Substances that cause cancer cell growth. Dangerous food: favorite foods that cause cancer. Avoid sugary drinks

Various causes and factors can lead to the development of malignant tumors. Terrible statistics show: in Russia more than 2 million people are on cancer registries. The threat of cancer hangs over every 5th Russian. Experts in the field of oncology claim that 75-80 percent of the factors and causes of tumors can be eliminated, which means that in 80 cases (theoretically) the disease can be prevented.

But let's move from words to deeds. Many oncologists agree that nutrition is one of the important factors contributing to the occurrence of malignant tumors. The share of this factor is approximately 34-37 percent. The risk group most often includes those who exhaust themselves with diets; of course, this does not include all types of dietary foods, but only those that are poor in anti-cancer products, but are replete with various foods containing carcinogens. But precisely, such products are a significant factor in the formation of malignant tumors. When such products enter the human body, they cause a malfunction of the chromosomal apparatus, affecting it, they activate oncogenes, and they, in turn, contribute to the formation of cancer cells; the process of cell fusion and tumor formation can last 10 - 12 years.

What foods should you pay attention to in order to reduce the consumption of substances that provoke the formation of oncogenes?

Foods that cause cancer

  • Sausages and sausages, as well as other products, including vegetables treated with pesticides, which are rich in nitrites, nitrosamines and a number of food additives: E 102 (tartrazine), E284 (boric acid), E123 (amarzant), E 285 (sodium tetracarbonate), E574 (gluconic acid), E512 (tin chloride), E1200 (polydextrose), E999 (Quillaja extract), E127 (erythrosine).
  • Reduce the consumption of margarines and butter; the consumption of such fats should not exceed 1/5 of the total diet. Remember, you can fry in oil only once, otherwise you risk getting a “nuclear” mixture of carcinogen - benzopyrene. By the way, this “horror” not only contributes to the formation and growth of cancerous tumors, but can also lead to fetal deformity in pregnant women.
  • Coffee. 2 cups (50 g) of this drink act as a preventative against liver cancer, but when consumed 5-6 cups of this drink can provoke the growth of cancer cells in the pancreas and bladder.
  • Fatty meat and animal liver - no more than 3 times a week, only so much your body can handle.
  • Alcohol. We can talk about relative safety when consuming no more than 20 g of pure alcohol, which is equivalent to: 200 g of dry red wine, a glass of vodka or a half-liter bottle of light beer.
  • Moldy bread is aflatoxin poison, in its pure form. It primarily affects the liver.
  • Boiled water, of course, we are only talking about the water that has already boiled in your kettle 5 times. Remember, there is no longer water at all, but dioxin - a strong carcinogen.
  • So, what, it turns out that we can neither eat nor drink? No, of course it is possible and necessary, but only what is safe for our body.

List of anti-cancer products

  • Tomatoes contain the substance lycoptin. This powerful antioxidant is able to neutralize oxygen free radicals that contribute to the formation of cancer cells. You need to know that only bright red tomatoes contain lycoptin, of which you should eat at least 2-3 pieces per day.
  • Pumpkin and carrots are rich in beta-carotene. 200 grams of these vegetables, if consumed daily, prevent malignant tumors of the breast, lungs, prostate, pancreas, cervix and large intestine.
  • Garlic - the selenium it contains will protect the oropharynx, esophagus, stomach, colon, mammary glands and skin from the action of carcinogens. As a preventive measure, 1-2 cloves of garlic per day are enough.
  • Radishes, horseradish, celery and radishes contain indoles and isothiocyanates in abundance, which successfully neutralize the effects of carcinogens. Preventive dose – 50-60 grams per day.
  • Onions, or rather the content of the substance quercetin in it, which, by the way, remains in it even after heat treatment, prevents cell mutation. Effective for malignant neoplasms of the breast, ovaries and prostate gland. Every day you need to eat at least 40-50 grams.
  • Red wine is no less rich in quercetin. True, the principle of action of this substance applies mainly to kidney oncogenes. As a prophylactic dose, about 150-200 grams per day are recommended.
  • Bran (corn, wheat, oat, rice) is rich in so-called ballast substances, which reliably stop carcinogens, preventing the occurrence of intestinal cancer. Daily dose – 350 grams.
  • Salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel - these fish are rich in vitamin D and omega-3 acids, which help strengthen “anti-cancer” immunity. 150 grams of seafood daily is the recommended dose.
  • Prunes are capable of providing active resistance to cancerous tumors in the early stages. 5-6 dried fruits per day.
  • Nuts and vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E, another active “fighter” against cancer. Nuts – 150 grams per day, vegetable oil – 50 grams.
  • Green tea and rose hips are rich in epigallocatechin gallate and “program” apoposis (death) of cancer cells. Drink 5-7 cups of green tea or 4-5 cups of rosehip tea.

