The victim of fingerless porn is elusive in the Kremlin. Bogdan Bezpalko: The dream of the Ukrainian elite is the genocide of the inhabitants of Donbass Bogdan Bezpalko biography

The European Union is surprised by Kyiv’s decision to impose a complete transport blockade of Donbass. This was stated by the head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, Hugues Mingarelli.

“Until now, the Ukrainian authorities have used an inclusive approach towards the territory of Donbass while simultaneously combating smuggling. An inclusive approach ensured a solution to the humanitarian problems of the population of Donbass, and also had a positive impact on the economic situation there. This approach was fully supported by us, and therefore yesterday’s decision of the National Security and Defense Council surprised us,” Mingarelli said.

Mingarelli noted that over the past few weeks the situation in Donbass has changed dramatically due to the introduction of external management at Ukrainian enterprises, so the representative office generally understands the reasons for the blockade.

The day before, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko made two contradictory statements at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council. Firstly, he said that the blockade of Donbass does not contribute to the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. And secondly, he announced the need to completely stop transport links with the people's republics until they return to the jurisdiction of Ukraine.

On the same day, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksandr Turchynov reported that all transportation across the demarcation line was blocked.

Bogdan Bezpalko, political scientist, member of the Council on Interethnic Relations under the President of Russia:

“I think that the blockade of Donbass is fully consistent with Poroshenko’s interests, and all his rhetoric against its organizers and demonstrative inaction were just an imitation. It is becoming quite obvious that the President of Ukraine wants to cause damage to Donbass, including in pursuit of his own business goals.

The statement by the representative of the European Community is remarkable. But I don’t think that the EU will take real steps or sanctions against Poroshenko personally or against the Ukrainian state as a whole. As usual, everything will be limited to uncomplimentary statements in the press.

The blockade contradicts Poroshenko's words that the residents of Donbass are valuable to him. Many other Ukrainian speakers made it clear that Kyiv needs territory, factories, enterprises, mineral resources, but not people. In 2014, Poroshenko said that residents of the southeast would greatly regret their actions, that Ukrainians would conquer this territory with the help of social policy combined with war.

Recently, the first president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk said that Donbass is needed, but without people. Ukrainian political scientist Vadim Karasev stated the need for a Croatian scenario for Donbass, but complained that Kiev does not have enough strength, resources and capacity for this. The Croatian scenario is genocide. Therefore, in fact, the dream of the Ukrainian elite is genocide of the inhabitants of Donbass. And accordingly, this does not in any way contradict the blockade of Donbass, since it causes damage specifically to people. Everything else can be restored or sold for your own interests, but there is nowhere to put people.”

  • In 1996 he graduated from the Moscow State University of Food Production. Faculty of Technology and Production Management. In 2010 - Russian State University for the Humanities. Department of International Relations of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Master's thesis on the topic “The influence of the “Orange Revolution” at the turn of 2004-2005. to cover the history of Russian-Ukrainian relations.”
  • In 2012, with the support of regional organizations, he created the public organization “Federal National-Cultural Autonomy “Ukrainians of Russia”. At the founding congress on March 2, 2012, he was elected Chairman of the Board of the Autonomy, which he still holds. Member of the Advisory Council for National and Cultural Autonomies under the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, a permanent participant in the work of the Council. A regular participant in international conferences of the World Congress of Russian-Speaking Jewry, one of the founders of the International Social Movement “A World Without Nazism”. Regular participant in conferences of the Institute of Russian Abroad, Belarusian Academy of Sciences. Expert, regular contributor to Regnum news agency. Expert, regular commentator on the Voice of Russia radio station.

