High voltage and more. High voltage and more Voltage converter 12 220 to 50 Hz

Lately I have often observed that more and more people are getting carried away with assembling homemade inverters. Since novice radio amateurs are interested, I decided to recall the diagram that I published on our website a year ago. Today I decided to remake the circuit increasing the output power and explain the assembly process in detail.

I’ll say right away - this is the simplest 12-220 converter, taking into account the output power of the circuit. The good old multivibrator is used as a master oscillator. Of course, this solution is much inferior to modern high-precision generators on microcircuits, but let's not forget that I tried to simplify the circuit as much as possible so that the result would be an inverter that would be available to the general public. A multivibrator is not bad, it works more reliably than some microcircuits, is not so critical to input voltages, and works in harsh weather conditions (remember the TL494, which needs to be heated at sub-zero temperatures).

The transformer used is ready-made, from UPS; the core dimensions allow for 300 watts of output power. The transformer has two primary windings of 7 Volts (each arm) and a mains winding of 220 Volts. In theory, any transformers from uninterruptible power supplies will do.

The diameter of the primary winding wire is about 2.5 mm, just what is needed.

Main characteristics of the circuit

Input voltage rating - 3.5-18 Volts
Output voltage 220V +/-10%
Output frequency - 57 Hz
Output pulse shape - Rectangular
Maximum power - 250-300 Watts.


I thought for a long time about the shortcomings of the circuit, regarding the efficiency, it is 5-10% lower than similar industrial devices.
The circuit does not have any protection at the input or output; in the event of a short circuit or overload, the field switches will overheat until they fail.
Due to the shape of the pulses, the transformer makes some noise, but this is quite normal for such circuits.


Simplicity, accessibility, costs, 50 Hz output, compact board sizes, easy repairs, the ability to work in harsh weather conditions, wide tolerance of the components used - all these advantages make the circuit universal and accessible for independent repetition.

A Chinese inverter for 250-300 watts can be bought for about $30-40, I spent $5 on this inverter - I bought only field-effect transistors, everything else can be found in the attic, I think everyone has it.

Element base

The harness has a minimum number of components. IRFZ44 transistors can be successfully replaced with IRFZ40/46/48 or more powerful ones - IRF3205/IRL3705, they are not critical.

Multivibrator transistors TIP41 (KT819) can be replaced with KT805, KT815, KT817, etc.

I successfully connected a TV, a vacuum cleaner and other household devices to this inverter, it works well, if the device has a built-in switching power supply, then you will not notice the difference in operation from the mains and from the converter, in the case of powering a drill - it starts with some sound, but it works quite well Fine.

The board was painted by hand using an ordinary manicure

In the end, I liked the inverter so much that I decided to place it in a case from a computer power supply.
The REM function is also implemented; to turn on the circuit, you just need to connect the REM wire to the positive bus, then power will be supplied to the generator and the circuit will start working.

It’s quite possible to extract more power from such a circuit (500-600 Watts, maybe more), in the future I’ll try to increase the power, so the next article is just around the corner, see you next time...

List of radioelements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
VT1, VT2 Bipolar transistor


2 KT819, KT805, KT815, KT817 To notepad
VT3...VT6 MOSFET transistor


4 Replacement: IRFZ40/46/48, IRF3205/IRL3705 To notepad
C1, C2 Capacitor2.2 µF2 To notepad
R1...R4 Resistor

6.2 Ohm

4 To notepad
R5, R8 Resistor

680 Ohm

2 To notepad
R6, R7 Resistor

To connect household devices to the car’s on-board electrical system, you need an inverter that can increase the voltage from 12 V to 220 V. There are sufficient quantities of them on store shelves, but their price is not encouraging. For those who are a little familiar with electrical engineering, it is possible to assemble a 12-220 volt voltage converter with your own hands. We will analyze two simple schemes.

Converters and their types

There are three types of 12-220 V converters. The first is from 12 V to 220 V. Such inverters are popular among motorists: through them you can connect standard devices - TVs, vacuum cleaners, etc. Reverse conversion - from 220 V to 12 - is required infrequently, usually in rooms with severe operating conditions (high humidity) to ensure electrical safety. For example, in steam rooms, swimming pools or baths. In order not to take risks, the standard voltage of 220 V is reduced to 12, using appropriate equipment.

