is why it makes sense to buy a hair dryer with an ionization function for those whose hair is very frizzy and tangled.

The problem is especially pronounced in winter, when too dry hair is constantly in contact with a hat and clothes. So in the cold season, it makes sense to pay especially close attention to ionic hair dryers. This function, by the way, reduces the rate of hair contamination; after regular gentle drying, it stops attracting various contaminants and dust, which allows you to wash it much less often.

Ionization with constant use makes hair more shiny and smooth. Negatively charged ions smooth the cuticle scales, as a result, the outer surface of the hair is smoothed, they begin to reflect light, acquiring a healthy characteristic shine. It should be borne in mind that such processes take time, so you should not expect all the positive changes to appear after the first drying.

Buy a hair dryer with an ionizer from a well-known manufacturer with a good reputation. It is best to buy a professional hair dryer of this type. Of course, it will cost more than a regular household one, but it is a long-term investment that will bring you many benefits.

Fen is a slang name for phenamine (amphetamine). May be in capsules, tablets or powder form. The World Health Organization has classified all types of amphetamines as dangerous drugs.

Mainly used intravenously. But it can also be inhaled through the nose and swallowed.


  1. Dry mouth
  2. Increased pressure
  3. Pupil dilation
  4. Rapid pulse
  5. Increased breathing
  6. Appetite suppression
  7. Increased activity
  8. Increased sexuality
  9. Euphoria

At low doses increased activity lasts 4-8 hours, with large doses – 2-3 days.

But for some, the opposite happens: decreased activity, lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness, decreased performance.

It becomes addictive very quickly.

Consequences can be scary even with very short use:

  1. Nervous system disorders, psychosis, depression, suicide
  2. Violation of brain activity, mental activity, memory
  3. Disruption of the cardiovascular system (narrowing blood vessels, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhages, hypertensive crises, cardiac dystrophy)
  4. Metabolic imbalance
  5. Exacerbation chronic diseases
  6. Exhaustion of the body

IN modern world For a long time now, no one considers a hair dryer to be some kind of curiosity. This is the most common everyday item. We can say with confidence that 90% of women living in large cities have such an item and are forced to quickly put their hair in order every day. But how many people know when the very first hair dryer appeared and who invented it? Today we’ll talk about the history of the hair dryer.

The very first hair dryer was not at all as miniature and compact as we are used to seeing it. The first such device was created by the Frenchman Alexandre Godefroy in 1880. At the very beginning of the 20th century, engineers from Germany came up with the first electric hair dryers. They looked like a large wind musical instrument. Such units had a number of significant disadvantages. The air from them was supplied heated to ninety degrees, while the dryers made a terrible noise and constantly broke down. The more familiar dryers in the form of hoods under which you had to sit appeared in the USA in the early 50s of the last century.

The name “hair dryer” was given to the world by the German manufacturer of hair dryers “Sanitas”. The name was given in honor of the dry, warm wind that blows in southern Germany.

The first portable hair dryers appeared in 1910. But they were not at all portable. Their weight reached two kilograms. No one even hoped that the invention would soon conquer the whole world. However, the development of engineering and the emergence of all kinds of new materials has made possible appearance A small, lightweight, portable hair dryer that is powerful yet quiet. Inventor Gabriel Kazarian was the first to patent a hair dryer in America. At first, portable hair dryers were used exclusively by professionals, but ten years later they gained popularity among ordinary citizens. The devices began to take on more familiar shapes towards the end of the 30s of the last century. And another fifty years later, miniature folding hair dryers appeared that could easily be taken on the road.

Currently, hair dryers are produced with a special ceramic coating, which makes their use safer. But in any case, when using heat styling, it is highly recommended to use various heat-protective hair products.

Amphetamine compounds as substances used to obtain narcotic gratification became popular several decades ago. With a relatively low cost and high concentration, the drug “fen” caused a real epidemic of severe addictions at the end of the 20th century.

What is the drug "fen"?

Amphetamine is considered a derivative product of a substance such as phenylethylamine, a powerful neuromodulator that provokes severe mental dependence. This psychoactive substance is restricted in circulation in most countries of the world, but in countries with poorly developed medicine it is still sometimes prescribed as a pain reliever or anesthesia during surgery. Amphetamine is a stimulant drug that speeds up communication between the body and the brain and has the following characteristics:

  • adrenaline-like structure;
  • synthetic method of production;
  • lightning-fast effect on the nervous system.

