Squid soup: recipe. Rice soup with squid Health benefits Rice soup with squid and green peas

Rice soup with squid and green peas. rich in vitamins and minerals such as: chlorine - 11.8%, iodine - 36.1%, cobalt - 173.7%, copper - 28.5%

Why is rice soup with squid and green peas healthy?

  • Chlorine necessary for the formation and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body.
  • Iodine participates in the functioning of the thyroid gland, ensuring the formation of hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). Necessary for the growth and differentiation of cells of all tissues of the human body, mitochondrial respiration, regulation of transmembrane transport of sodium and hormones. Insufficient intake leads to endemic goiter with hypothyroidism and slowing of metabolism, arterial hypotension, stunted growth and mental development in children.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, and the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
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Today, squids are very often used in cooking to prepare various dishes. This product tastes similar to crab meat. At the same time, small-sized squid is considered the most delicious; it is served as an independent dish, as well as in combination with potatoes, vegetables or cereals, fish, butter and mayonnaise, and so on. Today we will talk about how to make squid soup. It should be noted that the meat of this sea creature consists of ninety percent protein; it also contains tuarine, which helps lower cholesterol in the blood.

with squid

Ingredients: one large squid, one liter of water, 2 potatoes, one onion, ground pepper, one carrot, one bunch of vegetables, salt.


The soup from which is offered is very simple to prepare. To do this, boil water and put squid in it for three minutes. Then the carcass is immediately dipped into cold water, the skin is removed and cut into strips. Potatoes are peeled and chopped into bars. When the broth boils, add potatoes and cook for ten minutes. The remaining vegetables are chopped and sautéed in oil until tender. Vegetables and squid are thrown into the broth, salted, and chopped dill is added. When the soup boils, turn off the heat and let the dish steep.

with squid

Ingredients: three hundred grams, four hundred grams of green beans, four tomatoes, one onion, one leek, four cloves of garlic, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, ground pepper, one bunch of parsley, salt.


To cook squid soup, you need to rinse the tomatoes and sprinkle them with salt, put them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven for forty minutes. Meanwhile, the onion is cut into half rings, the leek into rings, the garlic into slices, the parsley is finely chopped, and the squid is cut into strips.

Place the squid in a bowl, sprinkle with parsley and add half of the available garlic, mix and leave for twenty minutes. Pour two tablespoons of oil into the pan, add the onion and the rest of the garlic, sauté, then add the tomatoes and beans. Then add water and cook for ten minutes. After time has passed, add squid and add salt to taste. Cook the squid soup, the recipe for which we are considering, for another five minutes.

Canned squid soup

Ingredients: five hundred grams of potatoes, three hundred grams of squid, one onion, one carrot, one medium-sized parsley root, vegetable oil, salt.


Canned squid soup is prepared as follows: the carcasses of sea creatures are immersed in boiling water, lightly salted, and cooked for six minutes. Then they are taken out, cooled and cut into strips. Onions, carrots and parsley are peeled and cut into cubes, placed in a frying pan and fried in vegetable oil. The potatoes are cut into cubes, placed in the broth along with other vegetables, and salt is added to taste. Boil the soup for fifteen minutes. Then it is poured into plates, squid is placed in each of them, and herbs are sprinkled on top.

Squid and mushroom soup

Ingredients: three hundred grams of squid fillet, sixty grams of dried mushrooms, two small onions, two carrots, five potatoes, four tablespoons of vegetable oil, as well as one spoon of tomato paste, one liter of water, two spoons of flour, one bunch of herbs, ground pepper, salt.


The soup is simple and very easy to make. To do this, pre-soak the mushrooms for four hours in water. Then they are boiled until tender, washed and cut. The broth is filtered. Onions and carrots are chopped and fried until soft. Add flour and tomato paste and cook for another three minutes. Then the potatoes are cut into bars and placed in the broth, boiled until tender. Then add squid, cut into strips, mushrooms, herbs and vegetables, and salt.

The squid soup should simmer for another six minutes. Then it can be served to the table.

Squid and mushroom soup

Ingredients: two hundred fifty or three hundred grams of squid, five potatoes, two medium-sized carrots, one onion, fifty grams of mushrooms, one spoon of tomato paste, as well as one spoon of flour, vegetable oil, five glasses of water, herbs, salt and pepper.