The third option is, rather, a stabilizer based on two converters. First, the standard 220 V is converted to 12 V, then back to 220 V. This double conversion allows you to have an ideal sine wave at the output. Such devices are necessary for the normal operation of most electronically controlled household appliances. In any case, during installation it is strongly recommended to power it through just such a converter - its electronics are very sensitive to the quality of power, and replacing the control board costs about half the boiler.

Pulse converter 12-220V 300 W

This circuit is simple, the parts are available, most of them can be removed from a computer power supply or purchased at any radio store. The advantage of the circuit is its ease of implementation, the disadvantage is the non-ideal sine wave at the output and the frequency is higher than the standard 50 Hz. That is, devices that require power supply cannot be connected to this converter. You can directly connect not particularly sensitive devices to the output - incandescent lamps, iron, soldering iron, phone charger, etc.

The presented circuit in normal mode produces 1.5 A or pulls a load of 300 W, at a maximum of 2.5 A, but in this mode the transistors will noticeably heat up.

The circuit was built on the popular TLT494 PWM controller. Field-effect transistors Q1 Q2 should be placed on radiators, preferably separate ones. When installing on one radiator, place an insulating gasket under the transistors. Instead of the IRFZ244 indicated in the diagram, you can use IRFZ46 or RFZ48, which are similar in characteristics.

The frequency in this 12 V to 220 V converter is set by resistor R1 and capacitor C2. The values ​​may differ slightly from those shown in the diagram. If you have an old non-working power supply for your computer, and it contains a working output transformer, you can put it in the circuit. If the transformer is not working, remove the ferrite ring from it and wind the windings with copper wire with a diameter of 0.6 mm. First, the primary winding is wound - 10 turns with the output from the middle, then, on top - 80 turns of the secondary.

As already said, such a 12-220 V voltage converter can only work with a load that is insensitive to power quality. To be able to connect more demanding devices, a rectifier is installed at the output, the output voltage of which is close to normal (diagram below).

The circuit shows high-frequency diodes of the HER307 type, but they can be replaced with the FR207 or FR107 series. It is advisable to select containers of the specified size.

Inverter on a chip

This 12-220 V voltage converter is assembled on the basis of a specialized KR1211EU1 microcircuit. This is a generator of pulses that are removed from outputs 6 and 4. The pulses are antiphase, with a short time interval between them to prevent the simultaneous opening of both keys. The microcircuit is powered by a voltage of 9.5 V, which is set by a parametric stabilizer on a D814V zener diode.

Also in the circuit there are two high-power field-effect transistors - IRL2505 (VT1 and VT2). They have a very low open resistance of the output channel - about 0.008 Ohms, which is comparable to the resistance of a mechanical key. Permissible direct current is up to 104 A, pulsed current is up to 360 A. Such characteristics actually make it possible to obtain 220 V with a load of up to 400 W. Transistors must be installed on radiators (with a power of up to 200 W it is possible without them).

The pulse frequency depends on the parameters of resistor R1 and capacitor C1; capacitor C6 is installed at the output to suppress high-frequency surges.

It is better to take a ready-made transformer. In the circuit, it is turned on in reverse - the low-voltage secondary winding serves as the primary, and the voltage is removed from the high-voltage secondary.

Possible replacements in the element base:

  • The D814V zener diode indicated in the circuit can be replaced with any one that produces 8-10 V. For example, KS 182, KS 191, KS 210.
  • If there are no capacitors C4 and C5 of type K50-35 at 1000 μF, you can take four 5000 μF or 4700 μF and connect them in parallel,
  • Instead of an imported capacitor C3 220m, you can supply a domestic one of any type with a capacity of 100-500 µF and a voltage of at least 10 V.
  • Transformer - any with a power from 10 W to 1000 W, but its power must be at least twice the planned load.

When installing circuits for connecting a transformer, transistors and connecting to a 12 V source, it is necessary to use large cross-section wires - the current here can reach high values ​​(with a power of 400 W up to 40 A).

Inverter with pure sine wave output

The circuits of daytime converters are complex even for experienced radio amateurs, so making them yourself is not at all easy. An example of the simplest circuit is below.

