Christmas fortune telling for the future. Yuletide fortune-telling: for the betrothed, for the future, for a desire, among friends Simple Yuletide fortune-telling on cards

Fortune telling for Christmas, fortune telling for Epiphany and fortune telling for Christmastide use the same methods. Nowadays, Christmas fortune-telling is increasingly called New Year’s fortune-telling, and these fortune-telling can be different.

What days are best to tell fortunes? The days from January 6 to January 18 are Christmastide. Yuletide fortune-telling is the time between Christmas eve and Epiphany Eve, the best time for all kinds of truthful fortune-telling. But we need to divide this time into when everyone can guess, and this is fortune telling for Christmas on Holy Evenings from January 6 to 13, and the time when it is better for the uninitiated not to guess, these are the Scary Evenings before Epiphany from January 14 to 18.

Vasiliev's evening, which happens on the old New Year on January 13, and also Epiphany Christmas Eve, the night of January 19, are considered especially prophetic days for fortune telling for the future. Although, according to an ancient belief, the last time you can tell fortunes for your betrothed is on the night of January 13th to 14th. And yet, the main time for Christmas fortune-telling has always been considered the evening and night from 18 to 19 on the eve of Epiphany or, as they were called, the second Christmas Eve, the time of magic and enchantment.

There are several simple ways to tell fortunes for the future:

for the future;

Various Yule fortune telling on the page

You can tell fortunes using simple playing cards or magic Lenormand cards. On our website you can get acquainted with cards and layouts for fortune telling with playing cards and Lenormand fortune telling, and tell fortunes for the future online for free. Now let’s talk about how they used to tell fortunes during Christmas time in Rus'.

Fortune telling for Christmastide

Fortune telling for the future has always been considered an integral part of Christmas time. Yuletide fortune-telling for the future has its roots in the depths of pagan Rus'. The time of the winter solstice during the Christmastide period was considered the most active for otherworldly forces, when finer boundaries between the worlds contributed to a more truthful result of Christmas, Epiphany, New Year and Yuletide fortune-telling. Now a lot has changed in our lives, and New Year's fortune telling begins from Catholic Christmas Eve to Orthodox Christmas Eve on January 18. I would like to recommend fortune-telling in the evenings before Orthodox Christmas, which is usually used all year round.

For Epiphany fortune-telling for the future, it is necessary to use the original Orthodox fortune-telling, which has been used on Christmastide from time immemorial. These are traditional fortune-telling: fortune-telling on a mirror, fortune-telling on an egg, fortune-telling on a floating candle, fortune-telling on a book, fortune-telling with a blindfold, fortune-telling on flour, fortune-telling on a shoe, fortune-telling on a betrothed, fortune-telling on fate, fortune-telling on a weeping candle, fortune-telling on the eyes songs and fortune telling for wish fulfillment. However, other fortune telling for the New Year is equally true and works - this has been tested by more than one generation. As time has shown, Christmas fortune-telling really manages to predict the future. With the disappearance of paganism in Rus' and the advent of Christianity, Yuletide fortune-telling acquired a mystical meaning. Our ancestors in Rus', having ventured into Epiphany fortune-telling, then swam in an ice hole and underwent a special rite of purification at Epiphany. The Church has always prohibited any fortune-telling, considering it harmful to the soul. The church’s struggle against superstitions and fortune-telling did not lead to the oblivion of Epiphany and Christmas fortune-telling; they were carefully passed down from generation to generation, and they not only survived and survived to this day, but have also changed little since then.

Each of us wants to find out the future and look at least with one eye into the future, to see our destiny, our betrothed, and the fulfillment of our cherished desires during fortune telling. This question worries especially women; they are more trusting than men; consciously or in the depths of their subconscious, women want to know their future. But you need to remember that fortune telling at Christmastime only helps to extract what you already know and what is hidden deep inside your consciousness. Christmas fortune-telling for the future helps to extract this information, you just have to believe in the magical powers of fortune-telling, and move from standard thinking to the secret depths of the subconscious.

Although there is another danger lurking here, it is important not to become hostage to this prediction. The power of suggestion and faith in what was predicted can work here. Having prophesied something to ourselves for Christmas and Christmastide, we can involuntarily inspire ourselves with something related to fortune-telling, believe in it and thereby attract events in the future. Of course, it’s worth listening to the prediction, but you don’t need to blindly take on faith everything that you prophesy for yourself. A huge variety of methods of fortune-telling for Christmastide have been invented in Rus', but the main theme of fortune-telling for Christmastide is fortune-telling for the groom, or as they used to say, for the “betrothed.” This is understandable to us, because in ancient times, as now, the future life and fate of a girl depended entirely on what kind of groom she would find and how successfully she would get married.

