Tall yellow grass with small yellow flowers. The beauty and benefits of the Russian land are meadow and wild flowers. Yellow flowers in landscape design

Meadow flowers are a separate multifaceted world.

He is beautiful and incomprehensible. It is hard to believe that such beauty is created by itself - designers do not work on it, selecting varieties according to flowers and location, but always, when we find ourselves in a field with meadow flowers, we cannot stop looking and breathe. After all, there are no flaws in the design.

Many flower growers and gardeners strive to get a piece of pristine natural beauty to their site - they dig up bushes with roots or buy seeds. Moreover, meadow flowers are not only an aesthetic pleasure - each plant has a healing effect and is used in folk medicine.

So it turns out, two in one: both beautiful and useful, and if right outside the window, then it’s generally excellent!

Meadow flowers amaze with their diversity, simplicity and at the same time beauty. These flowers in their natural environment grow in meadows and fields, on the edges of forests.

By the way, herbalists have noticed that flowers collected from meadows have greater power in the treatment of diseases compared to artificially cultivated, precisely because a person did not interfere in their growth and development.


There are a lot of species of meadow flowers and in the article we will look at some plants, their descriptions and photos that can be found not only in the meadows, but also in our garden plots, and everyone can decide what to collect in the summer for a home first-aid kit and what to plant in a flower bed .

If you watch meadow flowers in their natural environment, you can easily understand that they love a lot of bright sunlight and do not tolerate shade well, with the exception of flowers that can grow in the forest too, for example, Ivan tea.

If you want to get them in your flower bed, then you will need to provide them with light: always plant them in the first line. Moreover, most representatives of meadow flowers are low- and medium-sized.

Meadow flowers are not afraid of weeds, because they are used to living in close community with a hundred neighbors in the meadow. Their roots intertwine, creating a carpet that absorbs rainwater well and also extracts moisture from the soil itself - so care for such plants will be minimal.

Description of species

  1. Marshmallow officinalis

Perennial herbaceous plant, grows up to half a meter in height. Leaf blades grow directly on the stem, the higher, the smaller the sheets. They have an oblong-pointed shape and a bluish shade of green. The buds grow singly at the top of the stem, and have a pale pink color.

The plant has an average frost resistance, which, nevertheless, allows it to grow well in central Russia, including in the Moscow region.

  1. Amaranth spiky

It is the wild ancestor of cultivated amaranth. Gardeners are more familiar as amaranth, a malicious weed. But not everyone knows that it has a high nutritional and medicinal value.

Amaranth reaches a height of 1 meter. The leaves are arranged alternately and have an oblong shape. The leaves are smaller at the top of the stem and larger at the bottom.

The flowers are very small, almost invisible, have a yellowish-green color and form spike-shaped inflorescences. Absolutely undemanding to soil and weather conditions.

  1. Pansies

A perennial plant growing up to 40 cm. The leaf blades grow alternately, larger at the bottom than at the top. Flowers on thin stems, large, tricolor. Frost resistance is high. The habitat is very wide.

  1. wild rosemary

It grows in the form of a bush and reaches a height of two meters.

Small bluish-green leaves grow throughout the stem, from bottom to top. Blooms profusely.

Four-petal buds, white, and more often - crimson hue with a rich smell, up to 4 cm in diameter, are collected in umbrella inflorescences. Winter-hardy, unpretentious.

  1. Valerian officinalis

Perennial flower growing up to one and a half meters in height. Stem bare, slightly covered with leaves. The buds are small, pale pink, collected in umbrella inflorescences, very fragrant. The habitat is wide, but due to high demand, it can be difficult to find it.

It has found application not only in medicine, but also in the cosmetology industry, for these purposes it is cultivated artificially.

  1. Cornflower meadow

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to a meter long and considered a weed, especially in cereal fields. The leaves have an elongated oval shape, pubescent, green with a bluish tint. The buds are pale pink, about 5 cm in diameter.

  1. Cornflower blue

Perennial representative of meadow flowers. It differs from the meadow cornflower in the color of the buds - they have a more saturated color, blue.

  1. mouse peas

Perennial flower, with a creeping stem, reaching a shoot length of one and a half meters. Leaf blades are miniature, inconspicuous, ash-green. The buds do not differ in large sizes, but they have a rich purple-pink color.

  1. carnation meadow

Perennial flower growing up to 40 cm. Leaf blades are pubescent, have a linear shape. The buds are red, pink, less often white, the petals are serrated. It belongs to rare, protected plants.

  1. Geranium meadow

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm. The lower leaves are divided into five parts, the upper ones into three. The buds are five-petalled, numerous, large, are lilac in color. Very widely represented on the map of Russia.

  1. Highlander pepper

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing 90 cm. Belongs to the Buckwheat family. The stem is straight and thin, densely covered with leaves. Leaf blades are feather-shaped. The buds are small, snow-white, collected in inflorescences in the form of an ear.

  1. Highlander bird

Perennial flower, reaching half a meter in length. Stem creeping, strongly branched. Leaf blades are small, opposite, densely cover the stem.

The buds are inconspicuous, white, located in the axils of the leaves.

The highlander bird has good winter hardiness and high nutritional properties. It is used in folk medicine and as a fodder plant.

  1. Gentian

A perennial flower in the form of a shrub, reaching a length of one and a half meters. The stems are straight and dense. Leaf blades are dark green, opposite. The buds are blue, light blue or purple, bell-shaped, quite large and grow singly. The area of ​​growth is wide.

  1. goose bow

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 50 cm. Leaf blades are collected in a basal rosette, very long and thin. The buds are small, yellowish, with a honey smell. The plant is thermophilic.

  1. Elecampane high

A representative of meadow flowers, growing in the form of a bush and reaching one and a half meters in height. Long dark leaf blades form a basal rosette. The buds are large, orange-yellow like a large chamomile, but the petals are much narrower. The root has medicinal value and is used in cosmetology.

