Training a shepherd puppy at home. Proper training of a German Shepherd. A person is a friend to a dog or how to help a puppy learn basic commands

Almost all dogs need training. Even for indoor ornamental breeds, there are the basics of training, which pets simply need to be introduced to, not to mention representatives of serious breeds, and primarily shepherd dogs.

Need for dog training

The dog training system primarily depends on the character of the pet. – the breed is universal, and most importantly, the dog loves the learning process, no matter what role the owner prepares her for - a security guard, watchman or assistant in the search business. But it should be taken into account that it is impossible to simultaneously teach a German Shepherd all dog wisdom, since the dog is only capable of performing one specific type of work.

The majestic and graceful animal is trained literally from the cradle. Her intellectual development is rapid. The owner simply needs to meet the puppy’s age from 6 to 10 weeks in order to lay those primary foundations for the formation of the dog’s behavior in society, which the German Shepherd will use throughout its life.

So at what age is a German Shepherd trained and taught basic commands? Immediately when the puppy got into new house– from the first walk, designation of the place - Booth for German Shepherd—, from getting to know the leash and the neighbors’ dogs.

Did you know? From two to five months of life, German Shepherd puppies require maximum attention from their owner.

As soon as the puppy completely switches to independent feeding, and this is about four to six weeks of age, he is taught the first lessons of obedience. This is exactly the moment when starting to train your German Shepherd puppy becomes a necessity.

To prevent an adult dog from conflicting with representatives of other breeds, during this period the shepherd puppy is taught to communicate with other dogs. The process of perception and identification of a person in the “friend or foe” category is complex for an amateur owner, and it is dealt with exclusively by professional dog handlers as soon as the dog reaches a certain age criterion.

Basic principles of training a German Shepherd

Before you start training a German Shepherd, you should remember that a dog grows up in several stages:

  1. Newborn period– stage of the first two weeks of life. A puppy's physiological needs are only warmth, sleep and food. The main indicator of development is the baby’s biotonus - the speed at which the nipple is located, the suction force and the speed of milk absorption. It is these qualities that determine a dog’s life potential.
  2. Transition stage– the third week of a puppy’s life, when the puppy is separated from mother’s milk and switches to another type of food. During this period, personality begins to form.
  3. Imprinting period. Lasts from four to seven weeks of age. At this stage, the puppy develops skills that are based on obedience and the execution of primitive commands. It is at this stage that the puppy adapts to the outside world and establishes contact with the owner.
  4. Socialization stage. It lasts until the puppy is 10 weeks old. It begins as soon as the baby moves to a new home. It is advisable that the dog’s age at this stage corresponds to 8 weeks, since the owner has only two weeks left to socialize the dog as much as possible - teach him to walk on a leash, teach the simplest and most necessary commands, and practice obedience.

    Important! At the age of 8 to 10 weeks, dog handlers note the most high level learning ability. At this age, the basics of training are laid in the dog without much effort. The basic commands - “Voice”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Near”, “Place”, “Fu” - begin to teach the puppy no earlier than when he reaches 8 weeks of age.

  5. Stage in which the dog determines the hierarchy. The German Shepherd goes through a period when it tries to build its hierarchical ladder and lead it. This period begins at week 13, regardless of the dog’s gender. The orderliness of relationships occurs by the age of five months.
  6. From the age of six months it begins teenage years in a dog’s life, and it can be assigned to a training group with a canine specialist. At this stage, the dog should have a fully formed psyche, character and behavioral type.

By the age of six months, the owner must have fully mastered and reinforced the basic dog control commands. The teenager must unquestioningly shut up or raise his voice on command, stick to the indicated place, be able to wait, stop or continue moving, and respond well to diarrhea.

Voice command training

This command does not belong to the main exercises, but, nevertheless, is quite important. Training is carried out at the moment of intense barking at an object by praising and drawing the pet’s attention to the barking with the command “Voice! Well done, /nickname/, Voice!”

