Green papaya recipes. Papaya fruit - beneficial properties and contraindications. Dangerous properties and contraindications

For the recipe with photos, see below.

Thai cuisine is known throughout the world for its delicious and authentic dishes and snacks. To get acquainted with local dishes, I recommend trying the aromatic hot and sour soup Tom Yum or coconut milk soup Tom Ka, as well as the famous (fried rice noodles with additives) and traditional papaya salad, the recipe of which I will share today. It is prepared from young green papaya with the addition of a small amount of carrots, green beans and spices.

When we are in Thai cafes or at fairs, I always take this salad for myself. At the fair, the salad is prepared right before your eyes, so you can remember the preparation technology and ingredients, and also ask not to add something (for example, a large amount of chili pepper). Now that I know the real recipe, I often make spicy papaya salad at home.

Green papaya salad can be made with salted crabmeat (umami) or small dried shrimp. I usually ask for it to be made without the crab and shrimp, so my recipe won't include those ingredients. The recipe is vegetarian.

Thai papaya salad - recipe

What is traditional papaya salad made from?

  • half a young green papaya;
  • half a small carrot;
  • green beans 2 long pods;
  • 1 lime;
  • chilli;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • fish sauce or salt to taste;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • a handful of roasted peanuts.

To prepare this salad, a large heavy mortar, a masher (aka pestle) and a spatula are traditionally used. First, the dressing is prepared, the garlic is cut into pieces and placed in a mortar, lime or lemon juice, salt to taste (the Thais use salted fish sauce), sugar and hot chili pepper (dried or sauce made from it) are also sent there. All this is mixed in a mortar and pestle.

Wash young papaya, carrots and green beans, peel the carrots and papaya, remove the seeds from the papaya. Using a Korean carrot grater, chop the carrots and papaya into equal thin slices. Finely chop the green beans. Gradually add papaya, carrots and beans to the mortar and sauce. Lightly pound all this, but not into porridge, but to soften and soak in the sauce.

Finally, add peanuts and serve beautifully on a plate. Thais sometimes add chopped cucumber or tomato and slices of green eggplant to this salad. And here is the salad that they prepared for me at the fair:

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Breadfruit, angel fruit, impatient gardener's tree, bomb fruit - the tropical papaya has many names, and for good reason. The noble taste, bright color and unique properties have long given papaya well-deserved love on all continents, although in Russia they are still wary of it.

Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of the melon tree (that’s what papaya is officially called) - look for this South American beauty in stores, bring it back from vacation, or just buy candied papaya. Overseas fruit slices as a bite will give you a piece of tropical sun and undoubted benefits to the body.

Indian fruit for the legendary conqueror

Papaya is native to Mexico and South America. The Indians have long valued this fruit for its healing powers, the tree bark as a material for ropes and ropes, and the leaves were used in the household to wash clothes. Perhaps the universal fruit would have remained for a long time exclusively the treasure of American aborigines if Christopher Columbus had not once set foot on the southern lands (although sometimes it seems that it would be better if herds of bison and happy Indians were running around in the place of the United States, instead of these arrogant capitalists).

The captain and his crew, after a harsh journey, had a cheerful feast, and when they began to suffer from overeating, compassionate Indians took them to the forest and fed them with papaya fruits to alleviate the fate of the northerners. Admired by the taste and medicinal effect of the melon tree, Columbus dubbed it “the fruit of angels.”

Papaya - palm tree or breadfruit tree?

Today, papaya is grown in South and Central America, Cuba, India, Indonesia - in many countries where it is warm and humid. If you look for a papaya tree on the Internet, the photo will show a very unusual palm tree with a smooth trunk, spreading leaves at the top and fruits sticking out in different directions, similar to green, yellow, orange...

Exotic papaya resembles the native melon crop not only in appearance, but also in taste - and many people associate the aroma of ripe fruits with. However, the real transformation begins when papaya is baked or fried - it exudes the warm smell of fresh bread, for which it was nicknamed breadfruit.

