British kittens eye care. How to care for a British kitten and an adult cat? Ear and eye care

If you decide to get a British kitten, or have already taken this miracle to your home, you should know that a new friend will cost you some trouble. Today we will look at the main points of caring for British breed kittens.


In order for the kitten to get comfortable and love its new home, you should prepare your home a little and also purchase some things:

1. Sleeping place for a pet. Now in almost any pet store you can find various houses, beds, bedding, etc. However, you cannot determine in advance where the kitten will want to sleep. First, give him the opportunity to choose “his” place in the house and lay a homemade bed there. Then you can buy a special house.

2. Bowls for food and water. Most likely, you will need three plates. Place them in a place where there is minimal noise and various movements.

3. Tray and filler. For the first time, you should purchase a tray with small sides, otherwise it will not be easy for the kitten to climb in.

4. Carrying. Not mandatory, but a very convenient thing, always useful for trips to the doctor or trips out of town.

5. Scratching post. Cats' natural instinct is to sharpen their nails, and if you don't want to see ragged furniture, you need to buy a special scratching post.

A big home for your beloved pet!

First time in a new place

The first days in a new home, a kitten naturally experiences a lot of stress. Therefore, be patient, do not squeeze or rush your pet. The kitten will probably try to crawl into some far corner; try to be sure that you can get it out of there, but only as a last resort. Don't drag him by force, don't call him or raise your voice.

At first, try not to leave your pet alone. Sit next to him, give him your hand, talk calmly and quietly. If you take your pet in your arms, do not make sudden movements, let him sniff you. Gently show him where the food and toilet are. On the first day, the kitten may not eat or go to the toilet at all - don’t worry, everything will return to normal in a couple of days.

To train your pet to the litter box, simply place the kitten in it. Don't force him there. It may take about a week for him to remember this place.

Important points:

  • Do not make quick movements, do not raise your voice, or squeeze the animal.
  • Make sure your pet gets enough rest. Cats sleep up to 19 hours a day!
  • If you have children, they will most likely react very uneasy to the appearance of a pet. In the first days this is especially unacceptable: try to explain to them all the rules, show them how to play with the kitten correctly, how to stroke it.
  • Make sure that the trash can, oven, washing machine, toilet, etc. inaccessible to the kitten.
  • Watch your step and use doors carefully.

Never play with your kitten with your hands. He will think that he can bite and gnaw his hand. Always use a toy.

If the kitten has done something (chewed it, dropped it, peed on the floor...) there is no need to hit it. Otherwise, he will feel not trust in you, especially in your hands, but fear. All you have to do is clap your hands loudly and say “FU!”

Kittens are excellent at reading intonation and understanding when they are scolded and when they are praised. Make sure that the kitten understands what exactly you are unhappy with. If you catch an animal in the act, scare it away by clapping your hands. If you only later discovered that the kitten was naughty, then most likely there is no point in swearing - he simply will not understand.

Proper nutrition for British kittens

More appropriate and convenient to use different bowls for food and water. In double plates, pieces of food fall into the water and vice versa, thus the food spoils much faster.

Each kitten has its own personal requirements for the daily amount of food and water. This will depend on the kitten's weight, its condition, environment, etc., so we can't talk specifically about diet. But take note that if you choose industrial food (special food) for your animal, it is best to buy dry food or canned food from RoyalCanin, Hill’s, ADVANCE, Iams, Eukanuba. These foods are much better than the well-known Kitekats and Whiskas.

If you prefer to feed your pet natural food, then it is best to feed raw or boiled meat, but feed fish as rarely as possible. Fish usually promotes development urolithiasis in kittens. If you give it to your pet cow's milk, get ready for what he will most likely have loose stool. Therefore, cream or goat milk is more preferable. You can try cooking porridge and even giving various store-bought yoghurts.

It is advisable to give purebred kittens vitamins and special supplements to improve their coat and improve their health. Well-known and useful multivitamin complexes are “Hartz Everyday Chewable” and “Vitamins 8 in 1 Excel Brewer’s Yeast”, “8 in 1 Calcidee”. Always strictly follow the dosage written in the instructions for the vitamins. However, if you accidentally (don’t do this on purpose!) give one or two more tablets, nothing bad will happen. Hypervitaminosis, or an excess of vitamins, mainly occurs in kittens only with injections.

Perfect fur

The famous coat of British kittens consists of a dense undercoat and a protective layer of hair protruding above it. In general, this coat does not require much effort to clean, but you should follow some tips for keeping the coat in perfect condition:

1. Proper feeding. Adult British cats are heavy and massive animals. Therefore, their diet should contain protein (approximately 33%), and vitamins and supplements should include biotins, B vitamins and calcium. As already mentioned, Hartz and 8 in 1 Excel Brewer's Yeast vitamins contain all the necessary elements and are ideal for the British.

2. There are seaweed vitamins that help the natural color of British cats become brighter and deeper. However, they should be used with caution. For example, red and chocolate colors will indeed become deeper and the animal's eyes will become brighter, but the skin of lilac-colored kittens may acquire a pinkish tint when taking such vitamins.

3. Constant grooming. As early as possible, you should begin to accustom your purebred kitten to brushing; soon he will get used to it and understand that inspecting and cleaning the fur is an everyday concern and will not break out.

4. You need to inspect the kitten’s ears weekly: they should be free of dirt, deposits and bad smell. Use a cotton pad to gently clean your pet's ears. You can use special lotions and liquids.

5. The eyes do not require any special action, it is just sometimes necessary to remove plaque that accumulates in the corners with a cotton swab dipped in plain water.

6. Approximately once every two weeks it is necessary to inspect and trim the animal’s claws. Before cutting, shine a light on the claw: you will see blood vessel, under no circumstances should you touch it with scissors. For cutting, you need to buy special “guillotine” scissors. If you are afraid to cut your hair yourself, invite a veterinarian - he will teach you how to do it correctly.