  1. Delphinium

A perennial flower, in the form of a bush, reaching a length of one and a half meters. Leaf blades form a basal rosette and are shaped like arrows. The peduncle is long, forms a pyramidal inflorescence with many small but bright buds, snow-white, pink, blue, lilac, red and yellow. The flower is thermophilic. At home, soap is prepared from the delphinium.

  1. wild bow

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing as a bush and reaching half a meter in length. Leaf blades are similar to the feather of a domestic onion, but not as thick and fleshy. A tall pedicel is crowned with an inflorescence in the form of a ball. Has nutritional value. The area of ​​growth is wide.

  1. sweet clover

Perennial flower, reaching a length of two meters. Leaf blades are arranged oppositely or in pairs on the stem. The buds are small, yellow or snow-white, very fragrant. It is famous as a honey crop and a medicinal plant.

  1. St. John's wort

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm. The erect, hard stem is covered with a large number of small dark green leaves. The buds form yellow inflorescences on the tops of the stems. It is found both in Russia and in Ukraine. Used to treat various ailments.

  1. strawberries

Perennial representative of meadow plants, growing to thirty centimeters.

  1. Fireweed narrow-leaved (Ivan tea)

Perennial representative of meadow plants, growing up to one and a half meters.

The stem is straight, thick and juicy, densely covered with linear-lanceolate leaves. The buds are purple-pink, form apical racemose inflorescences. The area of ​​growth is wide. It is used to treat various ailments and is a raw material for making tea.

  1. red clover

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm. The stem is erect, highly branched. Leaf blades are oval in shape and collected in threes. The buds are collected in spherical inflorescences, painted in pink and raspberry colors. Nitrogen fixer. Used as a honey plant, fodder and medicinal plant.

  1. bluebell

A two-year representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 70 cm. The stem is straight, slightly covered with small leaves that have a regular arrangement. The buds are purple, collected in inflorescences-panicles. A rare protected plant that grows in temperate climates.

  1. Field barnacle

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm.

The stem is erect, ending in a single blue-lilac flower.

Leaf blades form a basal rosette and have a lanceolate shape. Good honey plant.

  1. Lily of the valley

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 40 cm and belonging to the genus Liliaceae. The stem is thin, glabrous, erect. Leaf blades are large, oval-elongated, form a basal rosette, from which a thin stem with small white flowers emerges.

The buds form a spike-shaped inflorescence and are shaped like bells.

A rare protected species, listed in the Red Book.

  1. Common flax

An annual representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm. The stem is thin, erect, ending in a pedicel with a blue flower. Leaf blades are small, arranged in pairs along the entire stem. The seeds are edible and used to make oil. The stem is a source of fibers for the production of fabrics.

  1. common flax

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 90 cm. The stem is straight, densely covered with small pointed leaves. The buds are pale yellow with an orange centre.

  1. Lupine

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing in the form of a shrub and reaching a length of 120 centimeters. The stems are straight, strong, ending in racemose peduncles of blue-violet color. Leaf blades are palmate, form a basal rosette and partially cover the stem. It grows well in central Russia.

  1. Coltsfoot

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 30 cm. The stem is erect, ending in a peduncle with a single yellow flower. Leaf blades are smooth on top, pubescent below, form a basal rosette that appears after the flower wilts.

  1. Dandelion

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 60 cm. The stem is erect, hollow inside, contains milky juice and ends with a single bright yellow flower. Leaf blades, elongated in the form of a feather, form a basal rosette.

  1. pharmaceutical camomile

An annual representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 60 cm. The stem is straight, branched at the base, ending in a flower with white petals and a yellow core.

Leaf blades are elongated narrow and carved. Has found application in folk and traditional medicine and cosmetology.

  1. Spiraea

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 80 cm. Leaf blades on long legs are palmate in shape. The buds are small, numerous, painted in white and pink.

  1. yarrow

A perennial representative of meadow flowers, having the appearance of a shrub, belonging to Compositae. The stem is straight, covered with feathery compound leaves and ends in numerous inflorescences with baskets, with white or pink-white flowers.

  1. Chicory ordinary

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, reaching a length of one and a half meters. The stem is straight, very strong, branching and ending in numerous blue-blue flowers.

Leaf blades form a basal rosette and partially cover the stem. The area of ​​growth is very wide. Used in cooking and as a medicinal plant. The roots are used to make a drink that tastes like coffee.

  1. Thyme

A perennial representative of meadow flowers with a creeping stem, growing up to 40 cm. The stem is covered with small oval-shaped leaves and ends in pink-purple inflorescences. All parts of the plant are very fragrant and are used for tea, as a condiment, in medicine and cosmetology.

  1. echinacea

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, reaching a meter height. The stem is straight and rough. Leaf blades are wide, oval in shape. The buds are large, up to fifteen centimeters in diameter, collected in basket inflorescences. The color of flowers covers all shades of pink or red-brown.

  1. Eschsolzia

Perennial representative of meadow flowers, growing up to 45 cm. Very photophilous. Buds are white or orange, cupped. It begins to bloom early, from the beginning of June and blooms until frost.

Rules for the preparation of medicinal plants

  1. it is necessary to collect plants in well-defined terms;
  2. collect in sunny weather, after complete drying of the dew;
  3. collect clean plants, away from sources of pollution;
  4. after harvesting, the grass is washed in cold water;
  5. during drying, use shading from the sun or electric dryers, setting the temperature to no more than 50 ° C;
  6. drying is done until brittle. Incompletely dried parts of the plant can become covered with mold fungi and lose their strength;
  7. you need to store the grass in paper or fabric bags for no more than two years.

