What can you grow in the garage? Small vehicle repair services. Comparative characteristics of business ideas

Who doesn't dream of owning their own business? But sometimes all this remains at the stage of fantasies and plans, because becoming an entrepreneur is not so easy. However, if you have a garage, you are lucky because at least you have a room in which to house your production. Now all that’s left to do is decide on the type of activity. In conditions of economic instability, it would be very wise to organize production in a garage. Ideas from China will help you make your choice and understand technical issues.

The simplest solution

If you have a garage, but no car, the space should not sit idle in vain. You've probably noticed how prices for paid parking have increased. At the same time, the number of cars in cities is steadily growing. If you do not intend to open some kind of production in the garage, ideas from China do not inspire you either, just rent out your box.

On average, this type of activity can bring in about 5,000 rubles a month, which will be a good addition to the family budget. But this figure can vary significantly depending on the region, as well as the condition of your premises. Besides rent will differ significantly depending on the purpose for which a person rents your garage. Of course, if he plans to store his car or some equipment there, he should not count on big profits. But if a person wants to open, for example, a car service in your box, you have every right to raise prices or demand a percentage of the profit.

Production of toothpicks

If you want to start your own business, garage production is a good place to start. Ideas from China are captivating with their simplicity and accessibility. In this country, entrepreneurs have long mastered the intricacies of organizing small businesses and are successfully taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the compact, inexpensive equipment available on the Chinese market. So, for example, why don't you start making toothpicks? It would seem that this is such a simple object, but a person constantly needs it in the process of life. This way you won't have problems with sales. You can negotiate deliveries to local catering establishments, as well as small retail outlets.

But it requires some initial investment to open such a business in a garage. You will need a special machine. It is quite possible to order it in some Chinese online store, which will ensure maximum savings. You also need to find a source of wood supply (very little of it will be needed). And, of course, take care of the packaging. Boxes can also be ordered from China at a minimal price.

On average, the initial costs for such a business are about 700,000 rubles. With proper organization of production and sales, you can achieve a net profit within a year.

Wooden blanks

All over the world there is a desire of people to engage in creativity. This trend can be used to organize production in the garage. Ideas from China inspire you to start making wooden blanks for later decoration. If you have the skills to work with such material, use your imagination. All kinds of figures, boxes, plates, pots, boards and other items will be sold out with a bang.

Regarding initial costs: you will have to purchase a set of tools (about 15,000-20,000 rubles). At a wood processing plant, it is worth agreeing on a regular supply of raw materials. If your products are in demand, you may need to purchase a milling machine. It will cost you about 200,000 rubles.

Wooden Toys

If you are planning to start a business in your garage, making wooden toys is a viable option. Now that even products for children are made from unsafe toxic materials, it is important to provide the market with environmentally friendly toys. In principle, this type of production is very similar to the previous one. You will need about 150,000 rubles of starting capital for tools and materials, as well as unlimited imagination. Safe toys will certainly be in demand.

Production of cabinet furniture

If you want to open a small business, making cabinet furniture in your garage can be a fairly profitable option. The first thing you will need is to purchase chipboard sheets. You can buy them for future use, and then give them the desired shape yourself. You can also contact production with a request to cut sheets according to the drawings and established dimensions. In this case, the most necessary purchase will be a drilling machine, with which you will assemble furniture. Also, do not forget to acquire fasteners, fittings and other parts in sufficient quantities.

Packaging of goods

What kind of production to open in a garage? Think, maybe you don’t need to make anything. It makes much more sense to package what others have produced. Marketers unanimously claim that attractive packaging is half the success.

If someone in your community is in the bulk food business, you can work on a mutually beneficial basis. Start making packaging. To do this, you need to purchase packaging equipment and materials for packaging. Again, Chinese sites will come to your aid.

Production of wooden garden paths

If you are interested in production with minimal investment in the garage, pay attention to wooden garden paths. Considering the rapidly growing fashion for everything natural, residents of private houses will be happy to decorate their yard with such an environmentally friendly path. And your initial investment will be no more than 55,000 rubles. This amount includes the following purchases:

  • equipment for cutting trunks (chainsaws, sawmills);
  • grinding machines;
  • blowtorches;
  • forest (about 2000 rubles per cubic meter);
  • drying oil, antiseptics;
  • bitumen;
  • gravel.

Production of furniture covers

Few people think of producing furniture covers. Nevertheless, such items are in great demand. For example, to protect a piece of furniture during repair or transportation. And if you are a true master of your craft, then you can sew covers that perform a decorative function and return new life to old furniture.

Mini-equipment for the production of covers in the garage includes very little. This is a cutting table and sewing machine that can work with thick fabrics. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about consumables, accessories, scissors, needles and the material itself. The clients of such a small enterprise can be private individuals, as well as owners of furniture stores. Covers can be useful in the hotel and restaurant industry.

Mirror production

If you are full of enthusiasm and determined to succeed, you can open a small production in your garage. For example, you can start making mirrors. The main thing is to master the technology. Thus, an aluminum or silver coating is applied to the glass as a reflective layer. The second method is more economical and less labor-intensive. To get started, you will need an investment of 200,000 rubles. This amount includes the purchase of such things as:

  • reagents for the production and application of a reflective layer;
  • table and industrial glass cutter;
  • Dryer; bath for silvering;
  • grinding machine;
  • electronic scales so that you can measure the exact amount of reagents.

Having mastered the technology of producing mirror cloth, you will be able to provide a wide range of services. So, the greatest demand will be:

  • production of decorative mirrors various forms and modifications;
  • production of mirror tiles;
  • production of inserts for cabinet furniture or trade displays;
  • production of colored mirror mosaics;
  • production of walls for aquariums.

Production of decorative sculptures

If you are full of creative ideas, you can organize a small production in your garage to produce decorative sculptures from plaster or concrete. Such decorations are actively used in landscape design, office decoration and even apartment decoration. To get started, you will need:

  • required amount of raw materials;
  • special molds for casting products;
  • tools and containers for mixing the solution;
  • paints and brushes for decorative design of products.

Of course, you can start your own business by producing primitive garden gnomes. But only exclusive author’s sculptures or those made according to individual orders will bring big income.

Foam processing

Profitable garage production is the processing of foam plastic to create decorative elements. This material has many advantages. Being cheap, it is easy to manipulate, and therefore you can give it the most intricate shapes. Such products are in great demand among decorators, because properly processed foam can imitate luxurious plaster stucco.