Amphetamine - composition

This synthetic substance was first invented in 1887, but then its effect on the human psyche was confusing and irregular. In 1932, German scientists studied a diagram explaining what amphetamine is made of and modified it to produce a more powerful release of neurotransmitters with each use. The drug was added to medical reference books as a psychostimulant. Today, every drug addict knows what the drug “fen” is made from, but not all of them can create it themselves. Its production is a complex synthesis of three basic components:

  • nitrogen;
  • hydrogen;
  • carbon.

What is the difference between amphetamine and methamphetamine?

Both chemical compounds have a similar principle of action on the human body and the same method for obtaining a ready-to-use drug. Amphetamine and methamphetamine can be distinguished by just one feature of the chemical formula. A methyl radical is added to the second substance. If amphetamine is more popular in European countries, provided it is completely prohibited, then in the USA methamphetamine is sold in pharmacies with a prescription. Psychologists prescribe it for obsessive thoughts and depressive states.

What does the drug "fen" look like?

The main interest of drug dealers and “black” pharmacists is saving on raw materials. For its sake, they are ready to resort to cunning: they reduce the concentration of the pure substance or even sell another drug under its guise, counting on the fact that not every drug addict can say with confidence what amphetamine looks like. It can be distinguished from other drugs due to characteristics such as:

  1. Release form - in the form of tablets, capsules, crystals or fine powder.
  2. Packing method - the drug is packaged in foil, plastic bags or small paper balls.
  3. Color range - the drug "fen" can have a white, light brown, yellow or purple hue.
  4. Smell – it is either absent altogether or has sour chords in the aroma.

How is the drug "fen" used?

Tablet form, which is used in medical purposes, requires taking on an empty stomach and drinking plenty of water. For drug addicts, this form of administration is inconvenient: amphetamine is a drug that is slowly absorbed when used simultaneously with liquid. Therefore, people suffering from addiction prefer other methods of introducing a substance into the blood:

  • one-time or two-time intravenous administration;
  • inhalation through the nose;
  • smoking in a pipe or roll-up cigarette.

How does the drug "fen" work?

Amphetamine belongs to the category of drugs, in the slang of drug addicts called “speed” for their ability to invigorate and speed up the reaction to what is happening around. “Hairdryer” prevents drowsiness and increases performance, reducing a person’s sleepiness. The effect of amphetamine also lies in the following aspects:

  • gain ;
  • severe dilation of the pupils;
  • runny nose;
  • dry eyes;
  • euphoria;
  • sociability and emancipation;
  • hallucinations.

Why is the drug "fen" dangerous?

There is no drug in nature that is harmless to health. Even US doctors who prescribe it for depression always warn the patient about a certain risk. The harm of amphetamine can be noticeable within half an hour after use. Common side effects include:

  • chronic headaches;
  • excessive sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • breathing problems;
  • itching of the skin;
  • loss of coordination.

How to get off amphetamine?

Even an experienced drug addict can make a mistake with the dose or purposefully use an increased concentration of the drug, which will cause. Amphetamine (“hair dryer,” as it is also called) in case of overdose causes prolonged hallucinations and a pre-infarction state, so it is advised to consult a narcologist or emergency room to relieve withdrawal symptoms. If you can’t use the services of a professional, you can try to get away from amphetamine using improvised methods:

  1. Taking a large dose of vitamin C. When at least 10 daily portions of the drug enter the blood at a time, relief from a narcotic overdose occurs within 40-60 minutes.
  2. Neutralization with calcium. A drug such as “fen” stops working when calcium compounds with vitamin D3 are absorbed.
  3. Alcohol. Whiskey, vodka and other types of strong alcoholic drinks can relieve an overdose, but they have a toxic effect on the liver.

How to remove amphetamine from the body?

