Lesson spelling not with verbs. Not with verbs. spelling -tsya and -tsya in verbs. Learning a new topic

Russian language lesson in 5th grade

Topic: Integrated and separate writing NOT with verbs

Nastaeva E.V., teacher of Russian language and literature, Privolnenskaya Secondary School

The lesson is conducted according to a textbook for 5th grade of general education institutions, Moscow, “Drofa”, 2012. Textbook authors: M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, G.A. Bogdanova, T.S. Tronina, V.V. Lvov, N.N. Sergeeva.

Lesson type : reinforcement lesson

Target: repeat and consolidate students' knowledge of spelling Not with verbs.

Tasks: Educational: Practice spelling skills Not with verbs, expand knowledge on the topic;Repeat the placement of punctuation marks when addressing homogeneous members of the sentence.

Educational: Activate the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Develop students’ speech, logical thinking, develop the ability to work in a group and independently.

Educational: To cultivate moral qualities: a sense of friendship, camaraderie; delicacy; discipline; self-respect. Cultivate a love for the Russian language, literature, and the native language.

Equipment: multimedia support (presentation), explanatory dictionary, cards for individual work, tokens.

During the classes.

I .Organization of the beginning of the lesson. (Slide 1)

1. Greeting.Setting students up for positive emotions and success.

Good afternoon, dear guys! And today is really a good day, because we are together again at the Russian language lesson, and I think that we will do a good job. And the points you received for the lesson will help me evaluate your work at the end of the lesson. More than 5 points - “5”, less than 5 points - “4”.

Let's read the poem in chorus (slide 2)

If we're sad

Everything around is sad.

If we are naughty

Everything around is crazy.

The world is every hour

Reflects us.

So don't be angry

Smile at the world.

I wish you to smile and wish each other good luck.

II .Updating knowledge. Preparation for the main stage of the lesson.

1. Question to the class:

Tell me, guys, what is the poem full of? Which part of speech predominates in the text?

Yes. Indeed, the poem is dominated by verbs, and you, of course, know that a verb is a part of speech that ranks second after nouns.

2.Checking your understanding of the topic of the previous lesson. Work in groups.

Igroup (1st row) composes a story about a verb (using the example of verbs from a poetic text) (we can discuss )

IIgroup (row 2) characterizes the verbs from the home exercise

(Children name the main features of a verb - meaning, questions, morphological features - tense, aspect, conjugation)

Well done! How much do you know about verbs!

Pay attention to the spelling of the verb NOT ANGRY. Why is it NOT written separately? (Children remember the rule).

Well done!

III . Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson. New material.

Today we will continue to study the topic “Verb”, remember and consolidate spelling NOT with verbs. Write down the number, the topic of the lesson “Combined and separate writing NOT with verbs” (slide 3)

1.Research of language material

Guys, I want to introduce you to a little-known poem by A.S. Pushkin. And his story is this:

One day, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin came to his friend Pyotr Vyazemsky and wrote a poem in the children's album of his son, Pavel. It contained advice (slide 4)

My soul, Pavel,

Follow my rules:

Love this, that, that

(Don't) do this...

Is this clear?

Farewell, my beautiful one!

Read these lines expressively (Children read)

I thought of a word from this poem, guess it. (DON'T). Open parenthesis. How should you write NOT with verbs?

Yes, separately. This means that NOT is a particle, and it means a prohibition on an action, that is, the negation of an action (compare: do - don’t do)

What do you think Pushkin advised his young friend NOT TO DO?

(children's answers, teacher's help).

That's right, in his address the poet advises NOT TO LIE, DO NOT BE PROUD, DO NOT BRAG, DO NOT OFFEND, DO NOT FORGET GOOD, etc. Let's write down these verbs in our notebooks.

Conclusion: NOT is a negative particle; it gives verbs a negative meaning and is written separately with them.