The initial investment is about 160,000 rubles. The main cost item is the purchase of a machine (it is also recommended that you first pay attention to inexpensive products from Chinese manufacturers). It is also necessary to purchase a sufficient amount of polystyrene foam. And then everything will depend on your imagination and skill. On average, the profit from one product is 300-500 rubles. With proper advertising, you can quickly build up a client base and make a net profit.

Production of decorative signs

Having a starting capital of about 10,000 rubles, you can organize a business in your garage - producing signs indicating house numbers and street names. This is an excellent option for a small family business, because such products are in constant demand. Depending on the materials used, the cost of one sign can be 60-100 rubles (plastic, plywood, self-adhesive film). At the same time, such products can be sold for 200-300 rubles.


If you have an empty garage, this is a great reason to start your own business. Many large entrepreneurs started with small handicraft industries. It is quite possible that the simple ideas of the Chinese will lead you to dizzying success, and in a few years you will own your own factory or plant.

There are many ways to start your own business without significant investment. And your garage can serve as an excellent starting capital. We offer you 40 business ideas from Europe and not only for organizing a mini-production in a garage.

The garage is very good to use not only for its intended purpose. A furniture manufacturing facility can be successfully located there.

1. Cabinet furniture. First of all, this is the manufacture and assembly of cabinet furniture: wardrobes, kitchen sets, dressing rooms, etc. For such work you will need minor financial costs, the availability of tools and, of course, experience working with chipboard and wood. The markup on cabinet furniture is at least 100%.

2. Upholstery of upholstered furniture. Many people want to save money on buying a new sofa or armchairs for their living room. And therefore, reupholstering old furniture is a popular and very in demand service. In addition, this service is used by people who have expensive antique furniture and are willing to pay well for quality work. You can make money not only from the reupholstery itself, but also from the sale of upholstery materials.

3. Sewing furniture covers. Upholstered furniture often gets dirty due to small children and pets. And a removable cover for a sofa or chair can help out in this matter. It can not only be easily washed, but also replaced with a new one. Sewing such a cover to order will cost many times less than buying a new sofa.

4. Frameless furniture. In addition to “rigid” furniture, it is possible to launch the production of frameless furniture. Now the demand for it continues to grow. According to manufacturers, this is one of the most successful starts, allowing you to fully recoup your initial investment in the first six months. For this mini production you will need a sewing machine, two types of fabrics: for the inner shell and for the cover, as well as filler (foamed polystyrene is best suited). At the initial stage, finished products can be sold via the Internet.

5. Garden furniture made of driftwood and branches. Another one interesting idea production in the garage - making garden furniture from driftwood and branches. When producing such furniture, costs are kept to a minimum (it is not difficult to find suitable driftwood, branches, stumps, old boards even in the city) and only special impregnations and moisture-resistant varnishes will be needed. After all, you need to take into account that such furniture will be located outdoors and it should be carefully processed so that it does not lose its appearance.

6. Decoupage, painting, aging. The modern furniture industry cannot keep up with the rapidly changing tastes of consumers. There is always a demand for originally designed furniture. This is where your skills can come in very handy. By the way, when decorating an interior in the Provence style, artificially aged furniture is used.

Home decor and souvenirs

Europeans and US residents actively make money from their hobbies. Since the demand for handmade products is only growing, this direction is very promising in our country. We invite you to consider some interesting ideas from Europe for garage production.

7. Book holders. We are accustomed to the fact that books should be located in bookcases, well, in extreme cases, on special shelves. In Europe you can often see special bookends. This is a beautiful and fashionable accessory that can enliven any interior. Now here too it is becoming a popular element of room decor. The most important thing about such holders is their exclusivity and originality of idea. The material for the holder can be anything: wood, ceramics, liquid stone, gypsum, fireclay, plastic - the choice is yours.

8. Christmas and New Year decorations. These holidays are usually celebrated with family, and you want the atmosphere in the house to be appropriate. The best way Decorate your home on such days with handmade decorations. Naturally, the production of Christmas wreaths, candlesticks, baskets, garlands and Christmas tree decorations will allow you to earn additional money.

9. Clock. Another productive idea is making original wall clocks. Clock movements can be easily found at a reasonable price. All you need to do is put your hand to the design of the dial and frame. The return on investment for this project is quite high, and the investment is minimal.

10. Souvenir magnets. The production of souvenir magnets is one of the least expensive and has the fastest payback. The main thing is to make them as original as possible so that they do not get lost among similar products and are sure to find their buyer. There are several production technologies and you can choose any of them, since any equipment can fit in the area of ​​a small garage.

11. Decorative candles. It was not for nothing that Father Fyodor dreamed of his own small candle factory. With a minimum of cost and effort, such a wonderful result. To make candles, you can use either ready-made molds or make them yourself (will significantly increase demand). There will also be no difficulties with the purchase of consumables and sales of products.

12. Handmade soap. The demand for handmade soap continues to grow. The use of natural ingredients, original form and packaging will allow you to find your customers quite easily. In addition, this soap is a great gift for your mother, friend or colleagues at work. The soap production technology is very simple and does not require large investments.

13. Ceramics. A small pottery workshop is a fruitful idea for a garage business. You can start producing vases, original figurines and dishes. Although this requires certain costs for the purchase of materials, the payback is quite high. In addition, you can make a variety of souvenirs and sell them to gift shops.

14. Hanging bells on the door. If you know how and love to work with metal, making “wind chimes” is definitely an idea for you. However, these bells can be not only metal. Traditionally they are made from bamboo, but hollow branches of light tree species can also be used. Such products can be sold through a network of souvenir shops.

15. Wine stands and racks. You can also use your skills in working with wood in the production of original wine stands and special racks. The number of bars, cafes and restaurants that open every day is encouraging. High-quality original products can be successfully sold, and they can also be made to order.

16. Souvenirs from children's things. A relatively new idea for a garage business from Europe is the production of souvenirs from children's things. Baby shoes, booties, pacifiers, any things are covered with bronze or copper. The only difficulty in “launching” this business project is the duration of the production process. Bronzing the product takes from two weeks to a month. They work only to order, because the future souvenir is a purely individual item.

17. Basket weaving. This folk craft is experiencing another revival. If you successfully position your products as environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly, you will easily find buyers not only on the Internet, but also in supermarket departments and souvenir shops (the demand for baskets traditionally increases before the Easter holidays).

