Certificate of encumbrance on real estate. Why do you need a certificate of absence of seizure of property? Form of certificate of encumbrance on real estate

Jan 5, 2017 10:53


How to protect yourself from fraudulent activities in relation to property rights? This question seems difficult and insoluble for many, but certificate of absence of encumbrances on the apartment will be a salvation for many. Where can I get such a document and is it possible to get this cadastral document online? Visit this resource and order a certificate from Rosreestr right now. Only here you can find required document, which will help protect you from real estate fraud.

Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate - real help for everyone

According to Russian legislation, a whole comprehensive program has been developed that allows you to include in a single State Register property law any information about real estate.

EGRN is the most reliable state register of the Cadastral Chamber of Russia. The EGRN extract contains not only the basic basic data regarding the object of property law you are interested in, but also allows you to find out what restrictions the object of interest to you has.

Any interested person can obtain information about encumbrances on real estate without restrictions. The “Rights and Restrictions” section discloses all information regarding real estate encumbrances. By ordering a certificate and paying the cost of the service, which includes a state fee, you can obtain disclosure of information regarding the encumbrance. The following factors act as burdens:

  • The property is leased.
  • There is rent of real estate.
  • The apartment or land is pledged to the bank under a mortgage or loan.
  • Guardianship obligations on the part of guardianship authorities in relation to minor property holders.
  • The principle of easement in relation to housing has been introduced.
  • The property is classified as a cultural heritage site.
  • There is trust management.

All this information is fully displayed in the USRN extract. As you can see, this is the most reliable way to protect yourself from fraudulent activities when carrying out various operations with real estate.

Additional features: certificate of absence of encumbrances on the apartment

The EGRN extract also contains detailed information about the property, in particular, who is the copyright holder, and the exact area of ​​the property. The USRN certificate also contains data on the exact cadastral value of the object, what material the walls were built from, what year the object was put on cadastral registration and a unique cadastral number. In addition, in the encumbrances section, you can find out what previously were encumbrances regarding the object you are interested in and the links through which the object passed from the category of encumbrance to free access.

Extract from the Unified State Register of Encumbrances

On our website you can order a new format for the USRN extract, which will indicate the facts of the encumbrance. In the finished extract of the Unified State Register of Real Estate, in section No. 2 there is subparagraph 4, “Limitation of rights and encumbrance of the property.” If there is no encumbrance, then the opposite information is indicated: “not registered.” If there are facts of encumbrance, references to Rosreestr documents are provided that will record the fact of encumbrance. Please note that the relevance of the data is valid for 30 days; after the end of this period, you will need to order a certificate again to carry out various actions.

When purchasing an apartment, each buyer must make sure that the documents for the apartment from the seller are genuine. Therefore, we will devote our article to the topic of checking the property being sold for the presence of encumbrances.

Certificate of no encumbrance on the apartment - what is it?

When buying an apartment, it is unlikely that anyone will want to be burdened with dependents or tenants, because of whom they will have to defend their rights in court. To prevent this from happening, buyers insure themselves and require the apartment owner to provide a document confirming the “cleanliness” of the apartment. This is a certificate of no encumbrance.

You can often hear the question: “What is the name of the official certificate of encumbrance of an apartment?” Here it should be understood that this means an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Today, all information about home owners is registered in the Cadastral Chamber. As a result, any housing transactions and encumbrances are recorded there. Therefore, the buyer of real estate has every right to request an extract from the seller and find out who else besides the owner can claim it.

If it turns out that the property is seized or has an encumbrance, the transaction will not take place. When we talk about encumbrance, it means the presence the following factors:

  1. The property has been seized. The action is carried out in situations where the owner cannot fulfill his debt obligations.
  2. The property is rented out. The action was carried out officially and allows third parties to temporarily use the living space.
  3. The housing is secured as collateral. The action is recorded when the mortgage is taken out. The removal of the encumbrance occurs after the full repayment of the bank debt.
  4. Easement. This is the official granting of the right to use land to a person who does not have ownership rights to a specific land plot.