Explain punctuation marks. (appeal - Pavel, my beautiful), homogeneous members of the sentence - love, do not). Explanation of the word SEEM (colloquial) - seems to be separated by commas.

2. Work according to the textbook.Repeat spelling NOT with verbs.

Open the textbook to page ?, exercise?). Completing tasks.

Reading words (2 students).

Lexical work.

Let's determine the meaning of the words in the second column (slide 5)

Indignant - to be indignant, to be dissatisfied

Be perplexed – synonyms – to be confused, not to understand, to be at a loss, to lose one’s mind.

(For Ulyana - What actions does a person show bewilderment?

scratches the back of his head, shrugs his shoulders, rolls his eyes)

Bondage - force, force to do something

Hate - feel hostility and disgust

Feel unwell - experience a painful condition

Not feeling well - to be sick, to be ill

bask - indulge in bliss, enjoy

How are the words in the right column written? How are the words in the left column written?

Conclusion from observations (slide 6):

The particle NOT with verbs is written separately.

For example: if you don’t teach, don’t speak, won’t be silent, wouldn’t play.

Exception: the particle NOT is written together with verbs that are not used without NOT.

For example: to dislike, to be unwell, to hate, to be indignant, to be perplexed, to be in bondage, to bask

3. Expanding knowledge on the topic. Spelling NEDO and NOT DO (Slide 7)

In verbs, one should distinguish between the prefix UNDO- and the particle NOT with the prefix DO-.

UNDO is used in the meaning of “little”, NOT DO – in the meaning of “not completing the action.”


Verb "to lack" (meaning “to be absent in the required quantity”)is written with NOT together, because UNDO- is a prefix. Also UNDER- is written together in the stable expression “This was still missing!”

For example:

The landscape lacked color. (missing in required quantity)


The boy did NOT reach the shelf. (NOT written separately, because the action may be completed).


-Are you tired? Let's have a physical moment.
-You can bask not only in bed, but also under the rays of the hot sun (stretched). Suddenly a breeze blew and the trees swayed (swayed). The sky became cloudy and it began to rain (they tapped their fingers on the desk). You need to hide under the roof (we make a roof over our heads by clasping our fingers).

IV .Secure the material

1.Reading rule clause 18

2.Working with text.

Guys, I have a question for you: What is true friendship? What should a true friend be like? (Children's answers).

Let's read another poem. This is a poem by the 20th century poet Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, he paints a portrait of the friend you all dream about (slide 8):

Your friend. He is honest and fearless.

On land and in water.

He will not abandon his comrade and friend in trouble.

He doesn’t destroy nests, doesn’t smoke and doesn’t lie,

Doesn't hang on the steps, doesn't take someone else's.

Name the verbs.

How are they written?

Write down the last sentence, break it down into parts.

What are the verbs in a sentence?

3. Recording proverbs and sayings.

Guys, you know that every nation has many proverbs and sayings. Name the most famous proverb about friendship, about a friend.

That's right, this proverb - Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Write it down.

- Tell me, has this proverb lost its relevance in our time?) ( I think this proverb is destined for immortality. Undoubtedly, today money has a special value for a person, everyone strives for a good life. For many, hoarding has become the meaning of life: But this is not possible! A real person always needs a person, an interlocutor, a friend! Money cannot listen or give advice)

And here’s what it sounds like in the Kalmyk language: zun үkrtә bolhar, zun ingtә bol (literally, rather than having a hundred cows, it’s better to have a hundred friends). (slide 9)

(Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends - zun үkrta bolhar, zun ingta bol (literally - than having a hundred cows, it is better to have a hundred friends)

Write down this literal translation. Let's remember it (pronouncing in chorus).

What other proverbs do you know?

4.Game “Collect a proverb”

Guys, our proverbs have fallen apart. Let's collect them and write them down in finished form. (Slide 10)

Without a good friend and don’t forget your old ones.

If you break a friend's money, you won't be able to put it together.