18. Designer pillows. Making interesting furniture pillows will allow you to expand your circle of consumers through cooperation with furniture showrooms and interior designers. Offer them your products, and you will no longer need to rent premises for your own store - orders will come to you from furniture makers and decorators. You can also quite successfully sell such pillows online.

19. Making mirrors to order. It is clear that in a garage, covering glass with amalgam is not the best idea. But cutting an existing mirror cloth and putting it in an original frame is quite easy. All you need is a ready-made mirror and baguette blanks. You can easily compete with professional framing workshops and offer customers a more attractive price.

20. Potpourri (compositions of dried flowers). Making arrangements from dried flowers is a fun way to express your creativity and earn money. To create compositions, you can use both dried flowers (plants that do not require additional processing) and ordinary flowers. They are pre-dried and then assembled into a single ensemble. Original interior decoration can be offered not only to individual connoisseurs, but also to small cafes or restaurants to decorate the room.

21. Cornices, curtains and blinds. In the garage you can also make cornices, blinds, roller blinds and pleated curtains. Here, not only independent work is possible, but also fruitful cooperation with curtain sewing salons. The manufacturing technology is quite simple and boils down to working with ready-made systems. All you need is to adjust the curtain rod and cut the curtain fabric to the desired size.

22. Garden sculptures. Setting up a small production of garden sculptures and flowerpots in the garage is not difficult at all. The most popular materials in this industry are concrete and gypsum. The production technology is completely simple and does not require large investments. You can sell your products either directly or send them to stores for sale.

Pet Products

You can start making pet products in your garage.

23. Scratching posts for cats. Pet stores will be willing to work with you if you offer them sustainable cat scratching posts made from natural materials. In addition, it is possible to manufacture gaming complexes. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions of the product. They can be either stationary or portable.

24. Beds and houses for cats and dogs. Soft beds, cozy houses for cats, original dog houses are still in demand. People are willing to spend impressive sums on the comfort of their pets. The production of such goods can be easily established in your own garage, and the finished products can be sold online. In addition, cooperation with pet stores will help to significantly expand the circle of customers.

25. Bird cages, birdhouses and feeders. For bird lovers, you can offer interesting birdhouses, feeders and bird cages. It is difficult to find a truly original and beautiful bird cage in pet stores. And here you can offer your services for manufacturing cages according to individual sizes and according to the customer’s wishes. Production costs are low. And originality is always at a premium.

Products for children

Parents always want the best for their children. Therefore, this is a good opportunity to start your own business and receive a stable income.

26. Sandboxes. Clients from cottage villages will be happy to purchase original frames for sandboxes for their children. It is best to make them from wood. You can develop several ready-made designs, as well as make sandboxes according to individual sketches. In this matter, not only the quality of work is important, but also the original and bright design.

27. Kites. Another type of production that does not require special permits and compliance with GOST standards is kites. These lightweight, floating designs are becoming popular again. This is a great type of outdoor recreation that will be equally interesting for both adults and children. Kites can be of different designs and sizes, everything is limited only by your imagination.

Construction and repair

Additionally, you can earn money in construction and repair not only by plastering and putty. You can organize the production of canopies and awnings. Light prefabricated structures will be readily purchased not only by summer residents and lovers of “wild recreation” in nature. You can offer your services to cafes with summer areas, summer holiday homes and boarding houses.

28. Countertops. Now there is a demand for products made of liquid stone. Quite costly production, requiring special equipment and certain skills. If you produce consumables yourself, the payback on equipment costs will be about six months. When purchasing materials from suppliers, the payback period will be reduced to 2-3 months, depending on the region of residence and the number of potential customers.

Tabletops can also be made to order from glass, wood, or combine these materials with metal. The choice is great.

29. Making stained glass. You can organize a small stained glass workshop in the garage. This is an interesting business. But several features must be taken into account. Stained glass production is divided into classical, film and modern.

The classic method of making stained glass is the most labor-intensive and expensive: you need lead, bright durable glass, mastic, and you can’t do it without special equipment and special knowledge.

Film stained glass windows are the simplest, although they require some skill. A thin patterned film is applied to ordinary glass, which is used to decorate furniture doors, interior doors, and balcony windows.

Modern methods of making stained glass are divided into the following types: Tiffany, sandblasting and fusing. The size of the initial investment and the rate of payback will depend on the chosen technology.

30. Making shop windows. Decorating shop windows is a well-forgotten old way of earning extra money. The unitarity of Soviet store windows has sunk into oblivion; now owners of retail space are eager to attract customers with an original approach to advertising their goods. Having sufficient artistic taste, you can find customers and realize your ideas.

31. Wood carving. Carved products can not only be an element of home decor, but also fit well into the interior of office premises and catering establishments. Consequently, customers for such miniatures or large works can also be found among the owners of cafes and restaurants, “work shops” (relevant for large cities), and clubs. Production costs are low and income is stable.

32. Hand stamping. From fiberglass, reinforced plastic, artificial marble, liquid stone, it is possible to produce both non-standard products in small series and exclusive goods. Products are produced using special stamp molds by hand, no additional equipment is required, the market is not yet full and you can find your niche quite easily.

Electrolytic baths, fireplace portals, countertops, facing and floor tiles can be made from artificial marble and liquid stone. From fiberglass, carbon fiber and reinforced plastic, you can quickly (within 1 week) organize the production of oar blades, hulls of boats, boats, jet skis and snowmobiles, drainage trays, roofing elements and much more.

33. Artistic forging. Experts in working with metal can start producing small forged products in the garage, which are in constant demand: grilles, balcony railings, flowerpots, stands for flowerpots, lamps, candlesticks. Of course, equipping a garage for a small forge will cost you a lot, but such a business quickly pays off.

34. Printing on ceramic tiles. There are several types of printing on ceramic tiles. The two most popular methods are digital and sublimation. In digital printing, large images are printed onto tiles and then fired. Such tiles can easily withstand humid environments and exposure to chemicals. With sublimation printing, the design is small (the size of one tile) and is applied with a heat press. The former are used to decorate bathrooms and kitchens (aprons), the latter are souvenir products that can be “planted” on magnetic tape. Both are in demand. But with a high payback, it also requires corresponding costs for equipment.

Fashion accessories and promotional items

If you are a creative person, you can try your hand at fashion accessories and promotional products.

35. Production of designer bags. The garage can successfully accommodate a small workshop for the production of designer bags. It’s not difficult to get materials, and the choice of accessories is great. If you also do ceramics or rune stamping, then these artistic miniatures can become successful decorative elements. Production payback is up to 3 months.

