History of the Golden Retriever breed. History of the Golden Retriever. Video review of the dog breed Golden Retriever

08/28/2012 | Views: 5 834

For many years there has been a rather romantic theory of the origin of the Golden Retriever ( Golden retriever) from several circus dogs brought from the Caucasus. The historical place of origin and initial breeding of this breed is the estate Guisachan Estate in Ivernesshire, which in the early 50s of the last century acquired Lord Tweedmouth and started breeding purebred retrievers.

Russian circus dog was also accepted thanks to the perseverance of two respected breeders who were willing to believe in her - cattery owners St. Huberts and Noranby. Russian Yellow Retrievers, as a breed, were even presented at the exhibition Crufts in 1913, 14 and 15 years and all the winners were from St. Huberts, but after the death of the owner, these dogs were forgotten.

(Fragment of a painting by G.Steele, 1890. Photo by Andrew Paterson, Iverness/ taken from The Golden Retriever Second book of Champions…, 1991)

In 1914, an article was published in the Country Life magazine "Russian or Yellow Retriever", in which Arthur Croxton-Smith discussed in depth and detail the theory of the origin of "circus dogs".

Elma Stonex, the president of the English Club, later smashed that theory after years of careful research. In 1952 an article was published by the 6th Earl of Ilchester, where it was discovered that his famous uncle Lord Tweedmouth led a tribal book, where he personally recorded each dog (completely different breeds), kept records mating and birth litters of his kennel since 1835.

Today these records are kept at the Kennel Club., where they can be seen. In the pedigrees of the first Golden Retrievers, one could find a huge number of breeds - the Irish Setter, the Water Spaniel, the Flat-Coated Retriever and the Labrador.

In the book "Dogs since 1900" 3rd Lord Tweedmouth writes that his grandfather, 1st Lord Tweedmouth and father (future 2nd Lord Tweedmouth) while in Brighton walking down the street they met a shoemaker with a fine looking young yellow retriever. The man told the story of how he received the dog as payment for debts from Lord Chichester's steward. Grandfather bought this dog and at the beginning of his stud book there is an entry: "'Nous', bred by Lord Chichester, born in June 1854 and bought in Brighton." And the first entry about retrievers reads: "Gyp by Col and Steam born June 1850, Paddy bought from Brighton in November 1854, b. 1854″. In Lord Tweedmouth's studbook, three dogs are listed as Tweed-Water Spaniels, one of which was Belle.

water spaniel at that time were very popular, but a breed lost in our days. The color was black (the wavy-haired were often black with rusty markings or tan, descending from their setter ancestors), spotted and livery. Remember that that liver color was not the same color as it is today, but very diverse.

In 1868 Belle was bred to Nous, in a litter of three puppies Crocus was born, who was given to Lord Tweedmouth's eldest son; and cowslip and primrose left in the nursery. The next litter in 1872 produced a magnificent bitch, Ada, who was passed on to her nephew, the Earl of Inchester, and became the founder of the Melbury kennel. The 1st Lord Tweedmouth worked with great care and followed a strict selection of his yellow retrievers from 1868 to 1890. Cowslip was bred to another Tweed Water Spaniel, Tweed and in 1873 and four years later one of these Topsy puppies was bred to a Sambo black retriever . From this mating, the female Zoe was bred in 1884 to her grandmother Cowslip's son Jack, whose father was the Sampson Irish Setter. This was followed by a few more crosses and finally into the light in 1889 Prim and Rose appeared.

1st Lord Tweedmouth passed away in 1894. Occasionally during the 1890s light colored Bloodhounds were used for outcrossing. Papers with this information were lost, but The 6th Lord of Ilchester saw it in the stud book. The records of the 2nd Lord Tweedmouth about the dogs he bred have not been found, but from the early kennel retriever pedigrees ‘Culham’ you can see that he did much more for the breed than we thought.

The first most influential kennel in the breed, producing both working retrievers and show dogs was ‘Culham’, owner Lord Harcourt, who took the founders of his lines from Lord Tweedmouth and Lord Portsmouth. All current lines of Golden Retrievers descend to the bloodlines of the 'Culham' kennel. And the first Champion CH Noranby Campfire was from Culham Cooper. And the first Double Champion Dual Ch Balcombe Boy was from Culham Tip and Culham Amber II, received by Lord Harcourt.

One of the most notable personalities among Golden Retriever breeders was undoubtedly Mrs. Charlesworth, Noranby cattery. She worked tirelessly over the next few years, and even used in her breeding a female with no pedigree, which she named Normanby Beauty (there is some confusion here, as the kennel was called Noranby), which, when bred to Culham Brass, produced Normanby Balfour in 1908. And in 1912, the Noranby Campfire was born, taking its place in history as the first Golden Retriever to become British Champion.

The popularity of the breed grew and in 1909 Craft's has already presented eight Golden Retrievers, and in next year- twice as much. And it must be recalled that in these years there was no separation of yellow retrievers into a separate breed, all were registered, like the Flats. 1913 was the most important year in the history of the breed, Mrs. Charlesworth founded the Golden Retriever Club, with the basics of the first Breed Standard. In the same years, the Kennel Club classified the breed as separate from other retrievers under the name "Golden or Yellow Retriever". In 1920 the first double champion Dual Ch Balcombe Boy was registered in the breed. He was only two years old when he earned both of these titles. And he went down in history as the first Golden Retriever, became Double Champion(Dual Champion) and that would be enough to keep his name in memory, but besides, he had a huge influence on the formation of the breed.

Since 1900, a huge number of nurseries began to form that a whole book describing their field successes and breeding achievements would not be enough. The first golden retrievers were enough dark color, but decades later, thanks to fashion and the efforts of breeders, the color began to lighten up and today in the Scandinavian countries you can see almost white goldens. The US continues breeding dogs of rather dark golden tones and is considered a vice, the appearance of white puppies. Today there is a lot of controversy about the color of the golden retriever, but any expert will always prefer the dog, first of all, with the best movements, type and temperament, and not the color.

In our country, this breed is quite young, but has already found its Yulyubiteley and admirers. The first Goldens were brought to Russia from the USA, where they prefer a more intense dark color and the initial population of Goldens in Russia differed sharply from the European type. But thanks to enthusiasts and lovers of the breed, an active import of dogs from England, France, Sweden, Finland and other European countries soon began. And although the breed in Russia is only at the stage of development, there are already significant successes.

