Where to remove tooth roots. Everything about tooth root removal: debunking myths and fears. What are the reasons for unsuccessful tooth root treatment, and when does re-treatment become necessary?

Why are we afraid to pull out the root of a tooth?

Arsenic and unbearable pain are what patients remember after tooth root removal. The procedure seemed endlessly long, with patients visiting the dentist more than twice. The pain they experienced at this time was not relieved by any anesthetic.

How was a tooth root removed before?

The operation took place in two stages. At the first stage, the dental surgeon expanded the root canal with a drill, inserted arsenic into the pulp, placed a temporary filling and sent the patient home for two days. During the adaptation period the patient experienced toothache due to the effects of arsenic on the nerve and the body as a whole.

At the second stage, the patient had the root removed. It happened that the nerve did not die during this time. Because of this, the procedure was painful.

How do they do it now?

Tooth root removal takes place in one stage. The patient is injected with a thin needle and a modern anesthetic. Ultracaine or imported analogues. Within 10 minutes, the anesthetic begins to act, and the patient does not feel touch to the oral cavity. This is where the surgeon begins his work. It separates the circular ligament from the neck.

If the gum is not inflamed, then it is separated from the edge of the alveoli. To remove the root of a tooth, the surgeon will need forceps or an elevator. He grabs the root with them and pulls it out.

This procedure will take two hours. And the only unpleasant sensation that the patient experiences is the sound of the devices.

In what cases will it be necessary to pull out the root of a tooth?

The main reason for tooth root removal is infection. Secondary reasons include excessive tooth mobility due to gum disease, the presence of a cyst, deep caries and chipping of the tooth wall.

Types of operations


Represents modern technology removal of the tooth root along with the crown. With this procedure, the tooth is preserved, as is its functionality.

With hemisection, there is a high probability that the tooth will not withstand the load. Therefore, dentists will not give you guarantees on its service life.

Average price for hemisection: 2500 rubles.


In this case, the root is completely removed while preserving the crown. This makes it possible to save the tooth.

During amputation, the dental surgeon makes an incision in the gum, and the root is cut off with a drill and pulled out with forceps. The empty cavity is filled with bone-restoring or bone-plastic material and the gum is sutured.

Amputation has a number of contraindications for which it cannot be performed. These include diabetes mellitus, various immune and cardiovascular diseases, elderly age.


This operation is prescribed when it is possible to remove a cyst on the root. In this case, the tooth is completely preserved. Essentially this simple procedure for an experienced surgeon, where the main task dentist - this is enucleation of the cyst and filling of bone-forming material.

Average price for cystectomy: 3000 rubles.

How to behave after tooth root removal

After the operation, you should not eat, drink tea or coffee for three hours. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes until the gums are completely healed.

Pain in the postoperative period

Often, patients return to the doctor complaining of tooth pain. This is normal, such pain is a consequence of changes in the structure of the jaw. As a rule, it appears when eating hot or cold food and when closing the jaw. In such cases, it is recommended to take an anesthetic. The pain will pass in a few days.

If the pain doesn't go away long time, contact your dentist as it is possible that the root has not been completely removed.


The average cost of tooth root removal will be 3,500 rubles; in difficult cases, the price will increase to 5,000 rubles. Please note: the price depends on many factors. To quickly find a clinic and find out the exact cost of treatment, use our search.

Don't put off visiting the dentist! Remember that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

In the last century, when asked whether it is painful to remove the root of a tooth if the crown is completely destroyed, many dentists would have given an affirmative answer. Pain during and after the procedure, complications from anesthesia and discomfort plagued many patients. But today the situation has changed - a diseased tooth and its root can be pulled out absolutely painlessly.

Who will have to part with a tooth?

Complications following tooth extraction in the doctor's office are extremely rare. Much more often sad consequences occur when it spontaneously falls out due to destruction or injury. In such cases, there are two options: restoration of dentin and enamel or removal of the tooth root.