In the minds of most people, meadow and wild flowers are associated with the vast expanse of an emerald green field, and on it expressive splashes of white, blue, yellow, pink, red natural flowers. Kingdom of herbs and colors! In the same way, touchingly tender wildflowers are suitable for creating decorative meadow and Moorish lawns: being a successful addition to greenery, they at the same time know how to express themselves in the highest degree brightly and unforgettably. In addition to lawns on personal plots, simple meadow flowers can be perfectly used as a kind of herbal “framework” and a beautiful backdrop for country features and ideas. In addition, all this splendor has no equal in cultivation and care, since simple meadow and field plants are extremely undemanding in nature.

Many of the meadow flowers and plants are medicinal herbs that you can collect and then make healthy decoctions and teas at home.

For example, in folk medicine, flowers cornflower blue is used as an antipyretic, as well as in diseases of the kidneys, bladder and in the form of lotions for eye diseases.

Oregano ordinary is able to have a calming effect on the central nervous system, increase the secretions of the digestive, bronchial and sweat glands, increase intestinal motility and have some analgesic and deodorizing effect.

St. John's wort used in scientific medicine as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent that promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.

red clover used in folk medicine for malnutrition and anemia, as well as an expectorant, diuretic and antiseptic.

known to all camomile can be used as a sedative (in the form of tea), as an anticonvulsant, choleretic, diuretic and mild laxative.

The most popular meadow flowers and field plants: names and photos

In all sorts of fields and beautiful meadows, you can find the following wonderful plants. Remember their appearance (from the photo) and their names, so that when you once again go to nature and find a beautiful flower meadow, collect a bouquet of the most useful and wonderful flowers. Or, as an option, so that all-season blooming and smelling in your backyard, plant the plants you like best in your meadow or Mauritanian


Aquilegia (Catchment)


Veronika (Dubravna)

carnation grass

Geranium meadow (field)



St. John's wort

Ivan tea (Kiprey)



Coronaria (Kukushkin adonis)

bathing suit


clover red

Lily of the valley

Linen blue (light blue)

Burdock (burdock)


field poppy






Backache (Sleep-grass)


Meadow core


Violet onion (field)



Chistets (initial letter)drug

Chistyak spring


Sage rod-shaped (meadow)


Eschsholzia (California poppy)

Most of the field plants are so beautiful and fragrant that you want to pick them as soon as possible and make an incredibly beautiful, fragrant bouquet. And simple meadow flowers can be used as part of the meadow, Mauritanian and for a purely practical purpose at their summer cottage. And, of course, we will be happy especially with meadow and wild flowers, because many of them are popular pharmacy medicinal plants that grow within walking distance from our home.

Video: wild flowers with names and photos

In contact with

With the appearance of the first flowers in our gardens, real spring begins. These tender touching creatures, which appear before others, fill the soul of any gardener with joyful awe. I offer a selection of flowers that are the very first to wake up after a winter sleep.

1. Snowdrop (galanthus)

This flower is familiar to everyone since childhood. Who does not remember the fairy tale "12 months"? These unpretentious touching flowers with white bell flowers are among the first to appear in early spring. Snowdrops bloom for about a month, they tolerate temperature extremes well and are not afraid of early spring frosts.

2. Scilla (scylla)

Scilla is sometimes called a blue snowdrop, because of its resemblance to the latter, and also because it appears as soon as the snow melts. In fact, they are different plants. These blue or blue flowers also do not frighten spring frosts.

3. Hellebore

The name itself suggests that it blooms in the cold. In the south, hellebore blooms in winter, at the end of February. Its buds and flowers are not afraid of frost or snow.

4. Erantis (spring)

These sunny golden blooms will add mood to a dull spring garden. Erantis also blooms in early spring, in March-April, and is not afraid of frost and snowfall.

5. Primula (primrose)

There are many varieties of this plant, only a small part of them is grown in culture. Primroses bloom profusely and for a long time in early spring, in some species repeated autumn flowering is possible.

6. Lungwort

Lungwort blooms in April-May. Grows well in light, well-drained soils. After flowering, it forms many colorful leaves.

7. Crocus

Bright low crocus flowers also appear along with the first spring warmth. Crocuses bloom for a short time, only 5-7 days, without a transplant in one place they can grow up to 5 years. There are types of crocuses that prefer to bloom in autumn.

8. Periwinkle

The evergreen periwinkle retains its foliage even under snow. As soon as the soil begins to thaw, it forms new shoots, and in April it is covered with pale blue flowers.

9. Adonis or Adonis

Bright yellow, like little suns, adonis flowers appear on the very first fine spring days. Prefer well-lit areas and light fertile soil.

Chistyak spring appears immediately after the snow melts. Its cute yellow flowers fully bloom only in the bright sun, that is, in the middle of the day, and close in cloudy weather and at night.

11. Liverwort

The liverwort is popularly called the coppice, because it does not like open places and grows only in the forest. Her elegant, bright blue lush bouquets are so nice to find in the forest after a long winter.

12. Violet

Fragrant violet is a perennial early spring plant. During flowering, the whole district is filled with its aroma. In the south, if a warm long autumn is issued, the violet may bloom again in October-November. And it happens that its flowering continues all winter.

13. Muscari

Muscari or mouse hyacinth is a perennial bulbous plant. Its tiny bell flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences of blue, blue, purple or white, depending on the species. There are also bicolor species of this plant.

14. Whiteflower

The spring belotsvetnik blooms in April for 20-30 days. The height of the plant is 20-20 cm. Green or yellow spots are clearly visible at the ends of its white bell flowers.

15. Chionodoxa

Chionodox appears in early spring, it is also called the snow beauty. The leaves of this plant appear at the same time as the buds. Flowers can be solitary or collected in small inflorescences. Chionodox is white, blue, blue or pink.

16. Pushkinia

Pushkinia is a herbaceous bulbous plant 15-20 cm high. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences of white or blue color. Blooms in early spring.

17. Corydalis

Unpretentious frost-resistant plant, blooms in early spring. Corydalis reaches a height of up to 20 cm. After flowering, its ground part dies off, after which the plant is not afraid of any mechanical impact, it does not care about trampling or digging.