About the Golden Retriever breed.

The main prerequisite for the emergence of the breed was the eternal passion of English aristocrats for hunting. In the 19th century, the main pastimes of British and Scottish Esquires were game-baiting and duck-shooting. Venerable peers disappeared for days in forests and swamps, boasting to each other about their trophies, guns and, of course, dogs. However, if with the hounds the gentlemen had full order, then four-legged hunters, able to find a shot quail in the heather thickets or swim after a duck that fell into the lake, were in great short supply. Commercial demand gave rise to supply, and soon shaggy dogs with an unusual golden coat color began to cut through the valleys of Scotland.

The appearance of golden retrievers as an independent breed is usually associated with the name of Dudley Marjoribanks, a Scottish lord and part-time amateur breeder. It was he who showed the world a completely new kind of hunting dog, not afraid of water and skillfully fetching a lined bird. For a long time it remained a mystery whose blood flows into the wards of the lord, until the secret records of his tribal books were made public in the middle of the 20th century. As it turned out, the Water Tweed Spaniel, Labrador, Bloodhound and Flat-Coated Retriever gave their genes to Goldens. At the same time, the first offspring was obtained as a result of mating a Tweed-Water Spaniel and a Flat-Coated Retriever, which had a yellowish coat.

By the 20s of the last century, the breed was already quite popular not only in Europe, but also among the breeders of the New World. In addition, in the USA and Canada, their own standards for the appearance of Golden Retrievers have been formed. So, for example, overseas individuals with a more intense and dark coat color were preferred. The descendants of Scottish Retrievers were brought to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, all from the same America. The first purebred dog came to the territory of the Russian Federation in 1991.

Video: Golden Retriever

Appearance of the Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are moderately pumped up handsome men with a soulful look and luxurious iridescent coat. Goldens owe their recognition not so much to their own charm as to the efforts of marketers. The breed was especially actively promoted by American cinema. It is enough to watch a couple of comedy melodramas produced in the USA to understand: if an American family ever decides to get a dog, then in 9 cases out of 10 it will be a golden retriever.

The sexual type in representatives of this breed is pronounced. The growth of the average boy ranges from 56-60 cm, and his weight can reach 41 kg. Girls are much easier average weight- 25-37 kg) and smaller than males (height - 51-56 cm).

Despite the existence of a single breed standard approved by the FCI, experts divide golden retrievers into three types:

  • English;
  • American;
  • Canadian.

Representatives of the first group are natives of Foggy Albion, who have extremely massive paws and a wide skull. They differ in a lighter coat color, up to white. It is the English type that is most common in Europe and Russia. The build of the wards of American breeders is less impressive, but the Golden Retrievers "made in USA" boast a graceful posture and an overall more elegant appearance. At the same time, their coat shade is somewhat darker than that of their British counterparts. Distinctive feature Canadian Retrievers - a lean physique with a fairly high growth. The coat color of the "Canadians" is even more saturated and dark than that of the "Americans".


The skull is massive, convex-angular. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is distinct, smooth. The occiput is smoothed, the cheeks are flat. The muzzle of the animal is long, even, gradually tapering from the base to the nose.


Black, moderately dense and dry. The upper lip noticeably hangs over the lower, but does not go beyond the boundaries of the jaw. The lips completely hide the teeth and gums of the dog, forming small folds in the corners of the mouth.

Jaws and teeth

The retriever's jaws are strong and fairly wide, with a pronounced scissor bite. Teeth are white and large. The incisors are located in one line.


The lobe is massive, mobile, black. Nostrils open wide.


Moderately long, drooping, hanging down along the cheeks of the animal. The base of the ear is wide, the tip is narrow, smooth-rounded. Postav - slightly above the line of the eyes.


Large, deep-set, rounded. The Golden Retriever has an intelligent, friendly look. The color of the iris is from brown to dark brown. Eyelids black, dry, tight to eyeball. An important condition: in a dog looking straight ahead, the whites of the eyes should not be visible.


Massive, set high and of moderate length. The cervical muscles are strong, developed, there are no folds and sagging.


Adults have a strong, tightly knit body with prominent muscles. The back of golden retrievers is straight, with a convex loin and pronounced withers. The croup is massive, slightly sloping, rounded. The chest is of moderate width, deep enough. The tightened line of the abdomen ends with a short and well-chosen inguinal zone.


Moderately long, with a wide, thickened base and a cone-shaped tip. Located below the back. In a calm Golden, the tail is lowered; in an excited one, it is raised to the level of the back.


The forelegs are muscular, of a dry type, standing straight. The shoulders are strong, with massive shoulder blades and laid back, pressed to the body by the elbows. The humeroscapular angle does not exceed 90°. The pasterns are strong, but short, set at a slight inclination.

The hind legs are strong, with well-developed muscles, separated from each other at a decent distance. The hocks of the Golden Retrievers are low and look back. Fore and hind legs of medium size, rounded. Pillows are massive, with short claws, the fingers of the animal are folded into a ball.


The coat of the Golden Retriever is characterized by increased rigidity and has a water-repellent function. The hair is thick enough and fits snugly to the body, hiding a rich undercoat underneath. The structure of the coat can be straight or have a light wave, and its length varies depending on the part of the body. The longest coat is located in the chest, ears, body, back side of all four legs, as well as in the lower part of the tail. The areas of the body with short hair are the head, paws and front side of the limbs.


All shades of gold are considered reference, up to the transition to a cream color. Lighter colors are acceptable for the feathering on the legs and the tail feathering.

Possible vices

The list of breed defects includes any deviations from the characteristics prescribed by the standard. So, for example, it is undesirable for a golden retriever to have a rare and long hair, white stripes on chest, as well as too light and close-set eyes. The following vices may be the reason not to allow an animal to compete:

  • square body;
  • long or too short legs;
  • malocclusion and skewed lower jaw;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • lips, eyelids and nose, painted in any shade other than black;
  • white "scarf" around the neck and blazes on the forehead;
  • black coat color, as well as the presence of spots on it;
  • drooping tail.

Embittered or, on the contrary, cowardly individuals, animals with a small head, short ears and small teeth will also not make a serious career.

Photo of a golden retriever

The nature of the golden retriever

In terms of the number of rave reviews from owners, Golden Retrievers are almost ahead of all breeds. Indeed, only a convinced dog-hater can unearth the shortcomings in these good-natured intellectuals. As for ordinary animal lovers, their goldens literally enchant with their softness and phenomenal memory for faces. If one of your friends treated your pet with a treat or entertained him with an unpretentious game, you can be sure that the retriever will not forget to add a fat “plus” to the karma of this friend.

