Stodal for pregnant women 2nd trimester. Stodal during pregnancy: an effective drug or a pleasant-tasting placebo? To drink or not to drink Stodal syrup while pregnant

For a pregnant woman, in certain cases, even a banal cough can turn out to be a serious problem, and sometimes even result in the loss of the child. But independent treatment during this period is not at all the case. Despite the fact that Stodal syrup, as stated in the instructions, can be used by women in an interesting position, in fact there are many nuances that the expectant mother should know before making such a decision.

What does it help with?

Stodal syrup, as already mentioned, is a cough medicine. According to the manufacturer's instructions, it is equally effective for both non-productive and productive coughs.

To understand what we are talking about, you need to remember that there are two main types of cough: dry (unproductive) and wet (productive).

With a dry cough, we feel suffocating spasms caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. They force us to reflexively make specific convulsive exhalations through the mouth (in fact, they are called coughs), but no sputum is released, and accordingly, we do not feel relief as a result of “clearing the throat.”

That is why a dry cough is considered more dangerous; as a result, blood vessels in the bronchi and lungs can burst and various complications arise. Thus, with a dry cough, first of all, it is necessary to facilitate the separation of sputum, that is, to transform the cough from unproductive to productive.

A damp (wet) cough is accompanied by the release of mucus into the oral cavity that is in the lungs and respiratory tract due to an infection or other ailment that has struck the body.

Important! Regardless of the type, cough is not a disease! This is just a symptom that can accompany a variety of diseases - both mild and very dangerous. Therefore, any cough syrups are not treatment and cannot replace it. They just alleviate the patient’s condition (another thing is that, for example, in case of an acute respiratory disease of a viral nature, this may be quite enough, because, as is known, drugs in the vast majority of cases are powerless against viruses).

This is exactly how Stodal works: with a dry cough, the drug accelerates the separation of sputum, and with a wet cough, it helps to thin the mucus, as a result of which it is easier to remove from the respiratory tract, accordingly, the feeling of irritation does not arise, and the intensity of the cough decreases. In addition to the expectorant, the syrup also has a so-called bronchodilator effect, that is, it relieves the very sensation of spasm in the bronchi, relaxing the corresponding muscles.
All instructions for using the syrup indicate that Stodal is a homeopathic medicine, and it is specified that it is based mainly on substances of plant origin. Unfortunately, the established understanding of the meaning of the word “homeopathy” in the minds of most people can lead to the erroneous belief that such drugs are absolutely safe during pregnancy.

Did you know? Contrary to popular belief, “homeopathic medicine” is not at all synonymous with the word “herbal”. In fact, we are talking about medicines that are based on a microscopic dose of a particular substance that causes the disease from which we want to be cured. It is assumed that in large concentrations it causes disease, and in small concentrations it cures it (as they say, “there is poison in a cup, medicine in a spoon”). The word “homeopathy” itself comes from the merger of two Greek words: ὅμοιος - “similar” and πάθος - “suffering, pain, illness”).

Thus, not all components included in Stodal are so harmless. For example, Bryonia, the closest relative of pumpkin, is a fairly strong poison. In large doses, it can affect the lungs, impair blood circulation, cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, etc.
Pulsatilla (also known as lumbago) disrupts the heart rhythm and irritates the skin and mucous membranes. Curly dock (rumex crispus) affects the intestines, larynx and skin. Dried sea sponge spongia toasta can cause barking cough, feelings of anxiety and fear, headaches, runny nose, etc.

Of course, all of the above symptoms occur when consuming doses of the corresponding plants that are many times higher than the content of the syrup; however, you need to understand that a homeopathic medicine and just a medicinal herb are not the same thing. And we haven’t yet remembered that Stodal syrup contains 96 percent ethyl alcohol - not a harmless component, you must agree! And sugar, also included in the drug, is not always needed by the body.

Important! Research conducted in recent years indicates that alcohol negatively affects the baby’s circulatory, nervous system and heart, even when the dose is minimal. So the manufacturer’s assurances that the amount of ethanol in Stodal can be neglected during pregnancy should be taken critically.

That is why during pregnancy you should make sure that the drug is safe for your unborn baby.

Safety of use by trimester

It is well known that almost any medication is indicated during pregnancy only if the risk from the disease is much higher than the possible negative impact that the substances contained in the drug can have on the pregnancy. Taking into account that cough, as was said, is not a disease, and, therefore, by drinking syrup, we are not completely cured - think for yourself.