Good health to you!

Tasha Tashireva
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It has long been a trend, but still, eating food is an act of love. When we choose food, we often focus on immediate desire. Everyone is used to receiving a certain set of tastes every day, because at least it lifts the mood. Junk food seems tastier to many, but the force of habit can become a road to loss of health. To protect yourself, study the list of products that, if consumed frequently, can cause...


Sausages, hams and hot dogs usually contain large amounts of preservatives and flavor enhancers, which are designed to improve sales and maintain the freshness of the product for a long time. Many substances, such as sodium nitrate and nitrite, have adverse effects on the body. In particular, sodium nitrite, accumulating in large quantities in the body, can contribute to the development of colorectal cancer. Therefore, try to cook meat at home, in small portions, without adding preservatives or food additives.

Sweet carbonated drinks

It's hard to call drinks like cola a thirst quencher. The amount of food coloring, sugar, and artificial flavors makes the resulting liquid simply dangerous. Sugar in a drink from a can or plastic bottle enters the body in huge quantities, but almost unnoticed. No person would eat as much sugar in dry form as he could drink dissolved in such a cocktail. And how children love them!

The components of carbonated drinks contribute to the acidification of the internal environment of the body, which contributes to the development of malignant processes. The most dangerous substance in this regard is 4-methylimidazole, a derivative of caramel coloring.

Microwave popcorn

Convenient, sealed packages with corn kernels inside have become a common way to get fresh popcorn at home. But beware of microwave popcorn! Some chemical compounds that are formed in each grain during this preparation are carcinogenic. The inner shell of the bag also contains a carcinogenic substance - perfluorocaprylic acid, which, when heated, penetrates into the air grains.

Preservatives, which are used in semi-finished popcorn products for storage, disrupt the functioning of the liver, pancreas, and reproductive system. So the next time you decide to treat your kids to fresh popcorn, remember the harm it can cause.

Special dietary products

Manufacturers of food for weight loss seek to increase demand for their product, using stereotypes in people's minds. Low-fat, high-fiber foods from a pretty box can lead to not only weight loss, but also health. A substitute for sugar and animal fats has a negative effect not only on the body of the person who eats it, but also on possible offspring. These substances also cause cancer and disorders of the gonads.

Sugar and fructose in large quantities

Excessive consumption of sweet foods always carries the risk of overloading the insulin machine. You need to take into account not only the sugar that you put in tea, sweet desserts and pastries, but also the sugar in first and main courses, juice, alcohol, etc. Replacing refined sugar with fructose is self-deception. Fructose, like sucrose, is converted into glucose in the body. If a person has already begun a malignant process, but may not even be diagnosed, then heavy consumption of sugar accelerates the development of the tumor, since cancer cells receive a large amount of nutrition in the form of glucose.

Red meat in large quantities

The required minimum consumption of red meat helps maintain normal hemoglobin levels. However, with frequent or daily use, the risk of developing colorectal cancer is very high. An additional negative factor is that the rate of passage of red meat through the digestive tract is lower than that of other products. Moreover, if the meat was eaten without a large amount of vegetable side dish and herbs, it may linger longer in the large intestine, which also increases the harm.

Fruits and vegetables contaminated with chemical fertilizers

The fruits of plants accumulate both beneficial and harmful substances in large quantities. Everything that is used to increase yields and control harmful insects remains in fruits and vegetables, and often in dangerous quantities. Manufacturers of organic products offer fruits and vegetables at significantly higher prices, while guaranteeing levels of pesticides and nitrates, or even their complete absence. In addition to the high risk of cancer, consuming low-quality fruits during pregnancy leads to the birth of children with low body weight.

Canned tomatoes in tins

All canned vegetables and fruits are harmful, at least because they contain preservatives, but tomatoes canned in iron cans are especially unsafe. The inner lining of the can uses the substance Bisphenol-A (BPA), which is an aggressive carcinogen. The acids found in tomatoes help release BPA by oxidizing the walls of the jar. This product is especially harmful for children.