Calm and balanced Everyday life, representatives of this breed try to keep the brand even in the most delicate situations. They are completely non-conflict and are ready to get along with any four-legged creature that does not show open aggression. Even in the most tense moments, Goldens prefer to resolve the matter peacefully. A golden retriever growling and clinging to the enemy with a stranglehold is something from the realm of fantasy.

The breed is often recommended for keeping in families with children, as in relation to the younger generation, animals are as correct and patient as possible. Of course, trusting a dog with babies is not the smartest decision, but playful three-year-olds can be left to her. Golden retrievers are focused primarily on humans. It is with him that they want to go for walks, share their joys and sorrows. For this reason, goldens are often attracted to active canistherapy. Shaggy "antidepressants" are happy to contact patients who are in a state of prolonged depression, charging them with vivid emotions and gradually returning to them the joy of existence.

Golden Retrievers are typical sanguine individuals who are completely uncharacteristic of such character traits as suspicion and caution. Strangers in these rustic handsome men arouse curiosity and burning interest, so if a golden dwells in your house, come to terms with the fact that it will not work out as a guard of the territory and material values.

Education and training

The nature of golden retrievers did not deprive them of intelligence and memory, so the dog grasps any lessons on the fly. The first thing to start training a Golden Retriever puppy is obedience: the animal must understand what is allowed and what is not. Do not give in to the momentary desire to remove all prohibitions and pamper the baby, so to speak, as an exception. Puppy pranks will quickly cease to seem touchingly funny after a 40-kilogram dog begins to practice them.

In the first months of life, retriever babies try to taste the objects around them, so try to convey the meaning of the “Fu!” Command to the pet as quickly as possible. Those who see the future hunter in the Golden Retriever will have to go out into nature more often. A dog will be able to learn how to find and bring a lined bird only when he sees it live. At first, the skill is practiced on rags and dummies: they throw a homemade scarecrow at the puppy in order to make him want to grab an unfamiliar thing and show it to the owner. Then they smoothly move on to fetching and participating in the hunt.

Six-month-old puppies can be taught to swim and whistle submission, and it will be better if a pro does it. 12 months is the optimal age to start training your dog's endurance, as he will often have to lie in ambush on the hunt so as not to frighten off the game. The command "Lie down!" does not apply in such cases. It is enough that the pet will sit next to you. Memory training exercises are considered very valuable, since the golden retriever is not always able to find game only by smell.

Despite the fact that the main specialization of golden retrievers has always been hunting, it is absolutely not necessary for today's owners of these shaggy "servants" to take up a gun. Tiring races through forests and swamps can be easily replaced by long walks in parks and meadows. It's great if you take your dog to a country house, away from the freeway, where he can run around as much as he can. Just do not try to turn your pet into a mongrel and put him in a booth: the retriever will not appreciate your impulse and become discouraged - so take the dog into the house and do not deprive him of his own company.

Keeping a golden retriever in an apartment is a kind of test of the owner for responsibility and diligence, since the lack of free space, motor activity and impressions the animal will have to compensate for regular promenades in combination with physical activity. Due to their outgoing nature, Golden Retrievers do not handle loneliness well. Animals splash out their uncertainty and fear on surrounding objects: they gnaw furniture and wires, spoil shoes. The worst punishment an owner can come up with for a golden is to lock him up in four walls and calmly go to work. For careerists, workaholics, travelers and other busy individuals, a golden retriever as a pet is an unacceptable option.

What not to do with a Golden Retriever:

  • allow children to sit on a grown dog, as the pressure created by the child’s body can cause the dog’s back to arch;
  • stroking the puppy on the head and putting a collar over his head, which leads to an incorrect formation of the set of ears;
  • pull the baby by the paws or try to lift it, fixing the hand under the chest.


The main problem for the owner of a golden retriever is the coat of his pet. During the shedding period, the golden leaves fluffy marks wherever possible, and daily brushing does little to help here. There are only two ways out of this situation: do not buy a golden retriever at all, or put up with this feature of the dog and purchase a powerful vacuum cleaner to clean up the scraps after it from time to time.

Brush the shedding retriever twice a day with a brush and mitt to collect the hair. The dense undercoat is removed with a furminator or slicker. To remove the smell of dog from wool, you can moisten it with a solution prepared according to the following recipe:

  • mix a glass of water with a glass of vodka;
  • add 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence;
  • add 1 teaspoon of salt and shake.

In the periods between molts, the animal's coat does not require such careful care, but a couple of times a week you still have to comb through the dog's "fur coat". Goldens are given a bath once a month and this is quite enough. After bathing, the pet can be slightly shortened coat. The hair is cut from the bottom up, starting from the neck. It is not forbidden to walk with scissors along the feathers on the paws, and the "panties" of the dog. The hair that grows between the toes and at the base of the tail should also be trimmed regularly.

The eyes and ears of most Golden Retrievers are unproblematic, so a standard weekly checkup is enough for them. If dirt has accumulated in the ear funnel, they can be removed with a napkin and boiled water. Chilled tea leaves are suitable for treating the eyes. Brushing golden teeth is a laborious but necessary process. If it is not possible to clean the oral cavity in the classical way, you can entrust this matter to dry food or special treats, whose hard particles act as abrasives that “erase” plaque.


Golden Retrievers can be fed natural products, and "drying". In the first case, about 50% of the diet should come from animal protein, that is, meat. Daily rate product is calculated as follows: 10-20 grams of meat per kilogram of dog weight. The remaining half of the Retriever's daily "menu" consists of cereals and vegetables.

The meat for the dog is selected lean, with a large number of veins and cartilage. Beef, lamb, rabbit and turkey are ideal. Offal is also not prohibited, but because of the indigestion that they can provoke, they are introduced into the diet gradually and little by little.

Important: golden retrievers are fed after a walk, not before it.

It is better to cook thick porridges from rice and buckwheat, to which stewed vegetables can be added. Pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, turnips and beets are especially useful for golden retrievers. In season, early greens are mixed into the porridge. It is not forbidden to include in the diet of an adult dog and dairy products- kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese. Puppies whose skeleton is still being formed require more calcium, so up to 4 months old milk (whole and as part of porridge) is included in the diet of small Goldens.

