The kitten has a pouch hanging between its hind legs. Cat Belly - All about your cat's belly. Cats are in heat, what to do

When a cat's belly hangs down, it's not always a cause for concern. This does not necessarily mean that the pet is sick or that some negative processes have begun in its body. But there are times when a cat’s skin hangs on its stomach and this is a reason to contact a veterinarian to examine the animal and find out the cause of this phenomenon.

When fat tail is normal

The pouch on the stomach is sometimes called the fat tail. This is the skin in the form of folds between the hind legs. The question arises: why is it formed? This is quite normal for British breed cats. After some time, the bag itself disappears and two or three noble folds form in the lower part of the cat’s abdomen.

If the pouch hanging in the lower abdomen suddenly becomes larger, but otherwise the animal remains the same size, this is evidence that the cat has been overfed. Accumulated fat causes the belly to sag. This is not a reason to panic.

In general, this phenomenon is normal, however, it is worth reviewing the cat’s diet and feeding frequency so that the fat layer does not accumulate. But you need to know that fat tail is a natural feature of some cat breeds, not only British ones. It is quite normal for them to have a small fat sac in the back of their body. These breeds include:

  • Scottish shorthair cat;
  • Bengal cat;
  • Straight Scottish breed;
  • Canadian sphinxes;
  • pixiebobs.

Each of these breeds has its own characteristics, and it is not strange for them to have a body fat. For example, in an artificially bred pixie-bob breed (a cross between a lynx and a cat), the fat fold between the hind legs. And in Canadian Sphynxes, folds on the skin appear already in the first months of life, this is the natural state of “hairless cats”.

It’s clear why a cat’s belly hangs - fat accumulates in it. If this is a natural state, then trying to remove it will be a futile exercise. Since in this case a diet for a cat becomes a reality, which can only lead to negative consequences, i.e., weight loss, but at the same time, with a change in the shape of the cat’s body (weight loss), the pouch itself will not disappear.

Well, for breeds that are characterized by the presence of such formation, it is generally not recommended to take any action to reduce it. Because for them it is natural and normal. Substances accumulate here that the cat’s body will use in extreme conditions. And there is no reason to worry now or in the future.

When to worry

So, the cat is one year old and a small deposit has long been noticeable in the back of her belly. It turns out that these are not structural features of the body and not belonging to a certain breed, which allows such formation. In this case, this may indicate hormonal imbalance. Then you need to contact a veterinarian, since sterilization will be necessary, which will be a way out of the situation.

A sagging belly may also indicate diseases that need to be identified in time. It’s the sagging skin that points to them. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to such symptoms:

  • when you press on the formation, it hurts the cat;
  • the coat color changes in this place;
  • the belly itself becomes larger;
  • characteristic swelling is visible in the lower part of the cat's body.

All these are signs that some processes are taking place leading to illness, or that the cat is already sick. Externally, it is not so difficult to determine whether a cat is sick or not: it becomes less active, eats poorly, loses weight, but at the same time its stomach is prominent. All these are signs of diseases, such as: constipation, swelling, bloating, the presence of worms, obstruction, ascites and others.


Often, owners notice that a specific pouch has formed on their stomach. british cats. This often causes anxiety and panic about the condition of the pet. Therefore, it is important to understand when a hanging belly or fat tail is the norm, and when you should urgently take action and run to the veterinarian.

What is fat tail

Fat tail is a kind of sagging fat fold on the abdomen. Its presence is the norm for the British, especially for kittens and older animals. As the cat grows up, the saggy belly turns into 2-3 noble folds in the area of ​​the animal’s hind legs. It begins to increase again during life under the influence of natural or pathological factors.

For example, in castrated cats it is constantly present, but in breeding cats it disappears during lactation, after which it gradually appears again. There is even a theory that among the ancestors of the breed, this fold performed a protective function, preventing damage to organs abdominal cavity during fights.