7. Bathing and brushing. The fur needs to be groomed weekly. To do this you will need a comb with rubber teeth. Brush the kitten first in the direction of fur growth, then vice versa.

8. Approximately once every three weeks, clean the kitten’s fur with dry shampoo. Shampoo from the company “8 in1” is suitable. Apply it to the coat, rub in with your hands, then carefully comb it out using a brush with metal teeth, first along the growth of the coat, then vice versa. This cleaning will remove electrification, remove grease, dust and give the fur a voluminous appearance.


Before any vaccination, it is necessary to cure or carry out prophylaxis against helminths, since they weaken the immune system and reduce the effectiveness of vaccination.

Since British kittens, like all animals, are subject to infectious diseases, it is necessary to give them general vaccinations against panleukopenia, calcivirosis and rhinotracheitis.

The first vaccination should be given to a British kitten at approximately 10 weeks of age, but no later than 12. 3-4 weeks after the first vaccination, it is necessary to re-vaccinate. Kittens will develop immunity approximately two weeks after the second vaccination and will last about a year. Adult cats should be vaccinated every year.

All kittens require affection, attention, care and, of course, love. When caring for and maintaining babies, there are some nuances and rules that you need to know about. We'll talk about this today.

Preparing the house for the arrival of a new tenant

Before you take a British kitten into your home, you need to carefully prepare and equip the space so that the pet is comfortable in it.

What will you need first?

The feeding area is equipped with bowls for food and water. It is best to purchase ceramic or metal cookware with a special coating. Plastic quickly scratches, dirt gets stuck in the cracks and is difficult to wash out, resulting in the formation of an excellent environment for the proliferation of microbes. In addition, low-quality polymer releases toxic substances into the feed, which will sooner or later lead to health problems.

Toilet tray. For the first time, a toilet with low sides is suitable - this will make it easier for the baby to climb into it. The tray is placed in a quiet, secluded corner, where no one will disturb the animal in dealing with its small and large affairs.

Filler. On this issue, consult with the breeder: he must tell you exactly what type the pet is accustomed to. If for some reason the filler is not suitable for the new owners, then you can gradually retrain the animal for any other. The contents of the pot should not be too fine and get wet quickly: cats are fastidious creatures and are unlikely to pick around in wet “sand,” which also sticks to their paws, preventing them from walking normally.

Carrying. Another important accessory. It will be useful for transporting the baby both from the nursery and for visiting veterinarian or a trip to an exhibition.

Toys. Physical and psychological developmentimportant point in raising a pet. Items must have a quality certificate confirming their safety. You should not buy toys with a strong chemical smell or paint that peels off easily - all this indicates a low-quality product. You cannot use Christmas tree rain, small things, or foil as toys - if accidentally swallowed, they will cause digestive upset, blockage of the pharynx, esophagus or intestines, which is life-threatening.

Scratching post. Cats, even if they are very small, need their claws sharpened. If there is no room in the house for this process, then furniture and wallpaper will suffer. It is important not only to purchase a nail clipper, but also to accustom your pet to it. There are many methods for this that have already been covered. When choosing an accessory, they rely on the advice of the breeder, asking him which material is best suited for a particular kitten: wood, sesal, carpet.

Sleeping area. A small pet should know that there is a secluded corner in the house where he can hide from prying eyes, sleep or just relax. The bed is installed where the baby wants it. In the future, the sleeping bag can be rearranged where the owner needs it, moving it every day a few centimeters in the right direction.

Adaptation to a new home

The first few days the kitten may behave restlessly.

It usually takes at least 3 days to acclimatize to an unfamiliar environment, sometimes more. At this time, the kitten behaves restlessly, constantly cries, and may refuse food.

In order for adaptation to be successful, the new resident is not disturbed and allowed to get comfortable. All that is needed from a person is to prepare the conditions for a full-fledged existence: put a bowl, a toilet, determine a place to sleep.

All hard-to-reach and potentially dangerous corners of the apartment are protected by any convenient method. If the baby is hiding, then there is no need to get him out by force, scaring him even more - sooner or later he will come out into the open world on his own.

Conduct a conversation with children, if there are any, that you cannot pester the kitten, squeeze it endlessly, and even more so drag it by the tail and torture it in every possible way.

After some time, the adapted tenant will begin a tour of the house, at which point it’s time to think about his safety.


Kids are young explorers who constantly stick their noses where they don’t belong. To minimize all kinds of injuries and force majeure circumstances, follow simple rules:

  • All medications hidden behind cabinet doors.
  • The windows are covered with nets, the sashes are never left in the “window” position - there have been cases of suffocation.
  • The entire population of the house is obliged to watch their step - at any moment you can step on a nimble baby.
  • When closing the doors, monitor the location of the kitten so as not to get pinched.
  • All storage rooms and especially cluttered rooms are kept closed.
  • Trash cans are tightly closed with lids.
  • Hide out of sight all small objects that could be accidentally swallowed.

Educational issues

Character and obedience depend on education. They approach the issue seriously and as responsibly as possible. The educational process is built depending on the individual characteristics of the kitten, but there are also general rules which must be adhered to.

  • Under no circumstances should you play with your baby's hands. The animal will decide that biting and scratching is natural, and it will be problematic to prove otherwise in the future. There are toys for play.
  • You can’t swing, much less hit, a new tenant. The pet will be afraid of the person and feel fear from an outstretched hand.
  • Unwanted actions are stopped by clapping your hands or sternly shouting, but not in such a way that the animal pees in fear or hides in a corner for a long time.
  • Any punishment must be timely, that is, carried out at the time of the crime, and not after a long period of time. In the latter case, the animal still will not understand why he received the kick and will harbor a grudge.