Friendship is like glass: you won’t recognize your mistakes.

You can't buy new friends.

V . Control and self-control of knowledge. Working with cards.

Option 1. Write it down, distributing the verbs into two columns (leaves)

WithNot are written separately | WithNotwritten together

(not) hear...; (not) ran; (not) hated; (not) tolerated; (not) one year old.

Option 2. Copy, open the brackets, insert the missing letters.

don't (before) watch the movie

Examination. (Slide 11, slide 12).

Give yourself a grade for your work (not a single mistake - 2 points, 1 mistake - 1 point.)

VI . Reflection.

- What educational problem did you solve in class? Did you manage to solve it? Was it interesting for you? What did you like about the lesson?

VII . Lesson summary.

So, we repeated and consolidated the initial information about the verb, looked at examples of continuous and separate spelling, consolidated spelling skills, talked about friendship and real friends. Now let’s say it again - how do we write NOT with verbs?

Reading a rule poem in chorus.(Slide 13)

Verbs, not liking idleness,
They are written separately with the particle!
Always? No! Without a doubt,
There are exceptions.

Let's count the points and give ourselves grades. “5” - more than 5 points, “4” - less than 5 points. Ratings.

VIII. Homework: paragraph 72, mini-essay “Advice to a friend” or “My friend”, “My girlfriend” using verbs with NOT

We did a very good job today, well done! Let's clap our hands

Technological lesson map

Lesson steps

Duration of the stage

1. Organizational moment.

1 min.

2. Updating students' knowledge.

5 minutes.

3. Learning new knowledge.

8 min.

4.Assimilation of new knowledge.

8 min

5. Consolidation of new knowledge.

5 minutes.

6. Control and self-control of knowledge.

5 minutes.

7. Reflection.

3 min.

8. Summing up.

3 min.

9. Instruction about homework.

2 minutes.


Option 1.

Write down, distributing the verbs in two columns

WithNot are written separately | WithNotwritten together

(Didn’t) forget, (didn’t) say hello, (didn’t) say hello, (not) (to) look after the child
(didn’t) want, (didn’t) participate, (didn’t) be, (didn’t) fall in love;
(not) hear...; (not) hated; (not) tolerated; (not) one year old.

Option 2.

Copy, open the brackets, insert the missing letters.

(You don’t) feel tired; (not) participating in the competition; (not) was at the meeting_; (not) reach the station_; brother (not) well; ( don't (before) watch the movie, (not) seen in the building_; (not) hated lies_; (not) apologized to his comrade.

"edited by Ladyzhenskaya T. A., reference cards, poster “Not with a verb.”

Lesson objectives:

1) know the writing rule Not with verbs;

Be able to write separately Not with verbs, together - those verbs that are without Not not used;

2) be able to apply a spelling rule using an expanded algorithm Not with verbs;

Be able to give a detailed answer to a grammatical topic and review it;

Use verbs with Not in speech;

3) using the example of literary texts to cultivate a sense of friendship in students.

During the classes

Goal setting

Guys, today we will continue the conversation about the verb, its meaning, morphological and syntactic features. Let's also talk about the spelling of the verb, its spellings.

Linguistic warm-up

But first, let's remember the rule about the verb. We need knowledge of the rule in order to be able to distinguish it from other parts of speech. Let's check the rule by Work in pairs.

At this time, 4 people receive an individual task:

1) compose a coherent story about the verb using supporting words (see Appendix No. 1 to the lesson);

2) reproduce the diagram “Morphological features of the verb” (3 people write on pieces of paper).

We listen to a coherent story about the verb.

Give a review of your friend's answer.

Hand in sheets of paper with diagrams.

Conclusion: we have learned the rule about the verb, we know its distinctive features.

Updating knowledge of spelling rules

And now, to remember the spelling of verbs, we will play with you. A game this spelling is called "Third wheel". You must find the odd one in a series of words based on some characteristic and write it down in your notebook.

