How to damage someone when you are abandoned. How does strong damage affect a man? We damage our opponent

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about the symptoms of the evil eye in men, and we will also figure out how to understand that a man has undergone a ritual of causing damage. Oh, so that find out the signs of hexing a man, there are available diagnostic methods, but since I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, try to give you versatile material, this article will not only talk about how to recognize damage and take appropriate actions to remove it.

Since we have a men's theme today. We will also talk about how to take revenge for betrayal. And it can be done different ways. You need to hit the weak link, and then you will cause the most damage with the least effort. You can, for example, spoil the bed from all women, so that he would be disgusted to lie with them. Or do it in such a way that you would like to, but cannot.

You can ruin a man’s health so that he doesn’t have to leave the hospital, or punish him with money, or give a beggar a curse. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to independently remove the damage from a guy. The material promises to be interesting. So let's begin.

Signs of the evil eye in men - how to understand that they have jinxed or caused damage

A man who has been subjected to the evil eye, or energy damage, undergoes internal changes. Of course, these changes are negative. An effect aimed at destruction destroys its victim. How drastic the negative changes will be depends on the strength of the impact.

Behavioral signs of the evil eye and damage in men include the following:

  • interest in life disappears, the guy becomes apathetic
  • depressive states, in some cases severe
  • thoughts and conversations about death and suicide
  • a man develops a victim complex, he often complains about life, avoids contact with others
  • When communicating, a person with a magical seal argues, shows rudeness, impatience, and does not listen to the interlocutor

This behavior is associated with a constant unconscious desire to protect yourself. The damned man does this even in situations where there is no danger. These are quite bright symptoms of the evil eye in men, and they are most noticeable if such behavior is not typical for a person. In addition, you can notice how a man’s habits, behavior, and tastes are transformed. In general, we can say that the content and style of personality is changing. Monitoring negative changes and reacting in a timely manner is what a person who cares about himself and knows should do.

Visually, trusting your intuition, Canfind out damage on a man– husband or family member. However, suspicions need to be confirmed or refuted, and then diagnostics will help you. Use any type of diagnostic that you can handle. If you yourself are not strong in this, contact experienced magicians. Let's see what other signs of damage to a man are known.

Symptoms of damage to a man - to recognize the damage of a sorcerer in time

Spoilage leaves symptoms. There is no other way. If you see symptoms, react. The main thing is not to waste time. It is always easier to remove fresh negativity, to destroy male corruption while it is still in its infancy, until it has taken root, has not gained enough strength to take the victim in a vice, force him to walk in circles, carry out the program embedded in it, the very one that he initiated sorcerer with black ritual.

One of the main signs of damage on a man failures can be admitted. Secondly, health deteriorates. Maybe:

  • a specific disease suddenly appears,
  • or general malaise,
  • wandering pains,
  • weakness,
  • fatigue.

That is, a state when the disease seems to be there, but it seems to be not there. Poorly diagnosed ailments are a sign of magical influence. This should be alarming. This should force you to make a magical diagnosis, and probably find out the damage on the man, or verify the opposite.

If a guy is cursed to death, then the first signs of witchcraft appear after about 4 months, and the victims die later, but, as a rule, within one year. However, killing a person is the highest level of black magic. Not every sorcerer is allowed to destroy people, to bring them to life.

As the effect of damage intensifies, a man is engulfed by the following manifestations:
  • palms cold and wet, handshake
  • insomnia, intermittent painful sleep, nightmares
  • immunity decreases, all kinds of diseases develop
  • heart failure, pressure surges

As a result of this condition, a person’s usual life is disrupted, and the exact signs of the evil eye and damage in men appear quite quickly. So, under the influence of black magic, the guy has problems at work, conflicts with colleagues, relatives, and loved ones. As a result of conflicts, personal connections are weakened or destroyed. A man develops signs of sexual weakness, or impotence (depending on what kind of damage was done).

When there is a generic negative, and it goes male curse, the main signs will be the same, with the exception of some peculiarities of the birth. At family curse conflicts between different generations are so deep that they lead to breakdowns in relationships; Sometimes a showdown is accompanied by threats against relatives, deprivation of inheritance, help and protection.

Jesus utters a mysterious phrase: A man’s enemies are his own household. This should be understood this way: people receive the most negativity from their relatives, from those with whom they most often come into contact, and with whom the emotional and sensory connection is the strongest. Further on, how you can determine the presence of magical damage or a curse along the male line by doing Tarot card layouts.

How to determine damage to a man using Tarot cards

It is best to diagnose male corruption on dark Tarot decks. Their energy is of a special quality, and they only tell dark stories. There are a million ways to spoil a guy for cheating. A practicing magician will always have his favorite rituals in his arsenal. The rituals of Runic magic go well with the rituals in the tradition. There is a runic corruption called “Cold”. It can be defined as a black influence of a general action, i.e. hits a man on all fronts.
The pure specificity of the runes is that where they are thin, they will break, and then other areas of life will begin to suffer. Runes work in accordance with the reservation. In general, the life destined for the guy will not be sweet. Male damage develops quite quickly and can last up to several months with periodic counterfeiting. Place witchcraft protections on yourself, break the victim’s protection. With the help of this influence, it is possible to cruelly.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

And you can determine black damage on Tarot cards, like any other magical negative. This is how the Cold runic corruption works. 3 Hagalaz – the present is being destroyed. 3 Is + Teyvaz, inverted on the left - fetter the object, deprive it of the past and the support that may come from the past. 3 Is + Teyvaz, inverted to the right - freeze the object of influence and deprive it of the future, as well as support from the future. Nautiz - everything that happens to an object is a consequence of magic, not according to its will, i.e. forcibly.