Fortune telling for Epiphany

Few people believe in magic in our age of technological progress, but hardly anyone will deny the presence of certain unknown forces that influence our lives. On Christmastide, intuition manifests itself, energy channels open, and on this night every person discovers magical abilities and has prophetic dreams. According to legends, it is known that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit appeared to people at Epiphany, and since then the Epiphany night itself has been considered mystical. The aura of mysticism of this Epiphany night allows you to lift the veil of mystery of the future, look into the future and learn about the fate of the fortuneteller. On this night, you can enter into an agreement with evil spirits, do something forbidden, namely, tell fortunes for the future!

But it should be remembered that at this time dark forces come into special power and can take advantage of the trust of the simple-minded. In ancient times, when starting Epiphany fortune-telling, in order to protect against evil spirits, so that they would not drag them into the other world, when magical portals open, they took some precautions: they took off their belts, pectoral crosses, unraveled all the ties, untied the knots on their clothes and unraveled their braids. During fortune telling, there should be nothing on the table other than items intended for fortune telling for the future. It is good if several people take part in fortune telling and can form a magic circle. Close people, friends or acquaintances take part in fortune telling, the main thing is that they are not enemies and have a positive attitude towards each other. You need to sit in a circle, facing each other. When fortune telling for the future, you do not need to be distracted by extraneous conversations and calls. You need to be in a good mood and believe in fortune telling for Christmastide.

Every girl dreams of great love, which a wonderful young man will give her, so the most popular ones are love fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide, because you really want to know when she will come knocking on the house. There are many predictions about this wonderful feeling, but the most common are fortune telling using a candle or mirror to find out who is not indifferent to you by the shadow or image in the looking glass. However, there are other ways of Christmas fortune telling for love.

On the night of January 6-7, you need to go to bed after midnight, at the same time, put on a clean nightgown or pajamas, preferably in light colors, and prepare clean bed linen. As soon as you lower your head to the pillow, say: “Sleep, come, show your groom. The one who came is in love with me.” At night, someone who loves you very much will come to remember the dream; as soon as you wake up, don’t look out the window, concentrate and get your dream out of your memory. Don’t be upset if you don’t see your betrothed or forget your dream; you can also try to tell fortunes from the 13th to the 14th and from the 18th to the 19th. Then dreams can also be prophetic.

Love fortune telling for the current year

This fortune telling will help you find out whether you will meet your soulmate this year. To do this, you need to prepare 5 identical cups or opaque glasses, put one such item under each - a ring, an onion, a ribbon or thread, candy and pepper. Then you need to move the cups in a chaotic manner, then close your eyes and take any without looking. Now see what's underneath.

  • Ring - a wedding awaits you this year.
  • Onion - you will not meet your destiny, so you will be sad.
  • Ribbon or thread - you will come across it on the road or while traveling.
  • Candy - you will meet him at the party.
  • Pepper - he will be a harsh guy, but he is your destiny.

Snowball fortune telling

You need to make as many snowballs at midnight as you have guys vying for your attention, remember which snowball corresponds to which guy. Then put them on the balcony or windowsill and, without talking to anyone, go to bed. The one that will be the densest in the morning loves you madly.

Yuletide fortune telling on cards

Before going to bed, you need to put four card kings under your pillow and say the following words: “Darling, come and invite me to your place.” Early in the morning, without getting out of bed, choose any king without looking, he loves you.

  • The King of Spades is a respectable man older than you.
  • The King of Worms is your peer, but with position.
  • The King of Clubs is young but lazy.
  • The King of Diamonds is an attractive young man.

Divination by rings

You need to take five rings - gold, silver, plastic, copper and with a stone, then throw them into a bowl with millet or buckwheat, mix and pull out the first ring you come across. This way you will find out who loves you.

  • Golden ring - rich and not greedy.
  • Silver ring - average income, but with a position in society.
  • Plastic ring - not rich, but hardworking.
  • Copper ring - poor and lazy.
  • With a stone ring - rich, but greedy.

Fortune telling by paper clock

This prediction will help you find out whether you will meet your love this year and under what circumstances. To draw a clock and build an arrow, you can even use an ordinary pencil, you will need to twist it, and what number the pointed end will point to - look for the answer there. If the arrow stops between the numbers, look at the one that is larger.

