Tasty and aromatic apricots: their health benefits and harms. Apricot: beneficial properties and contraindications for humans Adequate fruit for the treatment of anemia

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Sweet orange apricots: the benefits and harms of juicy fruits

Did you know that apricots, the benefits and harms of which seem obvious to everyone, are fraught with many secrets and are even used in traditional medicine? They can cure many ailments, serve as high-quality prevention and a magic wand in the field of beauty. He recommends eating juicy fruits for all ages, from small children to the elderly - there are benefits for everyone. At the same time, the real beneficial properties of apricots are practically unknown to anyone and everyone is limited to knowing only that it is simply a very healthy fruit.

Everything about “Armenian apples”

Yes, that’s exactly what apricots were called when they first appeared in Slavic countries. But it is not known for certain where apricots were first grown. On the one hand, a huge number of varieties in the Caucasus Mountains indicate that the birthplace of the fruit was Armenia. But, on the other hand, the active use of apricots in traditional Chinese medicine more than a century ago convinces us of the opposite. But this is not important: the main thing is that now the healthy fruit is grown in all countries where there are favorable conditions for its growth.

To understand the benefits of apricots, it is enough to consider their amazing composition. Let's start with a very pleasant fact: the calorie content of 100 g of fresh fruit is only 41 calories! At the same time, 36 calories come from carbohydrates, and proteins and fats together account for only 1 g of product! Orange fruits contain a lot of sugars: their amount is no less than in sweet grapes. In general, the composition of healthy fruits includes the following substances:

  • beta-carotene - apricots contain a record amount of it - up to 16 mg;
  • cellulose;
  • inulin;
  • vitamins of group B, C, P and PP;
  • potassium and iron salts;
  • magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iodine;
  • tartaric, malic and citric acids;
  • pectin.

Hence the invaluable benefits of the fruit for human health. For example, to replenish your daily requirement of carotene, it is enough to drink only a third of a glass of apricot juice! The same norm is filled with 5-6 fresh fruits or 10-20 dried ones. And you shouldn’t think that dried apricots - dried apricots and apricots - lose a large number of beneficial properties compared to fresh ones. In dried apricots, for example, the amount of potassium salts increases almost 6 times!

Why you should eat apricots every day

Many people mistakenly think that if apricots are a record holder for beta-carotene content, then they can be eaten to replenish vitamin A deficiency. Unfortunately, beta-carotene is not converted into vitamin A in our body, but what are the benefits of this substance! It can prevent heart disease and the development of cancer. Fruits are especially useful for pregnant women - they contain a lot of iron and phosphorus salts. Juice, by the way, is absorbed better than fresh fruits - to replenish the norm, you need to drink up to 150 g per day.

The same amount of juice will be life-saving for those suffering from anemia. It is very useful for the body to eat apricots to compensate for the deficiency of potassium and magnesium - these minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the heart muscle, the prevention of heart attacks and clogging of blood vessels. In addition, magnesium can lower blood pressure, which will be useful for hypertensive patients. Apricots increase hemoglobin in the blood, even better than the liver.

Are apricots good for digestion? More than! Just 100 g per day can improve digestion, since the fruits have a gentle effect on the glandular apparatus of the stomach and affect the acidity of gastric juice. In cases of kidney inflammation, apricots help remove waste and toxins from the body. They also cleanse blood vessels from harmful cholesterol. A large amount of magnesium helps improve mental activity, increase concentration and improve memory. Apricots are also capable of relieving swelling, coping with constipation, preventing thyroid dysfunction and treating respiratory diseases.

Apricots in cosmetology

Apricot kernels contain up to 58% fatty oil, which is actively used in cosmetology. The oil spreads well over the skin, is absorbed very quickly and does not cause allergies even in sensitive skin. It can be used for the delicate area around the eyes, to smooth out wrinkles and normalize sebum secretion. So, these apricot-based face masks are the most popular:

  • you can simply turn the fruit pulp into a paste and apply for 15 minutes;
  • if dry, the pulp of 2 fruits is diluted with a spoon of sour cream or olive oil;
  • To eliminate oiliness and shine of the skin, mix the same amount of pulp with a large spoon of fresh lemon juice.

Apricot kernels are also useful because they can be used to make an effective and gentle scrub. You could often see various store-bought products with either apricot oil or apricot kernel extract. Such products cleanse, moisturize and refresh the skin well.

