Ways to become a fairy. "Gas Fairies" About the distribution of deadly instructions for children online. Transformation into a moon fairy

How to become a fairy for real

First way. You need to write about your desire on a piece of paper. Write that you want to become a fairy, but that’s not all, you need to specifically indicate what kind of fairy you want to become (for example, a fairy of nature, water, or all powers...). Then drink a glass of water, and throw this paper out the open window, the main thing is that it flies as far as possible. Then you should go to bed and go to sleep. When you wake up, you will already be a fairy.

How to become a fairy at home

The second, no less good way. You need to fill a bowl with cool water, take paper of a certain color (if it is a love fairy, then red; for a nature fairy, green, etc.) and prepare a mirror and a candle. Cut out a heart from red paper, a maple leaf from green paper, and a wave from blue paper, it depends on what kind of fairy you want to become. Then you should set the edge of the paper on fire with a lit candle. Place the paper in water and reflect it in the mirror. Then, you need to look in the mirror and say: “I want to become a fairy!”, These words must be repeated three times, distinctly and clearly.

The third way to become a real fairy

Place ice in a large cup and wait until it melts. Then put your hand in this ice water and do not take it out for a minute or two, close your eyes and imagine how you turn into a fairy who has a certain power (which one is up to you to choose).

Remove your hand from the water and rub it with shampoo. Immediately after this, rinse it off with the water in which you kept your hand before. Then rub your hands against each other for two to three minutes. After this, in a few days you will become a fairy.

How to become a fairy in real life - method four

You need to take a bottle that previously contained perfume or eau de toilette. Fill this bottle with water to which you previously added 3 pinches of salt, 3 pinches of sugar and a tablespoon of liquid soap. Then place this bottle on the windowsill for two weeks.

Then once a day you need to “perfume” yourself with this water from the bottle, while you mentally imagine yourself turning into a cute fairy. After a certain number of days, your wish will come true!

How to turn into a fairy forever. Fifth way.

This should only be done when the moon is full. Wait until the moon is full. You need to have a glass of water and a piece of paper with you. On a piece of paper you need to write what kind of fairy you want to become. Then you need to go to the open window and then the moon will be reflected in the glass, then release your piece of paper with a wish into the glass and pour the water contained in the glass on yourself. And so, you became a fairy.

The sixth and surest way to become a fairy in life

To become a fairy without a full moon, you can ask the fairies themselves, let them give you this magical power. To do this you will need to summon these beautiful creatures. If you want to become a fire fairy, then sit down and sit down at the fire; if you want to become a water fairy, sit by the lake; if you want to become a moon fairy, look at the moon, only the full one (this is a prerequisite).

Then quietly call the fairy you want to see (for example: “Water Fairy, come to me!”). When you feel a slight breeze, or a chill, or the fluttering of their wings, it means that the fairy has come to you, you can ask her for the desired power. Just be sure to tell the fairy that you will use this power only for good purposes; if you do not say this, then she will not give you the power, and your wish will not come true. After that, just go home and go to bed, the next day you will wake up as a fairy with wings and magical powers.

The seventh way to become a fairy of all powers

Take toothpaste and spread this paste on your index fingers. You need to hold the paste on your fingers for 45 minutes, then rinse it off with water. Say out loud: “I am a fairy,” and repeat this phrase at least five times. After half an hour, you will hear the voices of fairies - ask them to give you miraculous powers, but you need to ask politely, only then they will agree. Go to bed, and if you wake up at night, you will see that your wish has come true - you have become a fairy with wings.


The eighth way to turn into a fairy

You need to be alone at home, so that nothing distracts you from this important process. Close your eyes and repeat “I am a fairy” three times, then clap your hands as you raise your arms above your head. This needs to be done every day for a long time, and then, perhaps, after some time you will turn into a fairy.

Tenth, last, easiest way to become a fairy

You must convince yourself that you are a fairy. Believe it with all your heart. You need to learn to find magic in the most ordinary, everyday things. Give positivity to everyone around you. Smile, say kind words, support in difficult times - these are the things that the people around you need. If you want to become a real fairy, you must learn how to do this first. To do this, you don’t need to perform any magical rituals - everything depends on you, you can right now become a fairy without wings if you pleasantly surprise the people around you.

I think, with the help of this article and our useful tips, you have learned how to become a real fairy right now and begin to bring good and benefit to people. Good luck!

If you managed to easily become a fairy during the day or on a full moon, write to us about your proven method, it would be interesting to learn about such a transformation.

