How much sleep should a child sleep per year? Baby's sleep by month. How long should a one-month-old baby sleep? Baby's daily routine by month. Sleep norm for babies at night

The most difficult year with sleepless nights, fears, and worries is behind us. Now your child has grown up, and it has become a little easier for you, but the question of how much sleep a child should sleep is still a burning issue for most parents.

Baby's sleep from 12 months to one and a half years

After 12 months, many babies switch from 2 meals a day nap for 1 time. Often this transition is difficult, children get tired and capricious. Sometimes the way out can be a reasonable alternation of days with one nap and days with two, or putting him to bed early. night sleep if the baby slept once during the day.

If your one year old child twice sleeps a lot during the day, don't expect him to sleep long at night. Most likely, he will wake you up at 5-6 o’clock in the morning, so that at 10 he will want to go to bed again. If he sleeps at night longer than the hours indicated in the table, then the duration of his daytime sleep will be less than average. As a rule, all children are set to have one nap during the day, and this schedule is maintained until primary school age.

As a rule, up to the age of one and a half years, the child’s regime gently changes towards a one-time daytime nap, which completely covers the need for rest.

Sleep duration of children from 18 months to 2 years

At one and a half years old, the baby spends about 11-12 hours sleeping at night, and during the day - about 3 hours at a time. If your 18-month-old baby still doesn't mind taking an hour-long nap during the day a second time, don't discourage him. Just don’t let him sleep in the evening for more than an hour, otherwise his bedtime may shift late into the night.

At the age of about 2 years, children are often tormented. Often the baby flatly refuses to be left alone in a dark bedroom; when his mother tries to put him down and leave, he bursts into heart-breaking crying. Under no circumstances should you leave him alone in the dark if he cries and won’t let go of his mother! If he becomes silent, it is not because he has calmed down, but from melancholy and hopelessness. Do not consider this as whims - the baby may really be afraid of something. Remember that he is only Small child, still quite ignorant. Turn on a night light in the children's room and leave the door open so that he knows that his mother is nearby and ready to come at any moment.

If this doesn't help, lie down with him on your bed. As a rule, the baby immediately falls asleep, feeling the security and warmth of his mother. When the baby is fast asleep, you can quietly get up and go about your business. When you return, you should carefully take the sleeping child and put it in a crib, but be prepared for the fact that in the middle of the night the baby will wake up and again ask to be with his mother.

Accustoming a child to sleep with you in an adult bed is not very healthy, but sometimes a mother’s sleep next to her baby is the only salvation from sleepless nights and children’s tears. The inconvenience is temporary, the child will grow up a little and within a month he will understand that he is safe at home and has no one to fear.

Being categorical about sleeping together is not always necessary. If the baby is very scared or sick, he will fall asleep much more calmly with his mother. The main thing is not to turn an exception into a habit.

Sleep of children 2-3 years old

How much sleep should a child between 2 and 3 years old sleep? Such children need approximately 11-11.5 hours of sleep at night and two hours of rest after lunch. At this age, the following problems may arise with going to bed:

  1. A 2-year-old child has grown enough to climb out of a crib on his own, risking falling and getting injured. Don't get excited about his new skill, but be persistent and get him back to bed. Strictly and calmly tell your child that he should not do this. After a few comments, he might listen. If the child still continues to climb out, then create conditions for his safety: make a lower fencing for the crib, place pillows or soft toys in front of the crib.
  2. The baby may deliberately delay falling asleep at night. Lying in the crib, he calls his mother, asking for one toy, then another, then a drink of water, then another fairy tale to tell. Try to fulfill the child’s requests within reasonable limits, but still kiss him and firmly wish him good night.
  3. There can be no question of any night sleep if the baby has managed to get hungry. Make sure he's not hungry; at the very least, give him an apple or pear.

An older child can learn to leave the crib on his own, but this is fraught with injury, and it is simply not necessary. Attempts should be stopped if possible

How much sleep does a child over 3 years old need?