Natural pouch on the belly of a British cat

The main reason that the fat bag begins to increase is a violation of the diet and regular overfeeding of the pet. Sometimes this happens during pregnancy.

Therefore, if you notice that your cat’s weight is constantly increasing, you should slightly reconsider his diet. To specifically “put” the animal on a diet at normal total mass only because of the presence of a fat tail is irrational, since this will not lead to a reduction in the fat fold.

Natural aging is also one of the factors why the British cat has a droopy belly. WITH age-related changes The elasticity of the skin decreases, so it begins to gradually sag, which creates the effect of a pronounced fat tail.

Therefore, if the animal is active, does not suffer from loss of appetite, and its nose is wet, do not worry. Still, for the British, the presence of a hanging belly is a normal phenomenon due to the characteristics of the breed.

These pets amaze the eye when you first meet them. In the article we will tell you what a British cat looks like and take a closer look at the breed standard: coat, eyes, height and weight of the British cat. These plush pets are gaining more and more fans every year.

What does a British cat look like?

It is quite easy to distinguish a British cat from an ordinary cat. It is always a “powerful”, squat and harmonious animal with rounded shapes. Rib cage A large British cat looks broad, and its shoulders and back are massively dense, which is why the pet sometimes seems fat. characterized by smaller body contours, but with similar features.

Representatives of the breed can also be identified by their relatively muscular and short paws, which have a slightly rounded shape. The tail of British cats resembles a conical shape with a rounded tip.

The most easily recognizable characteristics of the British are their expressive face and plush coat.

The face of a British cat always has well-developed cheeks, which are often called sideburns. IN general description The facial expressions of British cats include a complacent, friendly look and a natural “smile” like the Cheshire cat from “Alice in Wonderland.” The main advantage of these pets is their velvet-plush fur, in which your hands sink. Regardless of whether the Briton is a shorthaired or longhaired dog, his coat should have a springy, fine texture and a fluffy undercoat.

In order to choose the right purebred, elite Briton, we recommend that you study in advance the distinctive features of the breed, its standard and seek help from a felinological organization that will provide you with the addresses of worthy nurseries.

Why does a British cat have a hanging belly?

Many owners of British breed cats often notice a saggy belly on their pet. And, naturally, they ask the question: “Isn’t this dangerous for health?” So, this is not a reason to panic at all. This is how British cat physiology works, and not only that! Even mongrel cats often have droopy bellies, just in a less pronounced form.

A fat tail is not a flaw in appearance, experienced experts at exhibitions they don’t even pay attention to it. The only period when a British cat's belly disappears is during feeding, after which it appears again. Therefore, in no case should you cut down on the animal’s nutritional intake, since a thin British cat has a much larger fat fold. The British dog must look “appetizing” so that all its rounded shapes are clearly expressed, and then the pouch on the belly will only decorate the pet.

Characteristics of British cats

The British Shorthair cat is valued not only for its cuteness and intelligent, kind look. This “fur” miracle has a calm temperament and good health.

The British are great for business people who spend most of their lives at work.

Pets like to be alone for long periods of time so that no one disturbs them. sweet Dreams. However, this characteristic of a cat being like a teddy bear does not mean that it can be treated like a toy. The Briton will never allow his dignity to be humiliated.

Many owners complain that cats of this breed are unsociable and rarely allow them to be cuddled. But this does not mean that they do not show their love and affection for their owner. It's just that British cats are more restrained in expressing their feelings and are quite self-sufficient, unlike other breeds.

But information about the aristocratic behavior of a Briton from an early age pleases any “cat person.” After all, these pets are very clean and will never allow themselves to relieve themselves in the wrong place. In addition, British cats love to take care of their appearance on their own - they can spend half of their active time on licking and washing themselves in order to always look respectable and radiate charm and charm!

British breed standard

Don’t forget that no matter how attractive a cat’s appearance is, it must meet a certain standard.

The standard for each part of the body of a British cat is prescribed taking into account the requirements of the felinological organization in a special document.