In what cases will you need to take the document described above?

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Encumbrances is required when:

  • purchase and sale contracts are concluded;
  • entry into inheritance and testamentary rights occurs;
  • housing is obtained through a deed of gift,
  • there is an assignment of rights;
  • in the process of judicial disputes identifying the legal owners of housing;
  • in the process of family divorces, a certificate is required to allocate the share belonging to the second spouse;
  • when a legal/notary inspection of a specific object is carried out.

If you have this paper, you can safely purchase an object without worrying that an unpleasant surprise will come out later.

Attention! The absence of such a certificate allows fraudsters to deceive buyers using criminal schemes. As a result, after some time the transaction is declared illegal. In some legal proceedings, real estate is seized, which will not allow the apartment to be sold, someone to be registered in it, or other official actions to be taken.

Who can take an extract?

Any citizen can order a certificate from the Unified State Register of Encumbrances for an apartment. To do this, he will need a government organization such as Rosreestr or MFC.

What papers are needed to obtain an extract?

Certificate is issued upon availability large package of documents. To competent structures:

  1. an application for the issuance of paper is written;
  2. the applicant's passport is provided;
  3. a document confirming the right to own housing is provided (if any);
  4. State tax is paid and a payment slip is provided.

The application indicates the address of the property, but the grounds for obtaining an extract are not indicated.

What information is contained in the certificate?

The certificate from Rosreestr about the absence of encumbrances includes the following data:

  • Address of the apartment and its description (size, number of rooms).
  • Full name of the owner of the property (if there are several owners of the property, then the size of each share is indicated).
  • Presence of encumbrances (if present).
  • Information on the collection of housing by government agencies (if any).

How can I get the document?

When faced with legal issues regarding real estate, citizens often wonder where to get a certificate of encumbrance on an apartment? It is possible to obtain this paper in several ways:

  1. You can personally visit Rosreestr.
  2. You can contact any branch of the MFC.
  3. On the Internet on the website website. You can order an extract at any time. Through the helpline you can contact a specialist and receive detailed advice.

The statement will be sent to email to the applicant.

Last option very convenient, since it will allow you to receive an extract without leaving your home.

Payment of state duty

An extract from the Unified State Register of Encumbrances is provided to the person after payment of the fee. Its size may vary slightly in different regions, but on average the state duty is 250-2200 rubles. If the service is ordered online, you will only have to pay 250 rubles.

Validity period of the statement and requirements for its form

The form of the certificate and the documents attached to it are established by Rosreestr . On his website you can see what a sample of an official paper looks like. It will help you get an idea of ​​what the finished document will look like.

The validity period of the certificate is not established at the legislative level. Therefore, the reliability of its data may correspond to the time of receipt. Logically analyzing the situation, we can conclude that the information contained in the certificate remains relevant for only 10 days.

If, when purchasing an apartment, the seller provided such an extract, but the period after its issuance has already exceeded 10 days, the buyer should independently contact the Cadastral Chamber, which will clearly say whether the document is valid or not.

Why do those who decide to independently obtain a certificate often face a refusal to issue it?

Practice shows that those who wish to save money on purchasing a certificate are often upset later because they decided to purchase the document themselves. And the reason for this may be the refusal to issue an extract. This is possible if:

  • The applicant provided an incorrect address. When submitting an application, you must provide accurate information. You can also write the cadastral number, since with its help any object will be easily found.
  • The state fee was not paid in full by the applicant. In this case, you need to check the size again and pay the missing amount.

Often people who are faced with a refusal to issue an official document file a lawsuit in order to punish those representatives of the official structure who unreasonably voiced the refusal to receive a document. And such a decision is reasonable, since on this resource:

  1. certificates are issued quickly;
  2. services are inexpensive;
  3. Only official information is provided to clients;
  4. the customer of the certificate is informed about the readiness of the document immediately after it is sent by email;
  5. official paper is issued guaranteed.