Feeding rules

  • When choosing, firstly, they are based on the breeder’s recommendations and for the first time they feed according to the scheme to which the pet is accustomed. If there is a desire to switch to another type of feeding, then do this gradually and after consultation with specialists in this field.
  • Secondly, they buy only high-quality, high-quality food labeled “for kittens.”
  • Thirdly, the animal must eat at strictly defined hours. The regime should not be violated.
  • Fourthly, you cannot buy food from a different manufacturer every time. In matters of feeding, stability is important - this is the basis of good digestion.
  • Fifthly, don’t be lazy to read the etiquette. All ingredients must be natural and healthy, without unnecessary additives or unnecessary substances.

Always adhere to one type of feeding: with natural feeding, you should not introduce drying or pouching and vice versa. Adherents must maintain a gap of at least two hours between giving normal food and extruded food. Do not forget about constant access to fresh and clean water.

Two-month-old kittens are fed 4 times a day, not exceeding the norms indicated on the package. With a mixed diet, an approximate diet would be:

  • in the morning, children's cottage cheese without sugar and additives;
  • for second breakfast, boiled chicken or canned baby food;
  • for lunch, dry food for kittens;
  • for dinner minced meat or minced beef.

From four months of age, you can switch to three meals a day, and closer to 8-9 months, the number of meals is reduced to two times a day.

What not to do:

  • Feed the kitten dog food.
  • Use tubular bones in your diet.
  • Give fish often. Too much phosphorus negatively affects kidney function, leading to the formation of stones.
  • Drinking milk is a cause of intestinal upset.
  • Feed the animal table scraps. Firstly, it is harmful, and secondly, it will work out bad habit begging for a tasty morsel and looking into the mouths of household members.

Kitten care

You need to accustom your kitten to hygiene procedures with early age.

The first rule is the right food

British cats are large animals, and to maintain a stable weight they need a large number of squirrel. In addition, biotin, B vitamins, vitamin A, and calcium must be included in the diet - they help maintain the rich color of the coat.

Seaweed supplements are ideal for improving tortoiseshell, red and chocolate coloration. But on lilac-colored pets it will lead to the appearance of a pinkish tint, and on blue and cream-colored pets, seafood will cause a noticeable darkening of the fur coat.

Rule two - grooming

They are accustomed to grooming procedures from childhood: cleaning ears, teeth, periodic combing. The developed habit of obeying and tolerating will eliminate the animal’s resistance at an appointment with a veterinarian.

The ears are examined once a week and cleaned if necessary. If there is a rash, redness, or unpleasant odor in the ear, seek qualified help.

As black plaque accumulates in the corners of the eyes, it is removed with a piece of cotton swab or a regular cloth napkin soaked in warm boiled water.

Nails are trimmed twice a month. Before the procedure, each claw is checked for damage.

Rule three - combing

Frequent brushing is not particularly necessary for the British, but most representatives of the breed love it, especially when you “sniff” them against the grain.

To care for your plush fur coat, purchase a comb with rubber teeth. Combing is carried out both in the direction of hair growth and against it. Such movements massage the skin, improve blood circulation, which means that the hairs receive additional nutrition and grow better.

British kittens should not be bathed often. It is better to dry clean it once a month using a special shampoo. The silicones included in the product clean the surface, making the coat soft, even more plush and voluminous.

Video from Animal Planet on how to care for kittens:


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The British have an instinct for cleanliness at the genetic level. But in order to achieve lasting and positive result in the behavior of these pets, it is very important to raise them correctly. In this article we will tell you what you need to maintain british cat in the apartment, how to train him to the litter box, as well as how to wash and comb the British. By following the basic rules of caring for the mustachioed inhabitant of the house, you will raise a truly luxurious animal with the manners of an aristocrat.

Raising British cats

Note! All bad habits British people are formed and consolidated in childhood. Therefore, it is very important to have time to raise an animal up to 2 years old.

Conventionally, the entire training process is divided into 2 stages:

Stage 1.

Establishing a strict chain of command between you and the kitten. At this stage, the British cat must clearly understand who is in charge in the house and who should be obeyed. Outline all acceptable limits of pet behavior in relation to you and your home.

If the rules are followed well (for example, you saw that the animal is sharpening its claws on the scratching post that you showed it), reward the cat with a tasty treat. If a Briton stubbornly does not follow the rules, punish him with a severe reprimand, but without the use of force. The pet should respect you and recognize your leadership, and not be afraid.

Stage 2.

Cleanliness training. As a rule, British cats love a clean house and take good care of themselves. But caring owners should help them with this and raise them properly. First of all, you need to tame your pet. A small kitten should be able to easily endure all the daily manipulations of caring for its eyes, ears, fur, etc.

If your Briton breaks out, bites or scratches, grab him by the scruff of the neck and, looking into his eyes, make a hissing sound with a menacing look. Raising an animal in this way will not be difficult for artistic people with a sense of humor! If the British cat does not believe your “cat’s voice” and still struggles, continue to persistently hold your pet. It may be difficult to train a cat this way, but if you give up, the animal will remember it and it will happen again next time.

How to train a British dog to use the litter box

Caring for British women

Caring for cats of the British breed cannot be called special, and keeping these plush creatures is not at all difficult. However, you still have to take some nuances into account, especially if you want your pet to shine at exhibition events and participate in breeding.