In this case, it is easier to assemble such a converter from ready-made boards. How - watch the video.

The next video shows how to assemble a 220 volt converter with pure sine wave. Only the input voltage is not 12 V, but 24 V.

And this video just tells you how you can change the input voltage, but still get the required 220 V at the output.

Comments (40):

#1 Snow White February 19 2015

Perfetto. Excellent This circuit seems to be what I was looking for about the transistor, very interesting. If you increase the number of turns, say three times, the current on KT 817 will also drop to 0.6. It doesn't work fast enough, is this the reason for the high current?

To be honest, I haven’t tried to increase the turns. As for the performance speed, yes, that’s why it was replaced with KT940. the current can be reduced further. From the lamp, take only the lamp itself and throw the board out of it. then the current is in the range of 0.3-0.35A..

#3 Selyuk May 12 2015

Everything is very “simple”, but where can I get the transformer cups??

#4 root May 12 2015

In the transformer design of this high-voltage converter there is no gap between the ferrite cups, so you can try using a ferrite ring or frame from a pulse transformer with a ferrite core (you can take it from a non-working computer power supply).
You will need to experiment with the number of turns and output voltage.

#5 pavel June 01 2015

What is the principle for calculating a transformer and selecting transistors for this inverter? I would like to make one with a power supply of 60 volts.

The cups were taken because they were just there, and the number of turns in such a core is needed less. I haven’t tried ferrite rings; it works fine on regular W-shaped ferrite. I don’t remember how many turns I wound, the primary one seemed to be 12 turns with 0.5mm wire, and the booster one was done by eye until the frame on the core was filled. The transformer was taken from a 4 by 5 cm monitor.

#7 Egor October 05 2015

I have a question for you: how many ohms is the resistor on the left at 220???
I'm just not very good at electronics)))

#8 root October 05 2015

If there are only numbers next to the resistor, that means the resistance is in Ohms. In the diagram, the resistor has a resistance of 220 ohms.

Tell me, is it possible to use your circuit to power the MTX-90 thyratron and not from 12, but from a 3.7 volt battery?
If possible, what are the best transistors to use? The MTX-90 has a small operating current - from 2 to 7 mA, and the voltage for ignition needs about 170 volts, well, you can experiment with this with a transformer (about voltage).

I don’t even know what to answer. Somehow I didn’t think about it.. Why do you need to power the thyratron from this circuit? In principle, it will work, of course, the only question is how... from 3.7 volts it is also possible, but the windings must be recalculated or selected experimentally.

#11 Oleg December 13 2015

People, tell us how to make an inverter from transistors from a Chinese typewriter on a control panel. Is it possible to install a ring ferrite core and is it possible to make a 3-fold difference in turns? I should make an inverter this way just for fun and to make it easier. And is it possible to set the input voltage to somewhere around 3V?
Answer please! I will be glad if you answer all my questions! I'm waiting for your answers!

#12 Alexander December 17 2015

I have 30/10 ferrite cups, is it possible to wind a trans on them and what number of turns should be wound, at least approximately.

#13 Alexander January 24 2016

Everything works great there, both the 15 watt lamp and the 20 watt one. More powerful transistors are simply needed. KT940 can be left alone, but 814 could at least be replaced with KT837. And if the current is high, you don’t need to rewind anything, you just need to increase the value of the resistor to 3.1k. And the transformer is not necessarily of this size, even a pulse generator will work from charging, transistors will still play a special role. p.s. These transistors have a power of no more than 10 watts

#14 Eduard February 01 2016

What kind of transistor can I replace KT814 with? Can I use 13005 or KT805?

#15 Alexander February 03 2016

Change it to KT805 - you'll scrape off a lot of power, because according to the datasheet, KT805 can give up to 60 watts

KT814 is p-n-p conductivity, and KT805 and 13005 are n-p-n..., of course you can’t Eduard...

#17 Mars May 11 2016

Instead of KT814 I installed KT816.15W lamp pulled.

#18 sasha November 06 2016

I installed KT805 and KT837. primary 16v.0.5mm. secondary 230v. 0.3mm. lamp 23W. glows great.