The tooth root will have to be removed if the following symptoms occur:

  • constant discomfort in the gums;
  • sharp pain when chewing;
  • swollen soft tissue;
  • bleeding;
  • the appearance of pus.

A sure sign of an inflammatory process in the gums is an increase in body temperature in the absence of symptoms of another disease.

Important! You cannot postpone a visit to the dentist, even if only one of these symptoms appears. Any suspicion that the tooth root remains in the gum and has begun to rot should prompt an urgent visit to a doctor.

What are the roots of teeth, look at the photo:

Temporary contraindications

Surgical removal of the root of a decayed tooth is contraindicated during:

  • relapse of complex mental disorder;
  • acute phase of ARVI;
  • exacerbation of neurological disease;
  • rehabilitation after a heart attack.
Doctors at dental clinics are aware of all contraindications to extraction. But not all states are bright Clinical signs, therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to warn the doctor about the ailment.

Generalized scheme for tooth extraction

The process of removing any tooth includes the following steps:

  1. Examination and collection of anamnesis (allergic status, information about the state of health and the dental apparatus).
  2. Preparation of the surgical field: treatment of the injection site, rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic.
  3. Anesthesia.
  4. Detachment of gum from tooth using a trowel.
  5. Loosening a tooth with forceps.
  6. Extracting a tooth from its socket.
  7. Treating the hole with an antiseptic.
  8. Stop bleeding with tamponade.

According to this scheme, simple removal is carried out. In some situations, for example, when a wisdom tooth or a badly damaged molar is pulled out, a complex extraction is required. Its main difference is that in addition to forceps, the dentist uses a drill to cut out bone tissue or sawing the root into pieces, chisel, hammer and other dental instruments.

Getting rid of a wisdom tooth can be especially difficult. Due to its location in the posterior quadrant of the jaw, access to it is difficult. With anatomically incorrect or curved roots, which are often found in third molars, the dentist may be forced to make incisions in the gums, pull out the root piece by piece, and then apply sutures.

How is a decayed tooth removed?

The process of tooth extraction is a simple dental operation. The difficulty increases when you need to remove the root of a tooth that is completely destroyed. Factors requiring the intervention of an experienced specialist:

  • small size of the remaining crown;
  • condition of surrounding tissues;
  • the location of the remaining hard tooth tissues under the upper edge of the gums;
  • defects of gums, roots.

Affects the complexity of the operation and whether the position of the upper or lower jaw belongs. In the upper jaw, the walls of the sockets are longer and thicker; accordingly, teeth are removed from them with great difficulty - a highly qualified dentist is required to perform the manipulation.

Wisdom teeth, from which only the root remains, are removed in the same way as ordinary molars, but in some patients, healing after such an intervention is very painful.

Examination and preparation

The procedure begins with a thorough examination and preparation of the patient. When you first visit the clinic, the doctor will take an x-ray and examine the oral cavity.

Doctor's tasks:

  • determine the condition of the tooth, assess the extent of destruction;
  • clarify the presence of allergies, contraindications, inflammation;
  • choose a method of pain relief;
  • draw up an operation plan;
  • prepare tools.

The tools used to remove a rotten tooth root are a drill, forceps, and a set of elevators (photo).

A prerequisite is hygienic treatment of adjacent tissues. Extraction is possible only after removing stones and plaque from the molars, incisors or canines surrounding the surgical field. Immediately before extraction, the oral cavity is treated with a Chlorhexidine solution.


There are cases when dentin is destroyed gradually, without inflammation, without the appearance of rot. In such situations, painless root removal is possible without the use of painkillers, however, anesthesia is more often necessary.

The choice of drug is carried out taking into account:

  • age;
  • allergic status;
  • presence of somatic diseases;
  • individual intolerance to drugs;
  • availability chronic diseases: epilepsy, diabetes mellitus;
  • complexity of the upcoming operation.

The patient must notify the dentist about any deviations before the procedure begins. In most cases, the tooth root is removed under local anesthesia - one or two injections for incisors, 2 to 4 injections into the gums for molars. But if two teeth are destroyed, or the jaw is to be opened, the patient receives general anesthesia- will sleep until the doctor finishes pulling out the tooth.