Teaching the “Sit” command

Refers to the basic dog training commands. It is best to start practicing the command when the puppy is feeding.

You should sit the dog down and achieve obedience while placing the food bowl on the tripod, so that the puppy additionally learns to wait until he is allowed to start. You can start teaching the “Sit” command as early as eight weeks of age, handling the puppy gently but persistently. Use treats on walks, forcibly sitting the dog down, issuing a command. A trained animal is shown with a gesture that it needs to sit, after which encouragement follows for following the command.

Teaching the “Down” command

With a puppy, all commands are practiced with the help of treats.. They begin training at an early age, reinforcing the material they have learned every day.

First, the treat is brought to the dog’s nose and, without allowing him to take it, he lowers his hand to the floor, pronouncing the command. As soon as the dog lies down, place your hand on the withers. Holding her in this position, praise her, give her a treat, but do not let her go, forcing her to lie down until the “Stand” command. Then reward again for good performance.

Training the command "Nearby"

Before you start practicing the “Near” command, the dog is accustomed to a collar and leash.. When practicing the “Nearby” command, the puppy is not allowed to move more than a third of the body in front of the owner. The dog should walk on the left side at his owner's pace, his shoulder should be level with his knee. The leash should not be taut, but hang freely. The dog should not stray from the intended course, not get ahead, not lag behind and not go away from the owner.

Did you know? For a puppy, the duration of such a promenade should not exceed 10 minutes, since the dog gets tired much more on a leash than in free movement.

Final processing of commands

Basic commands accompany any dog ​​throughout its life. But the German Shepherd is a universal breed of service dog, performing guard, guard, search, and protective services. In addition, dogs do an excellent job as guide dogs, rescue dogs, and even sled dogs. That's why for German Shepherds there is a whole range of special training with specific commands, defining the functional range of responsibilities of the dog.

The end of the training of commands is considered the moment when the dog independently begins to accept the only the right decision In current situation . German shepherds participating in operations to neutralize terrorist groups do not need teams. They independently assess the situation and act according to the situation, working without human accompaniment.

Home protection teams

The German Shepherd training system includes OKD and ZKS norms. There are a number of methods for training service dogs, depending on the character, temperament and performance of the animal. To independently work out commands from the protective service, you must:

  • achieve impeccable obedience of the pet;
  • teach the dog to follow the scent;
  • learn how to properly lead a dog on a leash;
  • practice a neutral reaction to a shot;
  • practice landing and positioning in motion, as well as approaching the owner from any position.

In addition, it is necessary to practice fetching objects, unsupported jumping over obstacles with and without objects, and also not reacting to various stimuli - cats, provocations of people, shots.

In what cases should you contact a professional instructor?

If German Shepherd owners can work out the basics of a general training course on their own, then Dog owners turn to the help of professional dog handlers to train and practice the standards of protective guard service:

  • identifying a suspect by barking;
  • search of the suspect;
  • detention of a fugitive;
  • escort;
  • attack on the enemy;
  • testing the dog's courage;
  • gaining trail work skills.

Video about training a German Shepherd

A series of methods on how to train a German Shepherd - video from the training ground of professional dog handlers of the K-9 Club. Practicing basic commands with dogs:

Our site is dedicated to breeds of dogs - indoor and decorative and service, rescuers and companions, small and large. Here you can ask questions to professionals general development, education and training of pets. Professional dog handlers work with us. They will be happy to answer your questions and help resolve current situations. We welcome your comments at the bottom of the article. Tell us about your successes in training smart and loyal pets.

Do you know when and how to properly train a German Shepherd? In this article we will tell you about the basic rules for raising a pet. Distinctive natural qualities must be constantly developed so that your dog becomes more and more resilient to all kinds of living conditions and does not lose its physical shape.

Requirements for preparing Germans for various types services are very high, so the dog can be used for its intended purpose only when the appropriate special actions have been completed. It is during training that it becomes clear what features and properties the pet has. There is an opportunity to correct deficiencies and develop physical aspects. There is a great chance to teach your dog the basics of discipline. Follow the instructions below carefully and you will be able to raise an excellent and loyal friend.