The older a child gets, the fewer hours he spends sleeping. Finally, your child's sleep pattern has become almost the same as yours. How long does your baby sleep now? Children after 3 years of age usually go to bed around 9 pm and wake up between 7 and 8 am.

Now the child sleeps about 10 hours at night and a couple of hours during the day. It is recommended to adhere to this schedule until the age of 7. How long a child sleeps at night depends on his well-being and activity during the day. Over time, your son or daughter's naps become shorter and shorter, and by the end of the preschool period, most children do without naps at all.

So, let's look at the average number of hours presented in the table that healthy children 1-7 years old should normally sleep during the day.

The figures given are very average. Each child has a different need for rest, which largely depends on the daily routine of the family where the child is growing up, the state of the baby’s nervous system and psyche, his temperament (he is active or slow), how much time the baby spends walking in the fresh air, and whether he is healthy.

Early refusal of daytime sleep

Already in the 4th year of life, some children stop sleeping after lunch. As a rule, this happens due to being carried away by an interesting activity or waking up too late in the morning. Until what age do you let your baby sleep in the morning? If the child is not forced to get up early in the morning to go to kindergarten, his parents feel sorry for him and allow him to sleep in the morning until almost 11 o’clock - this should not be done (see also:). At the age of 3-4 years, daytime naps are still necessary, and parents should make every effort to maintain them for as long as possible.

If your child still stops falling asleep during the day, don’t force him or scold him – it doesn’t make sense. Adults are not able to force themselves to fall asleep when they don’t want to, and what is the demand for 3-5 year old children who still don’t know how to control their reactions?

At 4-5 years old, a child for good rest His nervous system may well just need to lie down in silence and play with his favorite toy. Or lie down with him and read a book to him. An hour of rest for a tired mother will not hurt.

How does the duration of daytime sleep affect nighttime sleep?

Some mothers mistakenly believe that if the child sleeps little during the day (or does not sleep at all), then he will sleep more soundly at night. This is wrong. Tired, but full of impressions from the past day, he will not be able to sleep for a very long time.

Is it necessary to put your child to bed and wake him up at the same time every day? If you see that your baby is clearly overtired or unwell, then nothing bad will happen if you put him to bed early and wake him up later than usual. In this matter, everything depends on the child’s well-being. You should not unnecessarily wake him up too early or put him to bed if he is still alert and active.

Quality rest of sufficient duration is necessary for every person. And up to a year, sleep is one of the main components of harmonious growth and development. Each baby is individual, the required duration of rest depends on temperament, speed of development various processes in organism. But there are certain sleep norms for children under one year old. This is the average time you need to sleep day and night to ensure good health and development.

Why is sleep important for a child?

Children love to run and jump. While awake, they get very tired, sometimes they simply “fall off their feet.” To recuperate, you need to have a good rest. During sleep, a number of processes occur in the body:

  • Tissues, organs, and strength are restored. When a little person is too tired, he has poor control of his body, falls, and hits himself.
  • Growth hormone is released, muscles, bones, organs, and their systems develop. If the baby sleeps little, lags from the norms in weight and height are often observed. You can find out what standards exist and whether you fit into them from the article: Height and weight of a newborn by month >>>.
  • Immune cells are actively formed, which then help fight diseases. Find out what to do if your baby gets sick often and how to prevent illness from the Healthy Child course >>>.
  • The brain grows and develops. New neural connections are formed. Waste products are removed from it. During sleep, children's brains work actively: they analyze information received during the day, store it in memory, find connections between events, and consolidate skills acquired during the day.
  • Recovering nervous system. Children who sleep according to norms are in a good mood and have a cheerful disposition.

According to research, with a lack of rest, behavior worsens, aggression, impulsiveness, and tearfulness appear. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (inability to concentrate) is often diagnosed.

Scientists have proven that if children under one year of age have less rest than normal, then behavioral problems persist into older age. It is necessary to ensure that the infant sleeps in accordance with monthly norms and to create conditions for quality rest in order to prevent problems with behavior and development.