Features of pain relief for a tooth with a rotten root

An anesthetic injection is given at the site of the projection of the tooth roots. But if the medicine is injected into the rotten area, it may not work and the person will be hurt during the extraction process.

Treatment of patients with rotten roots is carried out in two stages. On the first visit, the dentist numbs the gum, prepares it and cleans it of pus. During the second visit, anesthesia is repeated, and the doctor removes the root that has rotted inside the gum.


The doctor decides how to remove a tooth if only the root remains. Usually they start with the use of forceps. Even if the destroyed roots remain under the gum, the holes do not completely heal - the dentist can carefully pick up the remnants of hard tissue and easily pull them out.

If the tooth has crumbled to the very base, it is pulled out with an elevator. Having inserted the instrument between the gum and dentin, the doctor presses on the handle and makes rotational movements of small amplitude. As a result, the periodontal fibers shift and the root is squeezed out of the socket.

The drill is used when it is necessary to crush before removal hard tissues molar tooth. With proper anesthesia, this procedure is painless; discomfort is possible only when the gums are already healing.

Relieving inflammation

When removing a rotten root, it is often discovered inflammatory process. To ensure that the wound heals safely and does not fester, it is customary to treat it with an antiseptic. But one treatment will not provide adequate prevention, so an anti-inflammatory drug is placed in a fresh hole. With it, the hole will heal faster, and the patient will have less chance of developing alveolitis.


To extract the root system, the doctor separates and lifts flaps of soft tissue; they can only be attached back by suturing. It is customary to tighten the edges of the holes with threads during double or triple removal, when a significant part of the gum has been subjected to preparation. This is done so that the affected area heals faster and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

If there are root fragments left in the hole

If the wound edges were tightened with catgut, the patient’s treatment can be considered complete. If a non-absorbable material was used, the patient will have to return to the dentist to have the sutures removed after a week. During this time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the gums, your own sensations and notify the doctor if:

This means that small fragments of tooth tissue, which may have gone unnoticed during extraction, rot in the hole. The doctor must prescribe a repeat X-ray for the patient, check the quality of the operation and find out the cause of the ailment. Inaction is fraught with the development of alveolitis (inflammation of the socket), osteomyelitis, phlegmon and others serious illnesses.

How to remove a rotten tooth root while preserving the crown

A tooth in which only the root remains is not always pulled out entirely. For example, if an inflammatory process develops at the root apex, but the tooth itself can still be saved, resection of the root apex is performed - partial removal.

The procedure is carried out after filling the canals, under local anesthesia. The operation is simple and lasts no more than half an hour. Its main stages:

  1. Anamnesis collection.
  2. Preparation of the surgical field.
  3. Anesthesia.
  4. Cutting the gum to access the root.
  5. Delamination of soft tissues.
  6. Sawing out a “window” in the bone.
  7. Cutting off the inflamed area of ​​the root with a granuloma or cyst.
  8. Placing drugs into the cavity that stimulate bone growth.
  9. Stitching.

What to do after deletion

After any surgical intervention You should follow all the dentist’s recommendations, as well as:

  • do not eat for 2 hours after the procedure;
  • cool the soft tissues of the face in the projection of the removed root;
  • stop smoking for two days;
  • take prescribed pain medication;
  • make antiseptic applications;
  • watch to see if other teeth are crumbling.

Sometimes after complex extractions, dentists prescribe antibiotics to patients. This appointment cannot be ignored - after a tooth is pulled out of the socket, a focus of infection forms in it, which can only be extinguished with the help of medications.

The following video shows schematically different methods removal of incisors, canines, molars and premolars of the lower and upper jaw.

A visit to a dental clinic is a big deal for many people, especially when it comes to removing tooth roots.

Modern medicine allows this procedure to be performed without pain, discomfort and complications.

In what situations is surgery necessary?