1) Be surprised, doubt, Rising.

2) Night, Lie down, daughter.

3)Drawing, mascara, rye.

4) Confusion, hatred, Be indignant.

5) I don’t want to, I can’t, I'm not feeling well.

Self-test with green pen.

We check the task and explain.

Conclusion: we repeated the spelling of some verbs, learned to distinguish verbs from other parts of speech.

Work on the topic of the lesson

Today in class we will talk about spelling Not with verbs. What do you remember about this topic from elementary school?

The goal of our lesson - consolidate your knowledge about separate writing Not With verbs in practice.

1) Finish the proverbs (words in brackets are closed).

With a good deed ((not) you'll be late).

Strong friendship and an ax ((not) cut).

Explain the spelling of the words in brackets.

2) Now write down the sentence from dictation. (1 person writes on the closed part of the board).

A strong friendship will not break, will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.

We read the proposal.

Who remembers the continuation of this song?

Find the spelling you are studying.

Make a punctuation analysis of the sentence.

Conclusion: Not with verbs it is written separately and is part of the predicate verb.

Learning new material

Working with the textbook

Let's see what the textbook says on our topic (p. 231, p. 107).

1) Read the rule to yourself. Pay attention to the spelling designation.

2) What new did you see in this rule? (What are verbs that Not are written together).

On this occasion I will read to you A grammatical tale , which is called "Power of love". (See Appendix No. 2 to the lesson).

In order to find out why in some cases the particle Not written together with verbs, we will decide Linguistic task. Compare (orally) the examples.

The enemy took the city under siege.

These were not friends, but enemies.

What is Not In the first sentence and what in the second? (Prefix, particle).

What will happen Not in words Hate, be indignant, bewildered?

(Not It is part of the root. Without it, these words are not used. Such words are not written together. You need to remember the spelling of these words.)

Vocabulary and spelling work

What are these words and what is their meaning? If you have any difficulties, consult a dictionary.

To be unwell is to be sick.

To hate is to experience hatred.

To coerce is to force someone to do something against their will.

To be perplexed, to doubt, to hesitate due to the inability to understand what is going on.

To be indignant - to feel indignant, Extreme dissatisfaction.

To rage is to rage uncontrollably.

By the way, the words joined Not, Disappeared from the language. For example, once upon a time there were words in the language with the following meaning: “godovat” - to allow, to be pleased, “to hate” - to look willingly.

Working with the textbook

To better remember the spelling of verbs that are not written together, let’s do the exercise in the textbook (p. 232, exercise 614).

Physical education minute

We continue to work.

Algorithm “Not with verbs”

Let's summarize everything that has been said about spelling Not with verbs in the form of an algorithm.

1) See if the verb is used without Not ?

Yes No

Write separately write Together

(I won’t, I can’t, (hate, be indignant)

Don't want)

Now let's conduct Vocabulary dictation with signal cards(jointly - blue card, separately - white). Use an algorithm.

Don’t judge a person by his appearance, I didn’t leave a friend in trouble, I won’t interfere, I’m perplexed about the answer, I don’t want to quarrel, be indignant because I’m late, I can’t come, the hurricane is raging, I haven’t been on an excursion, I’ve been unwell all week.

Conclusion: how did you cope, who needs to learn the rule.

Work with text

At the end of our lesson, you will have creative work that will help you learn to use verbs with Not in speech. To do this, we will get acquainted with two texts that you have in your textbooks. One text - on page 231 (“Your friend” S. M. Mikhalkov), the other is on page 233, exercise 619).

Awareness and perception of text

1) Read both texts expressively.

2) Determine the theme and idea of ​​both texts. But first let's

Let's remember what the theme and idea of ​​the text are?

(Theme - the texts talk about friends. Idea - the texts teach us to be true friends).

Linguistic text analysis

1) Read the verbs with the studied spelling in the first text.