The formula is simple, powerful and stunning in its simplicity. Runic magic works, and this truly strong damage to a man can change his fate. Naturally, for a global result, it needs to be supported by other rituals. Now I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about how to identify strong damage to the Tarot.
There are several cards in the Tarot deck that will tell you about damage, if any. High Priestess, High Priest, Tower, Death, no matter in what position the card appears in the layout, any of these arcana will indicate the presence of dark witchcraft. These arcana will show any kind of negativity - love spells, damage, births, male curse. The hermit can mean both old damage and blocks in the object’s head. For example, these:

  • “You can’t love and be happy, love is pain,”
  • "You can't be rich, money is evil"
  • "Having your own opinion is dangerous"
  • “What do I need more than everyone else?”
  • "Don't be a leader"
  • "Do not trust",

and other “charms” that do not allow a person to become successful.

In addition, these cards also indicate the presence of a destructive influence from the outside on the guy:

  • inverted moon
  • straight magician
  • inverted Emperor
  • inverted Devil

In addition, the 10 Swords will show destructive magic. 3 of Swords, 4 of Swords, 9 of Swords, King of Swords, Knight of Swords, 5 of Cups, Ace of Wands - these cards can also indicate the presence of a magical negative, but require clarification.

To cast a spell on an unfaithful man is to disgust all women

If a man is not faithful, he cheats, this is a character trait. It can be corrected; sorcerers know the ways, and it can be punished. For example, to instill disgust, to make everyone dislike him, so that he cannot go to bed with any woman, so that he feels sick just looking at them.

So, here's how you can damage a guy for cheating.

Have to take:

  • wax candle
  • aspen sprig

Light an aspen branch from a candle, and read a conspiracy on the smoke, so that with the magic of itself take revenge on a guy for cheating. You can read at home, open the window. If the twig goes out, light it again and read. How many times, decide for yourself, your intuition will tell you.

“Go, first smoke, beyond the black forest, the black swamp, the black roads, to the iron rapids. Those thresholds at the iron door where different animals live. There is also a door where the unbaptized Mamaev beast lives. Whoever looks at him will remember the kingdom of heaven. And the slave (name) will come to have disgust for all women, young and old, married and widows, girls and pullets. The beast will turn him away from them for three years, from this hour, on my orders, through the black door, behind which Mamaev’s beast. Key, lock and iron threshold. Amen. It’s been said.”

This effective ritual is interesting in that it can be used both for the purpose of destruction and for the purpose of healing from harmful addictions and bad habits. In love themes, it works well for relationships in which people are in habit. So it works pretty well, as severe damage to the marital bed. The plot mentions evil spirits, so a ransom is desirable.

Revenge on the man who abandoned him - lapel Noose around the neck

An effective ritual can be done if you need to separate lovers. But for what purposes – that’s best for you. According to all the rules, make a volt with bindings of one of them who is not needed, or the one who needs to be punished. If you do it yourself spoil the guy, then make volts with bindings from it.

In addition to the volt, in this damage to the marital bed and family life, they use:

  • 5 candles
  • natural fiber threads
  • coins

Arrange the candles on the table in a pentagram. Put a volt in the middle and light the candles. Take the threads and, tying the legs of the volt, read the words of the conspiracy spoiling the bed:

“I said, yes I did, yes it was done along a circular road, you (Volta’s name) and (name) cannot live on the same roads, side by side, as husband and wife. There is no common road or path for you, you can go around, but you can’t reach (name). I lay shackles, I cast a spell on shackles, and from now on I will bind your life with shackles. You don’t live, you don’t exist, you just walk in circles. Let it be so".

Then tie Volt’s hands with threads, while reading the spell of a lapel for relationships, damage to the marital bed:

“I tie your hands, I put them in shackles, and I tie your life in knots. Whoever you touch with your hands, you turn away from him completely, you break your family with your own hands, (name) you turn away from yourself with your own hands. Whatever you take, it’s a sharp knife, out of your hands, and the sound of fragments. Let it be so".

Make a noose around Volt's neck, while reading the text of the plot to cast a spell on the guy:

“I’m tightening the noose, woe to you, (Volta’s name), I’m drawing you in, howling like a wolf, and the damp earth, no love for you, no joy, no breath, no youth. Yes, with (name) hateful, and with the noose tightened, all your love has cooled down. How can you, (Volta’s name), hang on an aspen tree, how can the aspen leaves rustle, so life becomes your family noose, you, (Volta’s name), will squeeze its throat. Just as the body wants to live and breathe, so you want to run away from (name). Let it be so".

Let the candles burn, hang the volt on an aspen tree that same night by a loop around your neck. Before leaving, throw coins under the tree and say:

“In memory of your family life.”

This strong damage affects a man fast and hard. Discord begins in the family, love is replaced by hatred. Having worked hard on both objects, and working together, you can separate your family in a short time. The ritual works on the personal power of the magician - the performer; visualization here plays a primary role.

Spoil your ex-boyfriend - take revenge for betrayal

To take revenge on your ex-beloved man and punish him for the grievances caused, you can make damage to financial losses, poverty, and serious financial problems. Here is an example of an independent, but strong damage to a guy. This is not a magical steal, but a ritual of damage. The financial sphere of the former beloved guy is being destroyed. But you won't get anything. But the enemy will lose money when the sun goes down. And here’s what needs to be done to bring such poor damage to your ex-boyfriend.

To spoil the guy, so that his money decreases, he needs to take land from a pedestrian crossroads. They took the land and left a coin in return. Crossroads are associated not only with devils, there are a lot of all kinds of evil spirits there. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, warn you not to pick up anything bad from the earth, leave the coin, pay off the evil spirits. Yes, during sunset on the ground from the crossroads, read the plot:

“Sunset sun, you are a golden waning, on (name) a ray, but the money from him is crooked, if you set, you will cling to his purse, (name) you will fade, you will be pulled over the edge of the earth. Tako (name) will remain and become poor. Either the money is stolen, and the sun is driven away, if it is added to (name) during the day, then sometimes in the evening it is lost, everything is done in a loss, but the bag is called on (name). Amen".