An approximate daily menu for a 4-month-old baby: 300 g of meat, 100 g of fruit and vegetable slices or vegetable stew (apple + carrot), 500 g of porridge in milk.

How many times to feed

Up to 4 months, golden retriever puppies receive food 5 times a day. Starting from 5 months, babies are transferred to four meals a day. Six-month-old teenagers eat three times a day, and by 8 months, puppies completely switch to two meals a day.


Walk golden retrievers for at least two hours a day. In this case, it is not at all necessary to observe the same duration of walks. For example, the morning promenade can be reduced to 30 minutes, and the evening promenade, on the contrary, can be increased to an hour and a half. If the animal lives in an apartment, then up to four months it should not be allowed to go down and up the stairs on its own. Take the puppy for a walk in your arms and bring it into the apartment in the same way.

Toddlers are taken outside more often than adults in order to develop the skill of using an outdoor toilet. At first, excursions are carried out through park areas, gradually moving to busy city streets. It is very important that the dog does not fall into a stupor at the sight of people and the sounds of public transport, so the more often it encounters the everyday phenomena of the urban environment, the faster it will learn to adequately perceive them.

Golden retrievers and water

Golden retrievers love water procedures, so during a walk the puppy will certainly try to measure the depth of the first puddle that comes across. Accordingly, if you notice a pothole filled with water on the way, it is better to prevent the animal from rushing by taking it by the collar and strengthening the prohibition with the “No!” command. If the moment is missed, and the pet is already swimming in a puddle with might and main, shout at it (the same “Fu!” command will come off) and throw a leash at it. Do not climb into the water and try to pull the dog out. Wait until she obeys the command herself and praise her for obedience. But swimming in open water should not be abandoned. Swimming in a pond, river or lake for a dog is gymnastics and psychotherapy in one bottle, so when going on a weekend in nature, feel free to take a Golden with you.

Health and Disease of Golden Retrievers

For veterinary clinics goldens are one of the most “profitable” pets, and their owners are one of the most frequent visitors. The main diseases of the golden retriever, mentioned in almost every reference book, are retinal degeneration and dysplasia. hip joint. However, in fact, the breed has about a dozen different ailments. So, for example, dogs are often diagnosed with oncological and heart diseases, hypothyroidism, atopic dermatitis, von Willebrand disease and other dangerous ailments.

In addition, Golden Retrievers are prone to obesity. Against the background of more serious diseases, excessive weight seems like a harmless trifle, although in reality everything is not so rosy. Animals that have worked up extra pounds live less, and overweight individuals suffer more from the constant companion of all older dogs - arthritis. A serious danger is fraught with diseased teeth of the animal. An ordinary abscess on the gum or an inflamed tooth can “spread” the infection to all the organs of the retriever, ultimately sending him to dog paradise.

How to choose a puppy

  • Going to the kennel, arm yourself with a printout of the breed standard, or better, take a specialist with you to help with choosing a puppy. If this is not possible, contact any of the kennel clubs, where you will be recommended a reliable breeder.
  • Puppies inherit from their parents not only appearance and hunting qualities, but also a type of temperament, so when talking with the seller, insist on getting to know the mother and father of the babies. If such a favor is refused to the buyer, there is a high probability that the pedigree of the dogs is so-so.
  • For those who see a future family friend in a golden retriever, it is better to acquire bitches that are more docile and affectionate. Golden males are distinguished by their bright charisma, but their character is more serious and firm. In addition, boys are much smarter in everything related to hunting.
  • The temperaments of American and European Retrievers are quite different - keep this in mind when buying a puppy. Goldens from the USA are more energetic and emotional. Indigenous "Europeans" are noticeably more phlegmatic and do not sin with hyperactivity.
  • From responsible breeders who value own name, puppies are groomed, vaccinated and treated with anthelmintic agents.

Photo of golden retriever puppies

How much does a golden retriever cost

Pet-class puppies remain the most attractive option in terms of price: from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles. Almost imperceptible to the eye defects in appearance significantly “cut” the cost of a golden retriever, which will especially appeal to those who do not dream of exhibitions and championship titles and are not averse to saving money. Prices for the show class start at 35,000 rubles. and end in the region of 50,000 rubles. An option designed for the most generous buyers is the offspring obtained from interbreeding, with the right to further breeding. The cost of such a puppy is 70,000 - 80,000 rubles.

The Golden Retriever has a unique history, which is interesting because for a long time one version of its origin was officially recognized, and then another appeared that proved the legendaryness of the previous one.

Ability to train
Observational qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

beautiful legend

According to the mythical version, the breed originated from Russian Shepherd Dogs, which were circus dogs. The father of the breed, the Scottish Lord Tweedmouth, allegedly bought them after performing in a circus, in which they impressed him with their intelligence and skills. It happened, according to him, in 1858. The lord bought 8 dogs for a fabulous sum and started breeding them on his estate, not far from the famous Loch Ness.

This story was told to everyone who was interested in the breed, and was even published in the magazine Rural Life. The Lord actively popularized this version and added that he wanted to organize an expedition to Russia, in particular to the Caucasus, in order to bring more Russian Shepherd Dogs. It is difficult to say why this legend was needed. Most likely, it was a kind of skillful PR of a new breed, which immediately interested everyone. Origin from amazing smart dogs, luxurious golden color, romantic circumstances of their acquisition - everything was in the hands of Lord Tweedmouth.

It should be added that his estate, in which the breed was born, was really a fabulous and interesting place. It was a huge estate with an amazing park of exotic trees brought from all over the world. There was also a unique dairy farm and hunting grounds, in which, at the invitation of the lord, the cream of Scottish society spent time.

The first breeders of golden retrievers were only noble people, which added even more noble gloss to the breed. So, Colonel Le Poer Trench acquired a puppy from Lord Tweedmouth, which he subsequently registered with the English Kennel Club. The dog was listed as a Russian Yellow Retriever. For a long time, the circus version was popular, according to which the new breed came from Russian Shepherd Dogs. Even Caucasian shepherd dogs were called her ancestors. Although the appearance and character of the Golden Retriever pointed to other ancestors, most people believed the beautiful legend.

Official version

Serious cynologists understood that the circus version could not be true. Therefore, it was only necessary to study the origin of the golden retriever, and the truth turned out. Elma Stonex thoroughly studied the history of the breed from the written sources she found. Their authenticity is not in doubt, as they were stud books kept by Lord Tweedmouth. They trace the chronology of the formation of the breed from 1835 to 1889. Now these records are kept in the English Kennel Club.