18. Iridodictium (iris net)

These tiny bulbous irises bloom in April and give off a pleasant fragrance. They reach a height of 10 cm. They grow well in sunny areas, but they also tolerate slight shading.

19. Kaluzhnitsa

Kaluzhnitsa is very similar to chistyak, but these plants still have differences. The foliage is preserved until October, this is their main difference. Prefers well-moistened swampy soils.

20. Anemone or anemone

This plant is called anemone because the petals of most species fall off easily in the wind. Depending on the species, anemones may bloom in early spring, summer or autumn.

21. Hyacinth

Hyacinth can rightfully be considered a favorite of the spring garden for its spectacular inflorescences and amazing intoxicating aroma. These plants begin to bloom in April and delight with a rich palette of shades of white, blue, orange, yellow and pink.

22. Hyacinthoides

Another early spring plant. Outwardly, this plant resembles a blueberry, but has larger and elongated flowers. There are plants of white, blue and pink flowers. Blooms for a long time, up to three weeks

23. Bulbocodium (brandushka)

This is a very beautiful stemless multicolor, forms 2-4 flowers surrounded by leaves. It blooms for two weeks, spreading an intoxicating aroma around itself.

24. Brunner (forget-me-not)

Herbaceous perennial up to 40 cm high. This unpretentious frost-resistant plant grows well in shady corners of the garden. The flowers are small, collected in apical inflorescences. Blooms in May.

25. Tulip

Wild varieties of tulips, unlike their cultivated counterparts, bloom much earlier, as early as April. In total, there are more than 100 species of this plant.

26. Narcissus

This is a perennial plant with a huge variety of varieties and hybrid forms. Blooms from March to June, depending on the species.

honey clover

I will open wide the windows ... my house ...
The yellow sweet clover smells of honey in the meadows ...

A completely white sweet clover will turn your head ...
I don't know what to do with it now? -

I went to swim in the river -
There she dropped a gift ring ...

Don't be angry, my friend, because I didn't do it on purpose...
For the time being, I had to look for midnight

Appearance: small sockets, sometimes in many families, made of glass and bright green, with purple veins. The stem is elevated, in the center of the bush, with several branches upwards. Delicate, serrated leaves, completely bare. Low-sized inflorescence, yellow. Small feathered feathers are inserted into the vessel.

Habitat: grassy meadows to the seashore and street. Taste: thin, bitter, pleasant to chew its texture. Consumption: harvested in early spring. In a salad or in a mixture of cooked vegetables. Dialect name: Margaret Family: Composites. Appearance: small sockets. The leaves are short, twisted, rounded to a spatula.

Your gift is a ring with amber...
But green mermaid fingers

She picked up that ring - a ring ...
Admiring them, it will wait forever

At night you by the old dam ...
Eyes-emeralds will flash above the water ...

Well, and I - so as not to meet the age of rivals
At one of those abandoned mills ... -

It smells of honey ... I will fall into the grass ... into the sweet clover ...
Dreaming about you, my fan ...

Yellow flowers gathered in an inflorescence with a swamp. Habitat: Grasslands and shabby land. Consumption: Harvested in early spring, cooked along with other wild vegetables before flowering. Appearance: dense, sharp, with evergreen branches. Woody, thin, crumbling several drums. Leaves are missing, replaced by evergreen corks. Green flowers, pendulums, bells. Black seeds contained in blackish fleshy fruits.

Habitat: Undergrowth, arid and rocky skies. Taste: pleasant, even raw; sweet with a little bitter. Appearance: small dark green bushes. The leaves are replaced by flattened branches ending in a bitter, leaf-like tip for shape and color, with tiny leaflets in the center. Green flowers, armpit real flyers. A seed enclosed in a red berry.

Anna Sneginskaya

sweet clover
Sem. PAPILIONACEAE - Sweet clover - Melilotus officinalis (L.) Desr.

Sweet clover is a biennial herbaceous plant 50-100 cm high with a strong smell of coumarin. Stem straight, branched; leaves trifoliate, on long petioles, with subulate entire stipules; leaflets are finely serrate-toothed, obovate in the lower leaves, oblong in the upper ones; middle leaflet on a longer petiole, lateral ones almost sessile. The flowers are small, yellow, bilaterally symmetrical, drooping, on short pedicels; collected in many-flowered long axillary racemes on long peduncles. The fruit is a very small bean, brown, ovoid, naked, with transverse folds or veins, blunt at the top and with an awl-shaped nose, sits on a short stalk; seed 1 (rarely 2), greenish-yellow. Blooms from June to September.
It grows on fallow fields, wastelands, weedy places, roadsides; found everywhere.
Preparations are possible in large quantities.
In medicine, sweet clover grass is used. And at the beginning of flowering, the upper parts of the stem and side shoots are collected. You can also collect the entire aerial part, which, after drying, is threshed and the stems are discarded. Dry in the shade.
The raw material consists of a mixture of flowers, leaves, a small number of fruits and thin stems of the described structure. The smell is strong, coumarin (fresh hay), the taste is salty-bitter.
In the finished raw material, no more than 14% moisture is allowed; stems with a diameter of more than 3 mm, no more than 2; crushed parts passing through a sieve with holes of 1 mm, no more than 3; organic impurities not more than 1, mineral not more than 0.5%.
Sweet clover grass, unlike other fragrant herbs, does not contain essential oil. Its smell is due to lactone coumarin, which is formed during drying. In addition, it contains coumaric acid, melilotin, melilotic acid, and memilotoside glycoside. There are indications of the formation in the seeds under certain storage conditions of dicoumarin, a substance that prevents blood clotting.

The use of sweet clover in medicine

Habitat: undergrowth of a hill. Taste: Young shoots, both raw and cooked, have an aroma caused by a strange contrast between sweet and bitter. They are baked in bouquets such as asparagus. Cloves, crushed and boiled, are used to treat scarecrows and injuries.

