When is the best time to take femoston? Hormone therapy drug "Femoston" - reviews. Negative, neutral and positive feedback. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking the drug?

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Femoston is a hormone replacement therapy drug that is used to treat various natural changes in a woman’s body caused by the onset of menopause or removal of the ovaries (surgical castration). Femoston ensures that a woman’s body receives sex hormones, which, as a result of menopause or surgical castration, are produced by the ovaries and adipose tissue in insufficient quantities and, thereby, maintains the normal condition and functioning of various organs and systems. Femoston eliminates various disorders caused by deficiency of sex hormones, such as vegetative, psycho-emotional and sexual disorders, and also prevents ischemic heart disease and osteoporosis.

Types, names, release forms and composition of Femoston

Currently, three varieties of the drug Femoston are produced - these are Femoston 1/10, Femoston 2/10 and Femoston 1/5 (Conti). All three varieties are available in a single dosage form - pills for oral administration, and differ from each other only in the dosage of active components. Femoston 1/5 tablets are correctly called “Femoston Conti 1/5”, but in everyday speech they are often referred to as “Femoston 1 5” or “Femoston Conti”. Tablets Femoston 1/10 and Femoston 2/10 are often written and called “Femoston 1 10” and “Femoston 2 10”. Femoston 1, Femoston 2 and Femoston 5 tablets do not exist. The types of Femoston tablets differ from each other only in the dosage of the active substance in the tablets.

All varieties of Femoston include estradiol (estrogen hormone) and dydrogesterone(progesterone hormone) in various dosages.

Femoston 1/5 is available in packs of 28 tablets, each of which contains 1 mg of estradiol and 5 mg of dydrogesterone. The tablets are orange-pink in color, have a round, biconvex shape and are engraved with “379” on one side and “S” on the other.

Femoston 1/10 Available in packs of 28 tablets. Each package contains 14 tablets of two types - white and gray. White tablets contain 1 mg estradiol, and gray tablets contain 1 mg estradiol + 10 mg dydrogesterone. Both the white and gray tablets are round, biconvex in shape and have "379" engraved on one side.

Femoston 2/10 Available in packs of 28 tablets, of which there are two varieties - pink and light yellow. There are the same quantity of both types of tablets, that is, one pack contains 14 pieces, both pink and light yellow. Each pink tablet contains 2 mg of estradiol, and each light yellow tablet contains 2 mg of estradiol + 10 mg of dydrogesterone. Both types of tablets are the same size, round, biconvex shape and have "379" engraved on one side.

As auxiliary components, all types of tablets of the three varieties of Femoston (pink-orange, white, gray, pink, light yellow) contain the same substances, such as:

  • Hypromellose;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Talc;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Polyethylene glycol 400;
  • Iron oxides black, red and yellow (to give color to tablets).

Therapeutic effect

All varieties of Femoston have the same therapeutic effect, and different dosages of active hormones allow you to choose the optimal drug for each woman that best suits her.

Femoston is a combined, modern, low-dose hormonal drug, the therapeutic effects of which are due to its constituent estradiol and dydrogesterone.

Estradiol, which is part of Femoston, is identical to the natural one normally produced by a woman’s ovaries. That is why it replenishes the deficiency of estrogen in the body when it is insufficiently produced during menopause or almost completely absent during castration syndrome. Estrogens in women in menopause or after removal of the ovaries ensure smoothness, elasticity and slow aging of the skin, slow down hair loss, cause the production of vaginal lubrication, preventing dryness and discomfort during sexual intercourse, and also prevent atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. In addition, estradiol eliminates specific manifestations of menopause or castration syndrome, such as hot flashes, sweating, sleep disturbances, excitability, dizziness, headaches, atrophy of the skin and mucous membranes, etc.

Dydrogesterone is a progesterone hormone that ensures endometrial growth in the second half of the menstrual cycle in women. When taken as part of Femoston, dydrogesterone reduces the risk of developing endometrial hyperplasia or cancer, which increases with the use of estrogens. This progesterone hormone does not have any other effects, and is included in Femoston specifically to reduce the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer, which increases due to estradiol intake.

Femoston - indications for use

Indications for use for all three varieties of Femoston (1/10, 2/10 and 1/5) are the same:
1. Hormone replacement therapy for specific menopausal or castration syndrome in women, manifested by hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, sleep disturbances, excitability, nervousness, vaginal dryness and other symptoms of estrogen deficiency. Femoston 1/10 and 2/10 can be started to be used six months after the last menstruation, and Femoston 1/5 - only a year later;
2. Prevention of osteoporosis and increased bone fragility in women during menopause with intolerance to other drugs intended to maintain normal bone mineralization, prevent calcium deficiency and treat this pathology.

Instructions for use

Femoston 1/5 – instructions (how to take)

Femoston 1/5 should be taken one tablet every day, preferably at the same time, regardless of meals. After finishing the tablets from one pack, start the next one immediately, without taking any breaks.

If on some day a woman forgot to take another Femoston 1/5 tablet, but less than 12 hours have passed from the scheduled time, then she should take it as quickly as possible. If more than 12 hours have passed since the moment when the tablet was supposed to be taken, then you need to skip it, and from the next day take the tablets as usual until the end of the pack. You should not take two tablets at once to compensate for a missed dose. If a woman forgot to take a pill, then while taking the current pack she has an increased risk of bleeding and spotting from the genital tract.

The duration of use of the drug is determined individually, based on the speed of normalization of the condition and the disappearance of menopausal symptoms. Usually the drug is taken for at least 3 to 6 months without interruption. In principle, Femoston 1/5 is suitable for long-term continuous use, that is, tablets can be taken for several years in a row without taking any breaks.

If Femoston 1/5 is not effective in relieving the symptoms of menopause, then you can switch to Femoston 1/10 or Femoston 2/10, which contain a higher dosage of hormones. Depending on how you feel and the effectiveness of treatment, the dosage of Femoston can be changed again in the future.

If a woman is already taking any estrogen-progestogen drug (for example, Femoston 1/10, Femoston 2/10, Angeliq, Cliogest, Climodien, Indivina, etc.) and wants to replace it with Femoston 1/5, then she should first finish her drink Completely started packaging of the medicine. Then, without taking any break, the next day after taking the last tablet from the package of the estrogen-progestogen drug, you should start taking Femoston 1/5 tablets.

If a woman is taking an estrogen-progestin drug (for example, Trisequence, Divisek, etc.) and wants to switch to Femoston 1/5, then this can be done any day. That is, it is not necessary to finish the started pack of estrogen-progestogen tablets, it is enough just to start taking Femoston 1/5 the next day.

Femoston 1/10 and Femoston 2/10 – instructions (how to take)

A pack of Femoston 1/10 contains 14 white and 14 gray tablets, and a pack of Femoston 2/10 contains 14 pink and 14 light yellow tablets, which are taken regardless of food. In each new pack of Femoston 1/10, first take all the white tablets, one piece per day, preferably at the same time. Then take all the gray tablets, 1 piece per day, also preferably at the same time. Do the same with Femoston 2/10, first taking all the pink tablets, one per day, and then the light yellow ones, also one per day.

After finishing one pack of Femoston 1/10 or Femoston 2/10, and opening a new one, again take all white tablets from 1/10 or pink tablets from 2/10, and then gray tablets from 1/10 or light yellow tablets from 2/10. 10, one piece per day. There are no breaks between packs, that is, after finishing one, start taking pills from a new one the next day.

Women who have not stopped menstruating should start taking Femoston 1/10 or Femoston 2/10 on the first day of menstruation. If the menstrual cycle is irregular, then before starting to take Femoston 1/10 or 2/10, you should take progestagen drugs (for example, Veraplex, Gestanin, Gormofort, Duphaston, Levonova, etc.) for two weeks, which will provide withdrawal bleeding in order to remove the uterine cavity of all remnants of the endometrium. If a woman’s menstruation stopped more than six months ago, then she can start taking Femoston 1/10 and 2/10 any day.

