Increased production of growth hormone; increased genetic predisposition. How to increase the production of growth hormone in the human body? How is growth hormone related to other hormones?

The name of the hormone is somatropin. Only in adolescence and childhood is it useful for growth. The hormone is very important for people. Throughout human life, it affects metabolism, blood sugar levels, muscle development and fat burning. It can also be synthesized artificially.

Where and how is it produced?

Growth hormone is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. The organ located between the cerebral hemispheres is called the Pituitary gland. The most important hormones for humans are synthesized there, affecting nerve endings and, to a lesser extent, other cells of the human body.

Genetic factors influence hormone production. Today, a complete human genetic map has been compiled. The synthesis of growth hormone is influenced by five genes on chromosome seventeen. Initially, there are two isoforms of this enzyme.

During growth and development, a person produces several additional manufactured forms of this substance. To date, more than five isoforms have been identified that have been found in human blood. Each isoform has a specific effect on the nerve endings of various tissues and organs.

The hormone is produced from time to time with a period of three to five hours during the day. Usually an hour or two after falling asleep at night, the brightest surge in its production of the entire day occurs. During night sleep, several more stages occur sequentially; in total, from two to five times, the hormone synthesized in the pituitary gland enters the blood.

It has been proven that its natural production decreases with age. It reaches a maximum in the second half of the child’s intrauterine development, and then gradually decreases. The maximum frequency of production is achieved in early childhood.

In adolescence, during puberty, the maximum intensity of its production at a time is observed, however, the frequency is significantly lower than in childhood. Its minimum amount is produced in old age. At this time, both the frequency of production periods and the maximum amount of hormone produced at one time are minimal.

Distribution of growth hormone in the human body

To move within the body, it, like other hormones, uses the circulatory system. To achieve the goal, the hormone binds to its transport protein, which is produced by the body.

Subsequently, it moves to the receptors of various organs, affecting their work depending on the isoform and the action of other hormones in parallel with somatropin. When it hits a nerve ending, somatropin causes an effect on the target protein. This protein is called Janus kinase. The target protein causes activation of glucose transport to target cells, their development and growth.

First type of impact

Growth hormone owes its name to the fact that it acts on bone tissue receptors located in unclosed bone growth zones. This causes strong growth in children and adolescents during puberty, caused by the growth hormone produced in sufficient quantities in the teenage body at this time. Most often this occurs due to an increase in the length of the tubular bones of the legs, shin bones, and arms. Other bones (such as the spine) also grow, but this is less pronounced.

In addition to the growth of open areas of bones at a young age, it causes strengthening of bones, ligaments, and teeth throughout life. A lack of synthesis of this substance in the human body may be associated with many diseases that affect older people - mainly diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Second type of impact

This is an increase in muscle growth and fat burning. This type of impact is widely used in sports and bodybuilding. Three types of techniques are used:

  • increasing natural hormone synthesis in the body;
  • improved absorption of somatropin associated with other hormones;
  • taking synthetic substitutes.

Today, somastatin preparations are prohibited doping. The International Olympic Committee recognized this in 1989.

Third type of impact

Increasing the amount of glucose in the blood due to its effect on liver cells. This mechanism is quite complex, and it allows you to track the connection with other human hormones.

Growth hormone is involved in many other types of activity - it acts on the brain, is involved in activating appetite, affects sexual activity, and both the influence of sex hormones on the synthesis of somatotropin and its influence on the synthesis of sex hormones are observed. It even takes part in the learning process - experiments on mice have shown that those individuals who were additionally injected with it learn better and develop conditioned reflexes.

There are conflicting studies regarding the effect on the aging body. Most experiments confirm that old people who were additionally injected with growth hormone felt much better. Their metabolism and general condition improved, and mental and physical activity increased. At the same time, animal experiments indicate that those individuals who received this drug artificially showed a shorter life expectancy than those who were not administered it.

How is growth hormone related to other hormones?

The production of growth hormone is influenced by two main substances. They are called somastatin and somalibertin. The hormone somastatin inhibits the synthesis of somatotropin, and somalibertin causes increased synthesis. These two hormones are produced there, in the pituitary gland. Interaction and joint effects on the body of somatotropin are observed with the following drugs:

  • IGF-1;
  • Thyroid hormones;
  • Estrogen;
  • Adrenal hormones;

This substance is the main intermediary in the absorption of sugar by the body. When a person is exposed to growth hormone, there is an increase in blood sugar. Insulin causes it to decrease. At first glance, the two hormones are antagonists. However, this is not quite true.

Sugar in the blood under the influence of the enzyme is absorbed more efficiently during the work of tissue cells and organs awakened by it. This allows the synthesis of certain types of protein. Insulin helps this glucose be absorbed in order to work more efficiently. Therefore, these substances are allies, and the work of the growth hormone is impossible without insulin.

