Time frame for the restoration of menstruation after childbirth: what is normal and what is pathology? When the cycle is restored after childbirth How the cycle is restored after childbirth

Return regular menstruation after childbirth - one of the signs normal recovery female body. However, quite often this process occurs with deviations from the norm and even complications, which doctors then have to correct.

Why does work go wrong? reproductive system after the baby is born? How does the cycle recover after childbirth and what can be done to avoid dangerous complications? It is useful for all women to know such information in order to recognize the pathology in time, seek help from specialists and correct everything.

After the birth of the baby, the restoration of menstruation is the process of the return of the glands internal secretion, as well as other systems and organs to the pre-pregnancy state. It begins with rejection of the placenta and lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. During this time, in the female body, those physiological changes that occurred during pregnancy and childbirth gradually disappear. This applies to all systems: endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous, genital organs. The functions of the mammary glands, necessary for full breastfeeding, flourish and develop.

Normally, restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth involves the following processes:

  1. the reverse development of the uterus to the prenatal period is called involution, and it occurs quite quickly;
  2. the muscles begin to actively contract, as a result of which the size of the uterus decreases significantly;
  3. in the first 10-12 days after birth, during recovery, the fundus of the uterus drops by 1 cm daily (this is normal);
  4. by the end of 7-8 weeks, its size already corresponds to its previous, pre-pregnancy size;
  5. so that by the end of the first week the weight of the uterus is almost halved and is about 400 g, and by the end of the postpartum period - only 50-60 g;
  6. The cervical canal and internal pharynx are also formed no less quickly: the first is fully formed by the 10th day, while the closure of the external pharynx is completely completed in the 3rd week after birth, acquiring a slit-like shape (before this, the canal looks like a cylinder).

Such a restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth is considered normal, but there is nothing to worry about if the involution is delayed or accelerated. There may be purely physiological reasons for this, which cannot be considered deviations or pathologies. There's definitely no need to worry about this. You just need to try to understand what happens to the body, which takes so long (or, conversely, too quickly) to recover after childbirth.

Causes of delayed involution

The rapid or slow restoration of menstruation after childbirth depends on a number of reasons that a woman must take into account while waiting for the establishment of a regular cycle. This includes the woman’s general health, her age, the characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth, and breastfeeding.

Typically, involution is slowed or accelerated for the following reasons:

  • if the female body is too weakened after childbirth;
  • if this is the third (or more) pregnancy;
  • if this is the first birth, and the woman is already over 30 years old;
  • if the birth occurred with deviations, complications and pathologies;
  • if the regime of the postpartum period was violated;
  • if a young mother is not eating well;
  • if she is in and mentally very tired.

If a woman believes that the restoration of her menstrual cycle after childbirth is too slow or that her periods began very early, she should analyze the situation and identify the reasons for this deviation. Nothing wrong with that. To calm down and banish any last doubts, you can consult about this with the observing gynecologist. He will identify the exact cause of slow or accelerated involution and tell you what to do about it.

Postpartum discharge

What else frightens young mothers during the period of restoration of the menstrual cycle is postpartum discharge. They vary in character, color, and duration. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of them either, since their appearance is a completely natural process. They even have a special scientific name - lochia. What are they?

Uterine mucosa after expulsion of the placenta and placenta - wound surface. Its recovery ends only on the 10th day, the uterine mucosa returns to normal even longer - only on the 7th week. During the healing process, postpartum discharge appears. Their character changes over time in accordance with the processes of healing and cleansing of the inner surface of the uterus occurring at this time:

  • first days after birth: lochia is mixed with particles of the inner lining of the uterus, which gradually disintegrate, and because of this there is no a large number of blood, which should not frighten a young mother;
  • 3-4th day: the discharge acquires the consistency and color of serous-serous fluid, that is, it becomes pinkish-yellowish, but there should no longer be blood in it;
  • 10th day: lochia is already light, liquid, completely free of blood, their number is gradually decreasing;
  • 3rd week: the discharge becomes scanty, since it contains only an admixture of mucus, which is still formed from the cervical canal;
  • 5-6 weeks: lochia should stop altogether.