Wool The coat is the main advantage of the British, so it should be looked after very carefully. Get ready to brush your pet 1-2 times a week with a special massage brush called a slicker brush. With its help, you can remove all the dead hair that is creeping in, and also give a great massage, even when cats sleep on their backs. The structure of the coat and its condition largely depend on the pet’s diet. It must include everyone nutrients, calcium, vitamins and microelements. Wash shorthair blue cat 1-2 times a year is enough.
Claws Any domestic cat does not have the ability to sharpen its claws properly, even if it has a scratching post. Therefore, a Briton’s nails need to be trimmed 1-2 times a month. Cut them carefully, about half the entire length, no more.
Eyes A Briton's eyes should be looked after at least once a day, since dark secretions should not accumulate in them. Wipe your pet's eyes with a damp cotton swab, starting from the outer corner and ending with the nose.
The ears should be examined 2 times a month. Contaminants are removed with a regular cotton swab dipped in boiled water. The exposed ear surface can be wiped with a small amount of Vaseline or cosmetic cream.
Teeth Inspect your British woman's oral cavity daily. Due to the fact that at home the cat cannot chew twigs and grass to clean its teeth, over time it may develop tartar. To prevent this from happening, try to accustom your kitten to brushing its teeth using a special product from an early age. Ready-made dry food also helps dissolve plaque. It is worth noting that feeding in this case should occur regularly, and not just to remove dental plaque.

If British kittens have everything they need for full development, and the owner takes care of them on time, no problems will arise in keeping these animals.

What does a British cat need in an apartment?

Before bringing your Briton to a new place of residence, prepare all the necessary accessories for him:

  • Sleeping area. Decide in advance where your pet will sleep. Representatives of the British breed are quite independent and like to be alone, so it would be advisable to buy your pet its own bed or cat house.
  • Tray. For the toilet, it is better to use a closed plastic tray. When purchasing, you should take into account the large dimensions of the British - the tray should be high and as comfortable as possible. It is better to use silica gel or wood filler; they absorb moisture well and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant odors.
  • A bowl. A special drinking fountain or ceramic bowl is perfect for water. And for food, you should choose a tall metal bowl with a wide bottom.
  • Scratching post. British cats do not want to spoil your furniture at all, they just love freedom very much. However, we all know how dangerous the street is for purebred animals. In order for your pet to be able to independently care for its claws in the apartment, it needs to purchase a scratching post or a play set.
  • Comb. For the plush fur coat of the British, massage slicker brushes or oval rubber combs, which can remove static electricity, are best suited.
  • Cloth. An additional accessory for your pet can be cool clothes that will not only emphasize an important appearance British cat, but will also warm you up during a walk in the cold. After all, short-haired cat breeds have a hard time withstanding frosty winters. Clothing for a British person should be comfortable, high quality and easy to wash.

Create a cozy atmosphere for your pet in your home, and then he will be able to feel at ease.

British cat hair care

The famous plush fur of the British cat evokes a lot of positive emotions from simply touching it. But to achieve such a result, the owner has to properly care for his pet.

Important! The coat of a British Blue cat can be combed infrequently - 1-2 times a week.

The main principle of care is to remove guard hairs as thoroughly as possible with minimal trauma to the thick undercoat. To do this, the cat is combed according to the growth of the hairs, periodically changing direction. First of all, scratch the back, sides and chest of the animal, and then move on to the paws, tail and muzzle. The necks and chubby cheeks of the British Shorthair are always combed against the grain.

By the way, representatives of the British breed are one of the few who enjoy this procedure - they begin to purr loudly and prop up their back to continue the massage.

How to brush British cats

  1. An ordinary metal comb with medium-frequency rounded teeth. It is advisable for her to comb the British first, slowly and strictly in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Rubber massage brush or slicker brush. This is an excellent option for brushing British cats without electrifying the hair. It is recommended to brush the animal vigorously with such a brush, massaging all areas of the body.

Shedding in British cats

A British cat sheds its first coat at 7-8 months.

During this period (usually about a week), it is necessary to more carefully and carefully care for your pet's coat. Perform massage movements using two brushes daily. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the vulnerable skin and undercoat of the British cat. Next, walk a damp rubber glove over the animal’s body and collect all the hair that falls out.

Each Briton's next molt begins individually. Its intensity and timing can be affected by factors such as age, health status, quality of nutrition, etc. In addition, sudden hair loss in a pet can be caused by an allergy to any medical supplies, food, vitamins, shampoos, etc.

As a rule, the majority allergic reactions It manifests itself in the fact that the fur begins to come out very much. Moreover, a lot of hair comes out from the undercoat. In this case, try changing any animal care products. During shedding, also keep in mind that the nutrition of a short-haired cat should be as balanced as possible. This is also very important if you do not want your cat to be allergic.

How to wash Brits

To bathe a British cat, take water into a low bowl, dilute a small amount of shampoo in it, and massage the animal with massage movements. Please note that the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. After the procedure, thoroughly wipe the British cat's body with a dry towel, wrap it in a blanket and place it in its own corner. Make sure there are no drafts in the house.

British haircuts

Lovers of British breed cats are divided into 2 types:

  1. The first of them believe that pets need to be cut regularly. They explain this by the fact that a short-haired Briton leaves much less hair in the house, and also by the fact that it is difficult for animals with a thick undercoat to tolerate the heat. Some of them simply want their trimmed pet to stand out from others or have its own style.
  2. The second category of British lovers is categorically against cutting, since they consider the coat of this breed to be the main advantage, which in no case should be spoiled.

There are so many people, so many opinions, so it’s impossible to say for sure whether grooming can be done this way.

But if you still decide to cut your British cat’s hair, use a few tips:

  • The procedure should only be carried out by a professional technician who is well acquainted with the anatomy of cats. Do not try to trim the animal yourself - you may injure it or introduce a dangerous infectious disease!
  • Make sure that the haircut process takes place in a calm and friendly place, without the use of force. The pet should not suffer psychological trauma.
  • Pay attention to how other cats in front of you are groomed - cats should not accept any sedatives before the procedure.
  • A qualified master must be able to find an individual approach to any animal. Your Briton's behavior will tell you whether he liked the master. In good hands, a cat will never behave aggressively.

In fact, it is not so important whether your pet will have a haircut or not - the most important thing is that the cat has a neat or even smart appearance.