(to the results of the presidential elections in Ukraine 2004-2005)
Igor Shishkin: Hello, dear radio listeners. Igor Sergeevich Shishkin is at the microphone. And today in the program “Foreign Russia” there is the secretary of the Center for Ukrainian and Belarusian Studies at Moscow State University Bogdan Anatolyevich Bezpalko and political scientist-Ukrainianist Roman Vladimirovich Manekin.(...) The topic of our program today: the situation in Ukraine after Yushchenko came to power.
Bogdan Bezpalko: (...) what you need to do is study, learn to fight using political, ideological methods, form your own ideology for the southeast of Ukraine. This is Russian ideology. The people who live there speak Russian. They gravitate towards Russia, they oppose Ukrainization, they consider themselves not Ukrainians, but local, Donetsk, and in the worst case, citizens of Ukraine. We need to remind them that they are Russian people, not Ukrainians. We need to provide them with books and magazines for the simplest people. And then, if this region becomes Russian, if these people become Russian, then neither Poland nor the United States will be able to do anything with them. Then the United States will stumble over the Donbass, the southeast of Ukraine. Then Ukraine will split, perhaps even intellectually. How boundaries will be established here is another matter.
Roman Maneki n: (...) The past election campaign showed that in Russia there are no structures that are ready to work professionally in Ukraine in the interests of improving Russian-Ukrainian relations. That is, we, of course, know that recently a lot of departments have emerged, specializing in Ukrainian topics at a variety of institutes and educational institutions, but a normal structural unit that could deal with Ukraine in the POLITICAL aspect, and deal with it professionally , today, unfortunately, no. Therefore, during the last elections, we, Russians, took steps that, from the point of view of the Ukrainian average person, looked rather strange.
For example, on the eve of the elections, the government of the Russian Federation made, from my point of view, the correct decision to provide visitors from Ukraine with three months to live in the Russian Federation. But I think that it would be even more correct not to give gifts to Ukrainian guest workers, but to work precisely, to “hit with the ruble” on the economic and political “agents of influence” of the West in Ukraine. And for this you need to know the situation in Ukraine. That is, there must be a structure that studies the economic and political situation in Ukraine in dynamics. If a businessman works for those political forces that are objectively hostile to Russia, it is necessary to create unfavorable conditions for his business.
In particular, I mean the Kyiv oligarchic clans, which played, in general, the main role in these events. (...)
Igor Shishkin...Bogdan Anatolyevich said that it is necessary to develop Russian ideology in these regions, to instill national Russian self-awareness. Who will be…
Bogdan Bezpalko: All-Russian.
Igor Shishkin: Yes, all-Russian, naturally. Who will do it? Are there forces in Ukraine that are now ready to fight? Bogdan Anatolyevich?
Bogdan Bezpalko: Of course, there are such forces. And these elections and the confrontation during the continuation of these elections awakened these forces from hibernation and activated them. There is an all-Russian elite that does this. It's very weak, but it's there. It is weaker than the Western Ukrainian elite, which is supported by the West and the administrative machine, and which has always been supported by the Soviet government, which actually formed the Ukrainian nation. It is necessary, by the way, for the Russian state itself, to form this elite, it is necessary to provide grants, places to study, and so on.
Igor Shishkin: Bogdan Anatolyevich, as for Russia, a little later. If there is no support, as there is now, as there was none all these nineties, will anyone be able to launch such activities there?
Bogdan Bezpalko: This activity is already underway. And now, I think, it will grow even without support. Now tent camps are open in all cities of south-eastern Ukraine. People open these towns themselves. There was not such colossal support as when the tent city was opened in Kyiv, when they paid 50 hryvnia, when they fed, clothed and collected food there. Despite our general Russian laxity, this still broke out, everywhere, in every city, in Mariupol, in Lugansk. By the way, regarding the Soviets, they are not so much on the side of their own people. In Lugansk, the mayor was given a coffin with rotten oranges because he supported Yushchenko. Officials are more interested in maintaining their position than in realizing any ideals. So there is an all-Russian elite, it’s difficult for them, but they will continue to fight.(…)
Igor Shishkin: ...And the main reason for the defeat in Ukraine is not that Yanukovych or his team did not improve. The main reason for the defeat was still here, in the center of Russia, in Moscow. There is a point of view that Russia has not proposed any project that would be interesting or attractive for the seized territories in order to reunite. I read how the author of one of the works reasoned - what makes people move closer to Russia? Only nostalgic feelings. And the West offers a lot of various projects. They see what the prospects are, etc., etc., etc. And here there is only nostalgia. There is no project for which everyone would unite. And even, as we remember, there was the collapse of Russia at the beginning of the last century. The reunion also took place under a big project. You can treat it as you like, but it was a project for building a socialist society. Your opinion?
Roman Manekin: The main reason for defeat is not a lack of ideology. Let's call a spade a spade. The main reason is the betrayal that was carried out here in Moscow, the betrayal of the national interests of Russia, the national interests of the post-Soviet space, so to speak strangely. And the national interests of Ukraine, because Yanukovych acted from the position of relying on his own strength. Not at all from an integration position, but from a position of self-reliance. And the opposite side spoke about Ukraine’s orientation towards the West.(…)
Bogdan Bezpalko: I would agree with Roman Vladimirovich that there is betrayal here, but I would divide it into two categories. Betrayal, firstly, of national interests, Russia must defend all-Russian interests. Secondly, it is a betrayal of state interests - allowing the West to its borders, NATO, and so on. But I would like to say that there is no basic ideology within Russia itself. It is easy to create this ideology. Why? Because a common past, a common cultural, financial, economic and political field, is still united. I would not talk about Ukrainian national interests, because this is exactly what the Banderaites want to do. Ukraine and Russia together can be a superpower, solve world issues, and be a subject in politics. And without Russia, it will be an object of manipulation by the USA, the West, the European Union, maybe even some African countries that will someday unite.(...)
Roman Manekin: I think that the future lies not in national, but in supranational ideology. Otherwise, we will never be able to unite those people who call themselves Ukrainians and people who feel like residents of our entire post-Soviet space. (...)
It is impossible not to take into account the fact that a significant part of the people, for various reasons, opposed Yanukovych’s candidacy. Firstly, people expressed their protest against the omnipotence of the Ukrainian bureaucracy, which has brought tears to everyone both in Ukraine and in Russia. Moreover, in Ukraine the bureaucracy is much uglier than in Russia. This bureaucracy is so corrupt that it has not even been able to nominate a leader from among its ranks who has more or less clean passport data. The Ukrainian bureaucracy openly despises the people. And in the last elections, the people repaid her in kind. (...)
Bogdan Bezpalko: ...our Foreign Ministry simply does not work. His second department - he seems to be dealing with Ukraine - I remember with one single statement about UPA veterans who caused something troublesome in Lvov. This was the only statement the department made. And in general, Russian diplomacy in Ukraine does not work at all. She should support the elite, at least morally support them, just meet them, invite them to the embassy, ​​for this no work, no financial investments are needed. But even this is not done there.
Igor Shishkin: Unlike Western diplomacy.
Bogdan Bezpalk A: Of course, of course. Western diplomacy uses all levers fully, from meetings to grants.(…)
A delegation wearing orange scarves arrived at the Russian Embassy. Representatives of the Ukrainian delegation began dancing with the Russian embassy workers, giving them orange scarves, tying them around their necks, and so on. It seems to me that this is complete passivity. It was possible to at least not accept scarves, to somehow express one’s position.(…)
Roman Manekin: ... I think that a huge mistake on the part of Russian public opinion is the desire to continue dividing the post-Soviet space. We don't understand the main thing. There were some systemic connections. In 1991 they were cut off. Naturally, the system today is skewed and we cannot exist normally in these conditions; we live in some strange economic and political conditions. Hence the conclusion: the main task of today is to restore systemic connections.
At the same time, you should be very careful with your words. If we offend specific people, I don’t know what to call them - Boers, crests - this will not lead to anything good. One famous Ukrainianist said that Ukrainians need to be taught the word “Little Russians.” Isn’t it true that there is something slightly salty in this Little Russian approach. Well, people want to call themselves Ukrainians, please. If they want to wrap themselves in any flags, please. They want to dance hopak and eat lard - as much as they want, as long as the system functions. This is called the unity of the diversity of existence.
Igor Shishkin: Got you. But here's the only thing I don't agree with. I don’t think that when Gogol called himself a Little Russian, he humiliated himself. Just like a person called himself a Great Russian or a Belarusian. These are three branches of one people.
Roman Manekin: Thank God, we no longer live in the times of Gogol. From a purely auditory perspective, this sounds unpleasant.
Igor Shishkin: Bogdan Anatolyevich?
Bogdan Bezpalko: I completely disagree here. The Ukrainian national project, unlike all others, Polish, Belgian or some other, is originally Russian. Therefore, if we allow people, if they are brainwashed, to call themselves Ukrainians, to wrap themselves in yellow-blue and orange flags, they will initially be outside the sphere of some Russian system. They will hate Russia, they will idolize Stepan Bandera, Dmitry Dontsov, and so on. This is already included in this national project. It is incompatible with Russian.