36. Original belts and buckles. You can also start producing unusual belts and buckles. The choice of material is unlimited. This includes wood, plastic, leather, and various types of fabric and metals. Whatever your imagination tells you. In this matter, the main thing is an original idea and high-quality execution. Such designer items are easily sold online, as well as in fashion boutiques.

37. Silk-screen printing, T-shirt printing. Relatively the new kind business activity that does not require special costs and large premises. As an idea for a mini production in a garage, it’s simply wonderful. Special equipment and consumables can be easily purchased from suppliers. There are always orders for such products. Even in small cities, where it would seem that the niche is already occupied - with the right approach you can find your regular clientele. And the implementation possibilities of the Internet are completely limitless.

38. Poster printing. Traditionally, printing works are carried out by printing houses. But, in most cases, they refuse to fulfill small orders. You can come to the rescue of clients who need a limited edition of printed products. Equipment for printing posters can be purchased at a reasonable price. Even a used one will do for starters. Payback – up to six months.

39. Airbrush. A very interesting idea for using a garage for its intended purpose. Even if you don’t have the makings of an artist, using special patterns and ready-made sketches you can start transforming a standard car into a work of art. In addition, designs using airbrush technology can be applied to almost any object and give them individuality.

40. Production of key rings. We have already spoken above about the production of souvenirs and hand stamping. Using this technique it is possible to make keychains. But they can also be knitted, wicker, ceramic, silicone, metal. Try yourself in different techniques, different styles and directions. The cost of the product and the payback rate will depend on your choice.

This is just a small list of possible goods and services, the production of which can be organized without renting a separate premises. There are a lot of ideas for mini production in the garage. Perhaps, after reading this article, you will come up with something else of your own and this will become an interesting know-how that will bring you profit.

Mini production in a garage: overview of the advantages and disadvantages of small enterprises + 5 popular directions for mini production + 7 stages of building a business in a garage + 3 working business ideas.

The popularity of small home businesses today is very high, which is caused by wide range opportunities modern man. People every now and then give up boring and low-paid jobs in favor of organizing their own business, albeit small, but steadily generating income.

It’s easy to start an entrepreneurial career – just organize a mini-production in your garage.

In this article we will analyze why such a business idea is good and how it can be implemented.

What is mini production and what are its advantages?

Mini production is something like a small business. But if business is a very broad concept, implying various types of entrepreneurial activities, then the name “production” speaks for itself and implies the production of something, and not just its sale.

In short, if you are going to become an organizer of production facilities, then you will inevitably have to produce something, that is, create something.

In this case, the prefix “mini” indicates that your enterprise will have:

  • A small area.
  • Not large scale production.
  • Small working team.

This means that it is quite possible to organize such a business even in your garage.

How relevant is this, you ask?

Small productions are now enjoying great success:

  • Firstly, each home business is special and produces unique products, which are now very competitive in the market.
  • Secondly, the organization of small production facilities is possible in a variety of areas, which is certainly beneficial for the entrepreneur and useful for the consumer.

Mini productions can be easily implemented in the following areas:

  1. Printing and production of advertising products: printing business cards, booklets, posters, production of banners and other outdoor advertising. This also includes photo printing and logos on clothing and decorative items.
  2. Sewing and repairing textiles, such as curtains and various home textiles. With a well-equipped garage, you can even open a tailoring shop.
  3. Manufacturing and repair of furniture: creating furniture according to individual sketches, manufacturing small-sized cabinet interior objects, repairing and reupholstering upholstered furniture products.
  4. Production of souvenirs: handmade soap and candles, decorative pendants, boxes, photo frames, knitted decor.
  5. Production of forged products: fences, fencing, decorative elements.

This list of areas for implementing private small productions can be continued for quite a long time. In fact, in almost every industry you can find a suitable one.

But not only this fact makes mini-productions so popular. They have many other advantages.

Let's look at their main pros and cons:

Relatively low starting capital.
Quick payback with proper business management.
Save on renting premises if you have your own garage.
The ability to accept individual orders, which means a constant flow of consumers and the absence of “stale” products.
The ability to work right at home and plan your own work schedule.
It will take time to prepare the garage for organizing production, and there will also be significant material costs if the premises are in poor condition.

If things take a turn for the worse, it will simply be impossible to immediately convert a small enterprise into large-scale production.

Having analyzed that mini-productions really have many positive features, let’s move on to another important issue: “How to create an enterprise in your garage?”

Where to start a mini production in the garage?

You should approach the implementation of home production in the garage in the same way as you would open any other small business.

To implement a business idea to create an enterprise in a garage, you will need to go through 7 main stages.

Stage 1. Analyze the market and demand of the target audience.

First of all, you need to know what the residents of your city or region need. After all, you must admit that in a city where there are 5 curtain sewing studios and not a single furniture manufacturing enterprise, planning a 6th sewing workshop is somewhat unreasonable.

To do this, they carry out so-called monitoring or market analysis in order to understand which enterprises are lacking and what their target audience is: women, men or people of retirement age. They also analyze the presence of competitors in the market and their supply.

If you already have a clear business idea, you can skip this step. If you have not yet fully decided, then, having studied the sales market, proceed to the search for ideas.

Stage 2. Form a business idea.

When choosing the direction of your mini production in the garage, start from the following:

  • Your skills and interests, hobbies.
  • Education.
  • Experience.

It is important that you love what you do and are good at it. Don't forget about market demand.

Step 3. Make a business plan and find premises (in case you don’t have your own garage).

The ideal option, of course, is when you live in a private house and have your own garage with all the utility rooms. But if you don’t have one, that’s not a problem, you can rent it.

Find the required area in advance to get an idea of ​​how much money you will need to start. Indicate all material issues and a rough plan for the development of your business in the business plan. If you are not sure that you can handle it yourself, involve familiar lawyers and economists.

Step 4. Register as an entrepreneur.

In order to legally organize your own mini-production in a garage, you must go through the state registration procedure. After it, you will legally pay taxes for the activities performed.

This is not difficult to do. Prepare a package of documentation and submit an application to the Federal Tax Service at your place of registration.

Detailed information can be found on the official website of the Federal Tax Service: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/ip/interest/reg_ip/petition

Stage 5. Set up the premises and obtain the necessary permits.

As soon as you register, start your entrepreneurial activity.

First of all, organize the selected room, that is, arrange the garage according to the chosen direction of production. After this, obtain permits for this activity from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire inspection.

Stage 6. Purchase materials, equipment and hire workers.

