Female genital organs - structure and functions. Interesting facts about the female intimate area (10 photos) Structure and functions of the uterus

The materials are intended only for readers over 18 years of age.

The labia minora look different for everyone. There are no standards for beauty or non-beauty in this area. As they say: “There are no comrades according to taste!” Why do some women decide about the need for surgery to change their shape and size?

The main reason why my patients come to me is a general dissatisfaction with the appearance of the labia minora. Feminists argue that men impose these beauty standards on women. Judging by my patients, this is not true; most often this issue is not discussed with sexual partners at all. At the same time, there are a lot of fans of the labia majora and elongated labia minora, so I always recommend talking about this with a man, precisely the one whose opinion is important to you. It must be remembered that it is extremely difficult to enlarge what has been cut off.

Why should you read this?

First of all, this article is intended for women who decide on an operation to remove excess tissue of the labia minora simply based on advertising and imposed information that this is correct. Unfortunately, there is very little information on blogs about the fact that a large labia minora is normal and beautiful for many people. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to feel insecure, shy, it is better to stop and just listen to yourself, understand what exactly you need, and maybe, in a second place, find out what your husband wants, namely a husband, and not a temporary sexual partner . If you are satisfied with everything, then move on with your life, but if not, then before going for an operation, in my opinion, it is advisable to find out the opinion of your loved one.

This article should also be of interest to those who are absolutely convinced of the correctness of the decision made, because the photographs presented, taken in the postoperative period, will show, in my opinion, the most positive and close to ideal result of labiaplasty.

What this area should look like before and after labiaplasty

I’ll just present the anatomy, that is, what should be present and what should not be. The size of the labia minora should ensure the closure of the entrance to the vagina in a non-excited state, and how many centimeters they are is individual. The clitoris should be covered with folds, again at rest; during sex it opens slightly and can be visible. Labiaplasty should also ensure the preservation of these structural features; the labia should not be excessively removed and the clitoris should not be opened, otherwise it is already called “female circumcision” and is an extremely dangerous and harmful procedure.

The folds of the clitoral hood are pulled back with your fingers, and it is exposed; this normally happens only during sex or sexual arousal.

Beautiful labia minora before and after surgery

Clinical case: labiaplasty was performed using the marginal wedge resection technique.

A rather complex clinical case from the point of view of surgical intervention, doubling of folds in the area of ​​the clitoral hood. If you look from top to bottom, you can see three levels, similar to Christmas tree branches, the last of which is the labia minora themselves. A marginal wedge resection and correction of the clitoral hood were performed.

The clinical case is pigmentation and, according to the woman, excessively enlarged labia minora. After giving birth, I was worried about the “opening of the vagina.” A marginal wedge labiaplasty with vaginoplasty and restoration of the pelvic floor muscles was performed. If the scope of the operation was limited only to resection of the labia minora, then the situation with the “gaping” of the vagina would only worsen immediately after the intervention.

So, if these photographs, for example, before the operation seem beautiful to you in different positions or, on the contrary, you like the look of the labia after the intervention more, then this indicates that only you have the right to choose that same aesthetic standard. I repeat, the main thing is that the rules for maintaining anatomical and physiological characteristics are followed. Good luck and successful choice!

Girlish beauty: what they do with female genitals for the sake of fashion (18+)

What is not proposed to be considered beautiful! And, if you look at how much money is made on all sorts of new beauty techniques and the fact that suddenly they all have become necessary precisely in the age of aggressive viral advertising, you begin to guess who comes up with beauty standards for us and why.

Including for such an intimate place as the vulva. Yes, yes, they are already setting high standards there too.

Why aren't you little?

If at the beginning of the 2000s, exposing the pubic area to a childlike state was considered an interesting fad and had a separate name “Brazilian style” (carnival dancers invented it to wear as microscopic thongs as physically possible), now this practice is considered a common hygienic procedure. Allegedly, hair on the genitals makes them smelly.

