Words to my husband that we are like neighbors. Completely confused. My wife and I live like neighbors. How loved ones turn into neighbors

Behind us are several years of marriage, an established life, communication with friends and the birth of children. It seems that everything is like everyone else, but there is no soul in the relationship. Faceless marital duty on weekends, calls and SMS related only to everyday life, and raising children as a duty. Many families are familiar with this situation and many have found the strength to correct it.

What to do if you and your husband live as neighbors?

It is necessary to understand that the husband did not become a stranger overnight. Over the long years of living together, each person accumulates a baggage of small grievances, claims and omissions, which, like bricks, form a wall used by each partner to protect themselves from encroachments into their inner world. Of course, it will be very difficult to break through it and start building a new relationship, but it is possible if you feel that your husband is also uncomfortable being in this state.

Starting to sort things out with “Peter 1” is not the best option. It’s better to forget everything, not remember the past and start, as they say, with a clean slate. If you and your husband have become strangers to each other, and this bothers you, then “hands the cards.” Try again to let him know that you are interested in him, attractive as a man, and, in the end, dear. Take an interest in his affairs, constantly surprise him with something, remember what he was happy about at the time when everything was fine with you. Bake his favorite cake, buy a DVD of the movie he's been wanting to watch, and if you haven't spent time together in a while, it's time to do it. And for dessert, prepare bright sex in a position that your husband has only ever dreamed of.

If your husband has become a stranger, this is not a reason to give up at first and be blown away. After all, it is clear that the husband may be stunned by such pressure and wonder about possible reasons such behavior. Gently but persistently stay the course. Start listening to his opinion, if you haven’t done this before, let him know that you still consider him the head of the family and are ready to obey. When a wife and husband live like strangers, then it’s time to change something. A man will never leave a woman who loves him appreciates and respects. Find something for which you can respect your husband and cultivate it in him. After all, the fact that the relationship between you has deteriorated is also your fault, so try to make amends for it.

Remember, you will have to put a lot of effort into these and there is no guarantee that there will be a return. But you have a lot of chances to improve everything if your husband still lives with you and has no plans to leave. Become for him what you were at the meeting stage - kind, sweet, affectionate and he will not be able to help but notice it. Eventually he will melt and your relationship will reach a new level.

I want to listen to the public's opinion about my situation.
I'm over 40, married for 13 years, have two sons. My family life has turned into nonsense.
My husband is my best friend. Decent and good man. We have something to remember with him. But. We haven't had sex - it's scary to say for how long. In general, it is not clear where the children are from. Until recently, however, I was his faithful wife. Somehow I came to terms with it and decided that this was my punishment for my turbulent youth. Somehow I managed to calm down and be comforted, there is a way of life, a habit, good relationships, mutual friends, responsibility to each other and to the children. Three years ago it hit me - I started getting sick and plunged into depression. I couldn’t think of anything better than moving to another city with my children to a rented apartment. My husband didn't mind. There is a serious nuance - he likes to drink. If you don't play around, he's an alcoholic. But he’s well socialized, he goes to work, he doesn’t make a lot of money, but he brings in, he loves his children, although he’s not an excellent student as a father. There is nothing to tinker with, play with, teach something, tell them about something.

Initially, I planned for a year - to think, breathe, and heal from my bronchitis and pneumonia. In the end, I stayed for another year. He rarely comes - there is no money, his work keeps him busy. He sends money whenever possible, I work remotely.

I came to my city on business without children. The husband approached, slightly degraded, but not horror-horror. I cleared out the apartment and stopped the drinking, which already seemed to be a daily occurrence. He is the dearest and closest person to me. Like a brother, only closer. But there are no erotic feelings for him. Zero. We live well now as neighbors - I cook soups and serve coffee, we sleep on the same bed, because it’s stupid to do otherwise. But there are no such reasons to get a divorce, just to break it up. Among my friends this is called “I didn’t guess”, and that’s true. My husband has never done anything bad to me in my life. Didn't humiliate, didn't betray. But I don’t expect breakthroughs either. Neither in a romantic nor in a material sense. So - survival.

And recently this happened. Our family friend came to visit. Great guy, we've known each other practically since our wedding. Now a widower. We were just celebrating our son’s birthday, we drank, and then the next day (I practically don’t drink, although I used to drink when I was young!). In general, on the third day of the stay there was sex. And on the fourth, and on the fifth. Everything was covered in cognac fumes, but it was magical. At the same time, I managed to work and moderate the children - I am writing so that no questions arise. We returned to the city together, I have butterflies and all sorts of matrimonial fantasies. But my unexpected guest came to his senses and very clearly made it clear that we would not continue, we must forget everything, that we should not throw such dirty tricks at my husband - I understand this with my brains. My butterflies are obedient, I’m an adult girl - I’ll get over it. For a week I tried to fit back into the status of a wife. It doesn’t work, it doesn’t work out, I don’t want it. My husband and I are what I wrote: friends, comrades, parents. Affection, tenderness, kisses - zero. At all. I tried to talk to him - he wants to live with his family again. And I know that this is a return to what I ran away from. And again there is depression, illness, plus children approaching adolescence.

And now the questions...
Hit me on the head or something! Tell them that normal men with whom good children are born are not thrown away. For children, the divorce of their parents is a terrible stress, I know as the daughter of divorced parents, but it was a dirty, tough divorce. My husband really doesn’t humiliate my dignity, I live freely. Moreover, I can even walk to the left, but only carefully. But I know that this is not my method. Firstly, I think it’s wrong to bring all this into the family. The boys are growing up - and the mother is naughty? I can not. Secondly, I get hooked on men. Even if it’s stupid for sex dating without obligations, you’re still nowhere without sympathy. And where she is, she will want something else. Relationships. It's still death to the family.

And yes, I fell in love. How young. I think about this family friend of ours. Who, by the way, once, after drinking, called me and asked me to marry him, promising to raise my children. Children adore him - simply as a person who can both teach and call to order. Now he brought flowers for March 8 (my husband didn’t bother with the fucking mimosa), and asks what to give me for my birthday. I frankly say that he cannot give me what I want. Silent... I know that I am for him important woman. But - a woman-friend, interlocutor, shoulder. Not my wife. Well, he's trying to sort it out. I suffer. I'm leaving soon to go back to my children - time will give some answers.

If you understand anything from my explanations of the situation, please respond!

As the classic said: all families are unhappy in their own way. Features of relationships influence the behavior of partners, their values ​​and habits. Have you found yourself in a difficult situation, which you describe to your friends like this: you and your husband live like neighbors? Something urgently needs to be done about this. Find tips below.

Strong relationships are a constant work in progress.

People love to receive dividends, but rarely want to work to ensure that the reward is deserved. It is difficult to do something if you do not see the result of your actions in the moment. This is how it turns out that you live with your husband in perfect harmony, and then look, and the person next to you has changed. It seems like nothing happened, you live as usual, but something goes wrong. If you have let the relationship take its course, then do not be surprised that in the near future you will find yourself in a situation that will be characterized by the phrase: we live with our husband as neighbors.

In order not to eliminate the consequences of the problem, it is necessary to prevent the cause of the discord in the relationship. Start by warming up your feelings. Constantly work to prevent your husband from growing cold towards you. Go to the cinema, have romantic dates at home and don’t turn your relationship into a routine. She will ruin your life if walking together becomes a routine for you and not a holiday. The love you felt at the beginning of a relationship can be maintained on an ongoing basis, for this both partners must make considerable efforts.