When you put your production area in order, feel free to buy the necessary materials, raw materials, equipment and set up the production process.

Also hire workers if you need them. However, at first you can often cope alone, especially considering that we are discussing garage production.

Stage 7. Launch your mini production.

Put your business process into action and popularize it, that is, advertise and gain consumers.

As you can see, organizing a business right in the garage is not very difficult, but you need to approach the implementation of such a plan responsibly. Think carefully about what you will do and how promising it will be in the place where you live. Only in this case will you be guaranteed success.

Now let’s discuss a few popular manufacturing business ideas that can be implemented in the garage and will be profitable anytime and anywhere.

Mini production in the garage: TOP 3 ideas

The options below for a garage manufacturing business are among the most popular and quickly pay for themselves. Let's consider all the nuances of their implementation.

Mini production idea No. 1. Production of paints.

Paint production is probably one of the most profitable business ideas in the field of small business. Why paints? Because this material is needed by everyone, everywhere. Such a mini-enterprise will be profitable both in a metropolis and in a small village.

The idea can pay for itself extremely quickly, but it has a small drawback - you will need some. On the other hand, literally anyone can organize such a mini-production, since they do not need to have extensive specific knowledge in this area.

a) What colors are best to start with?

Enamels are in great demand on the market today, but to start building a business it is still better to choose water-dispersed paints. We explain why: their cost is lower and the technological process is simpler. In addition, this type of material is in demand among the population.

b) What equipment will be needed and what is the amount of start-up capital?

To begin implementing such a mini-production in the garage, you will need the following elements:

Dissolver-mixer (for paint production)Up to 200 thousand rubles.
Raw materials (bases and pigments)Up to 120 thousand rubles.
Packaging materialsUp to 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the minimum amount of initial capital to open such a production will be from 300 thousand rubles, provided that you do not need to spend money on renting a garage.

If you don’t have your own premises, then add rental costs to the amount.

Do not forget that the garage where you are going to implement a mini-production must have good ventilation, as well as water and electricity supply.

c) How long will it take for such an idea to pay off?

According to experts in this field, the average payback of this production with proper business management and good advertising is no more than 3 months.

As for the paint production process itself, it is very simple and consists of two stages:

  1. Production of pigments.
  2. Their mixing and packaging of products.

The equipment for the production of paints is small and represents a simple production line.

Selling manufactured products is also easy:

  • Prepare small business cards and leave them in public places and local stores.
  • Agree on the sale of products in construction hypermarkets.
  • Create a colorful sign and portfolio of your color range.
  • Agree on cooperation with contractors involved in repairs.
  • Tell us about your business and offer your products to your friends, acquaintances, and neighbors.

Mini production idea No. 2. Sewing home textiles and furniture covers.

Another interesting idea for organizing a mini garage production that can generate a solid income.

Why not curtains, but covers? Because sewing curtains is a very narrow specialization that requires imagination, and even better, education in the field of design. The production of home textiles and covers mainly requires only the ability to sew such products.

This is the only drawback of this idea: you need to know how to use a sewing machine, make patterns, etc. But today even this is not a big problem. If you are very interested in this area, you can take a sewing course and within a couple of months begin organizing production.

To implement this mini-production, in addition to the premises (garage), you will also need tools and materials:

Cutting tableFrom 12 thousand rubles.
Sewing machineFrom 45 thousand rubles.
Fabric setFrom 5 thousand rubles.
ScissorsFrom 2 thousand rubles.
Consumables (threads, needles)From 2 thousand rubles.

All this will require start-up capital, and it will amount to approximately 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Its amount depends on what fabrics you will use, and whether you have equipment and premises.

What can be produced so that it is competitive in the market?

  • Furniture covers – for home furnishings and car seats. Both are very popular, since furniture is expensive, and its owners are trying to prolong its life as much as possible. And for families with small children, this is generally an indispensable attribute.
  • Tablecloths and napkins– are not difficult to produce and are necessary in the kitchen of every housewife.
  • Pillows and bedspreads– decorative textile elements made in the desired color and style are in great demand.

Despite the fact that the market is now overflowing with various decorative elements, including textile ones, your mini production can still become very profitable. Small enterprises in this area are especially good because they allow the consumer to interact with the manufacturer in each case, as a result of which both benefit.

You can sell such a product different ways:

  1. Create an extensive portfolio with samples of various types of work performed and agree on its placement in furniture showrooms, local souvenir shops, shops, etc.
  2. Sell ​​products in the same furniture stores.

But all the above methods should be additional. The main sales channel for the products of such a mini garage production is the Internet. You can create pages in in social networks, where you will post examples of your work and accept orders.

The most positive thing about this implementation option is that you can sell your products directly abroad. Such mini-productions are very popular there.

And you won’t have to spend money on the site itself. You can do it yourself using one of the free platforms:

  • https://ru.wix.com
  • https://www.setup.ru
  • https://www.ucoz.ru

In a word, sewing covers is a promising idea for mini-production in the garage, taking into account the fact that the payback period for the money invested will be approximately six months.

TOP 9 small business ideas for production
in the garage.

What kind of production can be opened in a garage?
Ideas from Europe and China.

Mini production idea No. 3. Making wooden toys.

is a product that is truly needed everywhere and at all times. And especially now, when store shelves are filled with low-quality plastic products, there is a demand for wooden products.

Wood has long been recognized as an excellent choice for children's games, because... it is an environmentally friendly material, and there are plenty of opportunities to work with it.

By organizing a mini-production in your garage for the production of children's toys, you can create any types of them:

  • Wooden constructors.
  • Cubes, pyramids, sorters.
  • Trains with removable parts.

In addition, if you live outside the city, it will be very promising to realize the production of wooden frames for children's sandboxes. To build such a structure, you need a minimum of money and effort, and you can even sell them in bulk for arranging playgrounds.

Residents of a metropolis can also consider an additional way to make money from such production - making busy boards (these are wooden planks with attached locks, doors, and zippers). They are very popular all over the world among parents and do not require any special skills to make - just a little imagination.

The starting capital for such a mini-production will range from 50-200 thousand rubles. , depending on what products you will produce. Such an enterprise will pay for itself in about one year.

To start production with a small starting capital, first make simple toys - pyramids and cubes.

To create them you will need some tools:

Type of equipmentSamplePrice
DesktopFrom 15 thousand rubles.
ChiselFrom 250 rub.
Wood hacksawFrom 300 rub.
Hand plane From 1000 rub.
Woodworking MachineFrom 16 thousand rubles.

