Baltic International Academy. Baltic International Academy: European education in Russian Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship budget places

For those who want to work in the field of tourism, humanities, and mass communications, the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship has been opened in St. Petersburg. Active work with research and cooperation with real businesses allows the university to graduate specialists who are ready to enter the labor market and immediately begin professional activities. What programs are implemented at the academy, how to enroll there?

What is the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship in St. Petersburg?

The first sign that a tourism academy would emerge in St. Petersburg was the zonal advanced training courses for employees in the field of tourism and excursion activities. They have been going on since 1969. Then in 1988 it became clear that an entire educational institution was needed, and so later the Baltic Institute of Tourism arose. It was he who in 2005, after renaming, became the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship.

Rector educational institution is Tamara Ilyinichna Vlasova - Honorary and Distinguished Worker high school Russia, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences.

Under the auspices of the academy operates the St. Petersburg College of Tourism and Entrepreneurship, which was created to cover the full range of tourism and commercial positions in different parts of the economy, as well as to ensure that students directly go to receive higher education, already having experience and the necessary theoretical knowledge.

Location of the institution: Petrozavodskaya street, 13, lit. A. Receive background information You can call the phone number listed on the academy’s website, as well as by email.

Specialties taught at the educational institution

The Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship trains specialists in different forms teaching:

  1. Full-time, when the student attends classes daily.
  2. Part-time - the number of classroom hours is several times less than full-time, while the process itself usually takes place in the evening. It is believed that in this case the student actively prepares independently.
  3. Correspondence. In this case, the student comes only for sessions and defense of qualifying work.

There are also two levels of education: bachelor's and master's degrees.

The academy provides training in the following areas:

  • Economy.
  • Hotel business.
  • Advertising and public relations.
  • Management.
  • Tourism.

Facts, figures, reviews about the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship

Over the past 20 years of operation, the organization has graduated more than 4,500 students, most of them with “good” and “excellent” grades in their diplomas.

The history of BATiP has been going on for almost half a century. During this time, many significant events took place, thanks to which the institution became known throughout the country and even in foreign countries, many graduates achieved great achievements.

Most graduates fondly remember the years they spent at the academy, speak positively about the teachers, their favorite disciplines and, of course, their classmates.

Features of the educational and educational process

Training is conducted by two main faculties:

  1. Tourism and service.
  2. Economics, management and entrepreneurship.

One of the features of the academy is the presence of its own business incubator, in which students can bring their commercial ideas to life, and leading teachers and experts will help with complex practical tasks.

The life of students outside the classroom is filled with events, scientific conferences and competitions; everyone can show their talents and hobbies at general holidays and concerts.

How is the admission campaign going?

The Baltic Academy is a private educational organization, so the state cannot finance educational places.

However, the organization itself is interested in the most talented young people, so there are several budget places every year as an academy grant.

In order to participate in the competition, you must score at least 220 Unified State Exam points in relevant subjects and submit documents. If a student participated in the All-Russian Olympiads or has a certificate with honors, then these achievements count as additional points towards admission, whether for a paid or a free basis.

You can submit your application from May 28 to August 20. For absentee applications, the deadline is extended to September 10.

For admission to the master's program, internal tests are carried out for applicants, based on the results of which the group is recruited.

For schoolchildren who want to get to know the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship better, an open day is held every month from October to May on the 17th for future applicants and their parents. On such days, information stands are organized, there are representatives of the administration of each faculty, secretaries of the admissions committee (they can inform on all aspects of admission), as well as students who will happily talk about their life within the walls of the educational organization.

Thus, the rating of the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship is high for good reason: relevant specialties in the modern labor market, the prospect of starting your own business, professional teachers, active student life - in general, everything that is needed for an applicant who meaningfully chooses the direction of education and place, where he will receive it. The Academy is in 55th place among and 1264th position among all Russian universities.

Many graduates of Russian schools want to receive high-quality modern education and an international diploma. As a rule, the main obstacle is the high cost of training and the language barrier - the need to complete the curriculum in English or another foreign language. One of the few universities in EU countries with affordable prices and the opportunity to study in Russian - Baltic International Academy.

What is BMA

Baltic International Academy (BIA) is the largest private university in the Baltic countries and Northern Europe. Educational institution was founded in 1992 in Riga (Latvia) and until 2006 was called the “Baltic Russian Institute”.