The key stage in healing from such a serious addiction is cleansing, which is necessary so that the amphetamine in the blood first decreases to minimal levels, and then is completely eliminated along with the urine. The first and most difficult condition of detox is a complete cessation of using the substance, as opposed to the addictive effect and the desire to take another dose for short-term pleasure. When a person suffering from addiction can spend 4-5 days without the drug, they begin the following method of removing drug residues:

  1. Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. Knowing how long amphetamine stays in the blood (at least 7 days), detox doctors recommend starting with gastric and intestinal lavage. Reception activated carbon as a sorbent, giving a salt enema and washing with potassium permanganate at home or in a hospital is enough to relieve symptoms.
  2. Acceleration of the excretory system. Confident of how long amphetamine lasts in the urine, doctors say that it can be eliminated 2-3 times faster if you drink plenty of fluids and take diuretics. These are diuretics that stimulate kidney function and eliminate toxins naturally.

Amphetamine - consequences

The disastrous results of using the synthetic drug forced progressive medicine to abandon its use and remove it from legal sale. Unfortunately, not all the processes it causes are reversible: both an overdose of amphetamine and its regular use accelerate the human nervous system, which intensely stimulates almost all parts of the brain. Even after stopping the drug, intensive burning of the body’s internal resources continues – both mental and physical. Other effects of amphetamine use include:

  1. Bursting feeling of excess energy. The drug addict develops hyperactivity, which is why he literally cannot sit in one place for more than 10-15 seconds.
  2. Blurring the boundaries of reality. Feelings of fearlessness and excessive self-confidence deprive a person and can lead to an accident.
  3. Brain cell death. Long-term abuse becomes detrimental to cells gray matter: the process of their renewal slows down, which is why some departments of this organ may spontaneously “switch off”. Attacks of convulsions and psychoses, spontaneous blindness and deafness appear.

34 years - 40 years

21 years - 29 years

29 years - 31 years

22 years - 33 years

45 years - 54 years

Fen, aka the well-known amphetamine, was born at the beginning of the 20th century. Its use became a real epidemic by the end of the century. Amphetamine phen is available in the form of tablets, capsules or powder. It can be found in any nightclub; young people, considering it a mild stimulant, readily use the drug for fun.

But the joyful excitement caused by the hairdryer is only apparent. After an improvement in mood, a person experiences depression, a feeling of weakness and fatigue. Hairdryer - dangerous chemical compound, affecting the central nervous system. This drug is a synthetic derivative of cocaine.

WHO classifies hair dryer as one of the most dangerous drugs

Amphetamine (or phenamine) is obtained by the synthesis of an alkaloid plant origin ephedrine. It was originally used as an inhalation agent for therapy bronchial asthma . Its area of ​​application expanded when the psychoactive properties of the drug were noticed in the 30s of the last century.

Substances belonging to the group of central nervous system stimulants effectively eliminate physical and mental fatigue; they powerfully activate human mental activity.

During the period of hostilities, amphetamine began to be used on the battlefield. The US military, having learned what the hairdryer powder is made from and the composition of the drug, began to give it to American soldiers to reduce their fatigue and increase vigilance. Amphetamine came to Russia in the 40s of the 20th century. At first it was used only for medical purposes.

What are "amphetamines"

Amphetamine became widespread when the appearance of intense euphoria was noticed when the substance was administered intravenously. At the same time, the severe consequences of the drug and the formation of dependence on its use were proven.

How the hair dryer works

Amphetamine is used not only for intravenous infusion. It is swallowed or simply snorted, similar to cocaine. Is it possible to smoke a hairdryer: although experts say that this substance is not suitable for smoking (it evaporates when high temperatures), drug addicts manage to smoke it using foil.

The principle of action of amphetamine on the body

This synthetic drug is quickly addictive (it only takes a few doses of the surfactant). Let's see how a hair dryer works. Its impact can be divided into three phases:

  1. Initial period. Appears immediately after application. A person experiences a rise in mental strength, a surge of energy. He feels the world around him becoming rosy. The perception of reality changes, joyful excitement and euphoria comes.
  2. Next stage. A pleasant euphoric feeling takes on dangerous features: a good mood is replaced by violent aggression, which is quickly replaced by complete indifference. Mood swings occur instantly, they are characterized by high frequency and brightness.
  3. The final phase. Or “retreat”. The effect of amphetamine ends with the development of withdrawal syndrome. The hangover after using a hair dryer is very severe. A person is literally “haunted” by severe headaches and severe dizziness. He is overwhelmed by depressive states, overcome intrusive thoughts up to suicidal.

This is the effect of a hairdryer long time, a person can suffer for up to 2-3 weeks. It is difficult to say exactly how long amphetamine will stay in the body. This depends on the physical condition of the body, the quality of the substance and the duration of its use.