How to become a fairy right now: video, watch for free

There is nothing wrong with a child wanting to become a fairy. Their image in pop culture is benevolent, unlike British folklore. A young girl should try to do good deeds, real miracles for several days and, if she likes it, she can begin performing rituals.

In the article:

How to become a fairy with wings for real

An aspiring sorceress knows that, or any other magical creature, is impossible if there is no faith and desire. You can become a real magician if you really want to. There are different ways to do this with wings.

Rite of Transformation

Transformations imply . They decide in advance what they want to become a fairy of - desires, flowers, various elements, the moon. Then contact the appropriate lady, performing the ritual of summoning the creature.

If a girl has not decided what abilities she wants to receive, they turn to all the magical creatures of a magical land with a request to bestow abilities. You need to take a mirror and a silver bell. The ritual is performed only on a clear, sunny day.

You should go to a small clearing located in the park. Sit down and imagine how the sun envelops you with rays, bestowing strength and energy. Take a mirror in your hands and place it on your palm so that the sky is reflected. At this moment you need to say:

Fairy, fairy, I call upon you! I want to join your retinue! I want to become one of you! Give me amazing power! Give me magic wings so that I can stand out among other people! Come to the ringing of my bell!

After the last phrase, you must ring the bell, close your eyes and feel the sun’s rays envelop you. Look in the mirror and see the reflection of the lady. Describe the request again and thank you for your kindness. Leaving a bell in the clearing is a gift to the queen for her magical abilities. The main sorceress will independently decide which abilities to bestow.

Now they are heading home. The next morning, a person will feel cheerful and feel 2 wings behind his back. Don't be afraid - people won't see the wings. They are only available to the eyes of other fairies. You can't fly with them. If a person is not born a fairy, wings are used to recognize magical creatures.

Transformation into a fairy of all powers

Magical creatures capable of commanding all elements and forces at the same time are popular. Using their abilities, you can do many good deeds.

To be able to control all the elements, you need to perform a ritual. If a person begins the path of magic, he needs the help of an older sister or friend for safety reasons. The necessary attributes are prepared:

  • a small bowl of water;
  • a bowl with a handful of earth;
  • aroma lamp with a small candle (you need to place it in the lamp so as not to get burned).

aroma lamp
bowl of water bowl of soil

We need to connect the element of air. It is enough to open the window, place the prepared attributes in front of you and say:

The power of fire, the power of water, the power of air and the power of earth! Give me strength and wisdom! I want to become a fairy with all my might! Give me, mistress of fairies, magic wings!

You need to read the spell 3 times and put out the candle. Pour the water into the ground and place the soil in the yard. Go to bed, and only the next day the caster will receive wings with which it is impossible to fly. You can use them to detect other fairies. No one should know about the ceremony except the assistant.

You shouldn’t tell your friends that the girl became a fairy. It is necessary to use abilities for good and do good deeds.

Become a fairy without wings

Transformation into a magical creature without wings is an equally fascinating ritual. The advantage of the ritual is that it is possible without transformation. The sorceress will not give herself away by having wings: others, but her strength will not decrease.

To carry out the ceremony, you need the support of an older comrade: an adult, sister or friend. The ritual is performed at home during the day. A treat is being prepared for the queen. It can be candy, chocolate, gingerbread - any sweets. When the gift is ready, you need to put the gift on the windowsill, pick up a bowl of clean spring water and say:

Fairy of water, I call upon you.
I wish to receive your strength.

The plot is repeated 5 times. Place your hands in the water and wash your face. Next, you need to leave the room, close the door and not enter there throughout the day. The next morning, open the door and enter.

If the sweetness prepared for the queen has disappeared, the sorceress is ready to accept the spellcaster into the ranks of magical creatures. If the chocolate bar remains untouched, the queen does not agree to bestow amazing abilities. You should not immediately repeat the ritual again. It is better to wait 2 weeks and then seek help again. If you perform the ritual more often, the fairy queen may become angry and not bestow amazing abilities.

How to truly become a fairy on your own? The question interests the girls, since they know about the magical properties of fairies and that sorceresses have the power to do a lot. Becoming a fairy is not so difficult, but you have to try.

In the article:

How to become a fairy at home

To become a real fairy, you determine what magical properties you would like to adopt from your character: sorceresses can do a lot.

These magical creatures are capable of fulfilling wishes and commanding the elements.

