Find out if a claim has been filed. You have filed a claim in court. What's next? How to find out whether a claim has been filed in an arbitration court against an LLC

How to find out whether there was a court on a loan and there is a court decision by last name? This is what will be discussed in this material. Modern man I'm used to living on credit.

There is nothing shameful or unusual about this, because the emergence of such an opportunity has created many conveniences: you don’t have to wait for weeks for your salary, you can fulfill your desires right now.

But the practical tendency is that many borrowers could not rely on their own resources and went into arrears.

What awaits debtors?

If the debt that appears is not repaid in a timely manner, the debt will constantly increase. Moreover, the bank has the right to apply fines and sanctions for each day of delay.

Each financial organization sets its own amount of “penalties”, but they have one thing in common: in all financial structures such penalties significantly aggravate financial condition debtor due to its enormous size.

Moreover, you will have to mentally prepare for unpleasant conversations with representatives of a banking organization. You will receive calls to your mobile and home numbers, to work, to parents, friends and relatives, even to neighbors and colleagues.

At first, bank employees act politely, reminding about payment deadlines, and then the services of companies specializing in collecting debts (collectors) will be used, which often make threats.

It turns out that when faced with a delay on the part of the borrower, lenders “suffer”, call on their own, and then, if there is no result, they transfer the proceedings to third parties - the court or debt collectors. Judicial authorities have the right to force the borrower to pay annuities by developing a special repayment scheme for him.

How to check if the bank has filed a lawsuit?!

Most often, the borrower learns about the upcoming trial by receiving a summons in the mail. Almost always this document is genuine, but if there is the slightest doubt, it is worth checking it to avoid problems.

To do this, you need to visit the website of the authority from which the letter came and find a section on the resource related to judicial records management. The search is carried out by last name, you just need to find your last name within the given information.

If your case is actually in this court, you can also obtain a list of clarifying information related to the date, time, and place of the hearing.

Sometimes, instead of a summons, you may receive a call from the court or office, as well as from the banking organization itself. To make sure that you are really being called by a representative of these structures, and not by a collector posing as another person, you need to obtain more information during communication with him.

In particular, find out about the name of the judicial body, the date and time of the meeting that will take place. Subsequently, you will be able to verify this information by directly contacting the courts.

If you still cannot find the name of the court, you can use several options, since each organization has a personal website.

  • First of all, you need to decide territorial body who works at your place of residence, and also clarify his location;
  • It is important to check whether your document indicates a specific judicial authority.

If you were still unable to identify the banking organization, and the resource did not contain information related to your last name, filing a lawsuit has not yet occurred. Here's how to find out if I was sued for a loan; it won't be difficult to do it by last name.

When will the trial take place?!

  1. If you are worried that the moment the bank submits an application to the court will overtake you at an inopportune time (at the time of departure, for example), or you are afraid that you will not be able to obtain information about this for some reason, ask your family and friends about it so that they inform you that the summons has arrived.
  2. The likelihood that the banking structure will do exactly this is quite high, especially if the delay on the loan obligation is considerable, and you do not make contact with bank employees or collectors. But for a bank, the size of the debt obligation and the period of non-payment are not always the determining factors.
  3. The larger and more extensive a banking organization is, the more often it turns to the courts. In this case, the first place is taken by such criteria as banking reputation and the factor of the bank warning other clients about what can be expected if annuities are not paid.
  4. Another key aspect is whether the lending institution has a cooperative relationship with debt collectors. If this is the case, then you may face a later appeal from the bank to court. After all, the prerogative of “extorting” money is always given to collectors.
  5. The borrower has the opportunity to delay the moment when the bank makes an appeal to the court. To do this, you must be willing to make contact with collectors and bank representatives. It is necessary to periodically deposit amounts into the creditor’s account and guarantee full repayment of the debt over time.

Depending on the factors that we have considered, the bank may file a lawsuit approximately 1-2 months after the first delay.

Which banks are suing?!

Before answering the question of how to find out whether there was a court judgment on a loan, it is worth understanding which banking organizations are capable of such a step.

The practical side of the issue shows that almost all Russian organizations When faced with unscrupulous clients, they turn to the courts, provided that the statute of limitations has not expired.

Among the most active and common organizations that you will have to deal with in court if you fail to pay your obligations on time are:

  • Sberbank of Russia;
  • Renaissance;
  • VTB 24;
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Alfa Bank.

