“The ABCs of the Internet” for pensioners – a textbook. Free computer literacy training for pensioners ABC of computer work for pensioners

Electronic methods of interaction between people around the world are gaining momentum in popularity. To communicate with children, parents of retirement age have to master not only mobile phone, but also social networks, IP telephony tools. If for young people everything about computer devices is simple and clear, then with older people a different picture emerges: for them the Internet is a serious science. The government, interested in improving computer literacy of the population, has provided special courses on a free basis.

The need to train pensioners in computer literacy

The authorities are at the stage of developing computer courses for the purpose of training the elderly. This will allow pensioners to master basic theoretical knowledge and gain key practical skills. In addition, this approach will help you gain:

  • access to equipment free of charge;
  • increasing the level of mobility;
  • communication in mass media with other users;
  • interaction with other people.

To participate in the program, a pensioner needs to make a call to the regional social security authority.

Areas of life in which computer training is indispensable

Despite the fact that people of the “old school” are accustomed to being conservatives and doing everything their own way, there are many retirees who want to keep up with the times and technological progress. After all, computerization is the near future, and even older people have realized how convenient it is to be able to use the World Wide Web. Main areas of life, in which you can’t do without this skill:

  • studying the principles of operation of a computer device, familiarization with the functionality of component elements;
  • obtaining public services (mainly within the framework of the portal of the same name - “Public Services”);
  • payment of fees (payment of utilities, fines, loans);
  • registration and organization of visits to social institutions (for example, making an appointment with a doctor)
  • entertainment and leisure (watching movies and videos, TV shows and news, listening to music, viewing photos);
  • communication with friends and relatives through social networks, communicators and IP telephony.

Computer ABC for pensioners

In 2014, an agreement was signed providing for cooperation in the process of learning how to use a computer. It took place between the Pension Fund of Russia and ROSTELECOM. Project goals the following:

  • simplifying access to the network for pensioners;
  • provision of public services to them partially in virtual mode;
  • improving the standard of living.

On September 4, 2014, a textbook was developed and published specifically for older people. His The developers were psychologists, gerontologists, teachers and the best IT specialists. For the first time, the alphabet of the Internet began to operate in Bryansk, Tula, Stavropol, Vologda, Volgograd. In 2015, it expanded to other regions, and the number of specialized programs increased.

Computer ABC– a specialized course designed for pensioners. It is created for “dummies” who have virtually no information about the operation of the computer and the virtual space. The development of a computer alphabet is carried out on the basis of regional authorities, for example, secondary schools, training centers, scientific classes of the Pension Fund of Russia.

The ABC contains a basic set of knowledge that a pensioner who wants to become a confident PC user must master. In fact, this step-by-step instruction, helping to develop in the electronics industry. As a result, the pensioner will understand that he will be able to save a lot of time and effort by doing ordinary things on the Internet. For example, this applies to making purchases, using services provided by the state, and communicating with relatives from other cities.

ABC of the Internet– a specialized program developed in accordance with the needs of the older generation. The fact is that in the Russian Federation there are over 40 million potentially active Internet users who are of advanced age. Therefore, the government has developed a set of measures to improve their computer literacy. It is approved by the Institute for Informatization of Education of the Russian Academy of Education and is designed for different user groups.

List of required knowledge

By mastering the basic computer programs provided by the training courses, each student will be able to:

Where can I take free courses for pensioners?

Similar classes are available in many regions of Russia. For example, in Moscow Such events are organized by the following enterprises:

  • Mobile TeleSystems;
  • charitable foundations;
  • Internet clubs;
  • public education centers;
  • libraries.

In these organizations, not only pensioners, but also representatives of other socially vulnerable segments of the population can learn the basics of computer skills.

State computer literacy programs

The general legislative norm regulating the procedure in the Russian Federation is Law 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (Article 76). Some developing retirees may complete vocational courses and become certified. However, in most cases, older people need to learn how to use a computer at a layman level. All kinds of government programs are used for this.