Before performing rituals, it is worth deciding on the purpose. If a spellcaster wants to become a fairy who grants wishes, it is worth answering the question whether the girl is ready to help people all her life. If yes, a simple ritual is performed.

Need to . There are many methods of varying degrees of complexity. The simplest option will require colored markers or pencils, a sheet of paper, a beautiful fresh flower and sugar. A red circle is drawn on a piece of paper, an orange circle around it, then yellow, green, blue and purple. You should get a round rainbow. This is how sorceresses see her in flight.

Place a flower in the center of the rainbow and sprinkle with sugar. Then they begin to read the spell three times:

Fairy of wishes, I challenge you. Everything is prepared for you: a seven-color rainbow, a beautiful flower bud and sweet shiny crystals. The sugar glitters on the magical petals, the flower stands in a seven-colored circle, and the Fairy appears at that hour. Just like there are many grains of sugar, my desire is so strong, I can’t even count them, I desire so much. Fairy sorceress, come! Fairy sorceress, come! Fairy sorceress, come.

If after the phrase the caster does not see the fairy, do not be upset - these creatures are rarely shown to people. But the presence of a magical creature is felt intuitively. Where a fairy appears, there is a special atmosphere of magic. If grains of sugar fall off the flower, the sorceress is nearby.

When the little helper comes to the call, you need to make a request:

Fairy of wishes, hear me, help me. Give me magical powers, knowledge, wisdom, beauty and charm. Give me the strength to help people. I’m not asking for myself, but in order to save the suffering, to help those who need me. Give me magical powers. Make me a fairy. Let it be so.

Communication with most magical creatures involves offerings and gifts. They say:

I want to appease you, I brought you a gift. If you fulfill the request, you will receive it.

They put sweets and decorations on the windowsill - a gift. Don’t be greedy: if the sorceress realizes that work is not appreciated enough, she will get angry.

If the spellcaster asks from the bottom of his heart, with good intentions, the magical creature will help him become a real fairy. The result will be very soon. A wave of positive energy will envelop the person, and the fairy of wishes will endow the girl with amazing abilities during the ritual or a few days later. A delay in transformation means that the caster is doubted. The decisions of sorceresses are swayed in the right direction by good deeds: only the worthy can join their ranks.

Transformation into a fairy in 1 minute in real life

The ritual is quick, used if the caster initially has a large supply of energy. If the magician does not have enough strength to perform a quick ritual, the ritual will not be completed. To carry out the transformation, you should go out into nature - a river bank, a forest, an open area.

It is advisable that there are no people nearby: no one needs additional confirmation of the existence of magic. The caster should spread his arms wide and raise his head up towards the sun. Feel how the sun's rays touch the body, envelop it, as if creating invisible protection and magic wings, and the magician receives magical properties.

You should tune in to this wave. Usually one minute is enough. Then they say one phrase:

Wings woven from sunlight, magical powers gifted by nature, from now on I am a real fairy and can create real miracles.

Afterwards, the girl will feel that real fairy wings have appeared from the sunlight. It is nature that has given us unique abilities that are used only for good purposes. If a magician uses magical powers to harm people, nature will take away the power as quickly as it gave it.

The secret way to transform

There are many ways. If a person is the mistress of natural forces, the patron element is initially determined.

They settle on the elements according to their zodiac sign. If you are not happy with this choice, you need to prepare for difficulties along the way. It is much easier to ask for help from the element to which a person initially belongs. Managing natural phenomena is quite difficult.

There is a universal secret ritual that will allow you to join any chosen element. For the ceremony to be successful, you need to choose a suitable place:

  • forest - fairy of the earth;
  • coast of a reservoir - water fairy;
  • windy place - air fairy;
  • the area where the fire is safely lit is the fire fairy.

After determining the element, they look for a suitable place to conduct the ceremony and mentally prepare for the transformation. For the ritual, they come to the designated place before dawn. The sunrise is celebrated at the site of the ritual. As the sun begins to rise, the words are spoken:

Mother earth/sacred fire/violent wind/water that gives strength (depending on which element is addressed), give me strength. Give me wisdom, give me endurance, give me the fortitude not to turn away from my chosen path. Make me a real fairy. Give me the opportunity to control the elements, give goodness to people, and perform miracles. And I promise to be your obedient daughter and follow your laws in everything.

While casting the spell, they are as close to the elements as possible: they touch the ground, put their hands in the water, raise them to the wind, stretch them to the fire. The spell is repeated three times, after which the caster will feel that the spirits of the elements have arrived. If the entities are unhappy with the call and do not give power, the magician will feel strong anxiety, fear, and confusion.

