Black wedding how to behave. How to cast a love spell "Black wedding. How to get rid of the spell

Rituals and ceremonies of black magic - black wedding

Black wedding is a very effective love spell, which is rightfully considered one of the strongest in love magic. This love spell belongs to the esoteric tradition of ceremonial black magic and, if performed incorrectly, can pose a serious danger to all its participants (including the victim)

What is a black wedding spell.

As mentioned above, this love spell refers to ceremonial black magic. However, ceremonial black magic should not be confused with satanic magic. this is a completely different esoteric tradition, close to black magic, but still different.

The purpose of this love spell is to make a strong energy binding between two people. However, compared to the usual love spell, it has some differences. Do not forget that this is not just a love spell, but a wedding. In this case, the name of the ritual is not a beautiful package, but a phrase that fully reflects its essence. The course of the ritual largely repeats the wedding in Orthodox Church, only it is slightly modified.

For example, a conspiracy that is pronounced during the ritual is nothing more than the speech of an Orthodox priest pronounced by him during the wedding ritual. It's actually pronounced backwards. In this case, it has a symbolic meaning, personifying the renunciation of the patronage of the church and the church rules established for marriage.

Making a small digression, I will say that the use of modified Christian rituals and prayers in esoteric practice is quite common. An example is the prayer - "Our Father" read backwards. This method is widely used in satanic magic. Which in the symbolic sense of this worldview picture personifies the disregard for Christian morality and rules.

Love spell action - "Black wedding"

It acts in the same way as a wedding in the Christian church, namely, it binds two people to each other and gives protection to their relationship. Many do not think about it, but this ritual refers to binary love spells. That is, it has an equivalent effect, both on you and on the object of the love spell.

In a practical sense, this is expressed in the fact that a strong affection, a pronounced sexual attraction, is manifested in the object of the love spell. Also, one of the features is the fact that the victim strives specifically to create a full-fledged family and marriage. It is believed that if a black love spell was made, then a person will not be able to start a family with anyone else.

As you know, in the Christian tradition, a wedding meant that this family would be protected by divine powers. Give them protection and patronage. In our case, instead of the divine power, the world of the dead, that is, the energy of death, appears. It is she who is called upon to protect the relationship of the new couple on the one hand and, importantly, severely punish for the desire to destroy it. Moreover, she will punish both the person whom you bewitched and you, unless of course you bewitched this person to yourself. Let me remind you that this ritual can be carried out to unite two people without their participation, for example, if a magician does this by order.

The duration of the love spell "Black wedding"

It is believed that if the wedding was performed, then it will last a lifetime. However, perhaps contrary to other magicians, I will say that nothing is eternal. This spell actually works. a large number of time, but it is not permanent. The opinion about its perpetuity is probably based on drawing an analogy with church marriage. And this love spell is a modified church wedding ritual.

However, I want to remind you that the procedure for divorce, that is, the dissolution of a church marriage, exists. There are a number of grounds on which the church can recognize a marriage as annulled. Of course, it is worth considering that in order for a church marriage to be dissolved, good reasons are needed. By analogy, this love spell can be removed. True, in order to remove it, standard methods will not work. On average, this love spell lasts about 10 years. Then its effect weakens and gradually disappears.

How to remove the black wedding spell

He pulls off very hard. The fact is that this love spell has many variations. In fact, each master extols something of his own into it (if you have little experience, I do not recommend modifying it). This fact complicates the procedure for removing the magical effect. If you are new to magic and want to remove this love spell, contact a professional. If you are a practicing magician, I will say this: look for the key. This ritual has an element of a deal. You need to break it up. The key is the grounds on which the transaction can be terminated. The ideal option would be if you find out in which particular variation the ritual was made.

For the ritual you will need:

Six fionite candles. Three black and three red. Explanation. Fionite candles are candles with the addition of fionite chips. As a rule, they are made to order or sold in specialized esoteric stores.

Chilibuha leaves, approximately 20-30 leaves. Explanation. Chilibukha is a plant that grows in tropical forests South Asia. You can buy it in pharmacies or specialized esoteric stores.

Lamp oil, approximately 0.5 l. Explanation. You need to get lamp oil, which is used in the church. You can buy it in the same place (in the church) or in other places. For example, in an online store.

Two photos, yours and the person you want to bewitch. The requirements for photographs are as follows: Only one person must be shown in the photo. The photo should not be old, it is desirable that it was taken no more than one week ago. In the photo, the person must be depicted in full growth. The photo must be clear. The size of the photos is standard (9x13), but this is not important, any size of the photo is allowed.

Preparation for the ritual

Find a grave in the cemetery with the name of the person you are going to bewitch or a grave with your name. Next, you should get the consent of the deceased to help you in the ritual. To do this, approach the grave, mentally asking a question. If the answer is positive, then you will feel warmth or a pleasant vibration inside your body, in a word, you will experience positive emotions. If the answer is negative, the emotions will also be negative - fear, resentment, coldness. In this case, you should go in search of another grave until you reach the result. If you have not yet developed the ability to feel, use the pendulum.

Time for the ritual

A black wedding love spell is held on the full moon. After midnight. This way you can achieve the maximum effect.

The course of the ritual

Come to the cemetery, to a pre-selected grave. Put two photos on it. That is, a photo of those people whom you are going to marry. Then you should read the following text.

Place three red candles to the left of the photos and three black ones to the right. Start lighting candles. First red, then black. Do not rush, while you light the candles, think about the purpose of the ritual. Use matches to light them, lighters are not allowed. Then repeat the text above again.

As soon as you finish reciting the plot, sprinkle the photographs with illuminated chilibuha leaves. Next, pour lamp oil over them. You need to pour into the center of each photo. Then read the plot again.

Then, take the black candle in left hand, and in the right red one (use candles from the grave). Holding the candles in your hands, set fire to the photos from both sides. All the leaves should burn, and the photo. Once everything is lit, place the candles back on the grave.

The end of the ritual

As soon as you complete all the steps described above, turn around and go home without looking back and without talking to anyone. Don't wait for the candles to burn out. As soon as you get home, go to bed thinking about the success of your business.