WCF standard for British:

  • Body. Squat, strong. Medium or large size.
  • Head. Rounded, with wide skull and a shortened neck.
  • Ears. Medium size, widely set, rounded.
  • Nose. Small size, straight. On the line with the forehead it stands out with a small depression.
  • Eyes. Moderately large, widely spaced. Any clearly defined color.
  • Tail. Be sure to be short, fluffy at the base and rounded at the tip.
  • Wool. Dense, thick, equal length. Has a well developed undercoat.

Other systems may have some differences in the standard, but generally are not very different from a WCF system.

If there are defects such as an elongated tail, thin paws, a body that is too short or a close-fitting coat texture, a British cat may be disqualified from the show. Therefore, to evaluate your pet, visit a special examination before the exhibition, where a specialist will explain in detail the pros and cons of the animal in accordance with the breed.

What kind of hair do British cats have?

Special attention should be paid to British wool. Thanks to the harsh living conditions in the past, these animals have acquired an excellent coat with a very dense and thick undercoat. Despite the fact that the structure of the wool itself is thin, it feels quite elastic and soft to the touch. Therefore, representatives of this breed are often called plush. In addition, the coat of British cats is distinguished by beautiful, shiny colors.

At the moment, there are about 60 colors that the British have. It can be any solid color, smoky, tortoiseshell, tabby, chinchilla, bicolor or colorpoint. The most common among them are solid blue, as well as two-color tabby and chinchilla.

Important! The British Shorthair's coat should be the same length all over the body. As a rule, it does not exceed 2.4 cm.

A healthy British cat never develops tufts of fur, so he can easily take care of his coat on his own.

What kind of eyes do the British have?

Against the backdrop of the expressive face of the British cat, the large and round eyes really stand out. They are always set wide apart and have a clean, bright look.

At 4 months, Britons' eye color usually begins to change depending on their coat color. Only an experienced specialist can tell you the final color result at this age. For example, a cat can become blue-eyed only if its coat is white.

Also a feature snow-white cats is the ability to have eyes of two colors: blue and yellow, gold and copper, blue and copper. Cats with silver colors and tabby patterns usually have green eyes. All other color variations of coat colors have mostly swamp eyes in childhood, gradually acquiring an amber, copper tint.

Note! Outline of the iris of the eye british cats should match the overall tone. A darker outline is considered a defect.

Height and weight of British cats

Representatives of the British breed have a rather large build by nature and, accordingly, the British also weigh quite a bit. In addition, the weight of an adult cat depends on its lifestyle and diet.

The normal weight of a newborn British kitten, regardless of whether it is blue or chocolate, should be between 60 and 140 grams. Moreover, its size ranges from 9-14 cm.

Considering that the British grow up to the age of 5, we suggest finding out in more detail what size the animal grows to each year.

The table shows the weight of British people depending on gender.

British age British cat weight British cat weight
1 year 2-4 kg 4-6 kg
2 years 2.5-4.5 kg 4.5-6.8 kg
3 years 2.8-4.8 kg 4.7-7 kg
4 years 3.8-5 kg 4.9-7.5 kg
5 years 4-6 kg 5-8 kg

So, average weight an adult mature Briton can weigh from 4 to 8 kg. Today, the largest representative of the breed, named Chest, weighs 12 kg! Moreover, this is not the maximum weight of a pet. Since he is only 4 years old, the cat will probably grow up.

The British cat is truly a bright representative of the oldest purebred pets. Its extraordinary resemblance to a children's plush toy can inspire anyone to believe in the best and calm them down after hard everyday life.

