Computer science tests. Computer Science Tests Which statement is true?

1. Life… (be) more agreeable if the rivers ran milk and the trees grew ham sandwiches.

2. What a pity you haven’t seen the film. If you... (see) it you probably... (enjoy) the film.

3. What... you... (do) if you... (stay) at home yesterday?

4. You look worn out. If I… (be) you I…(take) a holiday.

5. It’s a good gamble and if she…(lose) money she…(feel) it.

6. If the wind... (blow) from the north this room is very cold.

7. And perhaps if he truly ….(wish) for my return I …(go back) willingly. But I won't

8. Even if they... (want) me to stay I...(refuse).I didn’t like America.

9. If you... (like) to dance your aunt certainly...(take) you to the ball last Sunday.

10. …he…(leave) me some money in his will I’d travel to different parts!

11. But for his secretary’s absence the doctor … (be) in the worst tempers that morning.

12. Ann came late. She … (arrive) earlier if she … (catch) the train.

13. Were she one of my best friends I… (invite) her to my birthday party last Saturday.

14. If we… (book) the seats beforehand we (have) tickets now.

15. If I … (hire) launch here I …(get off) this afternoon.

Subjunctive Mood

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. I’d love to have more money.

2. We are very sorry to have missed you this morning.

3. Alan is sorry he didn’t speak to the manager.

4. I’d really like to live on a small and sunny island somewhere in the Pacific.

5. Why aren't you listening to me?

6. Why don’t you take part in local life?

7. John is very sorry he offended the girl.

8. Why can’t we foresee our future?

9. Vera is sorry she ate so many sweets at the party.

10. Why can’t we find a cure for cancer?

11. Timothy would really like to fly an airplane.

Timothy wishes...

12. Our neighbor is sorry she agreed to look after our children while we were out.

Our neighbor wishes…

13. Why doesn’t it stop raining? I hate rains.

14. Why doesn’t Tom write to me?

15. She is sorry she was rude to the young man.

16. Why can’t we have summer all year round?

17. We are sorry we don’t know John’s address.

18. I am sorry she can’t stay with us for the weekend.

19. Why can’t you be serious speaking of your future job?

20. Why can’t we go to Italy again next year?

Supply the correct form for the verbs in brackets.

1. I wish I…(be) there. I always enjoy our conversation.

2. I wish I …(know) why you are so interested in this lady.

3. “He’s gone,” murmured Sibyl. “I wish you…(see) him.”

4. They didn’t find the man. I wish they…(discover) who he was.

5. I hate telephones. I wish I never… (have) one.

6. The old man wished he …(lose) touch with his relatives.

7. I wish I …(understand) what you are talking about.

8. I wish you…(leave) a message where you had really gone.

9. We had a wonderful holiday in Italy. I wish we…(go) there again next year.

10. They wished you …(read) more in the future.


1. Which of the options presented is incorrect?

a) His brother Michael is here.
b) Are there any pencils in the box?
c) London is the capital of the Great Britain.
d) The weather is nice today.

2. In which example is the article used correctly?

a) I want to see an interesting movie.
b) What great a day!
c) It's quite the problem.
d) All the children are ill.

3. Choose the most accurate equivalent to the phrase “Yesterday I bought a pen. The pen helped me to write a test. The test is very important.”

a) Yesterday I bought some kind of pen. The pen helped me write this test. He is very important.
b) Yesterday I bought a pen. This pen helped me write one test. The test is very important.
c) Yesterday I bought some kind of pen. This pen helped me write one test. This test is very important.
d) Yesterday I bought this pen. She helped me write the test. This test is very important.

4. Choose the correct translation of the phrase “My friend is an engineer.”

a) My friend is an engineer. b) My friend is an engineer.
c) My friend is the engineer. d) My friend is engineer.

5. Choose the correct expression.

a) an pear b) some cereal c) an apples d) a water

6. In which sentence is the article “a” used?

a) They live in ... big house in the countryside.
b) He lives with ... family of his son.
c) Paris is ... capital of France.
d) ... hotel we stayed at was very nice.

7. In what case should the article “a” be used?

a) There is ... chair in the room. b) I have ... pencils.
c) Do you have ... money? d) I"m looking for ... friends.