If a woman forgot to take a pill and less than 12 hours have passed since her usual dose, then she should take the missed pill. If more than 12 hours have passed since the usual dose, then the missed tablet is removed from the pack and thrown away, and the next day the next tablet is taken according to the schedule. You should not take two tablets at the same time in order to eliminate the omission. While taking a pack with a missed pill, a woman has an increased risk of bleeding from the genital tract.

The duration of use of Femoston 1/10 and Femoston 2/10 is determined individually, depending on the speed of normalization of the condition and relief of menopausal syndrome. The drugs are suitable for long-term use and can be used for several years without interruption. If the treatment is not effective enough, you can replace the drug with another one or choose Femoston with a lower or higher dosage of hormones. Usually, hormone replacement therapy is started with Femoston 1/10, and then, depending on the reaction of the woman’s body, she is left on this type of drug or transferred to Femoston 1/5 or Femoston 2/10.

If a woman wants to switch to taking another drug with 2 or 3 types of tablets, then she should first finish the started pack of Femoston 1/10 Femoston 2/10. Then, without any break, the next day after taking the last tablet from the pack of Femoston 1/10 or Femoston 2/10 you need to start taking another drug.

If a woman wants to switch to taking Femoston 1/10 or Femoston 2/10 from any other drug containing only one type of tablet, then this can be done at any time. That is, you don’t need to finish a pack of another drug, just take the first one from a pack of Femoston 1/10 or Femoston 2/10 any day instead of the old pill.

special instructions

All three varieties of Femoston are contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If pregnancy occurs accidentally while taking Femoston, you should immediately stop taking the drug. The issue of continuing pregnancy should be decided individually with a gynecologist.

Since estrogens promote fluid retention in the body and the formation of edema, all three types of Femoston should be used with caution in women suffering from kidney disease, renal or heart failure. During the entire period of use of any type of Femoston, kidney and heart function should be monitored and the woman’s condition should be monitored.

Femoston 2/10 should not be used by women suffering from acute or chronic liver diseases at any stage. And Femoston 1/10 and Femoston 1/5 can be used for liver diseases, but only after liver test parameters (AST, ALT and alkaline phosphatase activity) are normalized.

While using Femoston, the risks and benefits should be assessed at least once a year, as well as correlate them with each other, and based on this, make a decision on continuing or stopping hormone replacement therapy. Taking any type of Femoston continues as long as the benefits outweigh the risks.

Before starting to use any type of Femoston, it is necessary to carefully find out all existing and past diseases, as well as conduct an examination of the condition of the genital organs and mammary glands. If there are any benign neoplasms in the uterus, ovaries or mammary glands, then Femoston should not be taken. If any nodes or lumps form in the chest while taking medications, you should immediately consult a doctor.

During the entire period of taking Femoston, women who currently suffer or have had the following diseases in the past should visit a doctor at least once every three months:

  • Endometriosis;
  • High risk of thrombosis or thromboembolism;
  • Presence of breast cancer in blood relatives (mother, sister, grandmother, etc.);
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Hepatocellular adenoma;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Severe obesity (BMI over 30);
  • Migraine;
  • Severe headache;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Porphyria;
  • Epilepsy;
In women who have suffered from the listed diseases in the past or present, their symptoms may intensify while taking Femoston. If a woman has the listed diseases, the risk of developing complications of hormone replacement therapy increases significantly, such as breast cancer, thromboembolism, coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, etc., and that is why this category of women needs to constantly monitor their condition by visiting doctor at least once a quarter.

You should be aware that taking Femoston or any hormone replacement therapy drug containing estrogen slightly increases the risk of developing endometrial and breast cancer. Therefore, women who have not had their uterus and mammary glands removed should be attentive and wary of possible endometrial cancer during the entire period of taking Femoston. The risk of developing cancer increases the longer you take Femoston. In addition, while taking Femoston in women, the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke increases. However, the risk of developing stroke and ischemic heart disease is more influenced by the woman’s age and her existing chronic diseases, but it is completely independent of the duration of use of Femoston.

The risk of venous thromboembolism increases most significantly during therapy with any type of Femoston in women. Moreover, the risk of thromboembolism is highest during the first year of treatment, and in subsequent years, on the contrary, it decreases. Therefore, women with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism can take Femoston only under the supervision of a physician and under close monitoring. If any of the blood relatives has a thrombolytic defect (for example, deficiency of antithrombin, protein C, protein S, etc.), then the woman should not take Femoston.

Since any major surgical operation is accompanied by a risk of thromboembolism, it is necessary to stop taking Femoston 4–6 weeks before the operation. It will be possible to resume taking Femoston only after motor activity is completely restored after the operation.

During the entire period of Femoston therapy, the concentration of triglycerides, thyroid-binding globulin, corticoid-binding globulin and sex hormone-binding globulin, as well as alpha-1-antitrypsin and ceruloplasmin in the blood may increase. However, this does not lead to an increase in the concentration of circulating active hormones.

Femoston does not improve mental abilities and is not a contraceptive drug.

At the beginning of treatment with any type of Femoston, a woman may develop breakthrough bleeding or spotting. If bleeding or spotting occurs, you should discontinue Femoston, consult a doctor and undergo an examination to identify tumors or endometrial hyperplasia.

If jaundice, migraine-like headaches, liver dysfunction, severe increase in blood pressure, pregnancy or symptoms of troboembolism (painful swelling of the legs, sharp chest pain, shortness of breath, blurred vision) develop, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.


Cases of overdose with Femoston 1/5 have not been registered, however, theoretically, if this happens, there may be an increase in side effects.

An overdose of Femoston 1/10 and Femoston 2/10 is possible, and it is manifested by the development of nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and dizziness. There is no specific antidote, therefore, in case of an overdose of Femoston, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage, give the woman a sorbent (for example, activated carbon, Polyphepan, Polysorb, etc.) and then, if necessary, eliminate various symptoms, maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Any type of Femoston does not affect the ability to operate machinery, however, women who take hormone replacement therapy drugs should be careful when driving a car or working with machinery and machines.

Interaction with other drugs

Drugs that enhance the activity (inducers) of microsomal liver enzymes (for example, barbiturates, Phenytoin, Rifampicin, Carbamazepine, Rifabutin, Oxcarbazepine, Topiramate, Felbamate, Nevirapine, Efavirenes, etc.) reduce the severity of the effects of Femoston. The drugs Ritonavir and Nelfinavir, despite the fact that they are inducers of microsomal oxidation, do not reduce the effects of Femoston.

Any herbal preparations containing St. John's wort or its parts accelerate the excretion of Femoston components, and thereby weaken its therapeutic effect.

Femoston slows down the elimination of Tacrolimus, Fentanyl, Theophylline and Cyclosporine A from the body, so the dosages of these drugs should be reduced in order to prevent overdose and poisoning.

Femoston when planning pregnancy

In recent years, practicing gynecologists have often prescribed the combination of Femoston + Duphaston to women experiencing problems conceiving. Femoston is not indicated for use in the treatment of infertility, but in practice it is prescribed to women to normalize hormonal levels and increase the thickness of the endometrium, which significantly increases the likelihood of pregnancy. In such situations, doctors use the pharmacological properties of the drug to achieve a certain effect in conditions that are not an indication for use. This practice of using drugs for other purposes is found all over the world and is called off-label prescriptions. Let's consider why Femoston promotes pregnancy and in what cases its use is justified in case of difficulties with conception.

Since Femoston contains natural estrogens and progesterone hormone, it has the ability to replenish estrogen deficiency and enhance the growth of the endometrium, making it thicker, denser and more blood-filled. Replenishing estrogen deficiency helps restore ovulation, and an additional dosage of progesterone improves the growth of the endometrium, making it thick enough for the attachment of the fertilized egg. This means that Femoston can help women become pregnant who cannot conceive because the endometrium is too thin or there is an existing estrogen deficiency.