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There is an old myth about the gigantic weight of British cats, which some dishonest breeders diligently maintain among ignorant people, spreading stories about cats weighing 15 kg.
The massive skull with well-developed cheeks, the powerful squat bones of the British cat are the living embodiment of the fabulous Cat-Kotofeich and, of course, can be somewhat misleading, but you need to be able to analyze information. 15 kg (with a height of 1 meter) weighs 3 summer child average constitution! So, in this case, what density should a cat’s body have for it to weigh the same?! Yes, he must have bones made of cast iron. :)) Even a very large and fat cat will weigh less than a small child.
In fact, the average weight of a British cat is 3-5 kg, British cats 5-7 kg. Sometimes you come across small cats weighing 2.5 kg and especially large, well-fed cats, “pulling” 9 kg. Moreover, these are middle-aged cats, because... the skeleton gains weight with age - the bones become heavier, the skull increases in size. A cat suffering from unsatisfied sexual needs or, conversely, actively mating is usually dry and lean (and most breeders are like that) and, in principle, cannot weigh much.

How to make a British cat's cheeks bigger?

The round, well-developed cheeks on the face of a British cat are one of the main distinguishing features of the breed. It is not surprising that every owner of a British dog dreams that his handsome man has wow cheeks! And they get very upset if the cheeks are very small. Rumors persistently circulate among people that you can “eat” your cheeks; you just need to know what, even all sorts of recipes are offered.
I have to disappoint you, dear readers, - the presence/absence of expressive cheeks is purely genetic, just like the length of the tail, the strength of the bones or the texture of the coat. You either have cheeks or you don’t, and there is no diet that can make them bigger!
Remember how in old fairy tale about Cinderella? “No connections will help you make your legs small, your soul big, and your heart fair” E. Schwartz

About the fat tail (belly, fat fold on the abdomen)

Inexperienced British owners often have questions: “The cat has grown up and its belly has sagged. Isn't this dangerous for health? Will the ratings at exhibitions be lowered for this?”
Unfortunately, veterinarians sometimes not only do not help with competent advice, but often aggravate the fears of owners by declaring that this is the beginning of obesity and the animal urgently needs to be put on a special diet, or, even worse, they state that this is the beginning of obesity. inguinal hernia and she needs to be operated on! Monstrous dense ignorance of cat physiology.
So, the fatty tail has nothing to do with the general condition of the animal and of course it is not a hernia, just fat deposition. In breeding cats, this fat is lost during the period of feeding kittens and increases again in the intervals between litters. In other animals - breeding cats and castrati - it simply constantly exists, neither increasing nor decreasing. Putting an animal on a diet in an attempt to rid it of this “beauty” is completely ineffective, it’s like trying to rid a cow of its udder with a diet! All you will achieve by cutting down on food intake is to get an eternally hungry, skinny Briton whose bag will stand out even more. Meanwhile, a Briton should look like an appetizing plump thing, and such a tummy does not spoil him at all. And competent judges at exhibitions are well aware of this feature of many British people and do not consider it a flaw in the exterior.
By the way, the fat tail is found not only among British women; it’s just that many breed lines that formed the basis of the British breed have a feature in the form of a fatty pouch on the stomach. But there are also breed lines that lack this “decoration”.

A wide variety of cat breeds, as well as simple domestic cats, have a fat tail on their belly.

British cat

British cat

Canadian Sphynx cat

Bengal cat

domestic cat

Domestic cat

This scary word is “inbreeding” or mating with close relatives

Inbreeding (from the English breeding - reproduction) is the crossing of closely related forms within the same population of organisms (animals or plants).
Inbreeding is one of the most important components of breeding!
The offspring in inbred lines are distinguished by homogeneity not only in appearance (which can be achieved by mating with a prepotent, i.e., persistently transmitting its traits, sire), but also in genotype, while inbreeding reveals both obvious (dominant) and hidden ( recessive) characteristics of a common ancestor. All negative reviews about inbreeding are dictated by nothing more than the fear of clearly getting well-known hidden defects of the manufacturer in the descendants and, accordingly, losing many potential brides. It can be very sad to see how a huge integral component of competent breeding work is discredited for personal petty selfish purposes. But it is precisely through the consistent, skillful use of inbreeding and selection that breeders achieve the consolidation of the necessary characteristics in the genotype of the breed line and the purification of it from undesirable ones!
Unfortunately, inbreeding in the wrong hands is like a grenade in the hands of a monkey. It is necessary to firmly understand that the success of inbreeding is determined, first of all, genotype quality ancestor. The animal being inbred must have good health and in type be closest to the standard.
It should also be taken into account that not every descendant of an outstanding sire is suitable for inbreeding, since the gene set of each kitten is strictly individual and more or less different from littermates in the number of genes inherited from its ancestors. Therefore, having decided to inbreed on a certain sire and having his grandchildren and great-grandchildren at your disposal, it is important not to make a mistake and choose for inbreeding those descendants who carry in the genotype the maximum set of genes of their outstanding ancestor. And since it is not possible to genetically analyze the DNA of all breeding animals, to carry out inbreeding it is necessary to select a descendant in the type of your great ancestor, the one most similar to him in appearance. This is the most reliable way to guess the desired genotype.