Sleep norms for children under one year old

Most likely, you record the breaks between feedings, the volume of food, weight gain, height in your baby during the first year of life and compare them with standards. And they didn’t even think about sleep standards. But in vain. After all, sleep is no less important for the growth and development of a baby than nutrition.

Sleep standards for children under one year of age are shown in the table.

Age Number of dreams during the day Norm of night sleep, hours Total, hours
Up to 1 month 4-8 8-10 From 16 to 19
1-3 months 3-5 10-11 From 14 to 17
4-5 months 3-4 10-12 From 14 to 17
6-8 months 2-3 10-12 From 13 to 15
9-11 months 2 10-12 From 12 to 15
1 year 1-2 10-12 From 12 to 14

These are average standards. All children have their own characteristics. Quality and standard also depend on general condition, health, temperament. For example, if a little one is bothered by a runny nose, it may be of shorter duration. But he will sleep more often.

Signs that your baby wants to sleep

Sometimes tired children fall asleep on their own. But in most cases, when your son (daughter) is already tired, he himself does not understand it. But the behavior changes:

  1. He rubs his eyes, yawns, tugs at his ear;
  2. He is not interested in any activities or games, he turns away;
  3. Begins to be capricious, nervous, and cries for no particular reason;
  4. Falls, pushes;
  5. Becomes agitated and too active.

It is necessary to correctly understand these symptoms and a short time put the child to bed, otherwise he will become overexcited and will not be able to sleep normally. It will all end in tears, hysteria, and nightly restlessness.

In most families, children fall asleep late, around the same time as their parents. This is absolutely wrong and does not correspond to the norm. It is a well-known fact that 60 minutes of sleep before midnight for little ones is equal to 120 after. Therefore, it is not only the overall duration that is important.

If you go to bed late, don't change your habit too suddenly. This will be hard for everyone. Shift your bedtime by 15 minutes each evening. After a few days, a new habit will form, and there will be no problems falling asleep at the right time.

Signs that you're not getting enough sleep

If a baby under one year old sleeps an hour less than necessary, but feels well, his mood is even and cheerful, then there is no need to worry. But if your son or daughter sleeps enough (the duration fits into the table norms of sleep and wakefulness for a child up to a year), this does not mean that he has enough. Symptoms that your baby is not getting enough rest are:

  • While awake, the baby is restless, cannot play independently for a minute, begins to be capricious, is not interested in anything, and is nervous. He can only calm down in his mother’s arms;

Important! But remember that anxiety in children can also be caused by other problems: intestinal colic, teething. Observe, monitor compliance with the norms of wakefulness and sleep, record play and rest times for several days in a row.

  • A baby who doesn’t get enough rest during the day becomes so tired in the evening that he starts screaming and crying. Laying down becomes a real challenge for the whole family. Ensure that you get enough sleep during the day. Prepare in advance to fall asleep at a certain time. Closer to the year, a more or less constant regime has already been established. It is already possible to predict fatigue and move on to calm games and bedtime ritual in time. Read more about this in the article Bedtime Rituals >>>.
  • The son (daughter) wakes up before midnight. An hour or two after laying down. This is a sign that he is not getting enough rest during the day. Increase the duration of sleep during daylight hours, even if it is normal. In the evening, go to bed early.
  • Lack of sleep is one of the common reasons poor appetite, weight discrepancy with the norm. Article

All people know that sleep is important for proper functioning human body. Its deficiency can lead to much more serious consequences than reducing food and liquid intake. At the same time, most mothers, being attentive to the nutrition of young children, do not pay attention to the issue of healthy and nutritious children's recreation close attention.

The meaning of sleep for a child

Dream- a significant component for the full development of the child’s body. It is at this time that important physiological processes occur.

  1. Relaxation of the limbs.
  2. Tissue restoration.
  3. Formation of energy reserves.
  4. Processing and assimilation of information received while awake.
  5. Formation of melanin - the hormone responsible for the growth of the child.
  6. Formation and restoration of immunity.
  7. Active work of internal organs.

