Sounding Kazakh names. Male Kazakh names and meanings - choosing the best name for a boy. Designation of Kazakh names

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character, aura and destiny. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Although there are cultural interpretations of what they mean male names, in reality, the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Calendars of Christmastide and holy people, without consulting a seeing, insightful specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Kazakh names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive traits of a name, negative traits of a name, choice of profession by name, influence of a name on business, influence of a name on health, psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, goals for life and kind of a particular child.

The topic of compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns the internal mechanisms of the influence of a name on the state of its bearer inside out on the interactions of different people. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Vazha (courageous, knight) this does not mean that the young man will be strong, and bearers of other names will be weak. The name can weaken his health, block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another boy will be helped to solve problems of love or power, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Kazakh names for boys are also a misconception. 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only rely on the child’s innate character, spiritual vision and wisdom of an experienced specialist.

The secret of a man's name, like a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration, is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below is a list of Kazakh names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of male Kazakh names in alphabetical order:

Asmet - noble, humane
Amanzhol is a good road
Abai - observant, prudent, vigilant
Abzal - respected, highly esteemed
Abyz - guardian, protector, clairvoyant
Abylai - grandfather, father
Agzam - almighty, great
Adil - honest, fair
Azamat is a real horseman
Azat - free, independent, free
Aybar - authoritative, impressive
Aidar - strong, mighty, famous
Aidos - ah - moon, dos - friend
Aitugan - the name was given to a boy born on a new moon
Akshora - lord, master, tycoon
Akylbay - rich in mind
Akylzhan - akyl - mind, zhan - soul
Aldiyar - Your Majesty, Honor
Aliya - precious, beloved
Altai - golden mountain, name of the Altai mountains
Altynbek - golden rich man
Aldair - derived from Altair - the name of a star
Aman - (bai, bek) healthy, unharmed
Amir - lord, ruler
Anwar - a ray of sunshine
Anuar is bright, hardworking and reliable
Arkat - the chosen one, led by the will of the gods
Arman is a dream
Arnur - ray of honor
Arnur - conscientious and radiant
Aryngazy is a strong, brave fighter
Arystan - lion, symbol of courage
Asan (Khasen) - handsome, cute
Askar - greatness
Askat - the happiest of the happiest
Atabay - popular, noble, wealthy
Atabek - teacher, educator
Ataniyaz - the cherished wish of the grandfather (father)
Atymtay - generous
Ahan - iron
Ahat is the only one
Ahmet - worthy of praise
Ahram is the most generous
Ayan is widely known

Baybarys - a child born in the year of Barys
Baysal - calm, firm, reasonable
Bakir - researcher
Baktiyar - happy, desired
Barlas - hero, brave, noble
Battal - brave, daring, hot
Bauyrzhan - brotherly soul
Bakhyt - happiness
Bayazit - superior to everyone
Bayan - infinitely happy
Bayat - whiteness, white
Beimbet - prince, ruler
Bekzat - descendant of an aristocrat
Beren - the best steel
Berik - fortress, strong
Birzhan - lonely, only
God - wise, genius
Bokey - hero, strongman
Boshay - independent, free
Burkan - proof, reason

Gabit - servant
Ghani - rich, prosperous, noble
Garifolla - patron saint
Gafu - forgiving

Danday - great, huge
Danial - a gift from God
Daniyar is a close friend
Darmen - energy, strength, power
Demeu - sponsor, support, help
Diyar - country, region, region
Duman - cheerful, happy

Edige - good, noble
Eleu - noticeable, famous, respected
Erasyl - the most expensive hero
Erbolat is a real man
Erden - dear hero
Erdos - responsible friend
Yerzhan - brave, courageous
Ermek - fun
Ersayin is a remarkable hero
Yesey - grow
Yesen - prosperous, healthy
Eskali - smart, sensible

