Why does your ear burn on Friday? Why is my right ear burning? Folk signs explaining why cheeks may be red

The most popular interpretation

People have long believed that burning ears and cheeks indicate that a person is being remembered. It's no secret that acquaintances do not always discuss the merits of each of us. Sometimes they don’t mind slandering or saying something unpleasant. In this case, the left ear may turn red.

The right ear is associated only with good things, since this side of a person, according to folk signs, is correct. So if it's lit right ear- this means someone is praising you intensely. He is pleased with what you do and say.

This is the most popular interpretation. But these are not all the signs.

Variations of signs taking into account accompanying conditions

Why else could the right ear burn and itch:

  1. Friends talk about you and remember you with good words.
  2. Friends or family start talking about you, but they don’t praise you, but they don’t scold you either, but tell some story related to you, or speak neutrally.
  3. You have an acquaintance or friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time. And he wants to meet you, but he can’t for some reason, for example, he forgot his address, lost his phone number.
  4. Another option is making a promise to someone. You promised to help someone or something else, but forgot about it. And now the body is trying to remind you of this in such an original way.
  5. Good news awaits you soon.
  6. If not only your ear, but also your right cheek burns, this means that your loved one remembers you, he misses you.

Why can your ear burn on different days of the week?

In addition, there is an interesting superstition that explains why the right ear may burn, taking into account the day of the week on which it happened:

  1. Monday. If your right ear is burning, news awaits you that will change your whole life. At the same time, the sign specifies that if these sensations appeared in the morning, then the news will be joyful, and in the evening - sad.
  2. Tuesday. There will be a meeting with someone soon. If your ear turns red and itches in the evening or at night, this means that you will meet a person of the same sex.
  3. Wednesday. Does your right ear itch? Expect profit.

  1. Thursday. If your ear turns red in the evening, then soon you will have a feast or a friendly company will gather.
  2. Friday. You will soon feel guilty.
  3. Saturday. If your ear is itchy and red, don’t lend it to anyone, they won’t give you back the money.
  4. Sunday. Itching is a bad omen; it means that there will soon be a quarrel with loved ones.

Why is my right ear itching?

What could be the point of the situation if the right ear practically does not burn, but only itches? According to superstitions, this means imminent news or conflict. The sign specifies that if the inside of the ear itches, wait for news, but if it’s just the earlobe, then you cannot avoid a serious conflict, the initiator of which you will be.

According to another version of the sign, in case of itching in the ear, one should expect a new addition to the family of close friends.

What does medicine think?

Most doctors, although not all, are skeptical about folk beliefs and do not believe in omens. Why do ears burn from a medical point of view?

Medicine believes that a person’s right ear may turn red and burn in the following cases if he:

  • has problems with the nervous system,
  • experiences strong excitement, anxiety, fear of something - all these states increase the speed of blood movement and it flows to the ears,
  • currently engaged in intense physical or mental work, which leads to increased blood flow and promotes a rush of blood to the ears,
  • frostbite on the skin of the ear or over-tanning in the sun - in these cases, most likely your face will also burn.

If the auricle turns red after severe frost, when a person comes in from the street, this means that the reason is the restoration of blood flow.

Sometimes redness is a sign of hypertension - in such cases, not only the right ear burns, but usually the left one as well, and the cheeks also turn red and there is noise in the head.

What to do if the right ear burns?

According to superstition

Signs say that in this case you should guess who just remembered you. That is, start going through all your friends and acquaintances until you find the one. As soon as you call his name, your ear will stop burning.

If the reason is that you promised to do something and did not fulfill it, you will have to remember this promise again and do what is required of you. From this moment on, discomfort in the ear will disappear and will no longer occur.

What should you do, according to doctors?

If the auricle turns red once or twice, there is no need to worry. However, if a similar phenomenon is observed constantly or the ear not only turns red, but also hurts, itches or itches, it is better to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Perhaps you have hypertension, otitis media or allergies and you need to urgently start taking medications before your health condition worsens.