Sheds light on the history of the breed and the Lord's letter to his great-nephew, who also bred Golden Retrievers. The letter describes in detail all the events related to the origin of the breed. Lord bought the first dog from a shoemaker from Brighton, who at one time received a puppy of a beautiful golden color from a forester from the Chichester estate. The lord named the golden dog Nous, which means “wisdom” in the Celtic dialect.

Nous was bred to Belle's Tea Colored Water Spaniel. From this mating, three yellow puppies were born, who became the founders of a new breed. About all subsequent matings, the lord made entries in the stud books until his death. The last puppies born on the estate during his lifetime were Prim and Rose. In 1995, papers were found that traced the pedigree line from Rose to modern Goldens.

Information about matings with and Bloodhounds, which also participated in the formation of the breed, has been preserved. Tweedmouth culled all black puppies, leaving only yellow and golden ones. On the estate, the Gisesen nursery was organized, which was widely known in Great Britain. best puppies the owner of the nursery gave to his friends, aristocratic hunters. Some of them were also engaged in breeding the breed, actively infusing the blood of Labradors.

Therefore, after the death of Lord Tweedmouth and the sale of the estate, the breed did not disappear, although the circle of breeders was so closed that the general public and even cynologists knew little about it. This is evidenced at least by the fact that in the work of the famous cynologist of the early 20th century, Robert Leighton, the golden retriever breed is not mentioned about the hunting dogs of England.

In creating the breed, the merit is not only of Lord Tweedmouth, but also of those breeders who began to exhibit it and seek official recognition. One of them was Lord Harcoat, who represented his dogs at dog shows. At that time they were not yet recognized as an official breed and were called Golden Flat-Coated Retrievers. Another equally famous breeder was Mrs. Charlesworth. The future British Champion was born in her kennel in 1912, it was the first Golden Retriever to be awarded such a title. The Golden Retriever Club was founded in 1913. But connoisseurs of the breed waited for official recognition only in 1960. In Russia, the first representative of the breed appeared only in 1991.

The Golden Retriever is the second most popular dog in Europe. This is evidenced by the number of registered representatives of the breed in European dog handlers clubs.

Breed standard: main characteristics

The appearance of the Golden Retriever is remarkable for its amazing proportionality. This is a beautiful, well-built dog, active, with confident movements and a friendly look.

The head looks harmonious in relation to the body. The muzzle should not be pointed or rough, it should be broad and deep, but not massive. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly expressed. The description of the eyes deserves special attention. They should be dark brown in color, with the same dark stroke, and have a pleasing expression.

Strong jaws with a scissor bite. The teeth are large, preferably in a complete set.

Ears of medium size, hanging down. Set at approximately eye level.

The chest is powerful, with deep, well arched ribs. The back is straight, the croup and tail seem to continue its line. The American standard allows for a slight sloping croup.

The forelimbs are straight and muscular. The shoulder blades are equal in length to the shoulders. The elbows are close to the body, the shoulder blades are laid back. Such a structure of the limbs is necessary for the dog to perform its functions as a hunter. She runs easily, without wasting extra energy, throwing her front paws far forward.

The hind limbs are muscular, with strong bones. Well expressed is important. knee-joint, the degree of stretching back of the paws during the run and the strength of the push depend on it.

The coat may be straight or slightly wavy. The undercoat is thick and waterproof. Around the head, starting from the ears, and on the neck, the hair is longer. Such a mane gives the dog a good-natured expression, which is so valued in the breed.

The coat color should be golden or cream, but not red or dark gold. Mahogany color or too dark is unacceptable. The American standard "dislikes" all colors, except for a rich golden hue. English is more loyal and accepts pale colors.

The height at the withers of males is 56-61 cm, females are on average 5 cm less.


Only positive opinions can be heard about the character of the Golden Retriever. It is difficult to find a person who would not like communication with these interesting dogs. They are so good-natured and human-oriented that they are ready to constantly express their love and devotion to him. In this regard, golden retrievers have long ceased to be just hunters. They have become companion dogs, guide dogs, and they are also actively used in zootherapy.

By their presence, they calm people, relieve stress, and eliminate aggressive behavior. They are used. They are able to perfectly console a person when he is upset or crying with something. These dogs perfectly feel the mood of the owner and any person. We can say that if you decide to buy a golden retriever, then you will always have a soft “vest” in which you can cry. They say that even when you just hug this dog, you begin to calm down, there is so much positive energy in it. Golden retrievers will never bare their teeth or growl at a person, so it is difficult to imagine them in the role of guards and bodyguards. They are not wary even towards strangers. They also transfer their love of love to other animals. They never provoke fights, and can even endure attacks from other dogs for a while, simply avoiding conflict. But sometimes another dog still pisses them off, and then they give a worthy rebuff, showing their power.

These dogs are not only obedient, they are very helpful. They always want to be useful. They will never lie still if the owner is doing something in which they can also take part. Some owners skillfully use this quality, and for example, teach them to serve various items to them.

Golden Retrievers are happy to go everywhere with the owner, get acquainted with other people and animals. You can be sure that a dog of this breed will never offend even strangers in the ball. But there is no need to think that this breed is just kind, calm bumpkins, capable only of playing. There are many cases when golden retrievers rescued people during fires and floods. They can save a drowning person without an outside team. Golden Retrievers are not only smart. They are also able to assess the situation themselves and make decisions quickly. The reaction of these dogs is lightning fast, so they act very quickly in extreme situations.

Golden Retrievers have an excellent sense of smell and outstanding training abilities. Therefore, representatives of this breed are often used by the police, customs, and airports to search for prohibited substances and weapons.

Friendship of a golden retriever with a leopard

The whole world is watching the touching friendship of the golden retriever Tommy with the leopard. Animals live in South Africa in Pretoria and love each other's company and joint walks.

Golden Retriever Care

You can keep this breed both in an apartment and in a private house. The main thing is not to deprive the dog of your attention and not leave it in constant solitude. A chained golden retriever, deprived of the company of people, is a sad sight. Such treatment does not go unnoticed for the mental health of the dog. Therefore, before you buy a golden retriever puppy, think about how much time you can devote to him daily.

A feature of the breed is that the dog does not choose one owner in the family, all family members can train it or carry out hygiene procedures.