Early training is an integral part of your life with your shepherd. During training, it is possible to correct the feature that, in your opinion, is least developed or, conversely, this quality should not exist. By influencing the dog's behavior, over time you can easily control its psychological and physical characteristics, encouraging your pet to do this or that action with your commands. If a German is not trained, then all his actions can be explained only by the natural needs of the body and the influence of the environment.

The difficult process of training requires not only many years of experience, but also a professional approach. You need to know the structure nervous system and its main functions. The response to external and internal stimuli is considered a reflex. Thanks to this reaction, the dog joins the outside world. By complicating and developing this effect through training, you can teach the shepherd to perform complex actions so that it can easily navigate in any conditions.

Reflexes are divided into two main groups:

  • unconditional;
  • conditional.

Unconditioned reflexes

This innate reaction manifests itself in every dog ​​and is inherited. Certain patterns are characterized by constant accuracy, helping the purebred German to adapt and survive in the world around him. These reflexes are divided into several subgroups.

The defensive reflex is self-defense, which, in turn, exists in two types: passive and active.

The food reflex begins to appear from the very birth of the puppy, representing the need for food. It is this reaction that is primarily used in training.

The sexual reflex is often a reproductive instinct that suppresses other instincts.

The orienting reflex is a reaction to something new.

These reactions are the basis of unconditioned reflexes; in addition to them, there are a number of others: imitative, pack, guard, dominance reflex, maternal instinct and others, the importance of which is obvious in the life of a shepherd dog.

A certain individual instinct may predominate in to a greater extent, which is of great importance for training. For example, an “evil” dog is most suitable for guard duty, that is, it has a particularly pronounced active-defensive reaction.

Conditioned reflexes

The dog acquires these reactions to various changes throughout its life. Thanks to competent training, you can develop the fulfillment of the conditions you need. There are natural and artificial individual reflexes. The first group includes the development of a reaction due to natural stimuli, such as the smell of food. These reflexes quickly and for a long time remain in the characteristic features of the shepherd dog. Artificial reactions can be taught to a pet, which is education.

Do not forget that as you develop a particular skill through training, it is necessary not only to continuously consolidate the acquired properties, but also to constantly improve them.

An acquired conditioned reflex may disappear if the animal loses interest in it. Let's say you teach a shepherd the command “Near!”, for which you stimulate it with some kind of treat. The dog already willingly carries out this order, walking as expected, along with you. Stop rewarding your pet and he will gradually stop following this command.

Let's tell you more about how to train a German Shepherd.

Basic Concepts

Any conscientious and experienced owner of a purebred dog should understand that there is a huge difference between raising and teaching commands. Training a German Shepherd puppy should begin only when the baby reaches a certain age and becomes physically and psychologically stronger. You cannot force a puppy to do anything. The baby does not yet understand mechanical unquestioning commands; they can frighten him. What should not be allowed, because in order to establish excellent contact next to you in the future, the puppy must understand you, and not be afraid. Let your pet calmly participate in various activities of your family.

A logical question arises: when and at what age should you start training a puppy? One and a half, two months is the optimal time for an introductory training course: and you can go out into the fresh air. It is necessary to start training before eating, because a treat will serve as an incentive to follow the command. When learning this way brings joy to your child, you get quick results. In the first months, training mainly consists of various outdoor games next to you, which should delight the puppy.

General training should begin at the age of six months. It is best to seek advice from an experienced dog trainer for individual training. After all, this requires not only time, but also certain knowledge. Even a few lessons with a specialist will already yield results - you will understand where and when to start training your purebred German correctly.

Any dog ​​trainer will tell you that the first training should begin from one to two months, during this period the puppy is most susceptible to a large number information. Until vaccination is done and there is no possibility of going for a walk, you can already start light training at home.

