High deposits in dollars. The most profitable deposits in US dollars. Genbank has revised the rates on the “Winter's Tale” deposit

It's no secret that everyone has at least one issued loan: many of us are accustomed to living “on credit.” However, in Lately financial literacy population is growing: we are starting to look for other options for optimizing and replenishing our budget. Foreign currency deposits in Moscow are becoming increasingly popular. By converting savings into foreign currency, they protect against capital depreciation, and through the interest paid, they allow you to generate income.

Interest on multicurrency deposits in Moscow

If you decide to open a foreign currency deposit in Moscow, then do not rush to take your money to the first bank that promises big income due to the highest rates on deposits in foreign currency. In fact, in order to assess the level of profitability of a deposit, you need to study all the nuances of its functioning:

  1. You give the bank your savings (a minimum limit is set for each deposit) for a certain period (there are options for permanent deposits, which can be closed at any time).
  2. During this period, the bank is not only guaranteed to keep your savings in a specified currency, but also actively uses them as part of its capital.
  3. As soon as you want to withdraw money, the bank takes it out of its circulation and gives it to you with interest in the deposit currency.

As a result, foreign currency deposits in Moscow banks should be considered as a set of conditions such as amount, term and interest, which can be obtained precisely because the bank has the opportunity to use the amount on deposit within a certain period. Consequently, the more comfortable the conditions of your multi-currency deposit in Moscow or a deposit in one foreign currency for the bank, the higher interest on deposits in foreign currency you can receive.

Accordingly, high interest rates on foreign currency deposits in Moscow imply some restrictions for the client:

  • since the bank has already planned that it will use your money for a certain period, it establishes a ban on closing the deposit before this period;
  • if suddenly the deposit is open-ended, then the bank still sets a period during which it must be notified about the closure so that it can painlessly get the required amount from circulation;
  • During the term of the agreement, you cannot withdraw part of the money placed on the deposit.

For compliance with these conditions, the bank pays the highest interest rates, but for violation it can reduce the initial rate to the minimum possible. Therefore, carefully evaluate your financial capabilities before opening a deposit.

Which bank in Moscow is better to open a deposit in foreign currency?

To open a multi-currency deposit or a deposit in one foreign currency, you will have to spend some time searching and collecting all the necessary information on the options presented on the market (Sberbank, VTB, and almost all Moscow banks work with deposits in foreign currency).

To find and choose your most profitable option for individuals' deposits in foreign currency in Moscow as quickly and effortlessly as possible, use special online deposit calculators for foreign currency deposits in Moscow. Based on your individual requirements, which you enter into the appropriate form, the system will select and display full list suitable deposit options 2020.

As a result, in one place for each current deposit option you will receive the following information:

  • validity period of the deposit;
  • interest rate (per year);
  • final income (for a specified period: usually a year).

You can quickly make the right and informed choice, and then immediately submit an online application for a deposit in foreign currency and proceed to registration.

Do you want to open a bank account for an individual, but don’t know which financial institution you can do this at on the best terms that are most favorable to you? The capital has a large number of financial organizations, so it can be difficult for Muscovites to choose the most suitable one.

If you find it difficult to make this choice, we suggest you use our online service. Using our online portal, you can find out which capital bank offers the best foreign currency deposits at interest in Moscow for individuals. Our clients have the opportunity to do profitable deposits in foreign currency, which allows them not only to save their funds, but also to increase them.

Description of the service

If you want to find out which foreign currency deposits are the most profitable in 2019, and which banking institutions offer their clients the most attractive conditions, use the special form on this page to search for them. To do this, you will need to enter the following data in the appropriate fields:

  • The amount of the deposit you plan to open;
  • Banks that suit you;
  • The locality in which you want to open a deposit;
  • The currency you have (euro or dollar);
  • For how long do you want to deposit the money (one year or several years).