There are often cases when teeth break, fall out, and the root remains inside the gum - this is the main indication for its removal. Leaving the root if the tooth is destroyed is dangerous, as over time inflammation may begin and pus may appear.

The presence of a root can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • with “twitching” at the site of a fallen or extracted tooth;
  • characteristic sharp (pressure while eating);
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the gums;
  • redness, inflammation;
  • suppuration and

It is necessary to remove the root as soon as one of the listed symptoms manifests itself. You cannot put off visiting the dentist, as this can lead to serious consequences, including blood poisoning.

The spine is small, but removed

Tooth root removal is a surgical procedure that should only be performed by a specialist. The complexity of the operation is due to several factors:

  • tooth size;
  • the condition of the tissues around it;
  • gum defects (if any);
  • placement inside the gums.

It is also important to take into account contraindications, since they influence the choice of removal technique.

The main contraindications are:

  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • mental disorders in the acute phase;
  • CNS diseases;
  • recovery period after hypertension or heart attack.

In some cases, according to a doctor’s indication, root removal is performed in a hospital setting.

In most cases, the dentist will suggest, despite the fact that the process of removing a completely destroyed tooth, in which only the root remains, will cause virtually no negative sensations - this is also a feature of the operation.

Difficulties during the operation may arise if the root is removed after the crown has broken or the root is deep in the hole.

Pulling out twisted and thickened roots is also called difficult. In other cases, the dentist’s work in this area is considered easy.

Preparing for surgery

Preparation for surgery is carried out according to general scheme: examination of the oral cavity and the immediate area in need of special attention dentist

At this stage, a choice is made - it must take into account age characteristics, presence/absence of diseases, body characteristics, for example, allergies to medications.

Also at this time, the doctor who will carry out the intervention selects the necessary instrument.

Immediately before surgery, the dentist examines the gum tissue to determine whether there is any suppuration.

The information obtained during the examination allows us to draw up detailed plan future work. The operation is performed by a doctor wearing gloves and a mask.

After this, it’s time for hygienic treatment of the oral cavity to prevent bacteria from entering the wound.

Sometimes, before proceeding with root removal, the doctor must first remove plaque or plaque located near the operation site.

Then the patient should rinse his mouth with Eludril, this way maximum sterility can be achieved - up to 90% of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria die, which significantly reduces the possibility of infection of the wound.

If complex removal is required, then an additional stage of hygienic treatment is the treatment of the facial skin with alcohol, as well as a solution of Chlorhexidine bigluconate.

After this, a sterile towel or a special cape should be placed on the patient’s chest so as not to stain the clothes.

Pain relief is part of the preparation for tooth root extraction. Drugs should be selected carefully, taking into account the person's health status. Sometimes it is necessary to make a preliminary incision in the gum, especially if the root is deep in the hole or is not visible during visual inspection.

What tools are used?

To carry out the operation, they are used the following types tools:

  • syringes;
  • elevators of various types;
  • drill.

Based on which instruments will be selected for the operation, certain working methods are selected.

For a successful procedure, it is necessary to perform a detachment of the circular ligament of the tooth or a syndesmotomy. It is carried out regardless of the chosen technique. In addition, the choice of method depends on where exactly the removal is required.

Then use one of the following methods:

  1. Pulling out roots with forceps on the upper jaw is made with an instrument with straight ends. If it is necessary to remove the roots of molars, then bayonet-shaped wide forceps are used, or as they are also called universal, since they are used to extract roots anywhere on the upper jaw.
  2. Rotation technique or rotation should be used if the operation involves removing the root of a single-rooted tooth, or if the roots of multi-rooted teeth are located separately. If the roots are connected, they must be dislocated.
  3. The root removal technique is also successfully used on the lower jaw. with tongs. In most cases, beak-shaped forceps are used. The removal technique is similar to the actions for removing the roots of the upper jaw.
  4. Extracting tooth roots elevators- another technique widely used in dentistry. She also assumes that the first stage of the operation will be a syndesmotomy. Then the working part of the elevator is carefully inserted between the tooth root and the wall of the gum alveolus and all necessary actions are carried out to remove the root. In the case when it is necessary to carry out dislocation, the elevator is used as a lever.