1) Justify your choice Not with verbs.

3) Find the control spelling in the second text, where the words are given with missing letters and with brackets.

4) Using an algorithm, prove the choice of spelling Not with verbs.

5)What do you know about writing prepositions with words? Find the spelling “Separate writing of prepositions with words.”

6) How did you determine which letter should be written in the unstressed personal ending of the verb?

7) Insert the missing letters into the unstressed personal endings of the verbs?

8) Which letter should be written in the word “whisper” and why?

Creative task in groups

Group 1: compose a coherent text of 4-5 sentences on the topic "What Must be a true friend" using support words (verbs with Not , data in exercise 620).

Group 2: you can compose not a text, but individual sentences or phrases.

For those who find the task very difficult, complete exercise 619 by opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters. Takes 3-4 minutes to complete.

We check 2-3 finished works.

Conclusion: What did you learn in the lesson?

Write separately without a verb:

Don't be angry, don't be bored, don't rush.

If you haven't learned it, don't do it

If you don't know, don't rush.

Do not write the particle separately with verbs.

But don't forget about exception verbs, which without Not are not used and are therefore written together.

The lesson is over. Thanks for the work. Good luck with your studies!

Developed by a teacher of Russian language and literature at Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 5

G. Morozowska

(Rostov region)

Matveeva Olga


Appendix No. 1

Talk about the verb using supporting words


  1. Introduce the role of the particle not and its separate spelling with verbs.
  2. Improve the skills and abilities of calligraphically correct and literate writing.
  3. Develop speech, memory, thinking.
  4. Cultivate interest in the subject.


  • textbook on the Russian language edited by T.G. Ramzaeva, 3rd grade;
  • individual cards with a poem by Vronsky.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Is everyone ready for class? Sit down. They smiled at me, they smiled at each other. We got ready to work. Now we have a Russian language lesson and we will start it with a warm-up.

Look carefully at these words: children's, reed, terrain, ladder, messenger.

A) Read to yourself.
B) Read in chorus.
C) Determine what letter we will write during the penmanship minute. I'll give you a hint: it is the unpronounceable consonant in these words.

Children: This is the letter "t".

Teacher: What do these words have in common?

Children: The unpronounceable letter "t"

Teacher: What word is missing here?

Children: The word is “childish”.

Teacher: Why? Prove it.

Children: Because “childish” is an adjective, and the rest are nouns.

Teacher: Fine. Who has a different opinion?

Children: The redundant word is “stairs” – it’s a dictionary word.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think?

Children: They're both right. These two words are superfluous here.

Teacher: I cross out the words “children’s, stairs,” but choose test words for the rest.

Teacher: Well done. We opened our notebooks, wrote down the number, great job.

A) We write the capital and lowercase letter “TT”.
B) We leave 2 fingers on the edge: we write the proverb under dictation:

  • Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.

A) Explain the meaning of this proverb.
B) Name familiar spellings.

  • And a sparrow does not live without people. (Similar work.)
  • If you sow evil, don’t expect mercy. (Similar work.)

2. Studying a new topic.

Teacher: Now carefully review all the written sentences. Pay attention to this little word: “not”, in Russian we call it: “particle”. (Highlighted in red.)

A) What part of speech does it come before?
B) How did you write it?

Teacher: Based on this, try to determine the topic of today's lesson.

Children: The topic of our lesson is “Not with verbs.”

Teacher: Right. We took the textbook, opened page 222, found the rule, read it out loud.

Teacher: Guys, on your desks in front of you are cards with a poem by Vronsky. Read carefully and fill in the missing words.

They told me to start it
New habits:
...don't pull your pigtails!
Never with my brother
...fight over lunch!
More in class
...talk to your neighbor!

Teacher:...read the poem.

Teacher: What did you put in?

Children: The particle "not".

Teacher: How did you write it?

Children: Wrote separately.

