Accurate love horoscope for Leo

In the coming 2019, the horoscope stars advise Leo to spend more time where life is in full swing, in the thick of things. It is in such places that luck will await him.

All year long, Leo's charm will be at its best, which will not only attract the sympathy of others to him, but will also allow Leo to play a key role in events, directing them at his own discretion.

Another thing is that you shouldn’t go too far here either, because everything is good in moderation. To win over your interlocutor, it is not at all necessary to shine with intelligence and wit without interruption; often, just a couple of well-aimed phrases are enough for this.

In addition, in 2019, it is extremely important for Leo to avoid any manifestation of negativity or aggression, since all those emotions that he turns on others will return to him with interest. This year, Leo will understand more than ever that it pays to be friendly and welcoming!

In general, Leo promises to have a very successful year, especially in terms of making new acquaintances and receiving lucrative offers.

2019 is probably best year so that Leo finds a worthy mate. The horoscope stars promise to give him a special charm, which will make Leo irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex.

But for this, Leo categorically cannot sit in a corner; on the contrary, he himself must show initiative, courage and determination. Don't be afraid to take the first step, don't be afraid to shine, and then the stars will be on your side!

The secret of Leo's attractiveness in the coming year is bright colors in everything: in clothes, in communication, in ideas. Of course, this does not mean that Leo needs to use flashy makeup and too colorful colors in clothes, but adding bright colors to his everyday look will be very useful.

Well, Leo’s main trump cards in terms of love will be his calm self-confidence and friendly smile. No one will be able to resist this image of Leo in 2019. And even if Leo has been in a relationship for a long time, all this will not harm him at all, but will only add positive points to him in the eyes of his loved one.

In 2019, Leo's main advantage over his competitors will be his ability to persuade. Well, the secret of this will be not so much in his logic and prudence, but in the brightness of his entire image. In business, as in love, not everything is decided by dry calculations; often a bright presentation of your ideas does more than thousands of logical arguments. And what if the brightness is combined with beautiful numbers!

In other words, the stars of the horoscope urge Leo not to be afraid to bring a bit of emotion into his work. In 2019, Leo will be an excellent speaker, his organizational talents will be at their best, and with his ability to conduct complex negotiations, he will be able to outshine, if not everyone, then many. Which is what you should use.

What will attract Leo success and money in 2019:

  • Negotiation
  • Organizational work
  • Mediation activities
  • Career advancement

What Leo should avoid in 2019:

  • Science classes
  • Accounting and financial calculations
  • Individual work and independent projects

The Year of the Dog will bring career success, as well as an improvement in your financial situation. The main thing is to meet deadlines, take criticism calmly and maintain a good mood. Leo will need to show determination, initiative, and determination. This is what the horoscope predicts for 2018 - Leo will realize his maximum potential. Representatives of the fire sign will enjoy good health throughout the year, this will add strength, stamina, and endurance.

Love life will be calm and measured. The family will maintain a friendly attitude and mutual support. Lonely Leos will be able to find happiness in love in the spring; the rest of the time will not be suitable for changes on the personal front.

  • January should be devoted to family matters. The work environment will be tense, and there may be pressure from management.
  • February will allow you to relax after intense work. A series is coming nice acquaintances. Lonely representatives of the sign may be waiting for a fateful meeting.
  • March will give you a stable financial situation. Moreover, by the end of the month a financial breakthrough is expected: a bonus or a win.
  • April will swirl Lviv in a whirlpool of new impressions. Travel, trips and any adventures will be interesting. Excitement, enthusiasm and a dose of risk will make this month unforgettable.
  • May is the last month for building long-term relationships. You should not make rash decisions and return to your previous partners. What has ended does not need to be renewed. Married couples will enjoy a period of romance and renewal of feelings.
  • June is the time to go on vacation. Even a short trip to nature will allow you to take your mind off everyday problems.
  • July is suitable for experiments in the interior. Perhaps representatives of the fire sign will be enlightened by some design idea. All that remains is to bring it to life, involving everyone at home in this useful activity.
  • August will force you to return to work. Questions will arise that require immediate attention. Leos will be able to react quickly, assess the situation and make the right decision.
  • September is good for improving well-being. Some representatives of the sign will receive a salary increase.
  • In October, you need to think about business proposals and assess risks. There is no need to sign legal papers.
  • November will puzzle you with solving problems around the house. This month is a good time to troubleshoot problems or purchase household appliances.
  • December is conducive to relaxing with loved ones.

