Oral journal for parents in dow. Child and Nature - oral pedagogical journal - work with parents. What to do if your child has flat feet


Lipnyagova Tatyana Aleksandrovna


MAOU DO children kindergarten “Iskorka”;

Omutinsky district

Target: To acquaint parents with the speech characteristics of children of the sixth year of life.

Tasks: Help parents understand family situations. Introduce some didactic games for teaching children coherent speech. Pay attention to what books to buy for your child.

Preliminary work: Manufacturing didactic games for the development of coherent speech. Design of an oral journal with four pages.

Visual information: Statements by scientists: “Children’s speech at all stages of its development is nourished by the inexhaustible vitality of the Russian folk language” (K. I. Chukovsky)

“Folk tales contribute to the acquisition of all forms of language, which make it possible for children to develop their own speech skills when telling stories” (K. D. Ushinsky)

Progress of the event: Educator. Dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about the speech characteristics of children of the sixth year of life. And the magazine (shows) “Development of Children's Speech” will help us with this. Open page 1: “Children Speak” Speech by the teacher about the features of children's speech and scenes from the lives of children. (Appendix No. 1)

Page 2 of the magazine: “Speech development in the family.” Solving pedagogical problems; (Appendix No. 2) an exhibition of didactic games for teaching children coherent speech (“Talking pictures”, “Pebbles on the shore”, “Retelling using reference pictures”, “What first, what then”, etc.)

Page 3 “Tale after tale.” A short message about the role of fairy tales in the development of children's speech. (Appendix No. 3). Dramatization of the fairy tale by children “Naughty Vanya” (Appendix No. 4)

Page 4 “Book in the family.” Parents should take care in advance about which children's books to buy so that the process of speech development is entertaining and interesting for the child. A librarian (V.N. Tretyakova) speaks with annotations of new books for children.

At the end, all parents are given a memo “What to think of so that the road is not a burden” (Play games with your child when you are driving in the car, or walking from kindergarten home) (Memo No. 5)

Appendix No. 1.

"Features of children's speech."

A child’s speech is formed under the influence of the speech of adults and largely depends on sufficient speech practice and the correct speech environment. Preschool age is one of the main stages of speech development. IN preschool age the child must master a vocabulary that would allow him to communicate with adults and peers. Feature vocabulary work is that it is inextricably linked with enriching the knowledge and ideas of preschoolers about the objects and everyday phenomena around them, about Everyday life, about nature. An adult expands the children’s vocabulary, teaches them to understand and use words that denote objects, actions, and movements used in any activity. Learning the world, the child learns verbal designations of objects and phenomena of reality, their properties, connections and relationships - all this is a necessary link for vocabulary work in the development of children’s speech. In the development of a dictionary, one of the important areas is working on a correct understanding of the meaning of words, on developing the accuracy of word usage. When solving these problems, speech exercises and word games occupy an important place. “Is it possible to say this?”, “How can I say it better?”, “Tell everyone how you understand it”, “Why do you think you can say this?” Games aimed at teaching children storytelling develop in children the ability to describe an object based on its main features ( color, shape, size), actions. In the games “Let’s Find a Toy” and “Guess What’s in Your Hand,” the child finds a familiar object and then talks about it. At the age of 5-6 years, children’s statements are quite lengthy, and a certain logic of presentation is captured. Often in their stories there appear elements of fantasy, a desire to invent episodes that did not actually happen. Look and listen to what your children said: - “I’ll draw Tamusya with green paint, because she’s sick all the time.” - “Nina’s brother plays the balalaika. Nina frowns - Don’t talk, please.” - Lena hands the egg to Seryozha and says: “Shell the egg for me.” - The hairs near my ears will be long, because these are my little charms. -Maxim hands over a nail and says: “thresh” this nail. “We will all turn into icicles if an evil and angry wind blows.”

After breakfast, Ilya left the table and said: “I’ve gotten dirty.”

Nastya ate the candy and said: “I snapped my candy.”

Vladik left the table and announced: “I’m already drunk.”

Appendix No. 2.