Our body is the greatest mystery. Megatons of information are hidden in people’s subconscious and only the tip of the iceberg has reached the conscious mind. Until now, many cannot explain why their ears are burning - is it a sign or normal human physiology? Perhaps it has happened to everyone that suddenly one ear, or both, literally begins to glow. Over the centuries-old history, opinions on this matter have practically not changed... And yet, let's try to find out why our ears are burning?

Having become, a person sees his body, his earthly shell. However, besides this material, there is something vital that is always with us. This is an energy field charged with thoughts, emotions and mixed with the fields of other people. There are no distances for the energy field. For example, when communicating with a person tens of thousands of kilometers away, you still feel the exchange of energy. This exchange also occurs during one-way communication, even if only one person participates in the “dialogue.”

Each individual has a certain measure of sensitivity. Some literally other people, others have no idea about the existence of such sections of the world.

The ears usually warm up in those who have increased vital perception. Thus, at the moment when they talk about a person, even without his presence, he feels with his whole body, premonitions and ears that someone is tugging at him from the outside. At the same time, a person may have absolutely no idea about the reasons why his ears are burning, whether it is a sign for him or not.

The first guesses about such a phenomenon were put forward by philosophers in Ancient Rome. Since then, little has changed - people still believe that well-being, in particular the temperature of the ears, is the best transmitter on the line of vital vibrations.

Although there is only one reason for redness and burning in the ears, it can have both positive and negative character. It all depends on the selectivity: which ear started to burn.

Why exactly this side was covered with a negative aspect can no longer be understood - only the facts remain: if left ear is lit, which means the conversation about the person is not the most worthy. Most often, what causes the left ear to burn is gossip. Such useless events are usually not carried out alone, because the energy from gossip directed at a person is a large, but not very powerful lump of substance that affects the personal spiritual space of the individual.

The other, less pleasant aspect is anger. This is much more powerful than the light vapors of non-concentrated gossip. That is why such a message can sometimes be distinguished from ordinary conversations about a person - it may arise:

  • pain,
  • fatigue,
  • drowsiness.

Thoughts are material and this is direct proof of this - a person can be tormented by anger. Fortunately, you won’t be able to completely burn your ears and the energy of an angry character is not endless, so the pain therapy of natural hearing aids not for long.

From one extreme to another - if left ear discomfort refers exclusively to negative aspects(and in some cases to neutral-negative), then the right ear is a harbinger of happiness. Perhaps you served someone, did something nice, or a holiday was at stake. It is only for such reasons that the right ear warms up. It is unlikely that you will be able to determine exactly why your right ear is burning, but you can find out the degree of positivity directed in your direction: the ear may not only burn, but also turn red and itch slightly. The more sensations in the head area on the right, the better - expect good news!

What do scientists think about this?

The scientific world could not stand aside, so a whole mass of theories gathered around the burning ears. On the one hand, it is assumed that in a certain category of people, emotions, for example, fear, are transmitted through sensations in the ears.

An alarmed body releases a huge amount of adrenaline, and if a person does not use it as intended (does not run, does not jump, etc.), then all this active mass of enzymes begins to be distributed throughout the body, including reaching the ears.

On the other hand, doctors explain “red” ears by changes in pressure in the body. However, this theory is not far from the previous one - emotions change the speed of blood circulation.

What if two ears burn at once?

If you can’t determine the priority ear, then there is another theory tied to the days of the week. According to this sign, on different days the ears talk about different things, and not always positive:

  • Monday - there will be a quarrel.
  • Tuesday - breakup.
  • Wednesday - new acquaintance, meeting.
  • Thursday is good news.
  • Friday is a long-awaited date.
  • Saturday means trouble.
  • Sunday is a profitable day.

In many ways, the meaning of this sign depends on the person himself. Not everyone is wired the same way and it may well be that the polarity of your ears is completely different - the left ear speaks of the good, and the right ear of the rest is unflattering. A person’s mood determines his future: if you expect troubles, you will receive them soon. If your ears start to burn, you should always take this as a good sign, even if something similar happened to your left ear. Man is the creator of his own destiny. No gossip or bad talk should lead you astray. If your ears burn, it’s only bright and for the good!

Have you ever had your ears burn? There are many different possibilities as to why this happens. But in fact, your ears begin to burn for one reason, and it is quite simple - there is a sudden flow of blood to your ears. Now all that remains is to figure out why this is happening.