After you have provided all the above information, click the “Find” button. Our system will automatically compare deposit rates individuals, after which it will give you the results in the form of a list. This list will feature Moscow banking institutions offering the best interest rates on foreign currency deposits this year. Using the results of the issue, you can compare foreign currency deposits and choose the one that offers the highest interest rate. By choosing banking institutions with the highest rates, you save and also increase your funds. Money placed on a long-term deposit in a bank remains completely safe and even increases due to the accumulation of interest. Therefore, store cash It’s much more profitable at the bank than at home.

Advantages of our service

We offer our clients a convenient means of monitoring bank offers regarding ruble and foreign currency bank accounts. We have an extensive database and always operate with the most up-to-date information. Our internet site is one of the best online services used to compare the interest rate of various financial institutions.. a person who wishes to determine the most high stakes on foreign currency deposits. With our help, you can find out what the interest rate is in banks, and then choose the bank that suits you best.

If you want to make a profitable foreign currency deposit, use our automatic search system to find a suitable institution. Having received a list of financial institutions in Moscow that suit you, you can begin to compare bank percentages.

Even in a difficult economic situation in 2020, there is an opportunity to invest money in such a way as to make money. One way is to arrange a profitable deposit for individuals. But which of the most reliable banks in Russia today has the highest interest rate on deposits? The website agency specialists analyzed the offers of the country's largest banks, compiling a review of deposits in rubles with favorable interest rates.

Deposits from individuals - a traditional way of investing money

There are many ways to invest money to earn passive income. You can buy a currency and wait for it to rise in price, you can make money on Forex, invest in a PAMM account, try to earn income by trading binary options and much more.

All these ways of making money bring quite high profits, but are also associated with a certain risk. Bank deposits of individuals today remain the most reliable and traditional way of investing savings in Russia.

Choosing the most profitable investment: what to pay attention to

When choosing a bank to entrust money to, depositors usually pay attention to at least two parameters:

  • - the size of the interest rate, which allows you to choose a deposit with the maximum income;
  • - reliability of the bank, which allows you not to worry about the safety of your savings even during a banking crisis.

It can be quite difficult to combine a high interest rate and sufficient bank reliability. Analysts from the agency website tried to do this by studying the conditions of deposits in Russian rubles for individuals in reliable banks.

What are the most profitable deposits in reliable Russian banks today?

Each bank has its own line of profitable deposits for individuals with unique conditions.

In order to somehow lead “to common denominator» parameters of deposits in different banks, we tried to find out what the highest interest rates in rubles are offered to those who intend to open a deposit today, in 2020.

For the purity of the experiment, we compared rates in the largest banks in Russia for deposits for a period of 12 months, since this is the most popular investment period. The estimated amount was 1 million rubles. They also tried to exclude the so-called investment or complex proposals with the obligatory investment of money in insurance, mutual funds or shares. As a result, the following list was obtained (check with banks for exact conditions and interest rates on deposits).

The most profitable deposits in reliable Russian banks from the top 10

Credit Bank of Moscow

MEGA Online deposit

Replenishment / No partial withdrawal / No capitalization / Interest at the end of the term

Bank FC Otkritie

Deposit "Reliable"

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest accrual at the end of the term.


Deposit “My income”

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / No capitalization / Interest at the end of the term.

Deposit "Savings account"

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest accrued monthly.

Post Bank

Deposit "Capital"

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest monthly

Sberbank of Russia

Deposit "Save"

Interest rate

Without replenishment / Without partial withdrawal / With capitalization / Monthly interest accrual in Moscow banks >>

Main types of deposits of individuals

Today Moscow banks offer a large number various types profitable deposits for individuals. But all of them can be divided into several groups:

time deposits at the highest interest rates. By opening such a deposit, you give the bank your money for a certain period (3-6 months, 1 year or 3 years), and during this time you cannot take it back without losing interest or replenishing the account.

✓ replenished deposits of individuals. By opening such a deposit, the investor can save money by replenishing the account, and at the same time the interest increases. However, it is impossible to withdraw funds from the account without losing profitability.

