Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Correspondence School. Correspondence school of physics and technology at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. What lessons with an experienced tutor give a student

Smart and literate youth are the future of any country, because scientific discoveries and technical developments are the driving force of progress. The development of not only all industries, but also the basic everyday life and comfortable life of people depends on the development and implementation of new technologies. Particular attention is paid in Russia to talented youth whose abilities are related to work in the field of mathematics and physics. Especially for such young and inquisitive minds, schools are open and operate successfully. Below are some of them.

For whom are schools with a mathematical bias?

For many schoolchildren, physics and mathematics are difficult subjects, since for them they are, as they say, a dense forest. But there are a lot of guys who love, understand and are well versed in the exact sciences. It is for them that physics and mathematics schools are being opened throughout the country. Moscow is no exception, and there is even a unique ranking of such educational institutions.

To get into such a school, you need remarkable talent and a passion for mathematics or physics, which are difficult to identify in children at an early age, unless they are geniuses in this field, and there are many such examples. Karl Gauss began to carry out his first mathematical calculations at the age of three, and the Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős, who started at the same age and by the age of 20 received the title of professor, was not far behind him in genius. Kim Un-yong from Korea began a university program at the age of 3, and William Sidis could read a newspaper at the age of one and a half, wrote several books by the age of four, one of which was on anatomy, entered Harvard at 11 and became a professor of mathematics when he was not yet was also 20 years old.

But, as life shows today, you don’t have to be such a genius to know such complex subjects perfectly and enroll in a physics and mathematics school. Moscow offers young talents a choice of several of them, and this is wonderful, since there are very few educational institutions with such a narrow profile in the country.

"Second School"

It happens that it is the right choice of school that determines the future vocation and reveals the hidden talents of children. Today, parents, if their children have a passion for the exact sciences, can be guided by the ratings of physics and mathematics schools. In Moscow it is easier to do this than in other cities of the country, since there are more than ten similar educational institutions in the capital. They are located in different areas of the city, which allows parents to choose a school with the most convenient location for their children.

The top three schools include the Second School Lyceum, which first opened its doors to students back in 1956. This physical and mathematical center is located in the South-Western Administrative District (South-Western Administrative District) at the address: st. L.A. Fotieva, 18.

Here, on a competitive basis, talented children are accepted into grades 6, 7 and 8. In addition to basic education, an Evening Math School is organized on the basis of this lyceum, where gifted children in grades 2-7 from other schools can study. Classes held once a week are devoted to entertaining mathematics and physics, the main goal of which is to develop innovative thinking in children.

For the first time, students sat down at their desks here in 1938, and during the entire period of its operation, the building managed to be a regular educational institution, a military hospital, and a school with the division of senior classes into specialized areas.

Currently, located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow, Physics and Mathematics School No. 54 is known to students and parents as budget educational institution No. 171. It is divided into the following categories:

  • Several preschool departments.
  • Three primary education buildings.
  • Buildings of basic secondary education (3).

Classes at the school are distributed according to profiles, which are supervised by similar departments at Moscow State University, and mechanics and mathematics is no exception. In their reviews of the school, parents of students note that the entire teaching staff works closely with them and even organizes open lessons so that fathers and mothers can see their children in the so-called field conditions.

57 school

This educational institution can safely be called the best physics and mathematics school in Moscow and beyond. As the Unified State Exam results show, a high level of knowledge is ensured at this school thanks to the “Tasks” project and other educational programs that are being implemented here. This is confirmed by reviews from parents and graduates.

Enrollment of students is carried out from the 1st grade into a comprehensive school, but for admission to specialized departments (from the 8th-9th grade) an interview is required. It is noteworthy that studying in primary and secondary schools does not guarantee a transfer to the physics and mathematics class, since the selection of applicants is quite strict.

Perhaps it is precisely this approach to the selection of future graduating class students that becomes the reason that truly gifted children study there. This is proven by the fact that for more than 10 years the school’s students have taken first places in the All-Russian and Moscow mathematical Olympiads.

In this educational institution, located on the street. Khamovnichesky Val, 26, preparatory (“Prigotoviska”) and evening classes are also open. In the latter, in-depth study of the exact sciences is carried out.

Lyceum Physics and Technology No. 5

Educational institutions in the Moscow region, and not just Moscow, can boast of their high-quality education. The Physics and Mathematics School in Dolgoprudny is an example of this. The Lyceum of Physics and Technology named after P. Kapitsa (7 Letnaya St.) ranks second in the ranking of the 100 best schools in the Moscow region, and local residents call it a forge of geniuses. Indeed, the average Unified State Exam score for its graduates is 80, although many students reach the 100-point mark.