Take care of the health of your British cat, pay him as much attention as possible. Caring for a British dog is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. An animal that feels love and care will never remain in debt to its owner!

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Buying a pet is a responsible matter, but not always planned. Especially when it comes to kittens! Caring for British kittens, which is what we will talk about today, is a pleasant chore and a lot of preparation. In order for your future baby to have a good life, let's figure it out: how to care for him? We bring to your attention instructions on care and maintenance.

Preliminary list of items

To make your Briton’s life pleasant and comfortable in your apartment or house, you need to take care of creating a calm atmosphere and also buy a number of accessories. This will make it easier to care for.

  • "Sleepy" place
  • Special feeding bowls and food
  • Toilet and litter
  • Carrying house
  • Combs or brushes for grooming
  • scratching post
  • Toys

Purchases do not depend on how you received the cat - it could be a gift, an informed purchase, or a choice from a shelter. Care and nutrition for British kitten It’s very simple if you understand everything before purchasing an animal.

What and why is it needed?


They are made from different materials. If you have the opportunity to transport an animal by car, then you can safely purchase a plastic one - it does not lose its shape and appearance, is reliable, durable, and allows for proper care. The only drawback is its volume and size. For those who like to travel by public transport, let us immediately clarify that this method of transporting kittens is not successful. Kids may get scared, start to get nervous, and even if you calm them down, for some time they will be “twitchy” and constantly nervous.

An alternative option is to purchase a small fabric “cage” - it is made from a special frame, covered with soft and warm materials, and is made comfortable for both the owner and the cat.

You can safely transport a British kitten from one place to another without fear that he will get sick or be injured by the abundance of sounds surrounding him.

Regardless of the type chosen, remember that the carrier also requires care - it must be washed or the outer fabric washed after prolonged use.

A place to sleep, also known as a sleeping house

Proper care of kittens includes monitoring their sleeping place, and at first even monitoring their sleep patterns if you are dealing with a small kitten. If you have the opportunity, you can purchase special cat furniture. in a specialty store. Usually, there is a wide selection of different houses, and most importantly, such a purchase will also provide you with a scratching post and some toys, depending on the model.

For those who do not want to buy a house, but prefer to provide care with their own hands, we have attached instructions for making a homemade house.

  • Use a box as a base. For kittens, a small one is suitable; for an adult British cat, you need to take a size so that he has the opportunity to fully extend his paws and body.
  • Close the box and make a door in one of its sides.
  • Lay a soft blanket, an old blanket or a small pillow inside. Don’t forget about the bedding - preferably made of fabric that is easy to wash and remove wool. The correct selection of material will reduce the time spent caring for the Briton.
  • Place the box itself in a quiet place where it will be warm. Preferably away from children and noisy sounds.


Each pet should have its own bowl for food and water - this is the key proper care. Special bowls are made for felines - not high, with little depth, but with a fairly wide base, which will reduce the need for any special care for them. This is to ensure that the British can easily access the contents of the bowl. You need at least three different bowls– one should contain fresh water, the other should contain dry food, and the third should occasionally contain treats or canned food.


The main points of care include various types of games, so it is worth thinking in advance about the safety of such an activity. For small animals, choose elastic balls, but avoid toys with elastic bands - there is a high probability that he may accidentally swallow the elastic band.

You should also avoid all kinds of balls, spheres and similar objects that have sharp edges and various tear-off parts - remember that caring for your pet is not only about feeding, but also about playing.

Scratching posts or houses

In this case, the owners of the purchased house will breathe a sigh of relief - almost every house has special “posts” that are intended not only for sharpening claws. Caring for and raising British kittens with such a device will allow the kids to develop physically - the British will be able to climb, jump and perform other exercises with great pleasure.

Caring for a kitten in the early stages

So, let's figure out how to care for a British kitten in the first hours of falling into your hands, so that the baby grows healthy and pleases you with its behavior? What are the main points of caring for him?

Possible longing for mom

When you get your hands on a Brit, he is usually only a few months old. It is clear that separation from cat society is very difficult for him. He may wander around the house or hide under large objects and meow. In general, attract attention to yourself in every possible way, demanding the same care as before from your mother. In this case, take the baby in your arms and start talking to him in a soft, gentle voice. Usually, this calms the British down. If talking doesn't help, there are some proven tips from experienced cat people.

  • A clock with a loud ticking sound. Set a clock near where your Brit sleeps. This will remind the British kitten of the mother’s heartbeat, her care and concern, and will help him fall asleep. Electronic watches are not suitable for this purpose.
  • Heat the water to 36-39 degrees and make a heating pad. Wrap it in a towel and place it next to the kitten - this will create the illusion of the presence of other kittens and parents. Remember that the baby is still inexperienced, and although he has the instinct of self-preservation, he can still get burned. Therefore, be careful that the heating pad does not become his “accidental” toy.

Don’t rush into games, babying and other usual activities - the British need to get used to it, and this takes time.

In the first few days, it is better to limit the places where your cat can be. He should have access to all amenities - food, a place to sleep and a toilet, i.e. necessary care, but no more. When he gets comfortable in this “nook”, you can gradually introduce him to the apartment or house.


Caring for British kittens includes litter box training. If you bought it at a nursery, most often they have already begun to accustom the animal to the tray, to the place. In this case, be sure to ask the breeders which filler should be used. Next, just show the cat the tray several times - it’s better to do this after eating. He will quickly remember its location and will not dirty the territory. The main thing is to clean the toilet on time, and in fact, this will be all the care for the British in terms of waste. Remember that animals must be kept clean, no matter what breed they are.

Proper care of newborn kittens includes the process of litter box training as soon as they begin to grow. It is better to buy an older British dog, since training is quite difficult - especially if the animal is wayward.

Children and other inhabitants of your home

If you have children, be sure to give them “instructions” on how to behave with a British person. Show him in advance how to play with him and pick him up. Explain what their new “comrades” don’t like, and how to understand that they are not happy with your actions. If your children are already going to school, tell them what kind of care the British need, let them feed the animal themselves.