If the restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth is characterized by profuse or persistent lochia for too long, this is the first alarming sign of complications. In this case, it is recommended to seek advice from a specialist. As for the volume of postpartum discharge, its total amount in the first week should not exceed 1,500 ml. And don’t be afraid of their not very pleasant, very specific smell of rotten leaves. Sometimes difficulties may arise that only experienced gynecologists can help with:

  • with slow involution, the release of lochia is delayed;
  • the admixture of blood in the discharge may last longer;
  • if there is a blockage of the internal pharynx due to a bend in the uterus or a blood clot, an accumulation of lochia occurs in the uterine cavity - this complication is called lochiometra;
  • since the accumulated blood in the uterus serves as a breeding ground for the development of microbes, this condition requires drug treatment.

During the period of restoration of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to monitor the nature and duration of postpartum discharge. If everything is normal with them, then the wait for your period will not be delayed either.


You should know that the restoration of menstruation after childbirth breastfeeding takes longer than with artificial ones. This is not a pathology or the norm. This is just what usually happens, since this phenomenon is caused by physiological processes associated with lactation. Knowledge of these features of involution will help women navigate the timing of the first menstruation:

  • With artificial feeding

Restoring your cycle after childbirth usually takes 6 to 8 weeks.

  • During lactation

There are two possible scenarios for the development of events:

1 - menstruation in a nursing woman does not occur for several months, or even throughout the entire period of lactation (natural and fairly frequent);

2 - restoration of the cycle after childbirth takes the same amount of time (6-8 weeks) as for non-breastfeeding mothers.

This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the female body contains prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk production, suppresses the formation of hormones in the ovaries and prevents the maturation of the egg and its further ovulation.

Most often, restoration of the cycle after childbirth during breastfeeding occurs after the introduction of the first complementary foods into the baby’s diet. If the child is on mixed feeding, this process may take 3-4 months. If the child is artificial, his mother can expect her first period to arrive by the end of the second month after birth. No deadlines here are either deviations or the norm. These are natural processes that depend on the individual characteristics of the female body. However, in some cases, all sorts of complications still occur.


Upon recovery menstrual function After giving birth, young mothers may experience the following problems.

  1. Irregularity

Do not be upset if in the first six months after giving birth the cycle cannot be established. Your period may come later or earlier previous term. This is quite explainable by the processes of restoration of all systems of the female body. However, if the menstrual cycle remains irregular even after six months, this is a reason to consult a doctor about this problem.

  1. Cycle duration

There is no need to expect that it will recover completely and will be the same number of days as before pregnancy. In 90% of cases, its duration changes. If previously it was 21 days, for example, now it can last up to 30 days.

  1. Duration of menstruation

Normally, they should last at least 3 and no more than 5 days. If after giving birth you notice that they have become either too short (1-2 days) or too long (over 5 days), you should definitely tell your doctor about this. In some cases, this may be a symptom of quite serious diseases - for example, uterine fibroids (benign tumors) or.

  1. Volume of discharge

Normally it should be from 50 to 150 ml. Accordingly, a smaller or, conversely, larger number of them will not be the norm. How to determine this parameter? IN postpartum period A regular pad should last for 5-6 hours.

  1. Postpartum discharge

If they regularly appear before or after menstruation and do not go away, this is also considered a complication. Most often this is a symptom of endometriosis or endometritis.

  1. Pain

If during the restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth it bothers a woman too much, prevents her from living, sleeping and working peacefully, and forces her to take painkillers or antispasmodics, this is a pathology. In medicine, it is called algodismenorrhea, and it requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Strong painful sensations during menstruation at this stage may have different origins: general immaturity of the body that could not withstand the stress of birth; psychological characteristics, accompanying inflammatory processes, strong muscle contractions of the walls of the uterus.

  1. No pain

Yes, in some cases this is not the norm either. If before giving birth a woman experienced unpleasant, painful sensations during menstruation, and after the birth of the baby they went away, this is not a reason for premature joy. This means that something happened to the uterus, which could change position. In this case, you also need to check with a specialist.

  1. Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases

Endometritis and salpingo-oophoritis become more active at such moments and require drug treatment. You can recognize them by severe pain in the lower abdomen, by the abundance of discharge and its unpleasant, uncharacteristic odor.