Papaya grows very quickly and begins to bear fruit in the first year, although the lifespan of the breadfruit tree is only a few years. For such activity, with the light hand of scientists, the fruit began to be called the tree of an impatient gardener: for each leaf of this miracle palm there are 1-2 “melons”, and papaya reproduces, as in a fairy tale. A seed fell on the fertile tropical soil - and soon a tree with fragrant fruits grew!

Doctor from South America

For its vague resemblance to an explosive device, papaya received another name - fruit bomb. And this is really a real bomb - but only a vitamin one!

Papaya is a unique fruit: medicine uses the healing properties of all its parts: fruits, seeds, bark, leaves... Papaya pulp contains an optimal set of vital vitamins and elements: C, group B, A and D, calcium and potassium, magnesium and iron. “Fruit of angels” has long been valued for its antipyretic and antiviral effect, and its ability to reduce and relieve inflammation.

And tropical melon is a universally recognized mood improver! And although the pleasant aroma and sweet taste of the fruit in themselves can relieve any blues, in southern countries experts often recommend that patients eat papaya regularly for a month. As part of a treatment course for depression.

So, papaya - the beneficial properties of this fruit are largely known thanks to the magical enzyme - papain. In its effect, the enzyme is similar to gastric juice - it breaks down proteins, speeds up digestion, relieves constipation and relieves heaviness in the stomach. It was papain that once saved Columbus and his sailors from gluttony; today, thanks to this substance, the melon tree treats gastritis and heartburn, neutralizes excess acid in the stomach and helps with liver problems.

Papaya also successfully removes waste and toxins from the body; moreover, it is a tasty and effective treatment for worms, safe even for children. And recent studies in Illinois have shown that papaya bark and pulp extract can be quite successfully used in the complex treatment of cancer.

Papaya for women's beauty and health

Like many fruits, papaya is simply an indispensable product for the fair half of humanity. This fruit is recommended to be eaten in the period before menstruation - papaya not only alleviates the symptoms of PMS, relieving irritability and mood swings, but also saturates the female body with iron, which is so necessary these days.

Despite the sweet taste, the fruits of the melon tree are traditionally used for weight loss. The calorie content of papaya is no more than 40 kcal per 100 grams, this allows it to be included in any diet.

And in case you can’t find fresh fruits, there is dried papaya - its beneficial properties are almost the same as those of fresh fruits. If, in pursuit of an ideal figure, you count every candy you eat, candied papaya will be your salvation: in combination with tea and coffee, this is a truly healing dessert.

Papaya is also valued in cosmetology - extracts from the colorful pulp treat skin diseases (eczema, fungus, acne) and burns, remove age spots and freckles from the face and neck, tighten pores and reduce swelling, increase the elasticity of women's skin. The legendary papain actively slows down hair growth, which is why papaya is often included in hair removal products.

Who can papaya harm?

The main contraindication for consuming papaya is individual intolerance. If you are trying this exotic fruit for the first time, be careful - one slice of South American melon is enough to test the body's reaction.

In addition, unripe papaya is prohibited; such a fruit can easily cause harm. It is no coincidence that in ancient times the Indians mixed the juice of still green papaya into the food of their enemies so that they would suffer from stomach cramps. So always choose your papaya carefully and make sure you are not allergic to angel fruit so breadfruit will give you all its benefits. And do not quarrel with the Indians, who may mix unripe papaya juice into your food.

Papaya in cooking

Fragrant papaya is actively used in cooking - desserts, cocktails, ice cream, fruit and regular salads are made from it... The papain enzyme perfectly softens tough meat, so papaya dishes with meat are an important part of exotic cuisine. And if you go on vacation to one of the countries where papaya is grown, be sure to bring home large leaves of the “melon palm” - meat baked in such leaves takes on an unearthly taste.