However, Femoston therapy is not very effective, since pregnancy occurs in only half of the woman after stopping the drug, since there is no ovulation during the course of treatment. In addition, Femoston causes numerous side effects in women that are poorly and difficult to tolerate. Therefore, many gynecologists consider the use of Femoston to treat infertility unjustified. This category of doctors believes that in such situations, women should take a special drug containing estrogens in the first half of the cycle, and Duphaston in the second half.

When planning a pregnancy, Femoston is usually prescribed in a dosage of 2/10, and it is recommended to take it according to the instructions, that is, one tablet per day, regardless of meals, preferably at the same time. Women need to drink all the tablets in the pack. Moreover, first they take all 14 pink tablets, then 14 light yellow tablets. After finishing taking pills from one pack, the next one is started without any break, and so on until the course of therapy is completed. Quite often, in addition to Femoston, doctors prescribe Duphaston, which should be taken only in combination with light yellow tablets from each pack, that is, in the second half of the menstrual cycle. This means that at first the woman takes only pink tablets from each pack, and then light yellow Femoston + Duphaston tablets.

Femoston should be taken on the first day of the next menstrual cycle. If menstruation is irregular, then it is recommended to start taking pink Femoston tablets on the day of the expected start of menstruation.

Side effects of Femoston

Different types of Femoston can provoke the same side effects with different frequencies. In addition, some side effects are unique to one form or another of Femoston. Therefore, we present the side effects of each type of Femoston indicating the frequency of their occurrence in the table.
Incidence of side effects Side effects of Femoston 1/5 Side effects Femoston 1/10 Side effects of Femoston 2/10
Common (more than one in a hundred women, but less than one in ten)Migraine;
Stomach ache ;
Spasms in the calf muscles;
Tension and tenderness of the mammary glands;
Uterine bleeding ;
Pain in the pelvis;
Change in body weight (decrease or increase).
Spotting Spotting
Uncommon (more than one in a thousand women, but less than one in a hundred);
Contact lens intolerance;
Impaired liver function, manifested by jaundice, asthenia and pain in the upper abdomen;
Increase in breast size.
Premenstrual syndromeBreast tension syndrome before menstruation
Very rare (occurs in less than one woman in 10,000)Hemolytic anemia;
Allergic reactions;
Myocardial infarction;
Quincke's edema;
Erythema nodosum multiforme;
Vascular purpura;
Chloasma or melasma;
Worsening of the course of porphyria.

Contraindications to the use of Femoston

All Femoston drugs (1/5, 1/10 and 2/10) have absolute and relative contraindications for use. Absolute contraindications include conditions in which drugs cannot be used under any circumstances. Relative contraindications include conditions in which the use of Femoston is undesirable, but possible under close medical supervision and with caution.

Absolute contraindications to the use of all three types of Femoston are given in the table.

Absolute contraindications to the use of Femoston 1/5 Absolute contraindications to the use of Femoston 1/10 and Femoston 2/10
Cerebrovascular disordersExisting or recent arterial thromboembolism (for example, heart attack, stroke, coronary artery disease, etc.)
Untreated endometrial hyperplasia
Known or suspected progestogen-dependent tumors, such as meningioma
Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy
Detected breast cancer
Suspicion of breast cancer
Previous history of breast cancer
Endometrial cancer detected or suspected
Bleeding from the genital tract of unknown cause
Acute deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism in the past
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug
Acute or chronic liver diseases in the present or suffered in the past (the drug can be used after normalization of laboratory parameters of liver function)
Detected thrombophilic disorders (deficiency of protein C or S or antithrombin)
Age under 18

Relative contraindications are the same for all three forms of Femoston, and these include the following diseases or conditions that a woman currently has or has had in the past:
  • Pregnancy;
  • The appearance of any side effect.
  • Femoston - analogues

    Femoston does not have synonymous drugs that would contain the same active substances in identical dosages. However, on the domestic pharmaceutical market there is a fairly wide range of different drugs analogues of Femoston, which have a similar therapeutic effect, but contain other active substances. Below is a list of Femoston analogs that have the same anti-menopausal effect and contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone hormones as active components:
    1. Activel tablets;
    2. Angelique tablets;
    3. Gynodian Depot solution for injection;
    4. Divitren tablets;
    5. Indivina tablets;
    6. Clymene tablets;
    7. Climodien tablets;
    8. Kliogest tablets;
    9. Pauzogest tablets;
    10. Triaklim tablets;
    11. Trisequence tablets;
    12. Eviana tablets;
    13. Revmelid tablets;
    14. Cyclo-Proginova dragee.

    To eliminate the symptoms of menopause, you can use not only hormonal drugs, but also various herbal remedies and biologically active food additives, which contain only natural plant and animal components. Such non-hormonal analogues of Femoston for their anti-menopausal effect include the following drugs:

    • Inoclim;
    • Klimadinon UNO;
    • Klimalanin;
    • Livial;
    • Femiwell;
    • Feminal;
    • Estrovel, etc.

    Took it for 6 months. .At the end of the course, no menstruation again, plus excess weight.

    It didn’t cope with my hot flashes, but I felt some side effects in the form of extra pounds. When I injected pineamin this did not happen and the hot flashes went away. Now I’m going to decide on a reverse replacement, I don’t like this effect.

    I was prescribed the drug "Femoston" because my endometrium was not growing well. Because of this, I have a history of 6 miscarriages. After 3 months of taking Femoston, the endometrium grew by 4 mm. But what confuses me is that as soon as you stop taking the drug, the thickness of the endometrium becomes the same again. Maybe this is all individual, but personally this drug did not help me.

    This drug did not suit me initially, I took it for the first time, gained weight, pain in the lower abdomen, my back hurts, I felt like I was all made of water. I stopped taking it, the doctor said that the drug was good, I decided that the first time I took it I was sick, it probably acted against the background illness, As soon as I stopped taking it, the swelling went away, the weight went away, my back stopped hurting. After a month of break, I decided to try again. The condition is the same, I’m gaining weight again, even though I eat the same amount. I need to stop drinking, I’m afraid the hot flashes will return and choose something else. The drug did not suit me.

    Advantages: They are not here

    Flaws: many side effects

    I once again came to the gynecologist, examined me in a chair, she began to ask what other doctors had prescribed me before... She listened carefully and prescribed me duphaston + femoston (when she prescribed this, she learned from me that I needed femoston they didn’t prescribe it before, she said that it was like: “You take a drink, what if something works out, but if not, then I’ll prescribe something else.” I was wary, but I bought femoston for 1,000 rubles and duphaston for 600, I drank duphaston, the monsters started, I took a Femoston tablet on the first day of the monsters, my lips were immediately covered with small white dots, my lips were so tight that I couldn’t smile, my lips began to burn, then acne started to appear on my face, the monsters were just like bleeding, you just stood there and there was a puddle under your feet for 3 days,

    On the second day I took another pill, it became even worse, I threw out Femoston and never went to this gynecologist again.

    I want to get pregnant, I haven’t been able to for 5 years, but I can’t force myself, and you can’t look at it without tears, now I don’t know how to treat my lips for these sores. In short, doctors experiment on us, maybe we’ll get lucky, but they can’t really find out the reason, take all the tests, and then prescribe. I’m terribly angry at them... although maybe all the flaws that I have inside have come out??? I don’t know what to think, but I’m afraid to take another pill and things will get worse. so I threw 1,000 rubles into the trash can.

    General impression: Femoston is terrible.

    A gynecologist prescribed Femoston to me. After taking the drug for 9 months, I had a stroke at the age of 39. An MRI did not reveal any abnormalities in the blood vessels of the brain. Now I will be treated for the rest of my life. I am seeing a neurologist and hemostasiologist. (I myself am currently working in a medical center, BUT I AM NOT A MEDICAL) I have never smoked or drank alcohol. And as the doctors said, the case of stroke and heart attack after taking femoston in Russia is far from isolated. So draw your own conclusions...