You need to carefully monitor the eyes of the dog. If you find purulent discharge from the eyes every day, then this is not a harmless phenomenon. This may be the first sign of distemper, and a symptom of the presence of worms. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to simply rubbing your eyes and instilling a drop, you need to examine the dog for diseases. Although the reason may be more harmless, for example, from getting sand or dust into the eyes.

If the dog was on a hunt, then after that it is imperative to rinse her eyes, since while running through the forest and thickets, various debris usually gets into her eyes.

Ears can be examined less frequently, about once a week. Rinse them with water or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. You can simply wipe the inside of your ears with a damp cotton swab.

Many people think that taking care of a dog's teeth is not necessary. But sometimes this opinion leads to the formation of tartar, to the appearance of yellow plaque. Such a dog can no longer become the winner of exhibitions. You can buy special toothbrush and paste and periodically brush your dog's teeth or do the same procedure with a cotton swab.

You can wash the dog at your discretion. Usually this procedure is not necessary more often than 2-3 times a year. You need to wash your golden retriever with special shampoos that do not wash off the protective layer and do not lead to dry skin.

It is desirable to comb the dog's coat every day, then it will look well-groomed. After all, the golden coat of a retriever is one of the main advantages of its appearance. This decoration is especially important for a show dog. If you want to shine with your pet at shows, then you need to turn to the services of a professional trimming. You can master this art yourself, then you will need patience, free time and a special tool: massage brush, comb, scissors. And remember that show judges really don't like it when your haircut work is visible. The coat of a retriever should look as natural as possible.

Giuseppe, a golden retriever, works as a salesman in his owners' shop in Ocala, Florida. He greets customers and helps them push their shopping carts to the checkout. The store sells exotic fish, aquariums and related products.

Raising a Golden Retriever

Some owners, having learned that this breed is very smart and kind, do not pay enough attention to its training. They decide that the dog does not need to be taught anything at all, it will grow up and become smart and obedient. This is an erroneous delusion, any dog ​​needs to be trained and taught at least basic commands. A golden retriever living in the city must know at least 3 commands: “Come!”, “Fu!”, “Next!”. The dog is quite large, and not everyone knows that she is kind. If your healthy retriever rushes to an unfamiliar child to lick it, then the parents of this child will not listen to your cries that this is a kind dog, and it will not touch anyone. Therefore, from the first months of a dog's life in your home.

If you are a keen person, then you will definitely be interested in other opportunities for training a golden retriever: freestyle, agility, circus training. With such a dog, you can start staging theatrical performances and perform with it at charity events in orphanages. In a word, raising a golden retriever can make the life of its owner much brighter and more interesting.

Baxter, a golden retriever from Massachusetts, rescued his brother Bailey. They both got lost in the woods, and Bailey got stuck in the bushes and couldn't get out. When Baxter returned home, he immediately led his mistress to the place where his brother had been trapped.

Where to buy and how to choose a puppy

It's hard to be guided common sense when they offer you on the market, and they say that this is a descendant of the famous golden retrievers. But it is better not to make decisions about buying spontaneously.

To get started, find out if there are breeders of this breed in your city. Meet them, look at the golden retriever, its behavior, and decide if this is really the breed of your dreams. Then you can contact the kennel club in your city and find out about the planned matings or already born puppies and say that you intend to buy a golden retriever for the soul or for exhibitions.

If there is no such organization in your city, then this is not a problem. Thanks to the Internet, you can get in touch with lovers of this breed. The easiest way to find them is on special forums or in groups on social networks. There you can look after yourself and the breeder of the mother of your future dog. In fact, the choice of a breeder is also very important, because from his honesty and proper care for puppies at the initial stage of their life depends on the health of your pet.

If it is not possible to personally see the father of the puppy, then it is still advisable to contact the breeder and look at his photo, video. Before buying a Golden Retriever puppy, people pay a lot of attention to studying the pedigree of his parents. On the one hand, this is correct, but this does not guarantee the absence of flaws in the offspring of the eminent couple. Therefore, more attention should be paid to puppies. This is not 5 minutes of watching puppies play. You need to carefully examine the puppy for both health and compliance with the standard. Therefore, it is not recommended to book puppies that are only a few days old, seeing them only in the photo.

In Europe and America, golden retrievers are kept on the staff of schools where children with various diseases study. Dogs do an excellent job as psychologists and healers, and also help children with limited mobility by giving them the right items.

puppy price

The cost of Golden Retriever puppies depends on the availability of documents confirming its origin, on the presence of champions in the pedigree, and on the prospects of the puppy as a show dog. The average cost of a puppy of this breed 25 thousand rubles. The minimum bar rarely falls below 15 thousand rubles.

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General description of the breed Golden Retriever (Golden Retriever).

Country of Origin, Golden Retriever Breed History

Like many other sporting breeds, the Golden Retriever was bred in Great Britain in the 1800s. The dog was bred on the estate of Guishatan in Scotland, which belonged to Lord Tweedmouth. It was here that the Golden Retriever was developed by crossing the Short Coated Yellow Retriever and the now degenerated breed with the Tweed Water Spaniel, a retriever with a very dense and twisted coat.

Lord Tweedmouth's goal was to breed a hunting dog that would be stronger and more active than other retriever breeds then in existence. Since the dog turned out to be very stormy, the average size and could hunt both on land and in water, it was appreciated by contemporaries. People admired the dog's athletic ability and diligence at work, while at home their families enjoyed the gentle, friendly nature of this breed. By the end of the nineteenth century, the golden retriever was also well known in North America.

General description of the breed

The golden retriever is strong dog medium in size, having a moderately round skull and triangular ears falling (hanging) approximately at the level of the jaw. In the American line of golden retrievers, the overall lines of the body are more sloping and the skull has a more "triangular" shape compared to the British line. Cables have a broader skull and larger snout compared to females. Their eyes are dark brown, very deep and often genuinely tender.

Goldens are quite long, but not very tall dogs. The gait is strong and confident, and the thick, muscular tail is almost always level with the back and almost always swings.

Goldens that are unusually tall or have extremely developed jaws are generally disqualified from the show arena.

The Golden Retriever's coat is very dense and water-repellent, with a thick outer coat. It is very resistant to external influences and elastic, the coat may be straight or wavy. On the legs, on the lower abdomen, on the neck and tail there is hair and it is lighter than on the rest of the body. As the name of the breed itself suggests, the color of the coat can fluctuate in various shades of golden, but should not border on red or brown. The only exceptions are older dogs whose coat has turned white or gray. Any white spots other than a few gray hairs on the rump are not allowed by the breed standard.