8. In what case should the article “a” be used?

a) My parents, ... members of this club, are late.
b) He will bring ... pack of salt.
c) What ... day is it today?
d) ... children can do it.

9. In what case should the article “the” be used?

a) My sister is ... dentist. b) Give me ... key you took.
c) ...Moscow is our capital. d) What ... date is it?

10. In what case should the article “the” be used?

a) ... sun is the closest star to us.
b) I don't like ... sugar.
c) He is ... teacher.
d) There are ... problems with my homework.

1. The database is:

  • a. a set of interrelated data about a certain object, specially organized and stored on an external medium;
  • b. arbitrary set of information;
  • c. a set of programs for storing and processing large amounts of information;
  • d. an interface that supports filling and manipulating data;
  • e. a computer program that allows one to draw conclusions in a certain subject area that are comparable to the conclusions of a human expert.

Answer: a

2. A relational database (DB) file record may contain:

  • a. extremely homogeneous information (data of only one type);
  • b. text information only;
  • c. heterogeneous information (data different types);
  • d. only logical values;
  • e. purely numerical information;

Answer: c

3. Let's assume that some database contains the fields LAST NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, INCOME. When searching by YEAR OF BIRTH > 1958 AND INCOME<3500 будут найдены фамилии лиц:

  • a. having an income of at least 3500, and older than those born in 1958.
  • b. those with an income of less than 3,500, and those born in 1958 and later;
  • c. having an income of less than 3500, and born in 1958 or later;
  • d. having an income of less than 3500, and born in 1959 and later;
  • e. having an income of less than 3,500, and those born in 1958;

Answer: d

4. Which of the options is not a function of the DBMS?

  • a. implementation of languages ​​for defining and manipulating data
  • b. providing the user with language tools for data manipulation
  • c. user model support
  • d. data protection and integrity
  • e. coordination of design, implementation and maintenance of the database

Answer: e

5. The database management system is a software product included in:

  • a. application software.
  • b. operating system;
  • c. unique software;
  • d. system software;
  • e. programming systems;

Answer: e

6. What is the smallest unit of data storage e DB?

  • a. stored field
  • b. stored file
  • d. stored record
  • e. stored byte

Answer: a

7. What must be included in a DBMS?

  • a. query language processor
  • b. command interface
  • c. visual shell
  • d. help system

Answer: a, b

8. List the benefits of a centralized approach to data storage and management.

  • a. ability to share data
  • b. data integrity support
  • c. redundancy agreement
  • d. reduction of inconsistency

Answer: a, b, c, d

9. Let's assume that a certain database is described by the following list of records:

1 Ivanov, 1956, 2400,
2 Sidorov, 1957, 5300,
3 Petrov, 1956, 3600,
4 Kozlov, 1952, 1200.

Which of the records in this database will change places when sorted in ascending order by the first field:

  • a. 3 and 4;
  • b. 2 and Z;
  • c. 2 and 4;
  • d. 1 and 4;
  • e. 1 and Z.

Answer: c

10. The structure of the relational data base (DB) file changes:

  • a. when any entry is changed;
  • b. upon destruction of all records;
  • c. when deleting any field.
  • d. when adding one or more records;
  • e. when deleting a range of records;

Answer: c

11. What is a collection of stored records of the same type called?

  • a. stored file
  • b. database view
  • c. none of the above
  • d. logical database table
  • e. physical database table

Answer: a

12. The reasons for the low efficiency of the designed databases may be:

  • a. number of documents prepared
  • b. long duration of the structuring process
  • c. speed of software
  • d. table filling speed
  • e. insufficiently deep requirements analysis

Answer: b, e

13. What is a database management system (DBMS)?

  • a. this is a collection of databases
  • b. this is a collection of several programs designed to share the database with many users
  • c. consists of a collection of files located on one machine
  • d. is a set of language and software tools designed for creating, maintaining and sharing a database with many users
  • e. this is a set of software tools for creating files in a database

Answer: d

14. A database is a tool for...

  • a. storing, searching and organizing data
  • b. data search
  • c. data storage
  • d. data sorting
  • e. information processing

Answer: a

15. Basic requirements for a database?

  • a. adaptability and extensibility
  • b. data recovery after failures
  • c. distributed data processing
  • d. data integrity control
  • e. all answers