Throw the enchanted earth under the enemy’s door and say:

“Embrace the decline. Amen".

How to remove damage from a guy at a crossroads

Here is an independent way to transfer damage; you can remove various problems. Working in a complex, remove old damage to a lonely bed, as well as old negativity directed at other areas of life, not necessarily relationships. On the waning moon, you need to remove damage with this ritual. Here's what you need to get it working:

  • 3 fresh chicken eggs
  • pot of water
  • the blood of the one from whom the damage is being removed
  • black scarf or piece of black natural fabric

The eggs are placed in water, and blood is dripped into it from the finger of the left hand. When this is done, then you need to read a strong conspiracy three times in order to remove the damage from the guy:

“The black hen nursed the egg, but (name) planted poorly in that egg. If the egg is fertilized, then (name) will be placed in a coffin; if it is boiled with water and nourished with blood, then (name) will become clean for the end, and get rid of any harm. To kick away from the old witch, to be lured away, to be touched by the black shroud, and to hide from any black spell. Everything will be cooked with water, it will be strengthened with blood, whispered, spoken, but now done. The egg is not thrown alone, it is multiplied by three, everything is filled with power. Amen".

Say it three times. Then put the pan on the fire and let the eggs cook. In the evening, when it gets dark, take the eggs to a pedestrian intersection. But not empty, but one where people walk. Lay a black scarf on the ground, put these eggs on it and read the witchcraft words of the power spell in order to rid the man of the black witchcraft ritual, but you need to take it off and remove the damage to the cold bed, but this ritual alone cannot do it. In especially severe cases, a complex of magical rituals is needed. And here's how to do it.

On the thirteenth day of any month (on any moon, in this case the lunar cycle is not important), a man must enter the river water naked. And in order for the damage caused to the guy to be removed, let the patient take a medium-sized stone with him. Yes, not just to hold it in your hand, but in your undershirt, T-shirt (worn), so that the stone was wrapped. Enter the water up to your chest and read the words of the strong conspiracy to remove damage from a beloved man:

“River, noble lady, with you they baptized a lamb, with you they rolled over a dead man, so now they lured my body, they kept me away from all filth. What was said, whispered, looked at with a black eye, laid down with grave earth, and burned with three firewood, was picked up by the river, by the noble lady, and driven into the distance, excommunicated from me as if from a church, driven away, . My body is strengthened, my soul is blessed, all defilement is destroyed, turned back, if anything is left, it goes to the bottom, drowned with a stone, buried in a grave. Amen".

According to the conspiracy, this purge comes with a return, and therefore, because take revenge on the guy for betrayal Through the power of witchcraft I decided, it can seriously roll back if there are no normal protections. Having said this, you need to throw away the bundle with the stone, wash your face with water, leave the river, and go home. Do not swim in water for nine days. Otherwise, what they threw off will come back.

Sometimes, there comes a time in our lives when you begin to ask yourself the question - how to spoil an enemy or rival. In order for damage to bring the death of an enemy, you need to have magical power and know the necessary rules of magical skill. Also, when causing damage, you need to have protective amulets for yourself and your blood relatives, so as not to suffer from a backlash. Otherwise, the damage caused to death will kill the customer himself or his loved ones.

Damage does not kill or maim anyone. Mortal damage deprives a person of natural and ecclesiastical protection, dooming him to death. It isolates from the necessary exchange of energies with environment, depriving the supply of beneficial energies of the cosmos and not allowing the waste energy to be dumped into the ground.

Types of damage

What types of damage are there:

  • damage to relationships;
  • damage to loneliness;
  • damage to business;
  • damage to illness;
  • hair damage;
  • runic damage.
  • damage to failure;
  • damage to death;

Quite often, a love spell turns into damage to love, and a love spell brings loneliness.

Damage to a rival

One of the most common types of damage is damage to a rival, to loneliness. Here the despair and anger of an abandoned woman knows no bounds! But if you think carefully, then black damage to death for a homewrecker is not necessary at all: it is enough to simply spoil her appearance.

Eat different types dirty rituals in which a person becomes either funny to others ( damage to the bzdeh), or very ugly. Transfer fat from a pig to a woman: why not damage your rival? Cover her body with scabs and pimples - and your husband will leave this poor thing. Is there still a need to kill, desiring death?

Damage to business

To get rid of competitors in business, death damage is also not needed. Damage to relationships between friends or damage to business can solve your problem. This will also help in cases with an opponent/rival. The relationship between husband and mistress has been ruined - and their union is no longer possible. They ruined the business of a rival - and self-interested beauties will leave him. There is absolutely no need for the seal of death, and you don’t need to do a love spell either.

To punish a traitor who cannot be forgiven, it is not a mortal spell that will help, but simply a curse on loneliness. As a result, all people will turn away from him, he will become invisible and uninteresting to others, a ghost man. Unlike the death spell, these rituals close only certain areas of a person’s life, but not life itself. He will live and suffer, and the love spell will not help.

Many people wonder about morality when causing damage, and sometimes they even begin to feel sorry for the people they have damaged. It should be clarified right away: magic does not deal with issues of morality; for it there is the concept of safety and expediency of the ritual performed. If, having done damage, you fall into regret and begin to repent, then you may simply die from the return of your deeds. Damage to business or loneliness will leave the body of the enemy and return to its creator, who pulled her “by the ears” with his repentance.

Runic corruption

Often, when inducing negative effects, runic damage to loneliness or another is used, which does not require the operator to have magical power. In this case, you should know that runic damage requires certain knowledge and skills, as well as appropriate protection.

Runes are applied to photographs of objects (people, things, housing) and give them a direction of action (loneliness, love spell, illness). In this case, offerings to the gods of death are often made according to all the rules.

How to cause runic damage?