Dried apricots vs apricots

Dried apricots are perhaps even more popular than the fresh fruits of the famous fruit. And this is understandable, because it is available 12 months a year, while apricots can delight us only in the summer. However, in addition to the advantages (dried apricots contain significantly more vitamins and minerals than fresh fruit), dried fruit has its disadvantages. For example, the calorie content of dried apricots can reach up to 250 kcal, and the amount of carbohydrates in it is 5 times more than in fresh apricots! Obviously, although dried apricots are healthy, those who want to lose weight or keep in shape should not get carried away with them.

Harm and contraindications

Never eat apricot pits! Although there are two types, one of which is acceptable for consumption (no more than 20 g per day), it is better to play it safe and protect your health. The fact is that the kernels of the fruit contain amygdalin, which turns into the strongest poison in our body - hydrocyanic acid.

Also, due to the high sugar content, apricots are undesirable for those suffering from diabetes. Those who have hepatitis or impaired function of the thyroid gland should also limit fruit consumption. Excessive consumption of apricots may cause side effects. In other cases, eat with pleasure and be healthy!

Sweet fruits contain many nutrients necessary to maintain the functioning of all organs and systems. They are recommended for consumption by both adults and children. But, despite the beneficial properties of apricots, they also have contraindications. They need to be known in order to avoid harm to the body.

The benefits of apricots

The positive effect of fruits on health is due to their rich composition. They contain:

  • vitamins (B, A, C, H, E, PP);
  • minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, sodium);
  • apple, lemon).

Just 2-3 fruits a day will provide the body with vital nutrients and improve health.

The list of beneficial properties of apricots is impressive:

  1. Supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system. A large amount of magnesium in the fruit normalizes its activity: it helps with arrhythmia and angina pectoris, reduces high blood pressure, and improves the condition after a myocardial infarction.
  2. They have a diuretic effect. For people with kidney problems, eating the fruit is recommended as often as possible.
  3. Activate brain activity and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Apricots improve concentration, memory, and increase the speed of thought processes.
  4. Helps eliminate constipation. They have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract as a whole: they improve the condition of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and help with various diseases. Regarding the effect on the digestive system, it is important to consider both the beneficial properties of apricots and contraindications. Not with all pathologies their use is beneficial.
  5. Improve skin condition and strengthen the visual system due to the high content of vitamin A.
  6. They alleviate the condition of people suffering from varicose veins by increasing the tone of the walls of blood vessels.
  7. They help cleanse the body of harmful substances, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
  8. They serve as an excellent prevention of colds and help cope with existing illnesses. The healing effect of apricots is due to their antimicrobial, antibacterial and restorative properties. In addition, they contribute to the effective removal of mucus from the respiratory tract.
  9. They normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, preventing the development of thyroid diseases.
  10. Regular consumption of the fruit reduces the likelihood of malignant tumors.

Both fresh and dried apricots are equally useful. In addition, the bark, leaves, kernels, and seeds have a healing effect.

Who are they contraindicated for?

The fruit contains a lot of sugars, including glucose, which means that people at risk or those diagnosed with diabetes are not recommended to consume sweet fruits. For the same reason, they should be excluded from the diet of people with impaired metabolism. When dried, apricots retain the same amount of sugars; their consumption is also undesirable for the above ailments.

Apricot has both beneficial properties and contraindications in relation to the digestive system. The fruits should be eaten with caution and in minimal quantities by people suffering from gastritis and high acidity levels.

It should also be taken into account that apricots have a pronounced laxative effect. Excessive consumption can cause diarrhea.

Apricot kernels: beneficial properties and contraindications

For humans, this fruit is unique. Not only the pulp of the fruit, but also the leaves, bark, and kernel have healing effects.

The seeds are widely used in the food and cosmetics industries. They are part of many culinary masterpieces. The raw material for the production of the famous oil is also the apricot kernel. The beneficial properties and contraindications of this unique cosmetic product are known to many: it relieves various ailments and does not cause harm when used in moderation.

Eating up to 15 peeled apricot kernels per day can significantly improve your health. They:

These properties are determined by the composition of the nuclei. It is represented not only by vitamins and minerals, but also by acids that nourish the brain.