Rite of the Black Wedding

Black wedding in a special way is associated with the Christian egregore. Who else but the priests of this religion tried to bind people with family ties. To shackle individuals in fetters and instill anti-natural laws, inscribing them in their "sacred" books. Marriage as the progenitor of a black wedding on the spiritual plane means the blocking of sexual energy, often called "Zen", which on the physical plane eliminates individuals of the opposite plan from a person. During the ritual, a ring is used for this, worn by the couple on the ring finger, through which the Zen energy channel passes. The power of such a rite is destroyed only after the death of one of the two participants in the ritual. People voluntarily go for it, as they have a well-defined zombie complex created by society. Members of society tend to be sadistic towards themselves. The processes of self-flagellation and a sense of duty were instilled constantly and throughout all the years, starting from infancy. The power of this ritual, successfully carried out by the church for many hundreds of years, could not be overlooked and not used by the practices of dark art. The rite became known as the "Black Wedding".

Highlights of the Black Wedding:

The victim of the "Black Wedding" loses the natural power of attraction to other individuals of the opposite sex;

The fate of the victim changes in such a way that he will be permanently connected with his "married" couple;

There is no way to remove this type of black magic;

It is not possible to view the presence of the "Black Wedding" on a person by conventional methods.

Now the sorcery itself:

We go to the old church, better in convent, during the wedding of people who are getting married for the first time. We bring with us the hair of those people whose fates must be connected by this rite. Before entering, we quietly read the prayer “Our Father” three times on the contrary and turn the cross, which you need to have on yourself, onto your back. The Christian cross is a disturbed elemental cross, where there is little air and much earth. This must be understood and not seen in this variety of the cross as something sacred. The usual modification of the cross, which was created by magicians for the people, who must work all their lives like a slave and not dream of anything. By prayer and action with the cross, we unfold the power of the egregor of Christianity from passive service to its active use. Before a black wedding, we buy two wax candles in the church and carefully wind the couple's hair along the length of the candle from top to bottom. We hold the candles in the left hand as the receiving force for the impact. The spell must be known by heart and in no case be misfired, otherwise you will leave all the work to yourself. The spell is recited nine times.

We don’t let the candles burn out, but extinguish them with the middle and thumb fingers of the right hand, as a statement of our will and strength.

We're leaving. Candles burn out on the same day a year later in the same place. This will fix the result for a long time.

Rite of the Black Wedding

It is held at night, the person who is being married will no longer be able to create a normal family with anyone else but you.

In the text, the word “recipient” means the person whom you will marry on yourself.

1. Take a choice - a burgundy or dark red ribbon, if the wedding of a woman or dark pink (any shades of pink) - if a girl, if a woman is going to marry a man - then the ribbon is black

2. Take any thing that the recipient has worn for a long time. Washed items are not allowed. Can be recipient's blood, urine, hair, nails, socks, etc. - any working material

3. Take the consecrated chilibukha leaves (or powder from these leaves) and mix the recipient material with them. If the material is a piece of fabric (wearable item of the recipient), then you should cut this fabric into small pieces with smaller scissors. Scissors or a knife are first smoked over the flame of a red cubic zirconia candle.

4. Take your photo, put the resulting mixture on top of it (point 3, evenly distribute everything over the photo

5. Take black paper, wrap everything that you did in step 4 in paper

6. With a ribbon (point 1), tie this paper with a bow (as you tie sneakers)

7. Put the resulting bundle on the table, place 6 red cubic zirconia candles around it, light the candles clockwise, starting with any candle.

8. Read this text:

“If I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have no love, then I am a ringing brass or a resounding cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries, and have all knowledge and all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing.
And if I give away all my possessions and give my body to be burned, but I do not have love, it does not profit me at all.
Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not behave violently, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything.
Love never ceases, although prophecy will cease, and tongues will be silent, and knowledge will be abolished.

9. now take the bundle in your left hand (right-handed) or in right hand(if you are left-handed) raise it up (hand with the bundle up) and read this text in a loud voice, but without shouting:

“And to those who have entered into marriage, it is not I who command, but the Lord: a wife should not divorce her husband, if she divorces, then she must remain celibate, or be reconciled with her husband, and the husband must not leave his wife [his]. To the rest, I say, and not the Lord: if any brother has an unbelieving wife, and she agrees to live with him, then he should not leave her; and a wife who has an unbelieving husband, and he agrees to live with her, must not leave him. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the believing wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy. If the unbeliever [wants] to get divorced, let him get divorced; brother or sister in such [cases] are not related; The Lord has called us to peace. How do you know, wife, if you can save your husband? Or you, husband, why do you know if you can save your wife? Only do each one as God has determined for him, and each as the Lord has called.
Wives, obey your husbands as to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the Church, and He is the Savior of the body. But just as the Church obeys Christ, so do wives obey their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself up for her to sanctify her, having cleansed her with a bath of water through the word; to present her to Himself as a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or anything like that, but that she might be holy and blameless. Thus ought husbands to love their wives as their bodies: he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one has ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and warms it, just as the Lord does the Church, because we are members of His body, from His flesh and from His bones.
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh.
This mystery is great; I speak in relation to Christ and to the Church. So let each of you love his wife as himself; but let the wife be afraid of her husband.
Therefore, I desire that men pray in every place, raising their pure hands without anger and doubt; so that also women, in decent attire, with modesty and chastity, adorn themselves not with weaving [hair], not with gold, not with pearls, not with clothes of great value, but with good deeds, as befits women who devote themselves to piety. Let the wife study in silence, with all humility; but I do not allow a woman to teach, nor to rule over her husband, but to be in silence. For Adam was created first, and then Eve; nor is Adam deceived; but the wife, deceived, fell into a crime; however, he will be saved through childbearing, if he continues in faith and love and in holiness with chastity. Amen."

Black wedding (binary)

The usual time for love spells is midnight, the growing moon, the last Friday before the full moon.

For Volts: Buy two pieces of wax from different sellers without haggling. Well, biomaterial.

You prepare volts with biomaterial additives.

Important! When you melt the wax of one piece, it must not be mixed with the wax of another piece, that is, you use a separate dish or wash thoroughly.
Sexual characteristics must be well expressed.

Women do the volt on Wednesday, men on Thursday in advance of the ritual, and keep them separately so that he is stored in one place, and she is in another.

For the ritual:

12 black candles

3 red, elderberries, dry also work.

A piece of black cloth to cover the table, chalk.

Two copper or silver type wedding rings without stones.

Stands for volts so that they stand.

All this must be prepared immediately so as not to leave the circle.

You cover the table with a black cloth with chalk, draw a circle with a radius of 40 cm, so that it turns out evenly - use twine.

Then you evenly space the candles, it turns out like on a dial. One candle due north you start with it.

Inside the circle of red candles, you build an equilateral triangle, also one angle to the north. It should somewhere 10 centimeters away from the candles of the circle.
In a triangle you put volts on stands facing each other. And under their feet you scatter elderberry. On the saucer of the ring and put between the volts.