Farmed salmon and trout

It is clear that it is impossible to recreate natural habitat conditions on fish farms. There is much less space here, and the reservoirs are designed so that it is convenient for workers to care for and catch fish. Therefore, fish in farm reservoirs are in extremely close contact with each other. Salmon are very sensitive to various infectious diseases, and with such a concentration of individuals, the risk of fish death is very high. Therefore, farmers do not spare drugs for their and our pets. Antibiotics, growth promoters, pesticides and other substances harmful to health accumulate in huge quantities in farmed salmon meat. The quality of the famous fish oil is lost. Therefore, to obtain Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, choose another product.

Potato chips

The amount of potatoes that are stored in the form of chips is huge. Manufacturers use every possible means to extend its shelf life by using preservatives in large quantities. In addition, a thin slice of potato is fried, completely soaked in boiling oil, which contains transgenic fats, and when heated, forms carcinogens. And in addition - everyone’s favorite flavor enhancers and imitators, which allow us to believe that instead of potatoes we are eating fried meat with hot sauce.

Topping the list are hydrogenated butter and margarine. Fats are obtained using hydrogen molecules passed through liquid vegetable oils. This method of transformation is convenient for manufacturers, as it allows the oil to be stored for a long time and reduces the cost of food production. In this case, altered molecules are formed in the final product, which, when entering the body, are embedded in cell membranes and disrupt cell functions. Consumption of transgenic fats leads to premature death of healthy cells and also contributes to the degeneration of a healthy cell into a cancerous one.

Pickles and smoked meats in large quantities

Pickled, salted and smoked foods contain large quantities of nitrates and salts. The combination of several components with nitrates, which are found in meat and vegetables preserved in this way, increases the risk of cancer.

Sugar substitutes

Until recently, they were considered a salvation for people with or those who want to lose weight. It would seem that if you eat sweets and don’t get fat, you won’t get complications from diabetes! However, sweeteners have now been branded as carcinogens. In addition, it is much more difficult to control blood sugar levels by taking sugar substitutes instead of sugar. A sweetener like Aspartame forms a strong carcinogen in the body that causes brain tumors.

Binge drinking

But what is moderate consumption? Everyone thinks that they know their own norm. However, studies have been conducted in the United States on the effect of alcohol on the risk of developing breast cancer. As it turned out, women who drink one serving of an alcoholic drink daily have a 30% higher risk of developing it than those who do not drink at all.

White flour

The large amount of refined carbohydrates contained in white flour products can, like excess sugar, be an excellent breeding ground for tumor cells. In addition, the production of snow-white flour can be reduced in cost by bleaching with chlorine gas, which, of course, is used by manufacturers of the most affordable food products.

French fries

Caution and moderation in eating can prolong life into old age. Eat healthy foods more often than harmful ones, don’t forget about sports and a good mood.

Today we’ll approach this topic from a different angle: what foods contribute to cancer.

Sad statistics show that in Russia only a few people recover from cancer.

But there is good news. Factors and foods that contribute to cancer are known. If you know what contributes to cancer and apply the knowledge, then in 80% of cases you can avoid this unfortunate disease and even recover from it.

What contributes to cancer - 10 foods that cause cancer.

Foods that cause cancer.

  1. Alcohol causes cancer.

Alcohol promotes cancer

International Agency for Research on Cancer places alcohol as the No. 1 cancer-causing carcinogen. This means that alcohol has the highest potential to cause cancer. Alcohol contains ethanol, which is a carcinogen.

  1. Smoking (tobacco, cigarettes, hookah, etc.) causes cancer.

Smoking promotes cancer

Smoking is a drug addiction. Smoking ensures a painful death from lung cancer, from lip cancer, from trachea cancer. And even women who smoke get breast cancer more often than non-smokers, and even cancer of the digestive system.

The currently fashionable hookah is especially dangerous. In it, just like in cigarettes, a substance containing nicotine is lit. One hookah refill contains 7.5 times more nicotine than one cigarette. It is nicotine that forms addiction to smoking. The water that supposedly filters the smoke in a hookah cannot completely free it from carbon monoxide; it enters the lungs in large quantities and poisons the blood. In addition to nicotine, hookah coals heated to a temperature of 600-650 degrees release benzopyrene, the most toxic substance, toxicity class No. 1, which damages DNA for many generations to come. So don’t be surprised, hookah smokers, if your offspring, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren have mutations. You have to think!..