At the same time, both a beneficial property and a contraindication of bitter apricot kernels is the presence in them of a substance called amygdalin. On the one hand, it is believed (but not proven) that it is able to fight cancer cells, but on the other hand, when it enters the body, hydrocyanic acid is formed, which is toxic to humans. Based on this, a safe rate of consumption of apricot kernels follows - up to 15 pieces per day. When used wisely, they benefit both children and adults.

Positive effects of apricot tree bark

This part is often used in alternative medicine. Its healing effect is not inferior even to that of the apricot kernel. The beneficial properties (it has no contraindications) of the bark of the fruiting tree have led to its use for the treatment of the following ailments:

  1. Various diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is especially indicated for people who have suffered a stroke or have other pathologies associated with cerebrovascular accidents.
  2. Diseases of the digestive system. The resin from the bark of the apricot tree gently envelops the gastric mucosa, improving the condition of existing inflammation. It has only a protective function - it is not broken down in the organ itself.

In addition, a decoction of the bark is extremely useful for women who have undergone difficult childbirth. It helps strengthen the body and speed up recovery. Also, an infusion or decoction helps older people recharge their batteries and gain strength.

The healing effects of apricot leaves

The beneficial properties and contraindications of this part of the fruiting tree are determined by its correct use. In order to cleanse the body of toxic compounds, you need to drink a decoction of the leaves. This drink is useful for people whose professional activities are associated with exposure to adverse factors. For example, work in radioactive zones, chemical and textile industries, printing.

In addition, a decoction of the leaves has a pronounced diuretic effect. It is indicated for people with various kidney diseases.

The infusion can get rid of helminths and is effective for diarrhea. In this case, the leaves do not need to be boiled. They need to be crushed, poured with hot water and allowed to brew for half an hour.

A compress of freshly picked leaves is useful for hematomas, skin diseases (including acne), and sunburn. You can also chew them for a few minutes and thereby get rid of plaque and bad breath.

Thus, proper use of the leaves will not cause the slightest harm to health.

Dried apricots and apricots: beneficial properties and contraindications

For humans, dried apricots are as valuable as fresh fruits. After the natural drying process, they retain all their positive qualities.

Dried apricots (without seeds) and apricots (with them) are powerful preventive agents against many ailments:

  • iron deficiency;
  • pathologies of the visual system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • increased levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • strokes and heart attacks;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • kidney diseases.

In addition, dried apricots can suppress the growth of cancer cells. Compotes made from apricots or dried apricots cleanse the body of harmful compounds and heavy metal salts.

Help in losing excess weight

Apricots have the unique property of doubling the speed of metabolic processes, and therefore they must be present in the diet of every person trying to lose extra pounds.

100 g of fruit contains 44 kcal, there are practically no proteins and fats, the optimal amount of carbohydrates is 9 g.

However, you should not focus solely on the energy value and beneficial properties of apricots - and there are also contraindications for those losing weight. Due to the large amount of sugars in their composition, they are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, if you eat excessively juicy fruits, the diet is ineffective. But there is one caveat: not too sweet and ripe apricots contain a minimal amount of sugar and only 11 kcal. Thus, during the period of weight loss, it is advisable to eat slightly unripe fruits.

Is it possible for breastfeeding women?

Childbirth is a natural but difficult process. After them, it is important to consume foods that give strength and restore the body. When breastfeeding, both the beneficial properties and contraindications of apricots must be carefully weighed.

On the one hand, they will help with constipation in a child, but on the other hand, in almost all cases, intestinal colic in the baby is more pronounced. In addition, there is a high probability that the newborn’s body will respond with allergies.

Thus, it is useful for nursing women to eat apricots, but in minimal quantities, constantly monitoring the baby’s condition. If it has not changed, you can safely increase the daily fruit intake.

How to choose the right apricots?

July is the time of year when this fruit appears in markets and retail outlets.

When choosing apricots, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The fruits should not be green. As a rule, they appear on the shelves in an unripe form. Sellers need this in order to increase the sales period and not incur losses. But such fruits do not have good taste.
  2. Ripe apricots have a bright orange color that is evenly distributed.
  3. The smell should be pronounced: fruity and aromatic.
  4. If you press the surface of a ripe apricot with your finger, it will yield easily. But if you remove it, there will be no dent left.
  5. The skin should not be thick, cracked or dark spots.


One of the main points is transportation. In its process, the fruits should not be severely damaged.