The latter come in 4 types: milling, drilling, grinding, edge banding. Such woodworking machines are usually called highly specialized.

To save some money, you don’t have to buy four machines at once, but buy one – universal and multifunctional (shown in the figure). Such a device is intended for small-scale production; it is more compact and its cost is lower than the total cost of each of the 4 devices.

You may also need paint if you want to decorate your products. But there is one very important point. The manufacture of children's products itself is not complicated, but it requires great care in the work. You must ensure that your toys are safe, so choose only harmless paints and monitor the quality of your production.

Due to all of the above, in addition to general permits, you will also need a sanitary and epidemiological certificate, which will confirm that your mini-production is safe for children.

As for the garage, that is, the room for your production, it should be spacious so that you can zone it. In one part of the garage you will prepare materials, in another you will create products, and in the third you will pack.

How to sell toys, or more precisely, how to tell about them to the widest possible circle of people?

The best option is a social page. networks, for example, on Instagram:

  • Firstly, you can post a lot of beautiful photos there.
  • Secondly, such means of communication are popular among young mothers.

And creating your account is easy and free.

Also remember about other promotion options:

  • Bright outdoor advertising.
  • Distribution of advertisements on forums.
  • Establishing distribution channels through local toy and children's stores.

To summarize, I would like to note once again that mini production in a garage can be different. But regardless of the chosen field, having your own small business producing something is a very creative, and most importantly, profitable activity. Choose a specialty you like and plan its implementation step by step.

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It's no secret that in the crisis year of 2016, we have to look for new ways to earn money, combine them with our main job, and make profitable investments. You can make deposits in a bank, or you can invest money in a business. Although sometimes small businesses do not require investments at all or require the most minimal ones. And it often happens that it is not so difficult to prepare and work without wasting time and money on traveling to get to work.

Garage production: ideas from China

China is a dynamically developing state at the moment, and it does not mind any crises. The Chinese are good at developing new ideas for small businesses, and we have a lot to learn from them.

Restoration of old cars

A garage can be not only a “home” for your car, but also a “beauty salon” for other cars. Some people will gladly agree to renew their old car there with your help, and collectors will certainly trust the hands of an experienced craftsman with an antique car treasure. At the same time, this type of activity may be a pleasure for you and may well develop from a hobby into a serious and highly paid job.

Restoration and binding of old books

They say that people in China now read more than in Russia. But this type of work can also take root here. After all, people collect libraries, which they value very much and pass on from generation to generation. And here you can enter this business with a small start-up capital - about 6-10 thousand rubles, which is needed for consumables, a special stitching machine and clamps.

Production of Chinese lanterns

In another way, this strange toy is called a sky lantern. Even a beginner can start making them, and due to the great popularity of this entertainment, you can earn some good money. Especially on holidays. Since you don't need a large room, you can use the garage. But the main thing is to find a “market” for the products. These could be holiday organizing agencies, souvenir shops, fireworks stores and other entertainment paraphernalia.

Production of wooden garden paths

In your garage, you can also easily build a business based on the production of wooden walkways. In modern society, the fashion for a natural, original, environmentally friendly environment has a clear upward trend, so there will definitely be a demand for the product of your activity. At the same time, you will have little competition. And to start selling or making this device to order, all you need to do is advertise on boards on the Internet or create your own advertising page.

Garage production - ideas from Europe

Europe is also ready to please Russians with new directions in business. True, if the Chinese can boast of ideas for production and services of a very original and exotic (for us) nature, then the Europeans are practical and down-to-earth people in this regard. So, what does Europe offer us from or with minimal starting capital?

Mini forge

It may sound like something outdated, but now this is a very promising direction not only in Europe, but also in Russia. Competition is small, but demand is high, especially if you establish yourself well among regular customers and product buyers. You will produce original trellises, garden fences, garden furniture and more. At the same time, you can show your imagination and make incredibly beautiful things. A garage is an excellent space option for such activities, and the rest of the equipment is unlikely to cost you much. The main thing is ability and skills.

Tire storage

An interesting offer for motorists who do not want to clutter their already small garage with excess cargo - a storage warehouse car tires. By renting out the entire garage or just part of it for a certain period of time specifically for these purposes, you can receive passive but stable income.

Photo printing and copier services

Almost any premises can be suitable for such a business, which means you can use your garage for this. Then you won't have to pay for renting a specialized building. All you need is electrical wiring, your desktop or laptop, printing equipment (printer, scanner, copier) and free time. The business is low-cost, but has great demand.

Glass matting

This type of small business even has some creative character. The work is as follows: a design is applied to glass (be it windows, vases, mirrors, etc.) using a special sandblasting machine. The largest cost will be attributed directly to the device. Its cost is about 150 thousand rubles. Although at the very beginning of your journey you can use a special paste and eventually save up for a sandblasting machine.

What can you produce in your garage for sale?

You can sell more than just your professional services in your garage. It is quite possible to produce high-quality products. To do this, you will need some equipment, your professional skills and advertising, which can be given very easily these days.

Construction materials

In your own garage you can organize a mini-workshop for the production of building materials and finishing materials. For example, you can master . Having acquired special skills and experience, you can even experiment with the design of such tiles. People walking on such tiles cannot help but appreciate such an original work. You can also make a special brick that looks like a Lego toy part and is therefore easy to use. In addition, this area of ​​construction is now gaining momentum in popularity, so you can sell your product in huge quantities.

Advice: the production of building materials requires a lot of space in the garage, a lot of labor, costs for raw materials and molds. Therefore, count on your strengths and try to get helpers.

Sewing curtains, covers, bedspreads

You can have a good sewing workshop if you suddenly decide to make your car sleep on the street. You will need a good level of your knowledge in sewing, small equipment such as needles, threads and bobbins, fabrics of different structures and purposes and, of course, sewing machines. Even if you don't have enough experience to make products for sale, you can try to sew to order. Now this is relevant and practical. After all, the customer himself chooses the materials, colors and sizes, and all you have to do is repeat the sketch in full size.

Business ideas with minimal investment in the garage

Most garage business ideas won't cost you much money. However, it is worth noting that the business that is accompanied by the smallest investments is usually based on services. That is, it could be a car repair shop, a workshop for making keys and repairing clothes and shoes, printing services (including outdoor advertising), manufacturing of various metal and wooden structures. The choice is yours.