Order through the website. required document. Such actions are worth doing so as not to voluntarily burden yourself with problems in the future. Evaluate the efficiency of the service and flexible prices, which apply to obtaining certificates and documents through intermediaries.

Hello! Does it make sense to provide a doctor’s certificate of illness to the labor exchange so that they don’t offer me a job that is contraindicated for me?


Hello Irina.

After you are recognized as an unemployed citizen (if there are grounds for recognizing you as unemployed), an employment service employee will offer you a job and a job suitable for you. In turn, a suitable job is a job that corresponds to the citizen’s qualifications, accessibility (transport) for the citizen to come to work, and also corresponds to the citizen’s state of health.

Among the mandatory documents that a citizen must present to the employment service in order for the citizen to be recognized as unemployed does not include a medical document characterizing the citizen’s state of health. However, even despite this, this document must be submitted to the employment service. Why? I repeat, the citizen is offered a job suitable for him, and the employment service proceeds from the documents that were presented by the citizen. If you do not provide a medical certificate, which indicates restrictions on your work due to health conditions, you will be offered a job that Formally, it is suitable for you (based on the documents you provide), but in fact it is not so due to existing restrictions. If you (without providing a medical certificate) refuse 2 options for suitable work, then the payment of unemployment benefits will be suspended.

If you are going to buy an apartment, then you cannot do without checking all the documents and the legal purity of the property. Property owners will also need this if they want to rent out a property, donate it, or take out a loan against it. An extract from the Unified State Register can show the full range of information and tell about the presence or absence of encumbrances. Therefore, we will learn more about this certificate below.

Extract from the Unified State Register

In the certificate from the Unified State Register you can see information that relates to real estate, be it an apartment, premises or land. All information is current and can even tell you about the person who owns the rights of ownership, transactions previously carried out with the apartment, as well as the presence or absence of encumbrances. In the Unified State Register, which is government agency, all data is stored and anyone can use its services.

In what situations is it needed?

There are several situations in which an extract from the register may be required indicating the absence or presence of encumbrances and problems with the apartment. The most common are:

  • Conducting real estate transactions (purchase and sale, donation, rent, entry into inheritance rights or obtaining a loan secured by an apartment or house);
  • During disputes and proceedings related to real estate and the personality of the copyright holder;
  • When surveying a land plot;
  • During the division of property or when allocating a share from an apartment;
  • When carrying out notarial or legal actions on an object;

An extract from the Unified State Register is considered the main document when conducting a purchase and sale transaction. The buyer can make sure that the apartment is clean and that there are no or no encumbrances, since the former owners are often silent about this. By requesting this document from Rossreestr, anyone can protect themselves from fraud and illegal transactions. Also, this document is often used to resolve disputes with debtors through the court, since thanks to it it is possible to make an inventory of property and seize it so that the defendant cannot donate it or sell it to his relatives.

Check out options

When choosing between certificates from the Unified State Register, you need to understand that they are publicly available and with limited access. If the first option contains general information about the property itself, then the document with limited access concerns information about the owner himself. Limited data includes:

  • Contents of accompanying certificates of real estate rights;
  • Information about the transfer of ownership of the object;
  • General information about the existence of ownership rights of a certain citizen;
  • Information about the legal capacity or incapacity of the person.

This certificate is available to a certain group of people:

  • The owner or his authorized representative;
  • To authorized persons under the document;
  • Mortgages;
  • To heirs until the moment of entry into inheritance rights;
  • Tax and federal authorities;
  • Local or regional self-government.

Anyone can find out detailed information about an apartment or house, but information about the owner and transactions is available only to the copyright holder. Therefore, to obtain extended data, you need to contact the owner.

Order extract from the Unified State Register online and receive it in 10 minutes:

What does the extract contain?