  1. Premenstrual syndrome

It might not have been present in the prenatal period, or it might not have been expressed so clearly. But after the birth of a baby, it appears in 90% of all women. This state is characterized not only by causeless irritability, or bad mood, or a tendency to tears, but also a whole complex of physiological symptoms. This headache, engorgement and tenderness of the breast, allergic manifestations, fluid retention in the body and, as a result, swelling, joint pain, insomnia, absent-mindedness. Unfortunately, there is no cure yet for this baffling and disabling condition. A woman simply must learn to manage her emotions independently at this stage.

  1. Ovarian dysfunction

They usually occur after a complicated birth, when there was bleeding, gestosis with edema, and increased blood pressure to the point of convulsive syndrome. In such situations, disturbances in the development of eggs are common, hormonal changes begin, which lead to a delay in the restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth. Since the matter may end in bleeding, you must definitely seek the help of specialists.

  1. Unplanned pregnancy

The most common complication during the period of menstruation recovery after childbirth. Many women either do not know or forget that ovulation occurs approximately 2 weeks before menstruation, which means that the risk of becoming pregnant is very high. Accordingly, it is imperative to protect yourself if you are not planning another baby in the near future. Contraception methods at this stage should be selected by a doctor.

These are not all the difficulties that a woman may encounter when restoring her menstrual cycle after childbirth. There are many more of them, but they are quite rare. In order to prevent them and not worry about the absence of menstruation for too long, it is better to resolve all your doubts in the doctor’s office. It is advisable that this is the same gynecologist who took care of you throughout your pregnancy. He knows the individual characteristics of your body and the nuances of childbirth. Therefore, it is recommended to start with medical examination, and then wait for the arrival of menstruation.

Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of a representative of the fair sex. At this time, expectant mothers are interested in many questions: how to eat properly, what physical activity is it acceptable, is it possible to have sex, etc.

After childbirth, the situation changes a little. The woman begins to worry about issues related to the newborn, as well as her own health. For example, one of them is when menstruation begins after childbirth.

All expectant mothers should know the answer to this question. This will make it easier to determine which changes in the female body are normal and which indicate abnormalities and require consultation with a doctor.

After conception, the menstrual function “turns off.” For 9 months, the woman is not bothered by her period. Their absence is associated with changes in hormonal levels. Only after childbirth the body begins to recover: hormonal background returns to normal and menstruation begins again.
There is no specific period after which menstruation can begin after childbirth. The time of its onset for every woman individually. In most cases, menstruation begins after the baby has finished breastfeeding. This is because during breastfeeding, the pituitary gland produces a hormone called prolactin.

It not only controls milk production, but also suppresses the functioning of the ovaries. This is the reason for the absence of a normal menstrual cycle. If breastfeeding continues for a long time and complementary foods are introduced late, then the onset of menstruation after childbirth occurs after the child is one year old.

Some women introduce complementary foods early. In the pituitary gland, prolactin begins to be produced in smaller quantities and ceases to suppress the work of the ovaries. Most often, menstruation begins in such a situation six months after birth.

There are cases when young mothers, immediately after giving birth, combine artificial nutrition for the baby with breastfeeding. This leads to the fact that menstrual function 3-4 months after birth the child is recovering.

In certain situations, women cannot breastfeed their baby at all. In this case, menstruation may begin after birth 6-10 weeks.

The restoration of menstrual function is influenced not only by the moment of stopping breastfeeding, but also by many other factors, both internal and external. Among them are the following:

  • daily and rest routine;
  • nutrition;
  • Availability chronic diseases, complications;
  • psychological condition.

The onset of menstruation after childbirth: features

In most cases, after childbirth, the menstrual cycle becomes regular fairly quickly. Only the first couple of months can critical days occur ahead of schedule or linger a little.

There are many rumors about the menstrual cycle and the speed of its recovery. You can often hear that the restoration of menstruation after childbirth is directly dependent on the way in which the child was born. Actually this is not true. The onset of menstruation has nothing to do with whether the birth was natural or carried out.

After the onset of menstruation, many women note that menstruation has become less painful, and discomfort is no longer felt. This phenomenon is physiologically explainable. Typically, menstrual pain occurs due to bend of the uterus which interferes with the normal flow of blood. After childbirth in abdominal cavity The arrangement of the organs changes slightly, the bend straightens. In this regard, pain during menstrual periods disappears in the future.