The most popular course is "Electronic citizen". It is designed for 40 or more hours of time within full-time communication. Its key feature is that it is adapted to the capabilities of the elderly. The basic objective of the program is to enable those of any age to use a computer device, teach how to make purchases online, create and practically use e-mail, and communicate via social networks, making payments and conducting reconciliations, etc.

Also The following programs are popular and in demand::

  • basics of computer literacy (20 hours);
  • expanded opportunities and safety of work for people with low vision (from 6 to 36 hours);
  • computer literacy for unemployed pensioners (32 hours);
  • basics of computer literacy for hearing-impaired pensioners (32 hours).

Free programs on the Internet

Not everyone can afford to attend face-to-face computer skills classes, including due to embarrassment and lack of self-confidence. Many older students would like to work without leaving home. Therefore, virtual courses are ideal for them. To search for relevant programs, you need to create a request:

  • « free courses on mastering the computer";
  • “programs for training pensioners in computer literacy.”

Eat paid and free programs. Sometimes paid courses provide free trial lessons as a bonus that every site visitor can take advantage of. If you don’t want to pay, you can use the YOUTUBE video resource, which will allow you to learn the basics of computer science for free.

Training to use a laptop and smartphone

A separate area is the organization of courses on training to work not on computers, but on laptops and smartphones. The objectives of the programs are the same, but they boil down to ensuring that the potential user of the device can control the touch buttons and learn new knowledge. In addition, smartphones usually have a different operating system, which means that training essentially needs to start all over again.

An indisputable advantage of mastering this technology is considered to be an increase in human mobility, since it becomes possible to use all services outside of one’s own home.

An example of free video courses for senior citizens can be found below.

Article No. 19.
Hello, friends!

Now that the children have gone to school, it’s time for us to “sit down at our desks”! As you know, all learning begins with the ABCs. For beginner Internet businessmen, such an alphabet may well be a list of frequently found expressions on the Internet, which are not always clear to everyone.

Especially for this article, I remembered (or composed?) a computer joke:

Grandfather walked the dog early in the morning and climbs the stairs to his apartment. Suddenly he hears his student neighbor excitedly saying to his friend:

- Can you imagine, I burned my mother today!

- What are you talking about?

- Exactly, to the trash! And Klava also gave oak - I just don’t know what to do and where to run for iron!

Grandfather runs up to the apartment and calls the police: “Come urgently - the neighbor killed his mother! And some other Klava - apparently he’s not a long-timer either!”

It’s funny to you and me, but this is what it was like for a student when his hands were tied - he had to quickly explain that his mother was not a Mother at all, but a computer motherboard. And Klava is written with a small letter and denotes the keyboard of the same computer!

To always be on top of the situation, I bring to your attention some frequently used terms on the Internet:

Cybersanting (cyber-commerce) is a commercial activity on the Internet based on the sale of information. People involved in cybersanting distribute various information in the form of e-books, articles on the website (blog), reviews, special reports, training or information discs (which they produce themselves or order from a third-party company) with audio-video information, conduct paid consultations on the topic the client needs by phone, Skype or in person. The highest aerobatics in this topic is personal coaching, when for a certain (quite high!) fee the client is brought from scratch to a pre-agreed result.

Avatar- a small static or animated image, usually not a real photograph of the user. Displayed in the profile of a registered user of a forum or website. It can be either a photograph or some kind of picture that reflects the essence of the user and helps to create the most correct first impression on the interlocutor.

Admin(administrative zone) is the colloquial name for the control panel of a website or blog.

Account— user account, personal profile in the service (or on a social network).

Upgrade— modernization of something (increasing the speed and memory of the computer).

Update— updating something (program, anti-virus database).

Banner is a static picture or simple animation (animated picture) placed on web pages for advertising purposes.

Bot(search robot, “spider”) is a search engine robot that “walks” through sites, indexing their content. This is an automatic script (a program containing a set of instructions) that runs according to a specific schedule. Typically, bots are designed to do work that is monotonous and repetitive, as quickly as possible. In addition, bots find applications in conditions where a better reaction than human capabilities is required (gaming bots, bots for online auctions, etc.)