First lessons

In order for the training of simple command courses to proceed correctly, it is necessary to fulfill several basic criteria at home.

First, be sure to be patient with your puppy so that strong trust can develop between you. Otherwise, you risk raising an angry dog. As soon as you can achieve this, without screaming and hysterics, then feel free to accustom your pet to his first command: “Come to me!” Having heard her, he should immediately be nearby.

Secondly, for every precise execution of any command, be sure to reward your pet with some kind of treat. A small piece of cheese or raw potato will do. In rare cases, you can give some cookies, but do not go overboard with sweets.

Third, choose right time to execute commands. Morning or evening hours are perfect for this purpose. In other cases, the puppy may appear hungry or want to sleep.

Fourthly, it is necessary every time, immediately before the lesson itself, to calmly say the command “Practice!” so that the child can tune in to learning.

As you can see, you can teach the basics of training at home.

Purebred shepherds are too temperamental animals, so it is worth stocking up on perseverance and perseverance in order to fully follow the commands. In principle, you can start training your pet regularly at four months, although if you wish, you can teach an adult German the necessary tasks.

Let's take a closer look at which teams and when to train a thoroughbred German.

Time for training

The German Shepherd is a versatile dog with many features. Possessing high intelligence, this animal is capable of many things: possessing protective and security functions, an excellent sense of smell and clear hearing, excellent endurance and physical strength. The right approach training depends, naturally, on the individual characteristics of the German. The most important thing is to let the dog know who is boss in the house, so that he can strictly give commands and be sure of unquestioning obedience.

A shepherd dog has certain moments in its life when it is clearly necessary to know what exactly to do. Let us note several main periods:

Two or three months is the time when the dog adapts to its immediate environment. This is the right time to teach commands such as “sit”, “lie down”, “come”. From two months to 11 weeks, the puppy is extremely emotional, be affectionate and friendly.

By four months, the shepherd dog should know its owner and follow the following commands: “stand”, “near”.

A puppy becomes a teenager at six months. Be extremely careful at this stage - the pet becomes uncontrollable, showing its character. Show a little toughness to assert your authority.

After six to eight months you will understand what characteristic features possesses a shepherd. When you decide what exactly you want to teach the dog and what to remove from its character, feel free to begin a general training course, preferably under the supervision of an experienced dog handler or taking into account the recommendations of our “Training” section, which discusses the features of teaching various commands.

Conditions for accepting a dog:

  • Availability of a veterinary passport
  • Full vaccination
  • Healthy appearance and the condition of the dog

The German Shepherd was bred by Max von Stephanitz at the end of the 19th century. For more than a hundred years, strict breeding selection has been introduced in order for the breed to improve and prosper. To obtain permission for breeding, a German Shepherd must have a certificate of origin RKF/AKC/KC/CKC/FCI, at an exhibition receive an exterior grade of no lower than “very good”, an HD research certificate (grades -A, -B or - C), as well as the results of successfully passing tests of any type of training recognized by the RKF (OKD and ZKS, KD, KS, IPO 1-3, IPO ZTP, IPO-FH).

The German Shepherd is not a dog for everyone. If you have decided to get a representative of this particular breed, it means that you have the opportunity to devote enough time to full walks (about 4 hours a day to provide a sufficient amount of physical activity to keep the dog in good shape), as well as training sessions. These are extremely energetic dogs, and if their activity is not directed in the right direction, your pet will find something to do with itself, for example, destroy the apartment.

Thanks to strict breeding selection, this breed turned out to be universal and multifunctional. Its representatives do an excellent job of playing the role of a faithful guard and protector, a sensitive companion, a rescuer and a guide dog.

If we talk about the character and temperament of German Shepherds, it is worth noting:

  • tendency to train;
  • a strong type of nervous system and a balanced psyche;
  • firm and strong character;
  • high learning ability;
  • excellent obedience;
  • adequate response to all types of stimuli.

