Pregnant cockroaches. The breeding process of cockroaches. General description of cockroaches

To understand how to deal with impudent invaders, you need to thoroughly understand the features of their life cycle. Find out how cockroaches reproduce and what they look like different stages of its development.

Features of the life of cockroaches

All representatives of the cockroach order belong to insects with an incomplete metamorphosis cycle. This means that there is no pupal stage in the chain of their development. Let's take a closer look at what this means and how else they differ from other insects.

Life cycle

All life cycle cockroaches can be divided into three periods:

  • larva
  • adult insect.

Cockroach eggs are almost always enclosed in a special leathery sac - an ooteca, where the babies are reliably protected from the effects of the external environment. A toxic substance is unable to penetrate through such a membrane, the durable cradle will not be flooded with water, and there is no danger of it being accidentally crushed.

In such a capsule, the larvae develop safely for several weeks, and then emerge into the light fully adapted to life in the external environment. Some representatives of the cockroach order produce live young, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

What do small cockroaches look like? Let us consider this issue in detail, since out of ignorance they are often confused with other insects. For example, with house bugs.

So, the larvae of cockroaches - nymphs - are practically no different from adult individuals, except that they are more modest in size and, as a rule, they do not have wings.

In some species, insects have different colors at different stages of development. Basically, the larvae are colored in a darker, more saturated color. Adults are usually lighter in color. Nymphs eat the same food as adults, live with them, and lead the same lifestyle.

Adult insects are equipped with genitals and very often have wings, although with rare exceptions they practically do not use them. Many cockroaches in the adult stage are equipped with glands capable of producing odorous substances. With their help, insects look for a sexual partner or scare away enemies. Very often, this feature becomes the cause of household allergies in people who are forced to share living space with cockroaches.

Interesting fact! IN folk medicine Previously, dried cockroach carcasses were often used. For dropsy they drank tea infused with these insects. And a dish of mustachioed residents fried with garlic was taken for indigestion.

Features of development

The lifespan of cockroaches ranges from 4 months. up to 4 years. Insects spend approximately half of this time in the adult stage. Sometimes even most of it, since the larvae grow quickly. Cockroaches in the nymph stage can stay from 1.5 months. up to several years. During this time, they manage to molt several times, increasing in size after each shed skin. As a rule, this procedure is repeated 5 to 9 times over the entire development period.

Having reached sexual maturity, the nymphs turn into an adult insect, with its inherent behavioral characteristics. Sometimes the period of growing up is delayed for indefinite time. As a rule, this happens due to unfavorable external conditions. For example, such as:

Larvae may slow down their development while still in the egg if the air temperature is below room temperature. This feature helps the young animals survive a difficult period under the protection of a dense capsule - the ooteca. Under favorable conditions, small cockroaches hatch within 2-3 weeks after laying. They wait for some time until their soft infant cover acquires the strength of chitin, and then they scatter in different directions, getting used to a life full of anxiety and danger.

Advice! In order to get rid of insects, it is enough to maintain the room temperature below zero. At -5 0 C they die within half an hour. Ambient temperatures below -7 0 C kill cockroaches in one minute.

Features of reproduction

So, how does the process of reproduction itself occur? How do cockroaches reproduce? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Having reached the age when mating becomes possible, females attract males with odorous substances secreted from special glands located, as a rule, in the back of their body. Males who respond to the call fertilize the female using the genital plate located at the end of the abdomen between the cerci - articulated processes found in all representatives of this order. Some species court females for a long time before copulating with them.

After fertilization, the partners separate. The males go in search of food or new ladies of their hearts, and after a while the females lay eggs in a durable sac formed for this purpose - the ooteca. A clutch can contain from 15 to 60 eggs, depending on the species. And throughout their entire life, females lay from 20 () to 90 (in the American cockroach) ootheca.

Females carry a capsule with eggs in their body for some time - a day or several weeks, dragging the end protruding beyond the abdomen behind them. She then leaves her in a safe, dark place and leaves. After a short time, small cockroaches hatch from the eggs.