Horoscope for 2018 Leo woman


The ladies will be surrounded by numerous fans who will begin to demonstrate both admiration and jealousy. Everyone will naively believe that she should belong only to him. The lioness will be significantly tired of this state of affairs. The one who is already in a relationship will also face unreasonable jealousy on the part of the chosen one. Moreover, he will see a competitor both in a stranger and in his work, girlfriends, and hobbies. As a result, the love horoscope for 2018 says that the Lioness will have a desire to avoid unnecessary communication.

Married couples may have omissions due to the woman’s high demands on her spouse. The desire to suppress or reproach him will only add tension. In 2018, you need to make children your main concern and joy. Be sure to set aside time for joint walks, visits to entertainment events, water parks, theaters, and exhibitions. It should be remembered that children want to see not a strict parent nearby, but a reliable friend, which they need to become.


Women will be able to boast of initiative and business acumen. Their original ideas, as well as the ability to draw up a long-term plan, will allow them to outperform their competitors. Representatives of the fire sign will make useful contacts and find patrons. If you have enough knowledge, experience, and determination to organize your own business, then you should do it in the spring of 2018. It doesn’t hurt to enlist the support of friends or new influential acquaintances. By autumn you can expect a significant increase in wealth.

Those who are not yet ready to open their own business will have to think about reasonable savings. There will be no significant financial upheaval, but restraint will be appropriate in the summer. You should avoid frequent shopping, purchasing trinkets or going to the store under the influence of emotions. By the end of the year you will have to regret the money wasted.

Women's health horoscope

If there are chronic diseases, then their exacerbation in the spring is possible. Otherwise, there is no need to worry about your health; the Leo woman will be cheerful, energetic, and active. Exercises in the gym, swimming, sports games such as tennis or volleyball are useful. Summer is a great time to spend it in the company of friends: riding bicycles or ATVs. The more active your vacation, the better your health.

During working hours, Lionesses should pay attention to the blood vessels. Staying in heels for a long time is fraught not only with leg fatigue, but also with the development of vein diseases. You need to try to combine beauty and convenience to avoid health problems. Evening foot baths with sea salt will have a relaxing effect.

Horoscope for Leo man


The Year of the Dog is not conducive to making numerous acquaintances, especially the second half of the year. From June there will be a period of unpromising dates, all romances will be short-lived. In such a situation, the stars advise that it is better to do useful things than waste time in nightclubs or other crowded places.

Those who already have a partner will want to spend more time alone. Family Leos will be especially attentive to their spouse and generous with gifts. A joint vacation with children should be planned for August or September. If a couple is just thinking about adding to their family, then the 2018 horoscope for Leo favors conceiving a child.


The Year of the Dog is favorable for career success and gaining financial stability. The first half of the year will give you the respect of your colleagues and the approval of your superiors. The support of colleagues will help you move up the career ladder. They will see Leo as a leader and organizer. Thus, promotion will depend on how well a man can sense the mood of the team and negotiate with people.

The second half of the year will pass in a state of relaxation and material wealth. Anyone who works hard until the summer will achieve the desired level of earnings in the fall. There will be enough funds for a comfortable life, but you shouldn’t get too carried away and purchase luxury items. Spontaneous purchases of beautiful but useless things can worsen your financial situation during the New Year holidays.

Men's health horoscope

Sports will help you stay in shape. Regular physical exercise will provide not only an attractive muscle relief, but also the overall tone of the body. In the summer, the Leo man will probably want to engage in extreme sports. His passion and energy are enough to make his old dream come true. Maybe he has long wanted to skydive or raft down mountain rivers, but in 2018 he will be lucky enough to do it.

There is a small chance of seasonal colds, which will be overcome soon. However, prevention will still be useful. Swimming, regular running and cycling are also beneficial.

The success of the restless and temperamental Leo in 2018 depends on how he manages to establish relations with the mistress of the year, the Yellow Earth Dog. If you manage to refrain from conflicts with her, then the stars promise the self-confident and handsome Leo success in his personal life and lucrative contracts.