Representatives of the breed must undergo obedience courses with a professional dog handler. Best age to start training - 4 months.

German Shepherd training at the ARAX dog training center

The ARAX dog training center provides training services for German Shepherds in the following courses:

  • "Puppy School" The first months of a pet's life can be compared to laying the foundation. Here we are talking not only about health, but also about socialization, building relationships, education, etc. A professional dog handler will teach the basics of OKD, help carry out socialization correctly, and give important recommendations on raising and maintaining a dog;
  • "Obedience". The course includes the basics of OKD, handling, as well as practicing stable skills under various stimuli;
  • "Service dog" The training takes place on the territory of the nursery, the duration of the course is 30 days, classes are held daily with the person involved. Dogs over 1.5 years old who have passed a full obedience course are allowed for training;
  • "Family training" Professional training and socialization take place on the territory of the nursery, duration - 30 days. Your German Shepherd receives all the necessary knowledge in the OKD course. Every day the pet works on the site for 4 hours (1 hour 4 times a day). Course price - 35,000 rubles;
  • "City Dog" The course program includes practicing commands in a city with large crowds of people, animals, vehicles and other stimuli;
  • "Protection". The program includes taking a ZKS course. Dogs that have completed an obedience course and have reached the age of 1.5 years are accepted for training;
  • "Correction of unwanted behavior." Professional training takes place on the territory of the nursery and includes classes on suppressing all types of aggression, as well as a family training course. Based on the results of the classes, a film will be made about your dog, in which experts will talk in detail about each command;
  • “Zoo hotel + training.” This is an opportunity to spend time usefully. If you need to leave your dog for foster care, our dog handlers can take it through a training course or work out any commands you wish.

It was done with great joy and desire; it should be an interesting and enjoyable experience for the puppy. For this to happen, the acquisition of new skills must be supported by receiving treats - cheese, cookies, and you must conduct the classes themselves in a good mood and great patience. You can begin training only after the puppy has begun to respond to its name.

The very first command for him will be “Come to me.” The puppy should know that when approaching the owner, he will receive only pleasant sensations - he will be caressed or given something tasty. Say a command when you call him to the bowl during feeding or call him while holding a treat in your hand. There should never be a penalty for following this command. If, for example, he is around you and does not respond to a command, then after he does carry it out, just praise him and do not punish him. You can’t end your walk with this command.

At 2.5 months, the puppy can already be accustomed to a leash. At the same time, you need to start practicing the “nearby” command. The puppy should walk to your left, without running ahead or falling behind. Start the lesson when he is already running and tired. Put a leash on him, take a rewarding piece of cookie in your hand and hold it at the level where the puppy needs to go. Start the movement, along with him, repeating the command. Do not pull on the leash; the puppy must reach for the treat himself. After walking a few meters correctly, give him a reward. Repeat the exercise again. Do not exercise for more than 10 minutes - the puppy will get tired and his attention will be lost. The lesson can be repeated several times during the day.

Teach the “Sit” command after you have practiced “Nearby”, this is its logical continuation. If the dog walks next to the owner, then after he has stopped, she should sit at his leg. Encourage your puppy to sit when you stop by repeating the command and applying gentle pressure to the dog's rump. Encourage her.

If you are looking for a smart, easy to train and faithful dog– you should pay attention to the German Shepherd. The breed is quite young, but despite this, it has long been popular among dog lovers all over the world. Dogs successfully work in the police, on borders, act in films, and also serve as guards and guides.

What is the secret of such talents? In addition to high intelligence, it plays a big role. How to train a German Shepherd and at what age should you start?

Be patient.

It has gained popularity due to its unsurpassed qualities, including:

  • high intelligence and learning ability;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • amazing sense of smell, thanks to which dogs show good results in the service;
  • security functions;
  • the ability to make decisions independently in the event of a threat;
  • restraint;
  • hard work and many others.