You light the red candles clockwise and the black ones counterclockwise.

Reading the spell:

“I am a witch (name), on behalf of Satan, the Great Black Prince, I command that I marry a black secret slave (name) with a slave (name) and from now on forever and ever I will connect them together and he will live with her, but love her alone to indulge at night do not get off her attention to other women, nor pay any one except her, do not perceive. I have attached to (name) all my life. Like this ring is round without beginning and end, so that you love (name f) endlessly and where so that you don’t go, but return along the ring to (name f).

You put on women's clothes on the women's Volt and say:

“As a ring, I put this ring on you (name), I nail it to you (name M), I tie it to you with a ring (name m) for life. Like a ring this is round without beginning without end so that (name m) loves you endlessly and wherever you go, but returns to you along the ring.

Then when the rings are dressed you say:

“By dark forces, ancient forces, I conjure you (name m) connected with (name f) this moment, now and forever and ever. A."

Volts with rings on your head are put face to face very close like a hug and so that the genitals are on the level. And you leave them like that until the full moon right in the circle.

You burn candles every day, and you need to distribute it so that it lasts until the full moon.

On the full moon, you light the remnants of the candles, and so that they burn out to the end. You take these volts, put them in a bowl in a place with rings, and on a small fire you begin to drown them, saying:

“The one who was a witness and fate, life (name m) with (name f) twisted, help me!
As wax is drowned under fire, so you (name m) with (name f) languish under love fire. Just as two pieces taken differently are united, so will your lives be united. As now these two pieces cannot be separated, so (name) with (name) will be inseparable. A."

Then, right in the bowl, when the wax, together with the rings, hardens, bury it under a young tree.

Cinders or whatever from the candles will remain at the crossroads, and the elderberry can be collected and thrown under the feet of the object and can be hidden at home.

Payback at the crossroads 13 larger coins to take and vodka.

The black wedding love spell is rooted in the deep past and belongs to the group of magical love rites. This rite appeared thanks to the Christian egregor. There are several pagan types of this rite, but they all belong to late paganism, which was preserved in the initial period of Christianity.

A black wedding love spell has several options, and all of them are highly effective. A feature of this love spell is that with its help it is possible to forcibly connect the fates of two people without their consent. It should be remembered that the black wedding love spell refers to the means of black magic. In this regard, it must be used very carefully. And in the case of a decision on its use, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Classic black wedding

The love spell black wedding in the classic version is held at the cemetery. For this, a satanic black bible is used, prayers from which are read backwards during the ceremony. The ritual is performed at the grave of the deceased spouses. It is almost impossible to conduct such a ceremony on your own. In addition to the fact that the person performing the ceremony must have special knowledge and strength, he must also be able to establish a connection with the afterlife.

It is very important to choose the right grave of the deceased spouses. In earthly life they should have lived a happy life. Otherwise, they will shift their misfortunes to the newly created couple with the help of magic. In addition, during the ceremony, there is a high probability that demons will enter the person who performs the ceremony. Therefore, professional magicians learn over the years to put reliable protection from graveyard spirits and demons. There is an opinion that sorcerers pair up with the help of a black wedding love spell in order to combine their forces and organize powerful clans.

Love spell at the cemetery

For the ceremony, you will need to prepare a photograph of your loved one, in which he is depicted alone and in full growth. It is not recommended to use a shared photo and cut out an image of a loved one from it. You will also need to use your own photo, selected according to the same principle. The rite must be performed at the cemetery at midnight during the full moon, but it is allowed to perform a magical act even with the growing moon.

For the place of the ceremony, the grave of the spouses is chosen, their names must match the names of those people who are planned to be married with the help of magic. On the grave you need to behave very quietly, in no case should you laugh, look around or speak loudly. First, prepared photographs are placed on the grave, cubic zirconia candles are placed around them. These are special candles with the addition of miniature cubic zirkonia. On the left of the photo, three red candles are set, with right side- three black candles. After that, red candles are lit first, and then black ones.

Next, the text of the black wedding love spell is read, which must be taken from a special source and at the same time the words must be pronounced in strict accordance with it. After that, you need to sprinkle the pictures with illuminated chilibuha leaves. To do this, it is enough to purchase 30-40 g of leaves in advance in one of the exoteric stores. Their cost is about 100 dollars.

After that, the pictures are poured over with lamp oil, which should be poured into the center of the photo in a volume of not less than half a liter. After the actions taken, the magical plot is read a second time. Then a black candle is taken in the left hand, and a red candle in the right hand. They set fire to the attributes of the rite, stacked on the grave, after which the candles are again set in place. While the candles are burning, the plot should be read a third time. On this, the plot is considered complete and you can leave the cemetery very quickly, and without looking back.

Features of the love spell

The impact of the rite is very tough, but does not manifest itself immediately. There are options for a love spell that are gaining strength for a long time, up to several years. But in any case, the rite has a lifelong effect. Ritual influence guarantees complete control over a person's life. Moreover, both the victim and the customer always fall under the influence, this explains the name of the rite. The rite removes all external obstacles that may interfere with the union of two, and attracts life circumstances that help strengthen their union.

The magical effect affects all areas of life, so people married with the help of black magic cannot live without each other. They are ready to give up everything in the world around them, including the closest people, just to be together. But at the same time, the rite does not add passion and love, so outwardly such people look like an ordinary couple.

The rite of the "Black Wedding" in the church

This ceremony is based on the Christian egregore, so there is an option that is held in the church. The ritual developed at the time of the formation of the Christian religion, when church priests tried to bind people in marriage with strong bonds and write such laws into church books.

During the ritual, a ring is used, which is put on the finger of the married couple, it is through it that the energy communication channel passes, which can be destroyed only after the death of one of the participants in the ceremony. As a rule, the couple goes to this ceremony consciously.

The features of this rite are the following:

  • Victims of the rite lose the ability to sexual attraction to other people of the opposite sex;
  • The fate of the couple develops in such a way that they will always be together;
  • There are no ways to remove the impact;
  • Availability external influence difficult to determine by simple magical means.

The ceremony should be held in an ancient temple, and preferably in a convent at the time of the wedding of people who are getting married for the first time. For the ceremony, you need to bring the hair of those people who are planned to be united forever and be sure to put on a pectoral cross. Before entering the temple, you should read in a whisper the well-known prayer “Our Father”, but vice versa. And you need to prepare for this in advance. You also need to imperceptibly turn the pectoral cross onto your back.