Roman Manekin: We have existed for 70 years in a single country. And they called them Ukrainians. And nothing bad happened.
Bogdan Bezpalko: Yes, but as a result...
Roman Manekin: As a result, Yeltsin came.
Bogdan Bezpalko: As a result of these 70 years, the independent state of Ukraine was formed, which copied the borders of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The communists created this state, and it is now operating.
Igor Shishkin: We still have phone calls. Hello, you're on the air.
Yakov Moiseevich: I am a regular listener of People's Radio. I really love all the employees of People's Radio. Both the topic that you raised and the people you invited are very important and relevant. I am Ukrainian, I have lived in Moscow for 57 years. Born in the Zaporozhye region, in the Mariupol region, he graduated from school and received secondary education in Ukraine. I’m very offended to hear, here in Russia they hear it, and among Muscovites I often hear it - they say, crests have come in large numbers. I have never heard this, having lived in Moscow for more than half a century, I have never heard insults. And lately you can hear this. I was born into a poor peasant family, worked a little after school in Ukraine, but I didn’t hear the khokhol, there, katsap.
Igor Shishkin: Thank you. Your position is clear and your question is clear. Bogdan Anatolyevich?
Bogdan Bezpalko: Yakov Moiseevich, I am also Ukrainian, I also live in Moscow. I also find it very unpleasant when someone insults someone on such a territorial-ethnic basis. But at the same time, what is happening now in Ukraine, the whole anti-Russian coven, anti-Russian - it is this that gives rise to such sentiments.
Igor Shishkin: But other than that, I think you don’t need to pay too much attention to it. I’ve been to Ukraine, and I didn’t consider it an insult when they called me a Katsap or a Muscovite. There are sub-ethnic differences. For example, the Bavarians always had certain statements and definitions about the Saxons. Among the Swabians - to the Prussians. But this did not lose the sense of intra-ethnic unity. They always understood that a Saxon, a Bavarian, a Prussian are all Germans. As soon as we have this too, then we will, in my opinion, be inseparable.”