Teacher: How did the meaning of the verb change when you added the particle “not”?

Children: He became negative.

Physical education moment.

Now let's rest a little. I name the words, and you clap your hands if you hear “not with verbs”: don’t sit, don’t jump, bad weather, don’t read, hate, didn’t shout, misfortune, don’t sleep, adversity, clumsy.

3. Consolidation of the material covered.

A) ... read the task.
B) ...read the reference words on page 223.

Teacher: You need to correctly insert the missing words. Take your pencils and work on these sentences yourself.

Teacher:... read 1 proverb. Explain the meaning of this proverb.

A) Leave 2 fingers on the edge and write it down. (Similar work on all proposals.)
B) Underline the verbs. What particle is in front of them? How did you write it? Highlight it in red
Q) What meaning did the verbs acquire when the particle “not” was placed in front of them?

Teacher(selective dictation): Now I will read you riddles, you must guess them and remember the verbs with “not”.

1. The little watchman watches the house, doesn’t make noise, doesn’t bark, and doesn’t let anyone into the house. What is this? (Lock.)

A) Name the verbs with “not”.
B) We write down: 2 fingers on the edge: does not make noise, does not bark, does not let in.

2. We don’t sleep during the day, we don’t sleep at night, and we knock and knock day and night. (Watch.)

A) Name the verbs with “not”.
B) We write down: 2 fingers on the edge: we are not sleeping.

3. They beat him, but he doesn’t cry, he just jumps more cheerfully. (Ball.)

A) Name the verbs with “not”.
B) Write down: 2 fingers on the edge: not crying.

4. It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. (Ice.)

A) Name the verbs with “not”.
B) We write down: there are 2 fingers on the edge: it doesn’t burn, it doesn’t sink.

Teacher: How do you spell “not” with verbs? Highlight it in red. What meaning do verbs with “not” acquire?

Children: Negative meaning.

Teacher: Fine. Now let’s remember: for the word “hardworking,” what antonym can you choose?

Children: Antonym – lazy.

Teacher: Right. I will now read the sentences to you, and you rewrite them so that we are talking about a lazy person.

A hardworking person loves to work.

Children: A lazy person does not like to work.

Teacher: Work brings him joy.

Children: Work does not bring him joy.

Teacher: Such people are respected.

Children: Such people are not respected.

4. Lesson summary.

Teacher: Well done. And now our lesson is coming to an end, let's summarize.

  1. Guys, what particle did we meet?
  2. What part of speech did we write it with?
  3. How do you spell the particle “not”?
  4. What meaning does it give to verbs?

5. Homework.

Page 222, repeat the rule, exercise 593, (explain), copy, insert missing letters, underline verbs with “not”.

I'm not giving any ratings because everyone worked well. Well done. Thank you for the lesson. Rest.

MKOU Secondary School No. 5, Nartkala


particles NOT with verbs."

Prepared by: Taova I.A.

primary school teacher

MKOU Secondary School No. 5


Lesson topic: “Spelling NOT with verbs.”

Lesson objectives: to develop spelling skills for particles NOT with verbs;

introduce exception verbs;

contribute to the enrichment of the student’s vocabulary;

develop spelling awareness

instill the skill of independent acquisition of knowledge;

cultivate interest in learning the Russian language.

Equipment: computer, lesson presentation, “Research Plan” poster,

for students - “Research Journal”, snowflakes,

"Success Scale".

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

- Hello guys! Today we have an unusual lesson, a research lesson, where you must show your knowledge, demonstrate observation, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

The children say the words in chorus:

We have a lot of work ahead of us

Everything we do is necessary

So let's work

Honest, diligent and friendly!

Today in Russian language lesson you will be researchers. For your research to be successful, what should you be like? (active, attentive, help each other)

We have already recorded the date and location of the research. Now let's get to work.

A minute of penmanship.

1) Warm-up for arms.

Let's stretch our fingers and get them ready for work. (warm-up)

    Our fingers pressed tightly together.

What's happened? Interesting!

Apparently they were feeling cold.

We will cover them with a blanket.

( Children massage their hands)

    Fingers doing exercises

To be less tired.

And then they are in the notebook

They will write letters.

( Children clench and unclench their fists )

During the minute of penmanship, we will continue to practice smooth, continuous writing, which will allow you to write quickly enough and to master the educational material well in the lesson.

Explore the words and determine which letter we will write.

On the board: l..tit, sp...shit, b..zhit.

Children: Today we will write the vowel letter e, since it is an unstressed vowel that is missing in these words.

Warm-up for arms.

Choose the “letter chain” you like and continue the pattern in your notebooks on the first line:

Her Her Her

Her Eee Eee

Yea Eeb Eev

Look at the next line.

The one who does nothing is mistaken.

Put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

- Why do these statements sound meaningless? What should I add?

Which part of speech is preceded by NOT? (before the verb). Prove that it is a verb. (tell the rule)

Maybe, based on experience and practice, someone knows how to write NOT with a verb? (Does NOT need to be written separately)

III . State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

State the topic of today's lesson. (SpellingNot with verbs)

What goal will we set for ourselves in the lesson? (Learn to write correctlyNot with verbs) SLIDE 2

- We will also enrich our vocabulary, sharpen our spelling vigilance and learn to think independently.

So, let’s turn again to the proverb that we wrote down. What conclusion can we draw?

- So, our first conclusion: No with verbs it is written separately.(read in chorus)


We will find out whether this statement is true during the lesson.

- For this we have to conduct a series of studies, during which we will find out what part of speech NOT is, whether NOT is always written separately with verbs, and we will work according to plan.

(The “Research Plan” is posted on the board)

    Working on a new topic.

1) Study No. 1

- What part of speech is NOT?

You will find out for yourself. Open Research Journals. Find research materials #1. The answer to each question is a letter that you will write in the boxes. As a result, you will get a word that will tell you what part of speech NOT is.

Let's check. What part of speech is NOT? (particle)

-Our second conclusion: NOT is a particle. (read in chorus) SLIDE 4

2) Physical exercise “Girls-boys”.

Now I will name various verbs. If the verb is with the particle NOT, the boys stand up, if without the particle NOT, the girls stand up.

Didn't have breakfast , to help, not on duty , you will find, respect,does not work , didn't have dinner, I know, he draws, doesn't freeze ,

3) Writing from memory.

Remember and write down from memory the verbs with the particle NOT that were used in physical training. Examination.

What are these words? (these verbs are formed from nouns - dictionary words)

How do you write the particle NOT with verbs? (apart)

4) Study No. 2.

What's the next item on our plan?

- Now we need to find out which part of speech the particle NOT is: auxiliary or independent?

- Can we answer this question right away?

What do you know about independent parts of speech? (they answer questions, are members of a sentence) Name the independent parts of speech. (noun, adj., verb, pronoun)

What about official ones? (questions cannot be asked of them, they are not members of sentences, they serve to connect words in a sentence)

Where can the particle be placed? (a particle cannot be asked a question, it is not a member of a sentence, it serves to connect words in a sentence. This means that the particle is a service part of speech.)

What would be the third conclusion?

Conclusion No. 3: the particle NOT is a functional part of speech . SLIDE 5

5) Study No. 3


-Is the particle NOT always written separately with the verb? We will learn this from the next study. Open research materials No. 3. Read the sentences.

Children (don't) like going to the hospital. They (don't) hate injections and

(not) happy when they (not) feel well.

What task needs to be completed? (need toNot write together or separately)

Are there such words in Russian? (love– there is, but see, cheer, say hello - No)

Who guessed when to write NOT separately, but when to write together? (if words can be used without NOT, you need to write them separately, and if not, then together)

Let's find synonyms for the verbs hate, indignant and unwell and write them down.