Before the ceremony, you should purchase two church candles and wrap them with brought hair along the entire length. Candles during the ceremony are held in the left hand, this opens the receiving channel of external power. The spell must be whispered, it must be learned by heart in advance. It must be uttered without failure and must be done nine times in a row. After that, the candles must be forcibly extinguished with your fingers, as proof of your strength and will. Immediately after this, you need to quickly leave the temple. At home, you need to light the candles again and let them burn out.

All rites of black magic, and the black wedding love spell is no exception, are very dangerous. Therefore, you can use it if you sincerely love another person. Remember that with this ritual you not only bind your loved one forever, but you yourself cannot live without him. In addition, any mistake during the ceremony, and even the most experienced magician is not immune from this, can lead to unpredictable negative consequences.

If you are not a professional witch,



"BLACK WEDDING" is a magical ritual of triple power, because. affects immediately on three aspects: think - love - desire.

(Involves the chakras: ajna, anahata and svadhisthana).

The “Black Wedding” is held by a witch for a very strong connection of the destinies of two people. At the same time, one person may not even know about the feelings of another and feel nothing for him.

A love spell can also be done when people are at a great distance from each other.

Also, "Black Wedding" can return a loved one, even if he (or she) is not destined. For example, powerfully bind to you married man(married woman). Although it has long been known that marriages are not accidental, in heaven everything is predetermined. Each family is guarded by an angel, protected higher power. That is why lovers often part, and the married man remains to live with his wife.

"Black Wedding" recodes your destinies and firmly connects them. After that, higher powers come to terms with your couple and bless you for a long happy relationship.

For the "Black Wedding" the big age difference between the lovers does not matter. The ritual REMOVES ALL obstacles in your path.

We know that there are no eternal love spells, however, "BLACK WEDDING" is considered the longest and strongest - this is the highest aerobatics of love magic. Only a few witches know this rite. The love spell is twisted with lightning speed and its strength is enough for very long years from 7 to 10 years.

I am working even in very difficult running situations when it is almost impossible to return.

If the love spell "BLACK WEDDING" is performed correctly, then life circumstances themselves bring people together to create a strong family. People connect with each other. Their love becomes immeasurable and has no boundaries.

"BLACK WEDDING" awakens the bewitched thoughts about you, sexual desire. Love flares up with renewed vigor, and if a person has not experienced it before, then the feeling arises again. He is drawn to you like a magnet, he returns and can no longer live without you. Proposes to marry. "Black wedding" pushes rivals away, a man no longer looks at other women, they are no longer interesting to him. He tries to spend all his free time together. Loving only you. Take care of you.

You need to start the Black Wedding love spell if you are ready to live with the bewitched for many years.


This love spell can be done at a distance from a photograph. The effect is the same as after a personal reception.


The ceremony is very complex. I spend it one night, but for the next 40 days I read special prayers for the union of destinies.


The love spell is twisted with lightning speed. The first results after a love spell appear on the 21st day, and up to 41 days they are strengthened. Connections are gaining strength, the love spell reaches its maximum, and destinies are connected.


This love spell is cemetery, I do it in a special place of power, where magicians from all over the country come to work.


For the ritual, I buy special candles made with herbs according to a special recipe, essential oils, oil for lamps, offerings to the deceased, bird's blood and other ritual objects and materials.

To avoid the intersection of the energy of different people (the items used during the ritual bear the imprint of the performed magical work)

Remove the love spell "Black wedding" can only be the cleaver who did it. Otherwise, the bewitched one will not give you rest, it will interfere with building a relationship with a new partner.


"Black wedding" is a "naked" love spell. No protection. Without blindness. For the customer and the bewitched person, the love spell is safe. Doesn't shorten life. Does not affect health.

However! Any love spell is an artificial intervention in fate. Violence over the will. The ritual is reflected in the karma of your family and can result in damage to children or grandchildren.

My advice is to do a love spell with protection. Such a completely safe love spell includes the Black Swat or Fatal Morana love spells.

Let's take a closer look at the signs of a love spell black wedding - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

In one of my articles, I talked about what love spell black wedding. And over time, there are questions about this impact, which I want to talk about here and give answers. I will try to collect here the most common and most interesting questions about the black wedding, which will help you get to know this magical effect better and understand its essence. And at the same time I will try to dispel some of the myths about the black wedding, which are common on the Internet and other sources.

I note right away that both about the love spell and in my answers I write only what I myself checked on my experience of magical practice and magical help. Well, let's get started.

Can a person develop aggression when applying a black wedding love spell

black wedding This is, without a doubt, a powerful spell. It uses energies that allow you to connect the lines of fate and make people, so to speak, halves of each other.

Does the character of a person change after a black wedding?

Like all love spells, black wedding affects feelings and creates love. The peculiarity of the wedding is in a strong impact on fate. But the character is not subjected to a powerful impact - it changes already as a result of changes in feelings and fate.

Does a black wedding guarantee the absence of betrayal?

Here I ask a counter question. Does an ordinary church wedding guarantee that a man will not cheat or a woman will start looking for intimacy on the side? No, it does not, otherwise there would be no such thing as debunking in church rituals.

black wedding

They say that in love - as in war, all means are good. That is why some girls turn to dark magic. The rite of the black wedding is a very effective love spell that binds the fate of people. A black wedding differs from a traditional church wedding in that it is done without mutual consent. Why do you need such a strong magic love spell? Most important point- it can be done when you are not in contact with your loved one. And what happens from the moment of the love spell begins to bring the souls of two people closer and change the course of life in such a way that people become attached to each other. Black wedding works for a very long time and is a good help for the development of long-term strong relationships.

We do not recommend that you perform the black wedding ceremony on your own, since this ritual is very serious and is carried out with the help of otherworldly afterlife forces. An unprepared person is unlikely to be able to independently control them, so even practicing witches and magicians rarely agree to conduct a black wedding love spell.

How does the black wedding ceremony work?

It is important to remember that if the ritual of the black wedding was carried out incorrectly, then the consequences can be the most unpredictable, up to premature death, both for the bewitched and for the most inexperienced magician. Considering the fact that the ritual is carried out with the help of otherworldly powers, the souls of the dead may try to take possession of your soul or the one being bewitched, therefore it is possible that an obsession or an alien soul will settle into your body.

A love spell is very powerful and effective, but at the same time it does not deprive a person of will and does not zombify consciousness, that is, a person is guaranteed to remain the person that you knew from the beginning.