Important! For a mild cold, if the cough is not constant and debilitating, it is much wiser to limit yourself to plenty of warm drinks and refrain from taking any medications.

Yet the cough itself can sometimes cause serious harm to a pregnant woman. The fact is that when we cough, we reflexively tense certain muscle groups, including the abs, and with it the. If such tension occurs continuously, a condition we know as a “toned uterus” may occur. At different times it is dangerous in different ways, but in any case it is dangerous. As a result of a cough, the mother may even experience placental abruption, but this, of course, does not occur so often.
In addition, even in the pregnant woman herself, a strong cough provokes an increase in cough and other unpleasant consequences, which is extremely undesirable in this condition. Therefore, it is not entirely true to say that you cannot take cough medicine during pregnancy. Another thing is that the final decision must still be made by the doctor observing the pregnancy.

Did you know? According to statistics, every absolutely healthy person coughs five to six times during the day, but twenty coughs per day is also considered the norm. This is a completely natural process of clearing your throat. Thus, if a pregnant woman coughs, this does not mean that she has become a victim of infection!

The safety of the drug "Stodal" during pregnancy largely depends on its duration. The same, by the way, applies to the danger of coughing for the expectant mother and baby. Let's consider these points and try to evaluate them for each of the three.


Of course, this is completely undesirable, but it is reassuring that the child, although premature, already has every chance to survive. However, although it is generally accepted that in the third trimester (as in the second) the fetus is already sufficiently protected, the latter stages have their own nuances.
The fact is that at this time the placenta begins to age and thin out, and, therefore, it no longer protects the baby so well either from toxins that enter the mother’s body due to the action of disease-causing viruses, or from chemically active substances contained in the food she takes. medical drugs.

Important! Cough itself in the third semester is not very dangerous for the child, but it can negatively affect subsequent lactation by reducing the amount of breast milk produced by the body.

Despite the fact that, according to the manufacturers, Stodal is absolutely safe in the third trimester (as well as in the first two, according to their version), in fact, during this period, if possible, it would be worth giving it up, because cough in end of pregnancy, as a general rule, is less dangerous than its treatment (we remember: by taking Stodal, we are treating a cough, not a disease; the disease itself, if it is viral, although dangerous immediately before childbirth, is still treated with chemicals not treated).

How to use

Your doctor will tell you how to take syrup during pregnancy. Under no circumstances should you “prescribe” syrup for yourself.
Exclusively “for general development”, we note that the drug is usually drunk in doses of 15 ml (for this there is always an appropriate dispenser in the package) several times a day, usually from three to five, without reference to time. The course, depending on the nature of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment, is from several days to one and a half weeks.

Important! “Stodal” is not an antibiotic that must be taken strictly according to the course, therefore, regardless of what the doctor prescribed, if a pregnant woman feels a noticeable improvement in her condition, there is no need to continue poisoning herself “for prevention.”

Contraindications and side effects

It is believed that the syrup has no side effects, and the only contraindication is a possible allergic reaction caused by individual intolerance to certain substances included in its composition (fructose, plant materials, alcohol). This is expressed in the form of a rash, swelling of the mucous membrane, or the appearance of other characteristic symptoms. To this it is worth adding that Women suffering from diarrhea should treat any sweet syrups with caution.

So, dear expectant mothers! Stodal syrup (like any other medicine) during pregnancy can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. The drug is not completely safe, do not be fooled by the word “homeopathic”. In the first trimester, it can be prescribed only for particularly severe symptoms; in the third, it is also better to abstain (it’s just that coughing during this period is no longer so dangerous). Otherwise, if you are not choking from painful attacks, but are coughing slightly, drink compotes and herbal ones, do not poison yourself or your baby!

Pregnancy, in addition to unconditional joy, gives rise to many fears and worries. One of them is the fear of getting sick, so if you have a cough, you should immediately consult a doctor. Quite often Stodal syrup is prescribed during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. This is a homeopathic medicine that is used to treat productive and non-productive cough.