Talk more

A friend complains to you: my husband and I live like neighbors. Advise the girl to communicate more with her husband. The problem with many couples is that they don't talk much. Living together not only kills romance, but it can also deprive people of things to talk about. In the morning, the husband and wife go to work, in the evening they return home, share the events that happened during the day, and then go to different rooms. Former lovers stop sharing their plans, dreams and hopes with each other. They think it’s stupid to dedicate their significant other to them. But if you don't do this, the relationship will deteriorate very quickly. A couple that does not have trust in each other will definitely break up.

Be sure to provoke your husband to be frank. Ask a man what he thinks about, what he dreams about. Members of the same family should have common plans. So, in your spare time, you can start planning your weekend, month and next year. A written future together helps people understand the role of a loved one in their lives.

Pay attention to your husband

Before marriage, girls can praise a man and mentally put him on a pedestal. After the wedding the situation changes. The woman becomes confident that her husband will not go anywhere, so she stops idolizing him. The man is surprised by the sudden cooling, but still perceives it as another round of development in the relationship.

The situation changes when a child appears in the family. The woman spends all her free time with her child. There is no time left for my husband. A man is not happy with this situation; at first he will be jealous of the girl, but without achieving reciprocity, he will go looking for love on the side. So several months will pass unnoticed, and after them the woman will complain to her mother: we live with her husband like neighbors. The lady will not admit her guilt. She takes care of the child, which does not suit her husband. And the woman simply will not understand the fact that the man is left alone and lacks warmth and affection.

Go to a psychologist

People rarely try to understand their motivation and their aspirations. Often they are not able to give reasons for their own actions and, as a result, cannot predict in advance what this or that action will lead to. Do you and your husband live as neighbors? What to do in such a situation?

If partners cannot understand the reason for the cooling of their feelings, then they need to consult a psychologist. A specialist will be able to help the family if both partners strive to somehow correct the current situation. If the wife insists on psychotherapy and the woman drags her husband to consultation by force, the procedure will not bring any benefit. Relationships are work in which both partners are directly involved. It is impossible to ignite love unilaterally.

Respect your husband's interests

People often encounter misunderstandings. But when such clashes occur in a family, it’s scary. Partners must respect and, if not share, interests, then at least approve of them. Have you met families in which husband and wife live like neighbors? The problem with such couples is that the woman does not support the interests of her husband. For example, a man may have a passion for designing or collecting electronics. If a woman itches her lover’s ear every day about how his stupid hobby takes up time, money and brings nothing to the family, then a scandal cannot be avoided. You need to understand that every person needs an outlet. For some people they become it computer games, for some, reading, and for others, applied art. A wife must learn to share her husband's interests. If this fails, then simply respect the man’s occupation and support his desire to self-realize in his chosen field.

Don't make trouble for no reason

Many women are accustomed to proving that they are right by screaming or crying. When the arguments end in a dispute, the girl changes her discussion tactics. She raises her voice and begins to put pressure on the man with authority, or manipulates the guy’s consciousness with the help of tears. Such scandals lead to alienation of partners. If at first the quarrels ended in passionate reconciliation, then after the wedding the relationship changes. They become less passionate, but more trust and respect.

Do you and your husband live as neighbors? It's time to urgently change the situation. Think about it, how often do you yell at a man? Every day, three times a week? Stop making trouble. Learn to resolve disputes peacefully. Can't justify your position? Read more, expand your vocabulary and train your eloquence. The skill of calm dialogue will help you normalize relationships not only with your husband, but also with everyone around you.

Give people more freedom

Why are girls jealous of their husbands? Because women have trust issues. The more a person screws himself up, the more he believes in the story he has invented. And the more often a wife reproaches her husband for infidelity, the more reasons a man has to justify undeserved reproaches. Most often, wives push their husbands to cheat on themselves.

Is your husband cheating on you? You live like neighbors, what to do with the problems that have piled up? You need to change your attitude towards life. They cheat on those girls who deserve it. The more a lady puts pressure on a man, the more he wants to break out of captivity. There is no need to limit your husband's freedom. A person will not leave you if you are truly dear to him. And keeping a person nearby who always looks to the left makes no sense. Stop controlling the life of your beloved and don’t bother your guy with constant questions. Allow the person to behave the way he wants. This tactic will help you maintain a good relationship for many years.

Don't take quarrels out of your family

People are accustomed to storing grievances and misunderstandings within themselves. If you don't accept the situation and don't let go of the problem, it will eventually come out. Try not to be offended by the person and talk through with your husband all the situations in which you feel discomfort. Some women are afraid to talk frankly with a man and turn to their friends for advice. This is not worth doing. If a man finds out that all his friends are aware of the problems in your family, he will be unpleasant, hurt and offended. The problems of two people should be solved by them, and not by someone else. If you do not turn to your significant other for requests and advice, then soon you and your husband will live like neighbors.

What to do? The psychologist's advice is very simple. Was there a quarrel or dispute? Resolve the problem immediately. Don't complain about your disagreement to your friends. During the pause you took to cool down, think about the situation, and then discuss it with your husband. The man will be grateful that you are looking for help and support from him.

Be honest

Frankness in conversation is the key to the success of any normal relationship. Do you and your husband live like neighbors? The psychologist’s advice would be this: every time you want to say the phrase “you must,” replace it with the phrase “I want.” Then you will immediately reduce the number of reproaches that you wanted to address to your husband. Remember that no one owes you anything. The man agreed to commit his life to you, but he did not agree to listen to your hysterics and complaints. Moreover, he did not agree to be obliged to you all his life for the fact that you deigned to marry him.

The secret of replacing phrases is that the woman stops thinking from the position that her husband is her slave. The lady begins to realize that her desires may be too high. If she approaches her chosen one during the day and says “I want you to hang a picture”, “I want you to walk the dog”, she will soon understand that the man is not such a slacker as she thought in the house from a lot depends on him. A simple restructuring of consciousness helps a woman appreciate her man more.

Live for yourself, not for your children

If everything in your life is really bad and you don’t know how to live on, then you should get a divorce. Have you heard the phrase: we live with our husband as neighbors for the sake of our children? There is nothing worse in life than saying something like that. Children will never appreciate their mother's life placed on the altar of their happiness. A child who grew up in prosperity, but in a family where the parents do not love each other, will be much more unhappy than a person who did not have much, but saw his mother happy. Therefore, never put your personal happiness lower than anyone else's. You came into this world to make it better and brighter. If your husband turns out to be an unworthy type and you can’t improve your relationship, leave. You can still find a decent person who will make you happy.

Good afternoon, ABC!

I ask you to help me understand myself, my feelings, maybe even what I want and whether I want it at all. I'm confused, it's hard for me.

I'll describe the situation. Having been married for 14 years (we have a child), my ex-wife and I separated, this was a year and a half ago. We didn’t have any contradictions or discord, outwardly even, probably, we were an exemplary family, just like smart people, we came to the conclusion that we live like neighbors, by inertia and things won’t go any further... But that’s not the point at all. We are on completely normal terms with her, we have no grievances or complaints against each other.