Squid puree soup is very easy to prepare. To do this, the mushrooms are soaked for four hours, after which they are boiled in the same water until soft. Then they are washed and the broth is filtered. Carrots and onions are fried in oil, flour and tomato paste are added. Potatoes, cut into bars, are boiled in broth, salted, and squid and vegetables are added. Boil all this for three minutes, then beat it with a blender and put it back on the fire to boil for five minutes.

Thai squid and shrimp soup

Ingredients: half a kilogram of small squid, two hundred grams of shrimp, one spoon of a mixture of garlic, coriander, salt and pepper, as well as one and a half liters of broth, three slices of lemon, two spoons of sweet and sour sauce, one spoon of lemon zest, lemon juice, one pod of pepper, salt and cilantro.


The squids are cleaned and stuffed with shrimps and a mixture of spices. Boil the broth, add lemon leaves and lemon zest, cook for three minutes, add squid and salt and cook for some more time. Then the soup is poured into portioned bowls, adding lemon juice, pepper and cilantro.

Sour cream soup with squid in a slow cooker

Ingredients: half a kilogram of squid, one glass for two hundred and fifty grams of fat sour cream, salt, ground pepper, cream, vegetable oil.


This squid soup is prepared quite quickly in a slow cooker. To do this, cut the seafood into strips, place it in a multicooker bowl, after pouring in vegetable oil, salt it, and turn on the “Baking” mode for four minutes. Then add sour cream and cook in the same mode for another three minutes. Then pour water into the bowl and cook for six minutes in the “Soup” mode. After time has passed, the soup is left in the “Warming” mode for ten minutes. The finished dish is seasoned with sour cream.

Solyanka soup with squid

Ingredients: three hundred grams of squid, one onion, two pickles, one spoon of tomato paste, three cloves of garlic, three spoons of tomato paste, ground pepper, salt.


This squid soup turns out quite tasty and satisfying. First, the squid is cleaned, washed, cut and fried along with onions. Then they put it all in a bowl, add tomato paste, finely chopped cucumbers, crushed garlic, water, and salt. Cook the soup for about forty-five minutes. Then it is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Tender squid soup

Ingredients: half a kilogram of squid, two hundred grams of fat sour cream, ten grams of vegetable oil, ground pepper, salt.


The seafood is doused with boiling water and the skin is removed, then cut into strips, placed in a frying pan with oil, salted and fried for one minute. Then add water and sour cream and simmer for three minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the squid is not overcooked, as then it will become tough and lose its taste. The finished soup can be sprinkled with herbs (optional). This dish is very satisfying as it contains a large amount of protein.

Squid soup-puree

Ingredients: half a kilogram of fresh squid, five potatoes, two carrots, three tablespoons of mayonnaise, two cans of processed cheese (any kind), salt to taste.


The squids are peeled and cut into strips, the vegetables are washed and peeled. The potatoes are grated, the carrots are cut into cubes. The squid is salted and placed in a heated frying pan and simmered for fifteen minutes. During this time, the liquid should boil away, then add mayonnaise, mix and cook for ten minutes, remembering to stir periodically. Boil potatoes and carrots for fifteen minutes, add squid with mayonnaise and cook over low heat. This takes about twenty minutes. Then add processed cheese, mix well, salt. The dish is ready. Bon appetit!

Squid carcasses 5
Rice 150 g (I took round rice, washed it 2-3 times until the water became clear)
Onion 3 pcs
Tomato juice 2 cups
Garlic 1 head
Hot pepper 1 pc (to your taste)
Khmeli-suneli 1 teaspoon

Cooking method

Cook squid in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes, no more. Remove the squid, cut it and pour a little broth over it.
Place the prepared and washed rice in the boiling broth obtained from cooking the squid and cook at low boil until half cooked.
Now let's take care of the onions.
Finely chop the onion, put it in a deep frying pan with melted butter (do not skimp on the butter, you want the onion to be covered with oil), fry for 5 minutes, stirring all the time.
Pour tomato juice into the onion and cook the onion over low heat for about 10 minutes. You have to stir all the time.
When the fat and onions turn red, transfer everything from the frying pan to the pan with the rice and cook until the rice is cooked.
Now you can add squid, hot capsicum (to your taste), and bay leaf. As soon as it boils, season with garlic, crushed with salt.
Now khmeli-suneli. This spice can be added to soup, along with hot pepper, or you can add it directly to your plate according to your taste.
Don't forget fresh herbs. Rice soup with squid ready.

Bon appetit.

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