Their shelf life is also affected by improper storage. They should not lie in bags or boxes in several rows on top of each other, as the integrity of the apricots will be compromised.

If you store the fruit at room temperature, it will not last longer than two days. To increase the shelf life, apricots should be refrigerated. If positioned correctly, it is 2-3 weeks, maximum 1 month (at zero temperature).


Apricots are sweet and juicy fruits that can provide invaluable assistance to the human body. Thanks to their rich composition, they have a positive effect on health in many pathologies of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, visual and other systems. Nevertheless, both the beneficial properties and contraindications of apricots must always be correlated. For example, they are not recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes and certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But in general, in minimal quantities, the fruits benefit everyone.

Apricot is the fruit of a tree of the rose family, the genus “plum”, which serves as a source of dried fruits (dried apricots, apricots).

There are several versions of the origin of the fruit. According to one of them, the birthplace of the apricot is Armenia, while other sources claim that the primary center of appearance of the aromatic fruit is China (Tian Shan region) or Rome.

Apricot is a tree, the average height of the plant reaches 6 - 8 meters. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, drawn out at the apex, the flowers are solitary sessile, five-dimensional, the fruits are juicy single-druplets, round in outline, yellowish-red in color, the seeds are obovate, flat. The trees are drought tolerant but susceptible to cold (not frost hardy).

Apricot fruits have a beneficial effect on the human body: they supply organ cells with vitamins and minerals, improve memory, digestion, increase efficiency, and charge with vigor. For medicinal purposes, the fruit is used for metabolic disorders, to normalize the acidity of gastric juice, the functioning of the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. In addition, apricot strengthens the immune system and stimulates child growth.

Chemical composition

The pulp of the apricot fruit consists of 27% saccharides (glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose), 2.5% organic acids (citric acid), carotenoids (lycopene, lutein, β - carotene, γ - carotene, α - carotene) .

In addition, the fruit contains sixteen phenolic compounds (ferulic, n-coumaric, chlorogenic, caffeic and other acids), six flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, isoquercitrin and others), vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C, catechins, aromatic components . The seed contains amino acids, the emulsin enzyme, fatty oils consisting of linoleic, oleic acids, and glycerides.

Interestingly, the brighter the orange color of the apricot skin and pulp, the more ascorbic acid they contain.

Remember, the chemical composition of the fruit of a fruit tree depends on the variety, growing conditions, degree of maturity, agrotechnical cultivation methods, and storage duration.

Table No. 1 “What are the benefits of apricot”
Chemical composition Nutrient content in 100 grams of ripe fruit pulp, milligrams
Beta-carotene 1,6

The calorie content of fresh fruits is low and amounts to only 45 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, while the energy value of dried apricots increases to 215, and apricots - 253. The largest share in all forms of apricot is occupied by carbohydrates.

Due to its low calorie content, fresh fruit is used for fasting days, minimal weight adjustment of 1 - 3 kilograms.

The daily intake of apricot for an adult is 500 grams of fresh fruit or 100 grams of dried fruit. To increase immunity, strengthen the body and restore normal intestinal activity, elderly people, children, and pregnant women are recommended to consume an additional 150 grams of apricots throughout the day.

Interestingly, 150 grams of apricot juice contains the daily requirement of carotene.

In addition, in terms of the strength of its effect on the process of hematopoiesis, 100 grams of fresh fruits can replace 250 grams of fresh liver.

The benefits and harms of fresh fruit

Fresh ripe apricot fruits have a positive effect on the human body:

  • prevent the development of cancer, heart pathologies (due to the presence of fiber, beta-carotene);
  • dilute sputum in dry coughs, have expectorant properties;
  • enhance digestion by stimulating the glandular apparatus of the stomach and activating the absorption of food in the intestines;
  • have a laxative, thirst-quenching, antipyretic effect;
  • stimulate growth (in children);
  • relieve anemia (due to the presence of iron);
  • normalize the acidity of gastric juice;
  • improve the functioning of the gallbladder and liver;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • enrich the body with beneficial nutrients, in particular, potassium, iron, magnesium, iodine, vitamins A, B, C, E, H, PP;
  • relieve inflammation of the kidneys and mucous membranes;
  • increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, make you feel better in case of severe anemia;
  • support the tone of blood vessels and the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • improve memory, increase mental performance;
  • destroy harmful bacteria (act as a natural antibiotic);
  • reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • get rid of deposits.