#19 Eduard November 19 2016

March. counter question, what then can replace the KT940, so that the KT814 can be replaced with KT805 or 13005 and change the power polarity? An idea arose: I removed the 12-volt pulse transformer from the electronic transformer for halogen lamps, there is just a secondary of 12-14 turns and The primary is about 150-200 turns. If you deploy it as a booster and plug it into this circuit? I think it should work, but if you replace the combination of KT814 and KT940 with something more modern, then you can squeeze out up to 40 W of power? I also want to try it on the UC3845 PWM controller , the circuit there is generally primitive: a UC3845 microcircuit, in its circuit a frequency-setting resistor and a film capacitor, an IRFZ44 field-effect transistor and a transformer from an electronic transformer included in the circuit as a step-up, as a result we have up to 100 W of power at 12 volts

and why "..940 outputs in the old colors in abundance.. everyone has nowhere to put it... replace it with any reverse transistor, but you want 805, then yes..940 on forward conduction.... and change the polarity... but again -why do we all have so many of these transits in our bins...

#21 pavel February 09 2017

why do you need to increase the power of the circuit :)? What, will you use KrAZ batteries (190 a/h)?? this circuit makes sense, as a friend correctly said, if you use a bulb from a lamp with a burnt-out circuit. Otherwise, to hell with the button accordion: an LED lamp from the same battery, with the same light output, will illuminate many times longer!..

#22 pavel February 09 2017

Now about the transistors: you can change them, but you need to remember that any power transistor provides its declared power only when using an appropriate heat sink. this fact directly affects the dimensions of the entire device. and where will you get energy saving? l ampu more powerful than 30 watts = 150? I haven't seen it on sale. and I already talked about the battery for such a “pacifier” :). so, know your limits, inventors, good luck!

#23 Eduard February 24 2017

March, I just have a problem with the Soviet KT940 and KT814. Basically in my reserves I have imported powerful high-frequency bipolar transistors 13005 for 5 amperes 400 volts, and the like. They managed to light the flask at full brightness from a 30 W energy-saving device, while the transistor was slightly warm. And the Soviet KT814 and KT805 ARE GLUGGY BY THEMSELVES BOIL QUICKLY EVEN WITH A RADIATOR

I would not say that the KT805 is buggy... depending on which one you use. in plastic they are unreliable, there is such a thing, and then for some 80 years. take the 805 in metal, it’s generally an indestructible transistor. However, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that they are buggy not because they are bad, but because they were not entirely in capable hands, just

But you can even install imported microwave transistors, it will work!!! verified!!. In this article, I wasn’t trying to create a miniature lamp, but rather how to fix a burnt-out lamp at minimal cost. to serve again

the 814 collector should be grounded through a 10 µF capacitor, otherwise when switching the surge is very large.
The 814 transistor is in a half-open state - however, it needs a radiator.

It was easier to use a blocking generator.

what other 10 microfarad capacitor, what nonsense, is it really not clear from the photo that the miniature radiator will all fit into a pack of cigarettes. and using a blocking generator is no easier. there you need at least three windings. and the transistor will heat up there no less!!!

#28 IamJiva August 14 2017

blocking generator serves the same purpose, to provide feedback (bring the microphone to the speaker so that it buzzes), if you did without a microphone, why don’t you need it, here you got by adding a transistor, in blocking you can get by with one transistor, and turn the phase around with turns of the winding, which (allow ) can be independently connected in any polarity. You can squeeze out a lot of watts, but it’s difficult, part of the energy (for powerful lamps is significant, up to 90%) is lost on the diode bridge and electrolyte (in the lamp rectifier) ​​that are cheap (especially if powerful) and 50Hz are suitable, at 50kHz smoke can already come from them and the voltage never appears to start the lamp, 50Hz diodes (simple, that is, not ultrafast or Schottky) do not have time to lock, and drain the charge back into the winding or somewhere else, this causes heating of everything and incorrect operation of the generator, the electrolyte has inductance (series) , and a short pulse it only “recognizes” but is in no hurry to carry out the order, while waiting for the command to set it aside... the current begins to increase to infinity or as long as they give, for 50Hz instantly, for 50kHz - never... the transistor needs to be fast, it can get warm and NO way, IRF840 2pcs, correctly used, provided on 4 4ohm columns of 500wt each, 2000Wt of power in class D, powered by +-85V (170V) TL494 PWM, Ir2112 driver in the gates, 4pcs ultrafast diodes shunt the SI and IC, varistors 400V BC 30V SI
2kW drum and bass power, they were a little warm on the same radiators as here, at the output there is a choke from the fuel assembly and 200 turns, at 2500wt they burned out without warning
It would be a good idea to bypass the output transformer of the primary with a diode, or better yet with a varistor (from flyback impulses possible in the event of a load disconnection, the selection of transistors and turns of the primary for maximum efficiency is as important and valuable as the ratio of sugar and vinegar with water + time on the timer in the microwave, so go away and take out the lollipops, the circuit works like a juggler you’ve never seen, they hope for the ease of transferring the ideal-harmony-efficiency-power to another circus and there’s no need for a jacket