So, after half a year, I met a woman, we started dating, went on vacation a couple of times to historical places, she often came to visit me, and I initiated her move to me. While she was thinking, it was a couple of weeks, she continued to periodically come to visit me. After the next visit, when she left, I needed something on the Internet on one of the public networking sites, I communicate with my daughter there periodically, opening the page of such a site, I discovered that my beloved had not left her profile... And the devil pulled me, I know it’s not good, but I climbed in and read her correspondence with my best friend. What they say is true, and I know it myself, ignorance is bliss, but what’s done is done, you can’t take it back. As a result, I loaded myself with unnecessary information about how many, where, with whom, and how she built relationships before me. I didn’t like the quality or quantity of such relationships, but rather the absence of relationships as such, so meeting one or two one-time partners for sex, and not permanent ones, I was shocked…. I even told her something in my heart about what I was thinking. After thinking a little, I decided that I was still an adult man, and in fact I didn’t see anything bad in such a relationship; in fact, I would have behaved the same way if it weren’t for restrictions on sexual freedom in the form of marriage, etc. As a result, on the same day, I went to her work, apologized and left my offer to move in with me in force. We talked with her again, calmly about what had happened, during which she asked me if I could cope with the fact that I would be haunted by images of her exes? I, relying on my prudence and experience, answered in the affirmative. I believed that I could cope with this, because previously neither with my wife (although I was not her first), nor with other women with whom I had any relationships such problems had arisen. True, it happened with my wife right after the wedding, once (her ex, a man in love with her, after the wedding told me all sorts of nonsense, saying that she doesn’t love you, she will leave you, we slept with her, etc.), but I then kept everything to myself and a month later everything calmed down and never came back, and I never bothered with such questions in all 14 years of marriage.

As a result, she moved in with me (she has a child, but he lives with his mother). However, some kind of worm of doubt kept nagging at me all the time. I didn't stop. I really wanted to know everything about her. And I continued to dig... Having certain skills, it was easy for me to gain access to all her emails, pages on dating networks, etc. What I found out did not make me happy at all. Sending your photos and videos a couple of times to those partners, simultaneous relationships with 2-3 partners (well, at least not all together). Of course, I didn’t learn anything particularly new, but I saw a complete consumerist attitude towards men, some kind of obsessive offer of myself or something, and I didn’t like it, in fact, I don’t like her behavior at that time now. At a certain point, 4-5 months after we started living together, I went on a dating site and read her correspondence with one one-time partner, in general, after that the desire to read and climb anywhere else was discouraged from me, which I no longer do and no longer do. I have a desire to study at the present moment (I haven’t even thought in this direction for 3 months). She says that something broke in me, that I have changed from that moment... Maybe... But on the one hand, I feel her attitude towards me, believe me, no one has ever treated me like that, and I really want to make her happy, but from time to time, no, no, and some elements from what I had previously recognized emerge, and they torment me, and accordingly torment her... I plunge into myself and at these moments I don’t know what I even want. She has told me more than once to understand myself and figure out what I want from her... I don’t know... As they say, I want it and it hurts...

Of course, with my mind, I understand that in modern world She didn't do anything wrong. Mostly I take it calmly, but sometimes I still withdraw into myself. Moreover, it kindles my interest in my own similar behavior, I want to try the same...

At the moment, I am most likely afraid of myself in our relationship. I am confident in her, but not in myself.

So, dear ABC, help me understand myself.

Thanks in advance.

  • Hello Bushed.

    This sparks my interest in my own behavior, I want to try the same...

    At the moment I'm most likely I'm afraid ourselves in our relationships. I am confident in her, but not in myself.

    I hear that you want to try “this kind of behavior” and are afraid at the same time. True, it often happens that “I want” and “I’m afraid” go together, and sometimes the second is confused with the first.
    What is your fear, what picture, image are you afraid to imagine? perhaps this picture is highly emotionally or sexually charged, and there is some meaning for you in prohibiting yourself from such fantasy(?).
    By the way, the strength of such coloring can be given by a long history of restraining desires.

  • Good evening!

    I’m afraid not of the behavior itself, but of the fact that I will behave exactly this way and thereby cause pain to the person next to me. Considering also that before me she had cases of such similar behavior from her men, which may be why her such behavior happened.
    I probably really held myself back for a long time. In my youth, before I got married, I had a couple of partners, then I didn’t need it (or I didn’t have time to think about it), and after 5 years of married life, interest arose, but “in the face of morality,” as they say, it’s impossible. True, later, before the divorce, my wife (ex-wife) and I were already looking evenly at our parallel relationships, then I relaxed a little, then an extremely short bachelor life... and here she is!!!
    Probably didn't have enough time.....
    But I don’t really draw any pictures for myself, in terms of my fantasies....
    But for some reason I draw pictures with the participation of my beloved....

  • Of course, all my thoughts in the context of what is described above revolve around sexual relationships.... do they have a bright color? No. Perhaps, it’s just that sometimes something pops up in your memories, you cling to it like a hook and procrastinate without stopping... until you get distracted by something.

    Knowing her position, I understand that if I get carried away, this is the end of the relationship, and I really don’t want that, well, I’m interested in her in everything... and I feel that she might get carried away...
  • Good afternoon, ABC!

    Happy belated holiday!

    Maybe I got something wrong with the format?

  • Message from ;1933683

    Of course, all my thoughts in the context of what is described above revolve around sexual relationships.... do they have a bright color? No. Perhaps, it’s just that sometimes something pops up in your memories, you cling to it like a hook and procrastinate without stopping... until you get distracted by something.
    At these moments, different feelings come through... the main thing is probably annoyance or resentment...
    But is there any point in restraining yourself or not? I don't know, I want to figure it out.
    At the same time, I feel something like this: I want to be with my beloved at the same time (to live, raise children, run a household, relax, make love, etc., etc.) and despite this, I just crave sexual adventures... (spring or something).
    Knowing her position, I understand that if I get carried away, this is the end of the relationship, and I really don’t want that, well, I’m interested in her in everything... and I feel that she might get carried away...

    Bushed, this is what I heard in your words: “I want sexual adventures, in addition to the cozy relationship that I have with my partner, but I’m afraid that she won’t allow me to have these coveted delicacies, plus she will take away those that I have now, and I’m offended and angry at her for this."

    Check it out, what do you think?

  • Good afternoon, ABC.

    I looked at the diagram you proposed, I don’t think that in my case everything is so simple, although I could be mistaken
    However, I'll try to answer:

    Yes I want to. I don’t know why, I just want it and that’s all.

    Because We are adults, of course we have already talked about this. One will definitely not be allowed! (we are all owners in our own way and she is no exception). Together?... she said that maybe, but she says that she doesn’t need this and if she does anything, it will only be because of me, and I don’t want to force her into this. If we are going to do something together, do it with mutual desire, and not because someone is impatient, and someone has to step on their own throat. This is not correct in my opinion. My answer is I'm afraid.

    The answer is that I’m not afraid that he will take away those “goodies” that we have now. I don't see any problem getting them elsewhere. Has anyone invented anything new in these “sweets”???? Essentially the same thing with variations on the theme.... It’s just that for me personally, “goodies” with the woman I love give me more pleasure than just with a woman.

    Or maybe I'm not angry at all? Maybe I'm just a complex person? I’ve never done anything like this and I’m just jealous with a bad, black envy...
    Or maybe I just don’t love her, but I painted myself a beautiful picture of the world and I love this picture, but I always feel some kind of catch!

    Let me speculate, with your permission.

    In my case, this feeling was there from the very beginning, from the moment we met. Maybe that’s why I went where I shouldn’t have and found out what wasn’t worth knowing. And of course, everything I learned went against my ideas about a person. Of course, I understand that most likely I painted an image of her for myself that was convenient or interesting to me, and this image did not correspond to reality. I learned only a small period of her life, about 7-8 months, and based on what I learned, I extrapolated this for her entire life, realizing that usually only the tip of the iceberg is on the surface. When we talked about this, even the first time, she told me that it was not the real her, that she was real with me. How can I believe in this if a person for most of his life was not himself and then suddenly, “lo and behold!”, he became himself... I have never seen such cases in my life... At the same time, I do not at all renounce my words written earlier, she treats me like no one has ever treated me, I feel it, I see it, I feel it, I hear it.
    But, as they say, the forks were found, but the sediment remained

    That’s why I say that I’m confused or fixated on the same thing because of complexes.
    I want to understand myself and understand the reasons for my internal tension.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Yes I want to. My answer is I'm afraid.

