White porous chocolate. Unique and delicious porous chocolate Airy dark chocolate

Nowadays it is very difficult to find a person who does not like chocolate. Thanks to the huge variety - dark, milky, white, airy - this product has become a favorite delicacy of many people, because everyone can choose the one they like the most. And what can we say about children? They are ready to eat sweets all day long. Today we will look at air chocolate, its properties, how it is useful and harmful.

A Brief History of Chocolate

On Latin chocolate is called the food of the Gods. This delicacy has been popular all over the world for many hundreds of years. At first it was a wonderful drink made in India, and after some time it became a delicious dessert that people still enjoy today.

Traditionally, the birthplace of chocolate is South America. Tribal peoples in India made from and added water and pepper to them. Puffed chocolate is called the Food of the Gods because the Aztecs worshiped the chocolate tree. Thanks to the drink made from the fruits of this plant, stress was reduced and mood was lifted. In addition, this product had a wonderful aroma and wonderful taste. People valued it so much that cocoa seeds were the currency used to pay taxes.

After some time, cocoa beans became known in Europe. The first people to know about them were the people of Spain. The chocolate recipe was not shared with anyone and it was forbidden to produce it without permission. And those people who revealed the secret of preparing this delicacy faced execution. Very for a long time airy and regular chocolate was available only to rich people, because the ingredients cost a lot of money. By the beginning of the 19th century, confectioners managed to find a way to make the product from cheaper ingredients, so soon more and more people could afford this type of delicacy.

Making aerated chocolate

Making airy chocolate is easy. Its recipe is not much different from the recipe for a regular delicacy. The main difference is that there is a special unit with which the sweet mass is foamed.

There are two ways to make air chocolate:

  • While whipping the chocolate, you need to add gas to it. Due to this, small bubbles form in the mass.
  • You need to pour the chocolate into a mold and then place it inside a vacuum boiler (without air). The composition already contains air, thanks to which the necessary bubbles will appear.

Types of air chocolate

There are several types of this delicious dessert:

The benefits of airy chocolate

Any type of this product has a number of positive properties. Just 45 grams of this dessert per day will reduce the risk of a heart attack several times. In addition, the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

Airy porous chocolate also has the following positive features:

But still, high spirits are best property airy chocolate. Thanks to it, they also get rid of depression and stress.

Harmful effects of air chocolate

Despite the huge number of positive properties, chocolate, like any other product, has its contraindications. However, these restrictions are minor. It is not recommended to consume chocolate for people who are allergic to this type of dessert, as well as for those who suffer diabetes mellitus. Due to the high amount of sugar in this product, it may cause dangerous complications in diabetics. These, in principle, are all the restrictions that must be adhered to when eating chocolate.

Calorie content

Per 100 grams of airy porous chocolate there are about 522 kcal. This is quite a lot, especially for people who try to watch their figure, as well as those who suffer from excess weight. Such people should not abuse this product.

How to choose air chocolate?

The main ingredients of this product are cocoa beans and cocoa butter. If soybean or palm oil and cocoa powder are added instead, then it is no longer chocolate, and cheap chocolate is very expensive, so it is definitely not included in a cheap porous product. It is replaced with vegetable fats, which can cause oncological diseases(if eaten regularly).

In order not to harm yourself and choose real airy porous chocolate, you need to look at the technology and preparation conditions. If the product is manufactured according to GOST, then you can safely purchase it. According to government standards, all manufacturers are required to include only ingredients that are safe for health. And if the process of making chocolate meets the technical conditions, then the quality of this delicacy is not at all pleasing. These rules enable the manufacturer to use all the ingredients available to him.

Myths about air chocolate

There are a huge number of myths around this beloved dessert, and now we will debunk some of them:


So, we looked at aerated chocolate, what types there are, the beneficial and harmful properties of this product. As you can see, this dessert has a lot of positive properties, so you shouldn’t limit yourself. There are only a few situations when its use should be approached with extreme caution.

Aerated chocolate is a favorite treat for many women. It can be white, milky and bitter, and differs from the usual one in its light structure and bubbles that burst so pleasantly on the tongue. They give chocolate an airiness, and it is this feature that makes porous bars so popular. Correct and high-quality porous chocolate, according to reviews from those with a sweet tooth, has a much brighter aroma and richer taste. Its structure is due to unusual methods of manufacturing tiles in production.