    I am now 43 years old. I was diagnosed at 39 years old. I was prescribed Femoston. Femoston is my nightmare, I took it for 3.5 years, I generally understood hormones, it’s not for me. I began to have a terrible headache and a bunch of other side effects stuck to me, and there was no help one doctor can’t, I mean with headaches, for those who have migraines, do not take hormones under any circumstances, or if they are contraindicated.. I stopped taking it. I switched to Menoril. It’s a good drug, the only negative is that it’s a little more expensive. The gynecologist said that I’ll be off hormones for about half a year. For now I’m only saving myself with pills and blockades.


    The tides have receded


    Acne on the face, skin eczema, liver problems, +13 kg in 6 months, irritability

    43 years old, hysterectomy. There were mild hot flashes after the operation, 10 days after taking it the hot flashes stopped, my head started to hurt, I became irritable, and I had liver problems. In 6 months I gained 13 kg, by the 4th month of use, itchy red spots formed on my hands, which developed into a crust, the skin on my hands became like sandpaper, and my face was covered in acne. I stopped taking the drug, after 14 days the skin rashes stopped, but hot flashes started again. It would be better not to start this drug, there is no escape from menopause - it’s nature, I will take non-hormonal drugs to reduce hot flashes.

    General impression: Weight gain and skin rashes



    Dangerous to life

    One of my friends, after the successful surgical removal of an endometrial polyp, after 1.5 months at a follow-up appointment, a doctor at a paid clinic (who gave a referral for surgery to remove the polyp) prescribed the hormonal drug Femoston to prevent the formation of new polyps. At the same time, she had no complaints about the cycle or anything else. Before this, she had never taken hormonal medications. A few days after taking it, she began to have strange tingling sensations in her legs, from the fourth day of taking it, strange dizziness and nausea in the morning, and by the 9th day of taking it, she discovered that she had gained 5 kg. She went to the doctor to say that she wanted to stop taking this drug. But the doctor warned that you should not stop taking the drug halfway through the package. Hormones are a serious thing. But she stopped taking this medicine, taking 9 tablets in the middle of the cycle. There was no bleeding

    Then for several months the cycle length was 21 days instead of 28-29. Now everything is fine. 6 months after surgery, no polyps were found. Failed to lose weight. Now she really regrets that she trusted the doctor so much and started taking a hormonal drug, taking and stopping it caused a hormonal imbalance in the body.

    The instructions contain a lot of side effects, including liver dysfunction and the development of breast cancer. Be careful. Now many doctors prescribe this drug without taking a blood test for hormones. In her case, no blood tests were taken for hormones. It seems to me that this drug can be taken only if there is no other way out (only in an emergency critical case), when the side effects will be justified by the benefits it will bring. And so, it is better to look for other alternative methods of treatment (traditional medicine). For example, when there is not enough progesterone hormone, you can take a decoction of raspberry leaves in the second phase of the cycle. And doctors don’t warn that if you start taking hormonal drugs, it’s very difficult and dangerous to quit. And the longer you drink, the more difficult it is to quit the race without problems.

    Doctors prescribe this drug with their eyes closed when they are interested in monetary profit (since they receive a percentage of sales) and if they do not want to look for the true cause of the disease, which means: “they got rid of the patient’s problems with pills” or, as in our case, prescribe medicine so that the patient comes every three months for a follow-up appointment. We will prescribe medicine for you to prevent a new polyp from growing. All this is wonderful! And no one even sees that a tumor can grow in the chest from using this drug. So, read the instructions on the drugs before use and be vigilant so that the benefits are greater than the harm.

    General impression: One continuous harm


    convenient regimen


    Price (too expensive)

    swelling occurs

    hormonal drug

    weight gain

    the cycle does not regulate

    Another disappointment

    I have already shared my experience of using hormonal drugs, which they tried to treat my cycle disorders for several years. The attempts were unsuccessful, the treatment had only a temporary effect.

    As another experiment, the doctor prescribed me the hormonal drug "Femoston 2/10", which was supposed to compensate for the lack of hormones that, according to the analysis, I did not have enough for the normal functioning of the body.

    The doctor prescribed taking the drug according to the instructions, and since half of the tablets are one color, and the other half are another, there were no difficulties.

    The package contains 28 tablets, which is equal to the length of a normal cycle.

    I took the drug one tablet every day for 3 months, just like the previous ones, then I was prescribed an ultrasound and either I continued taking the tablets or I was prescribed something new.

    When using Femoston, no positive results were observed, except that I waited until those very days and the endometrial layer became a little thicker. The downside is that my weight has increased and swelling has appeared.

    The pills were stopped for me and others were prescribed, but they also did not bring any benefit. So my cycle has been fluctuating for several years, and I don’t want to conduct such experiments anymore.

    Neutral reviews

    A good drug (it eliminates hot flashes and sweating), but not for me - I have an intolerance to it - gastritis is getting worse. It’s definitely easier with Pineamin, it doesn’t upset my stomach, and it copes well with my menopause problems, maybe just not so quickly, but about a week or two after the start of treatment.

    I was prescribed Femoston and Vessel Due and Inofert before IVF, it makes my lower abdomen hurt, or the uterus is pulling or the ovaries, who has these side effects, is there any point in pooping yourself? I read that a polyp can grow on the uterus, I’ve already removed it once, I’m afraid...

    Tingling and swelling of the legs, scratching under the knees. Is it possible to quit halfway through the package? I take it for six months

    Due to irregular menstruation after an artificial termination of pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribed Femoston for me. The drug helped me restore my cycle, and after a 3-month break I got my period. And then they began to come regularly, every day. The medicine is packaged very conveniently, each tablet is numbered, which prevents you from taking the wrong tablet. One of the disadvantages of Femoston is its price. Almost seven hundred rubles. for one package. And going through menstruation with him became painful, severe cramps in the abdomen. I had to take painkillers. And the blood loss increased greatly; there was no time to change pads.

    I am undergoing hormone replacement therapy with femoston. I can say that the drug gives many side effects that change all the time. I already had headaches and joint pains, increased breast sensitivity, apathy, dizziness, nausea and lack of appetite. That is, my body literally goes according to the list. But the doctor assures me that other drugs are even worse, so I endure. But the condition is very unpleasant.

    I’m 50. I’ve been taking Femoston 1-10 for 2.5 years now. Here are some small observations. During the intake, cholesterol dropped from normal to 8.3. Doctors advise taking statins. Short-term thrush appears before menstruation. Frequent headaches. according to the type of migraine. The gallbladder refuses to work at all, constipation, the blood has become thick. And for some reason my spine hurts like hell. And now the positives. All the symptoms of CLM disappeared. My periods have resumed, my mood is positive, I look young. I didn’t get better, quite the opposite. I decided to get off the pills. But that was not the case - literally a week later all the symptoms returned. I scoured the entire Internet looking for expert advice on stopping HRT. Did not find.

    I am 52 years old. Half a year ago my periods stopped. I tried to fight hot flashes, palpitations, heart pain, anxiety, irritability. I took homeopathic medicines, nutritional supplements, heart drops for pain in the heart. It was enough for as long as I drank, the full symptoms did not disappear, one might even say a C grade. I decided to undergo hormone replacement. I was examined by a doctor and was prescribed Femoston 1/5. Today I took the last pill from the first package. Five days ago, bloody discharge began and now I’ve been bleeding for five days. As for my well-being, it’s good, the hot flashes have disappeared, the heartbeat doesn’t bother me. Another question is tormenting me: when will the bleeding stop, and is this normal? I’ll start taking the second package tomorrow.