Very often, menstruation is confused with discharge, called lochia. They are a mixture of blood clots and mucus. The cause of lochia lies in damage to the lining of the uterus. The first few days after birth they are abundant and have a bright red color. After a week, the lochia acquire a brownish tint, and their number noticeably decreases. Gradually they become more and more scarce. This is due to the fact that the lining of the uterus is healing. Lochia can be released for 6-8 weeks. After this they stop.

After childbirth, during breastfeeding and in the absence of menstruation, it can occur conception. It is known that the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovaries begins approximately two weeks before bleeding. A few days before and after ovulation there is a chance of getting pregnant.

The onset of menstruation after childbirth is not a sign that the female body is ready for the next pregnancy. It takes a couple of years to fully recover. It is advisable to plan for the next child after this period. Therefore, before your period starts, you need to take care of contraception.

Situations when you should consult a doctor

After the birth of a child and during artificial feeding I didn't get my period? This fact may indicate the presence of diseases genitourinary system. After stopping breastfeeding, periods may also be absent.

The reason for this is postpartum pathologies, endometriosis, hormonal disorders, tumors, and inflammation of the ovaries. If there are no critical days, you should definitely consult a doctor to prevent unwanted consequences.

You should also contact a medical professional if periods are very heavy. If, with heavy discharge, more than 1 pad is required for 2 hours, then this should be regarded as bleeding. Symptoms such as pain, unpleasant odor and dark tint of blood should also be alarming.

If 2-3 months after the onset of menstrual periods the cycle did not recover, then this is already a deviation. In such a situation, you should ask a gynecologist for advice. The cause may be hormonal imbalances.

Sometimes women who have become mothers complain of worsening PMS. You will find answers to the questions: why does this happen and how you can deal with the problem in the video at the end of the article.

Personal hygiene when restoring menstruation after childbirth

After the birth of a child, Special attention You should pay attention to personal hygiene, because during this period the female body requires a more attentive and careful attitude.

Until the menstrual cycle resumes, it is not recommended to use pads with absorbent mesh and tampons. These remedies are not suitable for lochia. During them, it is best to use pads with a smooth surface. They need to be changed every 3-4 hours.

Sexual intercourse is not recommended for 6 weeks after birth. Unprotected sex is unacceptable, because infections can enter the uterus.

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that the moment when menstruation begins after childbirth, different women does not occur at the same time. The duration of the recovery process is purely individual. Personal hygiene plays a huge role after childbirth. At this time, you need to be very careful about your body in order to prevent infections from entering the uterus and the occurrence of any inflammatory processes.

Menstrual cycle- these are cyclic fluctuations in a woman’s body, intended for reproductive function. During pregnancy, menstruation does not bother the woman at all, and after childbirth the cycle is gradually restored.

Features of the menstrual cycle after childbirth

Why does it take so long for menstruation to come, almost a year, when will it start, how long will menstruation be and whether it will be painful - all this is of interest to women in the last months of pregnancy.

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman are caused by changes in hormonal status. The hormone progesterone is responsible for the absence of regular periods during pregnancy. It begins to be produced in the corpus luteum (temporary gland in the ovary) immediately after ovulation and is produced until 10 - 12 weeks of pregnancy. Progesterone is then synthesized by the placenta. After childbirth corpus luteum finally ceases to exist, the placenta leaves the uterine cavity, and mechanisms for restoring a regular cycle are launched.

In contrast to these processes, as soon as the baby is born and he is put to the breast, prolactin, a hormone produced in the hypothalamus of a postpartum woman during breastfeeding and stimulating milk production (lactation), begins to be actively synthesized. Why doesn't a new cycle begin when breastfeeding? Due to the suppression of egg maturation (ovulation) by prolactin and, as a result, blocking menstruation. The restoration of the cycle after childbirth depends on how smoothly these processes occur.

Postpartum spotting

Postpartum discharge - lochia - should not be confused with menstruation. They are similar to regular cyclic bleeding, but they are not and are not accompanied by ovulation. Essentially, this is bleeding from the placenta insertion in the uterine cavity. Lochia is a mixture of blood clots, pieces of endometrium and mucus. Abundant and bright red in the first days after birth, later the discharge becomes pinkish-yellow. Their quantity can reach 1400 g per week. As the uterine wall heals, the lochia becomes light, scanty, without any admixture of blood. Postpartum discharge can last a long time - up to eight weeks.