One question for the author. This converter will pull an electric razor from Kharkov, Agidel, Berdsk, etc.
I need just such a miniature one that I can always build it into my shaving machine.
Just don’t write that there are plenty of battery-powered and wind-up electric shavers on sale. My dear to me.
She's been with me half my life.
Good luck.

#30 root January 21 2018

To power a 220V electric razor from the car’s on-board network, it is better to assemble some more reliable and powerful voltage converter. Here are a few similar schemes:

  1. Voltage inverter 12V to 220V from available parts (555, K561IE8, MJ3001)
  2. Simple voltage inverter 13V-220V for car (CD4093, IRF530)

Thanks for the links, but it’s too expensive and difficult to assemble on your knees.
I don't have such details. But the old color.tel. and there is a tape recorder. It's all there
People write that you can increase the power by replacing transistors with 805.837.
An electric razor consumes 30 watts. Maybe it will. What do you think.

I came across the Variom A ROM.

The trouble is that the P216G transistors can no longer be found, and one of them is not working. According to the parameters, the GT701A seems to be suitable, but here’s how to determine the resistors. There are only 4 of them, two pairs. I don’t think it will work just replacing both P216Gs with GT701A. Tell.

#33 root February 05 2018

Agu1954, P216 transistors can be replaced with GT701A or P210V. Below are the main operating limits of these transistors:

  • P216G: Ukb, max=50V; Ik max=7.5A; Pk max=24W; h21e>5; f gr.>0.2 MHz;
  • P210V: Ukb, max=45V; Ik max=12A; Pk max=45W; h21e>10; f gr.>0.1 MHz;
  • GT701A: Ukb, max=55V; Ik max=12A; Pk max=50W; h21e>10; f gp.=0.05 MHz;

Replace two transistors P216 with GT701A (P210V). For safety reasons, the first connection of the circuit to the battery should be made through a 3A fuse.

P.S. Please ask questions not related to the diagram given in the publication on the forum or in our social groups VK and FB.

#34 Sergey February 16 2018

#35 root February 16, 2018

Hello, Sergey. An old, and no longer working, postal address was indicated. Fixed it with a new one.

#36 Sergey February 16 2018

This converter operates at a frequency far greater than 50Hz. somewhere in the region of 20-50 kHz. Even if you increase the power by replacing transistors with more powerful ones, the razor will still not work. the engine simply cannot physically operate at a frequency of tens of kilohertz

#38 Petro Kopitonenko November 19 2018

To lower the frequency of the current on the converter, you must try to increase the number of turns of the transformer, both the primary and secondary windings. Where am I coming from? 50 hertz transformers have a large number of turns. And high-frequency ones have a small number of turns. This is the same as in oscillatory circuits, the frequency depends on the number of turns. I soldered an experimental converter with a factory transformer at 50 hertz. There, two primary windings are wound with 40 turns instead of 10 turns according to the circuit. I could hear the transformer humming at a frequency of about 40 hertz by ear. If it were a frequency of 50 kilohertz, I would not hear anything!!!

#39 David June 13 2019

Or you can use a ready-made transformer in this circuit. For example, step-up transformer TP 30-2, just connect in reverse (to the 15 volt output winding)

#40 root June 15 2019

The circuit requires a high-frequency transformer; TP 30-2 or another network transformer with Sh-like or toroidal iron will not work here.

I decided to dedicate a separate article to the manufacture of a DC AC step-up voltage converter for 220V. This, of course, is remotely related to the topic of LED spotlights and lamps, but such a mobile power source is widely used at home and in the car.