But grandiose plans and prospects will turn into dust if Leo begins to become too arrogant and boast to those who have so far achieved less success. The horoscope for Leo in the year of the Dog promises a large number of work, among which there will always be time for a hectic personal life. Sometimes you will have to run away from your competitors and challenge your opponents to a duel - Leo’s successes will arouse the envy of his ill-wishers. Spiteful critics will do their best to remove the crown that has appeared on Lviv’s head and humiliate the proud king of beasts.

Horoscope for Leo men

Leo's lightning-fast reaction and acumen will be in demand more than ever in 2018 - courageous Leos must do several things at once in order to keep up with the rhythm of life. Their agility will be generously rewarded - you will receive a bonus, a salary increase, a salary increase.

But don’t forget about rest to restore wasted energy. It is better to take a vacation in mid-July and choose a quiet and peaceful place for this. For example, a small island or a dacha in the suburbs - this is as finances allow. Take your family or close friends with you on vacation, because the greatness of Leo does not mean loneliness at all.

Horoscope for Leo women

Leo women in 2018 will be able to show their humanity, compassion and ability to forgive. The generosity and nobility of Leo should be shown everywhere in your life, but small animals should not be allowed to fray the luxurious fur of the Lioness. Even the most daring and arrogant Lionesses will moderate their ardor and ambition in 2018; they will come to understand that hypertrophied egoism interferes with normal human communication with people.

Lionesses will finally understand that the purpose of their life is not to buy a sea of ​​\u200b\u200btrinkets. Therefore, a lot will change in the arrangement and external design of their home.

Unlike Leos, no changes are expected in the careers of Lionesses. There may be some success in their work in the fall of 2018 - they will receive a long-awaited bonus and recognition from the team, which will please the vanity of the vain Lioness.

Love horoscope for Leo for 2018

Free from marriage ties, Leos in 2018 will finally have a real chance to start their own family. The Yellow Dog wants happiness for lonely Leos and will do everything possible so that the beautiful Lioness receives the long-awaited marriage proposal from a fan.

The dog will give lonely representatives of the sign of the king of beasts a fleeting meeting. She will become so fateful that Leo will completely forget his frivolous hobbies. If you decide to charm someone, then the year of Yellow Earth Dogs the most best time for pressure in love affairs.

Leo men must remember that the Yellow Dog patronizes all endeavors in their personal life, but does not tolerate betrayal and deception at all. Therefore, you should not even try to look to the left if you already have a life partner. Behind momentary flirting there may be a real threat to family happiness and well-being. Treason is highly likely to be revealed and you can lose your family.

The Leo woman will have a strong and passionate character in the year Yellow Dog. It is better to curb it well, otherwise the men will simply run away from such strong pressure. You need to gather your will into a fist and restrain rash actions and statements.

In 2018, the Leo horoscope promises prosperity and love if they can curb their royal nature and take a little closer look at those who are below them in social status. Intense business and personal life can take a toll on their health; Leo’s big and kind heart will be especially vulnerable in 2018. You need to pay close attention to his health, especially at the end of the hot summer.

The Year of the Dog will be difficult in terms of love for Leo. Single Leos will continue to search for their soul mate. And those of them who are already members family relationships, fate will provide tests of the strength and endurance of marriage. Those who intend to save the family should give their best, be more restrained, understanding, and affectionate, so that the other half does not doubt the sincerity of feelings.

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As mentioned above, fate will have many tests in store for the couple, but Leos will be unshakable, they will pass this test of loyalty with honor. The same cannot be said about their partners. Here a delicate situation may arise in which you will have to make a choice: stay with the person who betrayed you and forgive him or say goodbye to him forever. The stars advise not to make hasty decisions and perhaps give one more chance to your chosen one. He, in turn, will reward you with his sensuality and care for such a reciprocal step.

The beginning of the year will not be easy at work either. Leos will have to work hard to achieve even the slightest results. Of course, Leos will want more professional development, but work alone will not be enough. In order to be noticed and appreciated, you should be firm and persistent in your actions, defend your point of view. The company's management will appreciate your rather serious intentions to take a leading position in the team, and will provide you with the opportunity to realize yourself in the role of a leader.