Original of this material
© Gazeta.Ru, 02/21/2013, The federal search did not reach Putin, Photo: “Voice of Russia”

Ekaterina Vinokurova

One of the members of the Presidential Council on Interethnic Relations, who met with the head of state on February 19, is on the federal wanted list for beating a woman. Neither the presidential press service nor the Federal Security Service knew about the claims against the head of the Ukrainian national-cultural autonomy Bogdan Bezpalko from law enforcement agencies, Gazeta.Ru found out.

On February 19, President Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations. As Gazeta.Ru found out, one of the council members who was present at the meeting was put on the federal wanted list. We are talking about Bohdan Bezpalko, chairman of the board of the all-Russian public organization “Federal National-Cultural Autonomy “Ukrainians of Russia” (FNKA “Ukrainians of Russia”).

According to the ruling of the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow dated January 28, 2013, signed by Magistrate Judge Ya. G. Pivovarova, available to Gazeta.Ru, on that day Bezpalko was put on the federal wanted list for failure to appear in court without good reason.

Bezpalko is accused under Part 1 of Art. 116 of the Criminal Code (beatings). The plaintiff in this case is Natalya Sharina, director of the library of Ukrainian literature in Moscow.

According to her, the incident that eventually forced her to go to court occurred in November 2011, when Bezpalko, who worked as the deputy director of public relations at the library, received a warning from her for returning to work from vacation 4 months after its ending.

“When all this had already happened, he had already been given a warning for being late on vacation for 4 months without supporting documents. We wrote letters to his mother, called all the hospitals... Ultimately, when he arrived, he was given a verbal warning. And then one day in November 2011 he came to work, turned on the Internet on his computer and turned on a porno film during working hours. I saw this, went up to him, and two more employees approached. I told him: “What are you doing?” He replied that his computer was frozen and that this porn site was a virus. Then he takes a voice recorder and starts talking into it: “I’m at my workplace, there’s a director and two employees nearby, my computer has frozen.” I asked him why he was doing this, so he took a video camera and started filming us and the computer. Then one employee decided to stop all this, she leaned over the computer to pull out the wire through which the computer was connected to the Internet, and then he attacked her. Then he attacked me, hit an employee in the chest with his elbow... Then the readers in the hall saw all this, ran to the security, the security guard pulled him away from us like a kitten,” Sharina told Gazeta.Ru.

The first hearing in this case took place back in June 2012, however, according to the database of court decisions of the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow, Bezpalko did not appear at this or at any of the 10 subsequent hearings, as a result of which the court, “taking into account that the information there is no information about Bezpalko’s residence at the place of registration in the case materials, the accused himself does not appear in court for the trial of the case, the court does not have information about his actual location,” decided to “put the accused on the wanted list.”

["UNIAN", 02/08/2013, "The chairman of the pseudo-Ukrainian organization in Russia was put on the wanted list": "From the investigation materials it is clear that B. Bezpalko was repeatedly invited to court hearings, but it was not possible to force him to be brought in," the document says.
In addition, the court found that B. Bezpalko was personally informed about the existence of a criminal case against him, did not specifically come to court and did not inform about the reasons for his absence from meetings.
“In these circumstances, the court came to the conclusion that the defendant B. Bezpalko is hiding from the court and his whereabouts are unknown. After establishing the whereabouts of B. Bezpalko, urgently deliver him to the premises of the magistrate of court district No. 411 of the Meshchansky district of Moscow,” the resolution says. - Insert]

Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov treated the story about inviting a wanted man to a meeting with Putin with attention.

“Firstly, the Kremlin, of course, is not involved in searching for people. Bezpalko was invited to the meeting as one of the leaders of the national-cultural autonomies. This is the first time I have heard information from you that he is wanted, and, of course, we will definitely check its accuracy. However, in general, participants in such events are subject to preliminary verification by the FSO. We will definitely check all the information,” Peskov promised Gazeta.Ru.