The academy currently offers college, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. Here you can get modern specialties in the humanities, economics and law, master programming, computer and multimedia design.

The academy has 7,500 students, of which more than 520 are foreigners from 20 countries. There are 3 threads with different languages teaching: Russian, Latvian and English. 75% of the educational material is presented in the main language of the stream.

The BMA has 200 teachers, of which about 100 are doctors of science and professors. The Academy is a member of the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the European Association international education(EAIE).

student life

The main base of the BMA is located in Riga, but branches of the university also operate in Daugavpils, Liepaja, Jelgava, Ventspils, Jekabpils, Rezekne and Smiltene. In the educational process it is used unique system“Media Bridge”, which allows you to conduct lectures, conferences and seminars by leading professors for students of all branches, regardless of their location.

Foreign students who come to study in Riga are offered places in student dormitories Prima, Apalenis and Tomo. Apalenis is located opposite the main building of the academy, Prima is a 5-minute walk, Tomo is in a quiet area nearby.

The dormitories provide rooms of varying comfort levels for 1-3 people. The cost of living is from 140 to 300 euros per month.

In addition, students can stay in any other student complex or hostel in the city (subject to availability free seats) or rent a private apartment (300-500 euros per month), including for several people.

The academy has all the conditions for teaching students: there are computer classes, a library, and reading rooms.

Riga houses a multidisciplinary research center, a business research laboratory, and the German and Russian information centers. There is an EU Information Center in Riga, Daugavpils and Jelgava.

The university has created a barrier-free environment that is comfortable for students with disabilities.

The academy has student self-government and a teacher evaluation system. The comprehensive development of students is facilitated by creative classes in the drawing and ceramics studio, and the student advertising and PR agency. The BIA has KVN teams (in Riga and Liepaja), sports teams (boxing, football, basketball, freestyle wrestling), show ballet, and an art gallery.

The university takes part in Erasmus international student exchange programs.

The Academy offers 32 programs for study.

The college studies:

  • Organization of social assistance.
  • Interior Design.
  • Legal studies (legal assistant).
  • Small and medium business management.

Professions taught in bachelor's degrees:

  • Digital visualization.
  • European economy and business.
  • European Studies.
  • Marketing and public relations (Public Relations).
  • Written and oral translation.
  • Jurisprudence.
  • Entrepreneurial activity.
  • Programming and computer design.
  • Psychology.
  • Social work.
  • Culture management.
  • Tourism and hotel business management.
  • Financial management.

Master's studies are conducted in the following areas:

  • Design.
  • European Studies.
  • International finance.
  • Psychology.
  • Social work.
  • Criminal law.
  • Communication management in the leisure and entertainment industry.
  • Business management and administration.
  • Human resource management.
  • Private right.

Doctoral programs:

  • Regional economics and economic policy.
  • Legal science.

To enroll, you must submit an application and documents to the university, pass tests, interviews or exams (depending on the type of program), and pay for tuition.


On a personal visit to admissions committee The applicant brings original documents, from which copies are made on site. If the original is not available, then copies with mandatory notarization are accepted.

An applicant entering a college or bachelor's degree for full-time study must provide the following documents to the university:

  • Passport or ID card.
  • A copy of the page of the civil passport with registration of permanent residence.
  • Original or notarized copy of documents confirming your current education (certificate or diploma of complete secondary education and an appendix with grades).
  • Unified centralized certificates state exams(if you gave up).
  • Other documents (diplomas of participation in olympiads and creative competitions, certificate of completion of the BMA Small Academy and others).
  • In case of a change of surname, documents that confirm this (marriage certificate or other).
  • 4 photographs measuring 3x4 cm.
  • Receipt of payment for paperwork.
  • Foreigners - a copy of a residence permit, permanent residence in Latvia (if any) or other confirmation of legal stay in the country.
  • A medical certificate confirming the ability to study at a university.
  • If you have completed or incomplete higher education - a diploma and an application with grades or an academic certificate.
  • For design-related majors – the results of a creative competition.

To enroll in a master's program, you must additionally submit a diploma of higher education and an application with grades, as well as a motivation letter; A medical certificate is not required.