Black wedding - symptoms

Only an experienced magician can accurately determine whether a person is bewitched. But, nevertheless, there are other secondary signs that may indicate that a black wedding ritual was performed on a person. When should you start worrying? A bewitched person suddenly manifests a strong inexplicable sexual desire, as well as an active increased attention. In addition, not only feelings for the person who performed the love spell suddenly appear, but also the desire to connect one's life with him and start a family.

Black wedding and its results

Numerous failures in love often push us to all sorts of rash actions. Someone generally gives up and stops searching for their soulmate, and some, in order to achieve success in their personal lives, resort to the help of a magical celestial circle. For example, having performed the “black wedding” ceremony, you can fasten the souls of people together for a long time.

Love spell black wedding

Of course, like any other magical act, a strong black wedding ceremony has its own characteristics and subtleties. Is it possible to hold a black wedding at home, and what is the timing of the onset of the result of this ritual, you will learn from our publication.

The essence of the ritual

Before proceeding with the actions, it is necessary to understand what a black wedding is. If we speak in a language more accessible to our perception, then the meaning of such a ceremony is to establish an energy binding between the souls of two people. This is the main purpose of the ritual, which is called the black wedding.

The results of a magical wedding are simply stunning, since this is not a primitive prisuha or a strong love ritual, but a whole marriage ceremony. In this situation, the name of the act fully reflects its essence. Moreover, the black wedding love spell on the principle of bringing into action is very similar to the ceremonial ritual of connecting the souls of two people in the Orthodox Church. The differences are only in a slightly distorted and modified sense.

The love spell "black wedding" belongs to the category of cemetery magical deeds, so it is usually put into action on the grave in front of a deceased person. If you are very afraid of such places, then it is better to give preference to another version of the “black wedding” love spell, which is presented in the same article.

Does a black wedding love spell justify itself? If you read the numerous reviews of people who performed a black wedding, then the result completely satisfied them. Of course, there are also negative statements in the direction of the effectiveness of this magical deed. But, again, for the result to be good, you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations for conducting such a ceremony. Any carelessness, an incorrectly pronounced word, will bring all the "work" to naught.

In most cases, the result is not long in coming. And that person, in relation to whom this strong ceremony was performed, painlessly accepted his fate, and his soul remained for a long time near the one who resorted to the help of a black wedding love spell. Less often, the "experimental" simply "broke" under the influence of strong magic:

  • apathy and other depressive manifestations;
  • lack of will;
  • an irresistible craving for alcohol and even drugs.

Some people, unable to withstand such exposure, simply took to drink or ended their lives by suicide. Therefore, before resorting to such a radical method of binding a person, think carefully: a zombified lover is nearby or an adequate lover, but on the other. What do you really want? Is it worth ruining another person's life? But, again, this does not happen to all men, but only to those who have great willpower and seek to resist magical spells.

The subtleties of a magical wedding

If the examples described above did not convince you and you still want to conduct a black wedding ceremony, then know that this process requires strict adherence to sequential actions. In the absence of a minimum experience in conducting such rituals, you may react incorrectly to an emergency situation or unforeseen circumstances during the activation of a magical act.

The consequences of an incorrectly performed black wedding ceremony can be very different. Well, if the magic just doesn't work - that's the best thing that can happen in case of a mistake. In the worst case, customers may experience karmic changes: loss of vitality, good luck, happiness, luck, prosperity and other worldly benefits.

According to unofficial statistics, approximately 1/5 of the rituals end in serious trouble. Another 1/3 satisfies the needs of customers. Therefore, the “black wedding” ceremony is like a lottery. If you do well, the result will be expected, if you make a mistake, you will make problems.

The variant of the “black wedding” ritual proposed in our article is lightweight. Even if you can implement it according to all the rules, the magic of such an act is not very powerful. But at the same time, the risks are extremely low.

Implementation of the ceremonial ritual

To independently conduct the ceremony of "black wedding" at home, you need to follow a few basic rules.

Let's start with preparations

On the eve of the black wedding drying, you need to stock up on the following items:

  1. Wedding fionite candles. You will need six pieces - three red and three black candles. They are not sold in the church. Similar wedding candles are sold in specialized esoteric stores and on Internet sites. In the black, as well as in the red candle, there is a fionite crumb, which plays an important role in such a ritual.
  2. Black chilibuha leaves. A plant that grows in the forests of South Asia. Therefore, you can buy this ingredient in our area only by contacting an esoteric shop. In addition, this herb is found in some pharmacies. A few branches of such a component will suffice. If you were unable to purchase chilibukha leaves, then it is allowed to replace them with lavender.
  3. Lamp oil. This component must be purchased in the church or in shops at the temple.

In addition, the magic of a black wedding lies in the use of two photographs: yours and the person in relation to whom the love spell is performed. The photo should contain only the required person, depicted in full growth. It is highly undesirable to use old photographs. The newer the photo card, the more effective the magic. As for the size of the photo, it does not play any role in carrying out the black dryer. And don't forget to bring matches.

Carrying out a ritual spell

A love spell is performed after midnight, a day before the full moon. On the eve, in the afternoon, it is forbidden to eat any food and drink alcoholic beverages. After sunset, before going to the cemetery, you need to take a hot bath.

Before leaving, gather your thoughts, think again about your goal and about your beloved, take all the items necessary for the ceremony and hit the road. The ritual is performed at the grave of a person whose name or surname matches the name or surname of your chosen one.

Arriving at the right place, mentally address the deceased and ask him for permission to perform the ritual. If, after your request, you do not feel anxiety in your soul, then you can put a magical deed into action.

Instructions for the ceremony "black wedding":

  1. We lay out the candles on both sides of the grave.
  2. We put photographs in the center: our photo on the left, and the beloved on the right.
  3. Scatter chilibukha (or lavender) leaves over the images.
  4. Then we take a knife and not deeply pierce their finger. Dripping blood on our photograph, we pronounce the following conspiracy: “I stand in front of the deceased (name of the person) and ask for help. I conjure with my own blood, I ask the dark forces for help and I call on the soul of the deceased. Give me what I ask. In return, take 3 years of my life. As much as I love a person (the name of my beloved), so let him stick to me!
  5. After that, you need to sprinkle a photo of your beloved, saying such a magical text: “Let our destinies intertwine. Let him (the name of the beloved) feel for me what I feel for him. Let him (the name of the beloved) begin to stick with his soul to me. Now I stand before you, I ask. Let everything happen soon. Let it be so!".
  6. After the conspiracy is uttered, you need to pour lamp oil on all the items that are laid out on the grave. Using matches, we set fire to all the components of the ceremony.
  7. Looking at the fire, we visualize our desires and imagine how soon everything will change.