“According to us, the event took place without any comments or complaints from security, and we did not have any legal grounds to prevent a specific council member from participating. At the same time, we will look into the situation in detail,” Sergei Devyatov, assistant to the head of the FSO, told Gazeta.Ru. It is noteworthy that the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia was present at that meeting of the Presidential Council.

Bezpalko himself confirmed to Gazeta.Ru the fact of his presence at the event. “Yes, I was there as a representative of the national-cultural autonomy of Ukraine. I do not comment on questions about the criminal case and the search,” Bezpalko said.

Bezpalko headed the FNKA “Ukrainians of Russia” only last year, and his activities in this post have attracted very close attention from Ukrainian journalists, who consider his activities initiated by the Russian authorities.

"Mislanded Cossack" Bezpalko

Original of this material
© "UNIAN", 01/18/2013, Ukrainians of Russia wrote a letter about the “sent Cossack”

Ukrainians in Russia say that the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Ukrainians in Russia has been headed for almost a year by a person who has no relation to the Ukrainian community.

This is stated in an open letter from Ukrainian public organizations in Russia, transmitted to UNIAN, signed by 38 representatives of Ukrainian organizations from different regions of the Russian Federation. The letter is open for signature.

The document notes that after the closure of Ukrainian federal-level organizations - the Association of Ukrainians of Russia (UUR) and the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Ukrainians of Russia (FNKAUR), Ukrainian public organizations in the regions decided to create a new federal Ukrainian organization.

“At the same time, we all witnessed the murky fuss with the artificial creation of the “correct” Ukrainian (federal!) organization, which was created using suspicious methods, virtually without the participation of the Ukrainian community in Russia, behind its back. One can only guess who needed it and why, but on April 9, 2012, the new Federal National-Cultural Autonomy was registered under extremely secret circumstances and surprisingly quickly. The overwhelming majority of leaders of Ukrainian public organizations from Russian regions regarded these actions as “a planned action designed to split the Ukrainian movement in Russia,” the letter says.

It is emphasized that indignation in Ukrainian organizations was caused by the fact that the new organization was headed by Bogdan Bezpalko, who had not yet been noticed in the Ukrainian social movement.

According to the signatories of the letter, this person is known mainly as the author of “primitive pseudo-analytical opuses with an anti-Ukrainian flavor”, “owner” of the “United Rus'” website “not entirely friendly” to Ukraine and its culture, “member of the board of the national-patriotic organization “Russian Public movement" (ROD)".

In addition, the Meshchansky Court of Moscow is considering a criminal case brought by employees of the Library of Ukrainian Literature for causing bodily harm (Article 116, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), in which B. Bezpalko is accused.

Representatives of Ukrainian organizations believe that behind B. Bezpalko “are circles that are either not sufficiently informed or are simply not interested in the development of the Ukrainian cultural and educational movement in Russia.”

Ukrainian public organizations in Russia also note that it will soon be a year since the new “autonomy” supposedly “operates,” but during this time no one has heard of at least one real socially useful activity of this “mysterious” organization. The signatories ask the relevant Russian authorities to pay attention to “who and what this supposedly “representing the Ukrainians of Russia” B. Bezpalko is.” As UNIAN reported, on March 1, 2012, the Ukrainian diaspora in Russia announced that unknown people, without its knowledge, intend to create a new Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Ukrainians in Russia (FNKA UR). The statement, which was signed by almost 50 leaders of Ukrainian organizations from all regions of Russia, noted that, according to the law on national-cultural autonomies, citizens of the Russian Federation have every right to create such organizations. However, as it turned out, the majority of these co-founder organizations of the federal autonomy were not informed and did not consent to participate in the founding congress, which was held on March 2.

“The creation of the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy behind the backs of the ESD and the majority of national-cultural autonomies, moreover, without the consent of these autonomies (which in legal language is qualified as “falsification”) is a deliberate attempt to create a split among Ukrainian public organizations of the Russian Federation, act arbitrarily on behalf of Russian Ukrainians,” the document noted.

On March 2, Ukrainian journalists in Moscow were not allowed to attend the founding congress on the creation of a new FNKA UR.

On April 9, the Russian Ministry of Justice registered the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy “Ukrainians of Russia”. The deputy director of the Center for Ukrainian and Belarusian Studies of the Faculty of History at Moscow State University was elected Chairman of the Board of the organization. M.V. Lomonosova B. Bespalko. To date, this organization has not held a single public event.

On June 7, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin included the head of the all-Russian public organization “Federal National-Cultural Autonomy “Ukrainians of Russia” B. Bespalko into the Council on Interethnic Relations.

Help from UNIAN.
On January 27, 2010, by a decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, at the request of the Ministry of Justice, the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Ukrainians of Russia, which existed since March 27, 1998, was liquidated. The lawsuit was based on a complaint from Rodina Foundation activist Zhuravlev, who stated that the FNKA UR “conducts political activities, glorifies Bandera’s supporters and pours negativity on Russia.”