The plant is called locally "Spragna". The juice of the product has been used by squeezing the leaves to cure cuts. Chamomile. With dried flowers, a decoction is used to digest and stretch the nerves. Properties and uses: Capsules are used against insomnia and refresh the intestines. They are used as a decoction. In the form of infusions, they are used for inflammation of the eyes.

Sweet clover grass in the form of infusion and decoction has an expectorant, carminative, analgesic, sedative (anticoagulant) effect. It is used externally as an irritant.
Dosage forms:
1. Infusion - pour 2 teaspoons of sweet clover grass with 2 glasses of cold water, leave in an open vessel for 6 hours, filter; take 2-3 times a day for 1/2 cup.
2. Ointment - grind 2 tablespoons of fresh sweet clover flowers with 2-3 tablespoons of butter; used to ripen abscesses.
3. 1-2 tablespoons per 1 cup of boiling water, insist. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times daily (as a carminative)
4. 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take 1/2 cup at night (as a carminative)

The use of sweet clover in folk medicine

The leaves, washed and dried, were stopped in a strip on the affected part to treat rheumatism. A decoction made with two or three leaves doubled for diabetes. Leaves, burned under the ashes and still hot, were applied to the skeletons. Cherry sticks made a decoction to drink for urination.

Properties and uses: The fruit is used as a diuretic and against rheumatic pain, in the preparation of "juniper wine" obtained by maceration of 5 tablespoons of gallus in 1 liter of white wine, with 2-3 shorts a day. Even a decoction made by boiling a teaspoon of broken wine glasses in a cup of water has diuretic properties. Against rheumatic pains, the drink is prepared in the form of paws.

In folk medicine, the use of sweet clover is very diverse: they drink a decoction of the herb for painful periods, as a diuretic, for headaches, drink a decoction and fumigate with smoke for myositis, make poultices for purulent wounds, ulcers, baths for diseased ovaries.

Contraindications to the use of sweet clover

We swear by the whites. The plant, as it grows on the old walls, is locally called "Murmur Trassa", like Parietaria. They took the seeds to boil them as a cure for toothache. Another cure for toothache was as follows: the seeds were thrown into the fire of the fireplace, using an overturned enamel pan to pick up the smoke that was released. He then poured boiling water into a pot and the aspirated steam held a towel over his head.

Put the corn in boiling water, remove the leaves, and use the water with herbal juice to wet a cloth to cover your eyes when they are irritated. With water boiling in the grass, chilled, they crawl along the stubble. The decoction was drunk to cure stomach burns and constipation. The freshly baked leaves were used for tanning. Boiled masks were also given to cows when they had "abdominal pain".

With prolonged use, it causes dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, sometimes liver damage, hemorrhages (under the skin, into muscles, internal organs), and even paralysis of the central nervous system.

Sweet clover in the treatment of diseases

Properties and uses: Leaves and flowers in the form of a decoction are used for inflammation of the stomach, intestines and bladder and children's constipation, taking ½ cup a day. in the form of warm wraps in perculates and abscesses. After boiling the roots, use chilled baking water to counteract hair loss. A decoction of the roots is used to treat asthma. A decoction of the leaves has been used against eczema.

Properties and method of application: The juice obtained by sputum is indicated against nosebleeds. Decontamination is used to treat gastritis and ulceration. It takes 1-2 tablespoons per day. In the form of muffs and wraps, the decoction is indicated for hair loss.

Sweet clover has an expectorant and softening effect, so in folk medicine it is used for respiratory diseases. Sweet clover is often used as an analgesic, for example, with increased excitability, headaches accompanying hypertension, migraines, pain in the abdomen and bladder. Sweet clover is also used for painful menstruation and as a means of regulating menstruation. Recent studies have established that sweet clover preparations improve blood supply to the heart muscle and abdominal organs, thin the blood, and have an anticonvulsant effect. It should be remembered that in case of an overdose of sweet clover, vomiting, headache, and drowsiness may occur. Sweet clover is also good for baths, which reduce pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect in case of gout, rheumatism, ovarian diseases in women. As an aromatic substance sweet clover is used in the alcoholic beverage, tobacco and perfume industries. In everyday life, sweet clover is placed in a closet to protect things from moths.

Infusion of sweet clover herb: 15-20 g of herbs are infused in 250 ml of chilled boiled water for 4 hours in a closed jar, drain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day for insomnia, headache, chronic bronchitis, hypertension, nervous disorders, heavy menstruation. This infusion increases the number of leukocytes in the blood of patients with radiation sickness. A decoction of sweet clover grass: boil 10 g of grass in 200 ml of water for 30 minutes, then strain, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for diseases listed in the previous recipe.
Contraindications to the use of sweet clover are: pregnancy, internal bleeding, reduced blood clotting.

Wall-mounted. It has been used against bruises. Properties and uses: In the form of a decoction, it is indicated as diuretics and purification; in the form of wraps, the planted plant is indicated in bruises. A piece of raw potato placed over the eye is extinguished by the burners. Fresh skin is used for tanning. Fresh skin is applied to bee and bee stings.

Plantain. With thinly trimmed psyllium, fill a gauze bag to place on the tooth, which dries. Oak bark was boiled, using a decoction for external use against the "scarecrow". The leaves are eaten to send intestinal worms. For children under the age of 7, use clipped leaves that are made by Smell.

White sweet clover - Melilolus albusDesr.

White sweet clover is a one- or two-year-old herbaceous plant 30-150 cm high. The stem is strong, erect, ribbed in the upper part. Leaves are trifoliate, with obovate or cuneate, unequally toothed leaflets, of which the middle leaflet is petiolate; stipules subulate. The flowers are small, white, bilaterally symmetrical, collected 40-80 in narrow racemes; peduncle longer than calyx; the corolla with wings is shorter than the flag and almost equal to the boat. The fruits are egg-shaped beans, reticulate-wrinkled, later black-brown, with 1-2 seeds.
Blooms from June to September.
Often found in dry places, along railways, in wastelands.
Preparations are possible.
For medicinal purposes, white sweet clover grass is used.
The aerial part of the plant contains coumarin, ocumaric, melilotic acids, choline, tannins, resinous substances, essential oil, vitamin C, seeds - fatty oil.
It has anticoagulant and fibrinolytic effects.