The AKC standard says that cables should be about 23-24 inches at the withers and bitches 21½-22½ inches.

An adult cable weighs about 65-75 pounds and a female about 55-65 pounds.

Personality: the nature of the dog.

The Golden Retriever is a delightful dog with an excellent temperament, both as a hunting dog and as a pet. The playful, gentle, trustworthy dog ​​has a good personality that will easily endear him to both old and young. The personality of the golden retriever implies patience and perseverance in everything.

Although the Golden is not an aggressive breed, he, as a pet, is quite able to warn of sudden visitors. He is an excellent choice as a first pet, provided, of course, that the owner is capable of handling a dog of this size and strength.

Golden Retrievers are famous primarily as hunting dogs, as they can easily be in a hidden position for several hours. They also enjoy doing something both in forests and in water bodies. The stable and cuddly nature of Goldens makes them reliable guide dogs for the blind and assistance dogs for the deaf. Their concentration and tracking skills make Golden Retrievers successful in tasks such as search and rescue work, while their gentle nature and love for everyone around them make Golden Retrievers excellent for therapeutic activities.

If the Golden has a drawback as a pet, it is his occasional hissing and whining, which can be a problem with other dogs or annoy the owner, who is unable to give the dog proper attention.

Are goldens better suited to indoor or outdoor lifestyles?

As pets, golden retrievers keep an active physical form and love to play both indoors and out. They are great for both internal and external content.

Is this breed suitable for families with children?

The friendly and gentle nature of the dog makes this breed an ideal choice for families with children and other pets.

golden retriever training

The Golden Retriever is a highly intelligent and extremely trainable dog. In addition to being adept at hunting, this breed can successfully serve as a guide for the blind, a helper for the disabled, and its keen sense of smell has earned it a worldwide reputation and recognition in search and tracking work.

The dog is best trained by methods based on praise, and loves to work for encouragement and treats. Goldens enjoy learning that is intermittently interrupted for "play time" accompanied by various toys or other things that appeal to them. Retrievers excel at obedience training because of the constant focus on their handler. Training should be soft and consistent. No harshness or hurting the dog, even if he is a little distracted. Only positive emotions!

However, firmness is as important as softness with consistency, as an undertrained 70 pound dog can be a big problem. Early socialization and puppy training is very important for golden retrievers, who simply must be able to curb the exuberance of their friendliness towards other dogs and people.

Activities: dog needs

Since Golden Retrievers are energetic dogs, they require a good daily exercise. Bred for hunting as a hunting breed, Goldens need constant load, playing with other dogs, swimming, etc. They also love to play hide and seek, intuitively feeling how to play this particular game and what is expected of them.

Golden Retrievers are very fond of running with their owners, but many breeders recommend waiting until the dog is fully grown before engaging them in their daily runs, as you can cause irreparable damage to the dog's joints. Owners should remember that puppies should not be subjected to significant stress, especially until they are eighteen months old.

Dog care

The Golden Retriever has a very smooth coat of approximately medium length which is very easy to care for. An iron brush the size of a palm or a regular brush with stiff bristles is very suitable for caring for his coat. Special attention should be paid to the dog's skin, as it is located deep under the first layer of wool and requires regular careful examination and care. It is recommended that you use dry shampoo when grooming your dog, and bathe him only when necessary (to prevent dryness of the coat) and preferably no more than twice a month.

Golden retrievers, thanks to regular brushing, receive a significant advantage in the beauty and luster of the coat compared to other breeds of dogs. Hair care is desirable to carry out daily. Cleaning the coat helps keep it shiny and healthy, prevents premature loss of healthy hairs and removes dead hairs. The owner should also check the dog's nails and trim them regularly to prevent the limbs from shifting when their pet walks. This must be done if they do not grind naturally, that is, when the dog spends most of his time at home, indoors or in an aviary. Excess hair can be sheared, but on the paw pads it should not be touched, otherwise they can be rubbed into blood.

Health Care: Genetic Issues

Initially goldens were completely healthy dogs and only poor breeding made them prone to various diseases. These include progressive retinal atrophy, their common diseases that cause blindness, volvulus of the eyelids, epilepsy, osteochondrosis, von Willebrand disease, internal bleeding, heart problems and various skin diseases. A puppy from bad breeders is also likely to be quite aggressive or cowardly and have obedience and training problems.

Goldens are very susceptible to developmental disorders of the hips and elbows, which can be caused by intensive development, growth of puppies. This breed has a tendency to constantly gain weight, so to prevent obesity, you should follow a certain diet in combination with physical activity.

The root cause of death in almost all retrievers, and especially in Goldens, is cancer.

Breeding dogs and related warnings

The Golden Retriever, which is planned to be used for breeding, must be checked in every possible way by veterinarians and dog handlers. Particular attention should be paid to the violation in the growth of the dog and problems with his eyes. Breeders are required to demonstrate to the client, first of all, those documents that confirm the suitability of the dog for breeding, and not brag about achievements and cups on the mantelpiece. All breeders are required to maintain accurate pedigree records of the health, breeding and registration of each dog. These records are the most important paperwork that new puppy owners should have when they bring their puppy to a new home. Keep in mind that a good breeder will always take a puppy back if the client can't handle it or gives it every support at any age.


The average life expectancy of a golden retriever is ten to thirteen years, although it is not uncommon for dogs of this breed to live for twenty or twenty-five years, having good health and leading an active lifestyle.

The Golden Retriever has gained almost worldwide recognition as a companion dog and excellent babysitter, although it was originally bred in England to hunt ducks. It is said to be a golden dog with a golden disposition. Despite all the positive features, such a jewel is not suitable for everyone.

The Golden Retriever hails from England, a country where hunting was an all-consuming fashionable hobby, and the main condition for success was the availability of reliable four-legged helpers. The word "Retrive" (when applied to a dog) means to find and serve game. Until the end of the 19th century, retrievers were not a separate breed, the name indicated the function.

Many hunters independently crossed and selected dogs, and then jealously guarded their "breed". One of these amateur breeders was Lord Tweedmouth, it was thanks to his efforts that Golden Retrievers appeared. He worked on the breed from the late 1960s to 1890. Lord died in 1894, and his legacy had already spread throughout England by that time. Many dogs have become honorary sires in various kennels, among them Culham and Noranby (most pedigrees descend to them).