Hookah contributes to cancer and DNA damage in offspring

Intoxication of the body leads to cancer.

  1. Drinking sweetened carbonated drinks causes pancreatic cancer.

Carbonated drinks cause pancreatic cancer

Sweetened carbonated drinks such as Cola, Pepsi, etc. contain the dye “Caramel,” which is recognized as a carcinogen. In addition, carbonated sweetened drinks create an acidic environment in the body, in which cancer cells can freely multiply. With a shift, immunity sharply decreases.

60,000 people were studied over 14 years, half of them were volunteers who drank at least 2 glasses of sweetened carbonated drinks a week, half did not drink them at all. The result was a figure: 87% more people developed pancreatic cancer in people who drank carbonated drinks compared to those who did not drink them at all. Some people think it's because of sugar. But it is not sugar that causes damage to the body, but other harmful components, some of which manufacturers keep secret. Sweetened carbonated drinks contain aspartame and caffeine, which leaches calcium from cells, which is then deposited in the form of stones in the kidneys and other organs and leads to terrible pain. Caffeine damages the nervous system.

Aspartame in the body turns into the toxic substance dipotassium phosphate DKP, which is very dangerous. This sharply increases the risk of developing malignant tumors in the brain.

Sweetened carbonated drinks can cause pancreatic cancer.

  1. Growth hormones and antibiotics in meat cause cancer.

Growth hormone, which is added to the food of livestock and chickens, is harmful to those who consume such meat. Growth hormones lead to an acceleration of metabolic processes in the body with a simultaneous increase in free radicals. Growth hormones shorten life increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Eating meat with growth hormones contributes to cancer and hormonal imbalances

Frequent consumption of chicken grown with the use of growth hormone threatens a woman with disruption of her monthly cycle, and a man with infertility.

Sex hormones, which are added to livestock food to promote growth, can disrupt the rate of puberty and growth in children who consume meat infused with hormones.
Antibiotics present in meat can cause loss of immunity, leading to cancer.

How to neutralize meat from antibiotics and hormones?

  • Meat and chicken purchased from industrial producers must first be soaked in water for several hours and this water, into which some of the growth hormones go, must be poured out.
  • All meat products must be boiled for a long time.
  • When cooking meat, after boiling, the first broth must be drained and the meat rinsed. Be sure to remove the foam.
  • It is better not to eat food containing meat broths in public catering.
  • It is advisable to limit meat dishes in your diet.
  1. Repeatedly overcooked vegetable oil and other fats can lead to cancer.

Deep fried pies are not healthy

For example, sometimes they fry a new batch of pancakes without clearing the grease from the previous batch. Deep-fried pies are also not healthy. Overcooked fats contain many carcinogens.

You also shouldn't double fry fried foods. It is better to eat them on the same day, and even better - avoid frying. Especially many carcinogens are formed when frying with refractory animal fats, so do not use butter, beef fat and lard for frying. Try not to fry at all, it is better to steam bake, stew or boil.

  1. Frequent consumption of smoked meats can lead to cancer.

One can of smoked sprat contains the same amount of carcinogenic benzopyrene as is released in 60 packs of smoked cigarettes.

Smoked foods contribute to cancer

Benzopyrene is present in all smoked products - smoked sausages, smoked legs, smoked fish, and even in kebabs that we cook over the fire. WHO has equated the dangers of smoked foods, including smoked sausages and bacon, to the dangers of smoking. Benzopyrene is also present in fire smoke. Benzopyrene is formed when any food is smoked; it accumulates in the body and over time leads to sad consequences. The strongest carcinogen benzopyrene causes mutations in DNA, mutations in a pregnant child, deformities, and cancer.

  1. Eating only processed foods can lead to cancer.

Only thermally processed food without raw vegetables and fruits shifts the acid-base balance in the body towards oxidation and can lead to cancer, since an acidic environment is suitable for the proliferation of cancer cells.

  1. Potato chips can cause cancer.

Potato chips, French fries, fast food, popcorn, and fried crackers contain the dangerous carcinogen acrylamide, which causes cancer.

Potato chips cause cancer and metabolic disorders

Although they are tasty, they should be consumed less often. Acrylamide accumulates throughout life. Acrylamide is especially dangerous for children with low body weight. Acrylamide is present in fried and baked foods.