The use of white sweet clover in medicine

As an emmegologist, you use an infusion: a teaspoon of coffee in a cup of water. In Greek, the name Helianthemum means "solar flower". The genus includes more than 100 species of shrubs, shrubs and herbaceous perennials with autumn leaves. However, in floriculture, the most commonly used are low-growing, soil-covering species, which are also very suitable for coloring mountain ranges.

It is found in the mountainous regions of Central Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. Dark green elliptical leaves. Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter begin to appear from June to July. Coin Helianthemum is found throughout Europe. Rounded leaves are green, lighter than the top. The pouch is white, pink and yellow to red. These plants love a lot of light. They do not require soil. They thrive in very poor sandy soils, preferring them to be alkaline, so they are suitable for rock gardens.

In medical practice, it is used as an internal remedy (in the form of infusions), for atherosclerosis of the coronary and cerebral arteries, for hypertension; externally - mostly in the form of a plaster (as an emollient and analgesic for boils, boils), in the form of compresses for purulent wounds; ointment from leaves and flowers is used as a wound healing agent for lubricating cuts.
Dosage form: infusion - 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs, pour 1/2 liter of water and leave overnight, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day. In this case, the supervision of a doctor and the study of prothrombin time are necessary. The same recipe is recommended for compresses.
In folk medicine, a decoction of grass is used (drink for pain, young children are bathed in it for myositis).
The plant is poisonous. If the dose is exceeded or taken for a long time, it can cause complications - bleeding from the kidneys (blood in the urine) and other organs.

Seeds are sown outdoors after passing the risk of freezing. They grow slowly and unevenly. When cuttings are used, they are planted to root in June. While the plants are covering the soil, the site is digging or weeding. When watering, the water flows very gently and quickly. If the soil is not well drained, it is likely that the roots will rot. In order for the plants to be beautiful until late autumn, after the first mass flowering, the stems are cut and watered sparingly. New stems come very soon and the plants bloom again.

In case of overdose and prolonged use, it causes dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, drowsiness, and sometimes damage to the liver and even the central nervous system. You can use the plant only as prescribed by a doctor in compliance with the rules of admission, doses and terms.

White sweet clover, when used externally, is very effective for pain in the spine, for example, with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, joint diseases. It is done like this: fill a jar with white sweet clover grass, pour alcohol or vodka (to the brim), put it in a dark place for 10 days, strain, use as rubbing and compresses. You can use both dried herbs and fresh ones.

Source: Garden Journal. Flowers solitary, collected in upper inflorescences or one or two in the bosom of leaves. They are beautiful bells, the crown can be fully grown or consists of 4-7 single petals. In wrinkled wreaths, the border between the petals is clearly visible. There is white, yellow, pink and purple tantalum, but the predominant part is bright blue. petals in some species is covered with stripes or dots. Flowers fully dissolve only with sufficient light.

Depending on their natural habitats, shingles work best in different areas - some prefer sun, others shade. What usually affects them badly is lack of moisture. The stony soil of rocks dries quickly in the sun, so it is best to plant them in an east- or west-facing spot, or in the middle. You can combine them with short grasses - this combination is also found in alpine meadows. If there is a pond, fountain or other water nearby, all the better - this will provide the necessary air humidity.

Contraindications to the use of sweet clover are: pregnancy, internal bleeding, reduced blood clotting.

More about the use of sweet clover.

Sweet clover is used for coughs, fevers, as a diaphoretic and milk extractor in breastfeeding mothers.
With diseased ovaries in young women (mixed with centaury grass and flowers of the common coltsfoot (coltsfoot) - equally); with insomnia, migraine, menopause, hypertension, neuralgia, hepatic and renal colic.
Consume in the form of tea, which is prepared like this. For 1 cup of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of sweet clover alone or mixed with other plants and leave for 10 minutes. As an analgesic, drink a third of a glass 5-6 times a day. In the treatment of ovarian diseases - for several weeks. Complete abstinence from marital intimacy is recommended for the duration of treatment. In large doses, sweet clover can cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, and even smooth muscle paralysis.
Outwardly, sweet clover flowers steamed in boiling water are used, which are applied as a poultice on cold abscesses, slowly forming boils. Also used for flux, inflammation of the middle ear, suppuration of the mammary gland in women, breasts (mastitis), etc. To do this, 40 g of sweet clover grass, 30 g of chamomile flowers and 30 g of marshmallow leaves are poured with boiling water, put in a canvas bag and warmed in a vessel on a poultice stove. Poultice heals wounds, reduces pain in swollen joints from rheumatism.
In osteomyelitis, a green blister patch is used to ripen boils: 12 g of yellow wax is melted with 22 g of rosin and 1 tablespoon of animal loy (low-temperature rendering from animal fat - goat, goose, badger, etc.). Add 1 teaspoon of sweet clover herb powder and heat on a small flame for 5 minutes, stirring frequently, strain into a jar - put on sore spots. In the treatment of embolism, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and myocardial infarction, it would also be advisable to use sweet clover tea, since, in addition to melilotin and coumarin (which give it a smell), it contains dicoumarol, which reduces blood viscosity and slows down its coagulation. But we must remember that from excessive doses of sweet clover, blood appears in the urine, you feel unwell, you get hemorrhages under the skin, which indicate that the use of sweet clover should be stopped immediately.