Answer: e

Dentistry 1st year Module A

1) Which of the options presented is wrong? (Which of the options presented is incorrect?)

a) His brother Michael is here
b) Are there any pencils in the box?
+ c) London is the capital of the Great Britain
d) The weather is nice today

e) We are the champions

In some of the examples used in the article is true? (Which example uses the article correctly?)

a) I want to see an interesting movie.
b) What great a day!
c) It's quite the problem.
+ d) All the children are ill.

e) They are the students

3) Choose the most accurate equivalent to the phrase “Yesterday I bought a pen. The pen helped me to write a test. The test is very important.”

a) Yesterday I bought some kind of pen. The pen helped me write this test. He is very important.
b) Yesterday I bought a pen. This pen helped me write one test. The test is very important.
+ c) Yesterday I bought some kind of pen. This pen helped me write one test. This test is very important.
d) Yesterday I bought this pen. She helped me write the test. This test is very important.

e) Yesterday I bought my pen. She helped me write the test. This test is very important.

4) Select the correct translation of the phrase "My friend - an engineer." (Choose the correct translation of the phrase “My friend is an engineer.”)

a) My friend is an engineer.
+ b) My friend is an engineer.
c) My friend is the engineer.
d) My friend is engineer.

Select the correct form expressions. (Choose the correct expression.)

a) an ear
+ b) some cereal
c) an apple
d) a water

6) How many letters in the English alphabet? (How many letters are there in the English alphabet?)

7) How many vowels in the English alphabet? (How many vowels are there in the English alphabet?)

8) Which letter stands after "D"? (What letter comes after D?)

9) Which letter stands after "W"? (What letter comes after W?)

10) Which letter stands after "P"? (What letter comes after P?)

11) It was ___ music I have ever heard. (Insert the correct word)

a) more beautiful
b) less beautiful
+c) the most beautiful
d) beautiful
d) most beautiful

12) I have ___ time than he does. (Insert the correct word)

a) bigger
b) larger
c) most
+d) less
e) at least

13) Your English is much ___ now. You've made___ mistakes this time. (Insert the correct word)

a) best/least
+ b) better / less
c) the best/less
d) good/less
e) best/the least

14). Please, tell me something ___ than this old joke. (Insert the correct word)

a) interesting
b) less interesting
+ c) more interesting
d) the most interesting
e) the least interesting

15). It is much ___ to speak English than to understand. (Insert the correct word)

A) -
b) the most difficult
+ c) more difficult
d) difficult
e) most difficult

16) How many books did you buy? – I bought _____. (Insert the correct word)

17) Only _____ students were present at the lecture. (Insert the correct word)

18) Show me _____ page, please. (Insert the correct word)

19) There are many… in my flat. (Insert the correct word)

20) This morning I had ... apple and some toasts for ... breakfast. (Insert the correct word)

21) There is______sand in my shoes. (Insert the correct word)

22) The news was______very depressing. (Insert the correct word)

23)______man and______woman were sitting opposite me. (Insert the correct word)

24. Paris is______capital of France. (Insert the correct word)

25) Chinese eat______rice every day. (Insert the correct word)

1) What is the last letter in English alphabet? (What is the last letter in the English alphabet?)

2) What is the first letter in English alphabet? (What is the first letter in the English alphabet?)

3) What are the second vowels in English alphabet? (What is the second vowel in the English alphabet?)

4) What are the last vowels in English alphabet? (What is the last vowel in the English alphabet?)

5) Which letter stands before "D"? (What letter comes before D?)

6) Which letter stands before "T"? (What letter comes before T?)

7) Which letter stands before "G"? (What letter comes before G?)

8) Which letter stands before "Z"? (What letter comes before Z?)

9) Which letter stands before "O"? (What letter comes before O?)

10) Which letter stands after "O"? (What letter comes after O?)