    The answer is that I’m not afraid that he will take away those “goodies” that we have now. I don't see any problem getting them elsewhere. Has anyone invented anything new in these “sweets”???? Essentially the same thing with variations on the theme.... It’s just that for me personally, “goodies” with the woman I love give me more pleasure than just with a woman.

    goodies elsewhere are not the same goodies as with the woman you love, you write it yourself.

    Knowing her position, I understand that if I get carried away, this is the end of the relationship

    and she already threatened with “the end” if something happened...
    so I doubt your “I’m not afraid”.

    Or maybe I'm not angry at all? Maybe I'm just a complex person? I’ve never done anything like this and I’m just jealous with a bad, black envy...

    But try, as an experiment, to envy “good white envy” and then it will become more clear about the complex or lack thereof.
    By the way, do you think there is no anger in black envy?)

    Or maybe I just don’t love her, but I painted myself a beautiful picture of the world and I love this picture, but I always feel some kind of catch!

    that's a good question... although it's not a question, but a statement, since there's an exclamation mark at the end and not a question mark.
    In this beautiful picture, what kind of woman do you draw lives, with what beautiful qualities and features? tell me.

    Let me speculate, with your permission.
    I didn’t need to know a lot of things, but I did and I don’t feel unique to her because of this. The same words, the same behavior, the same actions towards me that were not done to me before. Maybe I'm just being used in a sophisticated way? The worm of doubt eats away, you know...
    It just so happens that I myself have been working with people for a long time, and a number of things in relationships with people have moved to an intuitive level. If I have an inner feeling that I am being deceived or not told, or that they are not doing what I need, after checking it was usually confirmed. But this is work, where you can simply close your eyes to something, because... the main goal is to complete a business task, but here is something else, here is my life and the life of a loved one...

    please tell me, Bushed, is it really impossible for anyone to deceive you, keep you under wraps and use you?
    you write that somehow your uniqueness suffers from this. Do you have any experience of being so unique and for whom, if any?

    She told me that it was not the real her, that she was real with me. How can I believe in this if a person for most of his life was not himself and then suddenly, “lo and behold!”, he became himself... I have never seen such cases in my life...

    yes, how do you know about reality if you have a beautiful image in your mind instead of a real woman...

    At the same time, I do not at all renounce my words written earlier, she treats me like no one has ever treated me, I feel it, I see it, I feel it, I hear it.

    no one to see you How didn't apply, Bushed?
    What exactly have you not seen, felt or heard from others before?

  • Good afternoon, ABC.
    Thanks for your reply.

    About your doubts about “I’m afraid/not afraid”
    I have always associated fear with some sensations within myself. Here I feel that I am afraid, but here I feel that I am not afraid.
    Therefore, in the case of adventures, I say that I’m afraid, but in the case of treats with my beloved, I say that I’m not afraid. (Maybe there is no feeling of fear due to the absence of the threat of losing these delicacies, I don’t know...) Probably, I’m even afraid not of the lack of adventure itself, but of the loss of freedom in obtaining the possibility of such adventures. What I definitely wouldn’t want to lose is my freedom, even the feeling of it...

    …. and she already threatened with “the end” if something happened... .

    Do you understand what kind of adventures there can be besides “those cozy ones” without the inclusion of other participants?! Her phrases, “if there is betrayal, then this is the end.” Here you really need to decide what treason is... If it’s on the sly, secretly, then yes, but if the adventure is open with consent, so to speak..., and together it’s even better, but the answer is - “with what kind of consent?” and “I don’t want to share you with anyone”...
    So she threatened. But he is not inclined to say that he will fulfill his threat. For some reason it seems so to me.

    And try, as an experiment, to envy “good white envy” and then it will become more clear about the complex or lack thereof.
    By the way, do you think there is no anger in black envy?) .

    I agree with you that anger and envy go hand in hand, only in my opinion they are both white and black.

    ...in this beautiful picture, what kind of woman do you draw lives, with what beautiful qualities and features? tell me.

    I have always believed that a woman should be selective, careful, restrained in her momentary desires (especially of a carnal nature, while I do not believe that we should generally abstain from realizing our desires, abstinence is simply harmful), and take care of our reputation.

    Please tell me, Bushed, is it really impossible for anyone to deceive you, keep you back and use you?

    You can deceive, keep back and use anyone. Including me. In the first two cases, if I don’t know about it, then, as I wrote before, ignorance is bliss, but if it accidentally comes out, there’s thunder and thunder. I prefer to be better prepared for various unpleasant surprises. Regarding use... here I can only say one thing: if I agree that I am being used, and I consciously go for it, then I can live with it calmly, but if I am used against my will, there will be some kind of unpleasant feeling, and I will fight this in every possible way, even using radical methods, well, I don’t like it.

    You write that somehow your uniqueness suffers from this. Do you have any experience of being so unique and for whom, if any?

    I have no experience and never had it, just my inflated pride and conceit. I'm afraid to be compared with someone and God forbid this comparison will not be in my favor... It's good that I most likely won't find out about it.))))

    Yes, how do you know about reality if you have a beautiful image in your mind instead of a real woman...

    How can I even know about realness, no way... it’s just better not to say that it wasn’t real then, but now it’s real. Once a person did something, he did it, whether he was real or not doesn’t matter. This is his action, his decision and his lifelong responsibility for such an action.
    By the way, in the context of what I said, I meant comparing her with herself before me and with me. Looking at her now (even from the moment we met), it just doesn’t fit in my head that she could do the way she did. Or am I such a professional in obtaining incriminating evidence that I managed to pull all her skeletons out of the closet at once, which is also likely, and by focusing on them make incorrect judgments about a person. I myself also have in my biography things that are not approved by the morality of society, but no one except me will get to the bottom of them under any circumstances - they are walled up, encrypted, and forgotten.

    What exactly have you not seen, felt or heard from others before?

    1. I have never heard so many kind words addressed to me;

    Something like this....

  • Do you have any experience of such a loss of freedom, Bushed? well, or loss of freedom in some other areas of life, not only personal...

    I agree with you that anger and envy go hand in hand, only in my opinion they are both white and black.
    I try, but nothing works. Tell me how to experiment, where to change “–” to “+”?

    in “white envy” there is such a moment that “ahha, I want the same thing,” and since I know what I want, I go and do it and get it, or I refuse to realize what I want. in general, you are more likely to take responsibility for your own needs.
    that is, direct the energy of anger, aggression towards the realization of desires, or otherwise use it to benefit yourself.
    in “black” it’s more like aggression towards the one who has what I want, because he’s a radish, since he owns it himself, but doesn’t give it to me. and then responsibility for what I want is, as it were, transferred to this person who is envied.
    and anger is wasted in vain, because it is directed in the wrong direction. plus, it destroys either oneself, or another person, or a relationship, or all at once, which again is not beneficial.

    I have always believed that a woman should be selective, careful, restrained in her momentary desires (especially of a carnal nature, while I do not believe that we should generally abstain from realizing our desires, abstinence is simply harmful), and take care of our reputation.

    When you describe the qualities of such a woman, whose image appears before your mind's eye?
    who is such an example for you in real life?