Scientific reasons and assumptions why people’s ears “burn”

1. Increased brain function

The Australian National University, which is located in Canberra, recently conducted research on the topic of severe redness of the ears. Scientists who have studied this issue have come to a clear conclusion: in most cases, this indicates that it is at this moment that a person experiences a surge in brain activity.

The scheme is simple: during increased brain work this area brain required increased amount oxygen. Oxygen enters brain cells through the blood. Accordingly, the blood flow increases, and part of this blood flow enters the ears, which makes them blush. A very reasonable and understandable explanation, but there is a small nuance here that is alarming: why, in this case, on tests At school or during exams in universities, not all students and schoolchildren have their ears burning? According to this hypothesis, any intense mental work should provoke this phenomenon, but for some reason this does not happen to everyone.

2. Frostbite of the skin

Some people do not even suspect that their ears are frostbitten, if we are talking about mild frostbite. In this case, redness of the ears is also explained by a strong rush of blood to the frostbitten area in which blood circulation has been impaired. You can’t argue with this explanation, since it is scientifically substantiated and quite logical.

3. Heat

If the surrounding atmosphere is hot, the body looks for ways to give off the maximum amount of heat. One way of cooling is by rushing blood to skin. Some people's faces turn red, some people's palms sweat intensely, and some people's ears begin to burn.

In addition to scientific points of view, why ears burn, there are also folk signs.

Folk signs why ears “burn”

  • Burning ears indicate that someone is talking or thinking about you;
  • If your right ear is burning: what is it for? - If it burns, someone is telling the truth about you - it doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad;
  • If your left ear is burning: what is it for? - This indicates that no one is scolding you: someone just remembered you in some conversation. This is by no means an aggressive attitude. Friends, mother or just acquaintances who treat you well can remember. The left ear burns much more softly than the right;
  • They also say that your left ear burns when people tell lies about you;
  • Itchy ears (and they also inevitably burn) foreshadow a quick change in the weather, and a person born in summer can safely expect warming, but “children of winter”, in turn, will have to be content with colder weather;
  • Itching ears (very itchy) indicate the appearance of a child in the family of close acquaintances, friends or relatives;
  • “Problems” with the ears promise interesting news (this almost always comes true, because we receive new information very often)

So if now your ears begin to “burn”, you will know how to explain this both from a scientific point of view and from the point of view of folk superstitions.

Our ancestors left a legacy of many signs that have been tested by time. Many of them have to do with our body. Why are your ears burning? This is a signal flare warning us about some event. What exactly does the right promise us?

Why the right ear is burning: general interpretation of the sign

Our favorite ears not only help you listen and hear the world. It turns out that they are excellent at predicting events that are about to happen or are already happening. And surely each of you has been in a situation where suddenly your ears literally become hot and they turn red. Everyone knows well when both ears start to burn - someone at that moment remembers their owner.

By the way, people with very white skin and red hair often suffer from the problem of red ears. But this phenomenon is associated with them physiological characteristics. Blood vessels located too close to the surface of thin skin.

Our ears can not only hear, but also predict future events.

Well, if we consider the left or right ear separately, then each of them indicates specific phenomena. The left side of a person is associated with the soul and heart, it symbolizes being receptive to the world around us. And if the left ear begins to turn red, then the signs indicate unkind conversations or gossip about you. The right side has long been considered “correct” by the people, which means that if the right side blushes, then they are also talking about you, but in a good way.

So, if you exclude all kinds of irritants or allergic reactions, then the following reasons are identified:

  • at this moment your friends say something good and pleasant about you;
  • relatives or friends remember events related to you;
  • if you are not praised at this moment, then they speak to you at least neutrally, just tell the truth;
  • your old acquaintance or friend really wants to meet, but due to circumstances they cannot do this (perhaps your contact information has been lost);
  • good news awaits you;
  • This is how your subconscious mind tells you about an unfulfilled promise you made to someone.

  • Your right ear may be acting as a subconscious reminder of a broken promise.

    Does gender matter?

    If we talk specifically about this sign, then special significance the gender of the person experiencing a burning sensation in the right ear does not. Unless you can focus on your attitude to what is happening.