On May 18, 2012, the Supreme Court of Russia finally decided to liquidate the Association of Ukrainians of Russia and exclude it from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

On November 24, in the premises of the National Cultural Center of Ukraine in Moscow, the founding congress of the all-Russian public organization “Ukrainian Congress of Russia” took place, the decision to create which was made by Ukrainian public organizations in Russia on May 26, 2012.

On March 18, the Los Angeles Times made a proposal to hold celebrations on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany not in Moscow, but in Kyiv. The publication states that “in recent years, Russia has been trying to attribute the victory of the USSR in World War II to itself, although Ukraine suffered more than Russia, losing 25 percent of its inhabitants”... The Americans are not at all embarrassed that the anniversary Victory Parade would have to be hosted by representatives of the new Ukrainian government , which glorifies the accomplices of fascism.


There is a document on the Internet explaining the Russophobia of the current Secretary of the National Security Council of Ukraine, Alexander Turchynov. On August 13, 1942, his father, Red Army soldier Valentin Ivanovich Turchinov, was captured by the Germans near the village of Ulyanovo, Oryol region. Next - to the concentration camp. And there, truly amazing changes took place in the fate of an ordinary prisoner. Suddenly he became a private in a workers' battalion of the Nazi army, a "soldier of the Third Reich." Maybe this was influenced by the fact that Turchinov’s father was a native of Krasny Kut, a German settlement in the Saratov region. But one way or another, this is already treason. In 1945, during interrogation by the NKVD, he admitted that he was a Vlasovite. As part of the army of General Vlasov, he retreated to Poland, after which he ended up in France. There, in 1944, Valentin Turchinov surrendered to the Americans. He was first placed in prison camps in Belgium, and then he was handed over to representatives of the Soviet army. During interrogations, Turchinov said that he was engaged in economic activities for the Vlasovites, was on duty at the stables, looked after horses, and carried food to the Germans.

However, data discovered in the archives after the war indicates that he took part in punitive operations against partisans and civilians and served in the 447th punitive German battalion, which completely destroyed several villages in the Bryansk region. After the war, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison and sent to the mines in the Chita region. Released in 1955, during a mass amnesty, he then led the life of a respectable Soviet citizen.


The fate of the father of ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko is in many ways similar to his. Yuri Vilner’s book “Andrei Yushchenko. Character and Legend,” from which it follows that Yushchenko Sr. actively collaborated with the fascists.

Andrei Andreevich Yushchenko was drafted into the Red Army in 1939, but did not fight for long. German documents indicate that already in August 1941, Yushchenko was in Saxony, in the Stalag IV-B camp (city of Mühlbergna-Elbe). Despite the fact that the camp was subordinate not to the SS, but to the Wehrmacht, it was considered one of the most terrible, according to mortality statistics. There was widespread hunger, thirst and disease. Meanwhile, Andrei Yushchenko’s eldest son, Peter, in an interview with the Israeli weekly Vremya, once said that “dad became addicted to good coffee in captivity.”

From the questionnaires that Yushchenko wrote for the NKVD, it followed that until 1945 he had been in many death camps: Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Flossenburg, and he managed to escape from everywhere. Moreover, each time he fled not towards the Eastern Front, but, on the contrary, to the West.

It is also noteworthy that each time the Germans for some reason did not shoot the fugitive as a warning to other prisoners, but transferred him to another camp. However, more than journalistic investigations, materials from the German concentration camp archive speak about the activities of Yushchenko Sr.

In the “personal card” filled out by the Germans on April 30, 1943, in the name of Yushchenko in Stalag his personal number is indicated - 117 654. His nationality is noted - Ukrainian. Military rank - non-commissioned officer. It is recorded that between 12 and 28 February 1942 he earned 14 Deutschmarks. For what services Yushchenko received the money is not specified. There can be two explanations for this - either Yushchenko was an internal camp sexot, or he was a non-commissioned officer in the internal camp police, consisting of the prisoners themselves. In any case, he was a so-called kapo - an activist who collaborated with the Germans.

The question remains: how did Yushchenko Sr. manage to hide his past from the authorities who knew everything and avoid punishment? It is known that the Yushchenko family had good relations with the family of Boris Shulzhenko, deputy chairman of the KGB of Ukraine. Andrei Yushchenko's wife Varvara recalled that Shulzhenko was a childhood friend, often came to visit them and attended school.

Shulzhenko could well be the one who helped close the case against his comrade. Finally, Yushchenko could agree to work behind the scenes for the KGB. One way or another, the father of the future president of Ukraine did not cut down the forest in Kolyma according to the verdict of the Soviet court, but quietly taught in a rural school until his retirement and died in 1992.