    You can deceive, keep back and use anyone. Including me. In the first two cases, if I don’t know about it, then, as I wrote before, ignorance is bliss, but if it accidentally comes out, there’s thunder and thunder. I prefer to be better prepared for various unpleasant surprises. Regarding use... here I can only say one thing: if I agree that I am being used, and I consciously go for it, then I can live with it calmly, but if I am used against my will, there will be some kind of unpleasant feeling, and I will fight this in every possible way, even using radical methods, well, I don’t like it.

    Can you remember the first time you were used like this and you didn’t like it?

    I have no experience and never had it, just my inflated pride and conceit. I'm afraid to be compared with someone and God forbid this comparison will not be in my favor... It's good that I most likely won't find out about it.))))

    well sad...
    You don’t have the experience of realizing your uniqueness, but you have the experience of being compared with others and not in your favor.(
    Do you remember who used to compare you like that?

    1. I have never heard so many kind words addressed to me;
    2. No one has ever given me such gifts. I'm not talking about material gifts. For example, about planning the whole day of my birthday, getting me out of work, running away on her own, going to the place she had planned, there she had already prepared everything, too, so that this day would be remembered for the rest of my life. And believe me, this BD was memorable. The rest are monotonous, but this one stands out.
    3. No one met me from my business trip at the station.
    4. No one rushed to my house (when we were not yet living together) to see each other.
    5. I have never seen such a loving look in my direction.
    6. No one told me that they wanted to have a child from me, and not in general. They said that they generally want children, in my opinion there is a difference.
    7. No one (except my mother in childhood) looked after me like that when I was sick.
    8. No one planned or organized my vacation (of course, joint with her), usually I did it.
    9. No one has ever been so jealous of me. To be fair, unlike me, he doesn’t go through my emails and phones like I did...
    10. Every day he kisses me before going to bed, and every morning he wishes me Have a good day before leaving for work, and if in the morning he forgets to say “ Good morning!”, at least he will send you an SMS with such a wish.
    11. In the end, people want me all the time, and so do I, really. I've never had so much sex over a long period of time. And she says that she has too.

    True, if you say that no one has ever given you such individual attention, but more and more compared with others and not in your favor, then accepting everything that you have listed is not very easy...
    then you habitually begin to do to yourself what others used to do to you - compare yourself with your partner’s past boyfriends, and not in your favor.

    Last edited by ABC; 03/18/2013 at 13:59 .
  • Good afternoon, ABC.
    Thanks for your reply.

    In adult life, perhaps not, only if I limited myself in something because of my principles or because of socially accepted behavior. But my Soviet childhood and youth were a complete restriction of freedom, however, exactly the same as for all people of my generation. What is one army worth?

    About white/black envy. Thanks for the advice, I'll work on it. And regarding taking responsibility, believe me, I have made decisions many times and been responsible for them and am not at all afraid of it. It’s just that in this case I don’t want to hurt a person, much less satisfy my desires on the sly.

    When you describe the qualities of such a woman, whose image appears before your mind's eye? who is such an example for you in real life?

    Thought... Considering that of the women I know (knew) I can fully appreciate only a few of the qualities I described, then 2 images emerge that 100% correspond to this description - an ex-wife and one of my friends (after my wife and before my beloved), the rest are 70-80% consistent. Those. I can’t name one specific image. Maybe I’m imagining the image differently? In general, when I wrote the qualities, I did not imagine anyone in particular, I just would like my loved one to have these qualities. I didn’t choose an employee for my job, and before I fell in love with a person I didn’t ask for his profile, it just so happened that my expectations were not met. Now I just want to change my attitude towards this, with my brain I understand that nothing special happened and It is unlikely that it can somehow influence the future, but there is some kind of worm sitting inside, it must be destroyed or re-educated. I can’t fix the situation...

    Can you remember the first time you were used like this and you didn’t like it?

    Because As a child, I was a calm guy, I didn’t know how to fight... at school, under pain of physical harm, I became dependent on one classmate, in which I remained for a couple of years. Just like that. I won’t say that this had a negative impact on my life, because... After that, I tried all the time and achieved this so that I could influence people and they would do what I want, and apparently I’m doing pretty well.

    ....you have no experience of realizing your uniqueness, but you have experience of being compared with others and not in your favor. (Remember who usually compared you like that?...
    ...however, if you say that no one has ever given you such individual attention, but more and more compared with others and not in your favor, then accepting everything that you have listed is not very easy...
    ...then you habitually begin to do to yourself what others used to do to you - compare yourself with your partner’s past boyfriends, and not in your favor.

    I don’t remember that anyone has ever compared me with anyone and on any issues, at least no one has told me such comparisons. So there is no habit. For some reason I compare myself, while I know that people simply may not say anything and even if they don’t say it, that doesn’t mean they don’t compare.
    Regarding uniqueness... hmm... I know my own worth, believe me, and I am aware of my uniqueness in many moments. The only thing is that I constantly need praise, in relation to all aspects of life, both personal and work. Those. if I did something and I think that this thing is outstanding or different from others, and no one said anything to me... I get upset, it’s offensive for some reason, I tried. I've done a lot of things throughout my life that deserved praise and didn't receive it. But now, when my beloved gives me compliments or says that I’m just so cute here, for some reason I question it. Not all of them, of course, but I bet... For some reason these doubts and comparisons revolve around sex, in other aspects of life I have few competitors among the male population, why I say this, because this part of life is open to everyone and I can compare it completely objectively, Of course there are cockroaches, but they are not scary. But sexual life is a thing hidden from outsiders (except the participants directly) and there can be no objective comparison here. At the beginning of our acquaintance, my beloved and I had a philosophical conversation about what the relationship between M and F depends on, and we both agreed that sexual life is a 50% component of this relationship. Knowing this state of affairs, I really wouldn’t want only my advantages and advantages over others outside of sex to be taken into account, and sex to be perceived as it is (here is uncertainty and comparison with others). If you want to be the best for someone (and especially for a loved one), then be 100% sure of everything.
    A little about what fuels this uncertainty. My beloved left her twice common-law husband because of his infidelities, she returned once, and after leaving for the second time, she periodically met with him for sex for two years, this even happened in the intervals (or maybe in parallel, I don’t know) between her other gentlemen. I know how she spoke about all her gentlemen in comparison with him in a letter to her friend, i.e. I didn’t value them at all, though in all aspects of life and sex (I understand that it wasn’t me that was compared, but for some reason I project this onto myself and for some reason I really want them to write about me in the same way, saying that there are no equals. ...). And also, after we started living together, we agreed to break off all previous contacts, and she changed the name on his phone number to a woman’s, of course, then she deleted it at my insistence, but a fact is a fact. I don’t want someone to live with me because of the quality of everyday life and a kind soul, but in my memory they always remembered someone previous for great sex and dreamed of repeating these feelings again. Isn't it very similar to use?

  • In adult life, perhaps not, only if I limited myself in something because of my principles or because of socially accepted behavior. But my Soviet childhood and youth were a complete restriction of freedom, however, exactly the same as for all people of my generation. What is one army worth?

    and who mainly limited you in childhood and adolescence?

    About white/black envy. Thanks for the advice, I'll work on it. And regarding taking responsibility, believe me, I have made decisions many times and been responsible for them and am not at all afraid of it. It’s just that in this case I don’t want to hurt a person, much less satisfy my desires on the sly.

    and here is the concept answer ownership is not about making decisions, but about one’s own answer to the voice of your wants, as you say, needs.
    What do you answer to these “I want”?
    So far, I notice that you are suppressing the voice of your desire, saying “I don’t want to hurt a person” (it’s not clear what you mean by this, perhaps “I don’t want to look like a bad guy in a person’s eyes”), as well as giving a negative assessment of what you want - “ on the sly,” that is, again this idea that only bad guys satisfy their desires on the sly, unlike the good ones, who do not on the sly.