Despite the fact that kindness and friendliness do not come first in this breed, they are prone to displaying tender feelings. Dogs will adore their family and will happily fool around and play games. The German Shepherd is generally very attached to its owner, needs attention and is ready to serve faithfully.

In order to raise an obedient pet and a faithful protector, it is necessary. Training will provide an opportunity to improve existing skills, correct character traits and develop the necessary reflexes.

Despite the breed's advantages, German Shepherds can still have complex personalities that can be corrected with training. What does training a German Shepherd look like?

German Shepherd training

Whatever the breed, any dog ​​should know that the owner is the boss in the family. To do this, you need to put in a little effort and gain authority. Not every dog ​​breeder has the time and ability to train a dog, in which case you should contact a professional.

But if possible, training at home will help create close and lasting contact with your pet. What could be better than a perfectly obedient dog raised by you?


It is worth noting that self-training requires a lot of effort and regular training. Some dogs, due to their nature, require a little more time, but it happens that the pet understands everything perfectly and is instantly pleased with the result. Where to begin?

The dog must be raised with early age, as soon as the puppy appeared in the house.

Let's determine the periods of development of a small dog:

  • up to two months;
  • from two to four;
  • after four;
  • after six months (transitional age in dogs).

Raising a German Shepherd puppy begins at one month of age. The dog is just beginning to live and explore the world, sensitivity and the need for human contact increases. During this period, the little shepherd dog can learn its nickname. This will not be difficult, you just need to call the dog by name and pet it.

Teaching the “Lie Down” command.

The second period begins at 8 weeks, usually the puppy is taken away at this age. During this period of socialization, you can teach the commands “come to me” and “walk”, as well as accustom them to their place. You should not punish your dog for disobedience; it is better to be patient and wait until the puppy succeeds. A special treat is used as a reward. In order to accustom to a place, you first need to allocate it. Place the bedding in a convenient place, carry the puppy and repeat “place”.

After 4 months of age, you can begin to teach your dog endurance. At this age, a small shepherd should already understand who is in charge in the family. The most appropriate commands during this period are “sit”, “stand”, “lie down” and “near”. The puppy must remain in the desired position until the owner allows him to leave with the command “walk.”

The most important period in training begins at six months. This is the best time to consolidate the character that has already been formed. The final formation of character lasts up to two years.

Another important basic command is “no” or more simply “fu”. These commands are used when the dog does something that should not be done.

Important commands beyond the basic ones

There are 2 acceptable movements: side by side and on a slack leash.

In addition to the basic ones, it is worth teaching your shepherd the following commands:

  1. "Voice".
    The command is easy to teach if you pet and praise as soon as the puppy barks.
  2. "Be silent."
    A dog's barking should not become a habit and should not be barked without a reason. To teach this command, you need to hold your muzzle with your hand and repeat “be silent.”
  3. “Give me your paw.”
    This team is probably one of the most beloved among dog lovers. Well, who doesn’t love it when a pet offers a paw and says hello? This command is also convenient for trimming claws.
  4. "Spit."
    A useful command if the dog picks up something at home or on the street.
  5. “Fetch” or “give” are used when you need to bring something.
    Ideally, the dog should find and fetch the necessary objects at the first command. A stick or ball is used for training.
  6. "Forward".
    The command is important for overcoming barriers or if it is necessary to jump over a fence. Although many people use it to give the dog a sign that it is already possible to move on if you have stopped.

There are dozens more commands that can be taught. For example, some dog lovers teach their pets to stand on hind legs, spin around itself, freeze or even fall sharply at the command “die”.

What rules should be followed during training?