At the end of the ceremony, you need to thank the deceased and the dark forces. Be sure to leave a ransom at the intersection of the cemetery. It may be a few coins, a piece raw meat and some water. Thanks to this, you can avoid the negative consequences of black magic.

An option for those who are afraid of the cemetery

Many people have a very hostile feeling towards the cemetery. For some people, fear arises even at the mere thought that they will have to go to the cemetery at night. For such purposes, there is a special ceremony that you can independently carry out at home.

The main condition for such a ritual act is that no one should be in the house except for the customers. For lack of such an opportunity, you should at least do this ritual in splendid isolation, so that no one interferes.

After waiting for midnight, we sit down at a table covered with a black tablecloth and spread chilibukha leaves (or lavender) in front of us. To make the “black wedding” ritual at home, you need to take any biological material of the person in relation to whom this act is performed. It can be a hair, a nail or an eyelash. We put the biological material to the leaves of the chilibukha and mix all the components.

We put two candles next to the photos and put new wedding rings on them. After that, we set fire to the candles and say the following magic words:

“Together we are inseparable, like swans, faithful to each other. We will do everything for each other, and we will not be able to disperse and scatter to different corners, like a cat with a dog. We will plunge into sincere love with you and share happiness for two!

While pronouncing these words, you need to think about your beloved and imagine how soon you can be with him.

Next, you need to do some magic forgery. We wrap photographs sprinkled with leaves and thick black paper and tie them with ribbons of the same shade. After that, we bury the resulting fake in one place.

The main thing is to wear charmed rings. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the ceremony is reduced to a minimum. Even the most experienced magician is unable to make a powerful love spell if you do not adhere to the rules for its implementation.

How does it work and how long does it work

This rite works, like the church one. The only significant difference is that the church wedding ritual is blessed by God, and the cemetery ritual is blessed by Satan. It's no secret that when interacting with dark forces, each person must pay a certain price. In this case, the rite acts in return for the soul and vital energy of the person who activates this magical act.

If the spouses are crowned in the church, then this is a guarantee that their family will be guarded by guardian angels and divine powers. When the wedding takes place through a cemetery, then you doom yourself to only one relationship. And even if they don’t work out for you, then you won’t be able to build relationships with other people until the power of the black love spell ends. Even a black magician is not able to break this oath before a dead man.

How does a black wedding ceremony manifest itself on a person? Signs of such an act are manifested in relation to a bewitched person: he begins to show his warm feelings, to show all kinds of signs of attention. It may even happen that a few days after the ritual, the bewitched people change their life position, and they offer their soulmate to legitimize the relationship.

How long does a black wedding work? Yes, it is very effective, and if we take theoretical data as a basis, then such a magical love spell works throughout life. However, any magician will tell you that nothing eternal exists, so this rite has been working for about 10 years. After this time, feelings begin to wane.

If desired, you can repeat the magic ritual again. However, it is worth thinking carefully, because you are paying the dark forces for it with your life energy. It happens that after the expiration date of the “shelf life” of a black wedding, people just get used to each other. In this case, there is no need to feed the relationship from the cemetery power.

Is it possible to get rid of the magic spell?

Is it possible to remove a black wedding? This question is of interest to almost any non-professional sorcerer who wants to resort to the powers of the magical celestial circle. Removing other love spells is not difficult, but with this rite, things are somewhat more complicated.

The consequences of the ritual love spell "black wedding" are that it is almost impossible to get rid of it. But if you have met a new lover, and the bewitched person does not give you a pass, then it makes sense to turn to a high-class magician for help. Moreover, other sorcerers are not suitable. For help, you need to ask the nominal sorcerer who set this act in motion.

In the event that you yourself performed the ritual, then you need to find a magician with great power.

A love spell on a photo to return a loved one makes

Black wedding: results, reviews. How does a black wedding manifest itself?

A black wedding love spell is a very effective, effective, but at the same time dangerous conspiracy. They say that he forever "binds" a person, leaving him no chance to independently build his own destiny. Before deciding to take such a serious and responsible step, remember: in magic, any spell with the adjective "black" in itself provides for your connection with demons and dark forces. Such rituals do not lead to well-being and goodness, but only radically change the fate of people - not for the better.

As already mentioned, when conducting a ritual, a magician, experienced or beginner, is trying to establish an energy binding between two people. This is the main purpose of the ceremony called the black wedding. The results can be overwhelming, as this is not a simple spell or spell, but a whole marriage ceremony. In this case, the name of the process fully reflects its essence. At the same time, the course of the magical rite is very similar to the wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church, but it is only a slightly distorted and modified version of it. A love spell belongs to the category of cemetery ones, therefore it is usually performed on the grave of a deceased person.

Does the ritual of a black wedding justify itself? Feedback from people indicates that the desired result was achieved fairly quickly. The person who was affected dutifully accepted his fate: he came and remained nearby. But there was one thing. Some "experimental" simply "broke" under the influence of strong spells: they became apathetic, weak-willed and depressive. Some of them became drunkards or ended their lives by suicide. Therefore, before proceeding with the ceremony, think carefully about which is better: a zombie who is always there, or a loved one who is, if not with you, but smiling and happy?


If the above arguments did not work and you still decided to perform the ceremony, you should know that the process usually requires a clear sequence and observance of details. Without being an experienced magician, you may react incorrectly to an emergency situation or unforeseen circumstances during the rite. Accordingly, a negative result will not keep you waiting: a blow can fall on any area of ​​​​your life or your family. According to unofficial statistics, about 20% of rituals end in serious trouble, another 30% show a result, but far from the one you would like. So, trying your hand, you are testing fate with a probability of 50/50.

The black wedding ceremony proposed in this article is a lightweight version. Even if its implementation is 100% successful, the action may not be as powerful and long-lasting as after the “work” of real seers and sorcerers. In addition, be aware not only of the prospects, but also of the dangers of your future with your loved one. After all, the use of black magic can significantly affect your existence, making you forever attached to each other, without the ability to build relationships with other people.

Preparation for the ceremony

Performing a ritual requires certain actions from you. The day before, you need to stock up:

  1. Zirconia candles (three pieces of black and red). If they are not on sale in special esoteric stores, you will have to order them. These are special candles made with the addition of cubic zirconia crumbs - a crystallized artificial material.
  2. Chilibuha leaves. The plant, common in the forests of South Asia, is sold in specialized magic shops or in pharmacies. It will take about 30 leaves.
  3. Lamp oil (half a liter). It must be ecclesiastical. You can buy it in the shop at the temple.

