Презентация по английскому на тему древние цивилизации. Презентация на тему "Древние цивилизации: Империя Инков"

УМК Биболетовой, 10 класс. Тема "Древние цивилизации".
Цели: активизировать материал по теме "Древние цивилизации"; закрепить навыки монологической речи; усовершенствовать навыки выполнения проектных заданий.
Оборудование: ноутбуки (6 штук, на каждого ученика), грамоты для поощрения лучших работ.

I. Организационный момент.
-Good day, pupils!
-Good day, teacher!
-I’m glad to see you, sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
Ok. What is the weather like today?
- The weather is not very cold, it"s shiny outside.
T: Let"s start our work. Today we will discuss different ancient civilisations.

II. Проектная работа учащихся. Этап самостоятельного выполнения задания.
В начале урока учитель объясняет порядок выполнения мини-проекта и раздает учащимся темы, упр. 41, стр.99. Если дети плохо знакомы с культурой предложенных цивилизаций, провести опрос среди учащихся на знание каких-либо фактов, которые могут помочь в составлении проектной работы.
Зачитать наводящую информацию:
1. Древние люди в России (опора - текст из упр.5 стр.87).
2. Кельтское искусство
"Художественное наследие древних кельтов нельзя назвать многочисленным, потому что в хорошем состоянии сохранились в основном изделия из благородных металлов, золота, серебра и бронзы. Многие предметы из дерева, железа, кожи и ткани исчезли. То, что пощадило время, было разрушено человеком: в спешке зарыто без надежды когда-нибудь отыскать вновь или украдено и использовано для украшения зала какого-нибудь лорда или монастырского алтаря. Некоторые изделия похищены, сломаны или разделены между членами шайки грабителей в качестве трофеев; другие были расплавлены и исчезли навеки в слитке металла. Но то, что до нас дошло, представляет неоспоримую художественную ценность и проливает свет на особенности цивилизации кельтов - варварского племени, до сих пор во многом остающегося для нас загадкой.
Археологи и историки считают, что впервые кельтское искусство появилось в области Среднего Рейна, распространившись позднее до Верхнего Дуная и Марны (Вальдальгесхейм). Сфера его распространения расширялась постепенно и в один отдельный момент времени никогда не охватывала всей территории, населенной кельтами. Так, многие шедевры кельтского искусства изготовлены на Британских островах в I в. до н.э. - 1в. н.э., после того как кельты утратили контроль над своими континентальными владениями. В Ирландии, вне пределов досягаемости римских войск, оно сохранилось и после ухода римлян и в VII в. вдохновило художественное возрождение в Нортумбрии.
Ян Филип выделяет в кельтском искусстве несколько стилей: ранний латенский (V в. до н.э.), зрелый латенский (вальдальгесхеймский) стиль (со второй половины IV в. до н.э.), пластический стиль и стиль мечей (II в. до н.э.), островное кельтское искусство" (Взято с этого сайта
3. Древний Китай
"Древнекитайская цивилизация возникла на основе неолитических культур, сложившихся в V-III тысячелетиях до н. э. в среднем течении реки Хуанхэ. Бассейн Хуанхэ был главной территорией формирования этнической общности древних китайцев, одним из центров ранних мировых цивилизаций, в течение длительного времени развивавшимся в условиях относительной изоляции. Лишь с середины I тысячелетия до н. э. начинается процесс расширения территории, освоенной древними китайцами. Они постепенно распространяются в южном направлении, сначала в район бассейна Янцзы, а затем и дальше на юг. На грани нашей эры древнекитайское государство выходит уже далеко за пределы бассейна Хуанхэ, хотя северная граница, этнической территории древних китайцев оставалась почти неизменной." (Взято с этого сайта)
4. Раскопки в Трое
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Презентация выполнена Горяиновой Ириной, ученицей 10 класса МБОУ "Кармалинская СОШ" Нижнекамского района РТ.

Celtic ornaments are made up of individual units. Each node is created from a single thread - the thread of life. Thus, components and ornaments symbolize the path and are simultaneously symbolic cards Way. The Celts were forbidden to improve key parts of patterns, including their data gods.

Arts and Crafts became the main branch of Celtic art, which made a major contribution to the development of Central and Northern Europe. Virtuoso technique of processing from the beginning combined with a special attraction to the ornamentation and create lasting value products.

The Celts had a rich pantheon of gods, although their details are not many. The basis of religion is the idea of ​​reincarnation. Human sacrifices were made only in the most extreme cases, when the country was threatened imminent death.