This is not the entire list of organizations that are ready to sue clients if they ignore the terms of the contract. But in some situations, filing an application with the court is unprofitable even for the bank.

Especially if we talk about retail lending, when the borrower borrowed a small amount. It is not profitable for the bank to face the costs of hiring a legal service, so they seek to avoid litigation by transferring the case to debt collectors.

Here are a few organizations that either do not go to court or do so in the most extreme cases:

  • Russian standard.

If everything is done correctly, the borrower can turn the court's decision to his advantage. It is important to strictly follow instructions and comply with the requirements of the structures with which you are dealing.

It is also necessary to communicate correctly with collectors and bank employees.

If the bank sues the debtor, then the latter needs to establish the subject and grounds of the claim from the credit institution. The claim is filed when the loan is overdue, including the amount of principal and accrued interest, including penalties. Banks can separately charge the client a penalty for late payments, as well as demand the return of erroneously accrued amounts.

Legal basis of the issue

Most of the bank's appeals to the court are initiated by order. If the bank has concluded a loan agreement with the debtor and its contents, as well as accrued interest and penalties are not disputed by the recipient of the funds, then the amounts are withheld without examining the dispute on the merits.

This tactic is especially relevant when the bank has valuable property of the debtor as collateral, which can be foreclosed upon, including out of court.

Contractual and pre-trial procedures for relations with the bank

The client may face significant financial demands from the bank, which can significantly worsen the financial situation of the borrower and his family. Credit institutions are rarely interested in the plight of the client; they will state their demands without even fearing the possibility of abusing the rights of the creditor. You will have to pay under the agreement if it is valid at the time the bank goes to court. Refusal to execute a transaction unilaterally is fraught with the accrual of fines, penalties, and penalties, the amounts of which may be specified in the contract.

Actions of the creditor

Before filing a claim in court, the bank has the right to try to collect funds through a claim procedure. Debt collection may be referred to the debtor relations department. The powers of the claimant can be transferred by agency agreement professional participant – collector. The procedure for collecting debts from individuals is regulated by the Law “On Collectors” - Federal Law No. 230 of July 3, 2016. The borrower can be disturbed only taking into account the restrictive norms outlined in the regulatory act.

Borrower capabilities

If the borrower does not want to communicate with the bank or collectors pre-trial, then he has the right to send them a written notification by registered mail or in notarial form. It is possible to interact with a credit institution with the help of a representative, who can only be a lawyer.

The existence of a statement of claim or court order against the debtor may be evidenced by preliminary requests or notifications from the bank.

Even when the borrower refuses to communicate with an authorized representative of the creditor, the refusal is suspended for 2 months if the bank goes to court. The debtor can find out which bank filed a lawsuit against him, as well as familiarize himself with the materials of the civil case in court. The statement of claim (court order) with attached documents is sent to the place of residence or place of permanent registration of the borrower.

Nuances of relationships with the bank

Before the start of the proceedings, the court is obliged to notify the defendant of the date, time, and place of the court hearing. Notification in writing is sent to the place of registration of the borrower or to the address of his temporary residence. The debtor can be notified in any other acceptable way - by telephone, by sending a message to email. The court notice is sent to the borrower's address along with a copy of the claim and copies of documents. Having studied the contents of the claim, the defendant can immediately figure out which bank made claims against him and to what extent they need to be disputed.

Experts do not recommend avoiding communication with the bank. If the defendant was properly warned about the time and place of the court hearing, but did not appear at the trial, then a decision can be made in his absence - in the manner specified in Art. 22 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. Banks have the right to assign the right to claim a debt to another person, then the borrower may face pressure from the successor (assignee).

Collectors cannot call the debtor from foreign numbers.

It is possible to find out about a claim from the bank from official documentation - notices, notifications, during business correspondence with a credit institution. The bank does not keep information about claims secret and is ready to promptly provide it to debtors, including when trying to negotiate with the borrower to repay the debt out of court.

The financial manager, who acts on behalf of the bankrupt, has the right to demand the debt from the borrower. Depending on the legal status of the defendant statement of claim sent to an arbitration authority or a court of general jurisdiction.