A black wedding love spell involves the use of two photographs: yours and the person you will bewitch. There must be only one required full-length person in the photo. It is not allowed to use a very dilapidated and old photo. On the contrary, it should be fresh (maximum a week old) and clear. The size of the picture doesn't matter.

Conducting a ritual

The black wedding ceremony is done after midnight, a day before the full moon. You are not allowed to eat or drink alcoholic beverages for the whole day before the event. In the evening, before heading to the cemetery, take a dip in a hot bath, grab the necessary paraphernalia and hit the road. Arriving at a pre-selected grave (the namesake or namesake of the bewitched person should be buried in it), mentally ask the deceased for permission to perform the ceremony. If after that you feel peace in your soul, you can proceed.

Arrange candles on both sides of the grave. In the center, lay out photos: your picture on the left, your loved one on the right. Sprinkle the images with chilibukha leaves on top (some use ordinary lavender for this purpose). Take a knife and cut your finger. Dripping blood on your photo, say: “I conjure with my own blood the dark forces and the soul of the deceased to come to my aid. Give me what I ask. In return, take three years of my life!” Then sprinkle the picture of your beloved with blood, saying: “Let our lives intertwine, your fate will be mine, my life will be yours. Let it be so!" After that, pour lamp oil over all the items laid out on the grave, and set them on fire with matches. Looking at the flame, feel how everything around is changing. After thanking the dead man and the dark forces, leave a ransom at the crossroads: a few coins, a piece of raw meat and some vodka.

Another option

There are people who are terribly afraid of the cemetery, especially at night. Therefore, for such a contingent, there is a home ritual black wedding. You can do it in your own apartment. The main thing is that you are alone there, or at least you can close yourself in a remote room without any problems. Wait until midnight, sit down at a table covered with a black tablecloth and place chilibukha leaves in front of you. Add the biological material of the bewitched person to them: hair or nail clippings. Stir and sprinkle with a mass of photos: yours and your beloved.

By the way, your picture should be on the left hand, men - on the right. Place two candles near the photo, put two new ones on them wedding rings and light it up. At the same time, you need to say the following words: “You and I are inseparable, like doves, faithful, like swans. We can not disperse, run away. We will bathe in love, share happiness for two. Visualize what you are talking about. Then wrap the leaf-dusted pictures in thick black paper and tie with ribbons. They can be buried in one place. Rings must be worn, otherwise the power of the rite will decrease significantly.

How does he work?

It operates similarly to the ceremony in the Christian church. That's just in the temple you get a blessing from God, and in the cemetery - from Satan. As you know, the dark forces never give anything so easily. Therefore, in return they can take the most precious thing you have - your soul. If you get married in a church, you get a guarantee that your family will be guarded by angels and divine forces, giving you protection and patronage. In our case, instead of heavenly guardianship, the energy of death falls upon the young, the calling of which is to protect the couple and at the same time punish for trying to break the connection. That is, it turns out that neither you nor your young man will be able to create a new relationship, even if your love has cooled down and passed.

How does a black wedding manifest itself in relation to people? This love spell belongs to the so-called binary conspiracies, so the “rollback” can overtake not only you, but also the object of your love. A man will strive to marry and start a family, but his feelings will not be distinguished by tenderness and affection. Most likely, he will be drawn to you by a pronounced sexual attraction and a strong psychological attachment.

How much does it work?

This question is of interest to many beginner magicians. Professionals say that, in principle, the ceremony is designed for a lifetime. But unfortunately, nothing eternal exists, therefore the action of the ritual has its beginning and end. Although, if the ritual is not done independently, but with the help of a specialist, you are provided with a 10-year guarantee. After their passage, the power of the rite begins to gradually weaken. Therefore, having noticed this, you need to re-order the service from the sorcerer.

If you perform the ritual yourself, then its duration is automatically reduced. Firstly, vocational training requires a black wedding: the results of the ceremony depend on the depth of your magical knowledge and competent practical skills. Secondly, the day before you need to go through a kind of psychological training: a person must believe in what he is talking about, think about the words of a love spell, passing them through his heart and mind. Thirdly, during the ceremony you use a large supply of energy, so it must be accumulated the day before. If at least one condition is not met, the ritual automatically weakens. Usually in this case, its effect lasts about 3 years.

How to get rid of the spell?

It's hard enough to do this. Especially if the rite was performed by a magician. There are situations when a girl, having ordered a service, meets another in a few years and wants to connect her life with him. But nothing comes out: the former lover does not give her a pass, and she herself is not able to break off the relationship. It seems that an invisible force keeps her near the man. Therefore, the woman is forced to turn to a professional to remove the spell, giving her the opportunity to enter into a new relationship. It is best if it is the same sorcerer who performed the black wedding ceremony. Reviews of magicians say that each of them puts something of their own into the ritual. Therefore, only the one who performed the rite can find the key to eliminating its influence.

If you want to do everything yourself, then you should know: a black wedding is a very strong binding. Perhaps the assets of your body and mind are not enough to break it. Contact a specialist: this way you are significantly more likely to achieve results. Remember: the black wedding ritual is not a game, not a momentary weakness or whim. This is a very dangerous and serious interference in your life and the fate of the person you love.

A black wedding love spell is a very effective, effective, but at the same time dangerous conspiracy. They say that he forever "binds" a person, leaving him no chance to independently build his own destiny. Before deciding to take such a serious and responsible step, remember: in magic, any spell with the adjective "black" in itself provides for your connection with demons and dark forces. Such rituals do not lead to well-being and goodness, but only radically change the fate of people - not for the better.

The essence of the rite

As already mentioned, when conducting a ritual, a magician, experienced or beginner, is trying to establish an energy binding between two people. This is the main purpose of the ceremony called the black wedding. The results can be overwhelming, as this is not a simple spell or spell, but a whole marriage ceremony. In this case, the name of the process fully reflects its essence. At the same time, the course of the magical rite is very similar to the wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church, but it is only a slightly distorted and modified version of it. A love spell belongs to the category of cemetery ones, therefore it is usually performed on the grave of a deceased person.

Does the ritual of a black wedding justify itself? Feedback from people indicates that the desired result was achieved fairly quickly. The person who was affected dutifully accepted his fate: he came and remained nearby. But there was one thing. Some "experimental" simply "broke" under the influence of strong spells: they became apathetic, weak-willed and depressive. Some of them became drunkards or ended their lives by suicide. Therefore, before proceeding with the ceremony, think carefully about which is better: a zombie who is always there, or a loved one who is, if not with you, but smiling and happy?