  • 1. Assembly options
  • 2. Voltage converter design
  • 3. Sine wave
  • 4. Example of converter filling
  • 5. Assembly from UPS
  • 6. Assembly from ready-made blocks
  • 7. Radio constructors
  • 8. Power converter circuits

Assembly options

There are 3 optimal ways to make a 12 to 220 inverter with your own hands:

  1. assembly from ready-made blocks or radio constructors;
  2. manufacturing from an uninterruptible power supply;
  3. use of amateur radio circuits.

From the Chinese you can find good radio constructors and ready-made blocks for assembling DC to AC 220V converters. In terms of price, this method will be the most expensive, but it requires the least amount of time.

The second method is to upgrade an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), which without a battery is sold in large quantities on Avito and costs from 100 to 300 rubles.

The most difficult option is assembly from scratch; you can’t do it without amateur radio experience. We will have to make printed circuit boards, select components, a lot of work.

Voltage converter design

Let's consider the design of a conventional step-up voltage converter from 12 to 220. The operating principle for all modern inverters will be the same. The high-frequency PWM controller sets the operating mode, frequency and amplitude. The power part is made of powerful transistors, the heat from which is transferred to the device body.

A fuse is installed at the input to protect the car battery from short circuits. A thermal sensor is attached next to the transistors, which monitors their heating. If the 12v-220v inverter overheats, an active cooling system consisting of one or more fans is turned on. In budget models, the fan can work constantly, and not just under high load.

Power transistors at the output

Sine wave

The signal shape at the output of a car inverter is generated by a high-frequency generator. A sine wave can be of two types:

  1. modified sine wave;
  2. pure sine wave, pure sine wave.

Not every electrical device can work with a modified sine wave, which has a rectangular shape. Some components change their operating mode, they can heat up and start to get dirty. You can get something similar if you dim an LED lamp whose brightness is not adjustable. The crackling and flashing starts.

Expensive DC AC step-up voltage converters 12V-220V have a pure sine wave output. They cost much more, but electrical appliances work great with it.

Example of converter filling


Assembly from UPS

In order not to invent anything and not to buy ready-made modules, you can try a computer uninterruptible power supply, abbreviated as UPS. They are designed for 300-600W. I have an Ippon with 6 sockets, 2 monitors, 1 system unit, 1 TV, 3 surveillance cameras, a video surveillance management system are connected. I periodically switch it to operating mode by disconnecting the 220 from the network so that the battery is discharged, otherwise the service life will be greatly reduced.

Electrician colleagues connected a regular car acid battery to an uninterruptible power supply, it worked perfectly for 6 hours continuously, and they watched football in the country. The UPS usually has a built-in gel battery diagnostic system that detects its low capacity. How it will react to the automobile is unknown, although the main difference is gel instead of acid.

UPS filling

The only problem is that the UPS may not like surges in the car network when the engine is running. For a real radio amateur, this problem is solved. Can only be used with the engine turned off.

Mostly UPSs are designed for short-term operation when 220V in the outlet disappears. For long-term continuous operation, it is highly advisable to install active cooling. Ventilation is useful for a stationary option and for a car inverter.

Like all devices, it will behave unpredictably when starting the engine with a connected load. The car's starter draws a lot of volts, at best it will go into protection as if the battery fails. At worst, there will be surges in the 220V output, the sine wave will be distorted.

Assembly from ready-made blocks

To assemble a stationary or automotive 12v 220v inverter with your own hands, you can use ready-made blocks that are sold on eBay or from the Chinese. This will save time on board manufacturing, soldering and final setup. It is enough to add a housing and wires with crocodiles to them.

You can also purchase a radio kit, which is equipped with all radio components; all that remains is to solder it.

Approximate price for autumn 2016:

  1. 300W – 400rub;
  2. 500W – 700rub;
  3. 1000W – 1500rub;
  4. 2000W – 1700rub;
  5. 3000W - 2500 rub.

To search on Aliexpress, enter the query in the search bar “inverter 220 diy”. The abbreviation "DIY" stands for "do-it-yourself assembly."