Be sure to monitor how your child plays with the animal - this will avoid possible injuries, fear and misunderstanding between them.


If you already have other pets at home, you need to introduce your new feline to them. Before meeting, be sure to make sure that all representatives of the animal world are healthy. Remember that older individuals may not treat the baby very well, especially if they are of the same sex or species. To prevent the British from stress, try to adhere to this procedure.

  • In the first few days, organize a “quarantine” for the British kitten. Keep him in a separate room and keep other animals away from him. Be sure to leave the carrier - it will be a “house for the new kid”, so that the Briton has the opportunity to hide.
  • Remember to pay attention to your other animals during this time to reduce their anxiety, but don't forget about the necessary care for your kitten. Show them that you love them too, so that they don't get jealous or perceive a new kitten in your home as a possible threat.
  • Organize a planned meeting for your pets. Be sure to be in the room when your pets are getting acquainted. Give each of them the opportunity to retreat, do not interfere with mutual inspection and sniffing.
  • They may hiss and growl at a friend - this is also normal if it does not come to open aggression. If something goes wrong and your usual animal reacts extremely aggressively to the new one, separate them for a couple of days, and then repeat the introduction procedure again.
  • Respect the rights of your pets - do not take away their favorite territory in favor of a new one! Otherwise, jealousy and constant fights between them are guaranteed. Do not forget about caring for them, do not sacrifice their interests in favor of the British.
  • Be sure to provide your pets with different trays and bowls, and brushes for grooming. This is done so that no one goes hungry, and you do not have to remove “surprises” from a jealous cat, for example, in different corners of the house.


For British kittens, it is worth purchasing a rubber brush, preferably oval-shaped, which will be equipped with small teeth made of soft material. It will allow you to carry out care painlessly: it will remove “static” - electricity that accumulates on the fur, and it is easy to massage the skin without injury. Since Britons have short fur, there is no need to groom it in any special way. If the kitten sheds, wet your hand in warm water, and massage the animal’s fur and skin. Caring for British Fold kittens in terms of fur is absolutely not difficult.

Let's take care of safety

Everyone understands that animals are extremely inquisitive natures, which is why, in fact, they not only often get into trouble and get injured, but also cause their owner a lot of trouble. In order not to be a regular client at the veterinarian, follow these rules in everyday life:

  • Store all medications, household chemicals and other hazardous liquids in a locked place. Preferably with a key or a lock.
  • Are you going to the bathroom? Be sure to close the bathroom so that the kitten does not accidentally get in there.
  • Baby's toys should be locked. While playing with them on his own, he may accidentally swallow them, chew them, or hit some object while playing. Remember that grooming is not only about playing and feeding, but also about taking care of your Briton.
  • Close doors to utility rooms or garages.

Start: moving

If the trip is a one-time trip, you shouldn’t worry about different types of containers – especially if we are talking about a baby. Caring for British kittens at 2 months of age does not require transportation, so purchasing a carrier can be a bit of a stretch. Be sure to show the kitten to the veterinarianSpecial attention should be given to the eyes and ears. It is advisable to do this in an environment that is still familiar to a British cat.

Toilet training

As your baby enters an unfamiliar place, you may find surprises in the most unexpected places in the first few days. In this case, dip the paper into the “bomb” and anoint the cat’s litter box - this will let the kitten understand what this place is for. Another option is to pour filler, and when it removes the whole problem, pour the filler into the tray.

The right approach to raising a baby will allow you to avoid problems and quickly make friends with a British kitten.

The calm and independent British Shorthair cat is quite self-sufficient and does not particularly need the constant presence of its owner. They tolerate loneliness well - business and working people choose them for this quality.

How else does a British cat differ from its relatives, what kind of care does it require and how much money should be allocated for it, what kind of food do they prefer - you will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Character and description of the British cat

How to cope with loneliness 5

If you leave for work early in the morning and return only in the evening or at night, this breed is for you!

British cats do not experience any discomfort when you are not around. They will always find a toy and activity to relieve boredom. They will not suffer without you and do dirty tricks to attract attention - this is not a royal matter. But they will greet you emotionally when you return. When leaving for work, do not forget to leave your pet food, water and a clean litter box.

How much shedding 4

Don't be fooled by the fact that the British cat is a short-haired cat - she sheds.

Sheds often and a lot. Be prepared to pick up hair from around the house and brush your pet daily.

Activity/playfulness 2

The British Shorthair cat is an excellent choice for those who cannot and do not want to play with their pet for hours.

This breed is only active as a kitten. A matured animal is calm, balanced and will not run around, knocking you down, climb curtains or jump on cabinets.

Does he like to purr 3

Discreet British cats are not affectionate purrs - they do it rarely and very quietly. However, some representatives of this breed meow a lot and loudly.

If you want a cat to rub against your legs, sit on your lap and purr soothingly, take a look at other breeds.

How to treat children 4

British cats are tolerant of children, but indifferent - they are not drawn to small family members. The British will never become toys for children.

It is important to explain to children from the first day that they do not need to squeeze and carry the British in their arms - they can tolerate it, but they do not like it. Do not be afraid that the cat will harm the child - cats simply hide in secluded corners of the house from overly intrusive toddlers.

How to treat guests 3

The plush beauties are wary of strangers - noisy and overly active guests can scare them, which forces the cats to hide in a shelter.

Tell your guests to give your cat time to watch them from a safe distance so they may have a chance to pet your pet.

How to treat other animals/dogs 3

The British cat is selfish and jealous. She won't be happy about your idea of ​​getting a new pet.

If a British cat is taken into a house where there are already other animals, he will be able to coexist with them. But, on one condition - they should not bother His Britannic Majesty too much. With calm dogs and cats, British cats live peacefully - they are not aggressive by nature.