Before that, it is worth noting certain training rules that are very important for the success of training:

  1. Patience on the part of the owner.
    The puppy must trust you and want to please. If you are consistent, patient and do not show irritation at the slightest provocation, the dog will joyfully rush at the first command “to me”.
  2. Don't overload your little puppy with too many commands.
    This can lead to psychological stress for up to six months.
  3. It is necessary to have treats for reward, which you need to reward your pet for correctly following commands and good behavior.
  4. The dog must be in a good mood and feeling well.
    There is no need to torture the animal after active physical activity, during illness, on an empty stomach or after a heavy meal.
  5. Try not to overdo it with treats.
    At an early age, it is allowed to give treats for all completed commands; later, it is worth limiting a little, for example, one treat after three well-executed commands.
  6. Gestures are important when teaching.
    This is useful if the dog is far away and cannot hear you.
  7. You should not physically punish your pet.
    Dogs are not able to understand things at the same level as us, they need more time and patience. In addition, physical punishment can affect your credibility.

If for some reason training does not bring the desired result, do not give up the education process; it is better to consult a specialist for advice on how to raise a dog.

Teach the “Look” command.

Types of training

Before raising a German Shepherd, you should know that there are several types, which are divided into:

  • basic;
  • test;
  • sports;
  • special

Basic, or amateur, training includes a basic set of commands that are necessary for daily life with a pet. You can easily teach such commands on your own, without the help of a professional.

Test training involves testing the mental and mental qualities of the breed. Such a test helps to identify hereditary qualities, for example, the shepherd's ability to work in the service. If a dog successfully passes the test, this does not mean that it can immediately work for its intended purpose. This fact only indicates the presence of the necessary qualities that allow you to additionally take a special course.

Sports training is similar to test training, but has higher demands on the animal’s psyche. The purpose of this training is to prepare the dog for sports competitions.

Importation of objects.

Special training will help prepare a German Shepherd for protection and service; in this case, the intervention of a professional is most likely necessary. If you need a reliable guard in the role of a German Shepherd, the most important rule is that you should not allow strangers to pet or play with the dog. For defense, it is necessary to teach the commands “front”, “take” or “stranger”. In general, such training is usually not carried out at home, since the shepherd’s aggression cannot always be controlled.

The German Shepherd is primarily a service dog, so it can easily be taught the necessary commands. The main rule of special training is that training is carried out only after the dog has mastered training skills and learned basic commands.

The breed is successfully trained for: protective guard service, watchdog, search, sentry and others. In addition, the German Shepherd is used as a guide dog, a rescue dog, and even an assistant in the fight against terrorism. The breed is so smart and unique that it does not need constant cooperation with people and is able to act independently in difficult situations. Of course, for such purposes the participation of a professional trainer is necessary.

German Shepherds are truly universal dogs that have gained popularity in different areas: in the service, in war, in security, in cinema and others.

Let us note interesting facts in different areas:

  1. A German shepherd named Julbars took an active part during the First World War. She was able to detect more than 400 mines, as a result of which she was awarded for military services.
  2. Monuments to dogs have been erected several times. One of them is located in the city of Tolyatti and was installed in honor of an incredibly loyal shepherd dog, who, after the death of her owner in an accident, waited for him for seven whole years, during which she came to the scene of the accident every day.
  3. Representatives of the breed are very talented actors, they have starred in a huge number of films and TV series, including “Commissioner Rex,” which many have probably heard about.
  4. One day, a German Shepherd, who was deaf, saved a little girl who was drowning. Using instincts, the dog managed to recognize the tragedy and save the child.
  5. One more interesting fact: The breed tends to be ascribed human qualities such as compassion and pity. In a Chinese zoo, newborn tiger cubs were left alone after their mother's illness, and a shepherd dog sheltered and cared for them as if they were her own children.


The high intelligence, loyalty and many other positive qualities of the German Shepherd are appreciated by dog ​​lovers all over the world. Dogs can be both friendly pets and skilled workers in the service. Thanks to the endurance and discipline of the breed, training can yield incredible results.

It is necessary to train your German Shepherd puppy from an early age. If you don’t feel strong enough to train or for some reason your attempts at training do not bring success, you can contact a specialist who will help in this matter.

It is important to remember that behavior and character adult dog depends mainly on ourselves. It’s not for nothing that they say that there are no stupid and aggressive dogs, there are only inept trainers.