If the forces of nature agree to bestow unique magical abilities, you will feel peace, joy, and happiness. The caster will feel energy flows emanating from the attribute symbolizing the element, enveloping him in a dense cocoon.

When the chosen element charges with an energy flow, they go home. When turning to the element of fire, the fire is extinguished so that no one knows that a ritual was being performed.

There will be changes the next day, but it doesn't end there. The abilities bestowed by the elements should be developed. Conducted. As the magician develops his skills, he will be able to perform miracles without resorting to spells.

How to become a real moon fairy

A lot has been said about magical abilities and the Moon. Moon fairies have the power to fulfill their most cherished desires. Sorceresses of the Moon are able to influence the course of events, see or change the future. If a girl wants to join the moon fairies, one ritual is performed.

They wait until the full moon, when sorceresses are at their strongest and can bestow a rare gift. At midnight you need to go to the window and open it so that you are under the light of the moon.

It is desirable that the moonlight completely illuminates the figure of the caster. Even if it’s at least to the waist, that’s good. Prepare a sheet of paper in advance and write about your desire to become a fairy.

How to become a Winx fairy: 6 options + 3 indispensable rules for young sorceresses.

We all miss miracles, good magic and adventures in our lives. Is this why all girls love stories about fairies - beautiful creatures with wings who have magical powers?

And the Italian animated series “Winx Club” about these little girls has become a cult classic! Many girls, after watching the next episode, began to wonder how to become a Winx fairy.

And we are ready to help you find the answer. Confess, who is your favorite heroine?

How to become a Winx fairy: 6 options depending on the power you want to get

No. 1. Bloom: Let there be light!

As you know, Bloom can control light flows.

And if you want to become that very Winx fairy who is subjugated by the sun’s rays, you will have to try a little:

  • Wait for a clear, sunny day and head outside.
  • Place four pebbles around you - red, blue, light blue and purple, since they are the main ones for the fairy Winx Bloom.
    The pebbles must be placed so that each of them points to one of the cardinal directions (the sequence is not important).
  • It's time to cast the Winx sorceress spell:

    Fairies, gather in a circle, take me to you, do not open your hands. I want to command light and fire. I will not cause destruction, I will help people and do only good deeds. From now on, I am the fairy Bloom, and I have control over everything that was previously hidden.

  • Now close your eyes and fully enjoy the sunlight, feel how its energy fills you.

IMPORTANT! Like the other rituals below, this one bestows power that will only be noticeable to those who have also become a Winx fairy through magic. Ordinary people will not notice either your magical wings or the good you do. But will this stop you on your magical path?

No. 2. How to become the Winx fairy Stella and conquer the heavenly bodies.

Stella has won many hearts because she can control the Sun, Moon and stars. And who didn’t want to conjure up wonderful weather for the weekend or before a trip to the sea?

To become the same Winx fairy, you need to perform a special ritual:

  1. Find some small things, one of which will depict the Sun, and the other the Moon. It could be jewelry, magnets, bracelets, keychains, a pebble on which you scratched a design yourself - anything will do to become the fairy Stella.
  2. Dress in bright, warm colors (yellow, orange, red, etc.)
  3. Now go to a secluded place on the street so that no one can see you and no shadow falls on you.
  4. Place the prepared amulets to the left (Moon) and to the right (Sun) of you.
  5. Concentrate well and cast the spell:

    Stella, fairy of the sun and moon, come to me, share your gift, accept me into your ranks.

  6. Now you can go home with new magical powers. But please don’t forget the images of the Sun and Moon - they will become your reliable amulets. How can a real Winx fight evil without protection? That's the same...

No. 3. How to become the Winx fairy Flora so that everything around you smells and blooms?

If you love flower beds and vegetable gardens, have filled all the window sills in your apartment with flowerpots, and really consider a beautiful bouquet of flowers to be the best gift, then it’s time to move on - to become the Winx fairy Flora.

  • Prepare a large, beautiful flower - pink or red in a pot. You can take it from home, or you can buy it in a store or market (in this case, you cannot bargain or take change when purchasing).
  • Now go to a beautiful, secluded place in nature. It could be a clearing, a forest, a river bank - the main thing is that there is a lot of greenery for the birth of a new Flora!
  • Place a pot with a flowering plant in front of you and say three times with expression:

    From now on I am called Flora, I fly over green meadows and forests, and have conversations with plants. May my strength multiply and only be applied to good.