To cause runic damage, a runic formula is applied to the photo of the object:

Nauz - Algiz inverted - Ansuz inverted - Algiz inverted - Nauz.

The central rune Ansuz in an inverted state will cloud the mind: a person will lose the ability to think. The inverted Algiz rune will deprive of any protection, that is, the person remains completely alone.

The two extreme runes of Nautiz will force, that is, action runic formula compulsory nature. Nautiz from both sides will force the mind to wander in the dark. Having written the formula in the photo, we make a reservation so that runic damage causes harm to the mind. We burn the photo.

Runic damage for bad luck

This black runic damage will give both loneliness and failure. If your rival cast a love spell on your loved one, then why not send her loneliness and failure? Let's look at how to damage it.

Take a photo of your opponent and apply the formula with a felt-tip pen:

Nautiz - Hagalaz - Kenaz - Yera - Hagalaz.

  • Nautiz forces destruction.
  • Kenaz will distract a person's attention.
  • Rune Yera indicates the desire to achieve something in life.
  • Hagalaz destroys all intentions.

When the formula is applied, you need to make a reservation: compose a special text with the desired result from the impact. The text can be written in poetic form, or everything can be said in simple sentences.

Afterwards, burn the photo, imagining how the runes begin to work. Damage to death from burning a photo will not work - this is to activate the runic formula.

Damage to paralysis

Sometimes several negative rituals are combined and directed at the object one after another. This also produces a certain effect. They mark loneliness, destroy business and cause illness. Such a black wave can drive a person to madness. Sometimes one single ritual will help solve all problems: damage to paralysis. The person simply disappears from society and does not bother anyone.

There is no need for damage to relationships and loneliness, no need for a love spell on a loved one - there is no enemy or rival, he is bedridden. Whether this is humane or not is a moot point. Often women take away other people's husbands through a love spell, without thinking about the humanity of their act. And if black damage It doesn’t help the relationship; an abandoned wife can do a ritual for paralysis. You need to think before you take the breadwinner from the family to your bed.

Hair damage

A very common type of punishment is damage to the victim's hair. It’s not for nothing that old people still don’t throw away their hair, but burn it. The connection between hair and the human body is very strong, and it does not stop even after cutting or hair loss.

Unlike blood, saliva and semen, hair does not deteriorate and can be stored for years. Black damage to hair can be very different: headaches, madness, love spells, and loneliness. Animal hair is also used for a variety of destructive rituals.

Damage from photo

To destroy your enemy or deprive him of his vitality, you can perform this ritual. This is not a love spell or a spell for loneliness - it’s a black spell for death through torture. How to damage a photograph? To perform the ritual you will need:

  • photograph of the victim;
  • black candles;
  • new needles;
  • black clothes;
  • black tablecloth;
  • yellow or red threads.

On the waning moon at midnight, you need to prepare for the ritual. Take out all Christian symbols, lay a black tablecloth (or piece of linen) on the table, place candles in candlesticks and put a photo of the victim.

Take a needle and pierce the eyes in the photo. A thread should be threaded into the needle (yellow - to draw out vital energy, red - to drain blood). We pass the needle and thread through the victim's eye and tie the thread to the candle. We take the second needle and do the same with the victim’s second eye. To prevent the threads from jumping out of the photo, we tighten the knots at the ends.

We put the needle in place and light the candles. Now you need a clear idea that life force or blood is flowing out of the victim's eyes. The damage to death intensifies if it is carried out with three needles: we stick not one needle, but three into one eye. Accordingly, you need to take more candles. You can also take a needle and pierce the heart. Everything will depend on your imagination. The candles must burn out. All this time you will need to keep a picture of the enemy's loss of vitality.

Damage to death

To destroy an enemy, an annoying rival, a death spell is done. To understand how damage can destroy a person, you need to know the following.

Corruption forms a kind of energy shell-sarcophagus, in which a person simply dies... himself. How to cause damage and exactly how a person should die is specified in a special spell.

How to spoil death - video

A negative impact on a person carried out through a special ritual is called damage. Even the name itself already speaks of something bad and scares many people. And this is not surprising. After all, the negative program embedded in the ritual has a two-way effect: it blocks beneficial energy and replaces it with negative energy.

An offended, disappointed person, in a fit of emotion, often wonders how to damage a person. And not everyone understands the power of such a ritual and its negative side. Therefore, before making a decision and choosing a ritual, it is best to once again weigh the pros and cons of this ritual, because its consequences can affect all participants, and not just the victim.

Damage to death is considered the most powerful effect and, naturally, the most dangerous. This ritual involves the death of the person at whom the ritual is directed. However, you cannot do damage thoughtlessly, so as not to cause harm to yourself. Damage should be done with a cool head, so you don’t get confused in the ritual important words and actions.

Methods of negative magical influence

In most cases, a person interested in the question of how to spoil death, impose a curse, or maybe even put the evil eye on a person, dreams of one thing - revenge. Moral injury, physical injuries, financial troubles - revenge is dictated by rather strong emotions, it is very difficult to fight them.

However, it should be remembered that damage must be carried out either by a professional magician, a person familiar with the esoteric sphere. Errors and inaccuracies in the ritual can contribute to the opposite result. And sometimes a ritual performed correctly is accompanied by side effects and the consequences manifested by the performer.