Apricot helps to overcome general chronic intoxication, which is especially useful for people living in regions with an unfavorable environmental background (high air pollution, smog) and working in the chemical industry and hazardous industries.

Contraindications to taking the fruit:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy.

Despite its positive properties, the fruit can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, so it is not recommended to use it on an empty stomach during an exacerbation of stomach ulcers, gastritis, or pancreatitis.

The benefits and harms of apricot kernels

The fruit kernels are thick-walled, depending on the variety, smooth or rough, covered on top with a light brown peel, and have a bitter-sweet taste. Externally they resemble almonds. The energy value of an apricot kernel is 440 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. This is a natural anthelmintic.

The benefit of the kernels is that they contain oil, which is widely used in cosmetology (included in creams, shampoos) and medicine (to eliminate kidney and respiratory diseases). In addition, they are rich in magnesium and phosphorus; these microelements relieve high blood pressure, improve memory, and increase brain performance. And calcium helps restore neuromuscular excitability.

The beneficial properties of apricot kernels do not end there. They contain a substance that destroys cancer cells, so taking 10 kernels daily will help reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors by three times. The safe limit for an adult is 20 pieces.

Do not overdo it with the seeds, as they contain hydrocyanic acid, which in excess impairs the functioning of the intestines, irritating its tissues.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots/uryuk

Dried apricots are dried apricots whose pits have been removed; they have not been removed from apricots. Below we will consider the benefits and harms of each dried fruit.

Dried apricots are produced as follows: the bone is carefully removed from the apricot fruit, then the pulp is laid out in the sun in designated areas and dried for a week. Four kilograms of fresh fruit produces one kilogram of dried fruit.

Remember, natural dried apricots turn slightly gray and fade during the drying process. If it has a juicy orange color, it was treated with sulfur dioxide (SO2) to improve its presentation. This product should not be eaten, as it can cause problems with the gallbladder, stomach pain, allergic reactions, burn the esophageal mucosa and disrupt intestinal function.

Natural dried apricots contain more nutrients than fresh apricots. It is recommended to use it for heart disease, anemia, and weakened immunity. Dried fruit rejuvenates the skin, increases hemoglobin, cleanses the intestines, strengthens hair, and eliminates blockage of blood vessels.

The technology for producing apricots is similar to the method for making dried apricots. The only difference is that bone is not extracted from it; after drying, it acquires a brown tint. The fruits are dried together with the kernel. Five kilograms of fresh apricots yield one kilogram of apricots. Dried fruit is a storehouse of carotene, potassium salts and dietary fiber. It effectively fights headaches, thrombophlebitis, constipation, strengthens bones and joints.

Thus, dried apricots normalize blood pressure, cleanse the intestines, slow down the development of tumors, relieve fatigue, and improve the condition of human skin and hair. Harm to dried apricots and apricots is possible only if you eat a lot of them (more than three to five kilograms per day). In this case, weight gain and a drop in blood pressure may occur, which poses a danger for hypotensive patients.

Apricot diet for weight loss

To unload the digestive tract of the body and eliminate 1–3 kilograms in a couple of days, we recommend paying attention to the apricot mono-diet. It is useful not only for people with excess body weight, but for everyone who wants to strengthen the body.

Regularly holding fasting days on apricots once or twice a month (at least in the summer season) will improve your well-being, increase visual acuity, strengthen bones, normalize digestion, help the body resist negative environmental factors (tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes), and remove toxins .

Conditions for “sweet” weight loss:

  1. The duration of the diet should not exceed five days.
  2. Apricots can be consumed in any form: fresh, boiled (from compote), whole, pureed, in the form of mousse, fresh juice.
  3. Drink two to three liters of clean water throughout the day.
  4. At one time, eat as many apricots as fit into two palms.
  5. Eliminate all foods from the menu. During the diet, eat only apricots from one to two kilograms per day until you feel full.
  6. In case of sudden feeling of hunger, eat 3-4 pieces of dried apricots. Do not overuse, because dried fruit is 4.5 times more caloric than fresh fruit.
  7. During the day you are allowed to drink green tea or apricot compote without added sugar.
  8. Before eating fruits, wash them thoroughly.

Contraindications: diabetes, gastritis, ulcers, intestinal obstruction.