The photo shows tooth root removal using forceps.

Removal methods - there are three main ones

Modern dentistry carries out several types of operations to extract tooth roots.

So, what methods do modern dentists use to remove tooth roots:

  1. Hemisection or partial removal of the tooth and root. It is carried out in most cases on molars located on the lower jaw. The technique allows you to completely eliminate the development of pathological processes. The affected root with the adjacent crown or upper part of the tooth must be removed. After this, the teeth and roots located next to the root being removed are filled.
  2. Amputation or complete removal root This technique is used when it is necessary to perform surgery on the upper jaw. First, you will need to completely expose the roots of the teeth if they are poorly visible or located deep inside the jaw. This means that the doctor peels off the mucous tissue on the gum. After this, the root is cut off using a drill and removed from the hole using universal forceps. At the final stage, the space is filled with a special medical composition - osteoplastic material.
  3. Cystectomy or removal formed on the root of the tooth. The operation is carried out as follows: it is necessary to expose top part root, then identify the cyst and remove it. Finally, the doctor fills the resulting space and adjacent tissues with osteoplastic material.

Removal of the tooth root and subsequent suturing of the sockets - visual video:

Modern methods of root removal are performed under local anesthesia. Sometimes special treatment is carried out, but this is done only in a hospital setting and if the person is undergoing treatment for the underlying disease.

Therefore, the operation is painless for the patient.

Special cases

Sometimes root straightening takes place under unusual conditions.

Special cases are usually called:

  • root extraction if the tooth is destroyed;
  • the presence of gum disease, for example.

Also, special situations include the presence of serious diseases, for example, diabetes or epilepsy, when the use of certain types of pain relief is highly discouraged.

In addition, children under 12 years of age may need to remove the roots, in which case the operation also takes place in an unusual manner.

Thus, root extraction is a painless operation, does not take much time and does not require a long recovery after it. A variety of techniques will allow you to produce dental intervention taking into account all the characteristics of the body, so you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Tooth root removal is a manipulation that is considered one of the most unpleasant in dental practice. The reason is that the patient feels discomfort and pain during the procedure. And although innovative extraction methods are used today to alleviate unpleasant symptoms, people are still afraid to remove the root of a tooth, which results in a number of complications. Tooth root removal

For what reasons does the root remain?

In dental practice, situations remain quite common when teeth break, fall out, and the root remains inside the gum tissue. This is the main indication for his operation. You cannot leave it, because when a tooth is destroyed, over time this will lead to inflammation and the formation of pus.

The following signs will help determine the presence of a root:

  • aching pain in the gums, which is accompanied by “twitching” in the area of ​​the fallen or extracted tooth;
  • cutting pain syndrome with mechanical influence (pressure during eating);
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the gums;
  • hyperemia, bleeding, inflammation;
  • suppuration and rise in temperature.

The tooth root must be removed immediately after one of the above symptoms is noticed. Otherwise, such negligence will lead to serious consequences, one of which is blood poisoning.


A patient may be prescribed tooth root removal for the following indications:

  • treatment of the tooth root is impossible;
  • obstruction root canal with granuloma;
  • perforation of the tooth root or the bottom of the tooth cavity.

What does a tooth root look like?

Removal procedure

Features of wisdom tooth root removal

The following instruments are used during the operation:

  • Extracting roots with forceps. Use a tool with straight ends. If it is necessary to remove the roots of a molar, wide bayonet-shaped forceps are used.
  • Rotation technique. It is applicable when the root of a single-rooted tooth is removed.
  • Removal of roots by elevators. This technique has become widespread in dental practice. Its essence is that the working part of the elevator is carefully inserted between the root of the tooth and the wall of the gum alveolus. Next, the doctor carries out all the manipulations aimed at removing the root.