At the same time, gynecologists note that hair is a natural protection for the intimate area, including from rubbing with clothes, and constant hair removal causes problems such as abscesses due to ingrown hairs, irritation from bristles clinging to underwear and cuts. or burns of the edges of the mucosa. As an alternative, it is strongly recommended to limit yourself to a short, neat haircut - at a length when the hair is already soft to the touch.

The star must shine!

New for the year is a highlighter for the labia majora. Otherwise, they say, they fade and wither from constant hair removal. Highlighter allows your genital skin to look like it hasn't been scraped or ripped off! And in general, shine always adds a little romance to a date.

The thing is absolutely harmless, but you can see how marketers sat and thought about what else they could come up with to rip money off women.

Piercing and tattoos

These beauty practices are still considered quite provocative, and gynecologists add that they are also questionable in terms of keeping the genitals healthy. The mucous membrane through which urine passes and which is subject to friction does not require additional punctures or irritants at all. Just like injuring the skin with a tattoo, which is already constantly injured by tearing out or scraping off hair, is also not a good idea.

Genital whitening

For ten years now, the procedure for removing pigment from the skin and mucous membrane of the vulva and anus has not gone out of fashion. At the same time, pigment is produced there for a reason; it makes the skin stronger, more resistant to friction, and less prone to microdamage through which bacteria penetrate and cause inflammation. In general, if you are sexually active, bleaching is a bad idea.

Chubby cheeks

It is believed that plump, rounded labia majora look much more attractive. To achieve the desired shape, you need to either diet less or resort to plastic surgery. The labia are filled with fat taken from other parts of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs. Harmless, pointless, gives plastic surgeons a good time.

Trim the wings

Labia minora is not everyone’s cup of tea either! For some people it rubs their underwear, while others are sure that relationships with men will be better if small lips are really made small. A good surgeon will perform the excision so that what remains remains sensitive, but there is still the possibility of scarring, which will lead to decreased pleasure from oral sex and problems during childbirth.

Vagina Barbie

An extreme case of labiaplasty. Over the past few years, plastic surgeons in Britain have been promoting it online and as an alternative to conventional, complex labiaplasty. To get a Barbie vagina, the labia minora are cut off right down to the base. The new vulva, according to the advertisement, will look especially neat, innocent and attractive. The side effect - the loss of a significant part of sensitivity in the genitals and possible scarring - does not stop fashionistas, many of whom are even minors.

Gynecologists are sounding the alarm, because the labia minora are an important part of protecting the vagina, and are calling for the operation to be equated with female circumcision, which is prohibited by European laws.

Text: Yana Staven

Illustration: Shutterstock

What happens to the female intimate area throughout life? How does “there” change with age... How to support yourself?

"Everything flows, everything changes", There is nothing permanent in life. Something is constantly changing, changes occur in our body. Not a single part of our body is immune from change, including “ ground floor».

We age, and so do our organs and our intimate area. What happens to her throughout her life and how to keep herself “in shape”?

Some amazing facts

  • mandatory washing in the morning and evening. It is correct to wash from front to back.
  • change gaskets promptly, especially in
  • wear comfortable cotton underwear to reduce the risk of developing bacteria that cause urinary tract infections

Youth: 20-35 years

At this age, estrogen production is at its peak. The vagina is sensitive, folded, elastic.

Ideal time for pregnancy and childbirth. Both, and childbirth affect the genitals.

Hormonal levels change, which can lead to darkening of the vulfa. In late pregnancy, the blood vessels “there” swell.

Sexual life at this age is at its peak. Scientists strongly recommend having a permanent sexual partner.

Add to the rules of personal hygiene:

  1. Do not neglect physical exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to keep the intimate area in good shape.
  2. Do not replace contraception with douching, so as not to wash out the normal flora and not change the acidity of the vagina

Average age: 35-45 years

Estrogens are produced normally, the vaginal mucosa is moisturized. But…

Taking contraceptives can lead to disruption of natural lubrication. These medications sometimes have side effects such as burning and vaginal dryness.

Childbearing age at 35-45 years is still active. Doctors do not discourage motherhood, but they warn that childbirth can be traumatic: cracks and tears are replaced by scar tissue, and elasticity deteriorates. But immunity is high and the overall picture is favorable.