The most common methods of inducing negativity on a person:

  1. Curse and damage from the photo.
    A fairly popular and very affordable way is to use photography. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the photograph, if taken no earlier than a year before the ritual, is a strong link between the performer of the ritual and the victim. It is not difficult to damage a photograph and, depending on your intentions, the impact is on various areas of a person’s life.
  2. Using genetic material.
    Among magicians, it is considered great luck to possess the genetic material of a person. In this case, managing the owner of hair and nails becomes a simple process. Using Particles human body in order to direct negative impact- an option characterized by high efficiency. In addition, the curse can also be made using the hair and nails of the victim.
  3. Using needles, nails and other piercing objects.
    Damage can be carried out using piercing objects. A conspiracy is read on these items. Usually the last stage of the ritual is driving, threading a charmed nail or needle into the doorframe of the victim, burying it in a place where a person usually walks.
  4. Using water.
    Casting a spell on an unwanted person often involves the use of water. The water you will need is not ordinary. Most often, water is used after washing the deceased, as well as swamp liquid. The use of this composition is also used when a curse is made.
  5. Using cemetery items.
    Earth from the cemetery, elements of the grave and other similar attributes can be used by those wishing to cause damage or impose a curse.
  6. Damage to the figure.
    This ritual is similar to voodoo damage. A figurine identifying the victim will be required. Its creation, depending on the ritual, involves the use of photography and/or human genetic material.

Types of negative impact on humans

Black envy and hatred are strong feelings. And, if a person in love, in order to achieve a goal and bind his beloved, makes a love spell, then hatred and envy can push a person to perform a spell of death, loneliness.

Depending on the area where a person’s troubles should begin to occur, black influence is divided into several types:

  1. Damage to death.
    The most terrible and powerful impact. Ends fatal. However, it is dangerous not only for the “corrupted” person, but also for the person performing the ritual. Performing this ritual may also become a black seal on the performer.
  2. Negative health effects.
    If a person does not wish death to another, but only big problems with health, then in this case this ritual is done. Although it is believed that such exposure can also be fatal.
  3. Damage to relationships.
    This ritual allows you to destroy even the strongest families. Often this influence is done by a mistress with one single goal - to achieve a man and take him away from the family. Black damage to a rival is most often done by a wife whose husband another woman wants to take away.
  4. Damage to loneliness.
    This ritual is usually done out of revenge against an abandoned lover.
  5. Damage to business.
    This influence is exerted on business competitors, on more successful partners, whose success can harm a person in the field of work.
  6. A ritual for good luck.
    A ritual is done out of envy, to destroy a happy coincidence of circumstances for a certain person.
  7. Negative impact on money.
    Damage is done both to business and simply to failures in the financial sector. Losses, thefts and other economic troubles will become constant companions in a person’s life.

The most common types of negative impacts on humans are discussed above. However, in this case, a strong black love spell can also be considered a ritual of dark magic due to the possible consequences.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you today who and how can damage be done to a girl? By whom is an interesting question. Our enemies are always near us. An envious friend or rival can spoil beauty through black damage. A rival who fights for her own - simple female happiness, can also take away her health, or even to spoil women for fornication, or a black cemetery for a quick death.
  • take away luck,
  • youth,
  • health,
  • make a money stealer,
  • close life paths

maybe a magician who casts spells for his own good, whose actions boil down to destruction as a way to get what he wants with minimal effort. They also cast spells on their ex-girlfriends. The motivations here can be different, and negative impacts can be found in any area. When a girl is damaged, distorting and interrupting her destiny, it needs to be diagnosed and removed as soon as possible. In such cases, it is not a sin to return it to the person who brought it.

And here is an example of how a person practicing magic can damage a girl. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note in passing that real pros hide themselves, it is quite difficult to find and identify a real sorcerer, as well as send him a return message and punish him. Strong magicians know how to hide and protect themselves. Novice adepts and those who cast magic in their kitchens, without particularly delving into the system of magical rituals, suffer from kickbacks and reversals.

Spoil a girl to lose everything - how to take revenge on your ex-lover

Many people have a desire to punish their ex-lover or wife. How can punish the girl for betrayal? For example, take away beauty, spoil obesity, or make a woman go bald. You can make you old or hook a drunken demon on it. Yes, you never know what you can do, skillfully! And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will offer a method of strong revenge ex-girlfriend- to independently cause damage to the loss of everything that she had, so that she would be left with nothing, and so that the sky would seem like a sheepskin to her. Do it during the full moon or on the waning moon.

To take revenge on your ex-girlfriend yourself, you will need:

  1. black wax candle
  2. white chicken egg
  3. women's hair
  4. ritual knife with a sharp end
  5. clay cup

Light a candle. Take an egg, use a knife to make a hole in the blunt end and release all the contents into the bowl through this hole. Sweep the empty egg with your hair. Take for ritual putting a curse on a girl for cheating, hair of a walking woman. And if it is not possible to get the hair of a prostitute, there is an alternative option - to buy hair from a degenerate tramp (homeless woman), who lives one day and spends the night on the street.

“Roll, drift, under the stove, roll under the stove, lie down under the stove. Just as that hair rots, so does the mistress, slave (name), become unhealthy. Just as an egg is empty, so is your house empty. As an egg rolls, grief falls on the slave (name). I defiantly call... A strong word has been spoken. Amen".

Leave the candle to burn out. And at the first opportunity, the charmed egg should be thrown as a lining in the house of your former beloved, and thus take revenge on a girl for cheating. If there is no access to the house, you can throw it in the city trash. In this case, ransoms are not needed. The ritual is performed on the personal power of the person performing the spell. If you are not sure that there will be enough strength and there will be results, then call help. If you work with the Dark Ones, call them according to all the rules, then according to the rules and pay off to the crossroads, thank the devils for their work.

You can carry out the magical ritual of punishing a girl for betrayal a little differently by changing its last part. An egg wrapped in hair and charmed seven times strong conspiracy to take revenge on the ex-girlfriend, bury it in the victim’s registered grave. In this case, the work is carried out according to the rules of cemetery witchcraft with obligatory gifts to the deceased. Standard mention - honey in a comb on a piece white bread, sweets and a glass of jelly, or a glass of vodka and a sandwich. Some people are used to leaving coins. This is also considered a payoff to the dead.