    Thus, women and girls are more sensitive and many signs are interpreted in terms of personal relationships. But sometimes excessive emotionality can lead to exaggeration of the significance of an event.

    For girls and women, the right ear can whisper about romantic relationships

    Men perceive the world around them less emotionally. The strong half of humanity bears a great responsibility for family, relatives and friends. Therefore, they are accustomed to interpreting events in terms of promotions and increased banknotes. Although, if you take into account the day of the week, then it is quite possible to interpret this sign as an indication of certain events in personal relationships.

    Considering the day of the week, heat in the right ear also promises a pleasant meeting for men

    How to interpret a sign by day of the week

    To more accurately decipher the sent sign, it is necessary to take into account the day of the week.


    If your ears are burning on this day, then the beginning of the week will begin with troubles, or rather, with a scandal.

  • women - your loved one will offend you in some way, perhaps giving you a reason for jealousy. A quarrel can turn into shouting and swearing. The golden rule in this case is not to respond to provocation, and if you want to speak out, then carefully select your expressions. Do not throw offensive words, further inflaming passions. Remember that whatever is done is for the better;
  • men - a scandal with your superiors may seem inevitable. But perhaps you value your work, and then it is best to refuse accusations against your boss, even if they are justified.

  • Even if your bosses are not happy with you, remember - this is just a temporary phenomenon


    A quarrel, troubles and, possibly, a serious personal conflict that could result in dismissal - ears burning on Tuesday, unfortunately, do not bode well.

  • women - troubles are on the watch literally at every step. If there is no conflict at work, perhaps it cannot be avoided in the family. But it’s not in vain that the Universe brings us to a certain point; perhaps it gives us the opportunity to start over with a clean slate, both in personal relationships and with work;
  • men - on the second day of the week, your relationship with your beloved - your wife or girlfriend - will be tested. If you value your soul mate, do not provoke a scandal, which will definitely end in a breakup. Choose your words, and best of all, remain silent. But if you are alone, then a hot ear may portend a small trifle in the form of a situation that will be resolved almost immediately.

  • Ears burning on Tuesday prepare you for challenges on the personal front.


    The flushed organ of hearing simply screams to you about a pleasant meeting soon. New person in your life or an old acquaintance, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the meeting can change your life for the better.

  • women - it is quite possible that the meeting will be unexpected. Probably, even the circumstances will not seem very pleasant at first glance. But do not rush to end a possible acquaintance by word or deed; the likelihood of the beginning of a strong friendship or something more is very high;
  • men - an old business partner, a friend or a beautiful stranger - in any case, the event promises only joyful emotions. And don’t even think about missing this meeting, because it is quite possible that today it will be of decisive importance in your destiny.

  • An unexpected meeting can be fateful


    Your ear predicts good news or pleasant surprises.

  • women - pleasant news will come from relatives or friends. Perhaps relatives will help you move up the career ladder. Or maybe it will play a fateful role in meeting your future soul mate;
  • men - a burning right ear promises a successful deal for businessmen, for single people - a declaration of love from a person you care about. And a family man will be pleased with the news about his wife’s pregnancy.

  • Perhaps at a meeting with relatives you will meet your future soul mate


    A burning ear before the weekend sets you up for a pleasant time.

  • Women. Get yourself in order, because an unforgettable date awaits you ahead, or a meeting that may well develop into a serious relationship.
  • Men. You can be proud of yourself, your efforts did not go unnoticed, and your bosses will definitely reward you with a salary increase or promotion. But if this doesn’t happen immediately after the weekend, then it’s worth pushing a little more. After all, ears never lie.

  • Your efforts at work will be appreciated by your bosses


    Despite the fact that on Saturday we are used to relaxing, the burning ear will not allow us to do this. She warns of troubles and problems.

  • women - don’t lose heart and try to stay in a good mood. Although there will be troubles, they will be minor. Just analyze what happened and draw conclusions;
  • men - but for the stronger half, everything is much more serious. You will have to use all your charm and analytical thinking. After all, you will have to look for a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. But fortitude and creative thinking will help improve the situation. The main thing is don't give up.