Sometimes cockroaches reproduce asexually, when the eggs of the female develop without the participation of the male. This method is called parthenogenesis. They are able to reproduce in a similar way. These same insects have another feature - caring for their offspring in the first days after the larvae hatch.

An interesting fact is that for successful reproduction, a female cockroach only needs to meet a male once in her life. Subsequently, the eggs are fertilized by seed material preserved in special parts of her body. This feature is another factor contributing to the spread of these insects, because just one fertilized female is enough to establish a colony.

Interesting fact! In the old days in Rus' it was believed that cockroaches brought prosperity to the house. When moving to a new place of residence, they took them with them “for good luck.” This factor greatly contributed to the spread of insects throughout the territory of modern Russia.

How to prevent the proliferation of insects in a city apartment?

We found out how cockroaches reproduce, but is it possible to somehow prevent this process in order to naturally reduce the insect population?

Unfortunately, there are currently no methods to control the reproduction of representatives of this order of insects. At one time, however, drugs were sold that promised to sterilize female cockroaches using some volatile substances. However, they are not widely used, perhaps due to their low efficiency. Therefore, there is only one radical way to get rid of uninvited guests - their complete destruction using chemicals.

We must not forget that oothecae can withstand the effects of most chemicals. To destroy young animals hatched from eggs, the premises are re-treated 2-3 weeks after the first disinfestation.

For dynamic reproduction of these pests, a source of food and water is needed. If everything suits them, the population will begin to grow rapidly.

Peculiarities of cockroach reproduction

Having figured out how cockroaches breed, the owner of a living space may become depressed. This is explained by the fact that cockroaches do not have a clearly defined time period for reproduction. The appearance of new individuals is observed throughout the entire 12 months.

If you miss the moment and don’t start fighting them in time, then it will be very difficult to get rid of such “tenants” later.

How do they reproduce?

There is nothing special about how cockroaches reproduce. Like most other living things, they do this sexually. The process of reproduction is preceded by mating games of sexual partners, after which they perform sexual intercourse.

One intercourse is enough for the female to self-fertilize several times in the future without the participation of a male.

Small cockroaches develop as follows:

  1. The female cockroach lays an ooteca (cockroach eggs are placed in a special leathery sac). Red and black representatives of this family of insects carry eggs on themselves, while other individuals lay them in hard-to-reach places.
  2. 14-21 days after laying, new individuals emerge from the abdominal sacs in the form of larvae.
  3. Larvae or nymphs (miniature copies of adults) molt several times during development and eventually transform into mature adults.

A female black cockroach carries up to 10-20 larvae in one egg, and a female black cockroach carries 20-30. At most, a female cockroach can produce up to 40 new larvae at one time. This number of new young individuals is enough to completely fill the apartment in the shortest possible time.

What determines the rate of reproduction?

If the female carrying the ootheca with future offspring is in favorable conditions (there is free access to food and drink), then the entire cycle of larval maturation occurs in 5-7 weeks.

But if food supplies are weak or the temperature in the room is too low, then the pregnant individual does not give birth, but wears the capsule on herself for several months, since the development of the larvae under such conditions slows down significantly.

The most active breeding season for cockroaches occurs at night. In the absence of daylight or artificial light, they begin to lead an active lifestyle.

While the owner of the home sleeps peacefully, insect mating takes place in his kitchen, leading to a rapid increase in the number of colonies.

How does fertilization occur in females?

Cockroaches reproduce through sexual contact. After the individuals mate, the cockroach is able to become fertilized 1-3 times. Moreover, during subsequent fertilization she will not need the help of a male individual.

This is due to the fact that the female is capable for a long time retain reproductive cells of the opposite sex in your body.

After fertilization, the female insect lays eggs enclosed in a special protective shell. The life of new individuals separately from the mother begins with the form of larvae, which go through 3 moults throughout their lives and eventually turn into an adult female or male.