✓ deposits with partial withdrawal of funds without loss of interest. Such deposits usually have the lowest interest rates. But they give you the opportunity to withdraw part of the funds up to a pre-agreed minimum balance, on the amount of which interest will be charged.

Of course, in any unforeseen situation if you need money ahead of schedule When the deposit ends, you can always get them, but you will be sorry for the lost profits. So, when planning to make a deposit in a bank, it is better to decide in advance when you will withdraw the money so as not to lose income.

They allow you to preserve your capital while additionally making a profit. They can be made in both dollars and euros. Some offer individuals to open an account in other exotic currencies. It changed several times in 2020, but in any case, the flow of people who decided to store funds in foreign currency did not decrease.

Interest on foreign currency deposits in Moscow

Foreign currency deposits in Moscow are suitable for various programs. Their popularity is due to:

  • currency stability;
  • low risks associated with money depreciation;
  • high profitability.

Banks offer standard and large deposits. The first option is more accessible to individuals. It is characterized by a minimum down payment, average interest rates and availability additional functions. Large deposits They have strict rules and restrictions, but allow you to get the maximum possible profit.

Which bank is better to open a deposit in foreign currency?

You can get it in foreign currency when opening an account for a long period. We invite you to get acquainted with offers from various financial organizations. They will allow you to make the right decision and choose the right conditions.

Deposits in foreign currency will always be offered at lower rates than when making a transaction in rubles. The information available on our website will help you correctly calculate your profit and compare offers.

Hello, friends!

It just so happens that one of the most popular tools for preserving and accumulating savings of Russians is a bank deposit. In recent decades, when waves of devaluation are sweeping our economy one after another, citizens are striving. Banks are willing to accommodate and offer deposits in US dollars, euros and some other currencies.

In this article we will review the most profitable dollar deposits in banks. But first, let’s define the investor’s requirements, which may influence the choice of a specific option.

Requirements for dollar deposits

The selection criteria will depend on the purpose for which you are opening a deposit. For example:

  1. The goal is to maintain savings. In this case, deposits with high interest rates are suitable, but without the right to replenish and withdraw.
  2. The goal is to accumulate. Then it is best to open an account with the possibility of replenishment.
  3. The goal is to buy currency at a cheaper rate and resell it at a more expensive one. In this case, it would be a good idea to provide for the possibility of withdrawing money at any time.

To open a foreign currency deposit, they are no different from a ruble deposit. First of all, this is:

  1. Participation in the deposit insurance system. Money in dollars is just as insured by the state as money in rubles. But the refund amount does not change, i.e. if the license of a financial institution is revoked, you will receive up to 1.4 million rubles in compensation (at the ruble to dollar exchange rate at that time).
  2. Conditions for foreign currency deposits: interest rate, capitalization, replenishment and withdrawal, payment for SMS notifications, etc.
  3. Availability of branches in your region of residence, if this point is important to you.
  4. Customer reviews.

Let's look at the best offers from banks today for opening a foreign currency account.

Review of bank conditions


At Rosselkhozbank, I would pay attention to the “Profitable” deposit for individuals.

The maximum interest rate is 4%. But you can get it for amounts over $25,000 for 1,460 days with interest paid on the last day of the contract.

The bank distinguishes 4 methods for registering a deposit, on which the rates depend:

  1. Online with interest paid at the end.
  2. Online with monthly payment or interest capitalization.
  3. At the bank's office with interest paid on the last day of the agreement.
  4. At the bank's office with monthly payment or capitalization of interest.

Other deposit conditions:

  • there is no possibility to replenish and withdraw;
  • the minimum amount starts from $50;
  • period from 31 to 1,460 days;
  • The investor can choose the method of interest payment: at the end of the agreement, monthly to the account or.


VTB Bank offers to open a “Profitable” deposit. An amount of $500 or more will bring a maximum return of 3.5% for 395 – 545 days.