Blog— Internet diary.

Blogger- the man, who

Bloghosting (blog service) is a website that allows Internet users to have a blog, which usually does not require payment. That is, ensuring the functioning of the server infrastructure is the task of the employees of such hosting. Blog hosting sites can be open (anyone can go through the registration procedure) and closed (you must receive an invitation from one of the site participants). As a rule, after registration, the user is provided with a third-level domain name or a directory in which all his records are located.

Browser- a special program that allows Internet users to view websites ( Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari).

Web surfing- movement on the Internet, carried out through constant transitions from one site to another in search of interesting information.

Webinar— an online seminar, lecture, course, presentation, organized using web technologies in live broadcast mode.

Webmaster- a person who creates and maintains websites.

Videocast- a performance recorded in video format.

Exhaust- profit, benefit received from any actions or projects.

Domain name (domain) is a name that provides easy-to-understand addressing of sites on the Internet.

LJ(LiveJournal) is a popular blogging system.

Cybersquatting — massive purchase of beautiful domain names for the purpose of their subsequent resale at a higher price.

Content(articles) - a collection of materials that the site contains (text, graphics, audio - video files).

Copy-paste— content (article) completely copied from somewhere or pasted into the author’s (for example, when quoting).

Copywriter- a person who writes articles (mostly advertising) to order.

Loser- loser. A common curse word in the blogosphere.

Moneymaker- a person who makes money on the Internet.

Moderation— the process of checking incoming content to ensure it complies with the rules. The person involved in moderation is the moderator. On forums, a moderator is a person who enforces the rules of the forum. He can delete messages left by other users, impose restrictions on use (ban), including permanent ban (without the right to restore on this resource).

Monetization - the process of making money on a project. For a blog, this could be selling links, advertising space, writing paid articles and reviews, mentioning someone in “post” messages, participating in affiliate programs.

Muzzle(site) - the main page of the site.

Nickname(nickname) is a pseudonym that people come up with for themselves to communicate on blogs, forums, online games and social networks.

Noob— newbie.

Offtopic- deviation from the original topic of conversation.

Affiliate program - a form of cooperation that allows users of a service to attract new buyers to the service of the affiliate owner and receive for this a certain (agreed in advance)% of the cost of the goods sold.

Passive income - income for which you do not need to do anything active actions(income on deposit bank deposit, income from referrals, sales of links from the site).

Referral(reference) - a participant in the affiliate program who registered on the recommendation of another participant (2nd level partner, etc.).

Payment system - An Internet service that allows you to pay for goods and services remotely.

Plugin- a small application that increases the capabilities of a program.

Podcast- a speech recorded in audio format.

RSS Subscriber - a person who reads the news feed of a website using an RSS aggregator.

Search system — a complex for searching information on the Internet (Google, Yandex, Rambler).

Landing page - page where in simple language The purpose of the project and the opportunities it provides are explained. The site navigator is usually located there.

Guard— a special format of paid advertising on blogs. This is a link with an anchor, usually with thematic text around the link, which is placed at the beginning of the post or at the end of it upon request. Anchor (anchor - link) is the text of the link itself.

Post - blog article.

Posting— the process of writing and publishing articles on a blog.

Puzomerki— all kinds of buttons and counters that display the number of readers/subscribers, or place in any rating.

Rewrite(text uniqueization) - retelling the source text in your own words, using synonyms, rearranging words in order to obtain information that is as different as possible from the original.

Respect- an expression of respect for someone.

Reseller- a person who buys something for resale.

Runet— Russian part of the Internet.

Website is a place on the Internet that is defined by its address (URL), has its own owner and consists of web pages that are perceived as a single whole in design and meaning.

Business card website – a simple site with a small amount of content that is needed for presentational purposes.

Sidebar(Sidebar) - a side column of the site, which serves to place additional and service information.

SAPE(sapa) is a popular exchange for automated trading of links.

Software- software.