Another important disadvantage in these products is the presence of the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate has an artificial fifth taste, which, like a virus in a computer, causes body failure and metabolic disorders with all the ensuing sad consequences.

There are only 4 basic tastes in nature: sour, salty, bitter and sweet. Based on the combination of these tastes, our body determines what it lacks at the moment and signals the need to introduce the right food into it. But once a breakdown occurs due to MSG, the body becomes a helpless broken system. A person can no longer determine what to eat and eats the wrong thing. Hence diabetes, obesity, and cancer.
It is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods containing glutamates to a minimum, or better yet, eliminate them completely.

  1. Farmed salmon can cause cancer.

Farmed salmon are kept in cramped pens

High levels of the carcinogen polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) were found in salmon. This carcinogen accumulates in fat. Farmers strive to produce fish that are fattier, keep them in cramped pens, and feed them artificial food, such as ground fish, which contains both PCBs and mercury. Now the seas are very polluted due to neglect of nature. Wastewater from various chemical industries is dumped into rivers, and dirty water flows into the seas. Huge liners ply the seas and dump waste into them. All heavy metals, including mercury, accumulate in fish fat. Therefore, fish caught in the seas is polluted; it absorbs the pollution of the seas.

Why PCBs in salmon are dangerous:

H PCBs in salmon are dangerous

PCBs can cause cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and endocrine disorders. It has already been firmly established that PCBs disrupt the normal intrauterine development of the fetus and the development of newborns. Already in future mothers, as a result of their addiction to fish, there may be accumulations of PCBs, which can cause problems with the mental development of their child, with hearing impairment in him.

Memory impairment has been observed in adults who consume farmed fish containing high levels of PCBs.

How to protect yourself from PCBs?

You need to eat less farmed fish, cook it by baking, when the fat is rendered and removed. Leather contains a lot of PCBs and must be removed.

  1. Sweeteners lead to cancer.

Sweeteners such as stevia, aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, when regularly consumed in large quantities, leads to serious diseases, of which the most dangerous is brain cancer.

Results of our research: What contributes to cancer - 10 foods that cause cancer:

We learned that there are foods that promote cancer. We have highlighted 10 foods that cause cancer. Therefore, let’s exclude them from the diet, namely:

  • Alcohol, smoking.
  • Let's limit the consumption of industrial chicken and other meat. They must be pre-soaked to wash out growth hormones and antibiotics, and when cooking, after boiling, the first broth must be drained. We avoid eating dishes with meat broth in public catering.
  • We exclude smoked meats, including sprats and kebabs. We try not to breathe fire smoke often.
  • We exclude fast food, chips, fried crackers, sausages, and sweet carbonated drinks.
  • We limit sausages and other highly processed meat and leather products.
  • We treat salmon with caution and consume them only occasionally.
  • We exclude deep-fried pies, donuts, whites, etc. We fry the pancakes in a fresh portion of oil each time.
  • Let's exclude sweeteners.
  • We eat freshly prepared food, nuts, raw vegetables and fruits and dried fruits.

In the next post we will learn about other factors that cause cancer.

Throughout a person's life, healthy cells in the body divide and replace themselves through a controlled process of cell division. Cancer begins when cells become somewhat altered and their reproduction gets out of control. A tumor is a mass of abnormal cells. Most cancers form a tumor, but not all tumors are cancerous. Benign or non-cancerous tumors, such as freckles and moles, stop growing and do not spread to other parts of the body or create new tumors. Malignant, or cancerous, tumors clog healthy cells, interfere with the functioning of the body and suck nutrients from its tissues. The cancer continues to grow and spread through a process called metastasis, eventually giving rise to new tumors in other parts of the body.

Term cancer covers more than 100 diseases affecting almost every body system, all of which are potentially life-threatening. The four main types are carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma and leukemia.

Carcinoma- the most common type of cancer - occurs on the skin, lungs, breast, pancreas and other organs and glands.

Lymphomas- cancer of the lymphatic system.

Leukemia- blood cancer that does not form tumors.

Sarcoma grows in bones, muscles, cartilage and is relatively rare.