UNCLES Tyagnibok swore an oath to the Reich

Oleg Tyagnibok may well prove to Europe and the whole world the validity of the fascist idea, if he has the appropriate resources. The fact is that the Tyagnibok family has rich National Socialist traditions, about which Oleg Tyagnibok himself, without any embarrassment, writes in his blogs: “Russian! When the division in which my guys served was marching across Ukraine, the guys were distributing kerosene, salt, soap, sewing needles, etc. to people. People were still surprised what kind of Germans were they who spoke to them in Ukrainian. The guys destroyed war criminals.

There is no innocent blood on the hands of my relatives. They flayed the first secretary of the Zhytomyr regional committee of your party, who starved tens of thousands of Ukrainians to death, Livshits, alive.”

And here is another of his no less eloquent posts: “Your Stalin provided the port of Murmansk for the German squadron to capture Norway. My guys took part in that operation, they all have a “Narvik” badge on their sleeves. And neither I, nor my relatives, nor Bandera’s supporters were traitors.

We are your enemies. Did we swear allegiance to your criminal Soviet government, and then betrayed it, like your Russian Vlasov? No. My relatives swore allegiance to the Reich, I swore allegiance to Ukraine.” What happened to Tyagnibok’s relatives is unknown. They most likely disappeared in the Norwegian fjords.

By the way, Oleg Tyagnibok’s great-grandfather on his mother’s side was a Ukrainian nationalist, although with a not entirely Ukrainian name and surname, Longin Tsegelsky, a descendant of Greek Catholic priests. Tsegelsky is mentioned as a witness at the Second Vienna Trial (1915), when 24 Russian public figures from Galicia were sentenced to death. True, they were released under an amnesty from Emperor Charles I in the spring of 1917. During the First World War, Longin was one of the activists of Ukrainian organizations that, from the territory of Austria-Hungary and Turkey, carried out sabotage and propaganda work against Russia with money from Austrian and German intelligence services.


The current Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, is a reserved figure who doesn’t talk much about himself. However, the American newspaper Svoboda (published in Ukrainian in New Jersey) managed to get to the bottom of the Nazi essence of his closest relative. Here is a quote from it: “A surprise for members of the Ukrainian diaspora during the meeting with Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk was his mention of relatives in the United States: his uncle was the Ukrainian politician and publicist, the late Peter Mirchuk from Philadelphia.”

Arseniy Yatsenyuk, as it turned out, is the nephew of one of the most famous and prolific historians of the Bandera branch of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), Petro Mirchuk. Ukrainian nationalists consider Petro Mirchuk an outstanding figure in the Ukrainian national movement.

In 1939-1940 he acted as an organizer of young Nazi units. He was educated at the Free Ukrainian University, earning a doctorate in law and political science. In the same 1941, the OUN sent him to Vienna as a liaison between the legionnaires of the Ukrainian Nationalist Squads. He was arrested by the Gestapo (he was accused of fighting for the independence of Ukraine). He spent the entire war in the Auschwitz concentration camp, after which none other than the leader of the Ukrainian nationalist movement Shukhevych sent Mirchuk to the United States to write a chronicle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Mirchuk fulfilled the order, and first in the USA, and then, in 1991, in the then Soviet city of Lvov, his book “The Ukrainian Insurgent Army” was openly republished, which enthusiastically talks about the murders of Russian residents of Ukraine. It is known from open sources on the Internet that at a time when the uncle of the current Ukrainian prime minister was preparing OUN militants from Ukrainian youth, a certain Alexander Yatsenyuk, being the dean of the pedagogical institute in Zhitomir before the war, headed the regional law department under the Hitlerite administration and was the commander of a hundred guards at the headquarters of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army under the command of T. Bulba-Borovets.

Perhaps, in one of his subsequent interviews with the American press, the current Ukrainian prime minister will remember some more of his relatives.


Nothing bad can be said about Yulia Tymoshenko’s grandfather (on her father’s side, Abram Kelmanovich Kapitelman). In 1940, he was sent to work in Western Ukraine in the department of public education of the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

In the fall of 1940 he was mobilized into the army and died at the front on November 8, 1944 with the rank of senior lieutenant of the signal forces. Posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree. But Yulia Tymoshenko’s great-grandfather, Joseph Iosifovich Grigyan, was an ardent anti-Soviet.

As Lady Yu herself states, “Grigyan by nationality is not an Armenian at all, but a Latvian, his real name is Grigyanis, and he became Grigyan due to a mistake by the passport office workers.” Born in Riga and worked as a conductor on the railway. The NKVD first arrested Grigyan-Grigyanis for anti-Soviet activities in 1937.