How to explain the popularity

Amphetamine is an extremely popular and widespread drug. It is offered at discos, wild parties, and nightclubs. This love for a hairdryer is easily explained. The almost instantaneous action and relatively inexpensive cost of amphetamine place the substance on the “pedestal of honor.”

People who believe that amphetamine is a source of natural energy are deeply mistaken. When using a hair dryer human body the opposite effect occurs: one’s own energy forces are instantly wasted.

To make up for losses and overcome depression, a person needs another dose drug. Severe energy stress received by the body leads to uncontrolled aggression and uncontrollable anger.

Consequences of amphetamine addiction

As for the cost of the drug, it is truly accessible to literally every student. But, before you find out how much amphetamine costs and purchase it to increase mental productivity during the period of passing the sessions, it is worth getting acquainted with the consequences of its use.

What is the drug fen: consequences

If amphetamine is used for medical purposes without abuse, it can be considered effective medicine. This drug is mainly prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • encephalitis;
  • depressive states;
  • narcolepsy (central nervous system disease).

But when amphetamine is taken systematically with a regular increase in dose, the effects of the hairdryer immediately affect the person. In this case, the drug becomes a narcotic.

How people’s appearance changes after using a hairdryer for a long time: above is a photo before the hobby, below is a photo after

The side effects of amphetamine are serious, they have a detrimental effect on the condition of the entire body. The following human systems and organs are negatively affected:

CNS. The rapid increase in activity and performance “thinners” the mental and nervous system. The abundant release of norepinephrine, dopamine and adrenaline provokes the following symptoms:

  • convulsions;
  • insomnia;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • development of acute psychoses;
  • the appearance of delusions, hallucinations;
  • decreased appetite and weight loss.

The cardiovascular system. Amphetamine negatively affects the condition of blood vessels, causing them to narrow. The consequence of taking the drug is tachycardia, heart pain, and arrhythmia. Heart problems often lead to heart attacks, strokes and the development of heart failure.

How does amphetamine affect the body?

Digestive system. The gastrointestinal tract reacts no less acutely to the use of amphetamine. Nausea leading to vomiting, complete loss of appetite and, as a result, anorexia are observed. There is a constant unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth.

Almost everyone suffers internal organs hair dryer dependent person. The following problems are typical for an amphetamine addict:

  • impotence in men;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • weakened immunity;
  • destruction of tooth enamel;
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • the appearance of limb tremors;
  • problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • brain disorder;
  • development of panic states and mental illness.

Long-term use of amphetamine almost always ends in the development of acute psychosis. It manifests itself as persistent hallucinations and manic delirium. The symptoms of this condition are similar to those of schizophrenia.

Statistics on the use of various drugs

Over time, the body of a hairdryer addict develops lasting resistance (tolerance) to amphetamine. A person has to systematically increase the dose of the drug, depleting the body's strength. Dependency develops.

How to recognize an amphetamine addict

The signs and symptoms of amphetamine addiction can be compiled and combined in one table. This will help to recognize an existing or just beginning drug addiction.



Psychological Behavioral


increased blood pressure and body temperature;

dilated pupils;

a surge of emotions and strength;

pale skin;

decreased appetite

improved mood;


unusual self-confidence;

ignoring growing health problems

increasing the dose;

uncontrolled drug intake;

inability to perform duties normally (at home, at school,
At work)

growing problems in the family and at work;

social communication disorders

In addition to the clear manifestations of amphetamine addiction, there are special tests that help identify addiction to this drug. Tests are sold in pharmacies. More extensive testing will be carried out in medical institutions. This is where you should go with a problem like this.

What to do with an amphetamine addict

WHO ( World organization health) classifies amphetamine as “the most dangerous narcotic substances". This is a serious and growing threat that primarily affects young people. Fueled by curiosity and the desire to receive light dose and pleasant euphoria, young people easily get hooked on it, taking more and more.

An amphetamine addict requires a mandatory course of therapeutic and psychological treatment for addiction in a drug treatment clinic. If there is a suspicion that a teenager has become acquainted with a hair dryer, parents should act immediately. Treatment for amphetamine addiction has a favorable prognosis and the sooner you start the fight, the greater the chances of success.

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