Personal initiative of the borrower

The debtor can independently contact the bank and find out if the credit institution has specific financial claims against the borrower. The appeal can be sent in writing or take place in the form of a conversation with a specialist from the creditor organization. The text of the application can be prepared in simple written form. It can be sent by registered mail. Response time is usually up to 10 days. If the borrower has no debts to a credit institution, then it is better to confirm this with a certificate from the bank confirming the absence of debt.

Is it difficult to find out?

Finding out about the claim will not be particularly difficult.

  • If the debtor did not participate in the court proceedings, then he can obtain information about the decision taken not in his favor during enforcement proceedings. Its procedure is established by Federal Law No. 229, adopted in 2007.
  • If the debtor has valuable property, bailiffs have the right to seize, seize it and force it to be sold.
  • You can find out about the existence of certain claims from a credit institution during a conversation with bailiff performer. The debtor will also be required to pay an enforcement fee, the amount of which cannot be less than 1 thousand rubles.

When litigation is unavoidable, you should not shy away from dealing with the bank. It is advisable to submit timely objections to the claims of the credit institution. If possible, it is advisable to prepare a counterclaim.

Only when you receive a summons.

Very often, not a single document is attached to the subpoena you receive, and all you can find out from it is the place and time of the upcoming court hearing, and sometimes the full name or name of the person who sued you.

Step 1. Familiarization with the case materials

In such a situation, the first thing you need to do is find out the essence and grounds of the claims brought against you. To do this, you need to come to court and get acquainted with the materials of your case.

In accordance with Art. 35 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, persons participating in the case have the right to familiarize themselves with the case materials, make extracts from them, make copies...

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 199 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the limitation period is applied by the court only upon the application of a party to the dispute made before the court makes a decision.

The expiration of the limitation period, the application of which is declared by a party to the dispute, is the basis for the court to make a decision to reject the claim.

Thus, in order to apply the consequences of the expiration of the statute of limitations in a dispute, you must definitely declare this.

Third, check whether you are the proper defendant in the case. Should you be held responsible by virtue of law, contract, or other circumstances?

For example: in the event of an accident with your participation, which is an insured event, provided that the insurance premium fully covers the damage resulting from the accident.

In this case, you can indicate to the court that you are not a proper defendant.

Step 3. Speaking in court.

If you have received a summons for a preliminary court hearing, then most likely you will only need to submit an objection to the statement of claim and receive a summons for the main court hearing.

At the main court hearing, you are required to be active. Object to the plaintiff’s arguments, question his assumptions, challenge the evidence he provides.

Remember that in accordance with Art. 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure, each party must prove the circumstances to which it refers as the basis for its claims and objections, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Therefore, the person who filed the claim against you must first of all prove the circumstances on which the claims are based.

Situations often occur where a person or entity is sued without prior notice of a hearing. Only by receiving a summons will a citizen learn that a lawsuit has been filed against him. The summons does not always arrive on time, but if the hearing date is still ahead, it is worth considering a few nuances that will help during the upcoming court hearing. How to find out whether a claim has been filed in court against an individual or company? And what to do in this or that case?

If the defendant did not know about the filed claim

The defendant, in accordance with the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation), has the right to receive information about the progress of the case, as well as a full package of documents for review. Failure to provide case information to the defendant is illegal, and such actions are often committed intentionally. But there are also cases of employees of the executive body performing their direct duties in bad faith.

When filing a statement of claim, the plaintiff provides at least three copies of the package of documents to the court office:

  • one set remains for the plaintiff after it is accepted in the office. With signature and registration number;
  • the second is registered and submitted to the judicial panel for consideration;
  • the third or more are sent by the plaintiff or court staff to the defendant, who has the right to familiarize himself with the requirements.

If the defendant received a subpoena

In case of failure to provide a complete set of documents, the statement of claim is sent by the judicial panel to the plaintiff for revision, therefore, if a citizen learned about the hearing only by summons, most likely, the dishonest work of the bailiffs played a role.

It is worth noting that before holding a hearing and filing a claim, in some cases the plaintiff must carry out a pre-trial dispute resolution procedure; this fact is worth considering in more detail - if peace settlement was not carried out, there is a chance to postpone the hearing or win the case altogether.

But ignorance does not exempt you from responsibility; there can be many reasons:

  • interruptions in the work of Russian Post (a package of documents was lost);
  • the plaintiff’s ignorance of the defendant’s actual place of residence;
  • departure of the plaintiff or temporary residence in another place.