    Quality drug


    I used this drug for only one cycle. I did not have any side effects in the form of nausea, chest pain, dizziness, etc., which is usually observed when taking hormonal drugs. True, it was not possible to adjust the cycle to the length that was necessary; menstruation began on the 25th day of taking the drug, but should have begun after taking the last pill, that is, on the 28-30th day of the cycle. In addition, after taking this drug, my stomach and pancreas began to hurt badly and I switched to another drug.

    Among the negative aspects, we can note the price of the drug, in our country it costs almost 700 rubles and if it is prescribed to be taken for a long time (5-6 months), then the treatment will cost a pretty penny, although in my opinion it is not worth sparing money for your health.

    A friend of mine has been taking this drug for 5 years now, her doctor prescribed her hormone replacement therapy for menopause, all the unpleasant symptoms in the form of hot flashes, fatigue, dizziness have disappeared and now she lives, as they say, a full life.

    Take only as prescribed by a doctor!!!

    General impression: Ambiguous

    I have been taking Femoston 1/5 for 3 years as HRT for menopause, so I have studied all the pros and cons. I am sharing the information. So, the advantages are excellent health, skin, hair, sex life does not suffer, protection of the heart and blood vessels, prevention of osteoparosis, prevention of colon cancer, normal weight.

    Minuses- risk of strokes, risk of cholecystitis, asthma, blood clots, breast cancer (a little higher - don’t be alarmed). Accordingly, you should not take it if you have or may have hereditary liver disease, blood clots, breast cancer, uterine fibroids, gallstones, migraines, cramps. In general, we go to the doctor, get tested, do an ultrasound, and if everything is normal, we drink Femoston and prolong our youth. In any case, the doctor will leave the decision up to you.

    Positive reviews

    I’m 54 and took Klimonorm for five years... switched a year ago to Femiston 1.10 for three months. Then I drank Femiston 1.5... now I’ve been taking half a tablet for three months. I want to stop drinking zshts altogether. Let's see what happens. Now my blood is thick. My weight is normal. I feel good.

    I took Femoston first 1/10, then 1/5, no side effects, on the contrary, the hot flashes went away, I began to sleep well, my mood was normal. If a drug doesn't suit you, it doesn't mean it's bad, it just doesn't suit you

    I’m 46 years old, I’ve been taking Femoston 1/5 for 6 years. I feel great, I haven’t lost much weight in all this time and I look great. Many of my friends also drink and no one has complained more than once.

    I am 53 years old and have been taking Femoston for 4 years. I immediately experienced great relief, good sleep, a calm nervous system, no hot flashes, but after a few months of taking it, back pain appeared that could not be treated, just continuous pain in the spine and all bones. Severe dizziness appeared and a cyst appeared. mammary gland, pain in the region. liver. I tried to stop taking it with the consent of the doctor, it didn’t work, everything came back and life became difficult, I started drinking again, I still have colic in my feet

    Girls, I’m taking the 3rd pack of Femoston. Everything seems to be the same as before. I’m not getting better, acne doesn’t bother me. After the 2nd package there was a delay, I suspect that there was ovulation on the 26th day of taking it. One obvious plus at this moment is that libido has increased greatly, in the middle of the cycle I constantly want sex! In general, it doesn’t make me any worse! Even better in some ways!

    And, one day, not entirely wonderful for me, I felt unwell. The head began to spin terribly, there was noise in the ears and in the head, it became unbearably hot, suffocation, pain in the lower abdomen, and so on.

    What to do?! I call my gynecologist and go to her in the evening for a consultation. When she found out that I ignored hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and did not buy the drug Femoston 1/5, she was not just surprised, but shocked that I, afraid that I would gain weight, did not buy this drug. She explained to me that this is not only a vital hormone for postmenopausal women, but also the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Which is very dangerous because a person’s bone density decreases and the structure of bone tissue is disrupted. This leads to fractures, the first signals are a joint disease, which I already have... I was in shock! I left the gynecologist’s office with a heavy heart, on the way I went to the pharmacy and bought the drug Femoston 1/5. I paid 943 rubles for the packaging, there are 28 tablets in a blister, they are in cells that the manufacturer (by the way, they produce in the Netherlands) is prudently marked by day of the week. Therefore, taking Femoston 1/5 is convenient, it is impossible to make a mistake. But the instructions indicate that you should preferably take it at the same time every day, I set an alarm clock and take it according to the instructions.

    I did not observe any side effects from taking Femoston 1/5, although I was extremely afraid. After reading many reviews, I listen to my body again and again, except for the pain in my legs, or rather in my veins, I don’t feel anything. The instructions say that thrombosis may develop, which also scares me. But after a month of taking Femoston 1/5, I can say that I have not gained weight, only my breasts have increased in size (this has its plus).

    I felt better, the pain in the lower abdomen stopped, the tinnitus disappeared, the fever and hot flashes also left me alone. Thanks to the drug Femoston 1/5, I got rid of the symptoms of menopause, which frankly scared me. The downside is the cost of the drug, but if it works so well on my body, then I agree to pay that amount. Next, I will observe and listen to the body and add my review.

    I have been taking Femoston 1/5 for more than 4 years. During this time, insomnia, profuse sweating and hot flashes stopped. The psychological state has improved - depression has passed, there is no psychosis and constant tearfulness. During the period of using Femoston, I gained a lot of weight and my legs began to swell. But this, compared to what was happening to me, is complete nonsense. So I'm happy with Femoston 1/5

    4 years ago I had a hysterectomy (uterus removed) with preservation of the appendages. Last year there were still follicles, there were no manifestations of menopause. This year, an ultrasound showed that the follicles were no longer there. And for about a year I have been worried about hot flashes, sweating, poor sleep (I wake up at night, don’t sleep, or wake up at 4-5 o’clock as if I had enough sleep...). At the sanatorium I had an appointment with a somnologist - a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders. She found sleep complaints to be natural at my age, but advised me to take FEMOSTON 1/5. Literally in the first week, all the above symptoms disappeared: no ebbs and flows, I don’t sweat, I sleep without waking up until the morning, my mood is very cheerful, even, my performance is high, no blues. I take one tablet in the evening for the second month.

    True, since I am taking Femoston not as prescribed by the gynecologist, I made an appointment with him to get advice about further use of the drug, take tests and check some indicators of the body.

    But FEMOSTON has significantly improved the quality of my life!

    Good afternoon. At about 42, irregular menopause began. Then it got worse. at 44 they were gone for six months. I am generally against hormonal therapy. I always thought that the body should cope on its own, or that’s how it should be. But by 45, I began to suffer from hot flashes and mood swings with depression, dryness, and constant disruption of microflora. In addition, there are multiple fibroids and fibroadenoma of the mammary gland and beginning endometriosis. In general, I got tired of everything and went to the doctor. They prescribed Femoston 15. I have been taking it for six months without a break. Not immediately, but all negative symptoms without exception returned to normal. Hot flashes, which previously tormented me especially, feel like when I was young, nothing bothers me and life goes on normally. Since I am a skeptic, I was pleasantly surprised by the therapy. Hopefully I won't have to increase the dosage. I'm happy with everything. You only need to take tests for hormones, ultrasound of the mammary glands and genitourinary system 1-2 times a year. For now I recommend this drug. If anything changes I will write.

    Femoston is a drug that can be used by ladies of any age. My daughter and I drank it to restore the menstrual cycle. There were no side effects. My menstruation began as expected on the 28th day, my daughter’s menstruation began not much earlier - on the 25th day. My mother takes Femoston tablets during menopause. She also tolerates it well. The unpleasant symptoms of menopause - attacks of fatigue, irritation, headaches - have disappeared. Grandma has blossomed! We have not identified any shortcomings!

    Hormones are hormones, but sometimes things just don’t work out without them. Women's health must be protected at any age. The price of the drug is somewhat high, but it corresponds to the result. You need to take the drug for several months. Health to everyone!

    Effective drug without weight gain

    The review is not for advice to take pills. Only by doctor's prescription! Hormones are no joke. I am writing because I myself have scoured the Internet in search of effectiveness and possible side effects.