If we talk about standard information, the certificate contains:

  • Cadastral number and address where the property is located;
  • Registration number, date and type;
  • Information about the presence or absence of encumbrances;
  • Name of the organization that issued the certificate;
  • Date of issue of the certificate with signatures and seals;

To obtain more detailed information, you will need to order a cadastral passport or technical extract from Rossreestr. Speaking about the expiration dates of the document, it is worth noting that there are none, since the law does not have clear instructions in this regard. But there is a concept about the relevance of information, since information changes and does not always correspond to reality. So, some organizations independently set the expiration dates for the extract. Often they are relevant for no more than one or two months.

How to get an extract?

If you need an official paper document, you will have to visit the registry in person or use postal services. To receive electronic information, just visiting the website or sending an email is enough. At the same time, there is also a state fee, the amount of which may vary depending on the category of persons. So individual should pay about 200 rubles, but legal entities you will have to shell out almost 600 rubles. The document is issued within five days, but from the moment the application is registered. In this regard, a personal visit is a more reliable method, since the request is made in your presence. If you receive a refusal, the reason is that the register does not contain information about the copyright holder.

Most citizens choose the Internet, as it significantly saves time and nerves.
The ktotam.pro service makes it possible to receive a ready-made statement in 10 minutes for only 150 rubles.
Instructions for using the service.
The electronic version of the certificate is suitable only for familiarization and determining the cleanliness of the apartment from encumbrances. There will be no wet seals or signatures of the organization on it. It is worth noting that to obtain a loan or carry out serious transactions through other organizations, you will need an official document, which you will have to go for in person. At the same time, do not forget about the relevance of the information and its statute of limitations, which should be clarified with employees of the bank or credit association.

Before purchasing an apartment or other real estate, you should always request a certificate from the Unified State Register of Encumbrances regarding the presence or absence of encumbrances. Only this will guarantee that the procedure will be legal and clean. It won't take long to receive it if you follow the instructions. To clarify questions, you can seek help from lawyers or registry employees.

Apr 14, 2017 17:05


If you are not confident in the buyer and doubt his actions in selling the property, he will help you certificate of absence of arrest for the apartment from Rosreestr. But, besides this, the certificate will help you learn a lot about real estate, and the information will be useful for you in terms of completing a real estate transaction, or with other procedural actions.
Such a certificate is an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which contains a special section containing facts of encumbrances or restrictions, which include the seizure of the apartment. You can order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) about the absence of a lien on the apartment here.

Who can seize an apartment

Currently, the concept of seizure of an apartment is a common occurrence, which allows everything to be carried out within the framework of the law. possible actions with the property right of the home owner.

Failure to pay housing and communal services is only one of the points on the basis of which an apartment may be seized. The competent authorities to seize real estate are the court and bailiffs. In some cases, the apartment may be seized by customs authorities.

The paradox of modern life is that even the owner of the property may not know that his apartment has been seized. As a rule, for example, management companies go to court regarding the arrest of an apartment for debts, but the courts may consider statements of claim, only by transmitting notices of the court hearing through the Russian Post service

As you know, the work of the federal service service “Post of Russia” leaves much to be desired, and often all court notices do not reach the addressee. In this case, after the seizure law comes into force, all the data of the executive order goes to bailiffs who must transmit information about the fact of arrest to Rosreestr.

Thus, today, Rosreestr is the last authority through which you can find out whether there is a seizure on an apartment. And if you are a buyer, then you just need to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate from our company, and information about the existence of a seizure on the apartment will be available to you in the public domain.

In this certificate you will find out exact information about the copyright holder, as well as links to documents on encumbrance (seizure of an apartment) on a specific object of property rights.

Certificate of absence of arrest on the apartment. How to order a certificate of absence of seizure of an apartment

If the homeowner told you that there is no lien on the apartment, it is very easy to check. How to do it? Use the service of our company and receive a ready-made document, an extract from the Unified State Register of Registration of the absence of an encumbrance.

Please note that information about the absence of a lien on the apartment is contained in Section No. 2 of the extract, paragraph 4 “Restrictions on rights and encumbrances of the property.” If the apartment is “clean”, there is no arrest; on the contrary, the information is indicated – “not registered”. If there are problems, this section provides links to documents on the encumbrance.