  • Stand a little with your eyes closed, listen to the rustling of grass and trees, tune in to the magical wave.
  • Now take your enchanted plant. As long as it is alive and well, the powers of the Winx fairy Flora will rightfully belong to you.

No. 4. How to become a fairy Winx Muse: if music is your everything.

There are girls who don’t feed them bread – let them listen to good music. Even conservatory graduates will envy their sensitive hearing. They are the ones who should become the fairy Winx Muse - the one who controls sound waves.

  1. Prepare a recording of your favorite piece of music in advance. Be careful when choosing: the more you like the song, the more effective the ritual will be!
  2. Left alone in a curtained, dark room, listen to your favorite composition three times, completely surrendering to the music.
  3. Then close your eyes and whisper:

    The magic of music and sounds is my calling, I will fulfill only good wishes. Winx Muse, share your power with me, show your magic.

  4. Now you, dear young lady, will begin to listen and hear this world better. And the song will become a real amulet: every time you want to be filled with the magical energy of the Winx, you only need to listen to the song again.

No. 5. How to become the Winx fairy Leila: you, baby, are cooler than a mermaid!

Leila differs from other fairies of the Winx family in that she can control any liquid at will - be it the ocean or tea in a mug. Fascinating, isn't it?

But in order to become just such a Winx fairy, you will need a little more time and patience than in previous cases:

  • First of all, prepare a bowl of water and two scarves - brown and blue.
  • Wait until evening and before going to bed, leave a bowl of water on the windowsill, covered with two prepared scarves.
  • In this case, you need to say the spell three times:

    Let me be like Leila - quick as water, pure as a tear, light as dew. I will be filled with strength to the very edges of my soul, I will not bring sadness or trouble to anyone, but only joy and light.

  • In the morning, you just need to pour out the water, and keep two scarves for yourself and store them in a secluded place, like amulets.
  • The effect of the ritual is worth checking. For example, try using the power of your gaze, with good concentration, to slightly warm up the water in a mug or make it move. Happened? Congratulations, you are a real fairy sorceress!

No. 6. How to become the Winx fairy Tekna: and no more breakdowns!

The image of the fairy Tecna is simply a godsend for girls who cannot live a day without their smartphone and the Internet, who can easily fix a computer and a vacuum cleaner, and consider being stuck in some newfangled gadget to be the best way to spend their time. It is Tecna who is on friendly terms with technology and the latest technologies.

You can become such a Winx fairy by performing a special magic ritual:

  1. Prepare ribbons in three colors in advance - green, purple and black. These are the main shades for Tekna.
  2. Choose the piece of equipment that you use most often and rarely leave behind, for example, a mobile phone, mp3 player, earphone, fitness bracelet, etc.
  3. Carefully tie ribbons on the selected gadget and say the spell:

    I, like Tecna, master technology, like the good forces of this world. My mind is open to everything new and progressive. Let it be so from now on and forever.

  4. The ribbons can be removed, but it is advisable to carry them with you, as they will fuel your magical power.

How to turn into a fairy?

And so, when the favorite Winx heroine is chosen and the ritual is performed, it seems that there is only a bright magical future ahead. And indeed it is! True, if you remember a couple of secrets of real little witches.

To become one of the Winx and stay in their ranks for a long time, you need to remember:

  • True fairies are kind and bright.
    They do not use their power to harm their karma and other people. That is, moving a branch out of the way so that no one trips over it - yes! But trampling the nasty neighbor’s flower garden – no, no, and no again! What kind of fairy are you after this? Somehow we don’t remember such bad deeds as Winx.
  • Fairies are modest and do not boast about their magical powers.
    Well, maybe they can tell their closest friend, who also went through the Winx initiation ceremony, how they heated the water with the power of their gaze.
  • Fairies are beautiful not only in soul, but also in body.
    That is, they try to dress beautifully and neatly, to be feminine and well-groomed. Therefore, away with ripped jeans - long live fluffy skirts, neat braids and original jewelry.

So “how to become a Winx fairy?” - this is not the most difficult question. It is much more important to bring only goodness, light and positivity into the world with the help of magic and inner spirit.

But truly smart girls like you, dear readers, can do this. We have no doubt about this!

Nowadays, many young girls have only one dream - to become a fairy. This is a very frank and truly noble desire. But not everyone can become a fairy; for this you need to behave well, be an obedient and smart girl. Therefore, try to meet these requirements. There are many ways to help you become a real fairy.

