Dermatological treatment of dogs for practicing veterinarians. Veterinary dermatologist. How to Determine When It's Time to Visit a Veterinary Dermatologist

Sometimes a skin problem occurs suddenly in pets and can cause suffering or obvious discomfort. Therefore, if your dog or cat itches incessantly, please do not put off visiting the doctor. This itching can be very debilitating.

Severe redness of the skin, sudden appearance of blisters, swelling of the muzzle and other rapidly increasing manifestations of the disease can also cause an emergency visit to the doctor.

In acute cases qualified assistance Skin diseases can be treated by a general veterinarian in our clinic.

If you observe hair loss in your animal that is not associated with shedding, the periodic appearance of a rash or change in skin color, mild itching, active licking, ear inflammation, but this does not cause obvious discomfort in your pet, we recommend making an appointment with a veterinarian, since similar in external manifestations skin symptoms may have different causes and require different treatments.



To make a correct diagnosis, special skin tests are used: trichoscopy, scraping microscopy, cytology, fluorescent diagnostics, etc.

After examining the animal, the doctor will determine what studies are appropriate to conduct in each specific case.

Typically, these studies are carried out by our dermatologists at the initial appointment, which allows you to get results immediately, rather than after a few hours or days, and, accordingly, quickly prescribe the necessary treatment.

Blood tests are rarely informative for skin diseases. However, if endocrine disorders or diseases are suspected internal organs a specialist can recommend them. In addition, blood tests may be used to evaluate the condition of internal organs during long-term use. medicines or after their cancellation.

In case of persistent infectious processes, bacteriological and mycological cultures are carried out to determine sensitivity to antibiotics.

If necessary, any tests can be taken at our veterinary clinic. However, we do not recommend doing this in advance, since a veterinary dermatologist will help you choose what is really necessary to avoid unnecessary financial costs.

Sometimes making a diagnosis can be simple and quick, in other cases, on the contrary, it requires painstaking work and a long time. But even in such a situation, your pet will receive help to reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Not all dermatological diseases can be cured once and for all. Some require maintenance therapy for a long time, sometimes for life. However, in most cases, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the quality of life and relieve the animal from the suffering caused by itching and inflammation of the skin.


To make your visit to the dermatologist as informative as possible, try not to treat the affected areas skin and do not clean the animal’s ears, so that the veterinarian can see the real picture of the processes taking place and obtain reliable data laboratory research.

Do not distort information about animal care and feeding. This will allow you to diagnose and help your pet as quickly as possible.



The cost of an appointment consists of two components - the cost of the appointment itself (including taking an anamnesis, examining the animal and giving recommendations) and the cost of additional studies necessary to make a diagnosis. Additional Research may vary depending on various diseases. This affects the total cost of the appointment.

As a rule, the initial visit requires a more detailed examination of the patient than repeated visits, and therefore it is somewhat more expensive than a repeated visit.

A specialist such as a veterinary dermatologist is ready to help effectively cope with skin diseases of animals. Such ailments in pets are often accompanied by itching, hair loss, and problems with the ears. Only a specialist can recognize the degree of danger of dermatological diseases. Due to the frivolity of some signs, many owners hesitate to visit, which leads to complications.

If you notice problems with the skin, contact your veterinarian dermatologist immediately. Our clinic employs an experienced doctor, Nadezhda Dmitrievna Orlova, who is ready to diagnose and prescribe effective prevention. The sooner you come to the veterinarian, the sooner you can save your pet from suffering.

Cost of services

Service Price
Appointment with a veterinarian - dermatologist 1 500 ₽
Calling a veterinarian-dermatologist to your home from 2,100 ₽
Washing the external ear canal(one) by category from 500 ₽
Cytological examination of a smear (cito) from 950 ₽
Otodectosis-smear examination (cito) from 600₽
Cleaning auricle by category (Depends on the degree of contamination of the auricle) from 300 ₽
Local haircut category 1 (depending on the number of areas being cut) 200 ₽
Local haircut category 2 (depending on the number of areas being cut) 500 ₽
Otoscopy 300 ₽
Scraping for trichofetia (lichen) from 500 ₽
Preparation of solutions 250 ₽
Sowing material for dermatophytes (14-21 days) 1,000 ₽
Wood's lamp diagnostics 300 ₽
Wet paper test (to rule out the presence of fleas) 100 ₽

What skin diseases do animals have?

Often the need to call a veterinary dermatologist arises due to allergic reactions. For example, for certain food, dust, fleas. The appearance of scabies or hair loss are considered especially alarming. As in humans, in animals they are treated with special therapy.

By calling a dermatologist at home, you will save time. The specialist will quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe an individual course of therapy with subsequent preventive measures. In some cases, a blood test is required to determine the causative bacteria and the cause of the infection.

Symptoms of dermatological diseases

  • redness;
  • hair loss;
  • gluing the hairs together;
  • damage to the auricle;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of wounds, crusts, ulcers, scratches;
  • rash and swelling;
  • cones;
  • scabs.

Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases in animals

Diseases of the skin and coat in dogs and cats are now very common. They often disturb not only the pets themselves, but also their owners. Dermatological pathologies are accompanied not only by disorders appearance animal, but also itching, rashes, ulcers and many other unpleasant lesions. Some diseases can be transmitted from dogs and cats to people.

Almost all skin diseases have similar symptoms, so it is impossible to say unequivocally what is wrong with an animal with just one examination or in absentia.

The doctor examines the animal, interviews the owner, and conducts a number of laboratory tests that he considers necessary. As a rule, the basic list of tests comes down to scraping, trichoscopy, cytological examination, luminescence diagnostics and otoscopy. If necessary, the doctor may take additional tests.