The history of aerated chocolate

Aerated chocolate appeared not so long ago. And, of course, not earlier than usual, because aerated chocolate has a similar composition to regular chocolate. Aerated chocolate bars first appeared in stores in 1935, and they appeared almost simultaneously in the UK under the name “Aero” and in Czechoslovakia under the name “Vista”. We don’t know who created this delicious delicacy, but this type of chocolate quickly gained popularity. In the Soviet Union, it appeared much later: only in 1967, chocolate bars “The Little Humpbacked Horse” and “Slava”, produced by the Red October factory, appeared on store shelves.

Aerated chocolate comes in bitter, milk and white, and everyone can choose the one they like.

2 ways to make aerated chocolate

There are two ways to make aerated chocolate. Both of them, it should be noted, are more expensive for manufacturers than the production of conventional tiles, but the continuing demand for this airy delicacy pays for all costs.

  1. Method one. It is used in many industries. To produce aerated chocolate using this method, manufacturers install a special low-frequency turbine in the aerated chocolate production workshop, which pumps nitrogen and carbon dioxide under pressure. It is the settings of this unit that determine the size of the pores in the chocolate, and not a single manufacturer discloses its parameters. In this turbine, the chocolate mass is whipped and saturated with gas. And then chocolate bars are cast from the resulting mixture in the same way as they do in the production of regular chocolate.
  2. Method two. In some factories, aerated chocolate is obtained by settling the chocolate mixture, already poured into molds, in special vacuum boilers for four hours. In them, the air already present there is released from the chocolate mass and forms bubbles, which are evenly distributed throughout the chocolate mass and form pores. In vacuum boilers, a temperature of forty degrees is maintained so that the chocolate mass does not harden ahead of time and air bubbles are distributed throughout the mixture.

Is it possible to make aerated chocolate at home?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to make aerated chocolate at home. The fact is that the methods of its manufacture used in production are not applicable at home due to the lack necessary equipment, and there are no other ways to make it. Therefore, we can only recommend that fans of aerated chocolate always have a bar of good, high-quality chocolate from the store on hand.

Is it possible to melt aerated chocolate?

Most chefs do not recommend melting aerated chocolate. Despite the fact that the composition of the mass from which aerated chocolate is made is similar to regular chocolate, manufacturers often reduce the cost of the product by adding vegetable fats instead of milk fats, as well as a large number of flavorings and emulsifiers, which leads to a decrease in the quality of the product. Because of this, porous chocolate often does not become a homogeneous mass and collects in lumps, which makes it unsuitable for use in cooking.

The benefits and harms of aerated chocolate

Aerated chocolate, of course, cannot be compared in terms of benefits with dark chocolate. But even an ordinary bar of milk chocolate is inferior to this criterion, again, due to the desire of manufacturers to reduce production costs. However, the main harm of aerated chocolate, like any chocolate, is caused by its calorie content (about 500 kcal per 100 grams) and its rather high sugar content. Nutritionists advise consuming no more than 25 grams of aerated chocolate per day so as not to harm your figure, and for those who suffer from diabetes or intolerance to certain components in this airy delicacy, it is better to abstain from chocolate altogether.

Porous chocolate “Air”

Chocolate “Air” is not only the most famous, but also one of the best quality brands of aerated chocolate in Russia.

Chocolate “Air” is the most famous brand of aerated chocolate in Russia. This brand produces a wide range of aerated chocolate with and without fillings, white, milk and dark, and anyone, even a very selective sweet tooth, will choose chocolate to their taste. The quality of “Air” will also not leave you indifferent: this chocolate literally melts in your mouth.

Considering the huge assortment of chocolates, it is difficult to find your favorite and most delicious. Among the rich assortment, aerated chocolate is of particular interest, since this dessert intrigues with its delicate bubbles that melt in the mouth, which actively and very funny burst on the tongue. Many women prefer porous desserts, especially white and milk ones.

Production Features

Many people wonder how aerated chocolate is made? Why is it so tender and melting in your mouth? There are several ways to produce this dessert.

To make aerated chocolate, use an appropriate low-speed turbine, which is located between the temperature machine and the chocolate mass. As a result, it is created high blood pressure with gas inside, which helps to foam the mass. Thanks to this trick, the mixture is actively saturated with carbon dioxide and nitrogen, their release forms voids in the tiles. They are called pores. Due to the fact that the foaming units have a special structure and location, the bubbles are evenly distributed throughout the entire chocolate bar.