How to become a fairy in a second

The first method is very simple, you only need to do a few steps, after which you will become a fairy. First, find a small piece of paper and write your wish on it. Don’t skimp on words, describe in as much detail as possible who you want to become (for example, a fairy of water, fire or air). Then pour a full glass of water and drink the contents to the bottom, and throw the leaf out of the window with a wish. It is important that the leaf flies as far away from you as possible. By the way, you don’t have to throw away the leaf, you can just eat it and wash it down with water. After this, go to bed and fall asleep soundly. In the morning, when you wake up, you will already become a fairy.

How to become a fairy at home

The second method is no less bad, pay enough attention to it. To transform, you will need a bowl of cold water, a piece of paper of a certain color (decide in advance what element you want to possess: love, nature, water, etc.) and a mirror. To become a fairy of love - cut out a heart from red paper, nature - a wedge leaf from green, water - a wave from a blue leaf. Next, set fire to your craft and place it in a plate of water, make it so that it is reflected in the mirror. Then look in the mirror yourself and clearly say: “I want to become a fairy!”, repeat your words three times. Remember, speech must be clear. If the fire goes out very quickly, it means that you have turned into a fairy.

How to become a fairy with wings

Find a medium-sized container and put ice in it, then wait until it melts. Next, place one hand in the ice water and close your eyes. For 1-2 minutes, imagine in your head who you want to become. It is important to know what element you want to possess.

After you have completed these steps, go to the bathroom and rub your hand with shampoo, then rinse it off. Dry your hands with a towel and start rubbing them together, the procedure should last 1-2 minutes. In a few days you will become a fairy.

How to become a Winx fairy

Find an old bottle of eau de toilette or cologne. Fill it with water and add 3 pinches of sugar, 3 pinches of salt and one spoon of liquid soap. After this, put the filled bottle on the windowsill, where it should stand for at least two weeks.

After the time has passed, the magic perfume will be ready for use. Spray the contents on yourself for several days, while imagining yourself turning into a fairy. In a few days your wish will come true.

How to turn into fairies forever

This transformation is only possible during a full moon, so be patient and wait for the right time. Prepare a glass of water and a small piece of paper in advance. On the sheet, describe in detail what kind of fairy you want to become. At the moment of the full moon, go to an open window so that the moon is reflected in a glass of water, then lower the leaf with the contents into the glass and pour the water over yourself. After this you will become a fairy.

The surest way to become a fairy

To get something, the easiest way is to ask someone for it. In our case, you can turn to real fairies. To do this, you will first have to call these wondrous creatures. To become a water fairy, sit by a lake or river, a fire fairy - by a fire, and if you want to be a Moon fairy, all you have to do is look at the Moon. In the latter case, there is a mandatory condition: the Moon must be full.

Then silently call the fairy you want to see (for example, “Fire Fairy, come to me!”). If you hear a slight rustling sound or feel a cold breeze, this will mean that the fairy is nearby. Be sure to behave friendly, otherwise the fairy may think that you need new abilities to carry out bad deeds, and then your wish will never come true. If everything goes well, then all you have to do is go home and lie in your bed. In the morning you will wake up with new abilities and wings on your back.

How to become a fairy of any element

You will need regular toothpaste and a little patience. Take the tube in your hands and squeeze a little of the contents onto your index fingers. After 45 minutes, the toothpaste can be washed off. After this, say out loud the cherished words: “I am a fairy!”, repeat this phrase five times. After an hour, you should hear the fairy’s wonderful voice - after that you can ask her for anything you want. Go to bed, and in the morning you will wake up as a fairy.

How to really become a fairy

This method is only suitable if you are spending the night alone at home. Nothing should distract you, concentrate all your attention on your goal. Close your eyes and raise your hands up. After this, say this phrase out loud three times: “I am a fairy!” Perform this operation for several days and your wish will come true.

The best way to become a fairy

You need to do a very simple thing - convince yourself that you are a fairy. To do this, believe with all your soul and heart in your dream. Very soon you will find out that magic really does exist, all you need is faith. Give kindness and positivity to everyone around you, take care of your loved ones. Always smile, say pleasant, kind and magical words. Don't abandon your friends in difficult times - because to become a fairy, you need to learn basic things. It is not at all necessary to perform magical rituals and cast spells. All you need is faith and a good heart. Only with these qualities can you become a fairy.