The optimal soil composition also depends on the species, but most tantalizing soil is well established by a high humus soil with a neutral to slightly basic reaction and necessarily constant moisture. About 90 species - usually perennials and rarely annual tantalides of various sizes - are grown in gardens - from stems only 2 cm high, peeking between rocks in a mountain garden to a height of one meter and half a yellow shingle. Some species bloom in spring, others in summer or autumn. If you want, you can make a wonderful collection of dances that will shine in your garden for months.

Spring shingle blooms in spring. It is tiny and very beautiful - bright blue colors, always looking up, do not exceed 2 cm in length. Leaves. At its base, 1-2 chairs are formed, which create new sockets. In nature, this little thing forms whole carpets in rocky meadows, and under the right conditions it will do it in your garden. These mountain tantals have the largest colors, which, like spring shingles, rise up.

All three are perfect for small spaces between rocks in a rock garden. They are up to 30 cm long, lying on the ground, stems that emerge from the root. The flowers are grouped from 2 to 10 in the bosom of the upper leaves and at the end of the stems. Both species are quite spontaneous, flowering for about a month and well tolerated in front gardens. Seeds develop successfully. This Siberian plant has stems up to 30 cm, but small flowers are collected in dense inflorescences, similar to blue balls, laid in a bosom of leaves.

Many forest plants like to decorate their flowers in sunny yellow. They seem to want to make the forest brighter and happier. And they succeed.

The root rosette forms a daughter structure, making it suitable for vegetative propagation. Seed propaganda is also successful, especially after stratification. During the flowering period, they literally bloom. Less cruciata, with a white bottom. Both species are easy to propagate with division and seeding. Tibetan genta blooms with them. Its large leaves form a vertical rosette, and the white flowers are collected in inflorescences at the end of a decumbent stem. As her name says, her homeland is the mountains of Tibet. The large leaves evaporate a lot of moisture, and it barely tolerates the flames of sunlight, although the bloom dissolves only in the sun - choosing a suitable place for it is a task with increased complexity.

Ranunculus anemone

oak anemone decorates the forest with white petals of her delicate flowers, and her relative, Ranunculus anemone, decorates the spring forest with a yellow-green beautiful carpet. Its yellow petals sway in the wind, welcoming the awakening nature.

Ranunculus anemone is a more frequent guest in the forest than its tender relative. But their life span is the same, and it is limited to the spring months.

It is easily propagated by seeds and shares daughter outlets. Flowers are located in the bosom of leaves. The gardens grow timosini, a blue-white variety. Coming from the Ukraine and the Caucasus, it does not require and is easily propagated with division and sowing. It looks very impressive in combination with masons and ferns. The yellow shin is large, up to 1.5 m high, with erect stems and very beautiful corrugated leaves. Its colors are numerous, up to 2.5 cm, located in the upper part of the stem and in the bosom of the upper leaves.

It blooms in July-August for two months, but is decorative almost all year round and is suitable for planting as a soloist. This is not well tolerated by the move - the place where you plan to plant a young plant is the best. There are creeping, densely lobed stems that, under favorable circumstances, form a real carpet. The colors are bright blue, with a bright stripe, large and very decorative.

Chistyak spring

It covers the forest land at the same time as Ranunculus anemone, misleading people who are indifferent to forest herbs. They are struck by only the yellowness of the flowers, and therefore for them there is no difference between Chistyak and Anemone.

But connoisseurs of forest nature will not be so easily fooled by yellow petals. Firstly, Chistyak adorned his flowers with more petals than the graceful anemone. Secondly, its leaves are solid and strong, from which it simply breathes strength and health, and Anemone put on a flirty openwork skirt made of heavily cut leaves. Therefore, it is impossible to confuse them.

Zelenchuk yellow

Someone more familiar will have a different name for the plant - Laminaria yellow or Zelenchukaya lamb. Its leaves are similar to the leaves of the deaf nettle, which is not at all surprising. After all, the Deaf Nettle is a relative of Zelenchuk yellow and has another name - White Lamb.

Both plants are similar to nettles only in the shape and texture of the leaves. But the nature of their leaves is not as sharp-burning as that of real Nettle. Although the reverse side and edges of the leaves have hairs, they do not burn human skin when touched.

The shape and arrangement of flowers Zelenchuk yellow the same as the Deaf Nettle, only the white color is changed to yellow.

And the plant was nicknamed “Zelenchuk” because its leaves do not change their outfit to yellow or red in autumn, but go green under the snow.


touchy prefers shady and damp places, and therefore expanse in the forest.

The complexly arranged flowers of Impatiens vulgaris and Impatiens small-flowered chose yellow for their petals, additionally decorating the throat of the flower with red dots.

The leaves of Impatiens are protected by a thin layer of a waxy substance (cutin), which makes the surface of the leaf appear greasy to the touch.

Although Impatiens are most often annuals, they bloom from early summer until the first frost. But the culprits of the name of the plant are not intricate yellow flowers, but club-shaped boxes with seeds that are just waiting to be touched from the outside in order to release the seeds with noise and crackle.

Ivan da Marya

The Almighty embodied the dream of a person about the inseparable life of loving people in an amazing plant, Ivan da Marya, combining three colors together: green, purple and yellow.

You will get acquainted with such a miracle and you will never confuse it with any other. Marya in a yellow sundress is a plant flower, and her faithful companion Ivan in a purple tailcoat is bristling leaves that have changed the traditional green outfit to purple.


poisonous Digitalis also has chosen the forest lands and demonstrates its inflorescences of picturesque yellow thimble among the greenery of grasses.


Although the name of the plant imposes an analogy with Burdock (Large Burdock), until the last it grows and grows both in height and in width. And it is much easier to get rid of its single-nut fruits, which also like to cling to human clothes and animal hair with their hooked spines, than from the annoying thorns of Burdock. Apparently, that's why they called him so affectionately - Repeshok, forgiving him a little importunity.

Repeshok grows not only in forests, but also in places open to the sun and wind, raising its straight pubescent stem to a height of up to 1.5 meters. The upper part of the stem is dominated by yellow unpretentious flowers with 5 petals that bloom throughout the summer.

Traditional healers use the herb of the plant in the treatment of many human ailments.

In the floodplains of rivers and lakes in spring and summer you can find a wide variety of vegetation: these are meadow flowers and herbs that create a colorful or delicate color of earthly clothes. There are perennial, biennial, annual flowers in fields and meadows, they reproduce by seeds (self-sowing), roots (vegetatively), pollination (with the help of birds and insects).

Different geographical zones differ in their characteristics and the names of growing herbs, which choose a more comfortable climate for maturation and reproduction. Plants and flowers of fields and meadows can be creeping, undersized (up to 15 cm), medium and high photophilous (up to 2 m). Meadow and field plants are bright, delicate, bicolor, variegated, dark. Colors prevail among them: yellow, blue, purple, white, pink, red.

Yellow grass natural landscapes

A huge number of fragrant, tart or delicately smelling herbs have yellow inflorescences: goose onion, elecampane, sweet clover, colza, backache, dye navel, lupine, tansy, dandelion and many other useful and beautiful plants. Some yellow meadow flowers, their photos and names are presented in this section.

goose bow

A low-growing plant no higher than 15 cm has long leaves growing at the roots, small bright yellow flowers, expressively smelling of honey. Used as a cosmetic and medicinal product.


It grows in bushes up to 1 m high. The leaves are narrow, light green, the inflorescences are orange or yellow. Flowers are solitary or in bunches. It is used for face and body care, as well as in traditional medicine.

sweet clover

Sweet clover also belongs to the yellow wildflowers. This is one of the tallest flowers growing above human height (up to 2 m). The stems are evenly covered with three-toed leaves. Small flowers (yellow or white) are arranged in the form of brushes.

Sweet clover heals wounds, relieves inflammation and convulsions, and treats a wet cough.


This bush plant is even higher - up to 1.5 m. The area at the roots is equipped with narrow lancet leaves. The flowers are small, come in different colors, including yellow, pyramidal arranged on a long stem. Delphinium is added as a useful component in the manufacture of soap.

Field plants with yellow inflorescences can continue the above list. These include: zopnik (or feverish root), St.

blue wildflowers

The main among the blue flowers of meadows and fields can be distinguished: chicory, common aquilegia, gentian, delphinium, field larkspur, lupine, cornflower, peach-leaved bell, multicolor pansies with a predominance of blue-violet color, common bruise. Here are photos of blue wildflowers with names.


It has a powerful, fleshy root filled with milky juice. Stem with multiple branches grows up to 120 cm in height. The leaves grow from the middle part of the stems, collected in rosettes. The flowers of this meadow plant are blue-blue (there are white and pink species), with jagged petals, bordered by leaves, located along the length of the stems and on their tops. Loves the sun, flowers close in the afternoon.

Chicory is useful for the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver. It is a medicinal food for animals.

Aquilegia vulgaris

Bush meadow flowers of medium height (up to 80 cm). Not afraid of frost. Large inflorescences on tall thin stalks can be of very different colors: blue, white, red, pink, purple, black, lilac. treat pneumonia, sore throats, skin diseases, wounds and burns, scurvy, headaches and stomach pains.


It is a semi-shrub with a constant lower part in the form of bush branches and a replaceable grassy top. Reaches a height of 1.5 m. It has memorable flowers in the form of large bells of blue, purple and pale blue. Gentian root is used for indigestion, gout, eye diseases, anemia, diathesis, heart failure.

Cornflower blue

Reaches 1 m in height, leaves are elongated, dull green hue. The flowers grow in a beautiful blue color. It is used for the treatment of kidneys, urinary tract, cardiovascular system, eye and female diseases, joints, stomach.

purple meadow plants

Marshmallow officinalis

A low flower up to 50 cm tall with oblong greenish leaves located along the entire height of the stem: below - larger, above - gradually smaller. Pale pink flowers grow one at a time, they can reach 10 cm in diameter. Marshmallow is not adapted to severe frosts, it feels comfortable in central Russia. The root of the flower is used in the treatment of coughs and stomach ulcers, increasing immunity.

Valerian officinalis

Stretches up to 1.5 m in height. The leaves are attached to the stem with a long petiole. Light pink fragrant inflorescences look like umbrellas. In medicine, a drug based on valerian root is used as a sedative, for headaches, pressure, angina pectoris, thyroid diseases, cholelithiasis, problems in the urinary tract, during menopause in women.

Fireweed angustifolia

forest anemone

wild bow

Explanation of some names

Meadow flowers, in addition to the official Latin name, have a name that was given by people. For example, coltsfoot got its name from the contrast between the upper (warm, fleecy) and lower (cold, smooth) parts of the leaf.

Elecampane relieves fatigue, gives "nine strengths". Cornflower - a symbol of purity and holiness, named after St. Basil, who treated flowers with great love. Ivan da Marya is named after the legend of unrequited love, which was not destined to come true.

According to Russian legend, multi-colored pansies are the color of hope, surprise and sadness of a girl whose heart could not stand the vain expectation of her beloved. The carnation was named after its resemblance to an old forging nail. The roots and leaves of gentian are so bitter that this taste has served as the name of the flower.

Photos with the names of wild flowers are given below.

Ivan da Marya


carnation meadow

Flowers-honey plants

At the height of summer, when honey flowers in the field produce nectar for cross-pollination, bee workers collect this healing sweet liquid for further honey production.

The most honey plants are:

Honey plants also include: anise, peppermint, spike lavender, cumin, meadow cornflower, autumn kulbaba, lungwort, coltsfoot. Depending on the name of the flower, honey productivity from 1 hectare ranges from 30 to 1300 kg. The following are photos and names of some field flowers-melliferous plants.

Nature has generously endowed a person with an incalculable wealth of flora, which heals ailments, delights with its special beauty, cleanses the soul and improves mood.

Video sketch - meadow flowers