How much sleep should children sleep per year?

For proper rest, children, just like adults, need to sleep a certain number of hours a day. For each age, this figure and the composition of sleep are different. For a one-year-old baby, sleep duration is 12–14 hours. In this case, night sleep lasts 10–12 hours, and daytime rest 2–3 hours. Daytime rest at the beginning of the second year of life is further divided into two segments of 1–1.5 hours.

For a one and a half year old child, these numbers change slightly. The total sleep duration of a one and a half year old child should be at least 10–12 hours. At night he should sleep 10–11 hours. But the day's rest by this time takes 2–2.5 and is not divided into parts.

Of course, you should not force your child into a certain time frame that strictly determines the number of hours of sleep and wakefulness. Small deviations from the norm do not indicate that a child has problems with dreams.

Sleep disorders

So, having decided how much sleep a one-year-old child should sleep, parents can rely on these numbers when allocating rest time and periods of activity for their children. Deviations from these limits of an hour or two are not a problem. But if a child sleeps more or less than most of his peers by two or more hours, then you need to be wary. Only by carefully observing your child can you determine whether this deviation is an individual characteristic of the baby, or whether there is a violation of the body’s recovery function.

Signs of sleep deprivation in 1-year-old children may include:

Ignoring signs of lack of sleep at 1 year of age can lead to nervous system disorders, behavioral disorders, chronic fatigue, decreased immunity, slowed down the speed of reactions and information processing processes in the brain.

To correct sleep disorders in children at any age, and especially in infants, a stable daily routine must be maintained.

Daily routine for children aged 1 year

When developing a daily routine for your child, you can follow the recommendations of pediatricians and psychologists. But the basis for a child’s daily routine should be his individual characteristics and needs.

Daily regime

A one-year-old child receives a lot of new information. To successfully master it during the day, he needs 12–14 hours of rest. A child's nightly sleep at the beginning of the second year of life should last 10–12 hours. Most experts say that the optimal time to fall asleep in the evening is 21:00. This is dictated by the characteristics of the child’s body. Sleep from 21.00 to 1.00 is considered the most productive from the point of view of physiological processes.

The child's wake-up time should not be adjusted to the wishes of the parents. If a little person wakes up in the morning at 6–7 o’clock, this is normal and acceptable. During the day, a one-year-old baby sleeps for approximately 2–3 hours. It is better to divide this time into two parts of 1–1.5. A child’s body at this age is not always ready for a long period of wakefulness. At 1 year it is 3–4 hours. The first half of this time is devoted to active games and walks in the fresh air. In the second half of the waking period, it is advisable to keep the baby busy with less active activities (drawing, reading books, playing with blocks). This will help him both spend energy during vigorous activity and prepare for daytime sleep.

At one year of age, in most cases, a child cannot fall asleep on his own and talk about his fatigue. The task of attentive parents is to notice their baby’s fatigue in time and help him fall asleep. If you skip this moment and continue playing, it will be quite difficult to put him to sleep. You can tell if your little one is ready to sleep in one of two ways.

By watching games, you can identify the baby’s actions that indicate his fatigue:

When putting your child to sleep, based on the recommendations of specialists, it is necessary to record the time when this process takes place as calmly and quickly as possible. In this case, you need to start preparing for falling asleep in advance, 15–20 minutes in advance.

General rules for getting ready for bed

To form positive habits in young children, a consistent sequence of actions is important and must remain the same every day. This statement is also true for organizing healthy and sound children's sleep.

Daytime nap

The benefits and necessity of daytime sleep for a year old baby’s body have been repeatedly noted. During daytime rest, the child processes information received in the morning, muscles and limbs rest and relax, and the baby stores up energy for active activities in the afternoon.

How many times should a one-year-old child rest during the day depends on his individual characteristics and motor activity. Up to one and a half years, the norm may be alternating one and two daily naps. At this age, daily refusal of a daytime rest period is unacceptable. This phenomenon is a significant deviation from the norm and requires decisive action from parents.