It is necessary to distinguish tight, moderate And remote inbreeding, which differs in the degree of closeness of relationship of the crossed producers. For this purpose, notations using Roman numerals are adopted.
Close inbreeding is the mating of a parent with a direct descendant or between a brother and sister, which corresponds to I - II, II - I and II - II.
Moderate inbreeding is the crossing of second cousins ​​or the mating of a sire with an indirect descendant, for example, a grandfather and a great-granddaughter. Options for moderate inbreeding - III - III, IV - III, I - IV, etc.
And finally, distant inbreeding is the crossing of animals that have a common ancestor in 4-5 generations and beyond, already outside the visible part of the pedigree, for example V - IV, V - VI, IV - VII, etc.
Inbreeding on several ancestors possessing desirable breed characteristics is also possible.

Cats are in heat, what to do?

Favorite topic on the forums “Our cat has matured, she’s screaming so much, she’s screaming so much, she’s probably in pain: (And we’re not sleeping: (What should we do, how can we help her? We don’t want to castrate, maybe there are some means to ease her suffering? pills , should I give some drops? "First of all, you must honestly tell yourself what exactly you want - to do what is best for the cat or for yourself? Because there is an obvious substitution of concepts - they want to calm the cat so that it does not interfere with its screams, and not because she is in terrible pain.
You must understand that the cat screams not because it is in pain, but so that it can be clearly heard by potential suitors. Mother Nature has provided the following mechanism to facilitate mating: the cat screams loudly and cats eager to mate come running to her call.
Further, there are no miracle pills that would easily and naturally change this mechanism without any risk to health. Remember, the reproductive instinct is one of the most powerful in nature! All drugs either suppress excitation centers or are hormonal drugs that disrupt the cycle. In the first case, this is ineffective, the estrus does not stop, it simply becomes less active and inhibited; in the second, there is a hormonal disruption of the physiology, often causing health problems. Hormonal drugs is by no means an analogue of castration of a cat, but a tool for temporarily suspending them, and a dangerous one, requiring smart and careful use.
And thirdly, you can easily and quickly stop your own torment by castrating your cat. Reluctance to castrate and passion for all sorts of “alternatives” sooner or later leads to purulent pyometra (details + photos are not for the faint of heart!).

A cat must give birth at least once “for health”

Another persistent myth that has been around for decades is that a cat should give birth at least once, so she will supposedly be healthier.
Absolutely not! Childbirth does not add any health benefits; even a perfectly mature pregnancy and childbirth without pathologies are serious stress for the cat’s body. I’m not even talking about feeding, raising and placing offspring - they’re just hemorrhoids that require a lot of experience. History is silent about where this nonsense about one-time births came from and why it is so firmly rooted in the heads of cat owners, but the facts show that cats who have never given birth, who have given birth once and who have given birth several times are equally likely to risk developing purulent pyometra (details + photos are not for the faint of heart!), if they are not knitted regularly.
The only way to preserve the health of your pet is complete sterilization (including removal of both the uterus and ovaries).