Students of the lyceum successfully lead in physics and mathematics Olympiads in the country and the capital, although the institution itself is quite young. Initially, it was a school and was located in an old building (1938), when, on the initiative of MIPT employees, a lyceum was opened there in 1991. At that time there were only 200 people working there.

Today, students receive knowledge in new buildings built in 2014 and designed for 450 children. Admission is carried out on a competitive basis, for which an admissions committee is created at the school every year. As parents and graduates of the lyceum note, education at its departments is carried out the old fashioned way: using a blackboard and chalk, but according to the latest educational programs, which provide for in-depth study of subjects.

444 school

Located in the Central Administrative District, this school is known for the fact that within its walls students are engaged in in-depth study of mathematics, physics and computer science. It was founded in 1992, but was soon renamed a laboratory school.

In addition to general education classes, in st. Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 14) children are educated according to a curriculum that provides for in-depth study of mathematics and physics, programs in logic and probability theory.

Many fathers and mothers note in their reviews the fact that the school has extended day groups, which has a positive effect on children’s academic performance and provides them with additional care while parents are at work. The school regularly takes part in Moscow and All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren, entering the top ten best physics and mathematics educational institutions in the capital.

School of Engineering and Technology

Thanks to the merger of several educational institutions into a single organization, an engineering and technical school named after P.R. was established in 2015. Popovich. Today it includes 16 departments of preschool and 5 primary and secondary education, one of which is located in the village of Raduzhnaya, Stupinsky district, Moscow region.

At the school, pre-professional and specialized training is carried out, after which students take exams. The results provide additional points that help graduates when entering universities in their chosen field of study.

This, as parents note, increases the chances of their children entering leading institutes and universities in the capital at budgetary departments. This Moscow physics and mathematics school (SAO, 8 Marta str., 17) deservedly enjoys a reputation as one of the best in the city.

School No. 1189

Speaking about the best specialized educational institutions in the capital, one cannot fail to mention school No. 1189 named after Kurchatov (street 9, building 1). It has long-standing traditions of friendship and mutual understanding between students and teachers. Some parents note that the atmosphere has changed after the merger of this school with 2077, which is reflected in its rating. Today she is in 25th place in the Moscow Department of Education.

The school has specialized classes:

  • universal;
  • mathematical and technical;
  • legal psychology.

Despite the merger of the two schools, the results of the Unified State Exam are still high, and graduates successfully enter the best universities in Moscow.

Lyceum No. 1502

This educational institution was created at MPEI in 1989 (Moscow, Molostov St., 10a). Here, students are recruited for grades 7-11 on a competitive basis. In-depth study of mathematics and physics is carried out according to the energy-physical profile program. Classes are taught in the form of seminars, lectures and laboratory work according to the semester schedule. Instead of lessons, schoolchildren have classes in pairs, like in universities, with a provided lunch break.

Parents and students note in their reviews that this lyceum not only has a high quality of education, but extracurricular activities are well organized. This helps talented children develop harmoniously.


All of the above physics and mathematics schools in Moscow and the Moscow region deserve the attention of parents who are determining where to send their gifted children to study. By choosing one of them, you can be sure that your child will receive an excellent education and enter one of the prestigious universities in the capital.

Physics and Technology School (St. Petersburg)

Lyceum "Physical and Technical School" Official name: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education and Science St. Petersburg Academic University - Scientific and Educational Center for Nanotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lyceum "Physical and Technical School". The only school in Russia that is part of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


The Lyceum was founded in 1987 by a group of Phystech employees. Chairman of the Lyceum Council, Nobel Prize laureate in physics Zh. I. Alferov.


About 200 people study at the Lyceum, from grades 8 to 11. From 1989 to 2006, Lyceum students won more than a thousand diplomas and medals from Olympiads in physics, mathematics, programming, chemistry, literature, history, biology, including 166 All-Russian Olympiads and 11 International Olympiads.

Graduates: from 1989 to 2008, 955 people graduated from the school. Approximately half of the graduates enter the basic departments of Physics and Technology. Another third goes to other university physics or mathematics departments. The rest of the Lyceum graduates choose biological, medical, geological, historical, philological, art history specialties, and enter pedagogical and theater institutes. They continue their education abroad at universities in the USA, Sweden, Israel, England, France, Germany, Denmark.

Among the graduates of the Lyceum are holders of the most prestigious scientific awards for students, graduate students, young scientists, young candidates of science (prizes and grants from the Dynasty Foundation, the A. F. Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the President of the Russian Federation, the European Physical Society and others). Researcher at the Physicotechnical Institute named after. On average, every fourth of those admitted to the Lyceum becomes A.F. Ioffe.

Educational process

Scholarships for the best students of the school were established by the Foundation. A.F. Ioffe, Siemens, Foundation for the Support of Science and Education (Alferov Foundation).