For admission to graduate school, you must provide a master's diploma, a diploma supplement and a conclusion from the doctoral committee.

Entrance exams

Applicants are admitted to the BIA based on the results of centralized state exams or the results of entrance exams (depending on the specialty and level of study). In addition, they undergo an interview and an IQ test.

Duration and payment of training

The duration of study at the BIA depends on the chosen program and format of study. The academy offers day, evening and correspondence forms training.

  • In college, the duration of study is 2 years full-time and 2.5 years part-time or part-time.
  • Students study for a bachelor's degree for 3-4.5 years, depending on the specialty and form of study.
  • For a master's degree it takes 1.5-2 years (for most specialties there is also the opportunity to study in the evenings or by correspondence).
  • In doctoral studies: 3 years – full-time and 4 years – part-time.

The cost of training for foreign students (Russian stream) in Riga, Jelgava, Ventspils, Jekabpils and Smiltene for college, bachelor's and master's degrees is 2,300 euros per year, if paid by semester - 1,250 euros per semester.

In branches in Daugavpils, Liepaja and Rezekne they pay 1,650 euros per year or 1,000 euros for each semester.

Doctoral studies cost 2,700 euros if paid annually or 1,500 euros per semester.

The university has budget places: from 1 to 3 places per year for each specialty. They are open to students with outstanding academic achievements.

Excellent students can receive a 25% discount on tuition, orphans and disabled people - 5-15%.

If, before entering the BMA, a student graduated from the Small Academy (an annual preparatory course costing 120 euros), then he will receive a 20% discount on tuition and the payment for studying at the MA will be counted towards the amount of the first year fee.

Russian students can also receive a scholarship to study at the BIA from the Moscow City Hall.

Online training

The Entrepreneurship and Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations programs can be studied remotely.

The Academy provides students with comfortable conditions for remote education. An applicant can apply for distance learning and conclude an agreement in person or online. After this, he gets access to all the necessary educational materials.

You can master the curriculum and receive consultations at any convenient time. In addition, the student has the opportunity to attend lectures and seminars held at the university using an online connection.

For correspondence students, there is a free schedule for taking tests, tests and exams, and students can do this via the Internet. For guard thesis You can come to Latvia if you wish, but it is not necessary: ​​you can also do this remotely.

The cost of one semester of training in any specialty is 700 euros. In addition, citizens of countries outside the European Union pay 150 euros for paperwork, and citizens of EU countries pay 20 euros.

To enroll in the correspondence department, you can submit a package of documents to the university in person (originals and copies) or remotely (copies sent by mail).

Foreign language courses

The Baltic International Academy has a Center foreign languages and ECL certification. It provides everyone with the opportunity to learn languages, take tests and receive international language certificates. Classes are held as groups are recruited (at least 10 people) two to three times a week for 1.5–2 hours.

At the center you can study English, German, French, Spanish, Swedish or Russian at levels from elementary to C1.

The center offers courses to improve foreign language proficiency in preparation for exams and obtaining a European Consortium certificate for studying and working in the countries of the European Union.

A course “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language” is conducted for teachers.

Graduate school students can take a centralized exam in foreign languages ​​(Russian, German, English) to receive an ECL certificate, which is recognized in all EU countries.

Helpful information

BMA address in Riga: st. Lomonosova, house 4.

Official website of the Baltic International Academy:

Phone for inquiries: (+371) 6 7100610.

Daugavpils: st. Dzelztselyu, building 3, tel.: (+371) 6 5444236.

Rezekne: st. Darzu, house 21/17, tel.: (+371) 6 4624696.

Jekabpils: st. Yauna, house 44, tel.: (+371) 6 5233030.

Jelgava: Jelgava district, Ozolnieki, st. Skolasa, building 4B, tel.: (+371) 6 3050533.

Liepaja: st. Liedaga, building 3, tel.: (+371) 6 3425448.

Ventspils: st. Targales, building 5, tel.: (+371) 6 3624505.

Smiltene: st. Darza, house 17, tel.: (+371) 6 4772851.

Distance learning center: tel. +371 26016680 (Svetlana Polovko), email: [email protected].


Studying at the Baltic International Academy is a convenient opportunity for citizens of the Russian Federation to receive a European education in their native language in the fields of economics, business management, law, social sciences and the humanities.