When does your period start after childbirth?

There is no exact and uniform time frame for the return of the normal menstrual cycle after childbirth. The time when menstruation begins after childbirth is individual for each woman. There are certain signs that can be used to approximately predict when the first period will begin after childbirth, and it is advisable for expectant mothers to know them. This is necessary in order to avoid double burden (after all, repeated pregnancy in a breastfeeding woman can significantly deplete her body), and also not to miss a condition that requires urgent medical intervention.

The speed of restoration of regular menstrual bleeding does not depend on how the birth took place - whether the woman gave birth on her own or had a cesarean section.

The physiological impetus for the appearance of menstruation after childbirth is a decrease in the production of the lactation hormone (prolactin) by the pituitary gland due to a decrease in the volume of breast milk produced or a complete cessation of breastfeeding. This usually occurs in the fourth month after the baby is born.

What conditions accelerate the return of menstruation:

  • putting the baby to the breast too rarely;
  • supplementing the child with water or feeding him with formula;
  • with breaks between feedings of more than 6 hours, especially at night (at the peak of prolactin production).

Active breastfeeding and late introduction of complementary foods can delay the return of the cycle by one year.

If a young mother does not breastfeed her child from birth (no milk, acute infectious diseases), menstrual bleeding can resume as early as 4–8 weeks after pregnancy. Menstruation a month after birth should be differentiated from lochia.

The nature of the first menstruation after childbirth

  • Anovulatory. Despite the fact that the first menstruation may begin 14 days after the end of lochia, it is usually not accompanied by the maturation of the egg and its release into the fallopian tubes from the ovary.
  • It is not indicative how long your period lasts after childbirth and how heavy the discharge is; subsequent periods will be different. The main thing is that they should not be more abundant than 50 ml per day, and their duration should not be longer than 10 days.

The onset of the first menstruation after childbirth does not mean their full recovery. The cycle is still long time may be irregular. It will become stable after complete restoration of hormonal regulation of the reproductive system after childbirth. This usually occurs within 4 to 5 months. The first few periods come early or late. You should be wary if the interval between the first and second cyclic bleedings is too short (about 10 days) or too long (more than 3 months).

Factors influencing the return of menstruation after childbirth

Not only breastfeeding affects the start of the cycle. External and internal factors and their interaction also play an important role.

Extends recovery period normal cycle or increase the risk that your period will not come:

  • incorrect daily routine;
  • lack of adequate sleep and nutrition;
  • chronic diseases ( diabetes, arterial hypertension, pathology of the thyroid gland);
  • complicated course of pregnancy (gestosis of the 2nd-3rd trimester, severe edema, eclampsia);
  • difficult birth (with bleeding, hypertension);
  • postpartum depression.

All this is due to a violation of the control of ovarian function - a failure in the production of pituitary hormones.

Features of the period of restoration of regular menstruation

Restoring menstruation is not an obstacle or contraindication to breastfeeding. It is believed that the baby may refuse to take the breast at this time. This is not associated with a change in the quality of milk - the mother’s smell, to which the child is very sensitive, may simply change.

If before pregnancy a woman was bothered by painful menstrual bleeding, then after pregnancy there is a decrease in pain. This is due to changes in the shape of the uterus and its position in the abdominal cavity.

It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene during postpartum bleeding (lochia) and during the restoration of the menstrual cycle. The use of tampons is contraindicated for six months. It is recommended to use pads with a smooth surface, which must be changed every three hours. If personal hygiene products have to be changed more often, you should consult a doctor - this may be a sign of uterine bleeding.

Avoid sexual intercourse for two months. Sex without barrier contraception (condoms) is contraindicated due to the risk of infection of the uterine cavity.

It should be remembered that a breastfeeding woman can become pregnant again, even if she did not have her first postpartum menstrual bleeding. Ovulation occurs and the egg is released from the ovary 13-16 days before the onset of menstruation. Since ovulation does not external signs, a woman may not realize that her body is already capable of conception.

Situations requiring medical supervision

Restoring regular menstrual bleeding requires the coordinated work of many body systems. Failure of one of the systems may cause various disorders cycle.