This is due to the fact that children who have type 1 diabetes grow much slower, and diabetic bodybuilders have difficulty building muscle mass if they lack insulin. However, if there is too much somatropin in the blood, the activity of the pancreas can be “broken” and type 1 diabetes mellitus will occur. Somatropin affects the functioning of the pancreas, which produces.


Factors influencing synthesis within the body

Factors that increase the synthesis of somatropin:

  • influence of other hormones;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • good dream
  • physical activity;
  • exposure to the cold;
  • Fresh air;
  • consumption of lysine, glutamine, and some other amino acids.

Reduce synthesis:

  • influence of other hormones;
  • high concentration of somatropin and IFP-1;
  • alcohol, drugs, tobacco, some other psychotropic substances;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • a large amount of fatty acids in the blood plasma.

Use of growth hormone in medicine

In medicine it is used for diseases of the nervous system, treatment of growth and development delays in childhood, treatment of diseases of the elderly.

Diseases of the nervous system associated with are effectively treated using synthetic somatropin substitutes.

It is necessary to take into account that the use of the drug in this case will in most cases cause a return to the original state, and a long course of its use can cause type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Diseases associated with pituitary dwarfism - some types of dementia, depressive disorders, behavioral disorders. In psychiatry, this drug is used occasionally, during psychotherapy and the recovery period.

During childhood, many children experience delays in growth and development. This is especially true for those whose mother took large doses of alcohol during pregnancy. The fetus may also be exposed to certain doses of alcohol, which cross the placental barrier and reduce the production of somatotropin. As a result, they initially have low levels of somatropin, and children need to take additional synthetic substitutes in order to catch up with their peers in their development.

With diabetes mellitus in children, there are periods when blood sugar is high and there is not enough insulin. As a result, their growth and development are delayed. They are prescribed somatropin drugs, which must work in one direction. This will avoid attacks of hyperglycemia. Provided that insulin and somatropin work together, the body tolerates the effects of the drugs more easily.

For older people, the effectiveness of somatropin has been confirmed in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It increases the hardness of bone tissue, its mineralization, strengthens ligaments and muscle tissue. For some, it helps burn fat tissue.

Unfortunately, taking drugs of this type is associated with an increase in blood sugar levels, which is unacceptable for most older people, and long-term treatment with them is excluded.

Use of growth hormone in sports

The IOC has banned this drug for use by competitive athletes since 1989. However, there is a group of “amateur” competitions in which the use and doping are not controlled - for example, some types of martial arts, some bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions.

It is quite difficult to control the intake of modern synthetic analogues of somatropin in doping tests, and most laboratories do not have suitable equipment.

In bodybuilding, when people train for their own pleasure and not for performances, these substances are used in two types of training - during the “cutting” process and when building muscle mass. During the drying process, the intake is accompanied by a large amount of T4 thyroid hormone analogues. During periods of muscle building, it is taken together with insulin. When burning fat, doctors recommend injecting drugs locally - into the stomach, since men have the most fat in this area.

Pumping up the body's relief with the help of specialized substances allows you to quickly gain large muscle mass, little subcutaneous fat, however, the stomach is large. This is due to the large amount of glucose absorbed when building muscle mass. However, this practice is much more effective than the use of drugs such as methyltestosterone. Methyltestosterone can activate the process of obesity, in which a person will have to “dry” the body.

Female bodybuilding also did not ignore somatropin. Its analogues are used in conjunction with estrogen instead of insulin. This practice does not cause a strong increase in the abdomen. Many female bodybuilders prefer this one, because other doping drugs are associated with male hormones and cause the appearance of masculine features and masculinization.

In most cases, it will be more effective for a bodybuilder under the age of 30 not to take somatropin. The fact is that while taking this drug you will have to enhance its effect with the help of other hormones, the side symptoms of which (obesity) will need to be compensated for by additional efforts. A lifeline in this situation will be the use of other synthetic drugs, which also increase the endogenous production of growth hormone.

Human growth hormone (GH, somatropin, GH) makes hair and nails grow faster, reduces the amount of fat in the body and increases muscle mass.

To stay young longer, you need to know how to increase growth hormone and keep its levels optimal, thereby slowing down the aging process.

When a man reaches age 30, he enters a period known as “somatopause,” when somatropin levels begin to drop noticeably. You can take control of the production of growth hormone through the use of alternative or synthetic drugs. Special supplements can increase hormone levels relatively quickly and effectively, but such drugs always have side effects. Additionally, elevated hormone levels are harmful and cause unwanted effects.

Since 1985, synthetically produced forms of growth hormone have been sold as supplements, and injections prescribed by doctors are actually effective when used correctly. It is also used in combination with anabolic steroids among athletes.

Somatropin has helped tens of thousands of children overcome genetic health problems due to a deficiency of this important compound. It may also be useful for adults who want to slow down aging.

Due to oxidative processes at the cellular level, DNA damage occurs and hormonal secretion is disrupted, including the production of progesterone, and slows down significantly.

Increasing somatropin in a man’s body is one of the ways to maintain health and improve athletic performance.