For a long time it was believed that several circus dogs from the Caucasus laid the foundation for the breed. Russian yellow retrievers - under this name, the breed was presented at the Kraft exhibition in 1913-1915. In 1952, a descendant of Tweedmouth, the Earl of Ilchester, published an article that completely destroyed the circus legend. It turns out that the uncle had a stud book with detailed records, but, apparently, he did not want to share them. The pedigree of the first Goldens begins with a huge number of breeds: Water Spaniels, Irish Setters, Flat-Coated Retrievers and Labradors. In the future, the blood of Bloodhounds, and sometimes outbred dogs or mestizos, rushed.

In 1913 Noranby owner Mrs Charlesvos founded the first Golden Retriever Club and developed the breed standard. Since then, golden hunters can be considered an independent breed. The first retrievers were dark. Over the decades, the color has become more diverse. In Europe, almost white Goldens are found, while in the USA they focus on breeding dogs of dark tones.

Video review of the Golden Retriever dog breed:

Appearance and standards

Golden Retrievers are harmoniously built, strong and robust with balanced movements and a friendly look. Height at the withers - 50-60 cm, weight -25-35 kg, males are noticeably larger and more powerful. The movements are free, straightforward, with a good push.


The head is in proportion to the body, all lines are well defined. The muzzle is broad, its length approximately equal to the distance from the occiput to the stop. The jaws are strong, the bite is correct. The eyes are set wide apart, the eyelids are dark, the color of the iris is dark brown. Hanging ears are located at eye level, medium in size. The stop is well marked. The nose is pigmented.


Goldens should be harmoniously built, graceful rather than massive. The format is somewhat stretched. The height at the withers is approximately equal to the distance from the shoulder blades to the tail. The chest is deep. The back is straight, the loin is short. The long tail continues the line of the back. The limbs are massive and should stand well under the body. Paws are rounded, like a cat.

Wool and colors

The Retriever's coat is medium length, straight or wavy, with feathering on the chest, ears, paws and tail. The undercoat is dense and waterproof. The color can be any shade from dark gold to light cream, almost white. A few white hairs on the chest are acceptable.

Character and psychological portrait

Golden Retrievers are smart, kind, calm dogs that rarely bark and love spending time with humans more than anything. They are absolutely not prone to dominance or aggression, and therefore become excellent nannies for children. Cheerful and energetic, they charge everyone around with positive.

Dogs with good-natured appearance and devoted eyes are born actors. They became the heroes of the films "Napoleon", "The Road Home", "King of the Air", etc. Retrievers do not choose one owner, they love all family members equally. Very loyal, but not jealous. They perfectly feel the mood and adapt to the rhythm of family life. Strangers are friendly and trusting. Golden is a great friend and companion, he can be an excellent hunter, but he will never become a guard. Even if the owner is in danger, the pet is unlikely to rush to protect him. Only his powerful appearance and bass barking can come to the rescue. Retrievers get along well with other animals, whether it be a cat, dog or rodent.

Education and training

It is necessary to raise a puppy from the first day of appearance in the house. Goldens are deservedly considered highly intelligent dogs, they have a wonderful memory, what was once allowed to be done will be difficult to prohibit in the future. Many problems are related to walking.

In the conditions of the city, it will take a lot of strength and patience to wean a pet to pick up garbage, the remains of other people's feasts and prioritize the owner's team. The main thing when working with a retriever is the absence of violence and endurance. Already from the first months of life, a pet is taught to simple commands: “come”, “sit”, “place”, etc. Golden retrievers lend themselves perfectly to training, they catch commands on the fly, but they are not always in a hurry to fulfill them if they find themselves more an exciting activity.

From 7-9 months old, it is worth going through an OKD with a puppy or its analogues, for example, a controlled city dog, and then maintain the acquired skills or move to a new level. With Goldens, they successfully master freestyle, agility and other sports. It is pointless to take a course of protective guard duty.

Retrievers are very active, they need increased physical and mental stress. Already from 2 months, the puppy is walked up to 6 times a day for 10-20 minutes. Over time, the number of walks is reduced, and the load is increased. An adult retriever is walked at least twice a day. The first time is about 30 minutes, the second walk is complete, about 2 hours with games and training. Representatives of the breed are wonderful companions for a morning bike ride or a run.

If the dog does not receive sufficient physical activity, its character changes not for the better, and behavior often becomes destructive.

Golden Retrievers can do well in an apartment if they get enough exercise from walks. Combing in this case should become a daily ritual. A more acceptable option for the owner and the dog would be to live in a private house with unlimited walking around the site.

Hair care

It is recommended to comb out the Golden every day, if this is not possible, then the more often, the better. They use combs with frequent and rare teeth, special mittens, and during the molting period, also a slicker or furminator. Swimming is often not recommended. Water procedures with shampoo, balms and conditioners are shown no more than 5 times a year. Frequent washing can adversely affect the condition of the skin and coat. Summer swimming in ponds, washing paws and belly after walks do not count.

Nail clipping, hyena eyes and ears

With sufficient physical activity claws are grinded independently to the required length. Otherwise, they must be cut so that they do not interfere with walking and do not cause injury. Ears should be checked regularly for dirt or signs of infection, especially during the warmer months. Clean as needed auricle using special lotions. Monitor the cleanliness and dryness of the lacrimal ducts.


At any age, nutrition should be balanced and portioned. The dog should not eat plenty, it can cause obesity. Feeding a pet natural or ready-made food is an individual matter. In food, goldens are usually not picky, so the choice is up to the owner. A puppy from 3 months to six months is fed 4 times a day in small portions. By the age of 7 months, they are transferred to 3 meals a day, from a year and a half to two meals a day.

Health, breed diseases and life expectancy

Golden Retrievers are hardy and energetic dogs with good health. However, there are a number of diseases to which they are most predisposed, some of which are hereditary:

  • Epilepsy;
  • Progressive retinal atrophy;
  • Willebrand's disease (hereditary hemorrhagic disorder, which manifests itself in increased bleeding);
  • joint dysplasia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Atopic dermatitis, other skin diseases.
  • Predisposition to otitis due to poor ventilation of the auricle;

Regular check-ups with a veterinarian will help to recognize the disease in advance and begin treatment at an early stage.

Average life expectancy is 10-12 years.