    Considering that of the women I know (knew) I can fully appreciate only a few of the qualities I described, 2 images emerge that 100% correspond to this description - an ex-wife and one of my friends (after my wife and before my beloved)

    At the same time, you are not living with any of these ideal women now as a man and a woman...

    If you look a little deeper into the past, what kind of woman can you remember who has these qualities:

    Selective, cautious, with restraint regarding her momentary desires (especially of a carnal nature, while I do not believe that one should generally abstain from realizing one’s desires; abstinence is simply harmful), and takes care of one’s reputation.

    and at the same time being in an asexual relationship with you? (and it definitely exists, or was.)

    I don’t remember that anyone has ever compared me with anyone and on any issues, at least no one has told me such comparisons. So there is no habit. For some reason I compare myself

    since you are afraid of comparison:

    I'm afraid to be compared with someone else and God forbid this comparison will not be in my favor...

    This means there have been precedents in the past when comparison with others brought you unpleasant experiences.

    Regarding uniqueness... hmm... I know my own worth, believe me, and I am aware of my uniqueness in many moments.

    I'm just reading what you wrote earlier:

    I found out and I don't feel unique for her because of this.

    The only thing is that I constantly need praise, in relation to all aspects of life, both personal and work. Those. if I did something and think that this thing is outstanding or different from others, and no one told me anything... I get upset, it's a shame for some reason, I tried.
    I've done a lot of things throughout my life that deserved praise and didn't receive it.

    for whom did you try?

    The truth is in all aspects, both everyday life and sex (I understand that it was not me who was compared, but for some reason I project this onto myself and for some reason I really want them to write about me in the same way, they say there are no equals....).

    but I want it to Who
    you are competing with someone and bringing these “who” into bed, in which you are alone with your woman.

    I don’t want someone to live with me because of the quality of everyday life and a kind soul, but in my memory they always remembered someone previous for great sex and dreamed of repeating these feelings again. Isn't it very similar to use?

    More like jealousy of someone who is a great sexual partner and, compared to you, desirable.

    Last edited by ABC; 03/20/2013 at 22:14.
  • Good afternoon, ABC.
    Thanks for your reply.
    Parents, mainly the father, because I “flew” from him for my various creations, I remember my mother somehow allowing me to do anything more, maintaining neutrality and protecting (I don’t remember that she even swore at my brother and me at least once).

    So far, I notice that you are suppressing the voice of your desire, saying “I don’t want to hurt a person” (it’s not clear what you mean by this, perhaps “I don’t want to look like a bad guy in a person’s eyes”), as well as giving a negative assessment of what you want - “ on the sly,” that is, again this idea that only bad guys satisfy their desires on the sly, unlike the good ones, who do not on the sly.
    this is how you successfully avoid giving yourself a clear answer, hiding behind some socially approved framework.

    You know, that's how it is. I don’t want to be a “bad guy” for this person, I suppress my desires by hiding outside the framework (although I actually went beyond the framework more than once), etc. Everything is on point!!!

    At the same time, you are not living with any of these ideal women now as a man and a woman...
    and my wife (who has the listed desirable qualities), as far as I understand, generally lived as neighbors, that is, asexually.

    Well, you can’t say that it’s downright asexual with your wife, we had sex quite often, but there were no feelings, it’s similar to that joke “sex with your wife sooner or later turns into incest,” because she’s already becoming a sister (or a very close one) friend) according to internal feelings, but otherwise we had everything separately, different interests, different recreation, different computers in different rooms, even in general, everything else was separate.

    If you look a little deeper into the past, what kind of woman do you remember who has these qualities: and at the same time is in an asexual relationship with you? (and it definitely exists, or was.)

    In asexuals - the mother. Of course, I don’t know anything about her carnal desires, but this once again proves that she cares about her reputation.

    If you are afraid of comparison...it means there were precedents in the past when comparison with others brought you unpleasant experiences.
    and the phenomenon “for some reason I compare myself” does not arise out of nowhere, most likely you have learned to do to yourself what others did to you before.
    for whom did you try?
    for whom did they do it and from whom did they expect praise?

    I’ll start with school, I don’t remember if I was expecting praise, but in those subjects where teachers noticed me I was always on top, I don’t know, maybe they were just good at me, and then they noticed me...
    Parents - Mother praised, but not often. My father didn’t praise me (I don’t remember this), he punished me more often; in general, it seems to me that he didn’t love me, since he actually didn’t hide my younger brother. Well, of course, it came to both of us from him, but he had a warmer relationship with the younger one.

    When my brother was born, they told me, “You’re all big and independent,” and I was 5 years old... I remember that I even sat at home with him all day long, when he was a year and a half old, and I was 6. Well, there’s nowhere to put him it was, and maternity leave was short then... (here it seems like there is a restriction of freedom... maybe I wanted to go for a walk (I just don’t remember), but I had to sit with him... yeah) But I don’t feel either I never felt hatred or anger or envy towards him, we have always been friends and we are friends now. No, of course we sometimes quarreled, sometimes, but not often, he got it from me, I was older and stronger.

    And I want it to Who wrote about you that you have no equal in sex and everyday life?

    Well, of course I want my beloved to write that I have no equal. Of course, she tells me about this, but still it could just be flattery. But in a letter to a friend (or conversation) it’s completely different. Of course, I understand that she wrote this before she met me, and that later I turned out to be the same one with whom it’s not even possible to compare anyone, and she stopped communicating with her ex (at my request).

    You are competing with someone and bringing these “who” into bed, in which you are alone with your woman.
    I wonder why you needed “them” when the two of you are in bed - two adults, a man and a woman?

    I’m definitely not competing with my brother, in the literal sense of course. Why do I need them? I don’t need them, I don’t need assistants at all, I can do everything perfectly well myself, that’s why they come out?! This is the answer I'm looking for. I don’t want them to come out, they bother me.

    More like jealousy of someone who is a great sexual partner and, compared to you, desirable.

    About a more desirable partner - these are my conjectures (I judge objectively). I don’t know at all how one man differs from another in terms of sex. I can tell how one woman differs from another. And honestly, when my “cockroaches” come out, I always try to understand my attitude towards my exes. Yes, I don’t care about them, and I don’t want sex with them (of course I can have sex with them under a certain set of circumstances, but I won’t specifically look for it myself), although in their own way they were all different, but to say that somehow then unique - no.
    So while the question remains open, I understand with my mind that it’s nonsense, but I can’t do anything with my gut. I want them not to come out, but to be remembered, etc.

  • When answering about women in asexual relationships, I meant that it’s just a relationship without sex. I hope I understood correctly.
  • Probably, I’m even afraid not of the lack of adventure itself, but of the loss of freedom in obtaining the possibility of such adventures. What I definitely wouldn’t want to lose is my freedom, even the feeling of it...

    Who mainly limited you in childhood and adolescence?

    Parents, mainly the father, because I “flew” from him for my various creations, I remember my mother somehow allowing me to do anything more, maintaining neutrality and protecting (I don’t remember that she even swore at my brother and me at least once)..

    It turns out that your freedom was historically limited by your parents, mainly by your father, and now that you are an adult, you have made your woman a limiting parent.

    You know, that's how it is. I don’t want to be a “bad guy” for this person, I suppress my desires by hiding outside the framework (although I actually went beyond the framework more than once), etc. Everything is on point!!!
    So what should I do? It’s clear that I’m not expecting specific guidelines for action, I understand you perfectly well about responsibility, I’ll make my own decision on what exactly to do.