Splog- a blog consisting entirely of someone else’s (taken without permission) content.

Startup— a recently launched project or service.

Twitter(Twitter) is a popular microblogging service. Allows you to exchange short messages – tweets. The maximum allowed tweet length is 140 characters.

Tag— a special label that allows you to assign a specific entry to the appropriate category.

TIC(thematic citation index) - an indicator of the importance of a site in the eyes of the Yandex search engine, affects the position of the site in the Yandex Catalog.

Traffic— flow of visitors to the site.

Troll- a person who leaves provocative messages on the Internet with the aim of causing conflicts.

Indexing- the process by which pages of websites and blogs appear in search engine results

Unique— a unique website visitor, a unit of traffic measurement.

Forum— An Internet resource where people united by any interests communicate and share experiences.

Friend- a common name for a friend. Friend - add as a friend.

Feature- any useful function or advantage.

Freelancer- an employee who does not have a formal owner, who performs work without concluding a long-term contract with the employer. A remote worker, a freelance employee of any organization, performing work from order to order.

Footer(footer) - the bottom, common for all pages, part of a site or blog, used primarily for technical and service information.

Hosting— a service for providing server space for creating websites or storing files.

Header— the top part of a website or blog, common for all pages, which usually contains the resource logo and navigation elements.

Usability- the degree of ease of use of something.

User- an ordinary user of something. Use - to use something.

Adsense- contextual advertising from Google, which allows webmasters to earn money by displaying advertisements on their sites.

CMS(Content Management System) - website content management system. Popular free systems: WordPress, Drupal, MODx, Joomla, phpBB

CSS- cascading style sheets used to describe appearance the site as a whole, or any of its individual pages.

Email marketing — searching for new clients and maintaining contact with existing ones using email newsletters.

Favicon is a small 16 by 16 pixel image that appears next to the site URL in the address bar.

Facebook(FaceBook) is the largest social network in the world, founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates while studying at Harvard University.

FeedBurner- a service from Google for managing the RSS feed of your site and its subscribers.

GMail— mail service from Google.

HTML is a standard markup language for web documents.

ICQ(ICQ) is a popular service for exchanging text messages on the Internet.

LiveInternet— a portal that offers, among other things, a traffic statistics system (counter) and blog hosting.

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer is a popular Internet browser.

Mozilla Firefox is a popular Internet browser.

Opera is a popular Internet browser.

Page Rank(PR) is a measure of the authority of a web page according to Google, in contrast to TIC - the value of the authority of sites and blogs in the Yandex system. Each page of the site has a PR, not the site itself. PR can have a value from 0 to 10.

SEO optimization (Search Engine Optimization) - search engine optimization of a website in order to attract traffic from search engines. This is done to ensure that the site ranks as high as possible in search results for a specific query. SEO specialist is a person involved in search engine optimization of websites.

Skype(Skype) is a popular Internet telephony service.

SMO(Social Media Optimization) - essentially the same as search engine optimization (SEO), but is intended not for search engines, but for social networks and blogs in order to attract traffic from there to your site or form a community of interests within a social resource .
SMO is aimed at optimizing for people - including creating interesting, “viral” content.

Standalone blog— a blog created on your own domain and your own hosting.

URL- an address that, by entering it into the address bar of the browser, you can find a specific web page or file

WMR— the equivalent of the Russian ruble in the Web Money payment system.

WMZ— equivalent to the US dollar in the Web Money payment system.

WordPress– one of the most popular CMS for creating offline blogs.

YouTube(YouTube) is a popular video hosting site. You can download videos from YouTube for offline viewing using a number of services, such as Videosaver.

To be continued …..

And now - until the next meeting. Thank you for being with me!
And may our desires always coincide with our capabilities!

On October 16, 2018, Rostelecom-Yug announced the development of the training module “Video Communication on the Internet” of the Rostelecom program and the Russian Pension Fund “ABC of the Internet”.