How to spoil a woman's fornication yourself

Do it on a full moon or on a waxing moon. The result magical ritual becomes the unbridled lust of a woman who has been subjected to such harsh and nasty magical influence. The sacrifice that made this damage to uterine rabies, becomes a wanderer, abandons her family, children, and sometimes ends up becoming an alcoholic. It happens that because of the lifestyle she leads, she becomes seriously ill with sexually transmitted diseases. Yes, by the way, the feeling of guilt is not canceled, so to severely punish a girl for betrayal in this way means not only to subject her to the censure of others, but also to herself.

You can’t damage a woman’s fornication yourself like this.

You need to take a strand of a harlot and speak with the words of a conspiracy that makes powerfulspoiling a woman for sex and uncontrollable lust and fornication:

“In the middle of the city of Babylon there is a stone mansion, around which the mansion of harlots walk and walk around, one more beautiful than the other. And in that mansion sleeps the queen of demons, the mother of all harlots, the wife of all devils. Bound in chains, drugged with dope, motionless, neither alive nor dead. I (name) will go through free steppes, distant mountains, fast rivers; I will break seven locks, open seven doors. Behind the seventh door is not a dungeon, not an upper room, but lies, sleeping, drugged with dope, bound in chains, the Queen of demons, the mother of all harlots, the wife of all devils. I will bow (name) before her and say a word. “Oh, you, Queen of demons, mother of all harlots, wife of all devils! Wake up from the caustic dope, break the cast-iron chains, get out of the mansion to your friends, girlfriends. You tell them: This is not the time to walk around the great city of Babylon. And we should go, through the free steppes, through the distant mountains, to the slave (name). May you enter the slave (name), into her white body, into her sugar lips, into her loins and embryo, into her heart and insides. Let Babylonian lust burn unquenchably in her, for the young man and the old man, for the brother and the matchmaker, for the foreigner and for the infidel, for every male dog. Neither water, nor wine, nor vinegar, nor milk, nor holy water, nor spring water can extinguish that fire. Do not cover it with stones or earth. Everything will burn and ignite your insides. I conjure Babylon, the king of demons. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

After the charm, divide the hair into 3 parts. The first part of the hair must be burned, and the ashes must be sprinkled on the former beloved woman, let her eat it with food or drink it with drink. The second part of the harlot's locks should be taken to the cemetery and buried there, on the victim's personal grave. And the third part of the curl needs to be sewn into her pillow.

Then you will be able to take black revenge on your ex-girlfriend yourself.

Here's another strong way to take revenge on a girl for betrayal - to make a woman’s frigidity spell. As you understand, this is the other extreme. Neither a state of unbridled lust, nor an icy trance, when a woman does not allow a guy to come within shooting distance of her, neither one nor the other will make a lady complete and happy. Here's a proven one good way to spoil a girl for frigidity and lack of desire for sex.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Self-damage to a woman for sex - make a cold woman

To self-damage ex-wife you need a wax volt. According to all the rules, lay down the bindings, name. There is only one difference from the usual volt - it must be in the form of a candle, therefore, along with the bindings, it is necessary to lay the wick.

In addition to the volt, to inflict sexual damage on a girl, you will need:

  1. deep tin container
  2. a cup of cold spring water, maybe even with ice

Place the volt candle in a deep container prepared for the ceremony, light it, wait a little until it glows well. Read the independent plot only once.
And the words of the conspiracy to punish the girl for betrayal are:

“As this candle burns and glows, so (name) burns with lustful desire, with a hot flame, with ardent desire. So (name) rushes at the men, his white body flaring up.”

Having said this, pick up a cup of ice water, and to cast a spell on a girl, indifferent, lethargic, like a herring, do it, pour water on the candle, and extinguish the flame.

Then read the text of the conspiracy on a woman’s frigidity 3 times:

“As it burned and blazed, so (name) desired a man’s pussy, just as I filled a candle with water, so I extinguished (name)’s passion forever. Spring water fills the fire, chilling the blood of (name). (name)’s uterus is squealing because of the cold, and (name) is writhing from the men. There were (name) joys of love in the heat, and from now on the gloom, with the water of icy water, drowned out your passions, cooled your desires with cold ashes, from now on and forever deprived you. Just as someone who has been burned cannot burn again, so you cannot burn from a man’s caresses. From now on, in your veins there is no blood, but ice water; your feminine nature will cool in it forever. Your love heat was cooled with water, and buried in the cold of the grave. Just as cold water makes your teeth ache, your insides shrink in front of a man and are filled with horror. Hugs to you are sad, a man's dick is hateful. You drive men away from you, you don’t tolerate touching, you lie in bed like a dead fish and sleep all the time. The lust in you has cooled down, frozen in the icy water, decayed, burned forever. Amen".

After reading the plot three times, the resulting structure needs to be put in the freezer so that everything freezes properly. A magical ritual allows you to place a curse on a girl for treason, and the ritual is continued in a cemetery. There must be a good connection with the cemetery egregor for everything to work out as it should.

In compliance with all the rules of cemetery witchcraft, this structure is buried in the grave of the same name of a woman who is being hexed for sex. Such damage will work for a long time.

Burying an ice volt, read a sexual plot for revenge on a woman

“You (name) are a dead woman, lying in a grave, sleeping in a cold grave, I wake you up, I raise you up, I entrust you with work. Just as you lie in your coffin, don’t run anywhere, don’t want men, don’t have ardent blood, so the living (name) has blood in its veins, cool down the desire for lust. Cover her heart with darkness, cover her womb with the cold of the grave, so that (name) will cool down for fornication, so that the men will hate her. From now on (name) will be cold, and will not know carnal pleasures with anyone. Amen".