After castration, cats become fat and lazy

The most common myth about cats is that after castration they will definitely become fat, stop showing normal feline interest in life, and now they will only eat and sleep all the time.
With all the confidence of the owner of castrati and neuters, I can say - nothing like that! After castration, the character of the animal does not change at all. Just imagine, they forgot to tell them that they were castrated, but they don’t even know, they live a cheerful, carefree life of an animal not concerned about sexual issues, and everything is fine with them. :)
Naturally, immediately after the operation the animal will be depressed for 2-3 days and sleep more. But what about it? There was an operation with anesthesia! After the operation, people also don’t start dancing, but they lie in the hospital for some time. So a very big mistake of the owners is the attempt to impart human emotions to the state of the animal: “I castrated the cat, but now he doesn’t play and looks at me reproachfully that I’m so bad, I cut off his balls, deprived him of the joys of life...” and stuff like that. This is complete nonsense! It will pass postoperative period, the anesthesia will wear off and the cat, as if nothing had happened, will run and jump again as before. Just stop toiling from dissatisfaction. Many owners notice that from the gloomy-sad bridal barker, the cat after castration seems to return to childhood, remembers how he frolicked as a kitten, and begins to notice how many interesting things are around.

As for thickness, everything is somewhat more complicated. The eternally skinny, anxious cat BEFORE, among other joys of life, begins to eat with appetite again and very quickly rounds up AFTER. In the good sense of the word, I want to say, it stops “rattling its bones” :)) And this speed with which it eats away right before our eyes scares the owners. The second big mistake they make, fearing that the cat will gain too much weight, is to begin to limit his food. Under no circumstances should this be done! The cat is deprived of food when he has no appetite, he begins to be afraid that he will starve and begins to eat more than necessary for use, as a result he gains more weight, he is even more restricted, etc. - as a result, a vicious circle is created with an eternally hungry fat cat and an owner who is always preoccupied with diets. Don't let this happen!
If before castration food was always freely available, it should also remain after castration. It is necessary to switch the cat to a food with less calories, gradually replacing the old food with a new one, but not reducing the amount. This way you will reduce the number of calories, but the animal will not be afraid of hunger and will eat without overeating. And such a life will be easier for you than constantly worrying about how the cat might overeat.
I never put my neutered dogs on a special diet; they live and eat together with non-castrated male and female cats. And they are never overly fat and lazy. :)
Another thing is that there are cats that tend to be overweight. Well, even before castration they were not thin and they need to be kept on a diet constantly, so life will not change for them either.

Why do cats lie on their owners' things?

Many people have probably noticed that as soon as you take off something and don’t immediately put it in the closet, the cat comes and lies down on it. Cats do the same thing with a stack of freshly ironed laundry, which terribly annoys housewives. Why do cats do this, they think, are they really being deliberately mischievous, knowing how angry it makes them?
In fact, everything is much simpler - the cat does not like foreign odors in the house where it lives. Her house smells like herself :) so she carefully “mixes” someone else’s smell with her own. This is why the cat comes running and begins to actively rub against the new thing that was just brought. She actively participates in the unpacking, diligently sniffing it from all sides and rubbing against all corners.

How many cats can a cat get pregnant?

A cat can mate and give birth to several cats; it happens that she becomes pregnant from one cat at different times. In one litter there can be kittens from mating on the first day and on the third. Sometimes a cat gives birth to all the kittens at once, and sometimes she carries some of the last kittens to term.
Multiple fertilization by several males is called superfecundation, this phenomenon is possible because several eggs in a cat mature at the same time.

British fold blue whiskey color

I never tire of admiring the richness and flexibility of the Russian language, in which new verbal formations periodically arise, completely crazy in essence, but absolutely understandable in meaning to most people. Cats did not stand aside either, and stable phrases serve as a striking example of this. british fold cat, British blue kitten And whiskey cat. So who are they?