Apricot is a true gift of nature to humanity. This is a fruit that is used to treat diseases of the heart, blood vessels, digestive system and the prevention of cancer.

The fruits are used in cooking (for making jam, apricot vodka) and in medicine for the production of fatty oil, sedatives, and expectorants.

In order for the body to get the maximum benefit, it is recommended to carefully select apricot. A good fruit has a rich orange color with a hint of yellow. It reaches five centimeters in diameter, is juicy, sweet and aromatic.

When choosing dried apricots and apricots, pay attention to their appearance: they should be dark, hard and very dry. Do not take brightly colored fruits; they are treated with chemicals.

After purchasing, it is recommended to eat fresh apricots within three days, since they are a perishable product that cannot be stored. It is better to transfer dried fruits into a glass container, close the lid tightly and keep in a dry place. Otherwise, due to the access of moisture, dried apricots and apricots can quickly become moldy.

We wish you a good choice!


The sunny fruit of health, the national symbol of Armenia, amazing and at the same time so familiar, is the well-known apricot. It is loved for its taste and juiciness, valued for its usefulness and nutritional value, grown for hundreds of years in a row and prepared for the winter in different ways.

What are the benefits for the body?

Apricots have nutritional value: No other stone fruit has this level. They contain substances necessary for the body at a very low calorie content.

Fresh fruit pulp contains:

Dried apricots (apricots, dried apricots) contain two to three times more vitamins and microelements.

The value of this set of substances for humans:

What is the best form to consume?

As food, apricots are tasty in any form: fresh, dried, canned, baked, in curd masses, yoghurts, jams - whatever you like. If you need to achieve a certain goal, then you need to remember that the greatest value is fresh fruit, freshly squeezed juice and dried fruits.

After heat treatment, this fruit loses up to 80% of its beneficial properties.

Let's talk about the medicinal and other properties of all parts of apricots.

Fresh pulp

Fresh apricots are both food and dessert. They are used as a staple sweet and an ingredient in many dishes in Pakistan. To get the effect it is enough to eat from 2-3 pieces to 300 g of fruit per day.

The pulp contributes to:

  • prevention of thyroid diseases;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • increasing hemoglobin levels (200 g of these “fruits of health” are equivalent in iron content to 0.5 kg of liver);
  • saturating the body with vitamins;
  • strengthening blood vessels.


Apricot juice must be drunk immediately after preparation, for three to five minutes. Later, some of its elements are destroyed and its usefulness is lost.

Effects of freshly squeezed apricot juice:

  • replenishment of vitamin deficiencies - just 3/4 glass of juice per day is enough;
  • normalization of gastric acidity;
  • treatment of purulent processes in intestinal diseases;
  • treatment of dysbiosis.

Dried fruits

Apricot dried fruits – real healing product. Dried fruits with seeds are apricots, and without seeds are dried apricots. This is practically the whole fundamental difference.

Impact of dried apricots and apricots:

  • increased hemoglobin (this is why dried apricots are prescribed for anemia and pregnancy);
  • saturating the body with vitamins, minerals, microelements;
  • compote of dried apricot fruits reduces the temperature.

Bones and oil

Not only apricot pulp is used, but also seeds -. Cores used in the same way as almonds, and they also make milk and butter. You can eat up to 20 g of sweet (but not bitter! - they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous to health and life) apricot kernels per day.

Effects of apricot kernels: inhibit the cough reflex for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Apricot oil by acid content approaches oil from kernels or from: linoleic – up to 20 g per 100 g, stearic – up to 14 g and myristic – up to 5 g.

Applications of apricot seed oil:

  • in medicine - for the administration of intramuscular and subcutaneous drugs that require dissolution in fats;
  • cough treatment;
  • in cosmetology.

Potential danger: how to avoid it

Having a laxative effect, apricots may cause diarrhea. To avoid this, you should not drink them with cold water. Fresh fruits in large quantities, even without cold water, can cause diarrhea. Therefore, it is recommended to eat no more than a couple of dozen pieces per day.

Eating apricots “on an empty stomach” or after long-digesting foods (for example, meat) causes indigestion.

A large amount of dried apricots and apricots can also cause harm: lower blood pressure, make breathing difficult, and cause dizziness.


Apricots will not share their beneficial properties if the following contraindications exist:

For diabetics

For type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, apricots are not prohibited, but their quantity is limited due to the high sugar content.

It is necessary to exclude Uzbek and Tajik varieties: in them the level of sucrose reaches 80%.

More it is better to replace fresh fruits with dried apricots. Properly prepared, it contains much less sugar and several times more nutrients. Of course, you need to consult a doctor and constantly monitor the amount of XE in the food you eat.

For allergy sufferers

Apricots – strong allergens- on their own and as part of other products (creams, shampoos). The severity of the reaction is individual, and with each new contact with them it only intensifies.

Allergies are insidious may not appear for years, and then suddenly make itself felt. Its symptoms are as follows:

  • itching;
  • skin rashes;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence, diarrhea;
  • runny nose, increased lacrimation.

If at least one sign appears, you need to make sure that it is an allergy and specifically to apricots. An allergist will help with this. In case of a positive test, you must exclude all products and cosmetics containing this fruit.. To relieve an allergic reaction, your doctor will prescribe an antihistamine.

In most cases, an allergy to apricots goes away within two to three years. A repeated allergy test will help verify this fact.

For pregnant women and children

Nutritional value and availability of vitamins and microelements useful for both the expectant mother and the fetus. Therefore, both fresh apricots and juice, especially dried apricots, are recommended for pregnant women as a source of iron. Contraindications and precautions are no different from those indicated above. Are apricots useful for anything else? Certainly! Traditional healers prepare from fresh or dried fruits diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, antitussive “medicines”:

  • Ground dried apricots are included in recipes for chronic constipation.
  • Apricot juice is a natural remedy for asthma. One glass every day can reduce the likelihood of an asthma attack.
  • If a person suffers from arrhythmia, then “apricot kefir” is prepared: five mashed fruits are mixed with a glass, and the cocktail is drunk throughout the day.
  • In order for the wound to heal faster and not fester, you need to apply a mixture of 3 apricots, 1 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Apricots are used very intensively in cosmetology. The pulp, peel, seeds and oil from them are used. This ingredient is added both industrially and at home - to shampoos, masks, creams...

It prolongs youth refreshes the skin, restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The kernels of the seeds have a particularly interesting use: they are burned, crushed and used to make mascara.

High nutritional value combined with low calorie content has made apricots a dietary product:

  • A fasting mono-diet will help you lose up to 4 kg in just two days.
  • A complete diet is designed for a week. It will help you lose extra pounds and will not harm your body. In addition to the “fruits of health,” it includes dairy products (yogurt, kefir), bran, vegetables, and dried apricots. You can add lean beef.

Apricot – a fruit with a thousand-year history, self-sufficient and loved by almost everyone. It has a lot of beneficial properties, but practically no harmful ones. This is a truly valuable product available to everyone.

Initially, botanists believed that the birthplace of the apricot was Armenia, which is why the Latin name for this fruit is “armenica vulgaris”. However, there is a version of the Chinese origin of the apricot: archaeologists have found records of the Emperor of China, dated 220 BC, which describe these fruits. So, after all, apricots appeared in Asia quite a long time ago.

The apricot began to spread throughout Europe, starting from Italy, from where at the beginning of the 16th century it came to England, Germany and Poland, as well as to Russia. Today, apricot is mainly a cultivated plant, but it can also be found growing wild in China, Central Asia and Dagestan.

This is interesting: In the Middle Ages, there was a myth that apricots caused fever and people were afraid to eat them for a long time.

Eating apricots can increase hemoglobin levels and also prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. These fruits are useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure and obesity.

Apricots improve memory and brain activity in general. Helps remove heavy metals from the body. And apricot compote can act as a laxative.

It is useful for cancer patients to consume apricots during the recovery process after therapy.

On a note: Wild apricots do not have a very pleasant taste, but they are extremely healthy and rich in valuable substances.

Dried apricots are a useful component of the diet of hypertensive patients.

Apricot juice increases acidity when its level is insufficient, and it also has bactericidal properties.

On a note: 0.75 cups of apricot juice contains enough daily vitamins.

Apricot treatment:

On a note: To improve the absorption of vitamin A contained in apricot juice, add 1 teaspoon of odorless vegetable oil to it.