  • 1 - this year you will definitely meet your love. This will happen at work.
  • 2 - this year you will fall in love twice. Every time forever, but, alas, they will all be fake. This will happen in the same place - in a nightclub or disco.
  • 3 - you will fall in love at first sight when you travel on public transport, but you will have to fight for your love, since it will not be free.
  • 4 - alas, this year you will not meet your true love, but there will be plenty of light novels.
  • 5 - your love is very close, just look around. Maybe it's your neighbor or a colleague behind the wall?
  • 6 - you are not ready to fall in love yet, apparently, past feelings have not yet faded away.
  • 7 - because of your character, you will not be able to fall in love and, most likely, this will never happen.
  • 8 - you will fall in love, but unrequitedly, however, do not despair - soon you will meet your soulmate.
  • 9 - you are an attractive person, but with your criteria for choosing a soul mate it will be very difficult to find her in the near future.
  • 10 - one person loves you, but you don’t pay attention to him, but he is your destiny.
  • 11 - it’s difficult to answer the question of whether you will meet your love this year, since you have already met her.
  • 12 - your love marathon begins. All that remains is to choose the best.

Fortune telling on coins for a loved one

If you have a photo of your loved one, then you need to put it in the middle of the table and ask the question: “What lies ahead for us?” Then throw 10 coins over the photo and pay attention to how many of them came up heads and how many came up heads. If there is no photograph, you can draw his portrait, preserving external data - eye color, hair and hairstyle.

Coin meaning

  • 10 tails - a big and strong love awaits you for years.
  • 1 heads and 9 tails - he loves you madly, but, alas, you do not always reciprocate - this greatly offends him and can cause a quarrel.
  • 2 heads and 8 tails - now he spends a lot of time dealing with business issues, but very soon you will be able to spend more time together.
  • 3 heads and 7 tails - he has some problems related to money, if you do not help him with advice or action, then your relationship may collapse.
  • 4 heads and 6 tails - a new addition to your family awaits you.
  • 5 heads and 5 tails - it’s strange that you consider him your soulmate, he doesn’t even know about it.
  • 6 heads and 4 tails - you need to spend more time together, then your relationship will become stronger and stronger every day.
  • 7 heads and 3 tails - one event will happen in your life that will completely change both you and him. Possible rupture.
  • 8 heads and 2 tails - you think a lot about what will happen ahead, but you do not have a future together.
  • 9 heads and 1 tails - a dark streak has come for you, it will also affect your relationship with your loved one.
  • 10 Eagles - you are behaving incorrectly towards your loved one. Reconsider your behavior and everything will work out.

Fortune telling for husband

Although Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling is usually carried out by unmarried girls, there is one excellent prediction for married women. You need to take the domino “face down”, mix it and ask the question: “Does my husband love me?”, and then, without looking, pull out any one.

  • Two empty - yes.
  • One-empty - no.
  • One-one - for now, yes.
  • Two is empty - he loves work more.
  • Two-one - no, he has another.
  • Two-two - and you him?
  • Three-empty - he loves you madly.
  • Three-one - you are just parents and nothing more.
  • Three or two - of course he loves it, no matter what the doubts.
  • Three-three - you are in second place after the children.
  • Four-empty - never loved and never loves.
  • Four-one - you are bigger than him.
  • Four-two - he loves no one but himself.
  • Four or three - he has one love - his car.
  • Four-four - he loves you, although it’s hard to live with you.
  • Five-empty - guess again.
  • Five-one - he has a more important person - his mother.
  • Five or two - more likely, he feels sorry for you.
  • Five-three - loves and very much.
  • Five or four is difficult to answer.
  • Five-five - loves, but as a friend.
  • Six-empty - your feelings are mutual.
  • Six-one - hates.
  • Six-two - you stop nagging him and find out the truth.
  • Six-three - you are his meaning of life.
  • Six-four - he loves money very much, and you are an addition to it.
  • Six to five - of course not.
  • Six-six - you will always be the most beloved person for him.
Christmas time lasts two weeks: it begins on January 7 and lasts until the 19th.

The main time for fortune telling is the night from January 6 to 7, the day before. But if you didn’t have time to tell your fortune on Christmas night, then you still have quite a lot of time left for this, because you can do it until January 19th.