This is the seventh part of the extended course on the ABC of the Internet program. It contains an overview of programs designed for video communication on the Internet. The module is a set of additional materials for training people who have already mastered basic skills and are seeking to expand their knowledge and use more opportunities provided by the Internet.

After studying the additional course, students will become familiar with the most popular programs for video communication, learn how to install them, how they differ, what useful functions they provide, and also repeat their knowledge about safe work on the Internet in general and when making video calls in particular.

The extended course of the ABC of the Internet program has been developed by Rostelecom and the Russian Pension Fund for several years, and is constantly updated with additional modules on the most popular topics. The topics are determined by course participants and Internet users by sending requests through the form feedback on the Internet portal azbukainterneta.ru (azbukainterneta.rf). Also located here:

  • electronic version of the basic textbook;
  • all released advanced course modules;
  • a complete set of materials that will help older users understand the course materials – guidelines for teachers by chapter and visual aids for each lesson of the course.

The materials of the ABC of the Internet program can be used by teachers of computer literacy courses for pensioners, both as separate courses on each topic, and for organizing additional lessons within basic course for older Internet users.


The training manual and the Internet portal “ABC of the Internet” were developed within the framework of the Agreement signed on January 22, 2014 between PJSC Rostelecom and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on cooperation in training pensioners in computer literacy. The purpose of cooperation is to facilitate pensioners’ access to public services in in electronic format through the Internet and improving the quality of life through training in computer literacy and working on the Internet.

Materials curriculum and the educational and methodological manual “The ABCs of the Internet” received a review from the Institute of Informatization of Education of the Russian Academy of Education. From the conclusion of the Institute it follows that the materials submitted for review meet all the requirements for educational methodological materials, published in a timely manner, useful and necessary for the audience to which they are addressed.

All materials of the basic course of the ABC of the Internet program - tutorial, methodological recommendations for teachers, useful materials and links were posted by the program developers on the websites azbukainterneta.rf and azbukainterneta.ru in the public domain at the end of September 2014.

The ABC of the Internet for pensioners as a useful portal appeared relatively recently, but continues to actively function to this day. This system allows the older generation to quickly and inexpensively learn the basics of computer literacy. At the same time, the resource does not require much time and allows you to work on it from anywhere in the world if you have a high-quality connection to the global network.

This resource was developed by the provider together with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in order to improve the literacy of older people when working with a computer, global and local networks. The project is charitable and operates throughout Russia.

Main objectives and goals of the course:

  • extending the period of people’s activity, providing assistance in social adaptation;
  • ensuring the right to use electronic resources for them;
  • improving and simplifying the quality of service on specialized government and commercial portals;
  • reducing the gap in computer literacy between generations.

The site and book presented in the project can be used directly by students and teachers who teach the training course. The ABC of the Internet (a training manual for pensioners) began to be developed in 2014 and is still undergoing technical changes to improve its work.

How to use the service?

The resource is available for use to everyone free of charge. This does not require registration; just contact the network address http://azbukainterneta.rf/. After going to the page, the person will be offered two possible options uses:

  1. Download the electronic manual. In this case, reading the textbook is quite convenient in offline mode without a connection. But this option does not require an abundance of illustrations.
  2. Take a specially designed course (basic or advanced). It contains photo and video illustrations. To use, you need to go to the website and select the lessons section.

Where to get the textbook ABC of the Internet for pensioners

The main resource distributing the textbook is located at http://azbukainterneta.rf/. But some third party sites also allow you to download the book from them. It is recommended not to work with these portals, since some offer to buy a textbook, others provide corrupted or unreliable files for downloading. Only ABC Internet.rf for pensioners guarantees high-quality and original content.

ABC of the Internet competitions for pensioners

Today there is a competition “Thank you to the Internet” online, in which everyone can take part. He suggests writing your own story about studying the global network and how it has helped in practice. To become a participant, you must submit an application to the website azbukainterneta.ru. Here you will need to indicate the participant’s personal information, post the text of the story and attach photographs to it.

The competition is repeated systematically. You can check the results directly on the website.