The classic papaya recipe is Tom Sam salad, which should include several flavors: sweet, sour, salty and spicy. Here is one version of the Thai dish:

You will need:

Papaya – 200-250 grams, small, – 2 pods, small tomato, – 1 tablespoon (in extreme cases – boiled), crushed in a blender – 2 tablespoons, chili peppers – 1 pc., a couple of cloves. For the sauce: palm sugar - 2 tablespoons, - 2-3 tablespoons, lime juice - 3 tablespoons.

Crush garlic and chili pepper in a mortar, add beans, torn into pieces, liquid ingredients, mix well to obtain a homogeneous sauce.

Three carrots and papaya on a roko grater or cut into thin long slices, add finely chopped tomato. Mix with sauce, place on a plate and sprinkle with peanuts.

How to choose and eat papaya

If you want to know what papaya looks like, the photo will show a large oval or pear-shaped fruit. The peel can be green, yellow or reddish, inside there is bright colored pulp and many black seeds that look like peppercorns.

A fresh papaya fruit should have a richly colored “skin” without scratches or dark spots, and slightly soft to the touch. The fruit may smell pleasant, but too strong an aroma is a signal that the product has begun to ferment.

Another question that arises in every lover of exotic fruits: papaya - how to eat it correctly? The easiest option is to cut the fruit lengthwise, remove all the seeds and eat with a spoon from the peel, like from a plate. Or you can simply peel the fruit and cut it into slices, like the usual and more familiar “collective farmer” or “torpedo”. This video explains this in more detail:

Another papaya lover shares his experience in the second video:

And here a person talks about how to grow this fruit at home.

The exotic fruit has earned a reputation as the most effective fat and protein burner. The splitting is due to the high level of papain. The enzyme seems ready to break down even concrete masonry. Papain is used in traditional medicine to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, external and internal damage to the dermis.

To get to the main goal - the aromatic pulp, you will have to peel the dense, inedible skin and properly cut the product. The seeds, hidden in abundance inside the fruit, can be used as a sweet and spicy spice.

It's not just the traditional ripe papaya that's available on the market. Green, barely ripe fruits are used in cooking. They have a neutral taste, but the skin, like that of a ripe fruit, is just as tender and juicy. Green papaya is perfect for any salads (fish, vegetables, meat). The exotic fruit diversifies the taste palette and does not overwhelm the perception of the dish with its specific smell.

general characteristics

Papaya is a woody plant whose size does not exceed 10 meters in length. At the top of the tree there are dissected leaves on long petioles, in which flowers and then fruits develop. Average fruit size: 20-50 cm in length and 10-30 cm in diameter. Fruits develop unevenly and can differ significantly from each other.

There are male and female papaya trees. The male type pollinates the flowers, and the female type produces the fruit. Papaya ripens quite quickly - after 6 months you can already harvest the first harvest. Most of the fruit grown is exported. The average shelf life of ripe fruit is 1 week.

Chemical composition of the fruit

Useful properties of papaya

The fruit can be a real salvation for those with a sweet tooth and those losing weight. Papaya combines a sweet, rich taste and low calorie content. The best way to give up white sugar is to replace it with fruit. There is no need to kill the desire to eat a bar of aerated milk chocolate - this way you expose yourself to a breakdown and a bad mood. Replace unhealthy trans fats with plant-based foods. Morning oatmeal with papaya will be much tastier than 100 grams of chocolate.

The main beneficial substance is papain. Why is it so good and how will it help the human body?

