Alexander Shpak what operations. Terrible force: how many plastic surgeries did Alexander Shpak perform, photos before and after plastic surgery. Full facial plastic surgery

What measures do bloggers go to in order to popularize their channel or pages on social networks? They shoot scandalous videos, write provocative posts and stage performances. But the surest way to attract attention is still the use of extravagant images. It was the role of a freak that largely helped Alexander Shpak stand out among large quantity bloggers promoting healthy image life. I wonder if he could repeat his success with a standard appearance?

What Alexander Shpak looked like before plastic surgery

Alexander grew up in an ordinary family. At the age of 14, he became a regular at gyms, and at 23, he became seriously interested in bodybuilding.

In his youth, Alexander was quite a handsome guy, but his own appearance seemed too ordinary to him. In a frank interview, Shpak admitted that he experienced a strong psychological desire for change. According to the athlete, 10 years ago he seemed “faceless” to himself, so he began his transformation with the use of decorative cosmetics. At the same time, the young man thought through sketches of his tattoos and brought them to life.

After the first experiments, Alexander could no longer be stopped. Numerous transformations led to a result that will shock even his loyal fans and subscribers.

All plastic surgeries of Alexander Shpak

According to rumors, the popular blogger made about 15 plastic surgery, among which there was even unpopular frontoplasty. The essence of this type of surgery is to correct the shape of the forehead and brow ridges. By comparing before and after photos, you can notice characteristic changes in this area.

To make the look more open, Shpak also performed blepharoplasty and canthoplasty. The bodybuilder deliberately sought to create the effect of cat's eyes.

The lower part of Alexander's face underwent dramatic changes. The young man made a fashionable contour plastic surgery cheekbones, increased fangs, enlarged lips and experimented with botulinum toxin injections. As a result, he began to look swollen, with puffy fullness and problems with facial expressions.

There was also the popular rhinoplasty. The fitness trainer decided that his nose was not graceful enough and did not match his new appearance. It is unknown how many corrections Alexander Shpak’s face has undergone, but he clearly has no intention of stopping.

It’s easy to guess that the blogger has repeatedly resorted to body modification. In a conversation with a journalist, he admitted that he had seriously injured himself during training. shoulder joint. To maintain symmetry pectoral muscles, he had to insert implants in this area. The plastic is exposed to two semicircular surgical sutures (see photo below).

Pumped up buttocks are also the result of the work of plastic surgeons. It is not clear why Alexander enlarged the back so much, but he really likes to show it off in photographs.

One of the shocking musclemen is considered to be Bo -dibuilder Sasha Shpak. Pumped up figure, lip and eye adjustments, female breast implants. Is Pisyun even there?

The son of a military man and a teacher, Sasha, was once an ordinary, handsome boy. It's in form. But in terms of content...

Not everyone has such luck - the presence of a visual vector - 5% of people. What to do with innate wealth?
Sasha Shpak. Anal-cutaneous-muscular with vision. The mental core is the skin-visual boy.

Everything in the world is in opposites. And in vision too. Sasha naively believes that showing off will save you.

Never listen to what people say about themselves - lies! They can approximately pronounce: what did you eat, where were you, what did you see and buy?, but know nothing about their unconscious. All their talking to themselves is stupid rationalization.

Here is Sanya, engaged in explanations, justifying fears and presenting, from the hole of the visual vector, an allegedly “fulfilled worldview” - the terribly beautiful life of a skin-visual man.

Paint yourself with aggressive portraits, show off your prominent fangs, and pump up your mass. Target? He will do PR - this is, they say, self-expression. We see an unconscious desire - to intimidate.

and the eyes are so kind - kind... and with eyeliner, it’s so feminine... feminine...
Intimidate who?!

No, bro, where are you going to put the animal smell? Pheromones and species role are innate.

IN wildlife predators look modest, they have no need for showing off, and the weakest individuals, on the contrary, try to spread their wings and scare them away. With small predatory fish, sometimes it goes away, but a real beast follows the scent and AM!

There is such an interesting guy, a brain researcher, Professor S. Savelyev. He proved that in a person with a visual vector, the lobes of the brain responsible for the visual analyzer are 40 times larger than in ordinary person. Tortuosity too, it will be steeper.

Can you imagine, right? A machine of intellect and sensuality! But it's potential.
Given does not mean guaranteed. Continue on your own, if you know how?!