The benefits that growth hormone gives to a man:

  • more energy and stamina,
  • muscle mass growth,
  • lower blood pressure,
  • reducing the risk of developing diabetes,
  • increased sexual charge.

Men have maximum levels of growth hormone during adolescence, and in adulthood it helps the body's cells regenerate.

How to increase growth hormone - the main proven methods:

  1. Proper diet and nutrition.
  2. Exercise and a strict training plan.
  3. Special additives.
  4. Cream with growth hormone.

Injections are also effective, but only a doctor should prescribe them.


  1. Exercise and Diet

The most natural way to increase growth hormone in men and look and feel younger is through exercise. Somatropin is released as a result of high-intensity exercise. The body produces GH during short, active rest periods between cardio sessions.

Exercising as intensely as possible for 30-second intervals with short rest breaks is the easiest way to increase growth hormone production.

“After a hard workout, muscle damage occurs. The pituitary gland secretes GH in increased volume to repair these damages,” the experts explain.

Diet also plays an important role in releasing GH in the body. Eating well at regular times (avoiding sugary snacks) is key to natural somatropin production. The amount of growth hormone is opposite to the amount of insulin. If your insulin is high, your GH will be low.

Foods and drinks high in sugar should be avoided, especially after exercise.

Insulin suppresses the release of growth hormone.

To keep your blood sugar levels stable, it is helpful to eat foods with a lower glycemic index (GI) in small portions throughout the day. “High blood sugar inhibits the release of GH and promotes fat storage,” doctors explain. It is also harmful to eat foods with a high GI later than two hours before bedtime, since the resulting insulin will suppress the natural release of somatropin by the pituitary gland.

  1. How to Increase HGH: Supplements

Somatropin hormone pills (such as Jintropin) contain a dose of an artificial hormone. Taken internally from the outside, they are not able to significantly increase the production of the body’s own GH. Along with such drugs that are prescribed by a doctor and used to treat serious disorders, there are safer compounds that can increase your own production of GH. For example, combinations of specially selected amino acids (taurine, BCAA, arginine, glutamine, lysine), which affect the pituitary gland and are an alternative way to increase growth hormone naturally.

When the body receives too much GH from an unnatural source (such as synthetic injections), it can actually reduce its own GH production to even lower levels than during somatopause.

In addition, there are creams containing growth hormone. But there is no evidence yet that they can have any positive effects. Some of these preparations in cream form consist of herbal GH. Most of these products contain less than 5% somatropin.

Creams are considered the least effective means of increasing HGH levels. Additionally, given that GH is a very fragile substance and tends to break down easily, topical application is not nearly as effective as marketers make it out to be.

With a doctor's prescription, growth hormone can be purchased as an injection to speed up recovery after major surgery or injury. If all recommendations are followed, GH does not cause withdrawal symptoms or significant side effects.

Good day, dear readers! Today we have an interesting article. On the one hand, it is far from the “pumping up” topic, but on the other hand, it is most directly related to it, because it allows you to control the development of muscle mass. This “control” is called growth hormone somatotropin , and it is a powerful stimulating factor in pumping up iron muscles.

So, during the course of this article you will learn what somatotropin is, why it is needed at all, how you can manage your hormonal growth processes, and much more from the same series.

Well, let's start lightly, let's go.

What is growth hormone somatotropin

In our previous articles, in particular this one and this one, we talked about factors that affect the anabolic functions of the body. It’s good that we paid attention to them, but the “chemical” component of this process, i.e., slipped away from under our watchful gaze. We completely forgot about hormones. But they, in particular endrogen ones - testosterone and growth hormone, are one of the main triggers in the development of a harmonious and proportional body.

We will talk about one of them (the last one) further.

If you listen to foreign literature, they usually call growth hormone HGH(growth hormon), growth hormone or somatotropin. It is a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland with a peptide structure (i.e. consists of 191 amino acids), which is used to form muscle mass and build defined muscle relief. It is produced by the endocrine gland in relatively small quantities throughout a person’s life.

Why is somatotropin called growth hormone?

The hormone is named so for a reason, because it causes (usually in young people j) pronounced linear growth due to the development of tubular bones of the limbs. The average concentration of this hormone in the human body is about 1-5 ng/ml, during the peak period it can rise to 45 ng/ml.

In addition to being directly involved in stimulating muscle growth, it also:

  • normalizes metabolic processes (more proteins are used to build muscles, less fat is stored as reserves);
  • inhibits muscle catabolic processes;
  • enhances the process of lipolysis (burning) of fats;
  • increases the supply of glycogen depot in the liver;
  • allows you to quickly regenerate new tissue and heal body wounds;
  • increases the size and number of cells of the liver, reproductive and thymus glands;
  • improves skin tone (regulates collagen synthesis);
  • increases the growth of young people up to the closure of growth zones ( 25 years) ;
  • strengthens the joint-ligamentous apparatus;
  • increases ;
  • improves blood lipid composition (reduces “bad” cholesterol).