  • To prevent troubles from happening further, try to draw the right conclusions


    Profit awaits you! Even if the money doesn’t fall on you, good news will fall.

  • women - get ready for shopping and remember exactly what things you have been wanting to spend money on for a long time. The financial reward will be generous, which means you are guaranteed a great time;
  • men - profit is approaching like an avalanche. It's inevitable. And the easier the money comes, the more you should afford. Buy what you have long dreamed of, because soon another, no less generous, financial flow awaits you.

  • Fate gives you a chance to reward and pamper yourself

    Something to think about is your daily pulsating ears. Someone is gossiping behind your back and saying unpleasant things. But everything can be quite ordinary. Perhaps you are experiencing health problems, and this is a reason to consult a doctor.

    Why do people's ears burn - video


    Does time of day matter?

    It turns out that the time of day plays an important role in the interpretation of signs. Depending on whether the ear burns in the morning or evening, the effect of the omen may increase or decrease.

  • Morning. If your ears burn in the morning and precisely on those days when conflicts and disagreements are possible, be sure to think about how to solve the problem without unnecessary emotionality. Your actions will have lasting consequences, and what nature they will be depends only on you.
  • Day. If the day of the week promises money, then the daylight in the right ear notifies you of easy profit. But try to smile as sincerely as possible at your superiors on this day; it is they who decide how generous the reward will be.
  • Evening and night. Many isotericists believe that it is in the evening that a person becomes most receptive and sensitive to everything that happens. Therefore, the right ear burning in the evening indicates the exact fulfillment of the omen, on any day of the week.

  • The time of day directly affects the execution of omens

    If your cheek starts to burn at the same time as your ear, what does this mean?

    People have long had a saying: “Ears are friends, cheeks are friends.” Therefore, when your ear and cheek are burning at the same time, be sure that at that moment a whole company of well-known people is discussing you. And the stronger the heat, the more emotional the gossip and lies sound behind your back from those who smile in your face when they meet.

    This can happen even if you did not give rise to gossip. Alas, such is human nature. You can either understand and forgive this, or forever part with the person who is spreading ridiculous rumors about you.

    People have their own test to determine the worst liar. At the moment when your cheeks and ears are burning, you need to slowly pronounce to yourself the names of acquaintances whom you suspect of slander. As soon as the heat subsides on a name, it means that this is a furious gossip or a gossip.

    Another reason for simultaneous heat in the lobes and cheeks is considered by folk signs to be the manifestation of damage or the evil eye.

    Even your best friends sometimes like to gossip behind your back.

    How to protect yourself from the negative consequences of predictions

    Even if a sign indicates something bad, you should not be afraid. It is not for nothing that folk wisdom has accumulated certain experience in counteracting all bad consequences.

  • A small pocket mirror reflects any negative well. It needs to be placed with the mirror side facing out.
  • Salt baths are great for getting rid of negativity.
  • A rock crystal pendant or a diamond ring is an excellent amulet.
  • If your ears begin to burn on a day when quarrels and conflicts are possible, turn counterclockwise and say three times: “Forget me!”
  • And if you decide that they are saying something bad about you, you will have to spit on your index finger and rub it on your burning ear. This is how you neutralize negativity.

  • A small pocket mirror will help protect you from negativity

    The fact that you are remembered is good. True, in what way this happens depends solely on your character. Yes, and signs come true in accordance with the actions that we perform daily. After all, you see, everything in our world is interconnected. And if your right ear suddenly burns, maybe it’s screaming that it’s time to call your family or remember a promise you once made and long forgotten.

    Hello, friends! Let's figure out why the right ear is burning - what the danger is and what can be done about it.

    Folk signs and superstitions explain this feature in their own way. Do your ears often burn? And for some people this is normal.

    And although many find this phenomenon quite scientific basis, but its reasons may be different.

    To find out what heat in the ears means. It is important to understand that there is a difference depending on whether it is the right ear.
    If the right ear is burning, then this is a special sign.

    Here are the meanings of this phenomenon:

    1. People from your closest social circle remember you with unkind words.
    2. Someone is looking for you and cannot meet you.
    3. They praise you behind your back or just talk about you.
    4. Good news is expected soon.
    5. Discuss stories with your participation.
    6. Someone will meet you soon.