How to remove damage to fornication - cleaning the Black Shroud

An independent ritual for cleansing a woman from damage has been proven and works perfectly. Removes strong curses:

  • a large piece of black linen
  • candle from funeral service
  • bowl of water

Fill the basin with water after midnight. Removal is done on the street, at sunset. The woman who has been cursed for fornication should be seated on a chair. Cover it with black cloth. Place a bowl of water in front of her. Stand behind, take a burning candle, read a plot to get rid of damage to sex, at this time, carry the candle around the woman’s head counterclockwise.

Read the independent conspiracy against nymphomania for a woman as many times as your instinct tells you, but at least 3 times:

“The day is over and the disease is on its way out. Blackness sat in the slave (name), tormented her and tormented her, and tormented her with painful thoughts. (name) was not on good terms with her on any day or any other day. The slave (name) was defeated by her adversary, but was firmly bewitched. I, (name), a healer, a prophetic husband, cleanse the slave (name) from all human and demonic filth, from slander, harassment, creases, damage. As I speak my word, I will drive out the demon sitting inside from the slave (name). Go, blackness, melancholy and everything else flies away, to the ends of the world, sit there behind the oak doors under the iron bolts, forever and ever. All my words have strong power, sealed by my covenant. Amen".

Upon completion of reading the plot to remove the curse on sex from a girl, pull off the shroud from her with the words:

“I’m putting the amulet firmly in place.”

After this, you need to drip wax from the candle. First on the back of the head, then on the right shoulder, on the left, between the shoulder blades, on the lower back, and finally on the right palm. The woman must swallow the wax from her right palm. After this, she needs to wash herself with water from the basin, wash her hands up to her shoulders and her legs up to her knees.

The water through which the spell of fornication was removed from a woman must be carried and poured out at the crossroads. Pour out the ashes from the burnt shroud there. The girl must not eat anything meat for 7 days, and must not drink alcohol for a month. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise that if the damage to female whoredom does not go away the first time, you can repeat the witchcraft ritual yourself several more times.

But there was no opportunity to do this. For example, a boss, on whom the financial well-being of his subordinate’s family depends, constantly harasses him with stupid nagging and blackmails him with dismissal. If a person is in a hopeless situation, and for some reason it is impossible to change jobs, nervous breakdowns are not the worst thing that awaits him in such a situation. It is impossible to do your job well and live a normal life in such conditions.

Appearance young rival For every woman - a nightmare that has come true. Conversations with her will lead nowhere; it is stupid to hope for her decency. She will only laugh in your face and, without the slightest remorse, will take the man away from the family. And how can you not wish her all the torments of hell after that? This is where the idea of ​​causing damage comes.

How to deal with the enemy

The thirst for revenge is not always banal desire make someone else feel bad. More often than not, this is a desire for justice. Since childhood, we know from fairy tales that good always triumphs over evil. Only in real life Unfortunately, evil turns out to be stronger. That's why people want to take the process of retribution into their own hands. And don’t wait for years until life finally returns this “boomerang” to the offender.

The thirst for justice is, without a doubt, a noble feeling. But it is always useful to look at the situation soberly, because, as you know, it has 2 sides to the coin. Maybe the boss is not such a monster, but just a demanding leader who is also under pressure. And the husband left the family because his wife did not notice him, did not support him, constantly grumbled and made trouble, and stopped taking care of herself.

If, after a thorough analysis of the situation, the conclusion arises that those around you are truly vile and ungrateful, thoughts of revenge are quite acceptable. And in the event that it is physically impossible to get a person, help will come powerful but invisible weapon - magic.

People who have never practiced witchcraft before may be confused. In fact, these are completely different things. Any grandmother-neighbor can cast the evil eye, and not on purpose.

The evil eye is a negative, but almost always unconscious effect on the human biofield. People with a weak character or biofield are most susceptible to this effect. Although you can put the evil eye on almost anyone if you envy him too much. That is, this cannot be done on purpose, and there is no ritual.

Damage is a completely different matter. It's already deliberate influence, aimed at a specific person. It will not be possible to cause damage simply by looking askance. To do this, you will need special spells, rituals, witchcraft paraphernalia and personal belongings of the chosen victim.

Types of damage

We can say that damage is a kind of virus, only an energetic one, which begins to destroy a person’s aura. It pumps out positive energy, replacing it with negative energy. A person cannot recover.

The magician can choose one area of ​​life the person where he wants to do harm the most:

  • property and money;
  • genital area;
  • loneliness;
  • fear;
  • fornication;
  • infertility;
  • business;
  • marriage;
  • disease;
  • obesity;
  • death.

You need to understand that magic is not an ax and does not work immediately. She smoothly enters the life of the victim and gradually manifests her destructive actions. While the spell is in effect, the person will not become better.

When deciding whether to curse a person, you need to be aware that evil will definitely return. Witchcraft requires the help of hellish forces, and they will gladly fulfill the request, but in return they will definitely take something away. Christian religion prohibits practice magic, as well as hate your offenders. Is, for example, the infertility of a rival worth having one’s own soul forever in hell? If the answer is yes, you can begin to take active action.

If there is no turning back, and the decision is final, the first thing to do is determine the type of curse that will be imposed on the enemy. Then you can acquire all the necessary magical paraphernalia and personal belongings of the hated person.

All rituals associated with casting spells must be performed only on the waning moon. At that time dark forces usually stronger. The required dates can be easily found on the Internet.

It is better to choose Monday, Wednesday or Friday for practicing witchcraft. These days, on the waning moon, the protection of the guardian angel is weaker. If you curse a person on other days, you yourself may suffer from such actions. The guardian angel is able to repel the attack and the curse will return to the one who sent it.

To death

Black magic for the death of a person is the most terrible spell that can be cast. You can wish death on a person only if he really caused terrible suffering, pain or humiliation. Despite the completely understandable desire to get even with the offender, you need to think, first of all, about yourself. Such actions can lead to the loss of one's own soul, since it is very terrible sin. The offender has already caused suffering, so is it worth turning it into eternal torment in hell?