Easy care 4

It will be difficult for those who are not ready to brush their cats regularly, at least once a week - they will have to deal with hair throughout the apartment.

There will be no difficulties with toilet and scratching post training - this cat immediately understands where to do its business and sharpen its claws.

Intelligence 5

Cats of this breed have incredible intelligence. If you take a British dog, be prepared that he will train you, not you.

You may get the feeling that these cats understand human speech - they do what their owner says. But, if they consider it reasonable and necessary. They, like dogs, can understand and follow commands, love to fetch toys and run after the ball.

Soreness 4

Health is the weak point of British cats.

They have a predisposition to certain genetic diseases. Buy kittens from trusted breeders and be sure to ask for the results of their genetic tests.

History of the origin of the breed

The breed appeared naturally. The ancestors of the modern British cat were the cats of Roman legionnaires, whom they brought with them to the island during their conquests. This was a very long time ago - in the 1st century AD. The Romans needed cats to protect food from rodents.

The Romans left British soil in the 5th century, but the cats remained. At first they were street animals and farmer's pets, captivating the British with their plush charm, strength and endurance. Then, when breeding purebred cats became fashionable in Victorian England, these street animals were taken as the basis of a new breed - the British Shorthair cat. The first representatives of the breed had a classic blue color.

The breed barely survived two World Wars; most of the cats died of hunger in those years. Breeders revived the breed after the end of World War II by crossing the surviving British with other breeds. During this selection, a separate breed branch emerged - the British Longhair. These cats are still bred, but they are recognized by only one International Felinological Organization - TICA.

British Shorthairs are included in all international cat registries. Thus, the American Cat Association (ACFA) was the first to recognize the breed in 1967. In 1979, it was recognized by the International Cat Association, and a year later, in 1980, by the Cat Fanciers Association.


Description of the exterior and characteristics of the British cat breed is found in all major international standards. Let's see how the British are described in the European WCF system.

Description of the breed according to the WCF standard

  • Body. Muscular, stocky, dense and squat. Medium to large size. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced - cats are much larger than cats.
  • Rib cage. Massive and wide.
  • Back. Straight, short.
  • Shoulders. Wide, massive.
  • Hips. Wide.
  • Head. Round shape. Massive with well-developed cheeks (in cats this feature is more pronounced). Cheekbones are wide. A mandatory feature is a round forehead.
  • Muzzle. Short. Not narrowed. The chin and nose are vertical. Smooth transition from nose to forehead. Mustache pads are large and round.
  • Nose. Straight, wide and short.
  • Chin. Strong, smooth.
  • Ears. Rounded, small in size. Set wide and low.
  • Eyes. Round, big. Wide set and wide open. The eye color is rich, matching the color of the coat. Most often - orange (gold). A green rim around the pupil is not allowed. The expression in the eyes should be serious and appraising.
  • Neck. Thickened, short.
  • Limbs. Muscular, short.
  • Paws. Round, strong, with tightly clenched fingers.
  • Tail. Wide at the base. Medium length, thick. The tip is rounded.
  • Wool. “Beaver” type – plush, elastic. Short, dense, with a pronounced thick undercoat. Brilliant. British people with long wool exist, but they are not recognized by most international felinological organizations.
  • Color. All colors and color point without white are allowed. The classic color is blue.
  • Weight. Females - 2.5-5.5 kg, females - 4.5-8 kg.
  • Height at the withers. From 28 to 33 cm. Not measured at exhibitions.
  • Average life expectancy. From 10 to 16 years.

A distinctive feature of an adult British cat is the presence of full cheeks (the so-called jowls) and a “Cheshire cat smile.” Only British cats can smile.

Experts refer to breed defects as:

  • pinching. This is what they say when the quills of British cats stand out too much;
  • “exotic” muzzle. If a short nose goes into the forehead through a noticeable hump, this is the case. Following the deformation of the nose, the proportions of the cheekbones and eyes change;
  • muzzle close to domestic cat. Expressed in a flat forehead, large brow ridges and a long nose;
  • "fox face" There is no fullness of the muzzle, typical of the British, but there is a narrowed nose. Often accompanied by malocclusion.

Photos and colors of British cats

Any colors for British cats are acceptable, but color point and white are not allowed.

The uniform color of the animal implies uniform coloring of all hairs without exception. But there may be some shadedness, haze and shimmer, which is not prohibited by the breed standard.

Experts identify 30 types of colors of British cats! Of the single-colored ones, the most popular are British kittens: black, white, blue (gray), cream, red, lilac (a combination of pink, gray and gray colors).

Of the bicolors, the most common combinations are silver-blue, harlequin, tabby and ticked. The latter is one of the varieties of tabby, which is also sometimes called the Abyssinian color. Looks like freckles - very cute!

Whiskas coloring is at the peak of popularity these days (remember those same cats that starred in popular commercials?). In fact, this coloration has the official name “mackerel”. Whiskas' brindiness is ensured by the obligatory three wide stripes on the back and thin stripes along the body of the animal. Moreover, the main color of whiskey is silver, and the stripes are always darker.

British cats are called "cats for businessmen" - this breed can be afforded by busy city dwellers. In addition, they are quite unpretentious and do not require too much space or attention. However, proper care and maintenance are the key to the health and longevity of your pet.


Use a furminator or a soft brush to remove dead hairs. You will have to try especially hard in. If you do not brush your cat regularly, mats may form. The active process of changing coat will be too noticeable on furniture and clothes, so the British kitty should be combed daily.

But that's not all. Cats constantly lick themselves and their stomachs become clogged with bezoars (dead hairs). There is no need to wait for your pet to get rid of them himself, because hairballs can clog the intestinal lumen. During the molting period, give special tablets or food that absorb the fur in the pet’s stomach.