Celtic culture originated around the 1st millennium BC, it reached its peak at 5-4. n.e.Eta nation took up a large part of Europe: British Isles GalliyuSev. Italiyuchast Germaniichast Balkan peninsula of Spain

Data on the Continental Celts mythology (as well as pre-Roman Celtic Britain) are very fragmentary - are drawn mainly from archaeological sources (statues, reliefs depicting deities, the remnants of religious buildings, inscriptions with dedications, gravestone epitaphs, coins).

Celts value for European civilization has no analogy in the ancient history of Europe. They have enriched European civilization more advanced production methods and processes, introduced greater specialization of production and thus set the stage for further development in the Middle Ages . They completed the oldest in Central Europe the development of civilization . Later, they lost their political and economic positions , but Celtic tradition with charming echoes in small works of art and their mysterious world of heroic deeds , legends and stories , so stubbornly rooted especially in the West , became a rich treasure trove . European culture from which drew its outstanding representatives.


Подписи к слайдам:

Celtic civilization was one of the vertices of the prehistory of Europe, this is the first known species of European culture. Their name "Celts" they received from the Greeks and the Romans called them Gauls . Celts - the direct descendants of the Indo-Europeans, as well as Russian and other Slavs. And where did the Indo-Europeans come from? Some researchers believe their homeland is Hyperborea - north country, some denied it, and put another hypotheses. The Celts came to Europe and settled on the islands long ago, long before Ellada was come the cradle of culture and art. In fact, the Celts marked the beginning of many tribes and cultures of Europe.

There are two versions of the Celts came from: 1) from the territory of today"s Iran, Afghanistan, northern India, and 2) from the North, with one of the islands - the cradle of Celtic civilization. Since the migration of Indo-Europeans had lasted for centuries, perhaps, both hypotheses are true. The earliest archaeological evidence associated with the Celts, date from the beginning of the third millennium BC. From about 500 BC Celts began to settle in Europe.

The Celts have a long and difficult road before appeared in Europe. Based on the results of excavations on the territory Russia, they started this great way from the southern Urals. After passing through the northern Black Sea coast, they moved further to the Baltic Sea, showed up in northern France, and only then, much later spread throughout Europe.

Not only is the commitment to the past and the inflexible character of the Celts have always been distinguished from other nations. The Celts saw the world differently than others. For them it was a fantastically beautiful, inhabited by countless fascinating creatures. Perhaps such a poetic vision of the world, they were required to druids - keepers of antiquity, priests, teachers, poets and predictors.

Druids, priests of the Celts, created a powerful organization, covering all habitat sof the Celts, and which had a huge political authority. This organization had no analogues among the religious organizations of the ancient and modern times. All of their religious ceremonies are held in the wooden groves. Druids are forbidden to write down their main teaching, that`s why we know so little about that. Mostly known for that part, which the Druids handed the youth.

The success of the expansion of the Celts in Europe is not only due their exceptional military virtues, but also new technologies. They brought to Europe the Iron Age and horse chariots, their weapons were more advanced, vehicles(including ships) - faster. Despite the minimum of written sources, largely abandoned by the Celts and other peoples, the Celts have left an imprint on world culture. The trouble of Celts, who moved to Europe, was that under the influence of the Druids, and they have an archaic clan-political organization and does not want to create a centralized state, for which they paid the price - they defeated the Romans.

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Подписи к слайдам:

The British archaeologist Gordon Childe worked out a theory explaining how a culture transforms into a civilization.

Gordon Childe wrote that a civilization is characterized by the invention of writing, mathematics, monumental architecture, long-distance trade, wheeled carts irrigation technology and some other features.

Like ancient Egypt in Africa, the Mayan civilization in Central America deserves a special mention. There is no other country that has so many wonders.

The Mayan civilization was formed in 2000 B.C. and existed up to 250 A.D. it is known due to its writing, mathematics and astronomy.

The Mayans built stone cities with grand pyramid temples which were densely populated.

They made a complicated system of basins and reservoirs to collect water.

Their calendars can be used even nowadays.

They were hunters, gatherers and farmers. The main crops were cereals, vegetables and fruit. They used the cotton plant to make clothing. Mayans also kept cows, pigs, goats and sheep.

Hunting and fishing allowed them to make their diet more varied.

But still they couldn’t fight against nature, so one of the reasons that caused their collapse was the intense drought.

The Mayan culture played a great role in the history of mankind. Even nowadays we can see the sight of its culture. First of all, the descendants of ancient Mayans are not only Mayans who preserved their language and some traditions but some Spanish speaking people of Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras, their calendar-system is very exact though complicated and their writing-system is unique.

The modern religion of Mayans is a mixture of Christianity with some features of ancient Mayans whose main God was the Sun.