Pedagogical tasks:

  1. Five-year-old Grisha is being “read” with more and more books. Parents proudly say: “We’ve read everything.” We don’t even find anything new in the library. Question: Do you think Grisha’s parents’ desire to read as many books to their child as possible is justified? (approximate answer: there is no need for the child to read or tell something new every time. Children absorb books they have already read once more deeply; meeting them as if they were old acquaintances, they try to “tell the storyteller what will happen next, and correct if the storyteller made an inaccuracy. Here the little listener is highly active.

2. A father and his six-year-old son are looking at the painting “Into the Forest to Pick Mushrooms,” and then suggests: - Think about what kind of story you can come up with based on this painting. The boy peers at the picture, hesitates, apparently doesn’t know where to start. The father asks him leading questions: What is shown here? Why did the artist call the painting “Into the Forest for Mushrooms”? What do you think is going on here? Why do you think so? What season did the artist depict? How did you guess? He does not rush his son, lets him think out loud, and continues to ask him questions about the content of the picture. “You see,” says the father, “you noticed everything correctly and answered the questions correctly.” Now it’s not difficult for you to come up with a story based on the picture. Think about where you will start and tell me. The boy smiled and began. It's an interesting story! So both the listener and the narrator himself were satisfied. Questions: What is the pedagogical value of the described conversation between father and child? Evaluate the adult’s techniques that activate the child’s mental activity. What helped the child cope with the task? (Approximate answer: in the described example, we see how, thanks to correctly formulated questions, an adult helps the child peer into the image, see the picture in detail and, in general, think logically. It is valuable that the adult tactfully directs the child’s thought with leading questions, encouraging the child to make correct judgments ).

3.Evening. The table light is on in the room. Children think! They have a difficult and interesting task to complete - to come up with the end of the story, which was suggested by their mother: “The boy went fishing. He sits on the shore of the lake with a fishing rod, but the fish don’t bite or bite. If only I could catch one, the young fisherman thinks, does he want to return home with an empty bucket? I probably need to change the place... And suddenly I saw a boat nearby! He untied it and swam to the very middle of the lake. Before I had time to cast the fishing rod, the float jumped up and down: it was biting! That's luck, that's luck! Just have time to get it out. I've already caught half a bucket. “I’ll surprise everyone!” the fisherman thinks. ... The breeze blew. It felt cool, the sun sank above the forest, and evening was approaching. “Well, I guess that’s enough. It’s time to go home!” the boy decided. Lo and behold, there are no oars; floated away...Shout, call someone for help? And there's no one around. What to do? How to get to the shore? Why don't you spend the night in a boat? “What’s next?” the guys are curious at once, seeing that mom is not going to continue. “You think for yourself what ending you can come up with for this story,” mom suggests, “just take your time, let each of you come up with the ending in your own way.” And we'll see who can do it more interesting. Question: What is the value of the task “Come up with an ending to the story”? (Approximate answer: asking children to come up with the end of a story is based on children’s interest and therefore is an effective means of making a child think, fantasize, and think logically. It encourages a preschooler to be active. Even silent people try to speak out. The success of the task largely depends on how much the adult can interest listener with the story, there should be accessible content with an acute situation, the ability to stop the story in time at the most interesting point.)

Appendix No. 3.

The role of fairy tales in the development of children's speech.

A fairy tale brings variety to a child’s life, gives him joy and is one of the most effective ways speech development. The peculiarity of the fairy tale is that the development of the personality of a preschooler occurs in harmony with the successful acquisition of literacy and coherent speech. A fairy tale is an integrative activity in which the action of an imaginary situation is connected with real communication aimed at activity, independence, creativity, and the child’s regulation of his own emotional states. Playing a fairy tale helps to activate different aspects of children's speech: vocabulary, grammatical structure, dialogic and monologue speech, and improve the sound side of speech. Despite technological progress, children are still drawn to the mysterious world of fairy tales. After all, a fairy tale not only awakens the imagination, helps to create, but also enriches life with positive emotions. Children grow up and become more and more interested in taking part in theatrical games.

Appendix No. 4.

Fairy tale "Naughty Vanya"

Once upon a time in the same village there lived a mother, a little son Vanechka and a cow Burenka. Every time mother said6 “Don’t go to bed on the ant-grass, otherwise our little cow will get lost.” Vanya did not listen to his mother.