In addition, there are certain methods for removing roots:

  • Hemisection. This is a partial removal of the root. It is performed on the molars, which are concentrated on the lower jaw. The technique eliminates the development of pathological processes.
  • Amputation. This is a complete removal of the root. The technique has become widespread when performing surgery on the upper jaw.
  • Cystectomy. This is a procedure to remove a cyst that has formed on the root of a tooth.

Root removal

Removing the root of a wisdom tooth is a rather complicated procedure. It consists of the following sequence of actions:

  1. An initial examination, during which the doctor must listen to the patient’s complaints and examine his oral cavity using special equipment.
  2. If there are certain diseases of the oral cavity, then eliminate them. And then the doctor can proceed to the extraction procedure.
  3. The patient is given local anesthesia. It will completely numb the area of ​​the mouth where the operation will be performed.
  4. 3-4 minutes after the administration of the anesthetic, the doctor makes an incision in the gum tissue. It is peeled away from the bone to provide access to the root system.
  5. To remove the root, a hole is drilled or the element itself is sawn into several parts. Then the doctor removes it from the soft tissue.
  6. The resulting hole is cleaned of blood and examined for the presence of residual roots.
  7. If necessary, the wound is cleaned of pus using drainage. At the end, the doctor treats the hole with an antiseptic.
  8. The gum tissue is sutured using self-absorbable materials.

After removing the wisdom tooth root, see a doctor for examination in 2-3 days. He examines the treated surface to make sure there are no symptoms of the inflammatory process.

Difficulties in carrying out the procedure

Tooth root removal may be varying degrees difficulties. Sometimes this process is complex, but sometimes it gets more complicated:

  • as a result of manipulations by the dentist, a fracture of the adjacent part of the root or its upper part may occur;
  • the root and tissues that surround it have been subjected to pathological changes;
  • It is difficult to remove elements that are concentrated deep in the alveoli.

To avoid complications, the doctor must carefully choose the method of surgery individually for each patient.

How painful is the procedure?

Previously, this process was different severe pain And great risk development of complications. But today experts have been able to develop several methods of surgical intervention, with making the right choice in which all sensations arising during and after the procedure become less intense. In addition, during the manipulation the dentist uses anesthetics, which have an analgesic effect.

Possible complications

After surgery, the patient may experience the following complications:

  1. During the first week after the procedure, there may be some discomfort.
  2. Pain. It is formed as a reaction to the incision made in the gum tissue and the removal of the existing element. It goes away in 3-4 days. To somehow reduce pain, the doctor prescribes painkillers to the patient.
  3. Edema. It is formed as a result of injury to soft tissue during tooth root removal. But there are situations when such a symptom indicates the development of an allergy. To reduce swelling, apply ice to the affected area of ​​the jaw and take an antihistamine.
  4. Bleeding from the wound. A small amount of blood occurs as a result of damage to the soft tissue and the vessels located in it. To reduce bleeding, it is enough to place a gauze swab in the hole for 1-2 hours. If the process repeats frequently, then you need to consult a doctor.
  5. Rise in body temperature. This is a natural reaction of the body to surgical intervention. If the elevated temperature persists for several days, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.
  6. Suppuration of the wound. The main reason for the development of complications is poor oral hygiene or the presence of soft tissues root remains. The patient should immediately contact the dentist.
  7. Loss of sensation in the jaw area. This complication occurs when involved in the process facial nerve. As a rule, the symptom goes away 4-5 months after surgery. But there are situations when repeated surgery may be required.
  8. Alveolitis. This is an inflammatory process that occurs in bone tissue. He is being treated by a specialist in an inpatient setting.

Tooth root removal is a responsible process that should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. He is obliged to conduct a preliminary diagnosis and assess the condition of the patient’s tissues, teeth and body as a whole. Only after this will he be able to determine the exact method of tooth root removal, which will reduce pain and the risk of complications.