    It is believed that fever with right side does not bode well, unless of course it is . If you want to know who remembers you, list all your friends one by one.

    As soon as you name the right name, your ears will stop burning.

    Doctors' opinion

    Now we’ll find out why the ear burns and itches from a medical point of view. If there are unpleasant additional symptoms or feeling of discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

    If you know the cause of the fever, you can cope with the problem.

    Discomfort may occur in the following situations:

    1. When the brain is actively working, it is reflected on the face. Ears and ears may burn.
    2. With a strong flow of blood to the head, the ears begin to burn.
    3. Redness can also occur with frostbite. This happens if you walk for a long time in the cold with your head uncovered.
    4. Burning ears may be a physiological reaction to a rise in temperature.
    5. If there is a lack of water in the body, then with vegetative-vascular dystonia, problems with blood flow in the blood appear.
    6. For many people, the blood vessels run too close to the surface of the skin, which causes red spots to appear.
    7. An allergic reaction can manifest itself in the heat of certain parts of the body. At the same time, it is worth checking your health and the functioning of individual organs.
    8. At high blood pressure ears may also burn. If blood circulation is impaired, then the heartbeat increases.
    9. If present, the ears may also burn. This causes itching and pain.

    Signs and days of the week

    Let's consider the meanings of the signs by day of the week. It is also important to consider the time of day. Each time is responsible for a certain part of life.

    For example, morning is the time for making decisions. The day is responsible for career issues and profit. An evening for relationships and feelings between people.

    And night is about conclusions, when the subconscious offers certain solutions.


    If the ears are burning on Monday, then the meaning depends on the time of day. If you notice such signs in the morning, it means that envious people are discussing you.

    Heat in the evening or daytime means that there will soon be a quarrel. Also, such a phenomenon on this day of the week warns of problems with superiors.
    At this time, it is better to restrain outbursts of anger and not give in to provocations.
    A girl often gets this glow before a date.


    If both ears burn at the same time on Tuesday, it may be before a breakup.

    But you shouldn’t think that this is a sign of a break in the relationship.

    Perhaps the separation will be temporary. Discomfort may occur if one of your loved ones goes somewhere on a long business trip.
    If a person is single, then this may be evidence of slander.


    If your ears burn on Wednesday, then you should expect an important meeting. If the roar is planned, then it will play an important role in life.

    If there are no meetings in sight, then perhaps you will soon see an unusual person, which will affect your worldview.

    If your ears are burning in the morning, then this portends an imminent meeting.
    If the lobe burns during the day, this warns of an envious person. In the evening, a similar sign foreshadows a quick acquaintance.


    If your face was burning on Thursday, then this is mostly good news. For example, they will come soon positive results after the interview or news will come from an old friend.


    On Friday, the ears are glowing for an imminent romantic date. This could be a fateful meeting, so it’s worth taking a closer look at the suitor.
    This type of observation can also be observed at night. The sign suggests that the person plans to meet you in the near future.


    If discomfort is felt on Saturday, then this is bad news. As our ancestors believed, such itching in the ears on this day warns of unpleasant events.

    If the heat is felt during the day or evening, then this sign does not mean anything.


    On Sunday, such a symptom means that your work will be noticed and appreciated. The sign portends an increase in material well-being and profit.

    What does burning cheeks and ears mean at the same time?

    If there are ears, but no other discomfort is felt, then you can turn to signs. In this case, it is worth excluding other causes, for example, cardiovascular problems or.
    The main meaning is possible gossip. Most likely, a whole company of several people is discussing it. And you know them personally.

    Believers advise in this case to wash with holy water.

    But such burning can indicate overheating, colds, stress and pressure. At the same time, fatigue, drowsiness, migraines and mood changes will be added to the fever.

    If you feel the burning of your money, then you need to think about it and find out the exact reason. In this case, you may need to consult a doctor and undergo a thorough diagnosis.

    Only after ruling out possible health problems can you begin to study signs. You should not pay much attention to superstitions that were created due to simple ignorance and various speculations.

    If you know some interesting meanings, write about it in the comments.

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    That’s all I have for today, bye – bye!