One day he kicked Burenka out into an open field, and he went to sleep on some grass and an ant and fell into a sweet sleep. Out of nowhere a gray wolf runs. He sees a cow walking. He decided to lure Burenka into the dark forest and eat him. The wolf crept up and said: “Come on, Burenka, I’ll show you.” Where tasty grass grows." "No. “I won’t go,” Burenka answers. The wolf again does his thing: “Come on, Burenka, I’ll show you where the stream with clear water flows.” “No, I won’t go,” Burenka answers. The gray one thought about how to lure a cow into the forest. He took some sweet bread and broke off a piece. He calls Burenka and says: “Let’s go.” Burenka, I’ll treat you to some bread.”

So piece by piece, step by step, she came to the forest. Then the redhead understood. That the wolf wants to deceive her. She mooed loudly: “Moo-moo-moo!” The wolf was so frightened that he literally carried away his legs. Vanechka heard this, ran, and turned back the cow. And at home he confessed to his mother and repented: “Forgive me, Mama, forgive the naughty one.” The mother smiled, hugged her son and said: “Here’s a pipe for you, take it to the open field. She will play and not let you sleep.” Now, if you hear that the pipe is playing in the field, it’s Vanya Burenka grazing.

Appendix No. 5.


“What can we come up with so that the road won’t be a burden.”

Play games with your child while you are eating in the car or walking home from kindergarten:

  1. “Who will see first” (green car, birds on wires, etc.)
  2. Game "Guess". You need to guess the word by asking questions, the fewer questions, the more points.
  3. “Make the longest sentence possible.” You name a word (an object you see), the child adds a second word, the player comes up with a third. For example, a tree - a tree grows, a big tree grows...
  4. “Answer the other way around.” The point of the game is to answer the other way around. Is the sky blue? - No. “A dog is a bird?” - yes. Whoever gets lost becomes the leader.

Family traditions are not only holidays, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is gathered and the festive service is taken out of the sideboard; and a trip to the forest with children to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year; and congratulations to a veteran grandfather or neighbor on Victory Day and much more...

The life of a child is a huge world. To enter it, to help the little master of this world, you need to have a magic key called trust.

Maintaining trust in the family is another good tradition. Trust is the ability to honestly and directly discuss any, even the most difficult topics with each other. Maintaining mutual trust in the family is one of the most important tasks of parents.

All parents received a creative task in advance to remember and describe the traditions in their families.

The parents gladly responded to this proposal and brought their essays, which we reviewed and discussed with the children (discussion of the most interesting traditions).

Garden teachers Metlova L.N. and Pyaternikova L.G. They told how their groups prepared the joint project “My Family” with their parents, and showed visual aids made by their parents.

A presentation of this project was also shown.

Now we bring to your attention another tradition - singing to children before bed.
Game "Question - answer".At the same time, children's video responses were shown.

1. Are children's parties in the family a good tradition? Do our children need them?

You can see the children's answers by clicking on the link http://youtu.be/IfZaVOxHSLI

2. Can holidays help in developing positive character traits in a child?

3. Is it possible to plant in one festive table with older children? In what cases is it yes or no?

Children's video responses can be viewed by clicking on the link

4. Offer a children's fun game for a birthday celebration.

5. You are invited to visit. What rules and in what form will you remind your child?

6. The children who came to visit scattered toys. What should the owners do?

7. Your child was given a toy that he already has. What will he do?

8. What holidays, besides birthdays, do you arrange for your children?

Holidays for children are a good family tradition. Riddles, quizzes, educational games develop the child's mind. There is a holiday in the house - you need to prepare gifts, decorate the room, wash everything, clean it - this is how work enters the life of a child. And when we sing, draw, read poetry, dance, put on makeup, listen to music - are we really raising our children aesthetically?

The conversation on this topic was conducted by teacher Barakova Yu.P.

What holiday would be held without outdoor games, where dexterity and intelligence contribute to healthy growth?!

And further! A family is a collective. It may be small, diverse in age, but a team. And the educational richness of collective work is clearly manifested in holiday worries.

And now the most precious thing you have will appear here - your children. Meet!

"Dance of the Dolls" performed by preparatory groups No. 7, 8.

Family is the basis of everything good and positive that a child has. Respect and love for family traditions is instilled in the family! Love your children, respect their opinions and desires, and they will answer you in kind. Be friends with children!