It should be borne in mind that somatotropin “works” not alone, but in conjunction with the hormone IGF-1(insulin-like growth factor). The latter is produced in the liver under the influence of growth hormone and stimulates the growth of almost all internal organs. If we consider the positive effects of growth hormone in sports (particularly in bodybuilding), then they are all associated with the direct action of the hormone IGF-1.


Maximum secretion of growth hormone is observed before the age of 20 years, then it decreases on average by 15% during 10 years.

Of course, at different stages of life, the concentration of somatotropin in the body is different, and this is clearly demonstrated by the following image.

Therefore, the best period for exercising your body is the age from 14 before 25 years, and the closer to the first digit, the better. Those. While the growth zones are active, the concentration of the “growing” hormone is high - this is truly the golden time for building muscles. However, the latter does not mean at all that a person after 25 nothing has been shining in the gym for years. No, it will just be necessary to put in more effort, and the process of achieving the desired result will take longer.


The secretion of growth hormone occurs periodically and has its peaks throughout the day. In particular, the peak production of the hormone occurs every 4-5 hours. The highest peak occurs at night, an hour after falling asleep.

Somatotropin: mechanism of production

The mechanism of production of the “growing” hormone is as follows. The pituitary gland, receiving a command from the hypothalamus, produces somatotropin, then it enters the blood, reaches the liver and is converted into a working substance - somatomedin. This substance enters the muscle cells of the body.

So, we have already laid some foundation, now let's delve into the consideration of the next issue.

Somatotropin in bodybuilding: natural stimulation of muscle growth

Any athlete is more interested in how such a powerful anabolic growth factor can be used to the “maximum”.

Well, firstly, it is worth keeping in mind that growth hormone can be used for weight loss due to its high ability to influence the metabolic rate. We know that any cell in the human body is fueled by either glucose or fatty acids (FA). The amount of glucose is regulated by insulin, while the amount of fatty acids is regulated by the “growing” hormone.

It turns out that in order for the body to start losing weight and burning fat, it needs to be instructed to switch to “fat” channels and feed on them, and not on glucose. We cannot have any feasible influence on insulin, because its task is to keep sugar levels normal and force cells to consume glucose. But somatotropin can force the cell to feed on fatty acids and reduce its need for glucose consumption.

In order to carry out this event, it (the hormone) needs to be embedded in the membranes of fat cells and serve as a transport system for them, which takes up and removes fatty acids into the blood, giving them oxygen. Those. it turns out that growth hormone can trigger lipolysis (the process of breaking down fat cells by the body itself), and it occurs when cells have an urgent need for FA.

Secondly, it is no secret that when it comes to growth hormone in relation to bodybuilding, we mean various medications and injections that stimulate muscle growth. However, as I have repeatedly said, I am for “clean” sports and natural results, so we will not consider information about the pharmacological properties of this drug here.


International Olympic Committee in 1989 year banned the use of somatotropin for athletic purposes.

Somatotropin: how to increase growth hormone levels

Better yet, let’s figure out how to naturally increase the concentration of this hormone in the body. So, let's go by the opposite and consider factors that can serve as an obstacle to the production of the “growing” hormone: 1) periodic stressful situations; 2) high level; 3) depletion of the central nervous system; 4) wrong food.

Stimulations contribute to:

  • High volume strength training

The duration of training should not exceed 45-50 minutes.

  • Food releasers

Amino acids: arginine, ornithine, glutamine, can be consumed with sports nutrition, but can also be obtained from: pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, hard cheese, cottage cheese, soy, boiled eggs.

  • Quality sleep + interval rest

Near 80% growth hormone is produced during sleep, so “press” the pillow about 7-8 hours - quite a useful activity for a bodybuilder. If it is possible to give “Khrapovetsky” during the day ( 20-30 minutes), then this will only benefit you. Remember the saying: after a delicious dinner, according to the laws of Archimedes, you should... - and if possible, follow it.

  • Periodic stress: sudden temperature changes, hunger

Sometimes (near 1 once a month) It is useful to force your body into unusual limits, for example, sleeping on an empty stomach or a sauna, then immediately a cold shower.

  • Proper protein nutrition

It is necessary to thoroughly “refuel”, observing the principles. In addition, at night it is advisable to consume slow and easily digestible protein: low-fat cottage cheese (up to 3% ), egg whites.

  • Dosed pain effect

Enormous effect on secretion G.H. (increase in 30 once!) provides b-endorphin. To synthesize it, it is necessary to use “unconventional” methods of influencing the body. For example, acupuncture, painful massage, whipping with a broom, placing needle rubber mats on the body (Kuznetsov applicator) or standing on them. It is most effective to influence the collar area and the entire spinal column.

  • Oxygen starvation

By reducing the oxygen content in the air (for example, training in mountain climatic conditions), you can achieve a significant increase in somatotropin in the blood. In urban conditions, oxygen starvation can be simulated by performing exercises aimed at holding the breath, as well as by using various fixing corsets.