All these reasons do not exempt you from liability, so if a situation with a sudden summons does occur, it is better to seek help from specialists. A competent lawyer will tell you what to do in a given situation and how to regulate the current situation in favor of the defendant, if this is possible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Actions upon receipt of a subpoena

  1. Find out where the claim was filed in court against an individual or company, and which judge is hearing the case. It is better to do this in advance, but if the summons arrives too late, you can write a counter-statement and the hearing will be postponed.
  2. Contact the judge's assistant or clerk and set a time and date for a meeting to review the case file. Setting a date is not necessary, the official website of the executive body indicates the working hours, the defendant only needs to come during working hours and contact the court office. To do this, you will need to draw up an application addressed to the judge, with a request to familiarize yourself with all the documents; during the consideration, the defendant can make copies of the statement of claim and attachments that do not contain the plaintiff’s personal information (for example, passport data).
  3. If the defendant has not had time to familiarize himself with the case materials, the request can be made directly during the hearing. In such cases, the case is postponed and a deadline is set for the plaintiff to provide an additional package of documents. The defendant has the right to submit his objection to the arguments and demands of the plaintiff, the court in due time undertakes to notify about the date of the hearing and send a full package of documents for review, which means that the defendant, who has not received his copy of the statement of claim due to lack of information, cannot protect your rights. This fact violates the rights of the defendant, which entails the postponement of the hearing until the circumstances are clarified.
  4. The defendant may receive general information about the requirements and names of the parties on the official website of the executive body. How to find out whether a claim has been filed in court against an individual or company? On the website you can find all the information: who is conducting the hearing, the registration number of the case, the names of the parties, telephone numbers and the address of the executive body.

Before the hearing, the judicial panel voices the rights and obligations of the parties, which include the right to know the case, the requirements, etc. If the information is not communicated to the defendant, the case is postponed.

Objection to the filed claim

A counterclaim is filed in order to protect the rights of the defendant. In accordance with Art. 137 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the defendant has the right to file a counterclaim before the court makes a decision. The complaint details the circumstances, defenses and claims. In accordance with Art. 138 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the executive body accepts an objection to the statement of claim in the following cases:

  • the counterclaim is sent to set off the original claim;
  • the counterclaim satisfies the original claim in whole or in part;
  • The counterclaim and the original claim are related, and their joint consideration will lead to a more accurate and faster consideration of the case.

How to write a counter-objection

  1. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, either party proves only the grounds to which there are references from the demand and objection. When drawing up an objection, the defendant must evaluate the plaintiff’s claims, and if any claim, in the defendant’s opinion, is unproven or not fully proven, a counter-objection to the statement of claim is drawn up indicating the requirements for providing additional evidence.
  2. The defendant is advised to check the statute of limitations on the claim. In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 199 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the expiration of the statute of limitations for a statement of claim, the application of which is declared by one of the parties to the dispute, is grounds for refusal of the claim. In order to establish the fact that the statute of limitations has expired, the defendant must write a counterclaim.
  3. It is recommended to check the proper execution of the claims, specifically to the defendant. Are the demands presented valid and legal? In such cases, it is better to seek help from a specialist. A competent lawyer will not only give free consultation, but if he sees illegal demands in the case, he will offer options to solve the problem. In this case, the defendant draws up a counterclaim alleging that he was unlawfully appointed as a defendant.

Speaking in court

Upon receipt of the summons, most likely at the hearing, the defendant will file only a counter-objection, the preliminary hearing will be rescheduled, and the main trial will be scheduled for which the defendant must be prepared.

At the main hearing, it is necessary to be active; the defendant must challenge and object to the plaintiff’s demands, attaching all the grounds to prove the defendant’s case. In accordance with Art. 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, each party has the right to prove its rights and provide reasonable demands. Consequently, the plaintiff is not the dominant person in the court; the defendant can also prove his right and present the circumstances on the basis of which the outcome of the case is decided in any direction.


It is not always possible to find out in advance whether a claim has been filed in court against an individual or a company, but if a citizen is aware of the current circumstances, then it is better not to wait until the summons arrives.

Typically, individuals and legal entities know from which side a particular offense was established. If the defendant has already undergone a pre-trial procedure for resolving the dispute, then it is recommended to check daily for the availability of a new case on the official website of the executive body.