How often does a cockroach reproduce?

The larvae develop quite quickly and become adult females and males in 4 weeks. This reproduction rate is considered quite fast, and the population of cockroaches can be replenished very dynamically.

These creatures do not have specific seasons for breeding.

The process of emergence of new individuals is observed throughout the entire 12 months, which greatly complicates the fight against them.

If there are cockroaches in the apartment, then you need to understand that during their life cycle, females of black or red members of the family can lay from 4 to 9 ootheca, and this implies the birth of about 450 new individuals.


The birth of cockroaches

How to distinguish a male from a female

Many people know what a cockroach looks like, but how to distinguish a male from a female remains a mystery to some.

Knowing the following differences can help with this:

Female cockroaches also have wings, but they do not use them for their intended purpose. As a rule, females lure their sexual partners into intercourse with the flapping of their wings.

Behavior of female and male

After fertilization occurs, the female cockroach lays eggs in a special compartment, from which the larvae will subsequently hatch and gradually transform into adults.

But mating of females and males does not occur automatically, but is preceded by a long period of courtship.

Several males can compete for one female. They enter into a real battle, winning their right to reproduction and reproduction. Wings come in handy here. They can wave them in a frightening manner, and also make accompanying sounds aimed at scaring away a competitor.

The fact that the female is ready for intercourse is indicated by certain pheromones, which are secreted by special glands. This smell becomes a signal for the male. Mating itself lasts only a few minutes. The further fate of the offspring largely depends on the conditions in which domestic cockroaches live.

If we evaluate the entire life of a cockroach, it becomes obvious that most of it occurs during the period when the creature is in the imago stage. Nymphs grow quickly - they become sexually mature individuals in 4 weeks. Cockroaches are insects that have an incomplete development cycle.

The entire process leading to the appearance of sexually mature individuals is divided into several stages:

  1. Laying eggs. At this stage, the task of a sexually mature female is to lay eggs in an ooteca (a sac located on the female’s abdomen), filled with a special glue that holds the eggs together. Before the eggs are fully mature, the ootheca is clearly visualized on the female’s abdomen. Over time, up to 40 young cockroaches can hatch from it.
  2. The period of maturation of the egg and its transition to the larva can be 2-4 weeks. For the ripening process to proceed smoothly, the ambient temperature should be 30 °C plus. If the ambient temperature drops, then this process slows down, and at 10 °C it stops completely.
  3. When the eggs are fully ripe, the female folds back her abdominal pouch and larvae, called nymphs, begin to hatch from it. These young cockroaches have no wings at all and are usually darker in color than the mother. This allows you to distinguish the larva from the adult.

If the nymph feeds well for 8 weeks and the surrounding conditions are suitable, it will transform into an adult female or male. Throughout this entire period of time, the nymph changes its cover several times.

How many cockroaches can be born at one time?

A Prussian can have a brood of 25-35 nymphs from one capsule. Other species can boast more numerous offspring. In some, the number of larvae reaches 60. Cockroaches reproduce rapidly, since offspring are born quite quickly.

At first the larvae are white, but gradually they begin to darken and harden. Literally immediately after birth, nymphs can feed on their own, which means that they have become equal members of the population.

How long do insects live?

The lifespan of a cockroach can vary from 4 months to 4 years. The timing and time periods largely depend on living conditions. It has been scientifically proven that Prussians can go without food for up to 50 days, and blacks - up to 70.

  • how many cockroaches hatch from one egg;
  • what cockroach eggs and egg capsules (the so-called ootheca) look like and how many eggs are contained in one such capsule;
  • how and where the process of laying eggs and the subsequent birth of young cockroaches occurs;

...and others Interesting Facts concerning the “birth” of cockroaches from eggs.

It may seem strange to some, but from one cockroach egg only one tiny larva hatches, which later, after several molts, turns into an adult insect. This is important: there is only one cockroach in one egg.

This is not difficult to explain: a larger number of larvae simply cannot fit here, and the egg itself is a developing egg that can only turn into one embryo.