Types and causes of failures:

  • Menstruation does not appear for eight weeks, despite the fact that the woman has already finished breastfeeding or the baby is initially on an artificial formula. It is necessary to exclude pathology of the reproductive system (endometriosis, inflammation of the ovaries, inflammatory processes in the uterus) or hormonal imbalance (excessive production of prolactin). Excess prolactin may be caused by a tumor of the pituitary gland (prolactinoma). It is benign and develops due to insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Irregular periods after childbirth. A gap between menstruation of more than three months is pathological. The reason may be a hormonal imbalance. Also, do not forget about the possibility of pregnancy after the first postpartum menstruation, even if you continue to breastfeed your baby.
  • Heavy bleeding, requiring replacement of hygiene products more often than once every two hours, is regarded as bleeding from the uterine cavity. In this case, urgent medical consultation is necessary. Especially if the discharge has an unpleasant odor, a brown or scarlet tint of blood, or a large number of clots.
  • If the duration bloody discharge is more than 10 days, should be excluded uterine bleeding.
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding can cause the development iron deficiency anemia. Even if the bleeding corresponds to the conventional norm, the woman experiences frequent dizziness, a feeling of weakness and fast fatiguability, it is necessary to monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • A pathology is considered if less than 14 days have passed between the end of lochia and the beginning of new bleeding.
  • If there was a complicated birth heavy bleeding, sepsis or severe gestosis, the development of Sheehan syndrome (necrosis of pituitary cells) is possible. In this case, even after cessation of lactation, monthly cyclic bleeding either does not come at all or is restored, but the discharge is scanty and spotty.

Questions about when the first periods come after childbirth, what they are and what degree of intensity they can be, concern not only first-time mothers. Each birth takes place in its own way, causing hormonal changes in the body, which contribute to the appearance of critical days. In order to find out when to expect your first menstruation after childbirth, you should start by understanding why they were absent throughout the previous period.

Why do you not have periods during pregnancy and after childbirth?

This is facilitated by nature itself, which “conceived” critical days as a way to get rid of the fertilized egg, if it is not fertilized, and the endometrium, to which it should be attached during pregnancy. When this happens, the endometrium begins to thicken, and the need for menstrual periods disappears. Only in extremely rare cases are menstruation during pregnancy considered normal; most often they indicate anomalies. As for when menstruation occurs after childbirth, their absence is due to the production of the hormone prolactin. It is responsible for the formation of lactation and suppresses the onset of ovulation. It turns out that nature itself stands guard over breastfeeding, directing all the body’s forces to milk production, and not to planning the next pregnancy. But this hormone is effective only in cases where the baby is put to the breast at least every three hours. No less important for maintaining prolactin are night and early morning feedings. Here the interval may be a little longer, but if the mother prefers to bottle-feed the baby at night, trying to maintain her sleep, then her period will not take long to arrive. If the baby is fed exclusively with mother's milk, then the likelihood that the cycle after childbirth during breastfeeding will be restored no earlier than with the start of the introduction of complementary foods at 6 months, or even later, is quite high.

Differences between the first menstruation and postpartum discharge

Often women confuse the first menstruation with natural secretions called lochia. These discharges are of a different nature, although in appearance they are similar to menstruation, representing the same blood. Every woman has lochia after childbirth, regardless of whether she gave birth herself or whether the child was born through caesarean section. The type of feeding is also not important, since postpartum discharge is a way for the uterus to rid itself of particles of the placenta and epithelium that come out of the uterus during its contraction. The duration of lochia varies from 4 to 8 weeks, this is the time allocated for the restoration of the body and preparation of the uterus for possible subsequent pregnancies. So, when thinking about how long after childbirth menstruation occurs, you should know that they cannot occur before the end of lochia. It is quite difficult to confuse the latter with menstruation: lochia does not stop from the first day after birth, gradually changing in the degree of intensity and shade of discharge, disappearing. Menstruation presupposes at least a minimum interval between its beginning and the end of postpartum discharge.

Factors influencing the restoration of the menstrual cycle and the characteristics of menstruation after childbirth

  • Progress of pregnancy.
  • Course of labor (presence or absence of complications).
  • The age of the woman in labor and her state of health.
  • Lifestyle, state of the nervous system.
  • Sleep mode, presence or absence complete nutrition and rest.
  • Chronic diseases.

In this regard, the first periods after childbirth, which you can find out below, depend not only on breastfeeding, although the latter can be considered a fundamental factor.