    My acquaintance with this drug began after I lost a lot of weight. Against this background, the menstrual cycle disappeared for more than a year. This state of the body is extremely dangerous! The destruction of bones and, in general, all functions begin. I went to the doctor with this problem. The gynecologist first prescribed Duphaston, if it doesn’t work, then you need to take Femoston in a row for at least six months + gain weight to normal and eat well. Expensive, of course, 1 package costs 800 rubles, but health is worth it. There was no result on the first medicine, I immediately started taking this. The blister contains 14 pink and 14 yellow tablets. It’s convenient that you drink them only once a day.

    I drank steadily for 28 days. About 3-4 days before the end, weak discharge began. But, most importantly, they were there. I was so glad that the cycle began to recover. After completing the course at 6 months, CDs come regularly in normal quantities.

    Of course, I was very worried that I would gain weight; I had read so much about hormonal therapy. creepy. But these are weak hormones that do not harm the body. And the only thing I added was water on the yellow tablets, but on the pink ones everything returned to normal. I didn't find any other side effects. Only my appetite increased, within reasonable limits.

    The tablets don’t taste like anything, although in general there’s no point in chewing them, but in case anyone is interested.

    If you have been prescribed Femoston 210, do not be afraid to take it!

    There are women who have to fight for the happiness of motherhood. After several months of futile attempts to get pregnant, they seek medical help. The doctor conducts an examination and prescribes a set of procedures, with hormonal therapy coming first. Currently, the drug Femoston 2/10 has become widespread. It is able to create favorable conditions for the fertilization of an egg and provide significant assistance to the female body in preparing for parenthood.

    Release form: blister with 28 convex tablets coated with a special coating. Half of them are pinkish, the other half are yellowish. The main active ingredient of the pink tablet is two milligrams of estradiol. And in addition to this hormone, the yellowish tablets contain another ten milligrams of dydrogesterone. The often prescribed dosage of the drug 2/10 means that it contains two milligrams of estradiol and ten milligrams of dydrogesterone. The product is available in two more dosages - 1/10 and 1/5.

    However, the hormonal drug, which is prescribed to patients who want to have a child, according to the instructions, is not indicated for women planning a pregnancy. Nonsense?

    The main active ingredients of this remedy are two female sex hormones. Their action is aimed at normalizing hormonal levels during the onset of menopause and relieving the symptoms of menopause. Estradiol is able to compensate for the lack of estrogen, and dydrogesterone causes the endometrium to secrete. The drug was originally developed to help women experiencing menopause.

    Gynecologists have changed the prescription of estrogen tablets. They are trying to use this drug to solve the problem of women who cannot get pregnant on their own. This is often caused by thinning of the endometrium and lack of estrogen. The hormone dydrogesterone promotes thickening of the endometrium and an increase in the volume of the uterine cavity. This is a very favorable environment for the attachment of a fertilized egg.

    Video - Femoston when planning pregnancy

    Indications for use at the planning stage

    Before prescribing Femoston, the specialist must determine the thickness of the woman’s endometrium for the current period. This is done using an ultrasound procedure. If at the end of the first phase of the menstrual cycle this figure is seven millimeters, then everything leads to a failure of ovulation. Pregnancy does not occur in this situation. Gynecologists consider thinned endometrium as an indication for taking the drug.

    Reception scheme at the planning stage

    Why take itReception scheme
    For the treatment of a hypoestrogenic condition (or thinning uterine lining)People start taking pills from the very first day of the menstrual cycle. Take one tablet for four weeks. Interruption of reception is unacceptable. Stopping therapy halfway through the pack will lead to severe hormonal imbalance and bleeding. At the same time, the chances of getting pregnant will become scanty.
    To strengthen the luteal phase of the cycleTake one tablet per day. After two weeks of taking Femoston, Duphaston is added. The regimen for taking Duphaston is slightly different: it is taken twice a day for the next two weeks. The combination of these drugs can have a positive effect on the size of the endometrium

    If a woman accidentally forgot to take a pill, then it must be taken immediately after discovering the omission, provided that twelve hours have not passed since the usual intake. If the patient discovered the gap too late, then you should not take two tablets at once. You should continue taking the medication at your normal pace. A double dose of the drug may cause bleeding.

    In the vast majority of cases, Femoston is well tolerated. However, you can also find negative reviews about the drug online, related to side effects from taking it. They can appear separately, or several actions may appear at once.

    Side effects:

    • discharge from the uterus with bloody mucus;
    • exacerbation of candidiasis;
    • breast enlargement;
    • the appearance of pain in the pelvic and chest areas;
    • nausea and gag reflexes;
    • abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence;
    • headaches and dizziness;
    • skin rashes, urticaria, itching;
    • swelling of the limbs;
    • significant increase in blood pressure;
    • decreased libido;
    • frequent mood swings, irritability and nervousness;
    • depressive states;
    • disruption of the menstrual cycle.

    There may be noticeable weight fluctuations that are in no way dependent on appetite. At the same time, body weight both increases and decreases. In rare cases, vision deterioration and contact lens rejection may occur.

    Contraindications and dangers when planning

    Not all doctors support the practice of universally prescribing Femoston to stimulate conception. And that's why:

    Femoston also has many contraindications. Women who have malignant tumors, the growth and condition of which depend on the concentration of the hormone estrogen and progesterone, should not take the drug. The occurrence of periodic bleeding of an unknown nature and endometrial hypoplasia are also reasons to discontinue taking the drug.

    It is dangerous to start Femoston therapy in patients with acute impairment of liver function and porphyrin disease, with venous thromboembolism, as well as with a predisposition to heart attack.

    What if pregnancy?

    As soon as a woman taking Femoston 2/10 during the planning stage finds out about her pregnancy, she must immediately stop taking the pills. After this, you need to contact a gynecologist, register and undergo mandatory tests. Laboratory tests of blood and smear tests will give the specialist a complete picture of the level of hormones in a woman’s blood.

    Being a mother is the most important purpose of any woman. Perhaps all women and girls know about maternal instinct. Whether it is now or a little later, the woman realizes the necessity, the need to acquire the status of a mother.

    Unfortunately, today's statistics are sad and such that more and more cases are being recorded of women not being able to use the function responsible for giving birth to children.

    As a rule, most doctors prescribe an examination to identify the cause of the inability to get pregnant. The medications prescribed by doctors are all different. Some drugs belong to the category of anti-inflammatory drugs, some belong to the category of antibiotics.

    In addition to such medications, in the treatment of failures and disorders associated with gynecology and women's health, hormonal drugs are prescribed; how effective they are is proven in practice.

    What is Femoston 2/10?

    Femoston 2/10– a hormone related to medications prescribed for problems in conceiving a child.

    Femoston is one of the drugs that contains a set of combined components that fill the composition.

    Femoston helps replenish a type of hormone such as estrogen.

    The medicine is prescribed not only for menopause, problems with conceiving a child, but also to solve problems such as dysfunctional bleeding of the uterus.

    Therefore, this medicine eradicates two problems that have a significant impact on the condition and fertility of a woman's body. The tablets are divided into two parts for the convenience of the patient.

    The dragees produced by the manufacturer differ in color. The package contains pink and light yellow tablets. One part of the tablets contains estradiol, and the others consist of a complex of estradiol and dydrogesterone.

    Effect on the body

    When treated with hormonal drugs, changes more often affect the patient's body weight and figure, some begin to get better. This is exactly what all women fear. What effect does femoston have on the body?

    The drug has a low dosage and is also developed in accordance with modern technologies, taking into account all possible problems. Side effects occur very often during treatment.

    - this is the component that forms the basis of the composition of femoston and is an analogue of what is naturally produced in the ovaries of women.

    This component helps to replenish the lack of estrogen in the body, if the production of the one that is not enough.