British fold

In fact, there are two separate breeds - the British Shorthair and the Scottish Fold. Unlike the British breed, the Scottish Fold appeared much later and the specifics of its breeding are such that a partner with a normal ear shape must be selected to pair with the Fold. Initially, the breed arose from the British, and although several breeds took part in the formation of the modern appearance of the Scottish Fold, in Russia matings with the British were widespread, especially until 2004, when in the most extensive felinological system of the WCF, all straight-eared kittens from such marriages were registered as British people with BRI coding, although their genetics were different.
This is difficult to understand for a person inexperienced in matters of breeding, especially considering that due to the numerous connections of the British breed to the Scottish Folds, many animals of an intermediate type and straights and folds of the British type appeared.
That is why this strange phrase arose as “British Fold” in conjunction with the British Straight Ear, apparently, since in appearance they were practically no different, only in the shape of the ears.

(The photo on the right shows littermate kittens born in 1997, registered as Scottish Fold and British).

Schematic representation of a typical British and typical Scottish Fold head
In profile, you can see that the Fold has a round head that is set higher on the neck, while the British has a rounded head that is set low on the neck, which creates the impression of a powerful scruff. The fold profile for a Briton would be too extreme; according to the standard, the transition from forehead to nose is smooth, outlined but without a stop (sharp transition).
The Scottish Straight has higher and straighter ears. Auricle unfolded full face.

British blue

Another essentially incorrect phrase. Yes, the blue color is the most common and recognizable in the British breed, at least among ordinary people, but it also recognizes all colors existing in nature, and the breed is called British Shorthair, not British Blue. In contrast to the “Russian Blue” breed, which really exists in a single color variation, blue, which is included in the name of the breed.

Whiskas color or whiskey color

There is no such color! No whiskey, no whiskey. Whiskas is a company that produces products and food for cats, which has chosen British cats of the silver-black patterned color group as advertising for its products. And these are at least three different colors - spotted, brindle and marbled.
In the photo on the left, the kittens are not “whiskey”, but black silver spotted(BRI ns 24) and black silver marble(BRI ns 22) colors!

The fat tail is a kind of pouch on the stomach. Owners of Scottish and British cats often notice this feature. The fat tail sags, and over time it becomes like a fold. In most cases, this is a structural feature of animals and the fat tail is the norm.

If the fold becomes thicker, it means the cat was overfed. A sharp loss of weight in an animal affects appearance– stretched skin due to overeating simply did not have time to return to its normal position.

When is fat tail the norm?

Representatives of cats that show British blood are cats with sagging bellies. Not all Scottish cats can “boast” of their fat tail. To develop the modern Scottish breed, they crossed the British, but felinologists claim that there are no such problems on the American line, and they used Americans, not British. It is considered a common occurrence if a hanging belly appears along the European line in Scottish adult cats and kittens.

The fat tail of a cat will be present in the following cat breeds:

  • Canadian Sphynxes;
  • pixie bob;
  • Bengal cat;
  • Scottish Straight;
  • Scottish Shorthair.

Reasons for having a fat tail certain breeds cats remain unknown. There is a theory that the fat fold protected the organs of these cat breeds from damage during a fight.

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Alarming symptoms

If a cat has hanging skin on its stomach and this is not a structural feature of the animal or a consequence of improper feeding, then the problems are hidden in a hormonal imbalance.

In this case, consultation with a specialist is necessary; sterilization may be necessary. Pathological processes occurring in the animal's body can be identified by sagging skin in the abdominal area.

  • The following symptoms indicate the disease:
  • the stomach increases in size;
  • swelling appears;
  • painful sensations when pressed;
  • the appearance of neoplasms;

color changes.

If your cat is eating well, has a wet nose, is playful and active, everything is fine. Many begin to worry that this is a sign of the onset of obesity, an inguinal hernia.

  • If a cat is not eating, has lost weight, and has a clearly visible enlarged belly, then this is a sign of one of the following diseases and conditions:
  • pregnancy;
  • constipation;
  • tumors;
  • worms;
  • ascites (excess fluid);
  • bloating;
  • bladder rupture;
  • intestinal obstruction;