Interest is accrued monthly and remains on the deposit (capitalized) or transferred to the account. Hence there are two different interest rates: nominal and effective. Let me remind you that the effective rate is the rate taking into account previously accumulated interest.

Dollars cannot be withdrawn or deposited. If the contract is terminated early within the first 181 days, the income will be equal to the rate on a demand deposit. But, if you withdraw money after 181 days, you will receive 0.6 of the contract rate.

One more nuance when opening a deposit with VTB. If you do this online, the minimum amount is $500, if in a branch - $3,000.


Binbank and its “ Maximum percentage” in the amount of 3.5%, which can be received for an amount of $300 or more after 367 days. Interest capitalization is not provided, income is paid only at the end of the term.

Unfortunately, the bank's allowance for ruble deposits for pensioners does not apply to dollar savings.

Bank opening

In Otkritie you can store dollars in your account using the “Basic Income” tariff. The minimum amount starts from $1,000. The profitability is shown in the table. Please note the 2 bet values. The first is income taking into account capitalization, the second is without taking into account capitalization.

The remaining conditions are similar to the tariffs of the banking institutions discussed above:

  • cannot be removed;
  • cannot be replenished;
  • can be opened online or in the office;
  • income is accrued monthly, it can be withdrawn or left on the account for further capitalization and increasing profitability.

Credit Bank of Moscow

ICD offers to save for a dream using the “Dreams” deposit. The minimum amount is $1,000, the maximum is $300,000. The interest rate is the same and is 3.35% per annum. During the first 190 days of the contract, you can deposit additional money, but partial withdrawal not provided. There is no capitalization of income either.


At Gazprombank “Doors are open” for amounts starting from $1,000. Duration from 91 to 1,097 days. The maximum rate is 3.25% and does not depend on the amount of money in the account, only on the duration of storage.

The conditions are quite strict:

  • there is no possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal,
  • No ,
  • income is accrued only at the end of the term,
  • The saddest thing is that there is no way to open a deposit online.

Alfa Bank

The Pobeda+ deposit from Alfa-Bank allows you to save and increase an amount from $500 for up to 3 years. The interest rate depends on. For example, in the “Economy” package its maximum value will be only 2.81% for an amount up to $10,000, in the “Optimum” package – 2.86%, “Comfort” – 2.97%, “Maximum+” – 3, 08% and “Alpha Private” – 3.19%.

You don’t have to connect any service packages, then the profitability will be minimal – 2.76%. These values ​​are given for the longest contract duration, 3 years, and taking into account interest capitalization.

It is more convenient to use the calculator on the website.

The calculator shows that a top-up option is available, but the rates are very low and not worthy of consideration in this article.

Other banks

Our list above did not include, for example, such popular financial organizations as Sberbank and Post Bank. In the first case, the yield on a foreign currency deposit is very low if you compare it with other banks. Look at the table.

True, for pensioners they apply special conditions– maximum bet regardless of the amount. But even in this case the income is very small.

It is impossible to make a foreign currency deposit at Pochta Bank, only in rubles.

I was surprised by Raiffeisenbank, which has rates on dollar deposits of only 0.01%. It is possible to open a multi-currency account, but even there the conditions are not much better - 1.5% per annum. At the same time, at least 50% of the money must be kept in rubles.

Another outsider is Promsvyazbank. You will receive a maximum of 1.55% return on your dollar account.


Almost until the end of 2017, rates on dollar deposits were at a very low level (up to 1%). Since October 2017, Sberbank has increased its yield in foreign currency for the first time in long time by several points. And the rest of the banking market players immediately joined in.

This growth continued in the fall of 2018. The fact is that low rates led to a loss of interest in deposits on the part of the population. The outflow of capital into more attractive instruments began. Therefore, banks began to change their policies regarding not only ruble but also foreign currency deposits in the direction of increasing their profitability. After the Central Bank increased its key rate to 7.5%, the trend towards increasing bank rates only intensified.

I can’t help but ask our readers, do you have savings in foreign currency or do you use other tools for saving and increasing money?