The motto of the Incas

Ama llulla, ama suwa, ama qilla

(Не лги, не воруй, не ленись)

Inca oral history mentions three possible places of origin of their people. Three caves near Pacariqtambo, Lake Titicaca, or a place known as Tambo.

There is some debate about the number of people inhabiting Tawantinsuyu at its peak, with estimates ranging from as few as 4 million people, to more than 37 million.


Since the Inca Empire lacked a written language, the empire"s main form of communication and recording came from quipus, ceramics and spoken Quechua, the language the Incas imposed upon the peoples within the empire


The Inca believed in reincarnation. Death was a passage to the next world that was full of difficulties. The Incas made human sacrifices.

Diorite Inca sculpture from Amarucancha.


Pachamama – The Goddess of earth and wife of Viracocha

Viracocha – Created all living things

Inca trade and coins

Weak development of the private exchange, trade, and the lack of any kind was the resellers - a feature of the Inca society, in contrast to the Aztecs.

In general, coins were not used in domestic trade, but in the outer shell had treatment mulu, coca leaves, clothing and copper hatchets


  • In the Inca Empire had a developed transportation and irrigation networks;
  • Roads;
  • Mail ;
  • Irrigation Inca;
  • Water supply (lead-free);
  • Metallurgy (silver and
  • Ceramics;
  • Medicine (penicillin)

Сочинение на английском языке Древние цивилизации/ Ancient Civilizations с переводом на русский язык

На английском языке. Ancient Civilizations
It is known that there have been numerous ancient civilizations and empires throughout history. They have largely contributed to the development of science, technology, medicine and to the general prosperity of humans. I think that those ancient cultures are the foundation of who we are today. The Paleolithic Period was the earliest era of human development. People then didn’t worry about many things. They lived a simple life of sleeping, hunting and eating. But as time passed, humans have evolved. Soon, they could build some structures, make some clothing, survive in dangerous surrounding and even use herbal medications. People started seeking for immortality long ago, but were unable to attain it. It was written in the world’s first epic poem about Gilgamesh. One thing that united all ancient civilizations was the use of symbols or hieroglyphs in writing. Many ancient cultures made inscriptions on walls, rocks or trees to transfer information and to communicate in such way. Although the languages they used are mostly dead, some modern cultures still use hieroglyphs. For example, Hebrew and Arabic alphabets were derived from ancient civilizations. Mayan civilization is also an interesting example. They are considered to be the representatives of Mesoamerican region. The Maya people were known for their fully developed written language, distinct art, architecture, mathematical and astronomical systems. They even had an advanced calendar, which was used to track certain periods of time. Many ancient societies worshipped several idols, gods and goddesses. It is especially true about ancient Egyptians. They built huge temples for their beloved gods, sacrificed things, and erected pyramids. In conclusion, I’d like to add that being so different from us, ancient civilization cultures still used the same patterns of human behavior as modern societies do.

Перевод на русский язык. Древние цивилизации
Известно, что на протяжении всей истории существовало много древних цивилизаций и империй. Они внесли большой вклад в развитие науки, техники, медицины и к всеобщему процветанию людей. Я думаю, что эти древние культуры являются основой того, кем мы являемся сегодня. Период палеолита был самым ранним этапом развития человечества. Людей тогда не беспокоили многие вещи. Они жили простой жизнью: спали, охотились и ели. Но с течением времени, люди эволюционировали. Вскоре они могли уже строить сооружения, создавать одежду, выживать в опасном окружении и даже использовать лекарства на основе трав. Люди с давних времен искали бессмертия, но не могли достичь его. Об этом повествовала первая в мире эпическая поэма о Гильгамеше. Одна вещь, которая объединяла все древние цивилизации, это использование символов или иероглифов в письменной речи. Многие древние культуры оставляли надписи на стенах, камнях или деревьях, чтобы передавать информацию и таким образом общаться. Несмотря на то, что языки, которые они использовали, в основном уже мертвы, некоторые современные культуры до сих пор используют иероглифы. Например, иврит и арабский алфавит имеют древнее происхождение. Еще один интересный пример – это цивилизация Майя. Это были представители региона Центральной Америки. Майя славились своей полностью развитой письменностью, отличным искусством, архитектурой, математической и астрономической системами. У них даже был продвинутый календарь, который использовался для отслеживания определенных периодов времени. Многие древние общества поклонялись нескольким идолам, богам и богиням. Это особенно верно в отношении древних египтян. Они строили огромные храмы для своих любимых богов, занимались жертвоприношением и возводили пирамиды. В заключение я хотел бы добавить, что, даже отличаясь от нас, культуры древних цивилизаций все же использовали те же модели человеческого поведения, что и современные общества.

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