500W board, output for 160, 220, 380 volts

Radio constructors

A radio kit costs less than a ready-made board. The most complex elements may already be on the board. Once assembled, it requires virtually no setup, which requires an oscilloscope. The range of radio component parameters and ratings are well chosen. Sometimes they put spare parts in a bag, in case you tear off the leg due to inexperience.

Power converter circuits

A powerful inverter is mainly used to connect construction power tools during the construction of a summer house or hacienda. A low-power 500-watt voltage converter differs from a powerful 5,000-10,000-watt converter in the number of transformers and power transistors at the output. Therefore, the manufacturing complexity and price are almost the same; transistors are inexpensive. The power is optimally 3000 W, you can connect a drill, grinder and other tools.

I will show several inverter circuits from 12, 24, 36 to 220V. It is not recommended to install these in a passenger car; you can accidentally damage the electrics. The circuit design of DC AC converters 12 to 220 is simple, a master oscillator and a power section. The generator is made on the popular TL494 or analogues.

A large number of booster circuits from 12v to 220v for DIY production can be found at the link
In total there are about 140 circuits, half of them are boost converters from 12, 24 to 220V. Powers from 50 to 5000 watts.

After assembly, you will need to adjust the entire circuit using an oscilloscope; it is advisable to have experience working with high-voltage circuits.

To assemble a powerful 2500 Watt inverter you will need 16 transistors and 4 suitable transformers. The cost of the product will be considerable, comparable to the cost of a similar radio designer. The advantage of such costs will be a pure sine output.

A homemade voltage converter (inverter) of 12 volts to 220 volts can be useful for motorists who drive their cars into nature, fishing, or dachas. It allows you to charge your phone, connect lamps for lighting at night, work and play on your laptop, and watch TV.
A 12 volt to 220 volt converter with a maximum output power of 500 W is assembled on 2 domestic microcircuits (K155LA3 and K155TM2) and 6 transistors, and several radio components. To increase efficiency and prevent strong heating, very powerful IRLR2905 field-effect transistors with minimal resistance are used in the output stage of the device. It is possible to replace it with IRF2804, but the power of the converter will drop slightly
Using elements DD1.1 - DD1.3, C1, R1, a master generator of rectangular pulses with an approximate frequency of 200 Hz is assembled according to the standard circuit. From the output of the generator, pulses follow to a frequency divider consisting of elements DD2.1 - DD2.2. As a result, at the output of the divider (pin 6 of element DD2.1), the pulse repetition rate is reduced to 100 hertz, and at output 8 of DD2.2. The signal frequency is 50 hertz.
The rectangular signal from pin 8 of the DD1 chip and from pin 6 of the DD2 chip is supplied to the diodes VD1 and VD2, respectively. In order for the field-effect transistors to open completely, it is necessary to increase the amplitude of the signal that comes from the diode VD1 and VD2; for this, transistors VT1 and VT2 are used. With the help of transistors VT3 and VT4 (they act as a driver), the output power transistors are controlled. If no errors were made during the assembly of the inverter, then it starts working immediately after switching on. It is possible that it may be necessary to select the resistance of resistor R1 so that the output is exactly 50 hertz.

Voltage converter (inverter) 12 / 220 50 Hz 500 W DIY circuit

Silicon transistors VT1, VT3 and VT4 - KT315 with any letter. Transistor VT2 can be replaced with KT361. Stabilizer DA1 is a domestic analogue of KR142EN5A. All resistors in the circuit have a power of 0.25 W. Any diodes KD105, 1N4002. Capacitor C1 with a stable capacitance - type K10-17. As a transformer TP1, it is possible to use a power transformer from an old Soviet TV. All windings must be removed, leaving only the network winding. On top of the network winding, wind two windings simultaneously with PEL wire - 2.2 mm. Field-effect power transistors must be installed on an aluminum finned radiator with a total area of ​​750 sq.cm.

It is recommended that the converter (inverter) be started for the first time through a household incandescent lamp of 220 volts and a power of 100 - 150 watts, connected in series to one of the supply wires, this will protect you from damage to radio components in the event of an error.

When working with boost converters or inverters, follow the electrical safety rules since the work is carried out with a voltage dangerous to the body!!! During the commissioning and assembly process, the output secondary winding must be insulated with rubber tube cambrics to avoid accidental contact.