  1. The enzyme helps release the benefits from food and absorb it completely, not partially. Papain serves as a specific conductor, thanks to which a person receives more energy, moves faster, gets tired less and feels a general increase in tone.
  2. Scientists have proven that the fruit improves the functioning of the visual organs. If you are already tired of carrots, but want to pamper your eyes with something healthy, choose papaya.
  3. Fruit juice plays the role of an antioxidant and antiseptic. Our ancestors used papaya juice to relieve swelling and pain after an insect bite or unfortunate contact with fire. The healers of that time “prescribed” the juice of the exotic fruit for healing from diseases, pain and all kinds of ailments.
  4. Papaya enzymes have an amazing effect on the skin. Fruit components are introduced into cosmetics to achieve an exfoliating effect. Such cosmetics are indicated for people with sensitive skin to combat acne and post-acne. To ensure a comprehensive treatment, allow the entire body, and not just the damaged face, to be saturated with the beneficial properties of papaya. After your next caring procedure, treat yourself to a piece of fruit. The result, oddly enough, will be “obvious”.
  5. Papaya is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchial asthma, impaired liver function and the fight against abnormal blood sugar levels. The fruit perfectly cleanses the intestines, which instantly invigorates the body, making a person healthier and more active.
  6. The fruit regulates the acidity level of the body. Do you suffer from heartburn? Consult your doctor and find out - is it possible to replace the hated pills with a few pieces of papaya? If heartburn is a rare occurrence for you, and the doctor has given the go-ahead for experiments, try it. Replacing chemicals with plant substances will be accepted by the body with gratitude.

The child will receive many useful substances and will begin to become familiar with the exotic from a very early age. When the baby has already been introduced to complementary foods, puree the papaya and give it to the baby in small quantities. It is recommended to give vegetables first, and then gradually introduce fruits. The baby may refuse tasteless vegetables after sweet fruits and berries.

  1. Scientists say that the fruit is useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Enzymes have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and joints.
  2. Papaya juice has an anthelmintic effect. The juice will be ineffective in the presence of serious infectious pathologies. Do not get carried away with self-medication, but seek qualified help.
  3. Special medicines are made from the fruit that can cure eczema. Our ancestors dried the skin of papaya and applied it to the affected areas. Today, such methods are not in demand. If there is a problem, you need to undergo an examination, agree with the doctor on a therapeutic course and further nutritional recommendations. If the specialist does not see a threat to the current condition, introduce papaya without fear for the integrity of the dermis.

The use of fruit in cosmetology

To create skin care cosmetics, papaya extract, pulp, and oil are used. The enzyme papain, isolated from the exotic fruit, is especially valued. How papaya will benefit the dermis:

  1. Fruit acids do an excellent job of treating pigmentation, skin damage, acne and post-acne.
  2. Increased skin tone.
  3. Normalization of skin water balance. Stable water balance (maintaining a constant level of hydration).
  4. Gentle cleansing of impurities, no risk of pore clogging.
  5. Whitening skin, creating radiant shine.
  6. Rejuvenating effect. Cream with papaya will help delay the appearance of unwanted wrinkles for a long time.
  7. Increasing the elasticity of the dermis.
  8. Removing toxins, poisons, pollution.
  9. Normalization of the sebaceous glands. The fruit will help cope with both enlarged pores and the constant need to wipe your face with something. Using and eating the fruit will provide a smooth, matte face without rashes or blemishes.
  10. Correction and removal of freckles.

You can improve the condition of not only your skin, but also your hair, “without leaving the cash register.” Papaya juice and oil nourishes hair, restores structure, restores shine, health and softness.

With the help of papaya, you can not only grow beautiful hair, but also get rid of it. Fruit enzymes are added to various hair removal products (creams, serums, foams, gels). The substance provides several positive effects at once:

  • removal of unwanted vegetation;
  • additional skin hydration;
  • blocking the possibility of ingrown hairs;
  • the maximum distance from the moment of appearance of new hairs. The enzyme weakens the hair and dulls the performance of the hair follicle.

Use in cooking

Papaya recipe with milk jelly

We will need:

  • papaya – 1 kg;
  • milk (optimal fat content – ​​3.2%) – 400 ml;
  • gelatin – 30 g;
  • sugar (can be replaced with any sweetener) – 50 g.