In the photo - cockroach eggs:

On a note

Purely theoretically, from one cockroach egg two twin larvae can develop, like in other animals. However, such cases are very rare, and, in general, exactly one cockroach almost always develops from one egg.

It is important not to confuse the egg itself and the special egg capsule, or ootheca, in which many such eggs are located.

By the way, it is precisely because of the compact swelling that the “pregnant” female red cockroach carries with her that many people believe that one cockroach egg contains many future pests - they confuse the capsules themselves with the eggs.

Let's touch on this point in more detail and see how many cockroach eggs are in the ootheca and how such a capsule works.

Cockroach eggs and egg capsules (oothecae)

The eggs of cockroaches of almost all species, while still in the female’s body, are “packed” into a special shell, which quickly hardens in air and forms a characteristic capsule.

On a note

Ootheca is also present in other species of invertebrates: in addition to cockroaches, it is, for example, characteristic of mantises and mollusks.

Ootheca of cockroaches may have different shapes, size and color, depending on the type of insect. For example:

See also our experiments on cockroaches:

We catch cockroaches and test various means on them - see the results...

  • The ootheca of black cockroaches is dark brown in color, about 12 mm long, about 6 mm wide, and has a clearly visible ridge on the surface;
  • The red geranium ootheca is red, approximately 8 mm in length, with clearly visible transverse constrictions;
  • in the Madagascar cockroach the ootheca is very elongated in length, has light yellow color, dimensions are about 25x4 mm.

The photo below shows appearance Prusak ooteki:

And the following photo clearly shows what the ootheca of the Madagascar hissing cockroach looks like:

Despite the relatively high strength and hardness of the wall, the ootheca allows the developing embryos to breathe, reminiscent of the shell of a bird's egg.

How many eggs are in each ootheca is determined by the type of cockroach. For example, In red cockroaches, each capsule contains an average of 20-30 eggs, rarely up to 50. They lie very close to each other in 4 even rows - two in height and two in width.

The eggs themselves are tiny - about 1 mm long and a few tenths of a millimeter wide. They are light yellow or white, translucent, and through their shell you can even see the embryo with a magnifying glass.

The photo below shows what cockroach eggs look like inside the ooteca:

Ootheca is formed during the period when the cockroach lays eggs. In a special chamber in the female's abdomen, a large number of a sticky secretion into which eggs coming from a special organ are literally dipped.

When the process of egg formation ends, the secretion is released for some more time, closing the ootheca from the inside. At this point, in most species of cockroaches, the capsule extends a significant part of its length from the body of the “pregnant” female and remains attached to the end of the abdomen for some time.

In this capsule, cockroach eggs develop from 30 to 75 days. Development occurs most rapidly in conditions high temperature(above 30°C) and humidity, but when the temperature drops below 15°C, their development stops, resuming with the return of heat. This allows the population to survive the cold.

This is interesting

An adult Prussian locust dies at temperatures below -5°C and above +45°C, while its ootheca normally tolerates short-term cooling to -10°C and overheating to +55°C. In addition, insecticides have little effect on the ootheca (and many of them have practically no effect). For example, in Prussians, whose females carry a capsule at the end of the abdomen until the end of larval development, if the mother dies from exposure to an insecticide, then the eggs in the ooteca continue to develop, and later young nymphs still hatch from them.

U different types The eggs and their protective capsule are cared for differently.

The Prussians themselves, as well as various exotic species, for example, ash and Madagascar cockroaches, show some care for their offspring. Female red cockroaches carry an ootheca at the end of their abdomen until the larvae hatch, and they can at least carry it away from danger.

And in the same Madagascars, ootheca develops in the body cavity, and only a few times a day the “pregnant” cockroach exposes it outside for ventilation. The larvae also hatch inside the mother's body, but almost at the same moment they leave the brood chamber. The observer of this process gets the feeling that the cockroach is giving birth (that it is supposedly viviparous), although in fact all cockroaches without exception lay eggs, it’s just that in some species the development of eggs to the larval stage occurs inside the mother’s abdomen.