With the onset of cold weather, representatives of the royal sign should take care of their health. If Leos work hard and leave all worries about themselves “for later,” they risk ending up in the hospital. The path to recovery will not be quick. Neurological diseases will be the first to suffer from overwork. Experts will recommend going on vacation as quickly as possible or spending quiet time at home with family and friends.

That same fall, many Leos will experience pleasant acquisitions. These will be expensive purchases. Don't be afraid to spend a lot on gifts, they will more than pay off. Representatives of the royal sign will also be generous with their children. They will not skimp on gifts for their children or on their education in the field of education.

Closer to the New Year, fate has prepared a fateful meeting for Leos, which can radically change their lives. The relationship will most likely end with a wedding and a possible move abroad. The Year of the Dog will be favorable to the royal sign in business as well. Leo entrepreneurs will be able to make profitable investments in their business and not only expand it, but also make a decent profit.

Love horoscope for 2018 Leo

Literally from January-February, representatives of this sign will try to find an easy, relaxed relationship. Thanks to their charm, they will be more than successful in this. They will quickly find like-minded partners who will indulge them in everything. Leos will become idols for their partners. Instead of choosing equal partners, the royal sign will truly be the king for its halves. They will never dare to betray Leo and will listen to them in everything. Thus, they will not allow you to doubt your sincere feelings. Unfortunately, partners will not feel the opposite feelings either.

Leos are characterized by increased selfishness. Therefore, in the first half of the year they will not waste their energy on searching for romantic encounters, searching for eternal love, etc. They will simply be too lazy to do it. During the first half of the year, they will have short-term romances, where they will allow themselves to be loved, but they will have a desire to love themselves only after the onset of summer.

In the middle of the hot summer, romantic feelings will overwhelm Leos, and they will go in search of their soulmate. They will succeed. The long-awaited meeting will not take long to arrive. Leos will be so carried away by new relationships that for the sake of them they will be ready not only to break their family ties, but also to change their inner world. The heavy, charismatic nature of the partners will warm up feelings. It is thanks to the strong nature of the other doormat that Leos will have an interest in them for many, many years to come.

In the fall, an unpleasant surprise awaits the royal signs. Now they can play the role of the victim. Your significant other will lose interest in them and quickly get rid of their obsessive nature. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise Leos can quickly transform from a cute bunny into a fierce tiger and lose their heads in their deeds.

All these love affairs will greatly exhaust the representatives of this sign. Family Leos will also have problems in relationships. Frequent skirmishes and quarrels can ultimately dot the i’s. Leos will look for an outlet in their children.

Health horoscope for 2018 Leo

Winter cold and frost will in no way affect the health of the representatives of the sign. On the contrary, their body will be strong and powerful and as if it will be ready to withstand unbearable burdens. But the stars still do not advise neglecting your health; you should not overestimate your strength. Too much workload and sleepless nights will negatively affect your physical condition and can lead to physical fatigue and all the ensuing consequences.

In addition, astrologers advise paying attention to calls from the outside gastrointestinal tract and treat it in a timely manner, otherwise prolonged illnesses can lead to open stomach ulcers. Stick to it proper nutrition, eat more fruits, drink freshly squeezed juices.

It’s also worth being less distracted, so that through your stupidity and carelessness you don’t get a serious injury or fracture.

Leo's career in 2018

Representatives of the sign in the year of the Dog will weaken their positions regarding the greedy zeal for power. They would prefer calm, measured work with a good salary to the eternal race. From the end of spring, many of them will want to go free swimming and start a private business in an area of ​​activity where they feel like a fish in water.

In the second half of the year, the stars will also be favorable to the royal sign and foretell a good promotion at work. Successful business development awaits Leo entrepreneurs, and given the conditions of the global crisis, one can assume that Leos will be luckier than anyone else. They will be able to bring all their crazy ideas to life and even earn a lot from it.

Horoscope for 2018 Leo woman

2018 will be very successful for the beautiful representatives of this sign. Everything will work out successfully on a professional level, their knowledge and skills will be highly appreciated by management and will even soon be offered a leadership position in the company. The lionesses will be waiting for interesting foreign business trips, vivid impressions, expensive purchases for their loved ones and many surprises from secret admirers, by the way, from which the lionesses will have no end. Despite her capricious nature, men will want to be with such a companion, and will fiercely hate her female colleagues.