If the above arguments did not work and you still decided to perform the ceremony, you should know that the process usually requires a clear sequence and observance of details. Without being an experienced magician, you may react incorrectly to an emergency situation or during a rite. Accordingly, a negative result will not keep you waiting: a blow can fall on any area of ​​​​your life or your family. According to unofficial statistics, about 20% of rituals end in serious trouble, another 30% show a result, but far from the one you would like. So, trying your hand, you are testing fate with a probability of 50/50.

The black wedding ceremony proposed in this article is a lightweight version. Even if its implementation is 100% successful, the action may not be as powerful and long-lasting as after the “work” of real seers and sorcerers. In addition, be aware not only of the prospects, but also of the dangers of your future with your loved one. After all, the use of black magic can significantly affect your existence, making you forever attached to each other, without the ability to build relationships with other people.

Preparation for the ceremony

Performing a ritual requires certain actions from you. The day before, you need to stock up:

  1. Zirconia candles (three pieces of black and red). If they are not on sale in special esoteric stores, you will have to order them. These are special candles made with the addition of cubic zirconia crumbs - a crystallized artificial material.
  2. Chilibuha leaves. The plant, common in the forests of South Asia, is sold in specialized magic shops or in pharmacies. It will take about 30 leaves.
  3. Lamp oil (half a liter). It must be ecclesiastical. You can buy it in the shop at the temple.

A black wedding love spell involves the use of two photographs: yours and the person you will bewitch. There must be only one required full-length person in the photo. It is not allowed to use a very dilapidated and old photo. On the contrary, it should be fresh (maximum a week old) and clear. The size of the picture doesn't matter.

Conducting a ritual

The wedding is done after midnight, a day before the full moon. You are not allowed to eat or drink alcoholic beverages for the whole day before the event. In the evening, before heading to the cemetery, take a dip in a hot bath, grab the necessary paraphernalia and hit the road. Arriving at a pre-selected grave (the namesake or namesake of the bewitched person should be buried in it), mentally ask the deceased for permission to perform the ceremony. If after that you feel peace in your soul, you can proceed.

Arrange candles on both sides of the grave. In the center, lay out photos: your picture on the left, your loved one on the right. Sprinkle the images with chilibukha leaves on top (some use ordinary lavender for this purpose). Take a knife and cut your finger. Dripping blood on your photo, say: “I conjure with my own blood the dark forces and the soul of the deceased to come to my aid. Give me what I ask. In return, take three years of my life!” Then sprinkle the picture of your beloved with blood, saying: “Let our lives intertwine, your fate will be mine, my life will be yours. Let it be so!" After that, pour lamp oil over all the items laid out on the grave, and set them on fire with matches. Looking at the flame, feel how everything around is changing. After thanking the dead man and the dark forces, leave a ransom at the crossroads: a few coins, a piece of raw meat and some vodka.

Another option

There are people who are terribly afraid of the cemetery, especially at night. Therefore, for such a contingent, there is a home ritual black wedding. You can do it in your own apartment. The main thing is that you are alone there, or at least you can close yourself in a remote room without any problems. Wait until midnight, sit down at a table covered with a black tablecloth and place chilibukha leaves in front of you. Add the biological material of the bewitched person to them: hair or nail clippings. Stir and sprinkle with a mass of photos: yours and your beloved.

By the way, your picture should be on the left hand, men - on the right. Place two candles near the photo, put two new wedding rings on them and light them. At the same time, you need to say the following words: “You and I are inseparable, like doves, faithful, like swans. We can not disperse, run away. We will bathe in love, share happiness for two. Visualize what you are talking about. Then wrap the leaf-dusted pictures in thick black paper and tie with ribbons. They can be buried in one place. Rings must be worn, otherwise the power of the rite will decrease significantly.

How does he work?

It operates similarly to the ceremony in the Christian church. That's just in the temple you get a blessing from God, and in the cemetery - from Satan. As you know, the dark forces never give anything so easily. Therefore, in return they can take the most precious thing you have - your soul. If you get married in a church, you get a guarantee that your family will be guarded by angels and divine forces, giving you protection and patronage. In our case, instead of heavenly guardianship, the energy of death falls upon the young, the calling of which is to protect the couple and at the same time punish for trying to break the connection. That is, it turns out that neither you nor your young man will be able to create a new relationship, even if your love has cooled down and passed.

How does a black wedding manifest itself in relation to people? This love spell belongs to the so-called binary conspiracies, so the “rollback” can overtake not only you, but also the object of your love. A man will strive to marry and start a family, but his feelings will not be distinguished by tenderness and affection. Most likely, he will be drawn to you by a pronounced sexual attraction and a strong psychological attachment.

How much does it work?

This question is of interest to many beginner magicians. Professionals say that, in principle, the ceremony is designed for a lifetime. But unfortunately, nothing eternal exists, therefore the action of the ritual has its beginning and end. Although, if the ritual is not done independently, but with the help of a specialist, you are provided with a 10-year guarantee. After their passage, the power of the rite begins to gradually weaken. Therefore, having noticed this, you need to re-order the service from the sorcerer.

If you perform the ritual yourself, then its duration is automatically reduced. Firstly, a black wedding requires professional training: the results of the ceremony depend on the depth of your magical knowledge and competent practical skills. Secondly, the day before you need to go through a kind of psychological training: a person must believe in what he is talking about, think about the words of a love spell, passing them through his heart and mind. Thirdly, during the ceremony you use a large supply of energy, so it must be accumulated the day before. If at least one condition is not met, the ritual automatically weakens. Usually in this case, its effect lasts about 3 years.

How to get rid of the spell?

It's hard enough to do this. Especially if the rite was performed by a magician. There are situations when a girl, having ordered a service, meets another in a few years and wants to connect her life with him. But nothing comes out: the former lover does not give her a pass, and she herself is not able to break off the relationship. It seems that an invisible force keeps her near the man. Therefore, the woman is forced to turn to a professional to remove the spell, giving her the opportunity to enter into a new relationship. It is best if it is the same sorcerer who performed the black wedding ceremony. Reviews of magicians say that each of them puts something of their own into the ritual. Therefore, only the one who performed the rite can find the key to eliminating its influence.

If you want to do everything yourself, then you should know: a black wedding is a very strong binding. Perhaps the assets of your body and mind are not enough to break it. Contact a specialist: this way you are significantly more likely to achieve results. Remember: the black wedding ritual is not a game, not a momentary weakness or whim. This is a very dangerous and serious interference in your life and the fate of the person you love.