Concerning appearance, profuseness or pain of menstruation after childbirth, then everything is individual. The cycle may change slightly, becoming shorter or longer, as well as change in intensity. It is impossible to predict in which direction this will happen and whether it will happen at all. In addition, the first menstruation after childbirth is not indicative; a clear cycle can be established after another one or two cycles. However, if the discharge is too heavy or does not stop for a week or more, you should not delay a visit to the doctor, since such bleeding indicates health problems.

Approximate dates

It should be remembered that the restoration of the menstrual cycle is largely associated with hormonal levels. If the imbalance was present before childbirth, then there is a high probability that it will be restored later after menstruation, but this is only possible with full lactation. Although it does not guarantee the absence of menstruation. There are cases when menstruation began a week after the end of lochia. So if, a month after giving birth, menstruation began, and the lochia had already ended by this point, then, in principle, this is a type of norm. All that remains is to regret that it was not possible to stretch out the time when you don’t have to remember about the pads.

Can the absence of menstruation be considered a reason to save on contraception?

It is quite natural for women to consider menstruation a sign of puberty and the body’s readiness for pregnancy and childbirth. A kind of confirmation of this is the absence of menstruation during pregnancy. This gives rise to a fairly common misconception that if you don’t have your period, then you don’t need to use protection during sex, since pregnancy won’t occur. In theory, this should be the case: the amniotic egg does not mature, so conception should not occur. But in practice, everything looks a little different, and when menstruation occurs after childbirth, it does not have any effect on the possibility of a subsequent pregnancy. The explanation for this is quite simple: ovulation can occur even before the start of menstruation, that is, a woman becomes pregnant until the moment when, theoretically, an unfertilized egg would leave the uterus along with the blood. The absence of menstruation is taken for granted, because there is infant, therefore, the understanding that there will soon be a new addition to the family comes too late, sometimes simultaneously with the first movements of the fetus. So if you don’t want to have children of the same age, you shouldn’t skimp on contraception in the absence of menstruation.

What to pay attention to

Regardless of how long after giving birth you get your period, the following circumstances should be the reason for a visit to the doctor:

  • the discharge is too abundant, which may be a sign of endometriosis;
  • they feel much more painful than they were before pregnancy.

If heavy bleeding began during the process of lochia and after several weeks from the moment of birth, there is no need to figure out whether it is menstruation or a continuation of postpartum discharge. In this case, you need to go to the doctor urgently, since such a condition may indicate the presence of pieces of placenta or epithelium in the uterus. One of the signs of this problem is the characteristic and rather pungent odor of the discharge.

It is also recommended to visit a gynecologist after the first menstruation after childbirth. The doctor will be able to assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries and monitor whether the body is recovering as it should be. If the first period after childbirth depends largely on the state of health, it also becomes the last, or the woman has stopped breastfeeding and the cycle is not restored, then only a doctor can deal with hormonal problems. And there is no doubt that they exist, since one of the indicators women's health, is a well-established menstrual cycle, in which there should be no downtime or radical changes.

The menstrual cycle is the main indicator of the health of the female body, so it is very important that periods after childbirth are restored at the right time and with the correct regularity.

Changes can only affect the nature of the discharge itself, at the very first menstrual cycle after childbirth they will be scanty, more like daub. They should last no more than 2-3 days. If the first menstruation is too heavy, and one pad is not enough even for 2 hours, the woman is most likely bleeding and should immediately consult a doctor.

At first, the menstrual cycle will range from 21 to 30 days. This will continue until ovarian function is completely restored. This will take several months; this period is individual for each woman.

Signs of pathological menstruation

In some cases, discharge after the birth of a child is pathological. If you see the following signs, do not wait for your cycle to normalize, but immediately go to the gynecologist:

  • if the discharge after childbirth “lochia” suddenly stops. This may indicate a bend of the uterus, endometritis, or stagnation of lochia inside the uterus;
  • if there are very scanty menstrual flows for more than 3 cycles. This may be a sign of hormonal imbalance, endometritis or Sheehan syndrome;
  • 6 months after its recovery. Breaks between menstruation of 3 months or more. This may be a sign of ovarian pathology;
  • very heavy periods for 2 or more cycles in a row, especially after surgery or termination of pregnancy. This may be caused by retained membranes on the inner walls of the uterus;
  • and accompanying general weakness and dizziness;
  • if menstrual flow has an unpleasant, pungent odor, and the woman has a fever and eats severe pain in the stomach, this may mean the presence of infection or cancer;
  • “smearing” before and after menstruation is a sign of endometriosis or inflammation;
  • curdled discharge and itchy sensations in the vagina - a symptom of “thrush”;
  • bloody, from 3 cycles in a row.