  • Aerobic exercise

The best way to increase the concentration of growth hormone is interval (for short distances), sprint running. It is also good for building muscle.

  • Warm clothes

It is best to start your workout in light outerwear, regardless of the weather outside. Also, try not to catch a cold after your workout, e.g. If you shower, try to dry yourself thoroughly and dress well.

  • Consistency is the friend of stagnation

Over time, the body develops a habit of any load (exercise), so try to change them from time to time and not do the same thing, month after month.

By following these simple rules, you will significantly increase the secretion of growth hormone in your body.

Something like this, let's move on to the conclusion.


Today we have looked at growth hormone from all the angles we need, and we can draw the following conclusion. Of course, somatotropin is a powerful anabolic factor in muscle development, which simply must be in the arsenal of any novice (and not only) bodybuilder. The main thing to remember here is that there are a lot of natural ways to increase its content in the body, and therefore there is no need to resort to “chemistry”.

Well, that’s all, see you again on the pages of “”, bye!

PS. Friends, were you familiar with growth hormone in general and ansomon growth hormone in particular before this article? Write your answers in the comments below.

Growth hormone is a peptide pituitary hormone responsible not only for growth, but also for recovery after exercise. It also affects body composition, fat percentage, as well as the amount of muscle tissue and the speed of metabolic processes. The hormone is capable of helping in recovery from injuries and helping to slow down the aging process. Metaphorically speaking, this is the human hormone of youth, and its optimal level helps to recover from injuries and train effectively while preparing for various competitions. The level of growth hormone depends not only on the training volume and intensity of training, but also on how effectively it is followed and which macronutrients predominate. And lifestyle influences this hormone significantly. We've rounded up 11 science-backed ways to boost your GH levels naturally.

Get rid of excess fat

  • Complete refusal of food for one day, from Saturday evening, for example, to Sunday evening;
  • The “five by two” protocol, that is, five days of normal nutrition and two days of a 500-600 kcal diet;
  • “Linganes” protocol, that is, 16 hours of fasting every day and 8 hours for meals

Intermittent fasting protocols are a convenient way to reduce calorie intake for almost any adult. If he does not take medications, does not suffer from gastritis, and does not have to eat small meals for health reasons, you can choose a convenient option for intermittent fasting so as not to create a slight deficit every day. Those same “300 kcal” that one must not eat in order to lose weight, many simply “inhale” along with a glass of Frappuccino and extra salad dressing, which they immediately forget about. Proponents of intermittent fasting believe that in modern urban culture it is the most convenient way to maintain a healthy weight, since it does not require precise calculations, for example, when a person eats out.

Opponents do not find any benefits in the strategy, and note that the study about increasing growth hormone levels is true with longer fasting. But scientists counter that even one day of fasting significantly increases growth hormone levels.

Take Arginine Regardless of Workout

Most people take before training to achieve. But this does not affect the level of growth hormone. Although arginine in this case increases the filling of muscles with blood, it does not affect hormonal levels in any way.

However, scientists have noticed that if taken before bed at a dosage of 115 to 200 mg per kilogram of body weight, it can increase levels of growth hormone, which is naturally produced during sleep.

Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet

The US FDA's healthy eating guidelines state that a healthy person should get only 10% of their calories from sugary foods; all other macronutrients should come from healthy foods. Scientists have concluded that high levels of insulin reduce GH levels, so you should not get carried away with things that help increase the level of this hormone.

In addition, a diet containing too much sugar is the main reason why a person gains excess weight. Numerous studies have confirmed the connection between the increase in portions of sweets in the modern diet and weight gain in our contemporaries.

It is advised to completely eliminate sugar if you suffer from insulin resistance or are in a pre-diabetic state.

Don't overeat before bed

This all seems to go along with the good old “don’t eat after 6” advice in the sense of intermittent fasting and abstaining from carbs before bed. True, scientists are more inclined not to believe that buckwheat should not be added to dinner, but rather to refrain from large amounts of food.

The thing is that insulin and GH are essentially antagonists, and the production of insulin in large quantities can negatively affect the secretion of growth hormone. Both large quantities and significant doses of carbohydrates can negatively affect the production of growth hormone precisely due to the fact that the body will try to absorb macronutrients and “throw out” a lot of anabolic hormone.

So the best advice for those losing weight or recovering from injuries is to abstain for 3 hours before bedtime. Insulin completes its work in a couple of hours. What to do with? It is absorbed slowly and theoretically should not cause huge spikes in insulin.

Take GABA Supplements

GABA is an amino acid that works as a neurotransmitter and helps the brain function adequately. It is known as a means of promoting sound and deep sleep. There are also studies that prove that this substance helps increase growth hormone levels. This is logical, since the hypothalamus works better the deeper a person’s sleep.

The researchers compared taking the substance before bed and immediately after exercise. The first option helps increase secretion by 400%, the second only by 200%. However, both results were obtained after measuring levels immediately after taking the substance, that is, in the short term. No effect on GH levels in the long term has yet been identified.