In the early stages, the cancer is asymptomatic, but eventually the malignant tumor grows large enough to be noticed. It can put pressure on nerves and cause pain, enter blood vessels and cause bleeding, or interfere with the functioning of body systems and organs. The following symptoms may indicate the presence of some forms of cancer:

  • Changes in the size, color, shape, or thickness of warts, moles, or mouth sores.
  • Ulcers that cannot be treated.
  • Persistent cough, hoarseness, or sore throat.
  • Lumps or lumps in the breasts, testicles, or anywhere else.
  • Changes in urination or bowel habits.
  • Any unusual bleeding or discharge.
  • Chronic indigestion or difficulty swallowing.
  • Constant headache.
  • Unexplained loss of weight or appetite.
  • Chronic bone pain.
  • Constant fatigue, nausea or vomiting.
  • A persistent low-grade fever that may be constant or occur occasionally.
  • Repeated cases of infection.

Contact your doctor if:

  • you have symptoms suggestive of cancer that are not clearly related to other cases and have persisted for more than two weeks. You should immediately undergo a medical examination. If the cause of your symptoms is cancer, early diagnosis and treatment offer the best chance of cure.

What causes cancer?

The fundamental cause of all types of cancer is changes, or mutations, that occur in the cell nucleus. For a healthy cell to become malignant, its genetic code must be reprogrammed to constantly, uncontrollably divide. Substances that initiate or promote this process are called carcinogens, and there are a great many of them. Scientists are developing a theory that suggests that approximately 10 million of the 300 trillion cells in the human body die and are replaced every second. With such a high level of cellular activity, the likelihood of a random malignant cell mutation is also high. In a healthy person, special cells in his immune system somehow recognize the mutant cells, but some of these mutants may accidentally escape such scrutiny and survive to cause cancer.

Risk factors for cancer

Any habits, traits, personality traits, or use of substances that increase the likelihood of cancer are called risk factors, and the risk of almost all types of cancer increases with age. Hereditary or family history is also a risk factor, although its impact varies from case to case. Researchers continue to identify genes that, when defective, clearly increase a person's susceptibility to certain types of cancer. This genetic predisposition is considered an influential risk factor, but in no way means that a person will certainly get cancer. Risk factors in the environment depend on where and how we live. Most cancers are associated with one of three environmental risk factors: smoking, sun exposure and diet. Smoking is associated with cancer of the lung, head and neck, bladder, kidney, stomach, cervix and pancreas, as well as some types of leukemia. Excessive sun exposure is linked to skin cancer. Diet also causes some cancers of the digestive tract and may contribute to the development of other cancers, such as breast, prostate and uterine cancer. Dietary habits are suspected to contribute to the onset and development of cancer, including excessive consumption of alcohol, fats and foods that are smoked, canned, pickled or fried. Lack of dietary fiber or antioxidants, vitamins and minerals is also considered a risk factor.

Many substances in our environment have been identified as carcinogens, but in most cases it takes very high levels of exposure to these substances to cause cancer. Environmental carcinogens include various chemicals and other compounds found in air, water, food, pesticides, tobacco smoke, cleaning products, paints and many industrial processes, increased ionizing radiation such as X-rays, nuclear radiation and radioactive waste, and some viruses, such as AIDS and hepatitis B virus, papilloma and Epstein-Barr virus.

The combination of all these factors can lead to cancer, although individually each of these factors may not be carcinogenic. Cancer develops as a result multi-factor strike- age, hereditary predisposition and exposure to carcinogenic factors. For example, some people exposed to specific carcinogens will develop cancer, while others with equally strong exposure to the same risk factors will not develop cancer. And, as far as we know, most people who develop certain forms of cancer are not genetically predisposed to it. Thus, any cases of cancer are caused by complex and unique reasons.

How to prevent disease

  • Do not smoke or use chewing tobacco.
  • Don't stay in the sun for long. When outdoors, use cream to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays.
  • Consume alcohol in moderation.
  • Regular exercise will keep your body active.
  • Get regular cancer screenings as part of your annual physical.
  • If your line of work requires you to be exposed to carcinogenic substances, be sure to follow all safety rules.
  • To limit your exposure to carcinogenic chemicals in your home, avoid aerosol cleaners and wash your hands after using cleaning products, wear rubber gloves when handling pesticides, and open windows and doors to ventilate harmful fumes when handling chemicals and paints.

What's actually in food? A 2005 study found that on average, 200 industrial chemicals were found in infants at birth. Pediatrician Dr. James Sears noted that 15 million kilograms of food dyes are added to foods every year, and these chemicals are linked to allergies, inflammatory diseases, and behavioral problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism. And this, believe me, is just the beginning.