The uniqueness of the syrup composition

The drug includes extracts of 8 medicinal herbs, which determines the effectiveness of the syrup:

  • sleep-herb, or pulsatilla, has an anti-inflammatory effect, also eliminating the symptoms of ARVI (body aches, apathy, general weakness, rhinitis);
  • Curly sorrel exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect and suppresses cough;
  • Bryonia extract has an analgesic and mucolytic effect;
  • emetic root suppresses the cough reflex;
  • sea ​​sponge helps reduce hoarseness and swelling of the throat and is considered an effective antispasmodic;
  • pulmonary herb is used to treat productive cough, eliminates headaches and allergy symptoms (sneezing, lacrimation);
  • Antimonium tartaricum ensures the removal of mucus from the lungs;
  • myocardium has an expectorant effect;
  • coccus cacti is effective in the treatment of productive cough;
  • Drosera eliminates dry cough, which may be accompanied by a sore throat.

Is it possible to use Stodal during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester?

The manufacturer claims that the composition of the syrup and the dosage of the components are selected in such a way that, despite its high effectiveness for the expectant mother, the drug is absolutely harmless to the baby.

Main indications for using syrup

  • viral, bacterial, colds of the throat, which are accompanied by an unproductive and wet cough;
  • the formation of mucus in the bronchi, which can provoke the development of an inflammatory process and lead to the need for antibacterial therapy, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy;
  • to relieve coughs of an allergic nature.

The dosage of Stodal syrup during pregnancy is selected individually by the doctor in the 2nd trimester and is no more than 30 ml per day, divided into 3 doses.

As a rule, on the second day the sore throat subsides, the sore throat goes away, and coughing attacks become less and less common. Sputum is actively discharged on the 3rd day of treatment, and wheezing disappears after 3-5 days. However, if there is no positive dynamics during the week, the syrup is canceled and another drug is selected.

Naturally, every woman in an “interesting” situation tries to delay taking medications for fear of harming the baby. However, there are only positive reviews about taking Stodal syrup during pregnancy in the second trimester. After all, a prolonged cough, accompanied by tension in the abdominal wall and increased tone of the uterus, creates a very real threat of miscarriage!

It is rare that a woman manages to avoid the occurrence of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections during pregnancy. This is not surprising, because a woman’s immunity is greatly weakened, since all the body’s forces are aimed at preserving the baby and developing pregnancy.

The symptom is practically a cough, accompanied by pain and sore throat.

Treatment of pregnant women is complicated by the limited list of medications that are acceptable for use during this period. Most effective drugs cannot be used during pregnancy, so you have to look for a remedy that will not harm the unborn baby or pose a threat to the course of pregnancy.

Among the medications prescribed to pregnant patients, one can highlight the homeopathic drug “Stodal”, which is increasingly used in therapeutic practice due to its safety and fairly high effectiveness.

“Stodal” is a natural syrup consisting of medicinal plants, yellow or light brown in color (the syrup must be transparent, the presence of a cloudy sediment is not allowed). The drug has a pronounced aroma of plants and herbs included in the composition.

The main component is a herbal mixture that has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. The collection contains (in the same amount, equal to 0.95 g):

  • baked goods;
  • bryony;
  • coccus cacti;
  • sponge of toast;
  • pulsatilla;
  • Rumex Crispus;
  • Drosera;
  • myocardium;
  • Antimonium tartaricum;
  • stikta pulmonaria.

The result of application is:

  • disappearance of painful sensations in the throat when drinking or swallowing solid food;
  • removal of local inflammatory process;
  • eliminating sore throat;
  • mild antiseptic effect;
  • removal of mucus from the lungs.

The syrup is available in brown glass bottles of 200 ml each. The kit includes a measuring cap and instructions. There is a white ring on the bottle to control the first opening of the package.

Can Stodal syrup be used in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy?

The medicine contains no components that have a toxic effect, so it is considered safe for use during pregnancy. However, it is worth considering that the syrup contains ethanol as an auxiliary component (15 ml of syrup contains 0.206 g of ethanol, and 5 ml - 0.069 g).

Most doctors consider this amount harmless to the mother and baby, since ethanol in this dosage has virtually no effect on the course of pregnancy and is not capable of harming the development and formation of the fetus.

However, some studies conducted in this area indicate the opposite: alcohol in any, even minimal quantities, can adversely affect the development of nerve fibers, heart muscle and blood vessels of the baby.

For this reason, some obstetricians and gynecologists prefer to use other products that do not contain traces of alcohol to treat pregnant women.