Train at high intensity

Let us remember that in relation to strength training, intensity does not mean the number of movements per minute, but the tonnage per unit of time. That is, the more intense a person lifts, the more intense the workout. But other rules work for this – here intensity is measured in terms of speed.

Researchers measured GH levels in men who performed exercise and found that high intensity also increased growth hormone levels. However, it is not known how much the hormone level increases or decreases in the long term. All of the intense workout participants rested on a timer and lifted more weight than those in the test group. But it was also found that any exercise is beneficial for those who want to increase the level of growth hormone.

Take Beta Alanine Before Workout

There are studies that show that growth hormone levels rise if you take 4.8 g of beta-alanine before training. This amino acid increases productivity by 22%, and which a person can perform to failure. Therefore, it makes sense to take either an amino acid or a sports drink before training.

Optimize your sleep

This refers to the old rule, known since the days of reading natural history textbooks. A person should go to bed before midnight. More growth hormone is produced before midnight, so it makes sense to go to bed early. This has been proven by scientific research, scientists have measured the hormonal response, and have proven that it improves recovery too.

Take melatonin

Melatonin is a circadian rhythm hormone. Its addition to the “diet” before bed is completely harmless. It can not only make you sleep deeply, but also affect the production of growth hormone. Melatonin affects both the duration and quality of sleep.

This drug is non-toxic to the liver and is safe. However, the instructions still indicate the need to consult a doctor before use. There is evidence that with long-term use it can affect brain biochemistry.

Melatonin supplements and pure melatonin can be combined with GABA and arginine. In practice, GH boosters from sports nutrition brands contain all of them. You just need to make sure the dosage is sufficient.

Working dosages of melatonin are 1-5 mg half an hour before meals.

Try Other Natural Supplements

Regular sports nutrition products that we do not associate with GH can raise its level. These include:

  • . Causes a surge in GH levels up to 78%, improves recovery and immunity, promotes accelerated recovery after intense training;
  • Loading 20 g of creatine during the day helps increase GH levels by 20%, this does not apply to low dosages. Thus, it turns out that instead of its smooth reception there is another advantage;
  • Ornithine. Loading this amino acid post-workout caused a significant surge in growth hormone;
  • Dihydroxyphenylaline or levodopa is a drug against Parkinson's disease. At a dosage of 500 mg, it increases GH levels for 2 hours. Tests were carried out on Parkinson's disease sufferers;
  • – studies have proven that he is good only before exams. Glycine may increase growth hormone levels and performance in the gym.

Among the supplements that have not been approved by the US FDA is ibutamoren. This is a drug that increases the level of growth hormone by directly “loading” the peptide structures of which it consists into the body. Affects receptors and accelerates recovery. Ibutamoren promotes the growth of muscle mass and strength. But it is already listed as a doping drug by WADA along with other selective receptor modulators. Manufacturers claim that ibutamoren does not have the same side effects that are characteristic of injectable growth hormone. But reliable data on its safety have not yet been published.

Other selective androgen receptor modulators - ligandrol, radarin, andarine, ostarine - also affect GH levels. But they are not considered a “natural remedy”, as they can also affect the hormonal system.


The human body is a delicate system. Suspicions regarding low levels of growth hormone are not always true. Many people suffer from insufficient recovery due to a banal, incorrectly selected training program with ultra-high volumes and significantly exceeding the permissible intensity. Others experience decreased levels of sex hormones due to stress or improper treatment. Still others simply adhere to a low-carbohydrate and low-calorie diet for a long time, and because of it they feel “not very good”, since the secretion of thyroid hormones is disrupted. Of course, most of the tips in this article are harmless to a healthy person. But before you raise your growth hormone levels, you should make sure that this is the problem. Simple tests in the laboratory will help solve this problem, and really work on eliminating weak points, and not just applying all the advice that you read on the Internet.

It is practically the main reason that modern athletes look simply incomparable. As for all athletes in general, until the end of the 80s of the last century, none of the professionals knew anything about this. Everyone has long known that the use of steroids for bodybuilders is an integral part. But in this sense, growth hormone for muscle growth is a completely special topic, since even now, due to the too high price, not everyone can afford it. The quality is worth it though. At the same time, do not forget that this is an absolutely legal drug, unlike some types of steroids. This hormone has virtually no side effects that could lead to problems associated with the body. But only the right technique can provide a good result that will last for a long time.

At its core, it is a natural hormone that does not interfere with any body function, making it one of the most effective drugs that can help you achieve your goals.

Relation to the drug

In the sports community there are quite contradictory opinions regarding this drug - from enthusiastic exclamations to dismissive caution. This is due to the fact that any innovation is doomed to either success or failure. Unfortunately, the latter turned out to be the case with this drug, but this is not because of its ineffectiveness, but because the muscle growth hormone - somatotropin - is absolutely useless for some athletes, while for others it is a real panacea. Moreover, more than half of the athletes who used this hormone did so incorrectly. Effectiveness can only be achieved through trial and error, but given the cost of this drug, not everyone can afford it.