Prepare the papaya: cut the fruit lengthwise and scoop out the seeds with a tablespoon.

Advice: there is no need to remove the peel first. It can be easily removed after the dish is ready.

Soak the gelatin for 10 minutes at room temperature. Take a saucepan, pour in gelatin, milk, sugar/sweetener and keep on low heat. Stir the mixture constantly until the sugar and gelatin are completely dissolved. Pour the finished mixture into the peeled papaya (the jelly should be located in the cavity in which the fruit seeds were located). Wrap with cling film and place in the refrigerator for several hours until completely set. Remove the finished dessert from the refrigerator, cut into portioned slices, remove the skin with a knife and serve.

Duck recipe with honey and papaya

We will need:

  • papaya – 650 g;
  • chopped cilantro – 50 g;
  • unrefined olive oil – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • honey to taste - 4 tablespoons;
  • duck (it is recommended to take the breast) – 4 pieces;
  • sesame seeds (both roasted and raw) – 2 tablespoons;
  • soy sauce without additives - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 tablespoon;
  • lime juice – 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon zest to taste.


Take a duck breast and make several deep longitudinal cuts into the skin. Don’t get carried away with the cuts, 3-4 will be enough. Prepare a frying pan: put on fire, pour in a drop of vegetable oil, spread over the surface. Place the duck breast in the pan (skin side down) until golden brown.

Prepare the sauce: mix olive oil, lime and lemon juice, zest, soy sauce, honey, sesame seeds and cilantro. Peel the papaya, remove the seeds, cut into small cubes. Grate a smaller part of the fruit and mix with the prepared sauce.

Remove the duck from the pan, drain the duck fat (formed on the surface) and clean the kitchen utensils. Brush the sauce lightly over the browned duck and place it on the newly prepared plate. Now the duck needs to be placed skin side up. Fry until done, adding sauce as needed. Serve the finished breast with chopped papaya and your favorite side dish.

Contraindications to eating fruit

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the product and components included in the composition.

It is forbidden to eat green unripe fruits. They contain concentrated juice with a high content of toxic substances. Among them is the alkaloid caripain (better known as “juice latex”). Ingestion of juice provokes a severe allergic reaction, intoxication, skin irritation, and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

To protect your own body, be responsible when choosing an exotic fruit.

How to choose the right papaya

The ripe fruit has bright yellow or yellow-orange skin. Small spots of red or green are allowed. Read the information about the specific type of papaya you want to purchase, pay attention to the specific structure and color. The skin of an exotic fruit should be smooth, even and intact. Damage, dents, the presence of putrefactive formations, black spots and dark spots indicate improper transportation and non-compliance with the storage rules of the product.

The aroma of papaya, depending on the variety, vaguely resembles raspberries, chocolate, melon, and apricot. Follow the familiar flavor spectrum to find the ripest and most delicious fruit.

Do the traditional test: lightly press on the surface of the fruit. The peel should not be deformed. Ripe fruit will choke under pressure, but will gradually return to its previous shape. Elasticity is the key to the quality of papaya.

The peel should be clean, dry, with a characteristic shine. A wet surface indicates treatment with chemicals to extend shelf life.

If you have even the slightest doubt about the freshness and quality of the product, refuse to purchase and find a more conscientious seller/supplier. Your health is worth the extra minutes of asking about the expiration date of the fruit and providing a certificate of quality.

Christopher Columbus called papaya “the fruit of Angels” because it has a rich aroma, delicate texture and extremely amazing beneficial properties.

We probably started talking about a fruit called papaya quite recently, when our compatriots began to increasingly visit distant exotic countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, or India.

In countries where papaya is cultivated on an industrial scale, this fruit is available almost all year round and is quite inexpensive. Papaya reaches our stores while still green, so the taste usually leaves much to be desired, and the price is somewhat steep.