Visiting the dentist's office is an ordeal for many people. Patients believe that root removal is accompanied by painful sensations, as well as mandatory cutting and suturing of the gums. However modern methods, instruments and materials allow the operation to be performed with virtually no discomfort or complications.

Is it necessary to remove the root of a decayed tooth?

When there is no dental crown, but there are roots in the gums, you need to determine what condition they are in. The coronal part can be destroyed both on a tooth with a nerve and on a pulpless one. If the roots of a tooth are severely damaged, it cannot be restored. The dentition is restored by installing an implant or bridge after removing fragments of the unit.

Should teeth be removed if they don't hurt? Patients often turn to dentists with the following symptoms: the tooth has crumbled to the base and rotted, but the person is not bothered painful sensations. The strength of the immune system allows you to contain the spread of infection for a certain time, but there comes a time when acute inflammation occurs, accompanied by swelling. Then you can lose both the destroyed unit and its neighbors.

Absolute indications for removal

Amputation of the rotten root is mandatory, since it is a breeding ground for infection. The problem is not only bad breath - bacteria multiply in the remains of the unit, supragingival or subgingival calculus is present on them, which causes gum inflammation. Almost always, the tops of the roots are infected, which can cause a granuloma to form, which subsequently leads to gumboil (we recommend reading: is it possible to remove flux from the gums at home and how?). You can see what a decayed tooth looks like in the photo.

Removal is indicated in cases:

  • periodontal diseases;
  • if the tooth is loose;
  • the presence of a cyst, abscess;
  • caries damage;
  • complex tooth fracture;
  • the presence of fragments deeply stuck in the hole;
  • atypical position of the unit.

Removal of wisdom tooth roots is almost always required. These are far located molars that cannot be properly cared for, so the “eights” are quickly destroyed. Wisdom teeth often cause displacement of other units and constant inflammation due to cheek biting. Units are saved if they have grown correctly and are not too damaged. A crown is placed on the wisdom tooth or used for further restoration of the row using a bridge.

When can you leave the root if the tooth is crumbled?

If possible, dentists strive to save at least one root of a damaged multi-rooted tooth. It can become a support for the crown, thanks to which the unit will continue to perform its functions.

If a wall or only a root is present due to the loss of the filling of a pulpless tooth or the chipping of a piece of it, the remaining parts can be preserved. This is done in cases where the root or surrounding tissues are not affected pathological processes.

The dentist uses conservative and conservative-surgical treatment methods. In the first case, the root is filled, and after therapy the unit is restored using a pin or stump inlay. A crown is placed on a metal base, which will allow the tooth to fully perform its function.

A conservative surgical technique is required if there is inflammation at the apex of the root canal. The operation is carried out within half an hour - the doctor cuts off the top of the root.

Sometimes, in case of inflammation, it is possible to avoid surgical intervention - the doctor injects an anti-inflammatory drug into the canal. The product can remain in it from 2-3 months to 1-2 years, during which time the bone near the apex of the root is restored. However, when there is significant loss of bone tissue, specialists often resort to surgical methods to preserve tooth remains.

How is the root removed?

Many patients are interested in the question of how roots are removed, because you need to prepare for the procedure not only physically, but also mentally. If a tooth has rotted, several methods can be used to extract it:

Preparing for surgery

If a tooth has decayed and the patient decides to undergo surgery, it is necessary to prepare for it. Man passes full examination oral cavity. Soft deposits and stone are removed from the teeth adjacent to the diseased unit.

Immediately before the procedure, the dentist examines the mucous membrane for inflammation or suppuration. He performs hygienic treatment of soft tissues to prevent the penetration of microbes into the wound that remains after the intervention. The patient rinses his mouth with Eludril or Chlorhexidine - this kills 90% of pathogens.

Additional treatment will be required before complex tooth root removal. The doctor wipes the patient's face with alcohol or Chlorhexidine. A cape is placed on the chest to protect clothing from possible contact with saliva, blood, etc. The manipulation will not hurt - the method of anesthesia is selected at the preparation stage, based on age, allergies and various diseases at the patient. If the root is deep, a soft tissue incision will be required.