    This happens during the menopausal transition from a younger age or with castration syndrome in full.

    During the development of menopause or after surgery to remove organs such as the ovaries in women in full, the drug helps:

    • smoothness of the skin;
    • slowing down the aging of the skin;
    • slowing down baldness and scalp hair loss;
    • prevents osteoporosis;
    • other diseases.

    Estradiol helps relieve symptoms that occur during menopause:

    • profuse sweating;
    • sleep mode failure;
    • high activity and excitability;
    • dizziness;
    • exhaustion;
    • headaches and atrophy of the skin.

    - a hormone that occupies an important place in the health of every woman. This type of hormone promotes the growth of endometrium, which occurs in women during the menstrual cycle in the second part.

    It is when taking such a medication that the risk of formation and further development of diseases such as hyperplasia or endometrial cancer is reduced.

    This disease occurs quite often and this contributes to the formation of a malignant tumor. With the use of components such as progesterone, you don’t have to worry about any negative consequences.

    After all, these two hormones are effective in treatment. Thanks to the composition of the drug, the risk of cancer, which is preceded by an increased level of a component such as estradiol, is reduced.

    Main characteristics

    Femoston 2/10 is a medicine that is produced in three forms. Femoston No. 1/10, No. 2/10 and No. 1/5 are distinguished.

    All three types of the drug are subject to production in tablet form. The drug is intended for oral administration.

    It should be noted that the dosage amount is different in all three drugs.

    Let us dwell in more detail on the drug numbered Femoston 2/10.

    This drug is to be produced in tablet form. The number of dragees is twenty-eight pieces. Upon opening the package, you can also notice that the tablets are divided into two types.

    The tablets in the package vary in color from each other. One part of the dragee is presented in a pink shade, and the second part of the tablets is light yellow.

    The composition of any pink tablet contains two mg of estradiol per tablet, and light yellow tablets contain two mg of estradiol with the addition of an additional ten mg of dydrogesterone.

    The tablets do not differ in size and they do not differ in appearance.

    The following substances are added as additional components to all tablets:

    • iron oxide;
    • titanium dioxide;
    • talc;
    • hypromelose and other components.


    The contents of pink tablets are slightly different from light yellow dragees.

    The composition of the pink tablet consists of:

    • estradiol,
    • lactose,
    • hypromellose,
    • corn starch,
    • silicon dioxide,
    • magnesium stearate.

    These components are classified as additional additives with the exception of estradiol. Estradiol is one of the active components in the contents of pink tablets.

    The light yellow tablet also contains an active component that combines estradiol with the addition of another, no less important substance such as dydrogesterone.

    There are also auxiliary components that complement this drug:

    • lactulose monohydrate,
    • hypromellose,
    • corn starch,
    • silica,
    • Magnesium stearate.
    1. Estradiol contained in the drug, helps lower cholesterol concentrations.
    2. The gestagenic component in the drug is dydrogesterone.– designed to stimulate the onset of the secretory type phase during the endometrial cycle. In addition, this supplement helps reduce the risk of hyperplasia in the endometrial area.
    3. Dydrogesterone does not have anabolic or other effects. To obtain the maximum effect, it is recommended to start treatment as early as possible before the onset of menopause.
    4. Estradiol is easily absorbed, which is important. After the drug enters the body, biotransformation occurs and is concentrated in the liver. Dydrogesterone is also subject to absorption from the digestive tract.

    The substance is subject to biotransformation in full. The main metabolic product is 20-dihydrodydrogesterone. Metabolites are removed from the body through urination.

    How to take the drug correctly?

    Before taking any medicine, you need to know the correct treatment regimen for this drug. Every doctor should explain to the patient in advance how to take the medication.

    Any instructions contain information on how to treat with the drug. This does not mean that consultation will not be required.

    The effectiveness of drug treatment is explained by the fact that they help remove remaining parts from bleeding. Their accumulation is concentrated in the endometrium of the uterine cavity.

    What to do if the patient forgot that she needs to take the medicine according to the doctor’s prescription? Then you will definitely need to take the previously forgotten pill.

    If it is already more than twelve hours since the last time you took the pill, then the forgotten pill should be thrown away to avoid disrupting the treatment schedule.

    On the next day, taking the medicine is necessary as before. The next pill must be taken according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor. It is not recommended to take several tablets at the same time in order to catch up. This can cause hormonal imbalance.

    Femoston is intended for long-term use and can be used over long periods of breaks.

    If the treatment process is not effective and does not bring benefit to the patient, such a drug must be replaced with another. A change in medication is necessary with a higher or lower dose.

    Examination before prescribing and using the drug

    How to understand that Femoston is needed for treatment, what is the difference from other drugs? The drug should be prescribed exclusively by a highly qualified medical specialist.

    Before use, you need to remember that Femoston is a hormonal drug and it is extremely important to follow the dosage.

    How long can Femoston 2/10 be used?

    For how long is treatment with Femoston possible? How long can the drug be used? Femoston is a hormonal drug whose treatment is permitted throughout life.

    If the required result is achieved with femoston, treatment can be continued as prescribed by the doctor.

    Who needs such a drug?

    Femoston is prescribed to women who are undergoing menopause.

    If a doctor suggests a hormonal drug as treatment, then you should not refuse.

    There is no reason to be afraid. actually give life to people. Many people take hormonal drugs throughout their lives and live thanks to them.

    Sometimes a hormone is the only solution to a problem.

    Therefore, when prescribing femoston as a treatment, there is nothing to worry about for the patient.

    Are there any consequences after stopping Femoston 2/10?

    What awaits the patient when discontinuing Femoston? The medicine is a hormonal type drug and its effectiveness will be noticeable almost immediately, including after discontinuation of treatment with this hormone.

    1. After the patient stops taking Femoston, it is possible that the problems that were previously treated will return again.
    2. There may also be a sharp deterioration in health and disruption of the mammary glands, as well as the endocrine system.

    After stopping the hormone, most women feel positive.

    In the case of menopausal disorders, the problem is eliminated by adjusting medications, the composition of which is filled with natural ingredients.

    Femoston 2/10 during pregnancy

    The most exciting question for many women is the possibility of treatment with this drug during pregnancy.

    Are there any restrictions?

    Femoston is an assistant in planning pregnancy, successfully passing such an important period for a woman.

    It is worth noting that during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, Femoston is contraindicated.


    The rate of use of the drug is prescribed only by a doctor. The hormone is used one tablet per day without any breaks.

    In case of violation of the drug dosing schedule, if twelve hours have not passed since the last tablet was taken, you can take the missed tablet.

    If more than twelve hours have passed since the last tablet was taken, then it is not recommended to take the missed tablet and it is best to throw it away.

    If the patient wants to increase or decrease the dose, then from drug No. 2/10 it is necessary to switch to No. 1/10 or No. 1/5.


    The packaging of femoston contains, in addition to the tablets, instructions that describe the drug, as well as a number of contraindications. You need to study the instructions in order to understand for whom femoston is contraindicated and for whom it is allowed.

    Femoston is contraindicated for those women who have already been diagnosed or are suspected of having formations classified as malignant neoplasms.

    For diseases:

    With extreme caution:

    • patients who have problems with the uterus;
    • for thrombosis and various types of tumors;
    • for benign liver tumors;
    • for diabetes;
    • for epilepsy;
    • migraines and particularly severe headaches;
    • for lupus and bronchial asthma.

    The list of contraindications is quite wide and not everyone can really start treatment with Femoston. The drug must be used strictly according to the instructions, as well as as prescribed by a doctor.

    Attention! It is forbidden to start treatment with this hormonal drug on your own.

    Possible side effects

    What side effects may occur during treatment with femoston?

    Side effects associated with disorders of the reproductive system can be expressed as:

    • breast pain;
    • opening bleeding;
    • pain of the pelvic organs;
    • changes if available;
    • secretion disturbance;
    • increase in the size of the mammary glands.