There are several reasons for refusing to fall asleep during the daytime:

Infrequent cases of refusal to sleep may not be considered a deviation. But even if the baby refuses to sleep, he should have time to rest during the day, when his body is in a state of relative rest. If a one-year-old child does not fall asleep, then he should not get out of bed and start playing instead of sleeping. You can occupy your sleep by reading a book, singing a calm song, or telling a fairy tale.

To help your baby fall asleep easily, you can use some simple techniques. Mom can lie next to him during the period of falling asleep and stroke his back, head and arms. Physical contact calms and gives a feeling of comfort. Ventilation and daily wet cleaning of the room for children's sleep are mandatory! It is not advisable to put your baby to bed immediately after feeding.

The quality of night rest directly depends on a sufficient amount of it during the day. If your baby has slept little or not at all during the day, he will not fall asleep faster in the evening. On the contrary, his overexcited nervous system will work to the limit and will not allow him to calm down and go to the kingdom of Morpheus.

Bedtime plays a big role in the quality of your night's sleep. You cannot adjust a baby’s sleep schedule to the needs and desires of adult family members. Children under the age of one and a half years should already be asleep by 10 p.m., no matter how many times they nap during the day.

A consistent ritual will help you prepare for bed at night. In the evening hours, quiet games without active movement. An hour before bedtime (approximately 20–20.30) you need to start preparing for bed: collect toys and put them to bed, take water treatments, read a book. Just like during the day, one of the parents should be nearby during the process of falling asleep (in the evening it can be dad).

Sleep at night is rarely uninterrupted throughout the night. How many times a baby wakes up during the night depends on the individual characteristics and conditions in the children's room. If a one-year-old child wakes up 1-2 times during the night, this is normal.. The reason for this may be the desire to go to the toilet, abdominal discomfort, bad dreams, hunger. If the toddler does not have problems sleeping, then he will easily fall asleep again after satisfying his needs. But more often than not, one-year-old children cannot fall asleep on their own at night. The mother should help them with this by stroking them in a quiet, calm voice, setting the child up to continue dreaming.

Separately, it is necessary to touch upon the topic of the baby’s comfort during sleep. Nightwear should not restrict movement, should be made of breathable materials and be comfortable to the touch. Compliance with the ventilation, humidification and cleaning of the premises will also provide the child with a healthy, relaxing rest.

How much sleep should a child sleep per year? Such a strict formulation of the question may not be entirely correct, since the child does not owe anything to others. Parents, relying on the recommendations of specialists and the individual characteristics of their children, must create a certain daily routine and development conditions under which the children can fully rest at night and during the day.

One of critical issues For mothers, the newborn's sleep routine is always a priority. We will tell you how much sleep children under one year old need, and also explain when to sound the alarm and how to change an improper rest schedule.

How much should a baby sleep at 1 month of age?

Sleep pattern of a baby in the first month of life

In the first month of his life, a newborn baby sleeps 18-20 hours a day. He slowly begins to realize what day and night are.

In the first three weeks, the baby may not sleep so soundly and wake up every hour to eat.

Soon the period of wakefulness will begin to increase, the baby will peer with interest at objects. The child will not go to bed according to the previous routine.

Duration of sleep for a newborn one month of life at night and during the day

  • A child has 4 daytime sleep periods and 1 nighttime sleep period per month.
  • As a rule, it is enough for newborns to rest for 8-9 hours during the day, and 10-12 at night.
  • The baby should be put to bed at a certain period - from 9 pm to 9 am. It is at this time that night falls for the newborn.

The baby sleeps little and restlessly at the age of one month: reasons

Of course, if one month old baby does not sleep at any time of the day, it is worth sounding the alarm. Remember - the baby should rest both at night and during the day!

Pay attention to your child, he may not sleep for various reasons.