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  • Also write to us via online chat or form on the website.

In any case, clarification of the essence of the case, requirements and evidence in advance significantly increases the chances of a positive outcome of the case. If the majority legal entities there is a competent specialist on staff, then individuals It will take time to find a lawyer and make the right decision.

Fearing your dissatisfaction, the executor may register the prepared notice in the police office, file a copy with the inspection material, and simply throw away the original. Subsequently, it is not possible to check whether the notification was sent by mail. Mail is sent in bags, often the register is compiled formally and is not checked by anyone. In this regard, you must independently come to the police and demand that they provide you with a notice and a certified copy of the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case for the purpose of familiarization and the possibility of appealing it. To convince your demands, before visiting the police, prepare a corresponding statement (request) in 2 copies addressed to the head of the unit, and, if the police refuse to issue the above copies, register your request at the police office.

How can I find out if a police report has actually been filed against me?

The reason for this is the police’s poor knowledge of their own rights and powers, not to mention their knowledge of the law in general.
Therefore, your confidence and perseverance will give them the appropriate impetus when conducting an audit of your application.
2. You need to know that in accordance with Article 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, based on the results of an inspection, one of 3 possible procedural decisions can be made on the application: initiation of a criminal case on the facts stated in the application; refusal to initiate a criminal case; transfer of the application to jurisdiction .After 10 days after registering the application, the police officer who conducted the inspection must make an appropriate procedural decision and send a notification to you.

When a decision is made to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings, such notice is often not actually sent.

Forum Vinsky

Reply to user message NoRe Found out during a telephone conversation with the district police officer.

A case will be filed because after the end of treatment, we will receive a forensic medical examination report indicating minor harm to health.

It is not yet known when the treatment will end. I wouldn’t want to be dumbfounded in court, for example, by their writings.

If they make connections to turn everything against us, then we should do the same.

Is it possible to find out via the Internet whether there is a complaint against me to the police or court?

Thus, after filing a complaint with the police, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions.
1. You need to know that in accordance with Article 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Criminal Procedure), the period for consideration of an application for a crime is up to 3 days.
If necessary, the period for conducting an inspection upon application can be extended to 10 days.
According to established practice, police officers constantly need to extend deadlines.


At the same time, the cause of red tape does not always depend on the inaction of the performer - this is a problem of the entire law enforcement system, which, to this day, has not created normal working conditions for personnel. In this regard, it is useless to wait for a proactive response from the police about the results of considering the application.

How can I find out if a police report has been filed against me?

As proof,” he gave the telephone number of this police department (judging by information from the Internet, the number is real).

I informed that the bank had filed a fraud complaint against me (Art.

159), announced the amount of my debt (however, not entirely true).


He stated that he could not reach me by phone. When my son asked why not send me a subpoena by mail, he replied that he could not do this and tried to find out my email address.

In general, he behaved quite strangely. I have a suspicion that this call was not from a police officer, but again from the bank or debt collectors.

How can I get acquainted with the statement (against me) to the police?

Hello. The problem I have is this: I have a debt on a bank loan.

I have been servicing it regularly for more than a year and a half, but now I can’t cope with the payments.

Because of aggressive style communication between bank employees who called me and collectors acting on his behalf, I was forced to write a letter in which I revoked the right to process personal data and asked to resolve the loan repayment case in court. The bank “did not condescend to give a written response”; it only sent an SMS message saying that I was “refused” (I did not understand what).
Calls and threats (forced collection of debt, accusation of criminal offenses, etc.)

d.) continue.

Today a man called my home phone. I was not at home, my son was talking to him.

The caller did not introduce himself, but stated that he was an employee of the Krasnoselsky Department of Internal Affairs in Moscow.

How to control the consideration of your application by the police

How can you find out if a police report has been filed against you? Question number No. 10129325 read 3016 times Urgent consultation lawyer8 800 505-91-11 free

  • If they had written, they would have called you already. Sincerely! Kostenko Olesya Vladimirovna 89034570662, Website: Personal consultation

Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button. How long does it take to call? Because the person who said that he submitted an application said this evening, question number No. 10129349

  • Yes, you never know what he said, either immediately or three days later. Sincerely! Kostenko Olesya Vladimirovna 89034570662, Website: Personal consultation

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