Zhagypar - spring, stream
Jadiger - inheritance, relic
Zhakiya is a long-liver
Regretted - glorious, famous
Zhambyl - fortress
Jamshid - radiant
Jean - soul
Zhanabil - father's soul
Zhanazar - liked by everyone
Zhanbolat - steel soul
Zhangali - brave like Ali
Zhangir - patron of the world
Zhandos - friend of all people
Jantoire is a beautiful soul
Zhansha - Shah of all souls
Zharas - to conform, to be suitable
Zharylkasyn - God deigned
Zhetes - smart, intelligent
Zhirenshe is a long-liver
Zholan - lucky
Zholgay - bringing happiness, good luck
Zholdas - a reliable companion
Zhuman - gem
Zhunis - dove
Zhusip - the name of the prophet, beautiful, wonderful

Zaiyr - obvious, undoubted
Zakaria - rememberer
Zaki - insightful, subtle
Ziyatbek - numerous bek
Zulkarnay - two-horned Alexander

Ilyas - strong, powerful

Kadir - powerful, venerable
Kazhym - respected, venerable
Kaztugan - born a judge
Kairat - strength, energy
Kaysar - persistent, strong-willed
Kayym - existing forever
Kaiyrgali - compassionate, kind
Kalka - support, defender of the homeland
Kambar - great power
Rope - wing (implies wings of help, happiness, good luck)
Karasai is a giant of very great strength
Karim - generous, magnanimous
Karmys - simple people
Kasiman - having pure faith
Kasimkhan - historical figure
Kaharman - a powerful hero, a giant
Kemel - mature, perfect
Kobey - growing
Kobrzan - large, huge
Kobylandy - a hero like a leopard

Magauia - unharmed, freed from troubles
Magzum - preserved by God
Madi - material, material
Mazhit - glorious, commendable
Malik - king, ruler
Mamajan is the support of parents
Manap - ruler, white bone
Manar(bek) - signal, beacon
Manas - fearless hero
Mansur - victorious
Mardan - courageous, brave
Marhabat - merciful, kind
Matabi - authoritative, supreme judge
Maulen - beneficent ruler
Makhambet - praised, worthy
Mashrap - character, disposition, desire
Medet (bek, bai) - help, support
Medeu - hope, desire
Miras - legacy, heir
Monke - silver, money
Mubarak is sacred
Muzaffar - victorious
Mukagali - the mighty hero Ali
Murat - goal, desire, ideal
Musarali - rich, noble
Musirep - wasteful
Musa - the name of the prophet, literally - pulled out of the water
Mustafa - chosen, chosen
Mutalip - demanding, exacting
Muhit - ocean, environment
Mukhtar - specially chosen

Nabi - Messenger of the Almighty
Nadir - rare, chosen
Nazarbay - parents who wanted more attention from people gave their children such names
Nakyp - foreman, leader
Nariman - fiery warrior
Noyan - head of the tumen, prince
Nurlybek - shining, emitting light, warmth
Nurpeis - the radiance of paradise
Nursultan - the brightly shining Sultan
Nygmet - prosperity, happiness

Omar - living, vital
Ongar - adjusting, correcting
Oraz - wealth, luck, happiness
Oraz-Muhammad - happy, lucky, rich Muhammad
Oral (bai, bek) - a name derived from the name of the Oral river

Ordabay is a name derived from the name of the capital (Oral)
Raiymbek - merciful, kind bek
Raiys - chairman
Rakim - merciful
Rauan - soul, life
Rahman - merciful
Rashit - prudent, brave
Rustem - brave, strong, mighty
Rustem - mighty in stature, hero

Sabaz - brave, well done, daring horseman
Sabit - steadfast, unshakable, faithful
Sagit - lucky, prosperous
Saimasai - very similar to his parents, worthy of them
Sayin is the best
Samat - eternal, constant
Sanjar - piercing
Sauryk - young stallion
Safuan - granite stone
Sakhi - generous, good-natured
Seyit - sir, respected
Seifolla - sharper than the sword
Serali - brave as a lion
Serke - emasculated goat, in a figurative sense - leader, leader
Sugir - to lead
Suyinbay - rich in joys
Suyeu - support, support
Suleimen - peaceful, protected
Sultan - supreme ruler
Syrbay - born on the banks of the Syr River
Raw - patient, hardy

Tagai - maternal relative
Taimas - stubborn, tenacious, not backing down from his goal
Taiyr - high flying
Takaui - offspring, generation
Talip - seeker of knowledge, student
Talmas - not tired, not tired
Targyn - angry, menacing
Tauman - huge, mountain-like
Taufik - grateful
Telzhan - fed by two mothers
Temirtas - strong as iron and stone
Temirkhan - iron man

Uayys - strong, energetic
Uakap - generous, noble
Wali - ruler
Ulan is a daredevil, well done
Umbet - society

Hamza - medicinal plant
Hamit - harmless
Hafiz - guardian, guardian

Shadi - joyful, cheerful
Shakarim - servant
Sharip - respected, glorious, holy
Shashubai - generous, good-natured
Sherkhan - brave as a lion
Shauna is a wolf
Shora - lord, ruler

Ybyrai - father of nations
Ydyras - diligent
Yksan - graceful, bright
Yskak - laughing

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. A name can greatly make a person’s life easier, but it can also cause harm.

What name should I give my child?

In doubt, thinking, searching? Find out the right name for your baby right now! The name is synchronous with the child, family, purpose.

1. You can't pick a name, although already at 3-4 months or even just gave birth?
2. Do you want name and character and good sound?
3. Think how help in name in life?
4. Look for a name that will help with communication and learning?
5. Everything is in doubt and searching a name you'll like you and family?

Modern parents strive to give their child a fashionable name, forgetting that fashion is a passing phenomenon. Let's turn to the national name book and see what beautiful Kazakh male names can be used with meaning now.

Giving a child a name is not easy. I want it to be sonorous, pleasant to the ear and with meaning. The Kazakhs had a tradition of naming boys - successors of the family - in honor of eminent and significant people- batyrs, sages, pious men:

1. Boy names starting with “A” are a large group. Among them are those that indicate the personal qualities of the future warrior: Abay- ‘vigilant’, ‘prudent’, Abyz- ‘protector’, Arlan- ‘hero’, ‘fierce wolf’, Aryngazy- ‘warrior’, Arystan- ‘lion’, ‘brave’.

The Kazakhs have male names that predict the fate of a boy as an intelligent, noble, respected and rich man: Akylbay- ‘wise’, ‘intelligent’, Akylzhan- ‘enlightened one’, ‘wise soul’, Altynbek- ‘golden rich man’, Atabay- ‘noble’, ‘prosperous’.

10. The Kazakh name book starting with “L” offers one name for a boy - Lesbeck, which means 'follower'.

11. Male names starting with “M” emphasize the masculinity and heroism of their bearers. Purposeful boys going to victory are named Maksat, Manar, Mansur, Murat, Murgen.

12. Kazakh names starting with “N” have a euphonious first component “nur”, which means ‘ray of light’, ‘reflection’, ‘radiance’. Names Nurbek, Nurbergen, Nurbolat, Nurdaulet, Nurzhan, Nurlan worn by brave, courageous and handsome men.

13. The letter “O” gave the Kazakhs a few male names with the meaning: Olzhas- ‘brave’, Onege- ‘exemplary’, ‘moral’.

14. A few Kazakh names starting with “P”. Names Paluan And Parmen emphasize the strength and power of their owners, talk about their extraordinary physical capabilities and good health.

15. Male Kazakh names starting with “S” mean the protective wisdom of their owners. Men with names Sayazhan, Senim, Serke- true leaders who are ready to stand up for their subordinates at any time. They will always come to the rescue, you can rely on them in difficult times.

16. There are few names for boys starting with “T”, but they have interesting meanings: Tamerlane- ‘iron lion’, Tlectes- ‘benevolent’, Tleu- ‘desired’.

17. When choosing a name for a boy starting with “U”, pay attention to the following: Ulbala- ‘heir’, Umitzhan- ‘hope’, Urzhan- ‘beautiful’, ‘perfect’.

18. Names starting with “Y” are sonorous, with deep meaning: Yntymak- ‘unity’, Yrys- 'happy'.

Kazakh names for boys mainly reflect strength, will, dexterity, masculinity, determination, high moral qualities - kindness, perseverance, commitment, loyalty.

When choosing a name for a boy, pay attention not only to its euphony, but also to the semantic code that will subconsciously determine the child’s fate.

A man's name should be energetic, demonstrate the leadership qualities of its owner, and create the image of a protector and a good family man.

Use the Kazakh name book, because these names contain the spirit of the ancestors, which means the child will always be under their protection.

The Kazakhs' deep respect for their customs and culture had a significant impact on local naming traditions. Most modern Kazakh names for boys are no different from those that were popular tens and hundreds of years ago. Parents still name their children after their prominent relatives and folk heroes. According to tradition, the grandfather must name a newborn boy. He is the most worthy and noble name for a boy. The naming process itself is treated with great responsibility. Like many other peoples, Kazakhs are confident that naming a child one way or another influences his character and destiny. In view of this, they are trying to find such popular Kazakh boy names for their sons and grandchildren, the meaning of which is associated with the best human traits.

The meaning of modern Kazakh names for boys

When choosing beautiful Kazakh names for boys, the key influence is on their interpretation. A man must be the protector of his family. In view of this, it is customary to call boys by names whose meaning is associated with strength, courage, nobility, hard work and other virtues. In some cases, according to the time of their birth. For example, a child born on a full moon is given the modern male Kazakh name Aitugan, the meaning of which corresponds to the phrase “born under the moon.” If a new addition to the family occurred during fasting, the baby may be named Orakbez. Those born on Friday are called Zhumabai, those born during Easter are called Aitkul, etc.

Many modern Kazakh names for boys have Muslim roots. They are very popular in families that observe religious traditions. In addition, names denoting various animals, natural phenomena, celestial bodies, as well as those that contain various kinds of wishes and spells are widespread.

List of modern Kazakh names for boys

  1. Aidos. From Kazakh “lunar friend”
  2. Alikhan. Interpreted as "divine ruler" or "tribal leader"
  3. Anuar. Kazakh boy name meaning = "hardworking"
  4. Asan. A name of Arabic origin meaning "handsome"/"young"
  5. Bakhytzhan. Interpreted as "happy soul"
  6. Darmen. Kazakh boy name meaning “strength”
  7. Erzhan. Translated into Russian it means “brave”
  8. Kairat. From Arabic "energy"/"power"
  9. Rope. Kazakh boy name which means = “wing”
  10. Karim. From Arabic "generous"
  11. Miras. Translated into Russian it means “heir”
  12. Nurasyl. Kazakh boy name meaning “bright and precious”
  13. Sanjar. Translated into Russian it means “emperor”
  14. Sunkar. From the Kazakh "falcon"

Kazakh modern names are very diverse and include both native Kazakh and borrowed names.

Most Kazakh names are of Arabic, Turkic and Persian origin. There are Mogul names.

Borrowed names in Kazakh language have undergone significant phonetic changes and differ significantly from the original names.

Kazakh names The structure can be simple, complex and complex.

Many Kazakh names are derived from the names of plants, animals, birds, food and other words associated with the culture and religion of the people.

Male Kazakh names often associated with qualities such as courage, intelligence, strength, bravery.

Female Kazakh names often associated with beauty, tenderness and grace.

Kazakh names for boys and their meaning

Asmet- noble, humane

Amanjol– good road

Abay- observant, prudent

Abzal- respected, highly respected

Abyz- keeper, protector

Agzam- almighty, great

Adil- honest, fair

Azamat- a real horseman

Azat- free, independent

Aidar- strong, mighty

Aidos- friend of the moon

Aytugan- born on a new moon

Akylbay– rich in mind

Aldiyar– noble

Altynbek- golden rich man

Haman- healthy, unharmed

Amir- lord, lord

Anwar- ray of sunshine

Anuar– bright, hardworking, reliable

Arkat- chosen one, guided by the will of the gods

Arman- dream

Arnur- conscientious, radiant

Arystan- lion, brave

Asan (Khasen)- Beautiful

Askar– greatness

Askat- happy

Atabay- noble, wealthy

Atabek- teacher, educator

Atymtay- generous

Ahan- iron

Ahat- the only one

Ahmet- worthy of praise

Ahram- the most generous

Ayan– widely known

Baysal- calm, reasonable

Bakir– researcher

Baktiyar- happy, desired

Barlas- hero, brave

Battal- bold, daring, hot

Bakhyt- happiness

Bayazit- superior to everyone

Bayat- white

Beimbet– ruler

Bekzat- descendant of a ruler

Berwick– strong

Birzhan- the only one

Bokey- hero, strongman

Boshay– independent, free

Burkan- proof, reason

Gabit– minister

Dandai- great, huge

Danial- God's gift

Daniyar- close friend

Diyar- country, region

Duman- cheerful, happy

Edige- good, noble

Eleu– notable, famous, respected

Erasyl- the most expensive hero

Erbolat- a real man

Erden- dear hero

Erdos- responsible friend

Yerzhan- brave, courageous

Ermek- funny

Ersayin– a remarkable hero

Yesen- prosperous, healthy

Eskali- smart, sensible

Zhagypar- spring, stream

Jadiger– inheritance

Jacquia– long-lived

Zhambyl- fortress

Jamshid– radiant

Zhanabil- father's soul

Zhanazar- everyone likes it

Zhanbolat– steel soul

Zhangali- brave

Zhangir- patron of the world

Zhandos- friendly

Jeantoire- beautiful soul

Zharas- useful

Zharylkasyn- God gave

Zholan– lucky

Zsolgay- bringing happiness, good luck

Zholdas– a reliable companion

Zhuman– precious stone

Zhunis- pigeon

Zaiyr– explicit

Zaki- insightful

Ziyatbek– numerous

Ilyas- strong, powerful

Kadir– powerful

Everyone- respected, venerable

Kaztugan- born a judge

Kairat- strength, energy

Kaysar- persistent, strong-willed

Kayim– immortal

Kaiyrgali- Kind

Kambar– great strength

Karasai- strong giant

Karim- generous, magnanimous

Karmys- from the common people

Kasiman- having pure faith

Kaharman– powerful hero

Kobrzan- large, huge

Magzum– preserved by God

Mazhit- glorious, worthy of praise

Malik- king, lord

Mamajan- parental support

Manap– ruler

Manar, Minarbek- lighthouse

Mansour– victorious

Mardan- courageous, courageous

Marhabat- merciful, kind

Maulen- beneficent ruler

Makhambet– praised, worthy

Medet, Medetbek, Medetbay- help, support

Miras- legacy, heir

Mohnke– silver, money

Muzaffar– victorious

Murat- goal, ideal

Musa– the name of the prophet, literally – pulled out of the water

Mustafa– chosen, selected

Mukhit- ocean

Mukhtar– chosen one

Nabi- messenger of the almighty

Nadir– rare, chosen

Nazarbay- attracting people's attention

Nakip- supervisor

Nariman– fire warrior

Nurlybek- shining, emitting light

Nursultan– sultan emitting light

Nygmet- prosperity, happiness

Lobster– vital

Ongar- adjusting, correcting

Oraz- wealth, luck, happiness

Oral, Oralbay, Oralbek– a name derived from the name of the Ural River

Raiymbek- merciful, kind bek

Raiys– chairman

Rakim– merciful

Rauan- soulful

Rahman- gracious

Rashit- prudent, brave

Rustem- brave, strong, mighty

Sabaz- brave man, daring horseman

Sabit– persistent, unshakable, faithful

Sagit- lucky, prosperous

Saimasai– very similar to his parents, worthy of parents

Sayin- best

Samat- eternal, permanent

Sanjar– penetrating

Sauryk– young stallion

Safuan– granite stone

Sakhi- generous, good-natured

Seifolla- sharper than a sword

Serali- brave like a lion

Sugir- bringer of news

Suyinbai- rich in joys

Suleimen- peaceful, protected

Sultan- Supreme ruler

Tagai- maternal relative

Taimas– stubborn, persistent, not giving up on the goal

Taiyr– high-flying

Talip– seeker of knowledge

Talmas- not tired

Targyn- angry, menacing

Tauman- huge, mountain-like

Telzhan- fed by two mothers

Temirtas– strong as iron and stone

Temirkhan- iron Man

Uayys– strong, energetic

Huacap- generous, noble

Uali– ruler

Ulan- daring

Umbet– useful to society

Hamza- medicinal plant

Hamit– harmless

Hafiz- keeper, guardian

Shadi- joyful, cheerful

Shakarim– minister

Sharip- respected, glorious

Shashubai- generous, good-natured

Sherkhan- brave like a lion

Ybyray- father of nations

Ydyras– diligent

Euksan– graceful, bright

Yskak- laughing

Beautiful Kazakh names for boys

Below you can see beautiful names for boys, they are harmonious, versatile and many of them have good energy with pronounced masculine qualities:

Azamat is a real horseman

Azat – translated from Persian - “free man”

Aidar – strong, mighty, famous

Altai – golden mountain, name of the Altai mountains (Mongolian)

Aman - (bai, bek) healthy, unharmed

Amir - lord, ruler

Anwar - translated from Arabic - "ray of sunshine"

Anuar – bright, hardworking and reliable

Arkat - the chosen one, led by the will of the Gods

Arlan – fierce, brave

Arman is a dream

Arnur – ray of honor - conscientious and radiant

Askar - greatness

Askat – translated from Arabic as “The happiest of the happiest”

Ahan – iron (Iran.)

Ahat is the only one

Ahmet – worthy of praise (Arabic)

Bakir - researcher (Arabic)

Baktiyar - happy, desired (Iran.)

Bayazit - superior to everyone (Arabic)

Bayan - infinitely happy (ancient Turkic)

Bayat - whiteness, white (Arabic)

Birzhan - lonely, only

Daniyar – close, acquaintance (Arabic)

Diyar – country, region, region (Arabic)

Yerzhan - brave, courageous

Jean - soul

Zhangir - patron of the world (Iran)

Zharas – to conform, to be suitable

Zholan – lucky

Kadir – powerful, honorable (Arabic)

Kairat – strength, energy (Arabic)

Kaysar – persistent, strong-willed

Mazhit – glorious, commendable (Arabic)

Mansur - conqueror (Arabic)

Marhabat - mercy, kindness (Arabic)

Murat – goal, desire, ideal

Nabi - Messenger of the Almighty (Arabic)

Nadir – rare, chosen (Arabic)

Nariman – translated from ancient Iranian, means “Fire Warrior”

Noyan - chief of tumen, prince (Mongolian)

Nursultan - shining sultan (Arabic)

Omar – living, vital (Arabic)

Rahman - merciful (Arabic)

Rustem - brave, strong, mighty (Iran.)

Thabit - steadfast, unshakable, faithful (Arabic)

Samat – eternal, permanent (Arabic)

Sanjar – piercing (ancient Turkic)

Sultan - supreme ruler

Tagai – maternal relative (Arabic)

Tayyr – high flying (Arabic)


Ulan is a daredevil, well done

Umbet – society (Arabic)

Hamit – harmless (Arabic)

Hafiz – guardian, guardian (Arabic)

Sherkhan - brave as a lion

Kazakh names for girls and their meaning

Adia- gift, reward

Azhar- beautiful, dear

Aibala- beautiful as the moon

Aybarsha– beautiful as a golden moon

Aibike- moon-like beauty

Aigansha- moon-like princess

Aigul- Lunar flower

Aidana– chaste

Aizhamal- beautiful as the moon

Aizhan- lunar soul

Aizada– moon-like

Isiah- Moonlight

Ayman- famous, famous

Ainagul- sincere, devoted

Ainur– moon-faced

Aisulu- lunar beauty

Aisha- cheerful

Akmaral– white doe

Aliya- divine, majestic

Alma- apple

Altyngul– golden flower

Alua– oriental sweetness

Alfia– long-lived

Amina- noble, faithful

Anar- pomegranate

Anargul– pomegranate flower

Asel– honey

Ashima- protector, patroness

Asia- kind, noble

Bagila- constant, faithful

Badigulzhamal- incomparable beauty

Bazarayim– radiant

Bakizat– pure origin

Balzha n - sweet like honey

Balsheker– sweet like honey and sugar

Banu- lady

Bates– white

Bibigul- flower mistress

Bibinur- fair-faced lady

Bimarzhan– dancing pearl

Birzhan- soul for husband

Gaziza- dear, dear

Gaini- the most noticeable

Gauhar- diamond

Gafura– forgiving

Gulayim- Lunar flower

Gulbahram- spring Flower

Gulzhakhan- flower of peace

Gulzara- beautiful as gold

Gulzifa- beautiful like a flower

Gulshara- beautiful

Gulshat– flower of joy

Damel– encouraging

Danara- talisman

Danesh- knowledgeable, learned

Dilara– beloved

Dilda- pure gold

Dinara– silver coin

Yerkezhan- tender, affectionate

Zhazira- wide nature, like the steppe

Zhaina- decoration

Zhamal- beautiful, attractive

Zhamiga– unifying

Zhanar- dear

Zhaniya- sweet soul

Zhansaya- to be a support, protection

Zhibek– silk

Zhuldyz– star

Zhupar– fragrant

Zamzagul– abundance of flowers

Zaures- morning Star

Zeine- beautiful, decorated

Zeynep, Zeynap– full, well-fed

Zere– gold

Ziba- elegant, beautiful

Ziyagul- shining like a flower

Ziyada- excellent

Zubaida- chosen, best

Zulfiya– curly

Zumrat- emerald

Kalamkas– black-browed, thin-browed

Kalima- noble, peaceful

Kamalia– perfect

Kamaria- beautiful moon

Kanipa- sincere

Karlygash- martin

Kuanysh- happiness

Kuhnke- my sun

Kunsulu- solar

Leila- night

Madina– city, city of Medina, near Mecca

Maksat- target

Malika- princess

Meiram- holiday

Rabiga- affectionate, carefree

Razia- darling

Rakim- merciful, kind

Rakia– attractive

Raushan- prominent, bright

Rakhat- pleasure

Rukhiya- good mood

Sabira– hardy, calm, patient

Saida- venerable, respected

Sakip– companion

Saltanat- brilliance, splendor

Sania– second child

Sulushas– black-haired

Togzhan- happy with life, wealthy

Torgyn– precious silk

Wasipa- clean, beautiful

Wasila- assistant, support

Fariza- duty, obligation

Fatima– weaned

Firuza– radiant

Shamsia- solar

Sharipa– good Kazakh female names and their meaning

Sholpan- morning Star

Beautiful Kazakh names for girls

Below you can see beautiful names for girls, they are euphonious, and some of them have good energy with pronounced feminine qualities:

Aida – useful, reward

Azhar – sweet, pretty, beautiful

Aibala - beautiful as the moon

Aidana – chaste

Alfia is a long-liver

Aigul - moon flower

Aibike – moon-like beauty

Aru – beautiful

Aklima – bright in mind

Adia - gift, reward, gift

Alma - apple

Amina - faithful, noble

Aizhan - soul of the moon

Banu - mistress, mistress

Birzhan - soul husband

Balzhan – honey

Gauhar - diamond

Gaini – the most visible

Dilara - beloved

Dana – chaste, knowledgeable

Dara – especially distinguished, special

Dinara - silver coin

Daria - the great river

Danara - talisman

Erkezhan – affectionate, gentle

Zhazira – broad by nature

Zhaniya – dear

Zhanar - dear

Zhaina - to be a decoration, to shine

Zarina - golden-flowered

Zubaida - the best, the chosen one

Zeine – decorated, beautiful

Zere – golden

Zara – golden

Zumrat – emerald

Leila - night

Meiram - holiday

Maksat – aspiration, goal

Madina - city

Malika - queen, princess

Raushan – bright, prominent

Rakhat - pleasure

Sarah - noble, high-born

Saida - respected, venerable

Sania – youngest child

Sabira – calm, patient, resilient

Togzhan – wealthy, happy with life

Fatima - weaned

Fariza - obligation, vow, duty

Sholpan - early star

Shamsia - sunny

If you have already decided on a name, then you can order us to diagnose any name...