Women suffering from various neurological disorders should also avoid taking medications containing any amount of ethanol, as this can cause seizures, tremors of the limbs and other phenomena associated with the activity of the nervous system.

It is undesirable to use Stodal syrup in the 1st trimester, as well as for insomnia, depression, psychosis and an unstable emotional state (these conditions may become worse). There are no restrictions on the use of the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Indications for using cough syrup?

"Stodal" is prescribed as a symptomatic remedy for the treatment of cough when a cold appears. The syrup can be used as part of complex therapy for the following diseases:

  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections (acute respiratory viral infections);
  • flu;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract (sore throat, laryngitis, etc.);
  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tracheitis, etc.).

When prescribing the drug, the doctor takes into account the gestational age, age of the patient, and her emotional state in order to assess possible risk factors when taking Stodal. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy medicine on your own without consulting a specialist.

How to use?

The syrup should be taken orally, regardless of meals. The dosage for pregnant women is 15 ml of the drug, which is measured with a special dispensing cap. You need to take the drug 3 to 5 times a day (this depends on the severity of symptoms and the main diagnosis).

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, but usually the syrup is used until the cough is completely eliminated (from 5 to 10 days).

Side effects

To date, there have been no recorded cases of side effects in pregnant women. Considering the natural composition of the syrup, the possibility of an allergy cannot be completely excluded. When you first use it, you should carefully monitor your condition and well-being: if symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using the medicine and seek medical help.

In cases where the allergy is severe, it is necessary to call an ambulance, since such a condition during pregnancy can end very tragically.

Also, increased caution should be exercised by women suffering, since Stodal contains sucrose.

When should you not take it?

"Stodal" has no contraindications for use, and can be prescribed even in the first trimester (exclusively as prescribed by a doctor, since this is still undesirable).

This remedy should not be used to treat cough only by women who have an intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as an allergy to the plant raw materials used in the production of syrup (or one of the auxiliary components).

The presence of contraindications should be determined by the observing physician, since in each case an individual analysis of the situation is necessary.

What to replace it with?

There are no complete analogues of the drug in terms of structural composition and the presence of active ingredients. If necessary, you can only select agents that have a similar therapeutic effect and a similar mechanism of action. These medications include:

  • "Suprima-Broncho";
  • "Sinupret";
  • "Doctor Mom";
  • "Bronchostop";
  • "Tonsilgon-N".

All these drugs have various side effects and contraindications, so you need to consult a doctor about the possibility of using one of them instead of Stodal syrup.

Despite the absence of side effects and contraindications, Stodal is not the safest remedy for treating cough in pregnant women, as it contains traces of ethanol. Therefore, it is worth discussing with your doctor the possibility of replacement, especially if we are talking about the early stages of pregnancy, because it is at this time that the most important organ systems and the baby’s brain are formed.

If you still cannot do without using Stodal syrup, you must take it strictly under the supervision of a doctor (gynecologist or therapist) specializing in the treatment of pregnant women.

Pregnant women, as a rule, monitor their health very carefully. Of course: they are responsible for ensuring that the baby, growing every day in their tummy, is born healthy and strong. And for this you will have to make every effort so that you do not have to take any medications for health reasons. But, unfortunately, no one is immune from diseases that are accompanied by a cough. These include “sores”, allergic diseases, and any other diseases of the respiratory system.

It happens that a woman in this position is tormented by a cough so much that she doesn’t want to live. Not always (all sorts of warm milk with honey and iodine nets) can help in the fight against cough. Then the question quite naturally arises: how to treat, so as not to harm the little life? And very often in such cases the drug Stodal comes to the rescue.

Stodal during pregnancy: instructions

Stodal is a homeopathic remedy that is used for various reasons. It has a bronchodilator effect on the body (dilation of the bronchi), mucolytic effect (thinning and facilitating the removal of sputum) and expectorant effect. And although this drug is homeopathic, pregnant women should still consult a doctor before using it.

The dosage is usually calculated by the attending physician. If there are no special indications, then the dosage of Stodal for a pregnant woman is calculated in the same way as usual for adults - 3-5 times a day, one tablespoon or 15 ml of the drug. It is very easy to measure the required dose: for this purpose, a measuring cap is attached to the bottle of medicine.