Mini-production in the garage - hand stamping

If you are a beginner entrepreneur and do not have large financial resources, you can use the hand stamping technique. The name speaks for itself - in this case you will not have to purchase special equipment (with the exception of some tools), and your products can be very different: from small items, toys, crafts to bricks, blocks, various sculptures, garden buildings, furniture and other things. Just remember that you save a lot of money by not buying equipment, but, most likely, your time costs will be greater in this case, and you will have to monitor the quality more carefully.

Produce furniture various types You can both sell and order. Whatever suits you. If as production premises you will choose a garage, which is very convenient, and if it is spacious enough, then you will only have to invest money in the material and some equipment and tools. The biggest advantages in such production are:

  • low cost;
  • inexpensive materials that you can choose yourself or provide this opportunity to the customer;
  • convenience - you work practically without leaving home;
  • high profits.

Advice: If you choose to make furniture in the garage, make it to order in the initial stages. This way you won’t make a mistake with the rotation of your products (ready-made furniture may simply not be bought) and you will gain some skills in selecting a style and material.

Equipment for mini-production in a garage

What equipment you will need, of course, depends on the choice of activity in your garage. Accordingly, if you decide to turn your garage into a car repair shop, you will need wrenches, some parts, metal, auto enamels, machine tools, etc., and if you want to make furniture, then hammers, nails, screws, a screwdriver, and others. However, if you choose to manufacture at home or in a garage with hand stamping, then you actually won’t need the equipment at all. You can also start with manual labor, and over time switch to the machines and mechanisms of your mini-workshop.

Advice: if you plan not just to make things, but to launch an entire production, then for such purposes you usually need to open. Well, of course, your option is individual entrepreneurship.

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Opening a business in your garage is a gamble that is usually worth it. It’s not for nothing that in Europe and China they are already developing and using with all their might, associated with minimal investments. Moreover, if your garage is sitting idle, why not make it work for you?

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A garage business is a great option for earning money with a minimum investment. There are many options for what kind of business to open in the garage, the main thing is to correctly decide on the direction. By the way, billionaires Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak worked on their first Apple in the garage. So nothing is impossible, the main thing is the idea and a positive attitude.


Description of a small business in a garage

Open a mini-business in a garage from scratch is one of the most affordable and convenient ways to start your own business and become one of the novice entrepreneurs.

Earning money has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Minimum expenses. The absence of rental bills, warehouse and transportation costs will help you save at the starting stage.
  2. Work at a convenient time. Business in your own garage allows you to work without being tied to a specific schedule.
  3. Without compromising the main work. You can try to promote your business in your free time from work.

At the initial stage, you can avoid it until the demand for services or goods improves and the first profit appears.


If you have a garage at your disposal, this is a great chance to start your own business without investing a lot of money. There are many ideas about what kind of business to open. The main thing is to correctly draw up a business plan, analyze the competitor’s market and determine profitability.

The relevance of the garage business is steadily growing; today many Russians live through such entrepreneurial activity. According to statistics for 2016, from 20 to 40% of residents in certain regions of the country are garage artisans.

How to start a business in a garage

If used rationally, your own garage can become an asset and bring good profits in the future.

When choosing an idea for a business in a garage, you need to start from its location. It’s good if it is located in a residential, densely populated area - this allows you to implement almost any idea: from a car service center to a small store.

The remoteness of the garage from crowded places limits potential options; in this case, you already need to start from the target audience, organize work so that customers are not confused by the location of the point.

The room needs to be prepared:

  • insulate;
  • carry out all necessary communications;
  • make external and internal repairs;
  • install meters for electricity and water.

How much money is needed for repairs and furnishings depends on the functional purpose. For a warehouse, you need a minimum of investments: install shelving, paint, insulate. To organize a retail outlet, you need to take into account additional special equipment.

The only thing that is not practical to do in a garage is food production. The conditions do not meet epidemiological and sanitary standards. Producing food in a garage entails heavy fines and a ban on further business activities.

Market analysis

To choose the right idea for a garage business, you need to think through all the details and analyze the market.

In order to do this, you need to answer three questions:

  • in what type of activity there is minimal competition;
  • what the potential client wants to receive: the service or product must be necessary;
  • which business will pay off quickly.

But first of all, you need to start from your financial capabilities; if you have minimal money, it would be more advisable to start with a small business and not go into debt.

In any entrepreneurial startup, you need to draw up a business plan and make specific calculations, based on the price category of a particular region, to calculate the possible profitability of the business.

Regardless of the chosen idea, the first clients may be friends and acquaintances, neighbors, and then a flow of new clients will begin. It should be remembered that after the establishment of a business, registration of business activities will need to be formalized at the legal level with the relevant administrative authorities.

Idea selection

A garage business for beginners with minimal investment will bring good profits if you correctly decide on the idea and correctly implement it.

You need to highlight the key factors for yourself:

  1. What do you understand better than others? In this case, a formal diploma higher education does not matter, you need to understand the chosen field of activity.
  2. What do you do better than others? Practical skills are important here, which is good, you can: design, make, communicate with people, etc.
  3. Available resources. Even for business in a garage you need financial investments. But if you think more broadly, you can go through everything that is in the attic and in the garage itself, and try to find a use for these, at first glance, unnecessary items.
  4. What already exists in the city. A profitable business is impossible without demand. The service or product must be in demand.


There are a lot of options for what types of businesses you can organize. Below are some interesting ideas that work.

Garage for rent

The essence of the business is to rent out a garage for a predetermined period. This is the best option for those who do not use a garage. Based on the fact that 80% of the adult population has their own car, the service will be relevant. The positive aspect of the idea is that it does not require any investment of your own time.

The garage can be offered for rent for the following purposes:

  • car parking;
  • premises for organizing a business;
  • as a warehouse;
  • a place to store various things.

On average, the monthly profit from one garage will be about 3 thousand rubles. The more garages, the greater the real profit, and in the future, additional boxes can be built with the capital received. Opening a new garage, taking into account the provision of communications and registration of permits, will cost about 80,000 and will pay off in a few years.


Repair of premises and equipment has always been in demand; you can take advantage of this factor and organize rental of tools in your garage.

In parallel, you can offer repair services if you have experience in this field. To create such a business you need a tool and knowledge of its characteristics.

Like any other business, there are difficulties here:

  1. The tool may not be returned. It is better to provide equipment as collateral, the best option is 25-30% of the initial cost of the equipment.
  2. Breakdowns. Incorrect handling of the tool can lead to malfunction, so instruction is required.

Auto repair shop

Car repair services are always relevant, since a car is, first of all, a piece of equipment, and it is prone to periodic breakdowns, so there will always be demand.