Papaya fruit - what is it and how to eat it

Papaya is an evergreen tree from the Caricaceae family, which is also called the “Bread Tree” and “Melon Tree”. It was not by chance that these names were given - the fact is that the ripe papaya fruit tastes like melon to many, and the baked pulp of the fruit smells like fresh bread.

The homeland of papaya is Central America, from where Spanish and Portuguese colonialists brought these fruits and their seedlings to Southeast Asia, India and some countries of the African continent. Today, the largest producers of papaya are the United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico.

Interesting fact: The peoples of Central America wrapped pieces of meat in papaya leaves and left them for several hours, then ate this “finished product”. The fact is that, like the fruits and leaves of this tree, they contain a unique enzyme that “digests” the products and they become suitable for human consumption

This tree is not tall, has no branches, and only at the very top do large leaves grow, like those of a palm tree. The fruits seem to grow on the trunk itself, but it is covered with petioles, in the axils of which the fruits develop.

The length of a ripe papaya varies from 15 to 45 centimeters, the color of the peel is almost completely yellow, the flesh is orange-red, very aromatic and tasty, to many it resembles a melon, only it is more tender and no less juicy. Papaya is harvested in the same way as bananas - while they are still green. Unripe fruits ripen within a few days.

Papaya tree seedlings grow quickly - within six months they are ready to produce their first harvest.

How to eat papaya. This fruit is eaten exactly like a melon - cut in half, then remove the seeds with a spoon, then you can cut into slices, or completely peel and cut into cubes.

Calorie content. There are about 40 calories per 100 grams of product.

Beneficial properties of papaya fruit

In addition to the vitamins and minerals that all fruits and vegetables are rich in, papaya has something else, this valuable substance papain. This name was chosen because so far it has only been found in this exotic fruit. It is papain that is the main wealth of papaya - it is a powerful natural enzyme that works in much the same way as our gastric juice, that is, it does not just improve digestion, it literally helps the body absorb food faster and better. Papain helps break down proteins, fats, amino acids and accelerates absorption.

Thanks to this unique substance, papaya is often recommended for those who have pancreatic diseases, those who are deficient in protein and those whose absorption is impaired.

Papaya Ingredients:

100 grams of fruit pulp contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, fiber, as well as:

  • Vitamins – A, E, K, C, B vitamins, of which vitamin B1, B2 and B9 are the most abundant.
  • Microelements - Potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium.
  • Macroelements – iron, copper, zinc, selenium, manganese.

Health Benefits of Papaya

  • One of the most famous properties of this exotic fruit is its ability to lower blood pressure. In countries where papaya is grown, it is considered a real cure for high blood pressure.
  • Improves vision. Thanks to its rich content of vitamins and minerals, just 2 servings of this sweet fruit per day will ensure the maintenance of eye health and visual acuity into old age.
  • Boosts immunity
  • Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, as well as the risk of stroke.
  • Due to its wound-healing properties, papaya pulp is applied to wounds, scratches and damaged skin.
  • Relieves cough and speeds up the treatment of bronchitis.
  • Suitable for diabetics.

Informative video about the benefits of papaya:

Benefits of papaya fruit for facial skin

In addition to the fact that papaya is rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which also affect the condition of the skin, because nutrition from the inside is important, the pulp of this fruit is also used for external use, and here’s why:

  • It is a source of papain, which breaks down dead cells on the surface of the skin and helps renew it.
  • Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that fights signs of aging and wrinkles.
  • It contains very little sodium, that is, salt, which means it does not retain water in the cells and the skin remains hydrated longer.
  • Papaya contains more carotene than apple or guava, For example.
  • Fresh papaya pulp puree is applied to a cleansed face and left for 25 minutes. Such a quick mask will get rid of acne, cleanse the skin and make it velvety.
  • This is a natural skin exfoliant that works just like a light facial peel.
  • Papaya pulp is used for treatment cracked heels
  • Papaya face masks whiten the skin and remove age spots, fights signs of skin aging, and increases its elasticity.
  • Moisturizing mask for all skin types

2-3 tablespoons of papaya pulp puree are mixed with a spoon of honey and applied to a previously cleansed face. Wash off after 25 minutes with cool water.