Required Tools

To remove a decayed tooth, doctors use several types of instruments:
(we recommend reading: how to remove a tooth yourself at home?)

  1. Forceps. Exists different types forceps, including separate instruments for the lower and upper jaws, devices for root extraction with limited mouth opening, etc.
  2. Elevators. Each type of instrument (straight, angular, etc.) is intended for a separate group of teeth.
  3. Drill. The device is necessary for sawing the tooth and removing the roots or parts thereof.

Amputation process

The operation begins by peeling away the tissue around the unit. Tooth root amputation is performed using certain working methods:

The choice of root removal method is influenced by the degree of tooth damage and the presence of transformations in the bone tissue. If the root is rotten and the bone is slightly deformed due to inflammation, then a specialist will only need forceps for extraction. They are applied at the final stage after separation of the alveoli and gums. When this instrument fails to cope with the task, the doctor uses an elevator.

What to do if the tooth has rotted down to the gum (more details in the article: what to do if the tooth has rotted down to the gum?)? In this case, a drill is used. The device allows you to cut the unit into pieces, then each piece is removed separately. The fragments are removed with another tool. When extracting a wisdom tooth, additional devices are used (we recommend reading: tooth extraction: what it is and the technique).

If the root is pulled out before it is completely destroyed, the operation will not be difficult. The procedure usually takes about 10 minutes. Extraction in people over 40 years of age is quite easy, since the alveolus atrophies and a focus of inflammation is formed - the body independently rejects a piece of the remaining tooth. When several roots are planned to be removed, the procedure is considered complex.

It is quite rare to resort to amputation of the subgingival part of the unit while preserving the crown. It is carried out when a cyst or granuloma forms, when there is a chance to save most of the unit.

Possible consequences

Complications after extraction of a tooth or root are a phenomenon that occurs due to the doctor’s lack of experience or his negligence. If a unit falls out due to injury, it is worth taking an x-ray so that the doctor can make sure that there are no fragments left in the hole. During the procedure, the following may occur:

  1. Breaking off the top of the root. There is blood coming from the wound, so the fragments are not always visible. The specialist should prescribe a repeat removal.
  2. Fragment stuck deep in the hole. Part of the tooth cannot be seen without an x-ray; it is covered with epithelial tissue and does not bother you at first. Subsequently, the capsule of fibrous tissue and fragment provokes the formation of an abscess or phlegmon.
  3. Pieces of bone become lodged in soft tissue. This is a local complication; fragments can often be removed on your own or in a doctor's office under anesthesia (without cutting tissue).

Do I need to remove the remaining tooth fragments? Leaving them in the wound is unacceptable, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences:

What to do if there is a piece left after removal?

If there is a fragment left in the gum, you should not delay visiting a doctor. The specialist will remove residual fragments and treat the wound with an antiseptic. The operation is performed in two ways:

  • when the fragment is on the surface, extraction is carried out in a few minutes with a special tool;
  • if the piece is located deep, an incision is made in the gum to extract it.

Sometimes doctors are faced with a situation where the splinter is overgrown with gums - it is completely covered with mucous membrane. In this case, treatment is carried out in several stages:

Is it possible to pull out a rotten tooth root at home?

There are many videos on the Internet showing how people try to pull out teeth at home. Is it worth experimenting on yourself so cruelly? Attempts self-removal can lead to unpredictable consequences for a number of reasons:

  • choosing an anesthetic and correctly injecting it in the right dose into the gums is very problematic without medical education;
  • It is difficult to maintain sterility at home, so the risk of infection in the wound is high;
  • improper tissue incision can cause serious bleeding;
  • Without the use of anesthesia, painful shock is possible.

While it is still possible to remove a strong, whole tooth, a rotten root cannot be extracted. The crown of the tooth or its subgingival part may crumble, fragments will get stuck in the socket, decomposing and infecting the surrounding tissues. Dentists categorically do not recommend trying to remove not only permanent, but even baby teeth on your own.