To organize such a business you will need:

  • hand tools: screwdrivers, wrenches, pullers, jacks, pliers, etc.
  • equipment: power tools, welding machine, generator;
  • a properly equipped garage with space for equipment and tools;
  • create a safe work area;
  • provide the room with good ventilation.

You need to set the right prices. Too low a cost for services will not bring profit, and a high cost will not bring in customers.

Car wash

If the box has a large adjacent area, you can use it and organize a car wash. You will also need a small start-up capital to purchase materials and special equipment.

To create a car wash in a garage you need:

  • connect water supply and sewerage;
  • floors in the garage should be sloping towards the drain, where dirty water and oil will drain;
  • carry out wiring taking into account electrical safety measures (install a transformer with the ability to reduce voltage).

It should be noted that business in to a greater extent is seasonal and during the frosty season there will be a minimum number of customers.

Tire service

It will be beneficial to organize a tire workshop in a garage if the box is located near the road or gas station.

To perform tire fitting work it is necessary to organize:

  • good room lighting;
  • proper ventilation;
  • hold water.

To provide customers with quality service, you need special equipment and tools: machines, a vulcanizer, a compressor, etc. But the listed things cost quite a lot of money, and you can rent them to get started.


You can make money from a business in a garage if you know how to do something with your own hands, and what type of activity it will be depends on your skills.

Promotional Products

  • plotter for printing large banners;
  • computer with installed software.

The costs and requirements for this business idea are small, and this direction is always relevant, regardless of the time of year.


There is a lot of competition in this industry, but you can find your niche by offering services for the production of custom-made furniture, taking into account individual characteristics and sizes.

To implement the project, special tools are required, which are expensive, but the business is very profitable and will pay for itself quickly enough.

Large parts for cabinet furniture can be ordered from manufacturers, and in the garage you can independently assemble a furniture module and add the necessary fittings and decor.

A separate source of income will be services for assembling furniture at the customer’s home.

Car wash in garage Selling tires in a garage Auto repair shop in garage Furniture production in a garage

Decorative items for home and souvenirs

You can put your hobbies and interests to good use and benefit financially. Exclusive products have always been in demand, and this is a great idea for running your business in the garage.


  • Handmade soap;
  • paintings and icons with beads;
  • basket weaving;
  • production of magnets;
  • handmade paintings, etc.

Any of the options for creating souvenirs and decorative items requires appropriate consumables. The most important thing is that there is minimal competition; not everyone can make original products with their own hands.

Goods for children

The production of children's goods is a win-win niche in business, which, with the right approach and certain skills, will bring a good, stable income.

In this regard, there are the following ideas:

  1. Children's sandbox. Few people are engaged in the deliberate production of such goods, but the improvement of local areas is gaining momentum today. Having created several sandboxes with an original design, you can start looking for clients, and then individual orders will arrive.
  2. Kites. A little imagination and skill will allow you to create an exclusive kite that will bring a lot of joy to your child and a little profit to your enterprise. In the future, you can put the business on stream and sell the goods through private children's stores and retail outlets.

General household goods

Most hardware stores and supermarkets are aimed at the mass consumer and do not work with individual orders. This makes it possible to occupy a profitable niche in household goods and earn decent money at the same time.

Several interesting options:

  1. Pellet production. Cheap raw materials are always valued due to their affordable cost. A recycling workshop will bring a stable income, since there are not many competitors in our country. Pellets are used as a filler for animal trays and for heating premises in a private home.
  2. Decorative processing of mirrors and glass using sandblasting technology. To organize this type of business you need certain skills, but if you don’t have them, you can learn everything. In addition to skills, consumables and equipment are needed, such as: stencils for drawings, mirrors and glass, sand, sandblasting machine.
  3. Production of number plates. Here you need a minimum of financial investments and there are practically no competitors, so income is guaranteed. Signs can be: wooden, metal, plastic. To create a ready-made version, a minimum set of available tools and materials is sufficient.

Several popular ones.


The box can be organized as a retail space. Such a business fits within the framework of the law and can be included in the register of stationary trade. But such a project is available if the garage is located in a crowded residential area.

To get started you need:

  • equip the premises accordingly;
  • decide on the product range;
  • tell your friends and acquaintances about the outlet for the purpose of free advertising.

There are a lot of ideas about what exactly to sell, for example, if the box is located in a garage cooperative, then the optimal product would be in the form of auto parts and components; if on the highway, it is better to start selling soft drinks and coffee.

Repair shop

In this situation, there are many options: repair of household appliances, bicycle repair, but let’s take a clothing and shoe repair shop as an example.

Such a workshop will always have a flow of customers if it is located within the residential sector. In any case, you need to advertise your services and design the box accordingly.

To bring this idea to life you need to have:

  • sewing machine;
  • a set of knives and scissors, hooks;
  • shoemaker's kit;
  • minimal consumables (threads, needles, etc.).

The target audience is wide and covers all segments of the population, which means the profit is stable.

Laundry or dry cleaning

This service is always relevant, since not every person decides to remove dirt from an expensive item on their own. When faced with a similar problem, people usually turn to professionals.

You can start with small private orders, but to increase financial profits over time, it is better to expand by creating a network of laundries.

To implement the project, financial investments are needed for equipment, washing machines, and consumables.

Should I register my business?

In any business activity, you need to understand that it is illegal to engage in business activities without registration; this entails a lot of problems and fines.

If the garage is rented to a neighbor, the tax office is unlikely to have any claims. And when plans include a large-scale business project, production or retail outlet, registration is indispensable.

Depending on the type of activity, what size the business will be, what the client base is and other nuances, it is necessary to decide on the legal form of the business and the tax system.

Most often in such situations, an LLC or individual entrepreneur is registered, and taxation is UTII.

To be completely sure that there will be no claims from government agencies, it is better to consult with an experienced lawyer on this matter.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any type of entrepreneurship, a garage business has a number of specific advantages and disadvantages.

Main advantages:

  • savings on rent for premises;
  • a wide choice for the implementation of ideas;
  • does not require large capital investments;
  • own premises will insure against the risk of price fluctuations, since it is this factor that often ruins a young business.

Main disadvantages:

  • a business in a garage does not allow you to open: food production, clinic, kindergarten;
  • Boxes within the city are the first in line for demolition. In case of demolition, the cost of the garage will be reimbursed, but no one is obliged to return the funds invested in the business.

But all these shortcomings do not stop those who want to enter the garage.