On Christmas night, girls prefer to tell fortunes alone. And during Christmas time they gather in groups, and fortune telling turns into a fun pastime, because each of them can’t wait to find out their destiny. Of course, girls are mainly interested in how their future family life will turn out.

We should not forget that during this time we come into contact with otherworldly forces, which are especially powerful during this period. Therefore, the atmosphere in which the fortune telling session takes place is very important. In order not to bring trouble upon yourself, during it you must follow some rules:

1. You need to take off your rings and everything that binds you, encircles you: belts, belts, beads, bracelets, pectoral cross, etc.
2. It is necessary to let your hair down, take off your shoes, clothes and remain in your underwear.
3. There should be complete silence in the room. Only candles are allowed for lighting.
4. It is necessary to remove icons from the room (if there are any).
5. During the session, arms and legs should not be crossed.

Fortune telling by small objects

To do this, you need to gather in a friendly company at the table. Place various small objects on it: rings, earrings, coins, keys, spoons, etc. Then the girl, who wants to know her fate, must turn away and, without looking, take some object from the table.

The whole trick of this fortune telling is to understand the meaning of the thing you pulled out. For example, if you have a coin in your hands, then it means wealth, if it’s a key, then it’s for a new home, if it’s a ring, then it’s for a wedding, car keys are for purchasing a car, etc.

The more small objects are on the table, the more fun and interesting the fortune telling.

Moreover, each time the objects must be mixed to prevent memorization of the places where they lie.

Fortune telling with a cat

Cut the threads so that they are all the same length. Then they need to be set on fire. Whichever of the fortunetellers' thread burns out first will marry ahead of everyone else.

And if the fire on the thread quickly goes out or it does not burn out completely, then marriage is still far away.

Fortune telling with matches

This is fortune telling about love, about how the relationship with your lover will develop.

The girl must take a box of matches and insert two matches on the sides, then set them on fire. As the matches burn, they will begin to move. If, having burned, their heads are tilted towards each other, then this is a good sign, it indicates that the lovers will remain together, their relationship will develop successfully. And if the matches bend in different directions, then this portends a separation.

Card reading

For this fortune telling you will need four kings from a card deck. When going to bed, you need to put them under your pillow, saying: “Let him dream about who is my betrothed.”

If in a dream you see a king of spades, it means that the groom will be much older than you; if you see a king of hearts, then a wealthy young chosen one is waiting for you; if you dream of a king of the cross suit, then your betrothed will be from the military. And the best thing is to see the king of diamonds, this means that great love awaits you.

People began to resort to fortune telling from ancient times. Both the Chaldean priests and the Slavic Magi did this. Many have tried to look into the future. Our ancestors performed Christmas fortune-telling. “Prophetic” days were of particular importance - January 6 (Epiphany Eve) and January 13 (Vasiliev's Evening). The pictures clearly demonstrate how similar rituals were carried out in Rus'. Some of them have reached us unchanged. Why did you choose the Christmas period? In January, the foundation for upcoming events is laid. It was believed that these days there was a struggle between Chaos and light, which means that the other world is closer than ever. Kikimoras, goblins and devils “crawl out” from everywhere and make contact more easily. It is from evil spirits that we receive answers to questions asked during fortune telling. The main thing is not to be scared and follow certain rules. What can you ask the spirits about? About everything that interests you - about marriage and family well-being, about the health and illness of loved ones, about life and death.

Fortune telling rules

To be successful, the following conditions had to be met:

  • the best time for fortune telling is after sunset;
  • There should be no cats, dogs or other animals in the house. When communicating with otherworldly forces, they can prevent you from receiving truthful answers;
  • Christmastide fortune-telling is carried out by candlelight (preferably church candles);
  • Before starting the ritual, you need to read a special plot.

Let's find out the future

Christmas fortune telling with cards is still very popular today. After all, modern girls also want to know what awaits them in the next month or year.

We take a deck consisting of 36 cards. Mix them and remove them with your left hand, performing movements towards you. We fan out the cards so that they are face down. Make a question or wish. One by one we take out 7 cards. Their meanings are given below.

Diamond suit:

6 – your happiness is in the balance. Cheating on the part of a loved one is possible.

7 – in the near future fate will be favorable to you;

8 – good news awaits you;

9 – you will find peace of mind and harmony with yourself;

10 – try to get rid of sadness by increasing business activity;

Jack - you are in vain jealous of your lover;

Lady - public insult awaits you.