The photos below show how a female Madagascar hissing cockroach “gives birth”:

Depending on the type of cockroach, the number of “pregnancies” and oothecas carried by the female throughout her life varies. Thus, a female German can produce up to 9 capsules during her life (of which more than 250 larvae are “born” in total), although usually the “average” female produces about 3-4 ootheca during her life.

At the same time, the ootheca is clearly visible in the female German wolf, but in large tropical species, in which the capsule is hidden in the body, it may not be clear that the female is in an interesting position.

How do cockroaches hatch from eggs?

Cockroach embryos constantly move inside the egg, absorbing embryonic fluid and nutrients. When they reach such a size that they no longer fit in the egg, they tear its shell and begin to gnaw through the ridge of the ootheca.

In those species whose females lay capsules, after the larvae emerge from the ootheca, a strong outer shell remains. In those whose oedema develops inside the female’s body, its shell is very soft, and by the time the larvae are born, it completely bursts, and the offspring leaves the mother’s body in a free state, after which the female gets rid of the remains of the capsule.

In the video at the end of the article you can see how cockroaches are “born”.

In large species, up to 60 young larvae can hatch at a time, but in general the normal number of young individuals is 25-35. The same number of young cockroaches hatch from the ooteca of common domestic species.

As a rule, the entire process of “birth” of cockroaches lasts from several minutes to several hours. After hatching, the larvae are usually very light, almost white, but then, as the chitinous cover hardens, they darken.

Are there viviparous cockroaches?

Cockroaches are not viviparous creatures. The terms “ovoviviparous” and “oviparous” are used for these insects.

If the embryo develops in an egg and does not receive nutrition from the mother’s body during development, but is still in the female’s body, then this method of reproduction is called ovoviviparity.

Those cockroaches whose females simply leave their ootheca to the mercy of fate are typical oviparous insects. The same species in which the eggs develop inside the female’s body, and the nymphs hatch simultaneously with their exit from the brood chamber, are ovoviviparous.

Therefore, the terms “pregnant cockroach” and “viviparous cockroaches” are not entirely correct - only viviparous animals are truly pregnant.

From a scientific point of view, the expression “cockroaches give birth” is not entirely correct. This process is not called childbirth, but birth.

In the photo there is a female Madagascar cockroach with nymphs emerging from her abdomen:

Features of the birth of larvae

For the most part, cockroaches do not show any care for their offspring. Even with the well-known red cockroaches, after the larvae emerge from the ooteca, they simply stay near her for some time, and, consequently, near the female, but within an hour or two they scatter and hide in convenient shelters.

Considering that the female tries to deposit the ootheca in a place that is secluded and remote from the main shelter of other adult insects, the first few days the larvae have little contact with other individuals.

In some tropical species, females care for newly hatched larvae. In the same Madagascar cockroaches, babies gather under the abdomen of the mother, who continues to guard them for several hours, hisses when an enemy approaches, and can even make frightening lunges. However, by the end of the first day after hatching, the young cockroaches crawl away, and the female’s maternal care ends there.

On a note

Only relict cockroaches show special care for babies. They live in small colonies with a rudimentary hierarchy, and their offspring are looked after as carefully as in termite nests.

Considering the fact that cockroach nymphs can feed immediately after hatching, they do not need long-term care, and they quickly become ordinary equal members of the family.

Interestingly, cockroach larvae, immediately after hatching, often try to eat their own ootheca. They need it as a source of protein in the first hours of life.

Where do cockroaches lay egg capsules?

The female cockroaches try to lay a capsule with eggs in the most secluded and safe places. In nature, these are spaces under stones, fallen trees, deep under a layer of rotted leaves, and in some species - even in the ground or in dry wood.