There is another popular method for producing porous chocolates. For this purpose, characteristic molds are used, which are installed in vacuum boilers, then left at a temperature of 45 degrees for 3 hours. Exposure to a certain temperature and vacuum allows air bubbles in chocolate to expand, so pores and voids appear.

It is important that the porous dessert meets established quality standards. According to the rules, the treat should be:

  • saturated;
  • tasty and aromatic;
  • there must be a homogeneous mass, as well as a pronounced structure.

Not only the type and quality of chocolate, but also its color comply with strict regulations. As for white, it must have a predominant beautiful cream tint, milk has a light brown color, and black has a dark brown color. White deposits are not allowed on the surface, different spots. If nuts are added, the surface may dull slightly.

As for the recipe and technology for preparing porous chocolates, the use of fats and cocoa butter is prohibited.

Useful and harmful properties

In addition to the fact that white aerated chocolate is extremely tasty, it is also very healthy. White chocolate with bubbles is very popular. This product is very high in calories, as it contains a lot of sugar. The calorie content of a chocolate bar is 536 kilocalories.

This type of white dessert has a beneficial effect on work nervous system human, promotes the production of a special hormone of joy, namely serotonin. With its help, a person copes with many diseases more easily, painful sensations and stress. Serotonin puts a person into a light and relaxed euphoria, making it easier to deal with tension. Despite the benefits, among the harmful properties we can note those that abuse of white porous delicacy provokes fatigue, irritability.

The dessert contains a special substance called choline. In turn, it takes part in the synthesis of insulin and is necessary to strengthen memory and the human nervous system. When the body is deficient in choline, it is unable to produce methionine, an important amino acid. With the help of a small amount of white chocolate with bubbles, you can improve your mood and improve your health.

If the product is natural, then it contains valuable vitamin E, which is extremely beneficial for reproductive system. In addition, vitamin E ensures stable functioning of the brain and endocrine system, tones and invigorates.

It is important not to overuse this delicacy, as this threatens obesity, exacerbation of chronic ailments and problems with carbohydrate metabolism. It is forbidden to eat treats when increased acidity stomach, allergies and diabetes. Eliminate white chocolate from your diet if you are prone to obesity.

Thus, the porous dessert is made using a special technology, so it turns out unusually tender, light and airy. As for the white delicacy, it has not only beneficial but also harmful properties, so know when to stop and don’t overuse it.

Making aerated chocolate is almost no different from the recipe for regular cocoa sweets without bubbles.

The only difference is the presence of a special unit for foaming the chocolate mass.

First option: while the chocolate is being whipped, gas is added to it. The result is delicious, porous chocolate with bubbles.

The second method: chocolate is poured into a mold and placed in a vacuum boiler without air for several hours. And the air that is in chocolate forms the desired bubbles.

Types of aerated chocolate

The tempting dessert is made from white, milk and dark milk chocolate. The most popular of them is milk. Like other chocolate desserts, this sweet can be of several types: with or without filling. And some types contain two types of chocolate: white and porous milk.

The benefits and harms of chocolate with bubbles

Chocolate has no special contraindications unless a person has diabetes. Also, sweetness is not recommended for people with metabolic disorders or obesity. Aerated chocolate can be harmful due to its calorie content and high sugar content. In moderate doses, this sweetness is beneficial: chocolate improves brain activity, helps prevent depression, improves mood and performance, is good for the heart and blood vessels, effective in preventing caries (dark and bitter chocolate).

Which chocolate is the healthiest?

The less sugar in a chocolate bar and the more cocoa beans it contains, the more healthy the sweetness is. It turns out that dark dark chocolate has more benefits.

Chocolate norm

Airy aerated chocolate is healthy if you eat no more than 25 grams every day.

How to choose healthy aerated chocolate?

The main component of this dessert is cocoa mass and cocoa butter. If the composition includes cocoa powder or palm, cottonseed, soybean oil, then this sweetness cannot be called chocolate: it is a cheap confectionery bar that is not only unhealthy. And it can even do harm.

Cocoa butter is considered an expensive ingredient that cannot be found in cheap aerated chocolate. Instead, the sweet contains vegetable fats. As shown Scientific research, these substitutes accumulate in the body and (in the case of regular consumption of inexpensive chocolate) can cause the development of cancer.