The work of the Lyceum has been awarded with Grants from the Foundation for Support of Education and Science (Alferov Foundation), the Soros Foundation (ISSEP), the International Foundation "Cultural Initiative", the Open Society Institute, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Dynasty Foundation for non-profit programs, Best Practice in Education Foundation (USA), Siemens in Russia.

Educational exchanges with schools at the universities of Illinois and St. Louis (USA). Cultural exchanges with English schools (London, Oxford). Contacts with schools in Chicago and Arkansas. Summer school at the Lyceum for students of the Korean Science Academy. Cooperation with Mahidol Wittayanusorn School (Thailand) and National Junior College (Singapore).


The Lyceum has a Department of Additional Education: Center for work with gifted children (grades 6-7, competitive admission, free education, 50 students); evening paid courses for students of city schools (courses in physics, mathematics, English, programming, studying computer information and multimedia technologies, classes taught by Lyceum teachers, 700 students); Center for Physics Education (competitive selection, free training, classes taught by the winners of the International and All-Russian Olympiads in Physics).

allows students to receive additional education in physics and mathematics. The school consists of three sections ( , and ), on which each unified educational programsstudents are studying in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11. BMore than 90 thousand graduates have graduated from the school over all the years of its existence, one of whom, Konstantin Novoselov, became a Nobel laureate in physics in 2 010.


During the school year, the student receives, in accordance with each topic, in physics and mathematics (five each for 8th grade, six assignments for 9th and 10th grades, and seven assignments for 11th grade). Completed work sent by students is checked by ZFTSH teachers. The student is sent a verified work with a review and the author's solutions to the control part of the assignment. The individual approach of the teacher to the student, his friendly and qualified assistance is guaranteed by the Federal Correspondence School of Physics and Technology.

The assignments contain theoretical material, analysis of typical examples and problems on the relevant topic, and 8-12 test questions and problems for independent solution. These are both simple problems and more complex ones (at the level of competitive problems at MIPT and other leading universities). ZFTS assignments are prepared by experienced teachers from the departments of general physics and higher mathematics at MIPT. The work of part-time students is checked by students, graduate students and graduates of MIPT (often graduates of ZFTS).

Full-time department

In addition to working with correspondence students, ZFTS also has a full-time department - the Evening Physics and Technology School (VPTS) at MIPT. The main work is concentrated in Dolgoprudny and is carried out on the basis of the Phystech. Students, graduates, postgraduate students and teachers of MIPT teach at VFTS.

There is a full-time branch in Zhukovsky. One of the goals of the school is to prepare applicants for FALT and other faculties of MIPT.According to statistics, most of the FALT students who entered from the areas adjacent to Zhukovsky studied at the VFTS. In addition, VFTS graduates show very good results in entrance exams.

Every year about 15 classes are enrolled in Dolgoprudny - from eight to eleven. One seminar in physics and one in mathematics are held per week, lasting 2-3 academic hours. Classes run throughout the academic year. Work is carried out according to , it is based on methodological developments for correspondence students, but analysis and acceptance of assignments are carried out in person. In addition, at the seminars, tests are carried out with subsequent analysis.

VFTSH teachers, as a rule, cover in more detail the issues set out in the manuals for correspondence students, and accompany them with an analysis of additional tasks and theoretical issues within the framework of the school curriculum. In addition to questions within the framework of the school curriculum, teachers also have time for questions that go beyond its scope, which develops the horizons of applicants and contributes to a more meaningful choice of their scientific and technical direction.

While studying at the VFTS, schoolchildren have the opportunity to communicate lively with young people who are literate and keenly interested in science, who themselves, in the recent past, were applicants to the Physics and Technology Institute and have retained a keen understanding of the problems that a high school student faces when seriously mastering the fundamentals of physics and mathematics.

Much attention in the work of the Higher Technical School is paid to preparing children for writing written exams. During the school year, graduate students write several tests on the main sections of the school physics course. The traditional visiting MIPT Olympiad is being held. All this allows schoolchildren to get used to productive work in a written exam environment.

Education at VFTS, as well as at ZFTS, is free and available to almost any interested student. It is worth noting that the level of requirements, selection of material and intensity of its presentation lead to a natural separation of applicants. Before entering a university, students can form an adequate idea of ​​modern science and technology and the requirements for students at MIPT. Accordingly, they have a greater chance of making the right choice of university and their future profession.

Upon completion of studies, based on the results of work during the academic year and the grade received on the final exam, students are issued a ZFTS diploma with grades in physics and mathematics. As a rule, almost all schoolchildren who successfully complete the VFTS enter MIPT and other Moscow universities with increased requirements in physics and mathematics.