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our address Email: [email protected]

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Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities are not yet able to cope with the growing influx of “Cheating for profit” madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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IN modern world There are more than 10 thousand Kazakh names, and they all have their own origins, sources from which they spread. The lion's share of male and female Kazakh names has Muslim roots. They began with Turkic, Arabic, Persian, and Mongolian dialects. But there are also Kazakh names for girls and boys that have come into use from the Russian language. For Kazakhs, naming a child is not only an important process, it is also a certain ritual. Since ancient times, they have been confident that female and male Kazakh names are not only a name, but also prophesy the future fate of its bearer. Therefore, they tried to include positive character traits, virtue, beauty, responsibility, courage, etc. in the name. This is how they wanted to see their boys and girls in the future.

Kazakh ritual dedicated to choosing a name

An old ritual, preserved in modern times, was carried out by the elders of the clan on the fortieth day after the birth of the baby. First, a blessed prayer was performed, the result of which was the male or female Kazakh names received from the Almighty, depending on what gender the child was to be named. Then a council was held, taking into account all opinions, after which they agreed on one of the proposed names.

The chosen title was included in the prayer read by the elder. Everything happened according to this scheme: the reader had to lean towards the baby while praying and speak into the newborn’s ear his future name. Thus, Kazakh names for boys and girls with a semantic history were put into the children’s ears, and they, in turn, had to subconsciously catch them and subsequently correspond to the name that was predetermined by birth and fate.

What guides the Kazakhs when choosing

When choosing female Kazakh names, parents want to reward their girl with such virtues as beauty, chastity, kindness, etc. So, for example, Bagila should always be faithful, Badiga should be a beautiful written beauty, Gauhar should be a diamond, Dara should be special, etc. Often when naming girls, Kazakhs compare them to something, Balganym - pleasant, sweet like honey, Balgul - a honey-bearing flower, Gulbarshyn - similar to a beautiful flower, Daria - a big river, Dilda - gold, etc.

When choosing male Kazakh names, parents try to instill in their baby responsibility, courage, desire, will, courage and many other strong qualities.

The one named Gabbas should become strict and stern, Dildar - brave, courageous, caring, compassionate. If parents want their boy to become a religious person or devote himself to service, they are called accordingly (Gabiden - servant of religion, Gabidullah - servant of Allah, Zainiddin - perfecting religion, Magzum - preserved by God, etc.).

Called Kazakh boys and comparing them with animals (lion, wolf, falcon) or with natural phenomena (month, dawn, hurricane). Kyran means golden eagle, Dias means the sun, etc. And also, predicting a certain appearance for them. Diasyl - sun-like, sublime, Didar - beautiful in appearance, Kurmet - respected, revered, etc. Parents who want to stand out from the crowd also call their children rare female and male Kazakh names. total mass names used (Assine, Aryan, Ayup, Abrar, Alibi, Andir, Bekarys, Bifatima, Batyrsagyz, Batyrlan, Danat, Dimnura, Yesenia, Edyge, Erzhebet, Zauzamira, Kamarsului etc.).

If there is a famous or revered person in the family, the child may be named after her example. It is believed that the combination of all positive characteristics will be passed on from the ancestor to the new bearer of his name.

A child can be named by correlating the period of his birth with a specific date or natural phenomenon that occurred on the baby’s birthday. For example, a bright moonlit night can cause an unforgettable association, and parents will name the girl according to this principle, and a big holiday will indicate the naming of the baby, etc.

When choosing a name for their child, Kazakh parents are based not only on its designation, they take into account several other factors. The combination with the surname, patronymic, as well as its very sound. If one of the parents is from another country, the pronunciation of the name in foreign language. It should not sound strange or mean an indecent word. Therefore, when choosing Kazakh names for girls and boys, parents think through all the pros and cons and only then settle on the final option.

Designation of Kazakh names

Kazakh names for boys and girls have their own designation, which can be either a direct translation or indirect speech. Names have been archived for many centuries, some become outdated and are little used, but many modern ones appear that replace outdated analogues. There are names made up of two roots different words, they produce difficulty in pronunciation and perception. Other names are wishes for children; they can have a single-word or multi-word meaning. There are also names with lost meaning, as well as dissonant names, with which they tried to ward off the evil eye from the child.