Types of headaches. Harold hides his pain while pouring beer in Budapest, and this may be the best meme of him.

Types of headaches(Causes of headaches, Types of headaches) is a meme that schematically depicts areas of the head and types of ailments. Expresses an extreme degree of irritation from a particular problem.


The meme consists of four drawings of a human head, on each of which the areas that hurt due to a particular ailment are highlighted in red. The first three pictures are standard, they depict migraine, hypertension and stress. The latter shows the head completely covered with a red zone, which represents the most severe headache.

For the first time, such memes began to spread in Spanish-language social networks. One of the first mentions can be considered the publication of the template on the page Plantillas Para Memes on Facebook on October 26. The next day the meme was already circulating on Twitter, and on October 29 it appeared on the popular Spanish website Quanto Cabron. English-speaking users probably borrowed it from there. On November 2, the meme reached the RuNet - large entertainment publics began publishing it in an adapted version.

The picture itself, which became a template for the meme, has been used on the Internet for many years to illustrate articles on headaches.

The development of the meme did not stop there. Users remembered other types of pain and created new pictures based on the original template.


The “Types of Headache” meme is hyperbolic human problems and various irritants. We often get a headache from something obsessive thoughts, and it seems that this pain is concentrated not in a specific point, but throughout the entire skull. Therefore, the meme well expresses in an ironic form the degree of malaise from something vital.

72-year-old Hungarian engineer Andras Arato is a human meme. Internet users know him as Harold, hiding the pain. He gained fame after his stock photo began to be used in advertising. And then memes appeared featuring a man with a seemingly forced smile.

Harold, hiding the pain, came to Russia for the World Cup. Andras reported about the trip on his VKontakte page. The man posted a video where he said that “someone invited” him. But, according to him, he is not going to support just one team, but will help all teams, fans and coaches.

Of course, Harold's arrival could not go unnoticed. Netizens began actively posting photos of Harold hiding his pain.

In an interview with the BBC, the man admitted that everyone asks him to smile, but he feels offended, because he knows how to demonstrate other emotions just as well.

“I have many faces, but the world doesn’t want to see them,” András said sadly.

András told how he unexpectedly became a meme. One day he posted his photos on a Hungarian social network. Later, a photographer noticed them and contacted the man. András accepted the invitation to film.

“It’s not every day that photographers call me to shoot.”

Well, then on the Internet Andras saw the first memes with his participation. At first there were a lot of offensive jokes. And then real fame came to him, people write to Harold every day that he changed their lives for the better.

"It's nice to be loved."

András also said that he could not come to Russia empty-handed and brought a drum to the fans of our team as a gift. But the man did not explain why the choice fell on this instrument.

Harold attended the opening match, and afterwards social network posted a video.

“Congratulations to the Russian team. And for the Saudi Arabian team, the time has come to hide the pain,” András joked.

Arato András, known online as Harold (or Morris), the Hiding Pain, was entertaining guests at a bar in the Hungarian capital and posted a photo from there on Facebook. He is also a retired engineer, leads tours of Budapest, enjoys his fame, does not hide any pain and holds creative evenings for fans.

Almost everyone who has been on the Internet more than once knows these eyes full of pain and a painful smile. This is Harold the Pain, aka Morris, aka Grandfather Harold, aka Hide The Pain Harold, one of the ancient but still popular memes.

Harold was born in 2011 on the Facepunch forum, where they published a whole photo shoot with him, and has not left the screens since then. They love him on VK.

They love him on Odnoklassniki.

He is known in the West.

And he knows a lot not only about physical, but also about mental pain.

"Oh shit. I hope they didn't see it."

If you know Harold's memes, you can guess that there is horse porn on his laptop screen.

The man is especially popular in Russia, where he is used not only on boards to create new memes, but also for advertising, quite serious purposes. It is especially often taken from photo banks to advertise medical services.

And financial products for retirees.

That is, in those areas where pain is not just a word.

In fact, the role of Harold is played by a Hungarian pensioner named Arato Artash. He is an engineer, lives in Budapest, is fully aware of his fame and treats it with irony. Arato knows a little Russian and in 2015 even started a VK page for himself. In this regard, TJournal took a comment from him.

Why did you decide to take part in photo shoots?

A photographer noticed me on the Internet and asked me to pose.

How does it feel to be popular?


Arato is 72 years old and continues to live an active life. How active can be judged by its Facebook. It was there that he posted a photo from a bar in Budapest, where he worked behind the counter pouring beer last week.

The trademark smile and pain have not gone away, everything is in place. This immediately gave rise to suitable jokes on the Internet. For example, on Pikabu.

Medialeaks also had a hand.

Arato András makes extra money by leading tours around Budapest. He is a popular person, and there is no end to those interested. Moreover, Harold, Hiding the Pain, holds his own recitals, gathering fans.

To be honest, it’s hard to imagine what’s happening there. Perhaps there is no need to imagine.

The number of comics with one character surpassed Harold/Morris quite recently. The same one who was walking down the street with a girl and looked at another. From stock photographs of this young man in a variety of situations, users collected entire graphic novels, sometimes quite dramatic: there were and.

The Spanish models, who became the prototype for this meme, eventually became so popular that they had to, when everyone recognizes them on the streets, pesters them on social networks and confuses the heroes of the meme with real people.