The cost of studying here is much lower than in other universities in the European Union. Students can choose the most suitable learning format for themselves: daytime, evening, correspondence and distance learning.

Baltic International Academy: Video

The first-year students learned a lot of useful and interesting things from their meetings with the vice-rectors of the Baltic International Academy.
VICE RECTOR for international relations INTA BUKA noted in her speech that the BIA quite rightly has the definition of “international” in its name. There are currently 270 foreign students studying there. BMA has cooperation agreements with universities in many countries. Many foreign scientists periodically give lectures there. The academy has a favorable multicultural environment.
The international student exchange program ERASMUS+ aroused particular interest among first-year students. To date, the BIA has concluded relevant agreements with 145 universities. The vice-rector introduced the first-year students to the features of this program and the registration procedure necessary documents to participate in it.
PRO-RECTOR for Scientific Affairs INNA STETSENKO dedicated her speech to the organization scientific work in Academy. She told the freshmen that more than 60 percent of the teachers are Ph.D. Based on them scientific research The BMA publishes two journals, and periodically publishes monographs and collections of scientific papers. The Academy has created two doctoral programs, in which four dozen doctoral students improve their professional level.
She noted that every student has the opportunity to do their own scientific activity. Every year, international scientific and practical student conferences are held at the BMA. And the students themselves prepare reports for them.
PRO-RECTOR for Academic Affairs ZHANNA TSAURKUBULE focused her attention on the features of the organization educational process in BMA. She emphasized that according to the law on higher education in Latvia, the educational process at BMA is structured in such a way that the student is at the center of it. We aim to solve this problem learning programs, activities of administrative and teaching staff, material resources.
At the same time, the vice-rector noted that much of the effectiveness of the educational process depends on the student himself, on his diligence and creative approach to learning. The BIA has created a progressive system of rewards for excellent studies and active participation in social activities. And it depends only on the student how he uses it.

In the pictures: Vice-Rector for International Relations Inta Buka, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs Inna Stetsenko, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Zhanna Tsaurkubule.
Photo by Kristina Lyakhova.

Today the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship (BATiP) is a leading educational and scientific center vocational education and advanced training of personnel for the tourism industry.

The university was founded in 1992 and is the legal successor of those created in 1969. Leningrad zonal courses for advanced training of tourist and excursion personnel of the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions.

The Academy trains specialists in the entire range of specialties in the tourism, service, hospitality, and related industries.


  • economics, management and entrepreneurship;
  • tourism and service.

Bachelor's degree: economics, management, public and municipal government, journalism, tourism, service, hospitality, advertising and public relations.

Master's degree: economics, tourism, hotel management.

Second higher education: yes, in undergraduate areas.

Postgraduate education: postgraduate studies in Economics and Management national economy", "Theory and methodology of vocational education"; doctoral studies

The Academy also invites you to advanced training and retraining courses, foreign language courses, and additional professional education under the program “Translator in the Field of Professional Communication” (a state diploma is awarded).

Training courses: yes (preparation for entrance examinations in the main disciplines of the Unified State Exam)

Forms of education: full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time, incl. correspondence with the use of distance learning technologies.

Cost of education

From 25 to 49 thousand rubles. per semester depending on the form of study.

Availability military department: no, a deferment from conscription into the RF Armed Forces is provided.

Availability of a hostel: no, assistance is provided in accommodation in hostels.

The high scientific potential of the academy, the level of scientific work and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel (graduate students) made it possible to open in 2004 a dissertation council for the defense of candidate, and since 2010, doctoral dissertations in economics.

Management system educational activities BATiP meets the requirements international standard ISO 9001.

The quality of education in BATiP is confirmed by the quality award of the Government of St. Petersburg in 2009. and a laureate diploma of the interregional competition " Top Universities Northwestern Federal District-2011".

Academy included in official register"Reliable reputation."

According to the decision of the Presidium Russian Academy Natural Sciences from 04/04/2011. The Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business was awarded the diploma “Golden Department of Russia”.

According to the results of monitoring conducted by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in 2012 BATiP was recognized as the only effective one among non-state universities in St. Petersburg. In 2013, the Academy confirmed the status of an effective university.

Over the entire period of its existence, BATiP has gained high and well-deserved authority in the country and abroad.