  • Skin elasticity mask

Papaya pulp is mixed with rice flour, left for 20 minutes, then washed off with cool water. Make these masks 3 times a week to get the best results.

  • Body Scrub

A little papaya puree, sea salt, olive oil, a spoonful of honey and an excellent natural scrub is ready. Use while showering.

Contraindications and harm

The juice from an unripe papaya fruit is extremely harmful to health and even poisonous, so it is not recommended to consume green fruits. It is better to wait until the fruit ripens, the juice turns from white to transparent and loses all its bad properties.

How to select and store papaya

The ripe, and therefore tasty, and healthy fruit has a yellow or orange peel with greenish tints. The surface is smooth, slightly soft, but quite elastic. If the fruit is still very hard to the touch, put it in the refrigerator for a day; at room temperature it will ripen within 2-3 days.

Already ripe fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5-7 days.

Papaya has been valued since ancient times and for good reason; this amazing exotic fruit, despite its sweetness, is recommended even for diabetics. Of course, it’s a pity that papaya is not so accessible in our area, but if you have the opportunity to visit hot tropical countries, don’t forget to try it and bring delicious papaya to your family.

  • Pitahaya (dragon fruit) – how to eat, healthy…

2 servings Has already

  • Green papaya - 2 cups
  • Lime - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Green beans- 6 pods
  • Thai chili pepper- 1 PC.
  • Brown sugar- 1 tbsp.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Dry shrimp - 1 tbsp.
  • Fish sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • Peanuts - 2 tbsp.
Save Reset


In Asian stores in the states, green papaya is often sold already grated. Then you can immediately move on to the second step. But then you will miss the chance to admire it in cross-section!

Peel the papaya. Thai housewives advise grating it uncut, almost reaching the core. This seemed inconvenient to me - the papaya fruit is quite large even for my not at all tiny and graceful hands. Well, it was very interesting to look inside! And there are these snow-white pimples. If you like to play with pimply packaging materials, you will truly enjoy scooping out unripe papaya seeds with your fingers! :)


I tried two ways to approach chopping the papaya: grating it on my favorite julienne grater and shredding it on a hand-held mandoline, then slicing it. Both methods are suitable, but the first allows you to do the job much more efficiently.

Simply mix the grated papaya with the dressing. Sliced ​​papaya should be easily mashed. Since the dressing contains chili, if you mash it with your hands, it is better to do it with gloves.


Grind the shrimp into powder. The mortar, of course, is not the only way. You can grind them using any other method of grinding spices. Grind the garlic into a paste, again using your favorite method. Mix them into a paste in a bowl or mortar and add sugar and fish sauce. We also add lime and green beans. In some recipes adapted to European tastes, it is recommended to blanch and even boil the beans. I have never seen this in the original recipes. If the beans are initially frozen, simply defrost them, which is the same as blanching. I used thawed green soybeans, Edamame. Simply because that's what I had. We don’t add the tomato yet, it is more tender than the lime and beans, which require more force to crush. We crush it with a pestle, or if you don’t have a pestle, you can crush it with the blunt side of a knife on a cutting board and then put it in a bowl, squeezing out the juices with your hands. It is clear that if you do all this in a mortar, not a drop of taste will be lost. Of course, you can zest the lime, squeeze out the juice, chop the citrus itself and add it to the bowl as is. That is, you just need to approach the process without fanaticism and with an understanding of what is being done and why. Now carefully add the chili, chopped or whole, just to crush it just a little and get a human dose of capsaicin. This is a solid one out of five. If the receptors ask for more, this one pepper can be considered a starting point. Finally, the tomato comes into play with its juice, which softens and rounds everything out a little.