Moreover, in his explanations to the investigator, Grigyan then wrote that in 1904 he was mobilized into the tsarist army. But he avoided serving by paying the doctor 50 rubles, and was demobilized, allegedly due to illness. The fact that Joseph Iosifovich bought off the obligation to defend the Fatherland is in itself eloquent and indicates corruption inclinations. Once again, Grigyan fell into the tenacious hands of the authorities for a letter from Latvia, which cost him a criminal case. It says: “Grigyan, discrediting Soviet power among the workers, praised the good life of the working class in the fascist countries: Germany and Poland.”

Arrested in 1938 and subjected to repression. Grigyan-Grigyanis served 10 years in the camps from 1938 to 1948 and was rehabilitated in 1963. He managed to marry twice and died in the mid-1970s.

So there is no need for Yulia Tymoshenko to pose as a banner of Russophobia in the hands of the Nazis and curse Russia at every corner. Because her ancestor Grigyan-Grigyanis was rehabilitated. His good name was restored, charges against him were dropped due to the lack of evidence of a crime.


In 2011, in an interview with the weekly RIA, the mayor of the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa, Vladimir Groysman, and now the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, said that his grandfather was a Red Army soldier in the Civil War and fought in Ukraine for Soviet power. That is why he considers all Soviet holidays sacred, and May 9 even more so.

It must be said that the mayor kept his word while he ruled the city: every year, until he left for the Kyiv junta, ceremonial events dedicated to Victory Day were held in the city. But with grandfather Groysman it turned out somehow awkward. Not only did he not serve in Budyonny’s army during the Civil War, but he also became involved in a dirty story.

The archives preserve the case of Isaac Groysman (it is also mentioned on the page of the Ukrainian blog After the Bolsheviks entered Vinnitsa, the new government carried out “purges” among representatives of the Vinnitsa intelligentsia and business circles. When the first wave of persecution passed, the security officers came up with the idea of ​​finding a local photographer who might have photographs of wealthy townspeople. As a rule, in those days, information about the place of residence and the number of members in the family was entered on the back of photographs. So the name of this photographer is Isaac Groysman. As a result, Groysman lived happily ever after, having his own business, where he served the Bolsheviks. I received two apartments from the new government. Meanwhile, with the help of a collection of his photographs, half of the city was shot.


It is known that the most cruel and intolerant people towards their opponents are traitors and renegades. Perhaps this explains what is happening now in the Donbass and Luhansk region. Thus, military general Stepan Poltorak, recently appointed to the post of Minister of Defense of Ukraine, is known for caring for veterans, solving their housing and other issues, having two combat medals from Soviet times, defending the right of the people to celebrate May 9 and, it seems, has no dark spots in the biography of their ancestors. But what will happen to him when he becomes a full member of the Kyiv junta? History is an insidious thing... Unfortunately, further searches in Russian and Ukrainian archives have not yet yielded any additional information about the remaining relatives of the current Kyiv elite. However, the newspaper “Evening Moscow” continues to unravel this amazing tangle.


Bogdan Bezpalko, political scientist:

The Ukrainian nationalist movement has always relied on Russia's external opponents. Even if we remember not the Second, but the First World War, then there we will find collaborators in the form of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen unit, who fought as part of the Austro-Hungarian army. Subsequently, the Ukrainian nationalist movement was incorporated into the communist ideology, but as soon as this ideology was destroyed along with the Soviet Union, Ukrainian nationalism returned to its historical roots.

To the denial of Russia and one’s own “Russianness”. And this inevitably leads to cooperation with Russia’s external opponents. For Russia's current opponents, these extreme views are a convenient tool for influencing the masses.

The whole combination of factors led to the fact that nationalism was encouraged and supported, including financially, in Ukraine. The official representative of the US State Department, Victoria Nuland, spoke about this in 2013, that five billion dollars were spent on the development of just such a version of democracy, which would be accompanied by the development of Ukrainian nationalism. In its most disgusting manifestation.


On March 20, 1639, Ivan Mazepa was born in the village of Mazepintsy near Bila Tserkva. In his youth he was received at the court of the Polish king John Casimir. However, he was soon excommunicated from the court for slandering a comrade. After some time, Mazepa decided to serve Russia. But here one day I was caught taking a large bribe. Alexander Menshikov saved him from the heavy hand of the Tsar. In 1708, the hetman went over to the side of the Swedish king Charles XII. After the defeat of the Swedes near Poltava (1709), Ivan Mazepa fled to the Ottoman Empire. He died on September 8, 1709 in the city of Bendery (now Moldova).

It just so happens that Mazepa’s behavior, alas, is typical of today’s leaders of Ukraine. History goes in circles. And the traitors are overtaken by punishment. Always.

Sergey Mashkin is a VM correspondent, columnist, engaged in investigations and searching for little-known historical facts.