Stodal can be safely combined with taking other medications that are safe during pregnancy that have been prescribed to you - it does not affect their effectiveness. The instructions for the drug indicate only one contraindication to the use of this drug - individual intolerance to any of its components.

As for side effects, they can probably occur, but so far pharmacologists have no data on this: the drug is usually well tolerated.

Is it possible to Stodal during pregnancy?

There are no special warnings regarding the use of Stodal during pregnancy in the instructions for its use. Homeopaths assure that you can be treated with Stodal at any time, if the need arises.

However, it is worth considering that the drug contains ethyl alcohol. And although its concentration is insignificant (1 tablespoon of Stodal contains 0.206 g of ethanol, 1 teaspoon - 0.069 g), you should not lose sight of this fact. Also, pregnant women suffering from diabetes need to take into account that one tablespoon of Stodal contains almost 1 bread unit (XE).

Reviews of Stodal among women who took it during pregnancy are different. But there are more positive ones: it helped most women cope with their cough without causing any unusual reactions. But there are also women for whom Stodal did not help overcome their cough.

In any case, before taking the drug, consultation with a specialist is required. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, as it can have negative consequences. Even healthy people sometimes get problems when they try to treat themselves without first seeing a doctor. It is the doctor who must establish the origin of the cough, its nature, nature and cause. Only then can we talk about prescribing any medications.

Moreover, the doctor will determine the duration and intensity of treatment: Stodal is a drug that stimulates the thinning of mucus and its coughing, and therefore should be taken only during the most severe period of coughing. If expectoration occurs on its own, then there is no point in stimulating it: this way the cough can be artificially prolonged. With the help of a doctor, it will be possible to determine whether a pregnant woman really needs the coughing effect with Stodal, or whether it is possible to avoid taking it.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

From Guest

Good drug. The doctor prescribed it to me when I caught a cold after giving birth. I don’t like milk and honey; during pregnancy I ate so much of it that I felt sick. Well, of course, not only the syrup, I also took some medications, but as for the cough, it very quickly relieves dry cough and removes phlegm.

From Guest

In the fourth month I developed a severe cough. I have always had increased anxiety, and from the beginning of pregnancy I simply became suspicious, so I immediately ran to my doctor! The doctor suggested Stodal, calmed her down for a long time, explained that the syrup was harmless and that it could be given to very small children. I bought it right away, on the first day I drank it four times (as the doctor said), then once every eight hours. By evening, the barking, terrible cough had softened and stopped cutting my throat. Another day I coughed with a dry, but not throat-exploding cough, and on the third day, by the evening, I was already losing phlegm. In total, in five days I successfully got rid of my cough, so I can say that the syrup is very effective, although I admit that the fact that I started drinking on the first day of illness without starting to play a significant role.

From Guest

In general, I am categorically against drugs. But when I recently got sick in my 7th month, I was very scared and, of course, I couldn’t let it happen. The temperature was high and the cough was severe. It's good that my doctor is also my friend. She prescribed me the mildest medications. Homeopathy for the most part and Stodal syrup itself. Already on the second day after taking it, I felt that I was starting to cough up phlegm and my throat became easier. It’s good that this syrup is suitable for both dry and wet coughs! Otherwise, I remember before, you don’t know what syrup to take. In general, I was sick for no more than 4 days. By the way, the cough went away quickly, there were no lingering residual effects, so I would recommend the syrup!

From Guest

The drug works if you start drinking it right away, rather than waiting until the cough becomes unbearable. During pregnancy, the effect-safety ratio is ideal (what they write about alcohol is that ethyl alcohol is normally produced in the body in small quantities by any person) Before pregnancy, I preferred the more “tough” ones, but also more effective and faster feet syrups.

The body of the expectant mother gives all its strength to her child, because he is susceptible to various diseases, and doctors often have to prescribe Stodal during pregnancy. Pregnant women need to especially carefully monitor their health. They are responsible to their baby.

Treatment for cough Treatment
Treatment of the disease Cough in the second trimester is very dangerous; do not hesitate to treat it; severe cough

Stodal during pregnancy is most often prescribed for cough, which accompanies many diseases. When the first trimester falls in the autumn-spring period, the risk of catching a cold is very high. A severe cough can affect not only the sick person herself, but also her child, so this cold symptom must be treated.