The year will be very fruitful and the end of 2018 also promises many surprises, first of all they will concern a tempting offer to change the field of activity and high wages.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo man

We recommend that strong representatives of this sign spend the beginning of the year traveling with their beloved woman, as well as establishing relationships that have become empty and have failed over the years. You can put work and business aside, at least for a short time, and devote time to your family. If a couple doesn’t have a child yet, then it’s worth thinking about it, now is just the right time. Single Leos should go in search of a soulmate.

In addition, the stars advise not to ignore the issue of health. He needs to be monitored and periodically visited by specialists for disturbing diseases.

In 2018, closer to the second half, Leos will feel a shortage Money, from which such a situation can seriously infuriate even the most balanced Leos. In such a situation, you should remain as calm as possible and overcome with dignity all the difficulties prepared by fate.

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  • horoscope of what awaits a Leo woman in love in the fall
  • Leo on the border with Virgo horoscope 2018

Favors representatives of this sign. Strong-willed and self-confident, Leos will do anything to achieve their goals. In addition, changes await them on the personal front. Astrologers recommend devoting more time to your loved one and children. In the end, family will be more important than career and finances.

Famous Lions

  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Jacqueline Kennedy
  • Joanne Rowling
  • Edita Piekha
  • Sofia Rotaru
  • Ivan Okhlobystin
  • Igor Krutoy
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • David Duchovny
  • Ivan Aivazovsky

Forecast for the zodiac sign Leo for 2018

Leos will start the year with minor worries, quarrels and turmoil. In a couple of weeks, these problems will seem petty and not worth your nerves. The second half of January will bring promising opportunities and good mood. Luck will accompany Leos at work and at home. Your task is to concentrate on the main thing and not lose caution.

In 2018, Leo must remember that family is more important than career!

The light streak will last until mid-spring. At the end of March, relationships with your soulmate will crack. But Leo will show his characteristic courage and will do everything to preserve the union. Perhaps he will forgive betrayal or lies, although he himself will remain faithful to his partner. The troubles won't end there. At the beginning of summer, Leo will face professional difficulties that will require hard work. To find a way out of the situation, you will have to study the problem deeply.

This period will be nervous and tense, but you will get through it. Success will bring a promotion, salary increase or bonus. In mid-July, you will put things in order and go on a well-deserved vacation. Prefer a comfortable and familiar place - for example, your favorite dacha and the company of close friends. After several days of passive rest, you will want to move. Hiking in the mountains or river rafting will diversify Leo's leisure time.

Another passion of the sign will be shopping. If you work in a large company, get ready for business trips to European cities - Paris or Milan. You will not only meet foreign partners, but also stroll through legendary shopping centers and boutiques. With the arrival of August, you will plunge back into work. This period is very important for Leo’s professional growth, so work conscientiously and show your best side.

September will bring unfounded criticism from envious people. Don't worry about these words, but think about whether there is any truth to them. After all, there is no smoke without fire... At the beginning of autumn, Leo's vitality will fade away. If possible, spend a week in a sanatorium and devote time to a hobby. This way you will restore inner harmony. The period from October to December is favorable in all respects. Of course, there will be troubles, but joyful events will prevail.

Autumn 2018 is ideal for making a major purchase

This is the time to make a major purchase or investment. Spend the money on education (yours or your child’s), repairs or construction. Time will show that these operations were extremely successful. And keep in mind: the end of December is a time of change. If you've been wanting to change jobs or get married, do it now. The year is conducive to starting your own business. By deciding everything on his own and receiving a good income, Leo will get a taste for it and achieve great success.