If you notice in your pet:

  • Itching (scratching, persistent licking, self-traumatization).
  • Hair loss or change in its quality.
  • Redness or change in coat color.
  • Heavy shedding.
  • Dandruff.
  • Rash, scab, ulcers, plaques.
  • Otitis (inflammation, manifested in the form of redness, itching, discharge from the ear, the animal shakes its head, unpleasant odor from the ears).

How to prepare for an appointment with a dermatologist?

  1. It is imperative to come with a sick animal. No photographs or stories, even in great detail, can replace an inspection.
  2. It is necessary to bring the results of all tests that were taken previously and information about the treatment performed.
  3. Do not wash the animal or apply any medicinal products 2-3 days before your doctor’s appointment.
  4. You should not clean your ears before visiting a doctor.
  5. You should not take tests in advance; the doctor will decide after the examination what tests he needs.

The portal provides information about veterinary clinics in Moscow, where you can find a specialist in the treatment of skin diseases in animals: a veterinarian-dermatologist. We collected contact numbers of clinics, the cost of visiting doctors, and presented all this in visual and easy-to-compare tables. Feedback from clients of veterinary clinics who have already entrusted their pets to specialists will also be useful.

Veterinary dermatology is a truly complex and unique medical field. A veterinarian who specializes in it has to deal with many different skin diseases that are very common among animals. Since fur and skin always remain visible, their unkempt appearance will remind the owner and tell others about existing skin problems. A veterinarian-dermatologist not only diagnoses and identifies skin diseases in animals, but also selects the most effective treatment and successful prevention methods.

Skin diseases in cats, dogs and other animals - symptoms and diagnosis

Based on his knowledge, a veterinarian dermatologist not only diagnoses skin diseases. Some diseases are direct symptoms of disorders in the functioning of organs and organ systems. For this reason, it is very important that the doctor has consistent logical thinking and patiently listens to the complaints and comments of cat and dog owners. It is these criteria that provide half the success in making the correct diagnosis. He will need to choose the right sequence of dermatological tests in order to save owners from unnecessary expenses.

The cost of an initial appointment with a veterinarian dermatologist, as a rule, consists of the cost of a call (if help is required at home), examination, collection of initial tests and selection of necessary materials for subsequent research.

Treatment of skin diseases and diseases in pets: features of procedures

Many owners believe that in order to cure skin diseases of cats, dogs and other pets, it is enough to simply periodically use special creams. Meanwhile, almost every disease also requires active adherence to dermatological diets. This is especially true for chronic diseases. For this reason, if a dermatologist at a veterinary clinic recommends thinking about changing his diet to treat an animal’s skin, it is worth purchasing a different food and choosing a suitable diet. Many specialists prefer to simply prescribe a course various drugs, not always able to completely rid the pet of all skin manifestations.

Dermatological diseases can seriously harm animals in rare cases, but symptoms such as foul odors, hair loss, severe itching and similar symptoms can cause significant distress to owners. The unpleasant features of such diseases include the length of the recovery period, since the skin is a very large organ. To fully restore it, the body will need to spend a lot of resources and, accordingly, time. Therefore, if a pet has skin pathologies, the owner will have to be patient. And if you follow the recommendations of a veterinarian dermatologist, success will come soon.

How to choose a veterinary clinic with a dermatologist in Moscow?

Our portal provides visitors with detailed information about veterinary services in Moscow. The tables indicate the price and cost of dermatologist services for animals, in particular for the most popular procedures and treatment of skin diseases. The addresses and phone numbers of veterinary clinics will help you choose the most suitable geographical option, as well as clarify all the most important points when you call. Additional convenience is offered by reviews from animal owners who have already contacted a veterinary dermatologist at the selected clinic.

A dermatologist is a physician who specializes in diseases of the skin, hair and nails. It provides prevention and treatment various diseases. Modern dermatologists in Moscow also eliminate cosmetic skin problems. Often, such doctors, having undergone additional training, treat and diagnose sexually transmitted diseases related to the skin.
In research in the field of dermatology, much attention is paid to the study of the skin and the effect on it. environment. Elimination of skin diseases is possible different methods: drug therapy, laser and herbal therapy, immunotherapy, and sometimes cosmetic care is prescribed. If necessary, the dermatologist removes unwanted skin formations: moles, papillomas, warts.

Why do you need the services of a dermatologist?

The services of this professional are essential to prevent and develop a treatment plan for any skin disease. He deals with both minor skin problems: calluses, acne, and more serious issues: psoriasis, mole removal. A dermatologist will determine whether the disease is caused by infection, pathology of internal organs, or environmental influences.
The doctor also consults patients with allergic reactions protruding on the skin. Based on the results of the examination, the dermatologist examines the diseases, conducting a dermatological examination, pigment screening, skin biopsy, mycological analysis, fungal or flora culture, and photodermatoscopy.

When to contact

You should contact a dermatologist if you are concerned about: skin condition, dryness or rash, itching, persistent pimples or acne, warts and papillomas. Many skin diseases spread quite quickly, so even if the first symptoms appear - redness, peeling, swelling, pustular formations, changes in the appearance of moles - it is recommended to consult a specialist. His consultation is necessary in case of eczema, herpes, and urticaria. If dandruff, dry or oily scalp appears, the services of such a doctor are also required. A dermatologist will help solve the problem of brittle, peeling nails.
Skin condition may reflect general state body. Often, after conducting research, the dermatologist recommends paying attention to possible problems with the intestines, endocrine and immune systems.