  • The room is stuffy or humid. Ventilate the room before putting your child to bed.
  • An external stimulus interferes - music, conversation, a fly and other environmental factors.
  • Temperature cooling or overheating. The baby may be hot or cold. Swaddle him so that he feels cozy and warm.

A 1 month old baby constantly sleeps: why?

According to pediatricians, a newborn can sleep 18-20 hours a day. And this is not a problem if the little man rests most of the time of the day.

Take this opportunity and get some sleep yourself. Typically, this period will not last long. Remember that the child can adopt the mother’s habit of sleeping during the day and not closing her eyes at night.

It is better for mothers to adjust their sleep schedule in advance during pregnancy rather than not accustom their child to a new schedule later.

How much and how should a baby sleep at 2 months of age?

Peculiarities of daytime and night sleep in a two-month-old infant

  • Children of this age sleep 18 hours a day. This time is enough for the baby to gain strength.
  • There are 5-6 hours left for active and active games and activities, but this period will be enough for the baby. There is no need to wean your child off this regime.

Duration good night in a baby at 2 months of life at night and during the day

  • A two-month-old baby spends 8 hours sleeping during the day. This time is divided into 2 deep sleeps of 3 hours each and 2 superficial ones, which last from 30 minutes.
  • And the night's rest is divided into 2 sleeps. The baby may wake up to feed. There is no need to deny her this.

Why does a child sleep poorly or not sleep at 2 months of age?

Let's list the main reasons why 2-month-old babies may have trouble sleeping.

  • Stuffy room.
  • Uncomfortable sleeping place.
  • Tummy pain or other illness.
  • Temperature change - hot or cold.
  • Trembling in sleep. Swaddling will save you from them.
  • External stimulus - voice, music, mosquito.

Why does a 2 month old baby sleep constantly?

Long sleep is the cause of baby's illness! Pay attention to the little one. Her stomach may ache.

Your baby should sleep no more than 4 hours during the day. If his sleep was previously disturbed, then the baby will simply sleep it off.

How much and how do babies sleep at three months?

Features of daytime and night sleep of a newborn at 3 months of life

The sleep schedule of a three-month-old baby is almost no different from that of a two-month-old baby. He sleeps only 1 hour less.

Children also need four naps during the day. They begin to show themselves more actively within 7-8 hours - they reach for toys, hold their heads and monitor what is happening around them.

Duration of proper sleep in a child of three months of life at night and during the day

  • The baby spends 7 hours on daytime rest. This time is divided into 2 deep sleeps of 2-3 hours each and 2 superficial sleeps of 30-40 minutes each.
  • A child needs 10 hours to rest at night. You will still have to feed the baby once during the night.

A 3-month-old baby sleeps little or restlessly: why?

The child will sleep soundly and sweetly if all the necessary conditions are met.

  • The room will be fresh.
  • Voice, music, telephone or TV sounds will not interfere.
  • He will feel cozy in bed. A high-quality mattress and pillow are the key to a good rest.
  • He will not be cold or hot. Swaddling will help with this.
  • If the child is not sick.

A 3-month-old baby sleeps a lot and for a long time: why?

A baby can sleep for a long time for one reason - something hurts. Pay attention to him. The disease does not always manifest itself externally, because the baby may have a red throat, a stomach ache or a high temperature.

How much and how should a four-month-old baby sleep?

Sleeping and waking patterns of a 4-month-old baby

A 4-month-old baby should rest 17 hours a day. This time is enough for energy to be restored.

The baby will spend his energy on 7 hours of wakefulness.

Please note that in a dream the baby grows and develops. It is advisable to adhere to a certain routine: sleep 4 times during the day, and 2 times at night.

Sleep should be interrupted for feeding or active play.

Duration of sleep for a baby at four months of age

  • In the first half of the day, the child should have 2 deep sleeps of 3 hours each, and in the afternoon - 2 shallow sleeps of 30-40 minutes each.
  • The baby will spend the remaining 10 hours sleeping at night. There is no need to divide this stage by time. The child can wake up at night after 3-4 hours, eat and go back to rest.