    Why is being a bad guy so unsuitable for you? considering that the bad boy is a hero children's literature...

    Well, you can’t say that it’s downright asexual with your wife, we had sex quite often, but there were no feelings, it’s similar to that joke “sex with your wife sooner or later turns into incest,” because she’s already becoming a sister (or a very close one) friend) according to internal feelings, but otherwise we had everything separately, different interests, different recreation, different computers in different rooms, even in general, everything else was separate.

    In asexuals - the mother. Of course, I don’t know anything about her carnal desires, but this once again proves that she cares about her reputation.

    you said that how neighbors lived with their wife, and neighbors, if they have sex, are already lovers, and not just neighbors.
    at the same time, your wife corresponded to your above-mentioned ideals of a woman, along with your mother, and possessing these mother’s qualities, in the end, she practically became an object of incest, which is what you yourself write about.

    It turns out that by separating from ex-wife interests, relaxation, computers and everything else, and later, by completely breaking up with her, you, as it were, created a separation from your mother, who, according to your own words, together with your father, although to a lesser extent than he, limited you in childhood and adolescence in freedom.

    Parents - Mother praised, but not often. My father didn’t praise me (I don’t remember this), he punished me more often; in general, it seems to me that he didn’t love me, since he actually didn’t hide my younger brother. Well, of course, it came to both of us from him, but he had a warmer relationship with the younger one.
    An interesting conclusion arises - is it possible that I’m comparing myself to my brother? Did I try for my parents to be noticed and caressed?

    it turns out like this.
    your father loved your brother, not you. did not praise, limited freedom, punished.
    your father loved your brother as his son and your mother as his wife, but not you. It’s as if you find yourself alone, while simultaneously witnessing the mutual love of three close people. they are together, they feel good, there is love among them, they are loved. and all you are left with are punishments, restrictions, coldness and unlovingness.

    When my brother was born, they told me, “You’re all big and independent,” and I was 5 years old... I remember that I even sat at home with him all day long, when he was a year and a half old, and I was 6. Well, there’s nowhere to put him it was, but maternity leave was short then... (here it seems like there is a restriction of freedom... maybe I wanted to go for a walk (I just don’t remember), but I had to sit with him... yeah) But I do not feel and have never felt hatred or malice or envy towards him, We have always been friends and we are friends now. No, of course we sometimes quarreled, sometimes, but not often, he got it from me, I was older and stronger.

    and who did you feel hatred or anger towards then?

    she says, but you don’t believe it. You have learned long ago and firmly that you have no place among your loved ones.

    I’m definitely not competing with my brother, in the literal sense of course. Why do I need them? I don’t need them, I don’t need assistants at all, I can do everything perfectly well myself, that’s why they come out?! This is the answer I'm looking for. I don’t want them to come out, they bother me.

    why do you need them?
    You’re not competing with your brother, but with which man in your life?

    About a more desirable partner - these are my conjectures (I judge objectively). I don’t know at all how one man differs from another in terms of sex.

    Well, now think about the difference between a man who owns the most ideal woman, from the man who owns a not so ideal woman, in any case, “discredited” by past connections with other men.

  • Good afternoon, ABC!
    Thanks for your reply.

    Yes, in general, in many cases I am a bad guy and I don’t feel any remorse for it, but in the context of our conversation it turns out that I limit myself from “bad” behavior in order to please someone... If you dig deeper into your sensations and feelings , it turns out that I have a fear (precisely fear) of being abandoned, or as you wrote

    Your father loved your brother as his son and your mother as his wife, but not you. It’s as if you find yourself alone, while simultaneously witnessing the mutual love of three close people. they are together, they feel good, there is love among them, they are loved. and all you are left with are punishments, restrictions, coldness and unlovingness.

    It turns out that it is only because of this fear that I restrain myself in my desires and become dependent... And internally this torments me...

    And who did you feel hatred or anger towards then?

    The truth is that I never felt obvious hatred or anger towards any person, if only momentary or quickly passing. I could (and may) not like people, but then I preferred not to communicate with them, not to intersect with them, to part ways. Those. no person - no problem.

    You’re not competing with your brother, but with which man in your life?
    who grabbed everything for himself - both his brother and his mother, as your ideal woman...

    The conclusion is clear - I’ve been competing with my father all my life, although he’s been dead for 13 years... I’m always proving something to him so that he’ll pay attention to me and finally fall in love with me.

    Why do you need them?

    I don't need them. But maybe subconsciously I project the image of my father onto them and try to compete with them and, thinking that they are better than me, I begin to be jealous?!

    She says, but you don't believe it. You have learned long ago and firmly that you have no place among your loved ones.

    and how to learn the opposite? believe and enjoy the moment? On the other hand, why not. We will solve problems as they arise. What to run ahead of the horse? If he stops loving, then so be it, but for now let’s enjoy the situation

    Well, now think about how the man who owns the most ideal woman differs from the man who owns a not-so-ideal woman, at least “discredited” by past connections with other men.

    Now I’m thinking... I can’t find a clear answer. It turns out that the only difference is the envy of the second towards the first, which, as you wrote, he himself has envy, but does not give to others... I don’t find any other differences, well, if you don’t take the fact that the first did his dirty deed in relation to the upbringing of his children and planted a bunch of problems in them, and the second one can still adjust his behavior and attitude.

  • Yes, in general, in many cases I am a bad guy and I don’t feel any remorse for it, but in the context of our conversation it turns out that I limit myself from “bad” behavior in order to please someone... If you dig deeper into your sensations and feelings , it turns out that I have a fear (precisely fear) of being abandoned, or as you wrote

    It turns out that it is only because of this fear that I restrain myself in my desires and become dependent... And internally this torments me...

    fear of being abandoned like a boy by his parents? if so, then from this childish role you are giving your current lover responsibility for your torment over her past partners.
    As an adult, you know how to take responsibility for yourself, but here your vulnerable part—the childish part—comes to the fore.
    and children do not have to choose, they just use the choice of their elders and worry if the choice is not successful.

    The truth is that I never felt obvious hatred or anger towards any person, if only momentary or quickly passing. I could (and may) not like people, but then I preferred not to communicate with them, not to intersect with them, to part ways. Those. no person - no problem.

    It’s strange that we didn’t feel it. In general, people tend to hate and get angry, and not even momentarily.
    But how, for example, can you not communicate with those with whom you live tightly in the same apartment, in the same family, and at the same time, we know that in relationships everything is quite complicated and tense? if you express anger openly, they will sweep it away, smear it all over the walls... all that remains is to hide it deeper, push it away. as if to say: there’s nothing, I’m not angry, except momentarily, lightly.

  • Very often, in married couples with experience, the following problem arises: “we live with our husbands as neighbors,” what should we do? The advice of a psychologist will help you understand yourself and the situation that has happened, and perhaps there will be a chance to resume a happy marriage. Or maybe there is no point in saving a hopelessly “sinking ship”? Remember only one thing - if there is no response from a man, then you should not waste energy and effort on restoring the relationship!

    Woman's dreams and reality

    When a woman gets married, she draws idyllic pictures of living together in her subconscious. She imagines that she will cook delicious dinners for her husband, greet him from work and listen to stories about how his working day went. However, marriage does not always meet the expectations of partners.

    Often in glossy magazines you can find a statement that if the relationship between partners has cooled over time, it means that they were not sincere from the beginning. Actually this is not true. Such problems in a couple are provoked by many reasons - from everyday problems to external interference from relatives or friends. Just yesterday you lived in perfect harmony, but today you feel that you are as tired of each other as a bitter radish.