Proper use of the drug is necessary not so much in order to save your money. Rather, it is used to actually get the worthy result that the athlete is going for. The effectiveness of the drug depends not only on correct use, as some individual parameters may influence this.

Professional medical research

Biology will help you understand in more detail its effect on the body. Growth hormone, which was administered to patients, showed rather mixed results. The largest and most fundamental study that made a big splash was conducted by Dr. Rudman, who subsequently published the results in a medical journal on July 5, 1990. Based on the data obtained, the scientist managed to increase muscle mass in the subjects by 8.8% within 6 months, and this without physical activity. A loss of subcutaneous fat of 14.4% was also recorded without dieting or dietary changes. Although his report reported other positive benefits, no one else was able to achieve similar results. Whether this was due to the high level of professionalism of the doctor and his dedication to the topic, or whether the data was fabricated, no one knows for sure.

Types of growth hormone

Somatropin is a human growth hormone. Peptides are the basis of somatotropin, which is due to complete identity with the same amino acid sequence as the original one produced by the body. Somatropin is an extract from the pituitary gland, which was previously obtained from corpses, but this method is currently prohibited. Nowadays, human growth hormones are produced using genetically modified bacterial cells. In this case, the initial product obtained in this way is no different at all from the one originally created by the hypothalamus. It is designated rHG (recombinant growth hormone), but it is often called simply somatropin, or somatrem.

Natural secretion of growth hormone

Human growth is determined by the presence of somatotropin in the body. Thus, in a man’s blood its content is at the level of 1-5 ng/ml. But this indicator is not even an average, because throughout the day it changes and can reach 20 or even 40 ng/ml. This variation depends on individual characteristics, and if a person with the maximum level of hormones is introduced into the body with an additional portion, then, most likely, he will not feel much of a difference, and it will not be visible on the physical level either. By the way, the “folk method” for determining a large number of hormones still works. So, they look at a man’s feet and palms: their size should be much larger than the average. This is the genetic predisposition of any person. With all this, this method cannot be called the only correct one, since there are exceptions to the rules that do not in any way connect the size of individual body parts with the level of the hormone. Everything is individual in each individual case.

What regulates the natural secretion of growth hormone?

The endocrine gland, located at the base of the brain and influencing the growth, development, and metabolism of the body, is responsible for the process.

The level of growth hormone is controlled directly by the hypothalamus. By the way, he is the main controller in the case of the genitals. The amount of growth hormone and its need for the body is determined by two peptide hormones:

  • Somatostatin.
  • Somatoliberin.

Thus, in case of urgent need, they go straight to the pituitary gland. Growth hormone begins to be produced faster due to micropulse signals, but it can be increased using ordinary manipulations:

  • peptides;
  • somatoliberin;
  • ghrelin;
  • androgen secretion;
  • healthy sleep;
  • physical training;
  • large amounts of protein.

Using such methods, you can increase the natural concentration of growth hormones by at least three, or even five times, but do not forget that only a reasonable combination of hormones, training and sleep patterns can provide good results.

What can he do?

The action of hormones affects human growth, which is why they have such a name. In addition to stimulating muscles, there are also positive effects on a number of other areas of the body:

  • improves lipid levels;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • sexual activity increases;
  • catabolic processes in muscles are inhibited;
  • joints and ligaments are strengthened;
  • the process of fat burning is enhanced;
  • accelerates the growth of young people (up to 25 years);
  • increases the supply of glycogen depot in the liver;
  • increases skin tone;
  • quickly heals body wounds and regenerates new tissue;
  • increases the size and number of cells of the liver, gonads and thymus glands.

Hormones: table regarding age

Growth hormone peaks around age 20. After this, secretion declines by an average of 15% for 10 years.

At different time periods of life, the concentration of somatotropin changes. In any case, the older you get, the less hormones are produced in the body. The table clearly shows the average trend of decrease in somatotropin relative to life. Thus, it becomes clear that the best age to take care of yourself and your body will be precisely the period from 15 to 25 years, and it is best to do it from early youth. In other words, “muscle building” will be more productive precisely during the most active periods of hormone production. But at the same time, you should not understand this in such a way that after 25 years no one has a chance to visit the gym and see the effect of training, it’s just that, most likely, you will have to make more efforts.

It is also worth adding that the secretion of growth hormone has its peaks during the day. The peak occurs every 4-5 hours, and the most intense production begins at night, approximately 60 minutes after falling asleep.

The production mechanism occurs as follows. The hypothalamus gives a command to the pituitary gland, which, in turn, begins to synthesize somatotropin. The hormone enters the bloodstream and is sent to the liver, where it is converted and becomes somatomedin. It is this substance that enters directly into muscle tissue.