Don't waste time with your children

Look at the adults in them,

Stop quarreling and getting angry,

Try to make friends with them.

Try not to blame them

Learn to listen and understand.

Warm them with your warmth.

Let the house become a fortress for them.

Try with them, search,

Talk about everything in the world

Always guide them invisibly

And help them in all matters.

Learn to trust children -

Every step does not need to be checked.

Respect their opinions and advice.

Children are wise men, don't forget!

Adults, rely on children

And love them with all your soul

In a way that is impossible to describe.

Then you won’t lose your children!

(Poem by A. Lopatina “Be friends with children”)

As a farewell gift, parents were given booklets on the topic “How to give and receive gifts correctly.”

Oral pedagogical journal.

The magazine consists of 3-7 pages, each lasting from 5 to 10 minutes. The total duration is no more than 40 minutes. The short duration of time is of no small importance, since parents are often limited in time due to various objective and subjective reasons. Therefore, it is important that a sufficiently large amount of information placed in a relatively short period of time is of significant interest to parents. Each page of the magazine is an oral message that can be illustrated with teaching aids, listening to audio recordings, exhibitions of drawings, crafts, and books. Parents are offered literature in advance to familiarize themselves with the problem, practical assignments, and questions for discussion.

Sample topics for Oral Journals: “At the Threshold of School”, “Ethics” family relations", "The influence of nature on the spiritual development of a child" and others. It is important that the topics are relevant to parents, meet their needs and help solve the most important questions raising children.

Subject:“We have someone to teach us to be proud of our Motherland!”

Target Instilling in parents a civic position, respect for the older generation and a sense of love for the Motherland based on knowledge about the Great Patriotic War and people who won victories at the front and in the rear.


1. Involving parents of preschool children in patriotic education in the family, familiarizing them with the past and present of their country through the connection of generations, folk traditions and music of the war years.

2. Coordination of the actions of teachers and parents to form in children ideas about how the memory of the events and heroes of the Great Patriotic War is preserved.

3. Foster respect for war veterans and pride in their country.

Preliminary work.

1. Questioning parents to study family experience of patriotic upbringing of children.

2. Creation of an exhibition of books about the Great Patriotic War.

3. Exhibition of photographs from family archives “They defended the Motherland.”

4. Video recording of a story told by older pupils about their great-grandfathers who fought in the Great Patriotic War.

5. A joint trip of children and parents to the Balakovo History Museum.

6. Collaborative creativity competition “We remember, we are proud!”

7. Design of an album by parents and teachers of the preschool educational institution “Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” to familiarize preschoolers with monuments and memorials to winning soldiers installed throughout Russia.

8. Making invitation cards for children.

9. Interaction with the city veterans council. If possible, invite a veteran of the Great Patriotic War to the meeting.

Materials and equipment.

1. Technical training aids (TSO), multimedia projector.

2. Photos of the children’s great-grandparents and great-grandmothers during the war years.

3. Poems and songs about the Great Patriotic War.

4. Photographs of monuments and memorable places in the city, in Russia, related to the events of the Great Patriotic War.

5. Printed words to songs from the war years

5. Flowers for veterans and guests.

Progress of the oral journal for parents.

The hall is festively decorated. Parents sit in a semicircle.


Dear guests! Soon we will celebrate the most memorable, solemn holiday- Victory Day! It is celebrated annually on May 9 in honor of the victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. On this day, participants in the war are congratulated - veterans who fought at the front, worked in the rear, created tanks, aircraft, shells and cartridges, bringing Victory Day closer. This is a holiday with tears in our eyes: we rejoice at the victory and grieve for the fallen soldiers and the fact that fewer and fewer veterans remain among the living. Today we invite you to remember those difficult years, about the people who brought victory closer in the rear and at the front.

The first page of our oral journal is called “Women at War.”


Woman and war - both these words female, but they are incompatible - woman and war...

Grandmothers' stories about their mothers, home front workers, and how they lived during the war. Displaying photographs through a multimedia projector.

Moms speak words.

1st mother: A woman comes into the world to light a candle.

2nd mother: A woman comes into the world to save the hearth.

3rd mother: A woman comes into the world to be loved.

4th mother: A woman comes into the world to give birth to children.

5th mother: A woman comes into the world to bloom as a flower.