  • Forecast for women. The Leo woman will scare off men with her firm and passionate character. But alone with a loved one, she will show tenderness and affection. In the spring, the representative of the sign will be overwhelmed by feelings, because of which work and family will fade into the background. Gather your willpower to refrain from rash actions and statements! And don't try to deceive your friends. You can't get away with lying. Soon the romantic impulses will subside, and the Lioness will return to normal life. However, it will be far from routine. The representative of the sign will travel a lot for work or for pleasure. She will enjoy shopping, including expensive accessories. At the end of the year, new horizons will open up for the Lioness. An ambitious woman will not miss the opportunity to climb the career ladder or open a profitable business.
  • Forecast for men. The Leo man must show quick reaction. Solve the problem as soon as you notice it, keep an eye out for new projects and opportunities. In some matters, rely on your sixth sense. Perhaps a streak of failures will begin in life. In this case, go “underground” and take a wait-and-see attitude until circumstances work out in your favor. Avoid open disputes and quarrels. To pay attention appearance, gait, speech. It is important that you make a good impression on new acquaintances, especially colleagues and possible sponsors when it comes to business. Be wise and restrained. These qualities suit you.
  • Children's prognosis. From the very beginning of the year, the baby Lion Cub will declare his independence and determination. An energetic child will not be able to sit quietly at his desk. Get ready for daily comments in the diary and complaints because of his pranks and disrupted lessons. At times, the Lion Cub can be cruel to classmates, teachers and other adults. The task of parents is to explain to the child the boundaries of what is permitted. During the summer holidays, little Leo will not spend a day at home. He will lead the company and embark on entertainment that his parents are unlikely to approve of. The teenager will begin to rebel against adults. Protest will be expressed in night parties, smoking, and drinking alcohol. You shouldn’t turn a blind eye to your child’s “hobbies,” otherwise the situation will get worse. In the fall, find a club or courses for your child that will distract him from dangerous activities.

Find where to channel the irrepressible energy of the Leo child!

Love horoscope for 2018

Lions – strong-willed individuals, accustomed to playing first fiddle in relationships. When starting a relationship in the first half of the year, you will choose a gentle and flexible partner born under the sign of Pisces, Cancer and Libra. Most likely, you will not experience deep feelings for your chosen one, but you will accept signs of attention with pleasure. For this person, you will become a mentor in all areas of life.

You will not tolerate infidelity from your other half - even harmless flirting on the side - and you will want to control her every step. But don't go too far! In the middle of summer, even the most patient partner will get tired of your nagging and put an end to the romance. If this prospect scares you, learn to trust your loved one, say “thank you” more often - and your union will last for years.

Summer will bring a surge of romantic feelings. At the beginning of June, Leo will fall in love more than ever. Emotions will overshadow your attachment to your current partner, social conventions and everything that has defined your life up to this point. The object of feelings will be a person with a strong character, Aries or Capricorn. Next to him, the formidable Leo will turn into a gentle domestic cat. You will show friendliness, compassion and submissiveness to your lover, which is unusual for your sign. But be careful: the chosen one is unlikely to respond to your feelings.

In the fall of 2018, established couples can safely tie the knot

Leo will quickly move from love to hate. Giving in to impulse, he risks taking a rash step and bringing upon himself new troubles. Even if Leo has been married for a long time and the relationship is going well, he needs rest. Hand over the reins to your spouse and spend time with your children. Established couples may be thinking about getting married. The period suitable for the ceremony is from the beginning of autumn to the end of December. But a marriage concluded at the end of winter will end unsuccessfully.

The freedom-loving Leo will agree to the proposal only in full confidence that his partner is devoted to him and does not hide any secrets. One frivolous act and the opportunity is lost. A representative of this sign can change his decision literally standing at the altar. The honeymoon will not pass peacefully! Leo will be demanding of his newly-made spouse and will want to hear only praise from him. If you accept your spouse's quirks, the marriage will be happy.

Health horoscope for 2018

Leos are famous for their good health. In the first half of the year, you won't face anything more serious than a runny nose. But a frivolous attitude towards the body, lack of sleep and overwork will undermine your strength. Representatives of this sign are prone to joint diseases and digestive system. Stomach pain is the first sign that you need to give up junk food and alcohol abuse. Otherwise you may get an ulcer. In November and December, the risk of fractures and dislocations will increase.

Normalize your diet so as not to develop health problems!

Money horoscope for 2018

On the horizon there will be a chance to solve all financial difficulties at once. The main thing is to quickly take advantage of the opportunities that fate presents. Conscientious work will lead to a salary increase and a new position. Entrepreneurship promises even greater income. In the second half of the year, you can make money on a large investment if you “turn off” the fear of adventure.

On the other hand, Leo risks spending huge sums on entertainment. Shopping centers, clubs and casinos will acquire a special charm in your eyes, so strengthen your willpower. In addition, comrades will often take on debt. It will be difficult to refuse, but necessary. The borrowed money will disappear from your life along with dubious acquaintances.