And one more thing: the risks associated with normal pregnancy and the birth of a healthy fetus increase. Therefore, additional analyzes are necessary.

In addition, estrogen levels decrease as the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, increases. This reduces vaginal moisture and elasticity.

And a decrease in estrogen production leads to a decrease in collagen production, which can provoke premature aging of the skin, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and pelvic organ prolapse.

Dilated veins may also appear on the labia, and due to hormonal “jumps”, their color may change and become darker.

Pigmentation may appear in the pubic area and pubic hair may become thinner.

At this age, prevention is important. Particular attention should be paid to myostimulation and physical exercise to prevent organ prolapse.

Maturity: 45-55 years

From the age of 45, hormonal changes begin in the female body. Estrogen is produced slowly and little. The tone of the vaginal muscles decreases, and “vegetation decreases” in the bikini area

The body is preparing for menopause.

45-55 years is the age when prolapse of the cervix or vaginal walls is often diagnosed. During intimacy, this causes discomfort. This may lead to urinary incontinence.

The reason is frequent lifting of weights or genetics.

To prevent this from happening to you, control your hormonal levels and do not lift heavy objects.

55-60 years old, age of menopause

Menopause comes to all women sooner or later. Its onset depends on genetics and... weight. A passive lifestyle and obesity bring menopause closer.

Do not be afraid of menopause and the changes occurring in the body - this is a natural process. You need to learn to understand your body and everything that happens to it in the new period of its life.

We can talk about approaching menopause when enough time has passed since the last menstruation: a year or more.

During this period, collagen production decreases and estrogen becomes insufficient. The normal microflora of the vagina is disrupted, elasticity decreases, and folds are smoothed out.

Many people experience strange discharge, itching, burning at this time...

To combat age-related “troubles,” doctors advise:

  • Monitor hormone levels and adjust their levels under medical supervision
  • Do not ignore laser treatment methods and augmentation (filling, enlargement) of sensitive areas (clitoris and G zone)
  • Use lubricants during intimacy

“Lubricant is a material that facilitates friction, the same as lubricant, in the sense of material. Unlike the ambiguous term lubricant, the term lubricant has a technical character. Very often it refers to intimate lubricating gels.” Wikipedia

60 years and beyond

Old age, postmenopause. The production of estrogen stops, the mucous membrane of the vagina becomes thinner, and the glands that produce mucus gradually atrophy. The protection of the vaginal microflora from pathogenic bacteria weakens.

The risk of vaginal wall prolapse increases.

Hormone replacement therapy will help correct age-related discomfort in the intimate area.

“Hormon replacement therapy is a therapy whose goal is to pharmacologically replace the lost hormonal function of the ovaries. HRT is prescribed for menopause and is the main method of prevention and correction of menopausal disorders.” Wikipedia

Hormone replacement therapy is not a killer, as many people believe. This is a course of treatment aimed at replacing missing hormones in the body.

Age-related changes are not a disaster! That's life!

Look also

This, of course, interests every person striving for knowledge and self-development. Of course, the structure of the female genital organs is very interesting from both anatomical and physiological points of view. All female genital organs are divided into external and internal.

It is enough to simply find out what the female genital organs look like, belonging to the group of internal ones, which include the uterus, its appendages and the vagina. The uterus is shaped like an inverted pear. This is a hollow organ, the distinctive feature of which is a fairly large thickness of the wall, consisting of three layers: endometrium, myometrium and parametrium, among which the myometrium is the best developed.

Ovaries- these are dense parenchymal organs that have the appearance of beans, slightly flattened in the anteroposterior direction. The fallopian tubes and vagina have a similar structure, as they are classic cavity organs.

It is extremely interesting to know what the female genital organs, which are among the external ones, look like. These include the labia majora and minora, the vestibule of the vagina and the clitoris. The vestibule of the vagina is an area of ​​the body limited on the sides by the labia minora and majora, which are paired folds of skin that form adhesions, fused together above and below. At the site of the superior confluence of the labia minora there is the clitoris, which is a reduced analogue of the male penis. At the vestibule of the vagina, the ducts of the Bartholin glands and the urethra open.