11) Ken's brother is in______prison now for robbery. (Place the correct word)

12) Bob is_______seaman. He spends most of his time at

Sea. (Insert the correct word)

13)______children team a lot from playing. (Insert the correct word)

14)______giraffe is______tallest of all animals. (Insert the correct word)

15) We had______very nice lunch. (Insert the correct word)

16) We visited _____ Canada and______United States. (Insert the correct word)

17) Jill has gone to______hospital to visit Jack. (Insert the correct word)

18) We took______ children to the Zoo. (Insert the correct word)

19) It can be dangerous to swim in_______sea. (Insert the correct word)

20) Have you ever been to______British Museum? (Insert the correct word)

21) The exam was quite easy -______we expected. (Insert the correct word)

a) more easy that

B) more easy than

22) The more electricity you use,______. (Insert the correct word)

a) your bill will be higher

b) will be higher your bill

B) the higher your bill will be

d) higher will be your bill

d) higher will be yours

23) He "s a fast runner. I can"t run as______as he. (Insert the correct word)

24) The film was really boring. It was______I"ve ever seen. (Place the correct word)

a) most boring film

b) the film is more boring

c) the more boring film

D) the most boring film

e) the more boring

25) My book is______interesting______yours. (Insert the correct word)

A) His brother Michael is here.
b) Are there any pencils in the box?
c) London is the capital of the Great Britain.
d) The weather is nice today.

2. In which example is the article used correctly?

A) I want to see an interesting movie.
b) What great a day!
c) It’s quite the problem.
d) All the children are ill.

3. Choose the most accurate equivalent to the phrase “Yesterday I bought a pen.” The pen helped me to write a test. The test is very important.”

A) Yesterday I bought some kind of pen. The pen helped me write this test. He is very important.
b) Yesterday I bought a pen. This pen helped me write one test. The test is very important.
c) Yesterday I bought some kind of pen. This pen helped me write one test. This test is very important.
d) Yesterday I bought this pen. She helped me write the test. This test is very important.

4. Choose the correct translation of the phrase “My friend is an engineer.”

A) My friend is an engineer.
b) My friend is an engineer.
c) My friend is the engineer.
d) My friend is engineer.

5. Choose the correct expression.

A)an pear
b) some cereal
c)an apples
d) a water

6. In which sentence is the article “a” used?

A) They live in... big house in the countryside.
b) He lives with… family of his son.
c) Paris

Is… capital of France.
d) … hotel we stayed at was very nice.

7. In what case should the article “a” be used?

A) There is... chair in the room.
b) I have... pencils.
c) Do you have... money?
d) I’m looking for... friends.

8. In what case should the article “a” be used?

A) My parents, … members of this club, are late.
b) He will bring... pack of salt.
c) What... day is it today?
d) … children can do it.

9. In what case should the article “the” be used?

A) My sister is... dentist.
b) Give me… key you took.
c) …Moscow is our capital.
d) What... date is it?

10. In what case should the article “the” be used?

A) … sun is the closest star to us.
b) I don’t like… sugar.
c) He is... teacher.
d) There are… problems with my homework.


1-c, 2-d, 3-c, 4-b, 5-b, 6-a, 7-a, 8-b, 9-b, 10-a

  1. In this test you can check how well you have mastered the topic “The Definite Article in English”. 1. On ___ bright January morning ___ telephone kept ringing in my office. A)...
  2. Task 1. Translate sentences from direct speech to indirect speech. He said, “I went to the city center yesterday.” My mother said, “I have washed the dishes.” Kristy asked me, “Do...
  3. Task 1. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form – Present Simple or Present Continuous. 0 degrees Celsius. (freeze) I... to my sister at the moment. (talk) How...
  4. This test contains 5 tasks of different types. Task 1. Testing theoretical knowledge on the topic “Degrees of comparison in the English language.” Explain how the comparative degree of monosyllabic adjectives is formed. Explain how...
  5. Task 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Continuous. Please note that sentences can be either affirmative or negative. Don’t call them on Wednesday at 6 o’clock. They...dinner...
  6. Prepositions of time Task 1. Fill in the blanks, where necessary, with suitable prepositions at, on, in. Example: He works out… the morning every day. – He works out in the morning every...
  7. This test contains 5 tasks of different types. Task 1. Testing theoretical knowledge on modal verbs. Which modal verb in negative sentences is always written together with the particle not? After...
  8. Task 1. Put the nouns in brackets into the correct plural form. Example: Where are my… (headphone)? – Where are my headphones? 1. There are five… (room) in our house. 2....
  9. In this test, 5 tasks of different types are proposed. Task 1. Testing theoretical knowledge on the topic Reported Speech. To what time does the Present Perfect tense change when translating a sentence...
  10. General questions General questions include those questions the answer to which requires confirmation or refutation of the entire thought expressed in the question. General questions can be answered yes or no. Questions like this...
  11. This test contains 5 tasks of different types. Task 1. Checking the mastery of the topics “Personal pronouns” and “Possessive pronouns”. How many cases do personal pronouns have in English? Name these cases....
  12. 1. In which sentence should an article be inserted? A) She bought _ meat yesterday. b) My _ cousin is upset. c) I see _ book in your hand. d) It is...
  13. Active voice Subject (the person or thing performing the action) -> Predicate (expressed by a verb in the active voice) -> Object (the person or thing to which the action is directed) -> Other members of the sentence My sister...
  14. In this test you can test your knowledge on the topic Modal verb Need. All questions contain an answer option with the verb need, but it is not always correct. This is made for...
  15. 1. The teacher is helping… to translate the text. A) she b) her c) he d) it 2. My friend is going to write a letter to… today. A) me...
  16. #1 Rule To express the presence or absence of any object or person in any place, you must begin the sentence with the construction “there is/There are”, followed by the noun that is being talked about...
  17. 1. We must be quick. There is… time. A) few b) a few c) little d) a little 2. Steve isn’t popular. He has... friends. A) few b) a few...
  18. Task 1. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the correct tense - Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple. All offers are affirmative. Next Thursday Charlie… to London. (go) My...
  19. Using a lot of/lots of The pronouns a lot of/lots of are used with countable and uncountable nouns. These pronouns are usually used in affirmative sentences. The preposition of is omitted when for a lot...
  20. Task 1. Choose the correct answer. Sorry we are late, we had missed/missed the bus. I did/had done my homework, cleaned/had cleaned my room and then went for a walk....

1. What is the name of a group of files that is stored in a separate group and has its own name?



2. What is the name of the data or program on a magnetic disk?


3. What characters are allowed in a file name or directory name in Windows?

Numbers and only Latin letters

Latin, Russian letters and numbers

Russian and Latin letters

4. Select the file name anketa with the extension txt.

5. Specify an incorrect directory name.

6. What is the largest number of characters in a file or directory name in Windows?

7. What is the largest number of characters in a file name extension?

8. What is the extension of executable files?

9. What does a computer need to function properly?

Various applications

operating system

Floppy disk in drive

10. How many windows can be open at the same time?

11. What character replaces any number of any characters?

12. Which character replaces only one character in a file name?

13. How to write: “All files without exception”?

14. Specify an incorrect directory name.

15. The SSS subdirectory is part of the YYY directory. What is the name of the YYY directory relative to the SSS directory?




16. What does the computer do immediately after turning on POWER?

Device check and memory testing

Downloading the program

17. What needs to be done to perform a warm start OC?

Insert the system floppy disk into the drive

Press the RESET button

Type the program name and press ENTER.

18. Can several windows be active at the same time?

19. Which window is considered active?

The first one to open

The one in which we work.

20. Can a directory and the files in it have the same name?

21. Can there be two files with the same names in the same directory?

22. Can there be two files with the same names in different directories?

23. How many programs can be executed simultaneously?

As much as you like

How long will a PC last?

24. What is not an operating system?

Norton Commander

25. Is it possible to recover erased information on a floppy disk?

It's always possible

Possibly, but not always

26. What are disks used for?

To process information

For printing texts

To save information

27. What should you do with a new floppy disk before using it?




28. When formatting a floppy disk, it is shown that several sectors are damaged. Is this floppy disk suitable for use?

Not good at all

Suitable except for damaged sectors

Fully suitable

29. What size floppy disks in inches are used in computers?

26. Which program is not a disk utility?

27. What is a cluster on a magnetic disk?

Disc sleeve

Unit of disk space

Virtual disk

28. What is the starting track number?

29. What does track 0 of each floppy disk contain?

Root directory

FAT - table

30. Where is information about the floppy disk format recorded?

In boot sector

To the root directory

31. The floppy disk has bad sectors. What does the system do to prevent their use?

Doing nothing

Marks them as damaged

Uses it, but carefully

32. What happens if the information in FAT gets corrupted?

Information disappears on the disk

The floppy disk will have to be thrown away

33. System programs for working with disks are…



Disk Utilities

34. What is not included in the logical formatting of a disk?

Writing system files

Breakdown of sectors and tracks

Creating a FAT table

35. The main programs for working with disks in Windows are located in the folder...



36. Which program is designed for disc diagnostics and correction?

36. Writing files on a disk in the form of scattered areas over the entire surface of the disk is called...

Disk optimization

Disk fragmentation

Disk formatting

37. Which statement is incorrect? Defragmentation is carried out for the purpose of...

Disk space optimization

Speed ​​up the process of reading and writing files

Information compression

38. Which program is designed to defragment a disk?

39. What does the operating system do when deleting a file from disk?

Shuffles its clusters into FAT

Destroys the first character of a file name in a directory

Demagnetizes the areas of the disk where the file was located

40. How can you remove a computer virus from a disk?

Reboot system

Special program

It is impossible to remove the virus

41. Archiving files is...

Merging multiple files

Partitioning disks into sectors and tracks

File compression

42. Which program is an archiver?

43. Which program is an antivirus program?

44. What is a computer virus?

Small program

A myth that doesn't exist

Name of a popular computer game

45. What will not help remove a computer virus from a disk?

Disk Defragmenter

Checking with an antivirus program

Disk formatting

46. ​​Compression of information during archiving is essentially...

A special type of information encoding

Removing unnecessary information

Backup coding of information

47. When should archiving not be used?

To save disk space

To destroy viruses

To create backup copies of files

48. Which statement is true?

All files are compressed equally during archiving

Raster graphics files are best compressed

Different types of files are compressed differently when archived

49. Archivers are characterized by...

The extent and speed of archiving

Method of distribution

Compression method and speed

50. Which antiviruses do not work with the virus database?

The doctors



51. Which antiviruses work resident?

The doctors



52. Mutants, invisible people, worms-

Utility programs

Types of antivirus programs

Types of computer viruses

53. What is not a channel for the spread of viruses?

Visual information display devices

Computer networks

External storage media.

54. The founder of domestic computer technology is:

Zolotarev Lev Viktorovich

Popov Alexander Glebovich

Lebedev Sergey Alekseevich

55. A subsystem is:

A predefined work environment through which the system coordinates resource allocation and distributes tasks

A set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, which form a certain integrity

Part of the information system allocated when designing the system architecture.

56. The file extension, as a rule, characterizes:


Path to the folder where the data is stored

Type of data stored in the file

57. Computer performance depends on:

From system unit components

From installed software

From the speed of the Internet connection

58. RAM is the memory in which is stored:

File system information

Executable machine code

Cached CPU Data

59. The first computer was called:

60. To access the search server you must:

Go to browser

Enter your query in the search menu

Enter the address of the search service in the browser address bar

61. A disk drive is a device for:

Reading information from removable media

Recording information to a storage device

LAN connections

62. The processor processes information:

In text format

In binary code

In Pascal

63. When turning off the computer information:

Removed from HDD

Stored in GPU cache

Deleted from RAM memory

64. The IP routing protocol provides:

Transferring information over computer networks

Possibility of connecting several computers and their data into one common network

Data encoding and decryption

65. During execution, the application program is stored

In the kernel cache

In RAM memory

In the memory of the hard drive (hard drive)

66. The minimum unit of measurement of the amount of information is considered to be:


67. When you turn off the computer, all information is erased:

In memory of the random access memory device

Does not erase

From HDD memory

68. The first computer in our country was called:

69. A computer connected to the Internet must have:

Communication with a remote server

Domain name

70. Application software is:

A general purpose program designed to perform tasks

Catalog of programs for computer operation

Database for storing information

71. The first computers were created in:

72. The ftp service on the Internet is intended:

For data dissemination

To connect to the Internet

To save data to the cloud

73. Mass production of personal computers began:

Mid 80's

60-70 years

At the beginning of 2000

74. Email allows you to send:

Text messages and attached files

Text messages only

Attached files only

75. The database is:

A model in which data is stored in an orderly manner

Program for collecting and storing information

Table with data in Excel format

76. Among the computer architectures there are:

Stationary, portable, autonomous

Massively parallel, symmetric multiprocessor, distributed

Dedicated, split, parallel-branched

77. Non-volatile memory devices of a personal computer are:




78. The programming system provides the programmer with the opportunity to:

Analyze existing thematic modules and submodules

Automatically assemble developed modules into a single project

Automate mathematical models of certain phenomena

79. A compressed file is a file:

Which hasn't been opened for a long time

Infected with a malicious virus

Packaged using an archiver program

80. What function do peripheral devices perform?

Input and output of information

Long-term storage of information

Processing of newly received information and translating it into machine language

81. What is not typical for a local network?

High message transmission speed

Exchange of information and data over long distances

The presence of a connecting link between network subscribers

82. A system floppy disk is required for:

Primary saving of files important to the user

Removing malicious software from your computer

Initial boot of the operating system

83. Electronic circuits for controlling external devices are:


Keyboard and mouse

Transistors and system switches

84. A floppy drive is a device for:

Connections between a computer and removable storage media

Processing data input/output commands from a computer to paper

Reading and/or writing data from external media

test 85. Addressability of RAM means:

Availability of a number for each RAM cell

Discrete representation of information within all blocks of RAM

Free access to a randomly selected RAM cell

86. The resolution of the monitor is:

Number of clearly rendered colors

Number of dots (pixels) of the image in horizontal and vertical directions

Diagonal size

87. The original meaning of the word “computer” is:

Multifunctional calculator

A type of kinescope

Man doing calculations

88. Registered signals are:

Flows of electromagnetic waves

Method of transmitting information over long distances

89. A modem is a device designed for:

Converting text and graphic information into analogue

Organization of digital communication between two computers via a telephone line

Providing Internet access for computers

90. The family tree is... an information model




91. Computer com ports provide:

Transferring data between a computer and phones, PDAs, peripheral devices

Access to the Internet

Connecting an external hard drive

92. An email subscriber's mailbox is:

A section of mail server RAM allocated to a specific user

An area of ​​memory on the mail server's hard drive allocated to a specific user

A special device for transmitting and storing correspondence in electronic form

93. The file extension usually characterizes:

Type of information contained in the file

File purpose

File size

94. Software control of a computer involves:

A sequence of commands, the execution of which leads to the activation of a specific computer function

Using an operating system that synchronizes the hardware

Converting analog information signal to digital

test-95. The main characteristics of the processor do not include:

RAM capacity

Clock frequency

System bus frequency

96. TrueType font type means that:

Text typed in this font will look the same both on the monitor and printed

Text typed in this font can be edited in any text editor

This font was used by default when documents were initially created

97. Web pages have the extension:

98. Ole technology provides aggregation of documents created by:

In any Microsoft Office application

Any application that meets the CUA standard

As a graphical flow of information

99. Text data can be processed:

Multi-office applications

Hypertext applications

Test editors

100. A virtual device is:

Modeled functional equivalent of the device

Network device

Type of computer

101. A file system is:

How to organize files on disk

Storage media capacity

Physical organization of the storage medium

102. The full path to the file is specified as the address D:\Doc\Test.doc. Give the full file name:


103. Based on functionality, the following types of software are distinguished:

Application, software, target

Application, system, instrumental

Office, system, management

105. What structure do folders (directories) form?




test_106. Mandatory software quality criteria include:



Ease of use

107. At the physical level of the network, the unit of exchange is:

108. Specify the difference between an information retrieval system and a database management system:

It is forbidden to edit data

No sorting or search tools

Varying amount of available information

109. The process of writing a program never includes:

Records of statements in any programming language

Debugging code

Changes in the computer's physical environment

110. Repeated execution of the same program section is called:

A cyclical process


Repeating cycle

111. What does the electronic document management system provide?

Translation of handwritten documents into electronic form

Managing documents created electronically

Automation of company activities

112. The URL contains information about:

File type and location

The location of the file and the programming language in which it was created

File type and application type

113. The main function of the server is:

Transferring information from user to user

Information storage

Performing specific actions based on user requests

114. The network operating system implements:

Connecting computers into a single computer network

Network resource management

Protocol and Interface Management

115. Interaction between the client and the server when working on the WWW occurs according to the protocol:

test*116. FTP archive (base) is:


Web server

File storage

117. At the program debugging stage:

Checking the correct operation of the program

The correctness of the selected data and operators is checked

An interim analysis of the program's effectiveness is carried out