However, at the root of the visual vector is the fear of the dark and the fear of being eaten.

In the primitive flock they ate exclusively boys with skin-visual characteristics. They are not warriors or hunters. Moreover, they do not have the smell of a woman, so they also have a gap in reproduction.

In our two primal urges: sex and murder, they are useless.

Bo- dibil- There was no ding or male striptease then, but they were too sweet...AM!
How were they determined? By smell.

Thanks to them, the flock survived during hungry days. And also - this is the most The best way removing hostility: we ate this as a group, got endorphins, sang a song by the fire and life is good!

Do you think something has changed?

Man is a creature of a hostile type - a cannibal. Today we do not eat each other - naturally. Zarathustra does not command, in the sense of a layer of culture. But psychologically constantly...AM!

Hostility towards those near and far, scandals, showdowns on the roads, mud-smearing on the RuNet... people are increasingly fighting with each other. They realize the hidden desire to eat their neighbor, but do it in a ritual form.

Three days of collective hunger and everything will be for real. Some, by the way, will breathe a sigh of relief, finally!
Who will we eat first? Skin-visuals in fear!
If the human body has adrenaline, it gives an unconscious message - I'm allowed!

War tattoos, frightening fangs, testosterone and anabolic steroids running through your veins. There is no smell on the Internet and on TV, so this foolish thing will work.

But at the level of natural contact, the smell of ranking-attraction, i.e. the first signal system, our animal essence perceives a person as he is.

So it will turn out like in that joke: Oh one man fed five canniballs.

It was an educational program for the skin-visual.
But in our world everything is in opposites. And in the visual vector too.

Fear of the dark - fear of being eaten - is when emotions are inside, which means destructive adrenaline is a minus.

Exactly the opposite - this is empathy, compassion and love - outward sensuality and absolute fearlessness...

In the archetypal state: transvestites and transsexuals, gigolos and victims of oral cannibals.

In its implementation: artists, teachers, performers, singers and pop stars. What do you think: Brad Pitt, our E. Plushenko and D. Bilan? Realized skin-visual beauties.

The bottom line is:

When visual men choose a similar and constantly shocking form for themselves and merge their sensual and creative potential into "I'm not a boy, I'm a girl", they get the worst fate in this. Maybe not right away, but it unfolds as the play progresses...

While the skin-visual is young, you can festival and earn money with your body, but years will pass and all these anabolic steroids, hormones and plastic surgeries with implants will come out - it will be a complete star!

In short, a fool got a smart head. Would you like to object?

Understand and realize who you really are, and then realize your ideal form. And parents can immediately determine what kind of miracle they have and engage in proper upbringing.

A person has only two important events. The first is when he was born and the second, when he gained clarity for what.

The article was written using training materials on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

In a happy era, before the advent of social networks, the surname “Shpak” was associated only with a character from the cult Soviet film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession.” Now his scandalous namesake, who never leaves TV and Internet media, has become much more famous. The average person may be horrified upon learning who Alexander Shpak is. Therefore, people with fragile psyches should refrain from viewing this article.

Who is Sasha Shpak?

The first word that comes to mind when looking at this character is freak. This is how in English-speaking countries they call harmless urban madmen who shock others with their extravagant behavior and appearance.

But Shpak was not always like this. The early biography did not at all foretell such a turn of events:

  • He was born in 1979 into a Puritan family of a teacher and a military man. Since the father had little time for the child, the latter was left to the female half of the house, his wife and mother-in-law;
  • Under pressure from his father, Sasha began to devote a lot of time physical exercise, which gradually grew into a lifelong passion;
  • At the same time, he devoted a lot of time to his studies. He entered university a couple of years earlier than his peers. Perseverance and love of knowledge made it possible to obtain two higher education degrees in economics;
  • According to the recollections of the Internet hero himself, the turning point in his life happened on his 25th birthday. What exactly happened and how, history is silent. But after that, an ordinary-looking man began a rapid transformation into a sexless creature.

Rising to the top of popularity

In the mid-2000s, a young man in the prime of his life decided to radically rewrite his life. But he decided to change not his inner world, but his appearance. Over the course of several years, the entire body of an ordinary “jock” was significantly transformed: he covered himself with tattoos from head to toe, underwent a series of plastic surgeries, began to use makeup and wear provocative hairstyles.