To choose good domestic porous chocolate (and experience the benefits of chocolate that Wikipedia writes about), pay attention to the document according to which it was made. If the cooking technology is in accordance with GOST, you can buy such sweets without fear. If according to TU ( Specifications) - doubts arise about the quality of chocolate: state standard obliges the manufacturer to comply with the requirements and use only approved and safe products. The specification also gives the right to use ingredients and technologies that are available to the manufacturer. The quality of chocolate according to specifications, as a rule, leaves much to be desired.

Interesting Facts

In 2007, fans of Wispa aerated chocolate (which was especially popular in the 80-90s of the last century in Russia) demanded that manufacturers resume production of their favorite sweet. As a result, the British were able to buy Wispa. True, the party was small. In the same year, the brand owners gave the opportunity to purchase one of the most expensive Wispa Gold chocolates in the world and wrapped it in edible gold packaging. This dessert could be bought in jewelry stores and supermarkets.

Chocolate contains flavonoids. These substances are powerful antioxidants, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and calm.

White aerated chocolate Among other types of chocolate, it is characterized by amazing taste and unsurpassed aroma. He won the love and admiration of millions of girls and women. Thanks to its original appearance and texture (see photo), the product simply melts in your mouth, which makes it possible to enjoy it to the fullest.

This type of chocolate was first made in England. Since many residents liked it, its popularity soon spread throughout Europe.

The production technology is quite simple, but at the same time it requires constant monitoring. To make chocolate porous, it is placed in molds, subjected to heat treatment, and then placed in special vacuum devices, where the temperature reaches forty degrees. Production time takes four hours. Due to this procedure, bubbles appear in the chocolate, which is why it has such an original look.


The composition of porous white chocolate is no different from regular white chocolate. To prepare it use:

  • cacao butter;
  • vanillin;
  • sugar;
  • powdered milk.

The product does not contain cocoa powder and is therefore creamy in color. When choosing aerated chocolate, make sure that cocoa butter comes first on the list. If food substitutes are indicated on the packaging, then it is better not to buy such a product.

White aerated chocolate contains vitamins and minerals, but in small quantities. The calorie content of this product is high, so use it in large quantities It’s not worth it, so as not to gain extra pounds.

According to the current standard, white aerated chocolate must meet the following parameters:

Thus, knowing the composition and important quality indicators of chocolate, you can easily choose natural product so as not to cause harm to health.

Useful properties and contraindications

Beneficial features This product is that when a person eats chocolate, the body produces serotonin, which lifts the mood.

This hormone also helps:

  • normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • relieve tension, overcome fear;
  • stabilize the absorption of lipid fats in the liver;
  • strengthen the central nervous system, improve memory.

Along with the beneficial qualities, there are also contraindications for use. Since the product is high in calories, it is not recommended to consume it in large doses, as this provokes the appearance of extra pounds, and also contributes to poor metabolism of carbohydrates in the body, worsening the health of existing diseases genitourinary system.Not recommended for people with diabetes, or if you are allergic to dairy products.

There is no need to completely give up such a tasty product. You just need to eat any chocolate in moderation, and then you can enjoy the bar you eat without harm to your health.

Is it possible to make white aerated chocolate at home?

It is impossible to make white aerated chocolate at home due to the fact that it requires a vacuum facility to make the chocolate bubbly. All you can do with it is melt it into chocolate glaze. To do this, you need to melt the product either in the microwave or in a steam bath. To do this, you need to take a deep bowl, pour water into it, bring to a boil, and then place a bowl of chocolate on top and stir the mixture constantly over low heat. Once the chocolate has melted, you can remove it.

If you really love white chocolate, you can make it yourself. To prepare it you will need cocoa butter, vanillin, sugar and milk powder. All products can be found in the store at an affordable price.

To prepare chocolate, you need to melt the cocoa butter in a deep bowl over a steam bath and gradually add the remaining ingredients (sugar, vanillin and milk powder). The mixture should be constantly stirred over low heat until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then we take various molds, pour the prepared mixture into it and put it in the refrigerator. In one hour, the chocolate will be ready and you can serve it.

White porous chocolate, due to its texture and amazing taste, will always remain a favorite delicacy for women. Unfortunately, the product is not intended for preparing various dishes based on it, so it can only be enjoyed in its pure form.