    Side effects can also be observed in the digestive system:

    • the presence of nausea and abdominal pain is possible;
    • cholecystitis;
    • liver dysfunction;
    • malaise;
    • jaundice;
    • vomit.

    Side effects can also be observed in the central nervous system, namely:

    • headache;
    • migraines and dizziness.

    There may also be disorders of the cardiovascular system:

    • possible thromboembolism;
    • in rare cases, myocardial infarction is observed.

    Side effects often include rash, itching, hives, swelling, and allergies. It is also possible that weight changes, swelling, and exacerbations of various types are possible.

    Femoston and alcohol

    What is the position regarding the use of alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks in treatment with femoston? Is it possible to combine?

    • Proper administration of the medication should be carried out twelve hours before the patient drinks alcohol.
    • The use of the drug is permitted after nine hours from the moment of drinking alcohol.
    • In cases where the treatment period does not last long, then it is recommended to give up alcohol to avoid risks, as well as various troubles.

    This medicine should not be used with alcoholic beverages or abuse of alcoholic beverages during treatment.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Regarding interactions with other possible drugs, it is worth noting that drugs that increase the activity of microsomal liver enzymes help reduce the effect of the hormone femoston.

    Speaking about drugs of this type, such as ritonavir, as well as nelfinavir, it should be noted that there is no significant effect.

    In addition, they do not interrupt the effect of the drug femoston.

    Preparations, the basis of which consists of St. John's wort or only a small part of St. John's wort, help accelerate the leaching of a partial volume of the components of the femoston drug, weaken the effect, but also have a therapeutic effect.

    Analogues of Femoston 2/10

    Almost any medicine has analogues.

    This drug does not have analogues containing exactly similar active substances in a similar dosage volume.

    It is worth noting that on the domestic pharmaceutical market it is possible to find similar drugs that have little difference and have approximately the same composition.

    It is possible to use such drugs as:

    • Angelique,
    • Aktivel,
    • Individual,
    • Climodien.

    If the main problem is the failure to eliminate menopause syndrome, then you should not take these active and quite potent hormones like femoston.

    They can be replaced with other cheap active food additives, the composition of which is filled exclusively with natural ingredients.

    The situation when a woman’s body disrupts the production of its own sex hormones is quite common. These are, first of all, conditions associated with the onset of menopause or surgical removal of the reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus).

    In this situation, the main goal of therapy is to compensate for the deficiency of the hormone estrogen and eliminate the consequences of its lack for the body. The drug Femoston is included in the list of drugs to combat the manifestations of the above conditions.

    Composition and dosage

    Femoston in its structure is a combined drug containing estradiol (estrogen component) and dydrogesterone (gestagen component). Depending on the concentration of each component, the pharmaceutical industry produces the following dosages:

    • Femoston conti 1/5 (contains 1 mg estradiol and 5 mg dydrogesterone);
    • Femoston 1/10 (1 mg estradiol and 10 mg dydrogesterone);
    • Femoston 2/10 (2 mg estradiol and 10 mg dydrogesterone).

    Femoston conti differs from others not only in the lower dosage of the progestin component, but also in the constancy of the chemical composition in each tablet (monophasic).

    In turn, Femoston 1/10 and 2/10 are two-phase drugs. This is manifested in the changing composition of the tablets depending on the phase of the cycle. The first 14 tablets contain only estrogen, the next 14 include estrogen and progestogen.

    There are various release forms and the number of tablets per package: 28, 84 or 280.

    Mini-instructions for use of the drug

    The main property of Femoston is the regulation of the level of its own sex hormones. Each of the components of the composition performs its role sequentially in a certain phase of the cycle.

    In the follicular phase, estradiol promotes the active growth of the uterine mucosa and, thus, reproduces the physiological model of the menstrual cycle. On day 15, the pill you take already includes dydrogesterone, which regulates estrogen activity. This is necessary to prevent excessive growth of the endometrium, as well as to reduce the risks of malignant degeneration of the uterine epithelium under the influence of estradiol.

    Thanks to the rapid normalization of hormonal levels, regular use of Femoston helps to cope with the following undesirable manifestations of menopause:

    • hot flashes;
    • sweating and chills;
    • worsening mood, depression;
    • dry skin and mucous membranes, vaginal itching;
    • brittle bones, osteoporosis, etc.

    Due to the specificity of the effects on the body, The main indications for taking the drug are:

    • menopause (natural or artificial);
    • prevention of bone tissue destruction if other drugs are not effective or cannot be used.

    Another undoubtedly positive effect of the drug on the body is the normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood, increasing the concentration of high-density lipoproteins and reducing low-density lipoproteins. This feature is taken into account by cardiologists when identifying problems with the lipoprotein composition of the blood in a woman at menopausal age.

    Femoston and infertility

    In addition to clinically proven indications for use, there is a practice of taking the drug in the treatment of infertility caused by hypofunction of the uterine epithelium. The prescription of Femoston when planning pregnancy is based on its ability to cause active growth of the endometrium in the first phase of the cycle. For a lasting therapeutic effect, it is recommended to continue therapy for 2-3 months. Pregnancy becomes possible after discontinuation of the drug.

    This treatment tactic has both its supporters and opponents. Negative ones are usually associated with a high risk of side effects and the presence of a number of contraindications. However, the effect of the therapy is controversial.

    Contraindications and side effects

    The initiation of treatment with Femoston must be accompanied by a preliminary comprehensive medical examination of the woman. Data is collected on the presence of a number of diseases in the anamnesis, as well as other conditions for which taking the drug is contraindicated.

    The main contraindications include:

    • hormone-dependent neoplasms of the reproductive organs or mammary glands;
    • vaginal bleeding, the cause of which is not clear;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • thrombosis;
    • and liver;
    • endometriosis, etc.

    Often, refusal of Femoston therapy is the occurrence of the following side effects:

    • swelling;
    • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • headache;
    • pain in the mammary glands and pelvic organs;
    • weight change.

    Femoston and alcohol

    The instructions for use do not contain clear wording reflecting the effect of the drug on the background of alcohol intake. It should be noted that ethyl alcohol inhibits the activity of microsomal liver enzymes (cytochrome P450), which metabolize the drug. As a result, the combined use of Femoston and alcohol can have a detrimental effect on the transformation of active substances in the liver and the overall effectiveness of the drug.

    Drugs of similar composition for the correction of menopausal symptoms include Klimonorm and Angeliq. Just like Femoston, these are combined (estrogen and gestagen) agents.

    The main difference between the drug Angelique is its monophasic nature and the presence of a progestin component in the form of drospirenone. The main indications for use of the drug are menopause and the prevention of osteoporosis associated with a lack of intrinsic estrogen.

    The drug is available in the form of tablets 28 and 84 pcs. with constant dosage:

    • estradiol 1 mg;
    • drospirenone 2 mg.

    Klimonorm differs from previous drugs in the dosage of the active ingredients. The package contains:

    • 9 estradiol tablets with a dosage of 2 mg;
    • 12 combination pills (estradiol 2 mg, levonorgestrel 150 mcg).

    Thus, one cycle involves taking 21 tablets once a day and 7 days off. Thanks to this feature, the drug is used not only in eliminating the symptoms of menopause, but also for correcting the menstrual cycle in women of reproductive age.

    Are there any other analogs of Femoston?

    Often, women during menopause, in addition to hormone-containing drugs, are also prescribed drugs of a different chemical nature. Main groups:

    • homeopathic (Remens, Klimadinon, Estrovel);
    • antidepressants (Venlafaxine, Fluoxetine);
    • antiepileptic drugs (Gabapentin).

    For health reasons, other means of symptomatic therapy may be prescribed.

    Hormonal antimenopausal drugs have a number of desirable and undesirable features associated with the effect of estrogens on the body. Before starting to take this group of drugs, you should always weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the therapy.

    See also a video about the use of Femoston during menopause: