The telescope is designed for... How to choose the right modern telescope. The telescope's faithful assistant

How to choose a good optical instrument?

As soon as a person establishes visual contact with space, he seeks an opportunity to look at everything that he sees much closer, to examine as many details as possible. This is what a telescope is designed for, how to choose it correctly?

So many have been created now various designs and models that the buyer for a long time stands at a loss - not knowing where to start buying. To begin with, of course, you should decide what you want to see in it and under what conditions you will observe it all. It is imperative to evaluate the living conditions in order to allocate a place for it, and material possibilities, that is, the funds that you can afford to pay for it. However, for the same amount you can buy two different tools.

Types of telescopes

In order to see the galaxy and nebulae, the largest aperture is needed. The usual dimensions of refractor rulers, for some reason, end at around 150 mm. Newtonian telescopes are most suitable for these purposes.

Photographs of planets are most often used using catadioptric telescopes, but they will be unsuitable for photographing a weakly extended object due to the small aperture.

Refractors are very suitable for observing star fields and double stars. You can also use them to view the moon and planets.


The mistake many buyers make is wanting to buy one telescope once and for all. You need to understand that each tool is intended for different objects, performs its role and will reveal to you different secrets of our universe. Of course, the enjoyment of your excursion through space will largely depend on you, and not on the telescope. Using even inexpensive tools, you can make your research interesting and unforgettable.

Video guide that describes in detail how to choose a telescope

In the 17th century, an instrument called a telescope was invented. What is it for? Thanks to him, it became possible to observe the movement of planets, the formation of galaxies and the study of the mysterious. The view through the telescope is incredible and... it is available to anyone person interested in astronomy.

In contact with

Operating principle of the device

What is a telescope ? This is a tool with which you can observe a distant object, thanks to certain lenses and electromagnetic radiation from the object itself. How many times does this technique increase?

It all depends on the model: the simplest children's telescopes are 10 times, and the most powerful Hubble is more than 1000 times.

The telescope works by refraction of light and a set of correctly selected lenses. It's all about the ability of the optics to collect light, and the larger its lens, the more light it collects and, accordingly, the better it transmits the image.

From this it follows that it is light, or rather its quantity, plays a role in the quality of the final image and its details. The diaphragm is responsible for collecting light - a plate with a hole through which light rays pass, so when purchasing optics you should pay great attention to this particular detail.

Important parameters

In addition to the diaphragm, there are others, no less important details. These include:

  1. Lens diameter – it is responsible for the instrument’s ability to collect light: the larger this parameter, the smaller the details can be seen.
  2. Focal length is the distance from the lens to the focus, and it is responsible for the magnification power of the device.
  3. An eyepiece is two or more lenses held together by a cylinder whose job is to magnify the resulting image.
  4. Lens – forms the image. A Barlow lens is often used and can double the focal distance.
  5. Diagonal mirror - with its help you can deflect the flow of light at an angle of 90°. This is convenient when you need to observe bodies located strictly vertically above the observation site.
  6. Viewfinders are an additional tool that is used in conjunction with the main equipment.
  7. Straightening prisms - since images come out upside down, these details help to correct and view them at an angle of 45°.
  8. Mounts are devices that can be used to secure and point equipment.

When purchasing a device, you should carefully read these details to choose the best option for the intended purpose.


Like any optics, there are telescopes:

  1. Amateur optics are optics that can magnify objects several hundred times;
  2. Professional scientific ones are higher quality and more powerful instruments.

Types of telescopes

Professional and scientific are divided on the:

  • optical – magnify more than 250 times, but after this threshold the quality of the pictures begins to deteriorate;
  • radio telescopes - they measure the energy of objects and provide the highest quality image;
  • X-ray;
  • Gamma-ray telescopes.

In addition, they are divided and by optical class:

  • refractive – they use a large lens as a light-gathering part;
  • reflective - with a concave mirror that collects the light flux and forms a picture;
  • mirror-lens - in this optics both types of light-collecting parts are used simultaneously.

Some instruments in space are needed to take better pictures. They grouped by radiation frequencies:

  • gamma;
  • X-ray;
  • ultraviolet;
  • visible;
  • infrared;
  • microwave;
  • radio emission.

note! A certain optical device captures the radiation and, based on it, builds a picture that is transmitted to the observatory. On Earth, the most popular devices are reflex technology, which is used by both amateurs and professionals.

What is visible

Optical instruments are necessary for space exploration. The most convenient telescope for this is After all, it can be seen quite clearly:

  1. The moon - with special optics you can see its detailed relief, and even its ashen light;

Telescope and starry sky

Available for study:

  • Mercury - it will be visible like a star, and only with lenses larger than 100 mm in diameter can you observe the phase of the planet in the form of a small crescent;
  • Venus is the brightest celestial body, it is easy to see the phase of the planet using any technique;
  • - will be visible as a small circle and only 2 times a year;
  • Jupiter - even with a homemade telescope, Galileo was able to examine its 4 satellites, so it is easy to fully examine this planet and its rings;
  • Saturn is the most beautiful planet in the system. It will be visible along with the rings even through 50-60 mm lenses;
  • Uranus and Neptune - these distant planets, even with professional lenses, look like small stars or blue disks.

Important! You should never try to look at it with a telescope. This will cause permanent eye damage and equipment damage.

What else is possible see through a telescope:

  1. Star clusters - they can be viewed through optics with any diameter, but only through lenses with a diameter of 100-130 mm will individual stars be visible.
  2. Galaxies - distant systems of planets and stars are visible even with simple binoculars, but with lenses of 90-100 mm, you can already observe their shape, and with lenses with a diameter of 200-250 mm you can even see the stellar arms.
  3. Nebulae are clouds of gas and dust that are illuminated by stars. With amateur equipment, you can see them as faint spots, but more professional equipment will show their gas structure.
  4. Double stars - stars can not only be lonely like the Sun, but also represent a system of two, three or more copies. With special instruments, even double stars can be seen as points, since they are located at a great distance from the Earth.
  5. Comets—“tailed guests”—can be seen with your eyes, but through eyepieces you can even see their tails in detail.

Stargazing is a fascinating activity that not only develops, but also gives an idea of ​​the entire Universe. And so that what you see can be understood, you should use it in these classes. special star map.

How to choose a device for observing planets

Due to the abundance of optical instruments on the market, it is quite difficult to decide which technology to choose for observing planets. To simplify this process, you should pay attention to the diameter of the pipe - it is the aperture (diameter) that determines everything optical capabilities of the device.

The larger it is, the more light the lens transmits and, accordingly, the larger and better the final image and the ability to enlarge objects.

To calculate the maximum magnification, you should use the formula: 2x D, where D is diametrical millimeters. You should also consider the ultimate goal: will the technology be used to observe nature or space? What is the level of an astronomer? Based on the answers, you should choose. You should pay attention on the:

  • aperture;
  • focal length;
  • lenses or mirrors;
  • presence of a reflector.

The most important parameter of all is the aperture. What is this? This is the diameter of the lens. Why do you need the correct size? Based on it, you can simply look at distant spots, or in detail study the celestial body. These models should be chosen for novice astronomers:

  • Sky-Watcher;
  • Arsenal-GSO;
  • Celestron.

What is best for a child?

Are there any differences between adult and children's technology for observing the sky? Of course, and the main one is increase. Children's specimens never will not enlarge the image just like the cheapest and simplest adult. But the advantages of children's options are in their size - they are all quite compact and easy to transport. Through such lenses you can see:

  • Earth's satellite and its relief;
  • constellations;
  • all the planets in the solar system;
  • Milky Way;
  • Clusters of stars;
  • nebulae.

Does a child need a telescope?

Of course, if he shows interest in science and astronomy.

Despite the small image, the child will be able to see almost all celestial bodies, which will not only satisfy his interest, but also encourage him to learn and explore the world.

Therefore, you should approach the choice carefully and pay attention to some characteristics of the purchased equipment:

  • system: lens or mirror;
  • focal length (ideal for a child is from 520 to 900 mm);
  • lens diameter (from 40 to 130 mm).

Which models are ideal for a baby? Can choose:

  • Bresser Junior;
  • Levenhuk;
  • Bresser Space;
  • Sky-Watcher Dob.

Which telescope should I choose for my child? It is best to take a refractor in models specifically for children. It is easy to use and does not require settings.

Advice! There are devices with an auto-guidance system that can search for objects in the sky independently according to specified parameters.

For photography

How to photograph through such optics? For this you need a telescope and any camera. Photos can be taken even with the simplest model and mobile phone. For example, ocular projection is obtained by shooting even with a phone through the eyepiece. For better photographs, you will need a camera with a lens that can be removed, and a tripod, which should be used to avoid shaking hands. Photographs are also taken through an adjusted eyepiece, and it is best to shoot in clear weather to obtain a clear and high-quality image.

Why are telescopes needed, their functions

What can you see with a telescope


The ability to see does not come immediately. Experienced astronomers spend many hours using telescopes before they can independently discern small objects or distant stars. This talent develops just like any other, so you need to be patient and practice regularly.


A telescope is an instrument designed to observe celestial bodies.

Before the telescope came along, it was invented spotting scope, which was created by the Dutch master John Lippershey in 1808. But the first who guessed to point the telescope into the sky was G. Galileo. In 1609, he “turned” the spotting scope into a telescope, and this telescope became a spotting scope with 3x magnification. In the same year, Galileo built a telescope with 8x magnification. Later, Galileo was able to create a telescope that gave a magnification of 32x. Galileo called the invention "perspicillum" (directly translated into Russian - "glass"). The term "telescope" was coined in 1611 by the Greek mathematician Giovanni Demisiani..

There are different types of telescopes:
1. gamma telescopes;
2. radio telescopes;
3. X-ray telescopes;
4. optical telescopes.

1. Gamma-ray telescopes.
These are telescopes that use gamma waves to explore space. Astronomical gamma rays appear in
studies of astronomical objects with a short wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. Most gamma ray sources are actually gamma ray burst sources, which emit only gamma rays for a short period of time ranging from a few milliseconds to a thousand seconds before dissipating into space. Gamma-ray telescopes study pulsars, neutron stars and black hole candidates in active galactic nuclei.

2. Radio telescopes
Their purpose is to receive radio emissions from celestial objects and study their characteristics: coordinates, radiation intensity, etc. In order to receive a clear signal from objects, radio telescopes should preferably be located far from the main populated areas in order to minimize electromagnetic interference from broadcast radio stations, television, radars and other emitting devices. Placing a radio observatory in a valley or lowland can protect it even better from the influence of man-made electromagnetic noise. There are amateur astronomers who use radio telescopes. Most often these are telescopes made by hand.

3. X-ray telescopes.
Designed for observing distant objects in the X-ray spectrum. To operate properly, they must be raised above the Earth's atmosphere, which is opaque to X-rays. Therefore, telescopes are placed in Earth orbits.

4. Optical telescopes.
What is an optical telescope? This is a pipe mounted on a mount, which is equipped with various axes to point the pipe at the object of observation. The telescope has a lens and an eyepiece. The rear focal plane of the lens is aligned with the front focal plane of the eyepiece. Instead of an eyepiece, photographic film or a matrix radiation receiver can be placed in the focal plane of the lens. In this case, the telescope lens, from an optical point of view, is a photographic lens. The telescope is focused using a focusing device.

In its own way optical design Telescopes of this type are divided into:

  • Lens (refractors) - an optical telescope that uses a system to collect light
    lenses The operation of such telescopes is due to the phenomenon of refraction (refraction). Refractors contain two main components: a lens objective and an eyepiece.
  • Mirror (reflector) - an optical telescope that uses mirrors as light-collecting elements.
  • Mirror-lens telescopes (catadioptric) are a telescope in which the image is formed by a complex lens containing both mirrors and lenses.

If you decide to buy a telescope, then you first need to understand what it is, what types there are, and which option is better to choose. This is what we will try to help you figure out.

If you decide to buy a telescope, then you first need to understand what it is, what types there are, and which option is better to choose. This is what we will try to help you figure out.

What is a telescope and why is it needed?
A telescope is a device that allows you to observe various celestial objects that are very distant from the observation point. Most often they are used to observe celestial bodies, but sometimes terrestrial objects are also examined with their help. Previously, they were very expensive, and only astronomers and ufologists could afford them. Today, devices of this kind are much more affordable, and even people can afford them. ordinary people. For example, the Astrologer store can help you buy them.

Optical telescopes
Different telescopes can operate in different ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. The most common optical telescope. Almost all amateur telescopes today are optical. Such devices work with light. There are also radio telescopes, neutrino telescopes, gravitational telescopes, X-ray telescopes and gamma telescopes. However, all this applies to scientific equipment, which is not used in everyday life.

Types of telescopes
Optical telescopes, both professional and amateur, are divided into three types. The main criterion here is the telescope lens, or rather the principle by which it works. Different kinds You can find telescopes on the website

Lens telescope
Lens refractors are called refractors, and they were the very first to be born. Their creator was Galileo Galilei. The advantage of such telescopes is that they require almost no special maintenance; they guarantee good color rendition and clear images. Such options are well suited for studying the Moon, planets, and double stars. It is worth noting that these devices are most suitable for professionals, since they are not so easy to use, and in addition they are quite large in size and high in cost.

Mirror telescope

Mirror reflectors are called reflectors. Their lenses consist only of their mirrors. Like a convex lens, a concave type mirror collects light at a specific point. If an eyepiece is placed at this point, the image can be seen. Among the advantages of such a telescope, the minimum price per unit of device diameter stands out, since large mirrors are much more profitable to produce than large lenses. They are also compact and easy to transport, while providing bright images with little distortion. Of course, DSLRs also have their drawbacks. This is additional time for thermal stabilization, lack of protection from dust and air, which can spoil the image.

Mirror-lens telescopes
They are called catadioptric and can use both lenses and mirrors. The advantage of such a telescope is its versatility, since with their help you can observe planets with the Moon, and deep space objects. They are also very compact and cost-effective. The only point is the complexity of the design, which complicates the independent adjustment of the device.

Several turbulent centuries have passed since the time of Galileo, during which scientific and technological progress never stood still. Astronomy has ceased to be just a science, because a huge segment of stargazers has formed. And to the question what is it for? telescope they respond with their hearts, a genuine thirst to touch the mystery and mystery, a sincere desire to embrace infinity with their gaze. Who are they? Mom and dad, having picked up a school atlas of the starry sky, for the first time explain to their son what space, nebulae, and the Milky Way are. Or just a novice astronomer who dreamed of seeing the rings of Saturn since childhood and finally realized his cherished dream.

Just so that, armed with optics, you can look beyond the usual boundaries of the visible world. To see firsthand, not from the Internet or textbooks, how the sky is strewn with a diamond scattering of stars. It is unlikely that a person will ever be able to contemplate absolutely all the delights of the Universe, but what can be available for study now is truly impressive.

Scientific entertainment. A telescope can become a visual teaching aid if parents want their child to develop intensively and expand their horizons. At the same time, the learning process itself can take the form of a game - astro travel will be interesting to almost everyone, regardless of age, even preschool children.

Astrophotography is a special magical form of creativity that has captivated hundreds of thousands of adherents! Those who have started doing this seriously take amazingly beautiful pictures. Currently, many Internet resources have been created where you can brag about them and discuss them. In order to master this simple task, you can purchase a digital camera for a telescope. It connects very easily, the image can be displayed on the computer in real time. Another way is to attach an existing DSLR camera using a special T-ring.

Why do professionals need telescopes - observatory employees, researchers, professors and academicians? So that you and I can one day properly use new knowledge. Humanity has already been able to overcome the force of gravity and I want to believe that the era is already close in which we will be able to send spaceships to the most distant galaxies. And we would also like to live peacefully in safety - to be confident that a meteorite or comet discovered in time will not cause harm to our home - the Earth.