Field of application in sports

Human growth hormones are widely used by athletes and athletes in particular in 4 areas:

  • kit ;
  • the fastest possible healing of joints that have been injured (precisely due to the fact that the hormone is effective for healing tendons, it is actively used not only in strength training, but also in athletics, tennis and football, where damage to the Achilles is quite common);
  • burning excess fat mass;
  • Help for athletes whose growth hormone begins to fall due to age-related changes.

Frequency of injections

Human growth hormone will only be effective if taken correctly. Somatropin was previously administered by injection 3 times a week, but soon specialists began to give injections every day in order to increase its effectiveness and at the same time reduce negative aspects. Scientists were still able to put an end to many years of controversy over the correct use of the hormone. The most effective injection is considered to be every other day. It is thanks to this practice that it was possible not only to qualitatively increase the level of effectiveness, but also to ensure that the sensitivity of the receptors did not decrease, regardless of how long the course of treatment was.

It is worth noting, however, one nuance: the practice of injections every other day gives good results only when the athlete’s diet is not cut, and the athlete himself receives the required amount of calories while gaining weight. In the pre-competition period, daily injections are recommended. This is due to the fact that the caloric content of food at this moment decreases.

The best time for injections varies on average at 1-2 hours before or after physical activity. If the training takes place late in the evening, then it is necessary to slightly adjust the course of taking hormones: for example, the first injection is given in the morning, and the second - a couple of hours before the start of the exercises.

As experts assure, for the best results during a course of taking hormones, it is best to completely adjust your usual training regimen and start going to the gym every other day, along with taking the drug. Naturally, this is only relevant during “working for mass”.

The active time of the hormone is called the half-life and averages from 2 to 4 hours. Despite the fact that this is not the half-life of the drug in the classical sense, the most active phase is observed precisely at this time. This is due to the fact that after 4 hours the drug stops suppressing its own secretion of growth hormone, but the level remains elevated for about 14 hours in a row. Based on this, it is not recommended to inject before bedtime, since the level of self-secretion is most active in the first hour of sleep. But it is also worth noting the fact that when the injection is administered late in the evening, sleep becomes stronger and deeper. Also during this period, subcutaneous fat burning occurs much more intensely, so the question of what time to give injections becomes an individual question based on specific goals and objectives.

Side effects

With all the positive and unique aspects, growth hormone for muscle growth also has several undesirable side effects, which can manifest themselves in increased blood pressure, disruption of the thyroid gland, an increase in the size of the kidneys and heart, and hypoglycemia. In the case of long courses with a large dosage, there may be a risk of rapid development of diabetes in those athletes who have a genetic predisposition to this disease, or who already have it in the initial stages.

Particular attention is paid to the hormone that reduces insulin activity. Thus, it seems to be able to warn of an impending hypoglycemic coma. Any athlete knows that as soon as blood sugar levels decrease, the secretion of growth hormone immediately increases. But at a time when an athlete uses a high-calorie diet while gaining weight, the hormone also provokes a large release of insulin. Thus, the risk of hypoglycemia increases several times. Prolactin in the blood may also increase, but there is no point in seriously fearing this, because no more than 1/3 of athletes are sensitive to it. But even if it does occur, it can be easily dealt with with bromocriptine. The last of the possible actual side effects can be considered “tunnel syndrome,” which is caused by a pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel.

By the way, about the last one. A rather “interesting” side effect of using growth hormone is this so-called “tunnel syndrome”. This disease is typical for those who work a lot at the computer, and is a neurological disease manifested by prolonged pain and numbness of the fingers.

Once again about genetic differences

Once again, it is worth recalling that growth hormone for muscle growth affects everyone differently. Some athletes do not feel any effect on the body at all, due to the fact that antibodies are not formed, but for other athletes this is a real panacea. So, there is a noticeable increase in weight or the fat-burning effect of the substance is manifested. One interesting study showed that the response to this growth hormone directly depends on

Growth hormone and anabolic steroids

It is worth remembering the following: in order to get rid of excess fat or increase body weight, it is not enough to take only growth hormone. In this case, steroids will be an excellent supplement. Most relevant with somatotropin is the use of testosterone, special drugs “Stanozol”, “Trenbolone” or “Methandrostenolone”.

Thus, if the athlete is very responsible in choosing the dosage and administration of the drug, then growth hormone will be able to help achieve the necessary results and will not cause any side effects. But even if they occur, almost all of them are reversible. By the way, it’s worth adding to everything that scientists have discovered a certain rejuvenating effect of the hormone on the body (along with other positive effects).

Naturally, it is necessary to lead only a healthy lifestyle and eliminate all bad habits, and in the case of taking medications, it is best to consult a specialist or doctor.

Thus, now you have an idea of ​​what hormone is responsible for growth, how exactly its synthesis occurs and how it can help achieve the goal. It is imperative to purchase drugs only in specialized institutions that have all the necessary documents and a license. Despite the fact that growth hormone that is spoiled or expired has virtually no negative effect on the body, there will be no benefit from such a product either, and the money will be wasted. By following simple rules regarding its purchase and use, you can easily and quickly achieve the desired results.