    A woman dreams of eternal love, but in marriage she understands that this is unrealistic.

    Women usually blame their mistresses for the Cold War. If this assumption turns out to be true, then the husband will change even more over time. He will become withdrawn, start staying late at work and hiding phone calls.

    Your character traits, which previously seemed like a cute feature to him, now only irritate him. He used to hate theater and cinema, but now he spends hours talking about new films, although you didn’t go to the premiere.

    Habit kills love

    A man who is accustomed to his wife and considers her his property cools down very quickly. Another appears - a lover, independent, spectacular, passionate. Compared to her, the wife seems like a sad and disgusted roommate. But the husband is in no hurry to leave - the “neighbor” speaks borscht well, cleans and does laundry.

    Have you found yourself in the situation “my husband and I live like neighbors because he has a mistress?” This situation is not just offensive - it is offensive. A self-respecting woman will not kneel down and beg her husband. Rather, she will deliver an ultimatum and offer to resolve the issue radically.

    In the end, if your husband loves you, he will break up with his mistress and return to the family. And a spouse who is unable to abandon the “leftists” will never become a support and comrade-in-arms on the path of life.

    Even a perfect marriage can turn into a "neighborhood" if you have too different views on life. It is no coincidence that psychologists recommend that young couples simply live together for a while in order to get acquainted with habits and psychological characteristics each other.

    It is impossible to find out the negative side of the other half at the stage of a candy-bouquet relationship. When you have “rose-colored glasses” on, you try not to notice your partner’s shortcomings. They become a “pleasant” surprise only when you move in together.

    Unfortunately, an “owl” and a “lark”, a “miner” and a “ballerina” cannot live under one roof. Differences in views and social status, alas, are rarely treated by conversations and consultations with a psychologist. Try to understand what exactly caused the cooling of feelings in your couple.

    What can provoke a cooling of feelings?

    Cooling in marriage is often provoked by third-party factors. Most often, the parents of the wife or husband. Romeo and Juliet were not the only ones who suffered from misunderstandings from their close relatives. Your mother or mother-in-law may not outwardly in any way show their dissatisfaction with the marriage of the blood-in-law.

    But this does not prevent them from conducting “subversive” activities, so to speak, from within. Think about it, if your husband’s attacks of alienation perfectly coincide with his visits to his parents. Do not rush to call your mother-in-law with curses - it is unknown how your beloved spouse will react to such an attack.

    "Mama's boy" can turn around and slam the door. Having found the culprit of family problems, gradually wean your husband off his mother’s skirt. Instill in him the idea that now you are his family, and his mother may be wrong in her assumptions.

    “My husband and I live like neighbors, but I have nowhere to go”—with this problem, women who want a divorce turn to lawyers and advocates. If you have already decided that you and your husband are not on the same path, do not be afraid of your decision. If you have common children, the court will award you at least half of the common housing.

    With an adequate spouse, you can agree on the alienation of part of the property without court hearings and state fees. You can oblige your husband to rent your home or pay at least 50% of the mortgage loan. You don’t have common children and the finances to live separately? Put off the divorce for a couple of months, find a job and look for inexpensive housing.

    It is impossible not to mention couples who are completely satisfied with heterosexual proximity without love feelings. A man does not always honestly inform his future wife that he does not feel any special affection for her.

    Some people just need a free housekeeper and sex partner, others are trying to hide their asexuality or homosexuality through marriage. It's a pity that to clarify true reasons Some women have to suffer for years before getting married.

    Dialogue is the path to resolution!

    The solution to almost every problem that arises is dialogue. I know how difficult the first step can be. Some people have lived in estrangement for so long that they have already forgotten what it’s like to communicate calmly with their spouse; others do not know how to formulate their thoughts and feelings. But no matter how it is, it is very important to choose the most favorable environment, catch your significant other in a good mood and start a dialogue.

    Prepare yourself, especially if you know how hot-tempered and emotional you are. Splash out your energy in some other direction, and begin the dialogue calmly and naturally. The first goal of communication is to make a mutual decision, because if spouses live as friends, or worse, neighbors in the stairwell, it is important to understand how to proceed, fight for love together, or part ways in different directions.

    • Write a list addressed to your spouse. Let this list contain things that you think are the causes of the current problem. Express your emotions correctly, instead of “I hate it when your socks are scattered all over the room” - “I would be grateful if you put your socks in the drawer that I freed for you.” A prerequisite for the experiment is for the spouse to write the same list. This will allow him to respond to comments and criticism more softly, because he also has the right to express his dissatisfaction and make his suggestions. After both participants have read the lists, time should pass; give yourself and your spouse time to digest and comprehend the information, and then sit down at the negotiating table and start making amendments, finding compromises, agreeing and signing.
    • Invite your husband to remember the time you fell in love. Find old happy photos together, remember funny stories of first dates, first experiences and declarations of love. Talk about the period when you were in love, remember what captivated you about each other, what attracted attention and what caused warmth. Develop a sphere of interaction, plan a joint vacation. You can also play games, for example, who can remember the most ridiculous, funny or cute event from their first dates.

    I am sure that the outcome of the game will end with violent memories of past passion.

    What if the debris is not collected?

    It happens that the husband proposed a divorce, but the wife cannot let him go. Even when a happy life together has long been shattered, a woman feels emotional attachment and fear... Fear of abandonment, fear of being left alone, fear of change. If more than one attempt and advice from a psychologist did not help save the marriage, all that remains is to come to terms with your spouse’s decision.

    When it seems to you that what is broken can still be put back together, try to persuade your spouse not to “fever,” because sometimes such decisions are made hastily and under the influence of strong emotions, for example, after one of the spouses cheats.

    Do you think that you can forgive anything for the sake of love? Then invite your husband to take a time out, spend some time apart, cool down, think about what happened, make a decision, and then spend a trial period together to evaluate renewed emotions, changes and feelings.

    What are the consequences of a marriage saved for the sake of a child?

    It is in childhood that the foundations and norms of how to live and how to live correctly are laid in the subconscious of a little man. He acquires his first values ​​and forms his vision of life. Many parents create unfavorable conditions for the child’s development, arguing with the phrases “he’s still small, he doesn’t understand anything” or “he’ll be an adult and understand, that’s what we did.”

    This is fundamentally wrong, 9 out of 10 psychologists will say - “psychological and social problems people most often take their origins from childhood, upbringing, and the atmosphere in the family.

    But, most often, those who understand this axiom interpret it not entirely correctly, for example, spouses decide to save a marriage that is cracking at the seams for the sake of a child. Of course, feeling at least a fraction of the remnants of love, you can and should fight for old feelings, repair, and not throw away what is broken.

    But if we are talking about when two people have broken ties, do not see a chance for family happiness and do not even want to look for them, it is not worth creating an artificial family for a child. Parents deceive the child, presenting an illusion that will eventually burst like a soap bubble.

    Firstly, if the parents are not professional actors, their performance will be staged, unreal, the baby may not even realize that it is fake, but already feel that something is wrong, be in an unhealthy atmosphere, learn to love and see “incorrectly.” strange game, perceiving it as the norm of relationships.

    The phrase “a child needs a full-fledged family” must be interpreted correctly, a full-fledged one means happy, healthy, real. Let it go better baby lives with a happy mom and spends an unforgettable weekend with a happy dad, living separately, than surrounded by two unhappy people who have become strangers to each other.

    I sincerely hope that each of you will be able to overcome difficulties with your head held high and take advantage of my advice.