Together: A woman comes into the world to save the world.

Children senior group and their mothers sing M. Blanter’s song “Katyusha”.

The second page of our magazine is “Find out and name.”


Dear friends. We invite you to remember and name memorable places in Russia associated with the heroic events of the Great Patriotic War.

The screen shows photographs of monuments: Brest Fortress, Motherland, a destroyed mill in Volgograd, a monument to the unknown soldier in Moscow, a portrait of Tanya Savicheva from besieged Leningrad, a monument to the heroes - Panfilov, a monument on Sokolova Mountain in Saratov, an obelisk in Balakovo .

We open the third page of our magazine

"We remember! We are proud!"

Leading: 70 years have passed since our valiant warriors defeated the enemy. The war claimed many lives. And every year we remember all those who died in battles for their homeland. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. words Correct. These words are written on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow. People will always remember those who defended our Motherland. Their names are alive in our hearts and our memories. We invite you to watch and listen to what our children tell about their great-grandfathers who fought in that distant and terrible war.

Demonstration of a video with children in the preparatory group telling stories about their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Children preparatory group read poems about victory.

1 child.

Victory Day is a holiday for the whole country,

The brass band plays marches.

Victory Day - a holiday of gray hair

Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and those younger.

2nd child.

Our grandfathers remember

About the old days

Worn in honor of Victory

Military orders.

3 child.

Let's say thank you to our grandfathers

For life, for childhood, for victory.

For silence, for a good home,

For the world in which we live.


“Who said that we should give up singing during the war!

After the battle, the heart cries for music doubly!”

The songs created in those terrible years helped our people to live, work, fight, and defeat the enemy.

The next page of our magazine is called “Songs Scorched by War”

We invite parents to sing one verse of their wartime songs.

“In the dugout” music. K. Listov, lyrics by A. Surkov,

"Blue handkerchief" music. E. Petersburgsky, lyrics by Y. Galitsky and M. Maksimov,

“Ogonyok” lyrics by M. Isakovsky,

“Darkie” lyrics by Y. Shvedov,

“In a sunny clearing” lyrics. A. Fatyanova.

"Victory Day" lyrics. Kharitonov.

We last generations who saw living veterans!

Read while you can!

Give thanks while you still have someone to thank!

There are so few of them left!

Thanks to them for keeping us alive!

Dear friends! Today we can say with confidence that our children will never forget the names of their great-grandparents. And as adults, seeing before them your example of memory of loved ones, they will say, “We have someone to learn from and be proud of our homeland!”

The purpose of this event is to help parents realize the value of children's reading as effective remedy education and upbringing of the child; involve parents in solving the problem of children's reading. But such a problem exists. We were once considered the most reading country. What is the reason for the decrease in interest in reading?

  • No time.
  • Television came first.
  • Computer games and the Internet are replacing books.

Of course, it is useful to use television, audio recordings, and the Internet at home, but you should remember that they cannot replace reading from your father and mother. After all, the process of reading promotes spiritual communication between parents and children, establishing mutual understanding, intimacy, trust - without which education is unthinkable. In addition, by ceasing to be an active reader, a person lags behind in development and morality suffers.

From work experience, I know that many parents complain: “The child has mastered literacy, but does not want to read. What should I do?” On the pages of the Oral Journal, we tried to show the importance of children's reading and tell how children's reading can be stimulated.



Oral pedagogical journal.

"The role of books in family education."

Goal: To help parents realize the value of children's reading as an effective means of educating and raising a child; involve parents in solving the problem of children's reading.


  1. Children of the speech therapy group.
  2. Parents.
  3. Musical director.
  4. Preschool teachers.

In our magazine:

Page #1 – “Children’s reading in the family” (how to make a child want to read?)

Teacher Morozova L.S.

Page #2- "Child and Book"

Speech by a guest of the magazine.

Head of the Children's Library.

Page #3 - “Entertaining.” Do you know fairy tales? (humorous quiz).

Page #4 – “The role of children’s literature in speech development.”

Speech therapist speech.

Page #5 - “We love books.”

Parents share their experiences.

Page #6 – “Children’s” (dramatization of K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief.”

Prepared by the teacher of GBDOU No. 20 of the Pushkin district Morozova L.S.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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