They hate - they despise, they don’t like

indignant - indignant

unwell - sick

Meaning of the word nit blows Let's look in the explanatory dictionary. (the attendant reads out the meaning of the word from the dictionary)

Let's write down the first sentence and analyze it by members. (one student performs analysis)

- When do we write NOT with verbs separately, but when together?

Conclusion No. 4: If the verb is used without NOT, then we write it separately. If the verb is not used without NOT, then we write it together. SLIDE 6

- Words that are not used without NOT are called exception words.SLIDE 7

In fact, there are many exception words in the Russian language (to dislike, to dislike, to dislike, to be perplexed), but you will become familiar with them in high school.

Let's read them again and remember them. How is it spelled not in these words? In themNot written together.

6) Warm-up for the eyes “Catch a snowflake!”

What time of year is it?

What are the characteristic signs of this time of year?

Do you like to watch snowflakes falling and spinning?

Now we will observe this phenomenon and at the same time do a warm-up for the eyes.


7) Working with text.

Now let's admire the beautiful winter pictures and make some sentences.

SLIDES 14-17

What proposals have you made?

(The beautiful winter has arrived. The snow has covered the ground with a white fluffy carpet. The trees are wrapped in blankets of snow. Red-breasted bullfinches are sitting on the branches. A light frost stings the cheeks. The sun is shining brightly.

It's hard for birds in winter. The animals hid in their holes.

Winter has prepared a lot of fun for children. They sled, ski, skate, and build a snowman. Good in winter!)

Change the sentences so that they contain negation. What do I need to do? (add the particle not to the verbs).

What kind of offers will you receive?

(There was a sentence: The winter beauty came. It became: The winter beauty did not come. etc.)

Write one sentence with a particleNot.

What meaning does the particle give to the verb?Not ? (negation)

8) Independent research in pairs.

- Now you will conduct independent research in pairs. You can confer, consult, help each other. Find materials for independent research. Read the assignment carefully and complete it in writing.

(children work independently)

1 pair.

Write synonymous verbs in pairs.

Care (not) hate

Hurry (not) worry

To love (not) to be indignant

Rejoice (not) in a hurry

2 pair.

Add proverbs:

Fear of wolves...

The elbow is close...

Porridge with butter...

3 pair.

Restore rules of conduct :

Talk to your neighbor during class.

Draw on the desk.

4 pair.

Write down the words that are spelled incorrectly:

You don’t decide, you don’t write, you don’t feel good, you don’t speak, you don’t put it down, you don’t feel well, you don’t see, you don’t hope.

5 pair.

Open the brackets and insert the missing word:

(Don't be) angry, (don't) be bored,

(don’t) fight, (don’t) rush!

DO NOT write with the verb _____________!

Now let's hear the groups' reports. Examination.SLIDES 18-22

Well done! You did a good job.

9) Study 4.

See if there are any more questions in our plan that we need to answer. So, it’s time to sum up our research.

Open research materials No. 4. Insert the necessary words in place of the gaps.

Read what we got? (rule)

ParticleNot written with verbs separately,

if used withoutNot . If withoutNot

is not used, it is written together.


- Let's check. SLIDE 23

10) Test “NOT with verbs”.

Now for a quick test to test your knowledge.SLIDES 24-26

1) The particle NOT is ……………. Part of speech.

official or independent

2) The particle does NOT give meaning to the verb…….

Denials or affirmations

3) Which word is spelled incorrectly?

I won’t forget to draw if I’m unwell


- Try to find and write down as many folk signs about winter that use verbs with particlesNot .

In the next lesson we will hold a “Winter Omens Auction” between the boys and girls teams.

    Lesson summary.

Our lesson has come to an end.

What topic did we work on today?

Let's remember what research we did today?

Have all questions been answered?

Remember how you worked in class today, did you learn everything well, and rate your work on the success scale.