People have long believed that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) cause cancer. Pay attention to the article 10 products that you do not know are genetically modified. In 2012, a French team laid claim to a best-selling brand of genetically modified corn that caused tumors and organ damage in rats. A test on rats showed precancerous cell growth and damage to the immune system in just 10 days.

Diet foods do more harm than good. With the help of various additives, they are chemically enhanced and processed with refined flour and sugar. Aspartame is the most common artificial sweetener in dietary foods.

According to the European Food Safety Agency, aspartame is responsible for causing a wide range of diseases, including cancer, birth defects and heart problems. Don't eat food made from genetically modified foods, but instead, switch to organic products.

Whether you buy salmon from a store or order it from a restaurant, make sure it is caught in rivers and not farmed. Processed farmed salmon are fed a concentrated, high-fat mixture of ground fish and fish oil, otherwise known as " salmon feed».

Fish oil contains chemical contaminants, so concentrated " salmon feed", filled with a dangerous mixture of mercury, antibiotics, flame retardants, pesticides, and other cancer-causing carcinogens. This salmon contains up to 30 times more sea lice than wild salmon, which is unappetizing but true.

Think twice before heading back to Dunkin Donuts to get a box of " Munchkin" Heat is used to cause donuts to form acrylamide, a carcinogenic chemical found in cigarettes, dyes and plastics.

Unfortunately, potato chips and French fries are also heated to high temperatures, making them one of the leading cancer-causing foods.

For many, canned foods contain bisphenol-A, a chemical linked to various forms of cancer, heart disease and intestinal damage. However, canned tomatoes pose a particular danger because the high acidity of the bisphenol located on the can causes leeches. In the 1960s, the Food and Drug Administration approved BPA.

Currently, the World Health Organization classifies processed meats in the same category as smoking and asbestos. Will you say that there is nothing sacred left? The World Health Organization has reported that eating processed meats such as sausages and ham causes cancer.

The evidence is based on hundreds of studies and pounds of processed meat specifically used to screen for colon and rectal cancer. A WHO report states that eating 50g of processed meat per day (about two slices of ham) can increase the risk of cancer by 18%.

Some studies suggest that microwave popcorn breaks down the coating on the disposable bag of the chemical, creating a substance known as perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA. It is worth noting that popcorn is included in the ranking of 8 popular products with unexpectedly beneficial properties.

Not all fruits are created equal. In 2010, the President's Cancer Team merged the two lists " Dirty Dozen" And " 15 clean products" The idea was to help people eat foods with fewer pesticides, thereby reducing their risk of exposure to cancer-causing substances.

« Dirty Dozen", which includes fruits such as apples, peaches, and strawberries, tested positive for at least 47 fewer different chemicals. When it comes to fruits from the " Dirty Dozen", President's Cancer Team encourages consumers to buy organic; the amount of toxins they consume can be reduced by as much as 80%. In products " 15 clean products”, which includes onions, avocados and pineapples, has virtually no traces of pesticides.

A study conducted by the New England Journal of Science found that eating just one potato chip a day could lead to a 2-pound weight gain over the course of a year. Then again... this shouldn't be a surprise. Potato chips are high in fat and calories. Besides, who only eats one potato chip a day?

When potato chips are fried at high temperatures to make them crispy, they produce a substance called acrylamide, a carcinogen also found in cigarettes. The studies, according to the World Health Organization, examined the relationship between dietary levels of acrylamide and the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, larynx, kidney, breast and ovary.

Soda contains sugar and artificial sweeteners. Fact: Eating large amounts of empty calories leads to weight gain and contributes to the national obesity epidemic. However, sugar and artificial sweeteners do much more than just fleece people. The artificial sweetener aspartame is a carcinogen. According to a recent study, aspartame increases the risk of developing brain cancer.

The dangers of genetically modified organisms have been well documented. GMOs were first introduced in 1996. A disease such as autism has rapidly increased, and therefore food allergies are observed. You can also notice a sharp increase in autoimmune diseases, infertility, and gastrointestinal problems. Coincidence? Probably no.

As of 2010, 80% of corn and 90% of soybeans produced in the United States are grown from modified seeds. In addition, growth hormone in cattle milk has been linked to cancer. In other words, biotech food is not meant to be mass produced.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of cancer in humans, one of them is food. Yes, yes, the food that is present in the daily diet of almost every person. Watch the video and find out which foods you should avoid!