And the effect was not long in coming. The combination of the incongruous - muscularity and effeminate appearance - has become the key to sustainable popularity:

  1. For the first time, a bodybuilder appeared in trends back in those years when LJ (Live Journal, livejournal) ruled the roost on the RuNet. There he posted a photo of himself, relaxing on the beach. The effeminate appearance of the pumped-up man shocked many then;
  2. The next wave of popularity awaited him in 2010, when photographs from the wedding ceremony of a scandalous person appeared online;
  3. Feeling the tart taste of fame, Shpak opened his video channel on youtube dedicated to body care and proper nutrition. Sometimes the owner of two higher educations shares his life philosophy with subscribers, the general message of which can be characterized by the words “love yourself”;
  4. Today Shpak’s persona is one of the most recognizable in RuNet. His photograph appeared in the extremely popular “Druzhko-Show”, and he himself is a frequent guest on television, hosting your Instagram with over a million subscribers.

What did Alexander Shpak look like before?

In the case of our hero, the “he was like this before” photographs will look more presentable than the “after” ones. Before his extraordinary transformation, he looked like a rather attractive and confident man of strong physique. It is probably these women who talk about “as if behind a stone wall.”

Everything changed after Alexander decided to radically reshape his appearance:

  • The face was hit first. Plastic surgeons corrected the shape of the forehead and brow ridges, tightened the skin on the eyelids;
  • He didn't spare his nose either. The sharply flared nostrils made the profile look like a bird's;
  • The cheekbones and lips increased in size, which finally drew a line under the feminization of the image;
  • Against this background, silicone implants in the breasts are not surprising, the shape and size of which could cause envy in any metropolitan beauty. However, after some time, the noted fashionista decided to abandon the chic bust for inexplicable reasons;
  • After several unsuccessful attempts to lose weight on his own, the author of videos about a healthy lifestyle gave up on diets and decided on liposuction (surgical removal of fat).

The aesthetic effect of these transformations was very dubious.

Trade in prohibited substances

The hero of Instagram and YouTube decided to convert his Internet popularity into real money. This is how a store for professional bodybuilders, Leader Sport, appeared in St. Petersburg. But the self-proclaimed expert in the field healthy eating significantly damaged his reputation by deciding to engage in entrepreneurial activity:

  1. In 2012, he once again appeared on television screens - this time against his will. The St. Petersburg police department for combating drug trafficking found a lot of interesting things in the windows of “Sport Leader”;
  2. In particular, the police discovered a number of substances for building muscle mass, prohibited on the territory of Russia. Almost one and a half thousand dangerous pills that were sold under the guise of sports nutrition were seized;
  3. A criminal case was filed against the store owner. However, he never managed to show off his curves in “places not so remote.” Law enforcement officers decided that the first time was enough suspended sentence .

Steroids did not bring any good to the failed drug lord: in 2016 it became known that he had become infertile.

Here is a video of Alexander being caught red-handed:

Sasha and Masya Shpak: who are they?

Oddly enough, many representatives of the fair sex really like the image of a glamorous jock. How else can we explain Alexander’s popularity with the opposite sex? In his less than 40 years, he managed to be married as many as six times!

His latest passion attracts no less attention than himself:

  • Irina Meshchanskaya (or Masya, as her loving husband affectionately calls her) lived in an unhappy marriage for several years before meeting her fate. This made her significantly reconsider her views on men;
  • Meeting Shpak changed her life forever. Just like her second husband, she became a regular at the plastic surgeon. As a result of the operations, she renewed her bust and buttocks, tightened the skin on her face;
  • She is not inferior to her other half in activity on social networks. The number of her subscribers in instagram is more than a million;
  • From the outside, the lovers give the impression of an ideal couple: they always stick together in public, and in YouTube videos they openly share the secrets of happiness with numerous viewers.

Beauty is a terrible force. One can involuntarily come to this conclusion after finding out who Alexander Shpak is. A wonderful creature, half man, half woman, he occupies a worthy place in the pantheon of freaks on the Russian Instagram. And let the haters foam at the mouth with anger - he doesn’t care, because that's how he feels happy.

Video: Alexander Shpak about his appearance

In this video, Alexander himself will tell you what prompted him to give himself such an appearance, and how others treat him:

Looking at old photographs of bodybuilder and blogger Alexander Shpak and comparing them with latest photos, you involuntarily want to shout: “What went wrong?!” No, really! How could a successful athlete decide to undergo a series of extravagant plastic surgeries, full-body tattoos, fangs, and become one of the most famous freaks in the world?