King - beware of ill-wishers and gossips;

Ace - your plans will not come true in the near future.

Heart suit:

6 – your desires will bring unpleasant surprises;

7 – handle fire carefully, otherwise tragedy cannot be avoided;

8 – meeting a person who will change your destiny;

9 – there is someone who loves you very much and worships you;

10 – fulfillment of a secret desire;

Jack - a person from the past will appear in your life;

Lady - you are being watched;

King - you will achieve all your goals;

Ace - have no doubt: you are really loved.

Spades suit:

6 – try to avoid fatal mistakes. Think through your every step;

7 – you will have to pay for past sins;

8 – danger awaits you;

9 – do not be overly trusting;

10 – happiness is just around the corner;

Jack - you have no reason to worry;

Lady - fulfillment of desire;

The king is good news;

Ace - no one is deceiving you.

Club suit:

6 – unexpected event;

7 – enemies will remind you of themselves again;

8 – illness of a loved one;

9 – sad news;

10 – you shouldn’t make new friends now, otherwise you won’t be able to avoid disappointment;

Jack - your lover will ruin your mood;

Lady - a worthy reward awaits you for your experiences and suffering;

King - if you don’t hurry, you will lose everything you have;

Ace - luck will turn away from you due to a wrong step.

Fortune telling for love

The main theme of Christmas fortune-telling was relationships with the opposite sex. Married young ladies, widows, and very young girls took part in them.

With shoes

Each girl took her felt boots or shoe and went outside. Then she threw the shoes on the road. By the direction of the toe of the boot (felt boot) they determined the direction in which the groom would take the bride. If the sock is turned back to where it was thrown, then there will be no wedding in the next year.

By thread

The girls took a skein of yarn. Then they cut off threads of equal length and set them on fire. What could be determined using such fortune telling? Whose thread burns out first, that girl will be the first to get married.

Subtle fortune telling

Each of the girls hid her own little thing (a cross, a ring, an earring) under a large plate. Then they sang songs in chorus with a certain content - about love, an imminent wedding, and so on. The girls took turns pulling out the little thing. What was sung at that moment referred to the owner of the object.

With wax

Pour water into a shallow plate. Place the wax in a tablespoon and hold it over the fire until it melts. Immediately pour it into a plate and see what shape the wax takes. And the meaning can be interpreted based on your imagination.

Fortune telling during Christmas time in Rus' was popular not only among girls, but also among boys. On a moonlit night, you had to come to the nearest ice hole and look into it. If the image of a girl (boy) appeared in the reflection, then there will be a wedding in the coming year.

My betrothed, mummer

Unmarried girls wanted to quickly find out about their future spouse: what he would be like, what his name was, when they would meet. Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed was carried out using a mirror, wax, comb and other household items.

Before going to bed, the girls placed four kings under their pillow. You definitely need to say in a whisper: “My betrothed, in disguise, appear to me in a dream.” If you dreamed of a king of the cross, then expect matchmakers from a businessman or military man. The King of Hearts promises a young and wealthy groom. If a girl sees a card of diamonds in a dream, she will marry the guy she desires. The King of Spades indicates that the groom will be much older than the girl.

Another option involves using . Fortune telling is carried out at midnight. The girl should be alone in the room. There is only a candle and a mirror on the table. Hair down. The most suitable clothing is a shirt. A few minutes before midnight, we sit down at the table, placing a candle in front of us. It should be the only source of light. At exactly 12 o'clock we say the following words: “My betrothed, the mummer, come to me for dinner.” We look carefully into the mirror. A slight flickering of the candle flame indicates the appearance of the groom. You need to look at the left shoulder of your reflection. We look at the face and say: “Out of this place.” This is a special amulet spell. After it, the image that appeared in the mirror should disappear.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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      How to get a correct prediction?

      Christmas fortune-telling has come to us since the times of pre-Christian Rus', but is still popular to this day. They last from January 7th until Epiphany. During this period, unmarried girls make fortunes about their betrothed, and married girls make fortunes about the future, desire, wealth, etc. Christmastide rituals are usually carried out at night or late in the evening. Predictions received during this period are considered true and reliable..

    1. 1. Fortune telling must be taken seriously, otherwise it will not work.
    2. 2. It is advisable to cast a spell in complete solitude.
    3. 3. Use soft candle light to illuminate the room.
    4. 4. The pectoral cross and other jewelry should be removed.
    5. 5. You must choose a secluded place for fortune telling. In Rus' they were called “unclean”. There should be no icons in the room.
    6. 6. During the ritual, it is not allowed to cross your legs and arms.
    7. 7. You cannot tell anyone about the results of fortune telling.