Similarly, in the apartment, cockroaches lay eggs in the safest places, for example:

  • in the cracks between the walls of furniture;
  • under the bedside tables;
  • between the sink and the bedside table under it;
  • behind the baseboards;
  • in ventilation ducts;
  • under the bath;
  • on the shelves in the pantry.

Sometimes, when cleaning the apartment, the owners of the apartment may come across the dry shells of the ootheca of the Prussians - they are already empty, and they can simply be thrown into the trash. But if a large ootheca of a black cockroach is discovered, it is useful to destroy it, because with a high probability several dozen future pests can hatch from it.

You should not expect that if you make a raid in search of cockroach “eggs” and destroy several capsules, this will completely remove cockroaches from the apartment. Those capsules that can be found will most likely already be empty, but the number of undetected ones will be much greater (red cockroaches carry them with them).

And the search for ootheca itself, even in the case of fighting black cockroaches, is a very labor-intensive and ineffective task. It is much more reliable to remove pests by simply disinfesting the premises.

Interesting video: Madagascar cockroach “gives birth” (fast-forward playback)

Female marbled cockroach with a huge number of larvae

How cockroaches reproduce, how long the development process from egg to adult lasts, depends on the type of insect and living conditions. The life cycle consists of several stages - egg, larva, nymph, adult. The duration of each stage of development can vary from several weeks to months. For fertilization, insects mate, but in some cases, young are born without the participation of a male.

Reproduction of cockroaches - general information

The young female mates with the male, and a new life cycle begins. The seminal fluid enters the genital organ, is stored there, and is used later for its intended purpose. The presence of a male is not required for the next fertilization, but the process is often repeated.

In a special section located at the end of the body, the ooteca, embryos begin to form and develop. The female carries the larvae for a certain time and then leaves them in a secluded place. After some time, they appear from there and immediately begin the typical lifestyle of cockroaches.


People often receive complaints that effective chemicals do not help get rid of cockroaches. The main reason is the fertility of pests. One female brings about 25–30 larvae.

If a few individuals remain in the room, then after 2-3 weeks a whole colony will again be marching around the house. Therefore, the breeding characteristics of cockroaches are the information without which it will not be possible to defeat them.

The ability to reproduce in domestic cockroaches occurs after they go through the last stage of maturation.

To find out how domestic mustachioed cockroaches reproduce, it is necessary to study their characteristics and sexual differences. After all, the success of exterminating breeding insects depends on human awareness.

The breeding period includes the following stages:

  1. Finding a suitable partner. A female that has reached sexual maturity releases certain pheromones. To do this, it uses glands that are concentrated at the back. Insects also use their wings to attract a partner.
  2. Pairing. Insects move to this stage after mating games, which are accompanied by fanning their wings. A genital plate is concentrated on the male’s body, with the help of which he fertilizes the female. As soon as mating is completed, the insects disperse. The male representative goes in search of a new partner, and the female prepares to lay eggs.
  3. Formation of ootheca by a cockroach. The female uses this leathery pouch to store eggs with larvae. After all, during this period, embryos need protection and peace. The female carries a capsule with larvae until the embryos are fully formed.
  4. Shedding of ootheca. This stage occurs as soon as the embryos have increased in size and become stronger. After this, the cubs are left to their own devices.

Cockroaches breed much faster in an apartment, since all the conditions for their development have been created here.

Sex differences

To determine the sex of a cockroach, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • Dimensions. Males are small in size.
  • The presence of wings. Female cockroaches have underdeveloped wings. The wings of males are fully formed. Therefore, some insects take to the air to get to food or water.
  • Leads. Males have a genital plate at the back, with which they fertilize females. Females do not have such an organ.

These differences are inherent in domestic insects that are found in apartments and houses. Exotic species have more differences. For example, Madagascan males have horns, which they use to fight for females. As for how exotic cockroaches reproduce, this process is no different from the process of reproduction of domestic cockroaches.

Mating process

The moment when a female is ready to mate is determined by the male by the smell she gives off. Special glands are responsible for the production of pheromones. Female representatives have such glands. Insects also attract partners using their wings.