If common sense is silent, and there is only a desire to destroy the offender, you will have to find his photograph that meets the following requirements:

  • the enemy in the photo must be shown alone, without other people or animals;
  • the photograph should be taken no more of the year back;
  • You can curse from a photograph if most of the enemy’s body is depicted. For example, from the crown to the chest. There should be no cutting or distortion.

If the photo is found, it's time to go to the cemetery. There you need to look for the grave of a man who died no more than a year ago. In addition, it is important that the name of the deceased coincides with the name of the person who wants to harm. The grave should be dug up a little, about 20 centimeters, the prepared photograph should be placed in the dug hole, sprinkled with earth and said: “Cemetery soil, grave dust, rotten boards, worms of the earth. Rot you, unfortunate servant of God (name). You can never get rid of this scourge. Who did this to you, you will never know. You cannot direct this force back. Key! Coffin! Board! Scull!"

After the last words, turn and leave the cemetery. You can't look back at the grave. Don't talk to anyone along the way. The spell will begin to work in a few days. The person will begin to get sick and, if he does not seek help from a magician, will most likely die.

How to kill a person so that he does not have time to escape, and witchcraft overtakes him as soon as possible? There is such a way, you just have to apply it more effort. The whole process is the same as described above, only a small hole on the grave is no longer enough. The earth will need to be excavated right up to the coffin, and the photograph will need to be shoved between its boards.

For impotence

Many women have met men who cheated and betrayed them. Such relationships are exhausting and make a woman feel unwanted, ugly and inferior. And when the novel comes to an end, only emptiness and a thirst for revenge remain in the soul.

There is a very powerful ritual that can make a man impotent at a distance. This is a very sophisticated way of revenge; not only the former chosen one will suffer, but also the woman who is next to him.

The ritual does not take effect instantly. A gradual decline in sexual desire will begin, failures in bed will happen more and more often. Sooner or later everything will end in complete impotence. This misfortune will become the man’s only constant companion.

For the conspiracy you will need:

  • a figurine made of wax or clay, made independently;
  • black tablecloth;
  • two red candles and one black;
  • three completely new needles;
  • a cup of salted water.

For the ritual, you will need to make a figurine of a man out of wax yourself. It is not necessary to try to sculpt a masterpiece, the main thing is that the figure has a clearly defined male genital organ It is also important while sculpting to constantly think about the man who will be cursed.

After sunset on the waning moon, the table is covered with a black cloth, a wax figurine is placed on it, and 2 red candles are lit on the sides. The figurine is sprayed with salt water 6 times, each time calling the name of the offender. Now you need to stick 3 needles into the wax genital organ one by one and repeat the words.

  1. For the first needle: “As I thrust the needle, I take away your (name) power!”
  2. For the second needle: “By piercing this needle, I take away carnal desire!”
  3. For the third needle: “Let this organ hang with a whip for a whole century!”

Now you can light a black candle and drip its wax onto the genital area of ​​the figurine. You need to accompany the process with the following words: “My conspiracy will reach you as soon as this candle burns out!” Wait until all the candles burn out and bury the figurine away from the house.

To destroy a marriage

Sometimes evil comes not from one person, but from a married couple, and you want it for the whole family. In this case, spoiling for divorce will help. This ritual also applies to black magic. To carry it out you will need:

  • photograph of the spouses;
  • Jack of Spades from a new deck of cards;
  • Holy water.

The card is sprinkled with holy water. On one head of the jack make an inscription with husband's name, and on the second head with the name of his wife. Now the map is buried at the cemetery gate.

After the first part of the ritual is completed, you can begin to work with the photograph of the couple. The people depicted need to be cut out and then glued together in the shape of a jack and said: “Just as it is not destiny for a jack of heads to lie together, so it is not your destiny to share house and food. Don't be in the same box. But no one can cancel this love spell.” Now this photo needs to be sent to the spouses. The main condition that must be met for everything to work: at least one of the spouses must pick up the card.

For obesity

If a young beauty stole her husband from the family, you shouldn’t quietly hate her. She, too, can be done badly and made to suffer in a very sophisticated way. You can spoil her for obesity and the slender beauty will turn into an overweight woman with three chins. All this is easy to do at home.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • photograph of a woman;
  • a piece of lard, preferably with bristles;
  • black threads;
  • old needles;
  • black candle.

After 12 midnight, place a photograph of your opponent on the table in front of you, and a piece of lard on top of it. Using one of the needles and black thread, the lard needs to be sewn to the photo. Stick the remaining few needles into the lard with the words: “May you (name) be like a pig! So that men avoid you! So that you (name) will be alone all your life and prayer will not help you! And she suffered, and toiled, and wiped bitter tears from her face! My word is law!”

When the plot has been completely read out, all magical attributes must be collected, taken to a vacant lot and buried. The offender will begin to gain weight within a few days.

On the neighbor

There are also such neighbors that even the district police officer cannot calm them down. What you can't do ordinary people, under the power of magic. You can damage a harmful neighbor. The ritual does not require the involvement of demonic forces, so there is no need to fear that evil will demand payment for help.

All that is required for the ritual is one wax candle, preferably a church candle. You need to light it and focus on the fire. Imagine that this is an evil neighbor or neighbor. After you remember everything bad associated with this person and anger has accumulated, you need to bite the candle several times. At the same time, from time to time you need to repeat the following words: “It’s not me who bites the candle, it’s God’s servant (name) who is bitten by life!”

You need to bite the candle at least 13 times, and more is possible. The main thing is not less than 13. Then tilt what is left of the candle parallel to the floor and whisper: “As I turn this candle over, so I shorten the life of God’s servant (name). What a tormented appearance my candle has, such may the fate of my offender be! And as this candle burns, so let the slave (name) burn. Do as told!”

Now you can return the candle to its normal position and let it burn out. What's left of it should be thrown under the neighbor's doorstep.

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