What changes may occur in the menstrual cycle?

Irregular monthly menstrual discharge may appear in a woman for several cycles after the birth of the baby. But this is not permanent. There shouldn't be any after 1-2 months. Menstruation should be the same as before pregnancy, only a slight change in its duration is allowed:

  • 2-3 initial cycles may be observed, especially if the child is on mixed feeding;
  • The first cycles after the birth of the baby for some mothers, on the contrary, occur with more abundant discharge. If after a couple of cycles the intensity of menstruation does not decrease, and pain also increases, you should definitely consult a specialist;
  • the appearance of menstrual flow may be irregular;
  • Painful periods may appear even in those who did not complain of pain before pregnancy. Pain during menstruation after childbirth can be caused by intense contractions of the uterine walls or infection. Most often after the birth of the baby earlier painful menstruation become normal due to a change in the position of the uterus;
  • may appear premenstrual syndrome or its precursors: swelling, nausea, mood swings, dizziness.

Irregular periods

Critical days after childbirth may be irregular for several reasons:

  • if irregularity is observed in the first few months after childbirth during the recovery period, then there is no reason to panic. Most often, this is normal behavior for them, since normalization of the cycle occurs individually for each woman. Irregular periods of menstruation are typical for breastfeeding mothers;
  • In about 2 months, all systems and organs in the mother’s body return to normal. Here's normal functioning endocrine system occurs late, especially during lactation. For this reason, even with good general condition the body of a representative of beauty may not have critical days;
  • if regularity has not been established in 3 or more cycles, this may indicate inflammation, endometriosis or cancer in the organs of the genitourinary system.

To prevent development dangerous pathologies and prescribe treatment in a timely manner; at the first questionable symptoms, seek help from a gynecologist.


There are cases when, after childbirth, menstruation does not occur, although more than six months have already passed, the lactation period is over, or the child is just supplemented with mother’s milk. The most common reason for a delay is a new pregnancy, but if so, you should seek help from a doctor, because in this case a delay may be a harbinger hormonal disorders, for example, Sheehan's syndrome, in which weakness, dizziness, low arterial pressure and lack of lactation. This is very dangerous disease, which can cause adrenal insufficiency and various infectious diseases.

In women over 40 years of age, the absence of menstruation may mean the onset of menopause, and in younger women, premature ovarian failure may occur.

To determine the reason for the long absence of menstrual periods, you should definitely visit a gynecologist.

Menstruation after pathological pregnancy or childbirth

After suffering any of the above conditions, a woman is recommended to protect herself for at least 6 months from the onset of a new pregnancy, since the absence of menstruation does not mean that ovulation does not occur. This means that without critical days she can become pregnant, which is undesirable for a still fragile body.

Women in good health have no problems restoring their cycle after the birth of a baby. To avoid any failures, you should put some expert advice into practice:

  • To quickly restore hormone production, you need to properly structure your diet. It should include more fruit, vegetable and cereal dishes, milk, and meat. You should follow a drinking regime, do regular exercises and take multivitamins for mothers prescribed by your doctor;
  • no need to take oral contraceptives. They can affect hormonal levels, causing cycle irregularity. For sexually active ladies, it is better to temporarily give preference to condoms or other non-hormonal means of contraception;
  • follow the regime. If your baby keeps you awake at night, get some sleep during the day. Don't refuse help from your loved ones. Good vacation accelerates the recovery process;
  • any chronic diseases may affect the duration of the recovery period, therefore, for diabetes, anemia, thyroid diseases, etc. It is imperative to consult with a specialized specialist and adjust the treatment.

There are cases when the first periods after childbirth passed normally, but the next ones after them were delayed.

This may indicate the presence of a hormonal imbalance. In this situation, it may be useful to take hormone tests and undergo other additional research. Such measures can prevent the development various diseases, including oncology.

If these tips did not help and the cycle after childbirth did not recover in due time, you should definitely seek help from a gynecologist.