Mating lasts 1–3 minutes. At this time, the insects are in contact with their backs. For fertilization, the male uses the genital plate. As soon as the process ends, the male representative goes in search of food or a new female.

In the future, the female does not require assistance from the male. After all, the elements necessary for reproduction are present in her body. If only one individual remains in the house, then within 2–4 weeks the premises will be filled with pests. Therefore, information about how longhorned beetles reproduce should be taken into account.

The female moves with a leathery sac (ootheca), which contains the embryos, until the cockroach larvae are fully mature. The offspring located in the egg are protected from toxic substances and water.

Ootheca deposition process

Among the breeding features of domestic cockroaches, the deposition of ootheca is also distinguished. To place the leathery sac, insects choose places that are maximally protected from humans and sun rays. Therefore, it is very difficult to find cockroach eggs.

Each type of arthropod cares for the clutch of eggs differently. Under natural conditions, black species get rid of the ootheca almost immediately, so not all embryos survive. It also happens that the entire masonry dies. The ootheca of the domestic insect is protected. After all, females lay it only after the embryos have strengthened and formed.

The degree of maturation of the embryos can be determined by how the larvae of domestic cockroaches look.

One ooteca can contain 20–60 larvae. The duration of their maturation depends on living conditions. By the way the masonry looks, it is easy to determine how suitable the conditions are for the development of insects.

The process of birth

Babies leave the ooteca only after they feel cramped inside. To do this, they use chitinous teeth and paws, with which they break through the leathery pouch. It takes babies 2–5 minutes to leave the ootheca and get out.

Since small cockroaches have a white color and transparent skin, it is difficult to notice them. Such camouflage methods are used until the kids grow up. During the entire period of growing up, they go through several stages of molting, due to which their chitinous cover becomes darker.

The duration of the breeding season varies from 2–3 months to 3–4 years. It all depends on how favorable the conditions are for development. For example, domestic cockroaches reproduce quickly if food and water are freely available.

What affects the rate of reproduction

Undoubtedly, information about how quickly domestic cockroaches reproduce is significant for people who are faced with a similar problem.

The reproduction rate of domestic cockroaches is affected by their species. Red insects spread faster.

The speed at which a domestic cockroach reproduces is influenced by external factors. The embryo development process stops if the room temperature decreases. Their development resumes as soon as heat begins to flow to the ooteca.

Therefore, freezing is considered a popular way to get rid of breeding insects. To implement it, you need to open all windows for a while. But this method is available only to owners of country houses and people who can temporarily move to another premises.

Chemicals affect the speed at which the mustachioed pest reproduces. The larvae are located in a leathery sac, which protects them from toxic fumes and harmful components. But the ootheca can withstand 1-2 attacks. If the procedure is repeated 2-3 times within a month, the development will stop completely.

Some chemicals contain special regulator components. The cockroach breeding regulator works very simply. It affects the ability of insects to subsequently reproduce.

Sanitary and hygienic standards also influence the rate of reproduction. If the insects do not find food or water, they will leave the residential building.

Preventive actions

The rate at which insects reproduce depends on the situation in the house.

Therefore, preventive measures are carried out periodically:

  • Regular cleaning of the house. There are no pests in a room that is free of organic remains, crumbs and grains.
  • Checking the condition of communications and pipelines. Without food, insects live 7 or more days. If there is no water in the house, they will quickly leave it.

If chitin or excrement is found in the kitchen or bathroom, then it is necessary to carry out treatment. For these purposes use:

  • Chemicals. Gels and pastes, aerosols and sprays are available for sale. Among the presented assortment, you can choose chalk or powder. The supplied drugs differ in composition and duration of action.
  • Traditional methods. Traps and baits are popular among housewives. Their preparation will not take much time. To do this you will need boric acid or borax. To lure insects, you need to add vegetable oil to the powder.

The sanitary conditions in the house affect how long cockroaches live.

Video about the reproduction of domestic cockroaches