Sasha was born on April 1, 1979 in St. Petersburg into a military family. My childhood was spent moving. According to the blogger, he practically did not know his father. The guy came to the sport on his own, achieved some success, but before his reincarnation he did not find much fame. Maybe that’s why he made drastic changes.

Alexander always wanted to be the center of attention. It all started with tattoos, and then one operation was followed by another. Now experts have counted at least 15 surgical interventions on Alexander’s face and body, including implants in the chest and buttocks, correction of the face shape and pumped up lips.

Alexander has long been called a pseudo-jock. He abandoned real bodybuilding classes and began to reshape his body with the help of plastic surgery. The blogger's buttocks underwent the most changes. Compared to previous parameters, they have doubled.

Despite the fact that Alexander is married (and was married 5 times before that), disputes over his sexuality do not stop. Most likely, Shpak is bisexual, his behavior in public speaks volumes, deliberately flirtatious and very reminiscent of the behavior of a playful girl. Shpak’s new wife, blogger Irina Meshchanskaya (Masya), supports her husband in everything and works with him to promote his person on social networks. The couple is not thinking about children yet.

Alexander's appearance speaks for him, casting the guy in an unsightly light.

However, few people know that he is well-read, thinking person with two higher educations. His erudition creates an even more obscure contrast with his appearance, which further inflames the public’s interest in his person.

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Biography, life story of Alexander Shpak

Alexander Shpak is a bodybuilder from Russia who became popular thanks to his unusual appearance and made a name for himself with the help of social network Instagram.

early years

A native Petersburger, Sasha was born in the city on the Neva on April 1, 1979 in the family of a military man and a teacher. Military service did not allow the father to pay enough attention to his son, so he was mainly under the care of his mother and grandmother. The family did not sit still, but traveled with the head from one garrison to another. We even got to the Arctic, where we lived for quite a long time.

The guy was friends with physical education with early age, and began training at the suggestion of his father. Shpak Sr. forced his son to run cross-countries and do strength exercises. Subsequently, Alexander was grateful to him, because the initial level of physical training allowed him to feel confident in the gym.

Alexander became the owner of two diplomas higher education. One of them testified that Shpak could go to work as a manager in the field of finance, the other provided him with the opportunity to find a job as a specialist in the field of securities.

Craving for changes in appearance

Alexander became interested in tattoos quite early. He believed that drawings on the body decorate a man, so he tried to make as many of them as possible. He paid decent sums for the services of tattoo artists. As a result, all the patterns on his body cost him about five million rubles.

Shpak did not limit himself to his passion for durable drawings. Over time, he felt the need to change the shape of individual parts of the body, without the help of force loads. The bodybuilder came to the conclusion that it was necessary to insert implants into the chest and buttocks. Being a man of action, Alexander immediately went to plastic surgeon. The corresponding operations were performed, as a result of which Shpak’s body began to look completely different. However, he soon got rid of foreign objects in the upper and lower parts of his body.


But with the face, according to the bodybuilder, something urgently needed to be done. That is why he decided to radically change the shape of his forehead, brow ridges and lips. But this was not enough for Alexander Shpak, and he turned to the services of a dentist. The result of the dentist's work was the appearance of fangs, as a result of which the patient began to look like a ghoul. Naturally, surgical interventions cost a lot of money, but some of them, according to Shpak, cost him free.

Labor path

Alexander Shpak's main occupation was coaching. The athlete began helping people build muscle by planning workouts for them and developing special treatment nutrition. He has his own store selling sports goods.

One day he attracted the attention of law enforcement officials, who accused the owner of selling prohibited anabolic steroids. The case reached the court, which sentenced Alexander Shpak to three years probation.

Internet promotion

Alexander gained widespread fame after publishing photographs in LiveJournal in which he posed against the backdrop of a picturesque pond. The number of users commenting on the photo increased every day, and the popularity of the extravagant “muscle” grew proportionally.

Shpak quickly realized that it was not a sin to take advantage of this: he created a YouTube channel, an Instagram account, and began appearing on TV shows.

Personal life

Alexander Shpak had several wives who did not give him children. The bodybuilder himself claimed that he was not yet ready to raise offspring.