Kittens and adult animals do not need to be bathed unless absolutely necessary. This mandatory procedure for show-class pets, they are bathed before exhibitions. Regular cats wash if the wool is heavily soiled (dye, oil). But, even in this case, it is best not to bathe the pet entirely, but only to rinse the areas of contamination.

Caring for your eyes, ears and nose

Light discharge from the eyes of a British cat is normal. But, these secretions can leave an unwanted tear trail on your pet's fur. Remove these tears with a cotton pad soaked in a special eye care product. Saturate the pad and gently wipe the area around the eyes. The direction of movement should be from the inner corner to the outer. If discharge from the eyes becomes profuse, colored, or foul-smelling, contact a specialist immediately.

A healthy British cat's ears do not need to be cleaned often - they should be kept clean. The owner is required to regularly examine the ears in order to notice signs of illness in time: pimples, dark brown wax spots, redness. If such signs are detected, you should take your cat to the veterinarian.

If your pet has increased ear wax, you will have to clean the ears once a week. This should be done carefully with a cotton pad soaked in a special ear care product. You can lubricate a cotton pad with Vaseline. Be careful not to insert the disc too deeply to avoid damaging the eardrum. For very heavy contamination auricle, treatment is carried out with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

A healthy animal's nose should be clean and free of discharge. British kittens are allowed to have crusts in the corners of their nostrils - this is a dried secretion. They are removed with a damp swab or cotton pad soaked in ordinary boiled water. room temperature. Nasal discharge, redness, microtraumas (cracks) are a reason to consult a doctor.

Dental care

The main thing that owners should take care of is to ensure sufficient load on the teeth. With natural feeding, cats are given large pieces to stimulate chewing. For animals receiving dry food, your veterinarian may recommend a special brand of food. This promotes self-cleaning of the mouth and teeth. Teeth are brushed with a special brush and toothpaste no more than 1-2 times a week - kittens need to be gradually accustomed to this. As a result of this procedure, the gums are massaged and soft deposits are removed. Tartar is removed only in the clinic, as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Nail care

Regularly inspect your animal's claws for the presence of fungus for preventive purposes. only needed when they are overly branched. If the cat moves a lot, climbs trees and special play complexes, and is accustomed to, then there is no need for this procedure.

How much money do you need for care and maintenance?

What to buy for a kitten

Required set:

  1. Bowls for food and water. Deep ones won't work. Choose wide ones with a low side. Ceramic ones with a ribbed bottom are best. Price: from 100 to 350 rubles.
  2. Tray. A closed tray or a large open one (without a grid) with sides curved inwards will do - the British have large paws and love to dig. Price: from 800 to 4000 rubles.
  3. Comb and massage mitten. It will cost you 350-550 rubles.
  4. Choose stable models or those that are mounted on the wall. Price: from 250 to 950 rubles.
  5. Toys (to play with your pet and keep him occupied while you're away). Price: from 100 to 1500 rubles.

Additional accessories:

  1. Bed. It will cost 300-1200 rubles.
  2. Carrying. The best ones are plastic models with a soft mattress inside - they can be used instead of a house. Price: from 1200 to 4500 rubles.
  3. Ribbed rubber mat under the tray. Helps keep your home clean. Price: from 300 to 500 rubles.
  4. This grooming device costs 600-1200 rubles.
  5. Harness. For walking outside. Price: from 600 to 1300 rubles.
  6. . Price: 300 – 500 rub.

Every year, the care and maintenance of a British cat may require from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles.

The total amount will depend on the chosen method of feeding, brand of food, type of litter for the tray, the need for professional grooming, and the number of visits veterinary clinic and animal care products used.

Video on caring for a British cat:

Health and illness

The British are strong cats, physically well developed. But during breeding work, the breed developed a predisposition to a number of hereditary (genetic) diseases.

Genetic pathologies

  1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Pathology that cannot be treated. This is a disease of adult animals that is easier to prevent than to treat. Her symptoms:
  • anorexia;
  • loss of interest;
  • weakened heartbeat;
  • difficulty breathing, breathing with sounds;
  • sudden paralysis of the hind limbs;
  • bluish color of paw pads.
  1. Christmas disease (hemophilia B). Characterized by increased bleeding after injuries or surgery.

Non-hereditary diseases

  1. Gingivitis. It usually begins with inflammation of one tooth, which progresses over time without treatment. At the second stage, the pathology will affect 25% of the teeth, at the third stage - 30%. Then advanced periodontitis sets in, the gum tissue recedes and the disease spreads to the roots of the teeth.
  2. Claw fungus. Outwardly, it looks like spots on the nails and their deformation. Periodically and systematically inspect your pet's limbs.

Preventive measures

Main preventive measure- This !

Thanks to vaccination, you can reduce the risk of contracting panleukopenia, calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, rabies, and chlamydia.

Traditionally, kittens are vaccinated between 2-3 months or 8 months, when teeth change. It is important to follow the vaccination schedule recommended by your veterinarian.

First, the animal is given . If worms are detected after 10 days, repeated deworming is carried out and after another 10 days they are vaccinated. If worms are not detected in the feces immediately, then after 10 days they are vaccinated as usual. Do not forget to quarantine for about 2 weeks after each vaccination.

Rabies vaccination is carried out immediately after changing teeth and is repeated annually.

Of course, the vaccine is powerless against genetic pathologies. To be on the safe side, you need to carefully get to know the kitten, ask the breeder for information about the health of its parents and demand the results of genetic tests.

On average (excluding the cost of sterilization/castration surgery), treatment and preventive measures will require from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles. in year. Add to this amount a one-time payment for a veterinary passport - 100-200 rubles; the cost of the sterilization/castration operation is 1500-3000 rubles; chipping – 950 rub.

Genetically healthy British cats can live up to 15 years. Lifespan depends not only on health, but also on housing and feeding conditions.