  • Dried apricots have a lot of iron, which makes them useful during pregnancy, as well as for anemia.
  • The presence of potassium salts makes apricot a good preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Dried apricots are useful for cardiac arrhythmias and circulatory failure; they are recommended to be included in the diet when recovering from myocardial infarction.
  • A decoction of dried apricots is an effective diuretic and also increases blood pressure.
  • Apricots increase brain activity and improve memory.
  • Useful for diseases of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.
  • Daily consumption of apricots normalizes the digestive process and relieves constipation.
  • Apricots will help with coughs and sore throats.

This is interesting: Daily consumption of a large amount of apricot juice (at least half a liter) can prevent epileptic seizures.

You should not eat apricots on an empty stomach, or after a heavy meal - this can cause stomach upset.

For gastritis with high acidity and ulcers, it is better to avoid fresh apricots.

You should use apricots with caution if you have liver disease and pancreatitis.

In case of decreased thyroid function, you should avoid apricots due to their high content of vitamin A, which will not be absorbed.

You can’t eat dried apricots if you have diabetes – it contains too much sugar (up to 84%).

You should not eat apricots in large quantities at a time - this can lead to diarrhea and low blood pressure.

On a note: Apricot kernels are very tasty, but at the same time they are quite dangerous - an amount of more than 30 grams can lead to poisoning with a risk of death!

Composition of apricot

in 100 grams of product

The nutritional value Vitamins Macronutrients Microelements
Calorie content 44 kcal
Proteins 0.9 g
Fats 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 9 g
Dietary fiber 2.1 g
Organic acids 1 g
Water 86.2 g
Mono- and disaccharides 8.3 g
Starch 0.7 g
Ash 0.7 g
Vitamin PP 0.7 mg
Beta-carotene 1.6 mg
Vitamin A (VE) 267 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.03 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.06 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.3 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.05 mg
Vitamin B9 (folate) 3 mcg
Vitamin C 10 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 1.1 mg
Vitamin H (biotin) 0.3 mcg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.8 mg
Calcium 28 mg
Magnesium 8 mg
Sodium 3 mg
Potassium 305 mg
Phosphorus 26 mg
Chlorine 1 mg
Sulfur 6 mg
Iron 0.7 mg
Zinc 0.082 mg
Iodine 1 mcg
Copper 140 mcg
Manganese 0.22 mg
Chromium 1 mcg
Fluoride 11 mcg
Molybdenum 8 mcg
Boron 125 mcg
Vanadium 25 mcg
Silicon 5 mg
Cobalt 2 mcg
Aluminum 364 mcg
Nickel 8 mcg

How to choose apricots

A good fruit should be elastic, without damage or dents. Softness of the fruit is a sign of overripeness.

On a note: Overripe apricots contain much lower amounts of nutrients.

A high-quality apricot is a fruit about 5 cm in size, a rich yellow-orange color, without spots or damage to the skin, with an elastic structure.

Apricot pulp should be juicy and have a pleasant smell.

On a note: Unripe apricots can be used as pie filling and also for canning.

How to choose dried apricots

Dried apricots are a concentrated product that retains all its beneficial qualities. Dried apricots are a great way to preserve vitamins for use in the winter.

Dried apricots should be large, without damage, with elastic and springy flesh. The surface must be dry and hard. The color of dried apricots is darker compared to fresh fruit.

Note: If the dried apricots have a bright orange color, they may have been treated with chemicals. Naturally dried fruits have a dark and dull color.

Dried apricots should not have a wine taste, and the pulp should not be too hard.

On a note: The large amount of sugar in dried apricots makes it a favorable environment for pathogenic microflora, therefore, when storing this product, strict sanitary and epidemiological measures must be observed.

The best varieties of apricots

Apricots "Ahrori" - Central Asian fruits of medium size and light yellow color.

Apricots "Arzami" - medium-sized fruits, light cream color, with a pleasant taste. A characteristic feature is that the bone is difficult to separate from the pulp.

Apricots "Voronezh early" - small fruits with a sweet taste and an easily separated seed.

Apricots "Vladimirskie" - yellow-cream fruits with aromatic pulp.

Apricots "Gulliver" - fruits of medium size, yellow-cream color, fresh-sweet taste.

Apricots "Kolkhoz" - large fruits of orange color, with dense sweet pulp, a pleasant smell and an easily separated seed.

Apricots "Carlson" - medium-sized fruits, creamy-yellow in color, with dense pulp, pleasant aroma and taste.

Apricots "Speckled" - fruits of medium size, orange color, moderate density, with a sweet taste and an easily removable stone.