Additional Information

The official website of the program contains lessons, a study guide, as well as an abundance of links to materials useful for users to study. You can view them at the link http://azbukainterneta.rf/guidelines/info/. The following will be displayed here:

  • links to electronic libraries;
  • special educational portals;
  • specialized resources for retirees;
  • manuals for equipping a classroom, etc.


To become a member of the system from Rostelecom and Pension Fund, no need to invest your own finances. It is enough to have a high-quality Internet connection and the desire to undergo training. Registration is also not required, you just need to go to the site and select the required user section. The learning process is comfortable and understandable; illustrations are included with the manual for clarity. Anyone can open the resource.

“ABC of the Internet” for pensioners is a program for older people created to bridge the gap in computer literacy. Using government services will become more comfortable, and Internet skills will be useful in Everyday life. Who said that age is an obstacle to new knowledge? Nonsense, depends on teachers and desire. Do you have free time? Why waste it when there is so much interesting in the world.

The Pension Fund, together with Rostelecom, has come up with a way to help pensioners stay active and keep up with the times - “The ABCs of the Internet” will fill knowledge gaps or help them master the necessary knowledge from scratch. Training is provided free of charge.

  • 1 What is the ABC of the Internet program?
  • 2 How to use the service
  • 3 Where to get the textbook “The ABCs of the Internet” for pensioners
  • 4 “ABC of the Internet” competitions for pensioners
  • 5 Additional information

What is the ABC of the Internet program?

The Russian Pension Fund and the country's main provider have done a lot of work to figure out how to bring pensioners and computers closer together. The result of joint efforts was the “ABC of the Internet” program, which talks about basic computer concepts and functions in accessible human language.

It’s now easy to go from a beginner to a confident user – one resource contains practical recommendations and tasks for older people.

Conventionally, the course is divided into two large parts:

  • Base;

  • extended.

After completing the first one you:

  1. You will know what a computer is and why you need it.

  2. Learn to work with Microsoft Word, create files and folders.

  3. Master the basic Internet services, get acquainted with the websites of government services, the Pension Fund, and social platforms.

  4. You will understand how to find the information you need on the Internet.

  5. You will be able to independently call your family and friends through special programs for online communication.

The advanced course offers:

  • master more Office programs;

  • get acquainted with online banking;

  • learn about tablet PCs and the features of working with them;

  • consolidate already acquired skills.

You can start learning from any section. You can choose to receive information on a specially created website or from a book that is downloaded for free. In addition, you can sign up for courses in your city, if such are planned in the near future.

How to use the service

The ABC of Internet.rf resource for pensioners contains all theoretical and practical information. Each section consists of subsections and is dedicated to specific topic. Lessons are given in the form of a lecture - theory, which then needs to be consolidated in practice.

A person who wants to view the information posted on the resource does not have to register - the site was specially developed as an open platform. Registration is required only for future teachers planning to teach computer literacy to pensioners.

Start learning new technologies now:

Advice: don’t try to immediately grasp the immensity. It is better to move slowly, but remember the material well. Don’t worry if everything doesn’t work out, that’s what you’re studying for.

Where can I get the textbook “The ABCs of the Internet” for pensioners?

On the start page of the project there were 2 ways: start studying online or download the book to your PC. Choose the second one.

In addition, even if you read the book on the website, before each section there are links to download a separate chapter or the entire manual.

There is no need to buy anything - the textbook “The ABCs of the Internet” for pensioners is provided free of charge.

“ABC of the Internet” competitions for pensioners

For the 4th time, the “Thanks to the Internet” competition is being held, where older people from all over Russia send their works. Pensioners tell how their lives turned upside down, how increasing computer literacy helped, and describe their achievements and successes. Any resident of the Russian Federation over 50 years of age whose work met the requirements could take part.

The acceptance of competitive works has already been completed - winners in 5 categories will be announced in November of this year.

Additional Information

The opportunity to obtain the necessary skills through a special portal appeared only in 2018. Thanks to teaching materials from the resource, face-to-face courses are organized throughout the country.