    Christmas fortune telling with cards for upcoming events

    At the junction of the old and new years, a person is especially interested in the near future. There are many types of Christmas fortune telling that can predict future events. One of them is fortune telling with cards. It requires a deck of thirty-six playing cards, which should be shuffled, picked off with your left hand and laid out face down. Then focus on your question and take out one card at a time.

    Interpretation of the dropped cards:

    WormsAceSomeone is deeply in love with a fortuneteller
    KingYour plans will come true
    LadyYou need to hide your feelings from everyone
    JackThe fortuneteller is often remembered
    TenNeed to ask the question again
    NineThe questioner is greatly loved
    EightSomeone is trying to influence fate
    SevenCaution must be exercised
    SixIt's worth changing plans to avoid trouble
    DiamondsAceThe wish will not come true
    KingHigh probability of deception
    LadyConflicts and insults lie ahead
    JackNo need to be jealous in vain
    TenHard work will help you avoid sad thoughts
    NineDifficulties will soon pass
    EightGood news is on the way
    SevenChange for the better
    SixTreason awaits the fortuneteller
    ClubsAceA mistake that will prevent you from achieving success
    KingYou need to hurry so as not to lose everything
    LadyA well-deserved reward awaits the fortuneteller
    JackA loved one will become a source of great sadness
    TenYou shouldn't make new friends
    NineSad news
    EightIllness of someone in your family
    SevenPraise from enemies
    SixUnexpected Events
    PeaksAceYou need to trust people
    KingGood news
    LadyThe dream will come true
    JackWaste of effort
    TenGreat happiness
    NineYou need to keep your secrets strictly
    EightNeed to beware of danger
    SevenPayback for the past, troubles, misfortunes
    SixActions must be deliberate to avoid unpleasant consequences

    For the near future and fate on paper and egg

    For this simple fortune telling, you need to crumple up a sheet of paper or newspaper, place it on a flat dish and set it on fire. After it burns, you need to bring the ashes to the wall and look at the shadow cast by candlelight.

    Figure meanings:

    • A house is a very good sign for an unmarried girl. Foretells an imminent marriage. For married people it means calm, stability and absence of problems.
    • A tree with branches pointing upward promises good news and fulfillment of desires, as well as success in any endeavor.
    • A tree with branches hanging down speaks of upcoming troubles and problems in various areas of life.
    • A candle or ring foreshadows an imminent marriage to a wealthy, older person.
    • Ruins mean that in the future you will have to solve many difficult problems; the fortuneteller will face troubles and worries. Possible illness or divorce.
    • Any transport promises a long journey that will bring life changes.
    • The bird is a messenger of good news.
    • The dog predicts the appearance in the near future of a person who will be able to radically change the course of events.
    • Mountain - great obstacles and difficulties will arise on the path of life.
    • A cave, a pit is a bad sign. He says that soon the fortuneteller or one of his relatives will be overtaken by a serious illness. Sometimes this symbol foreshadows death.
    • The person is a new friend, an acquaintance who will play a certain role in the life of the fortuneteller. The possibility of a new love affair cannot be ruled out either.

    For the second fortune telling you should:

    • Take a fresh egg.
    • Make a small hole in it.
    • Carefully pour the contents into a bowl of water.
    • Wait for the protein to curdle.
    • You can find out your future by the form it takes. A church means a wedding, a ring means an engagement, a cube means a coffin, a ship means a quick trip (for a man) or the return of a spouse from a trip (for a woman). If the protein sinks to the bottom, there is a high probability of a fire in the home.

    By three mirrors

    This method of telling fortunes about a betrothed can be done at home, but it is quite dangerous because it is associated with summoning evil spirits. The ceremony will require three mirrors of approximately the same size and shape, as well as a pair of large candles. The ritual should begin at midnight:

    • Drawing a magic circle around yourself with chalk is a sign of protection.
    • Place two mirrors parallel to each other on each side of you.
    • Light a candle in front of each person.
    • Third, install it behind you.
    • Peer closely at the side mirrors to see how the devil appears in the form of your betrothed.

    Under no circumstances should you turn around or look in the mirror for too long. In order for the frightening vision to disappear, you must have time to shout three times: “Forget me! - and stop fortune telling by extinguishing the candles.