Folk remedies do not always help. Various iodine grids, mustard plasters, milk with honey may be useless, because a weakened body needs a stronger remedy. During pregnancy in the 1st-3rd trimester, Stodal can be a salvation for a woman. You need to be careful when purchasing a product and know that there are no structural analogues of the drug with the same active substance yet. But during pregnancy, before taking Stodal, you need to check with your doctor whether you can use this remedy.

The doctor prescribes Stodal during pregnancy, when the patient suffers from a cough of various origins. The medicine has several types of effects:

  • expectorant;
  • mucolytic;
  • bronchodilator.

Thus, it expands the bronchi, thins and facilitates the process of removing sputum. You should not rely on reviews from friends who used Stodal syrup during pregnancy.

Cough remedy

Although the drug is homeopathic, girls should definitely consult a specialist. Stodal during pregnancy can be combined with taking other safe medications prescribed by your doctor. Stodal will not affect their effectiveness in any way.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Before using Stodal during pregnancy, be sure to read the instructions for it. It lists not only the diseases that the medicines treat, but also the active ingredients that make it possible to have the stated effect. The syrup contains herbal ingredients, so it is able to stop attacks of wet cough and moisturize the throat, and is safe for expectant mothers.

Thus, the emetic root contained in stodal can relieve cough in the first and subsequent trimesters of pregnancy. It is effective for spasmodic coughs that cause gagging, can reduce the amount of mucus and eliminate throat spasms.

An extract from lung moss helps with severe coughing, which is accompanied by conjunctivitis, sneezing, and headache. The composition of the sputum that appears during the disease is influenced by Bryonia dioica, which is also part of the cough syrup Stodal, attributed to pregnancy. Bryonia dioica helps eliminate mucus and reduce its viscosity.

The alkaloids contained in the burnt sponge can reduce bronchospasms. The product also contains tartrate. It helps if the sore causes excessive drowsiness.

When can you take the drug?

If you are prescribed Stodal during pregnancy, be sure to read the instructions for use and do not listen to reviews from your girlfriends. Please note that the product contains ethyl alcohol. Its concentration is very low - 0.206 g of ethanol per 1 tablespoon. However, during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, treatment with Stodal should be done with caution. Although homeopaths assure that the remedy can be used at any time, think twice. Girls suffering from diabetes need to be careful. One tablespoon of medicine contains approximately 1 bread unit.

During pregnancy, you should not self-medicate, so be sure to check with your doctor whether you can take Stodal. Self-medication can be dangerous even for healthy people, let alone expectant mothers whose bodies are weakened. Only a specialist should prescribe a course of treatment. He will determine the cause of the cough, its nature, decide on the prescription of a particular drug, determine the duration of treatment, and the required dosage of the drug.

As mentioned above, the medicine thins mucus and stimulates coughing, so it is best used in extreme cases. There is no need to stimulate expectoration if it occurs on its own. This way you can only extend it.

We follow the dosage

Your doctor will find out if you really need this drug or if you can replace it with another one. If there are no contraindications, then the dosage of the medicine is calculated in the same way as for adults: 1 tablespoon approximately 4-5 times a day or 15 ml of the drug. The medicine comes with a measuring cap, so there will be no problems with counting milliliters.

In any case, if you are prescribed Stodal during pregnancy, be sure to read the instructions for use. You should trust pharmacists, not reviews from friends. There are many opinions about this drug. It helped most women cope with cough and did no harm. But for some, the medicine was powerless.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that stodal has many advantages and is approved for use during pregnancy in the 2nd and other trimesters, there are certain contraindications. That is why the product should be used only after the recommendation of the attending physician. Otherwise, health problems may arise.

There are several factors in the presence of which the drug is not prescribed. These include.

  1. Allergy to herbal components of the medicine;
  2. Hereditary fructose intolerance.

There are no side effects from taking stodal during pregnancy. This is evidenced by reviews of the drug. Sometimes an allergic reaction may occur, which manifests itself as a rash on the skin. If this happens, you should immediately stop taking the medication and tell your doctor about the side effects.

Daria Pimenova:

I took stodal during my first pregnancy, when I suffered from a terrible cough. I used the medicine for about four days, after which relief came and the sputum began to disappear.

Kristina Polozkova:

I was prescribed Stodal syrup because I caught a cold during pregnancy. At first I didn’t pay attention to the fact that there was alcohol in the composition. As soon as I found out, I immediately stopped using it. I was scared for the baby. Thank God it worked out.