Why does a 4-month-old child sleep little, poorly and restlessly, or not sleep at all during the day or at night?

Let's list important reasons bad sleep babies 4 months of age.

  • Overwork. The baby may “over-walk”, then cry and not fall asleep on time.
  • Wants attention.
  • My tummy hurts. The reasons are a new product that a nursing mother ate, or mixtures.
  • Stuffy room air or humidity.
  • Hot or cold. Support temperature regime child.

Mothers are advised to put their baby to sleep next to them in the first six months. This way you will spend less effort getting up to your baby. When the baby starts crying, it will be enough to reach out to her, stroke her or feed her.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 4 months of age?

If your child sleeps for a long time, do not immediately panic. Take a close look at the baby. Perhaps something hurts him, and the disease occurs internally. If there is something alarming about your baby's behavior, go and see a doctor. He will advise how to establish a regime and solve the problem.

How much sleep should a baby at five months sleep?

Features of daytime and night sleep in children at five months

  • At this age, the time schedule differs from the previous one by 1 hour.
  • You will have to reduce your rest time during the day. The baby will need to be taught to nap three times a day.
  • You won't have to wake up at night to feed as often. Everything will depend on whether the child is hungry or not.
  • In total, children will sleep 16 hours a day.

Duration of sleep for a 5 month old baby at night and during the day

  • A 5-month-old child needs 6 hours for daily rest. This time should be divided into 2 deep sleeps of 2.5 hours each and one hour of shallow sleep.
  • At night, your child will sleep 10 hours.

Why is a baby restless, ill, sleeping little or not sleeping at all at five months??

The baby's routine can be disrupted for various reasons.

  • The room is stuffy, dry or humid.
  • He is disturbed by extraneous noise and sounds.
  • It is uncomfortable and uncomfortable to lie in a large crib. Babies of this age are often put to sleep in a separate crib. There they can freeze or, conversely, they can be very hot under the blanket.
  • He's overtired.
  • Requires attention from mom.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 5 months of age?

There are two reasons: either the child is sleeping off after long “festivities”, or he is sick.

Pay attention to the baby and examine him. Just in case, consult your pediatrician.

Features of daytime and night sleep in a 6-month-old child

Sleep pattern of a six-month-old baby at night and during the day

  • In six months, the toddler will sleep 15 hours a day.
  • He will gain strength and energy, which he will spend on 8-9 hours of active knowledge of the world around him.
  • At 6 months, a baby can sleep soundly at night without even waking up.
  • Daytime rest has also not been canceled - there should definitely be 3 sleeps.

How much should a baby sleep at six months?

  • At 6 months, the baby will sleep 10 hours at night.
  • Daytime sleep will be divided into 2 deep for 2 hours and 1 superficial lasting 30-40 minutes.
  • In total, the baby should spend 5 hours resting during the day.

Causes of sleep disturbances in a 6 month old baby

A toddler may not sleep well for various reasons.

  • Because of the uncomfortable bed, mattress, pillow.
  • He may be bothered new environment(in case of renovation or relocation).
  • The child got sick.
  • Humidity or stuffiness in the room.
  • Extraneous irritants.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 6 months of age?

  • If your child does not go to bed according to the schedule and “overnights,” then he may sleep several hours beyond the allotted time. This is one reason for the violation of the regime.
  • Another is a disease that occurs unnoticed inside a child’s body. Consult a doctor!

How should a baby sleep at the age of 7 months?

Sleep pattern in children at 7 months during the day and night

  • The duration of daily sleep in children of 7 months does not change and is 15 hours.
  • The only difference is the periods of daytime rest. You should teach your child to sleep only 2 times during the day.
  • The little ones now stay awake longer, for 9 hours.
  • By the way, by the time your baby is seven months old you no longer have to get up at night to feed.

How much and how should a baby sleep at seven months?

  • A 7-month-old child needs 10 hours of sleep at night, and 5 hours for daytime sleep.
  • Sleep time during the day should be divided into 2 periods of 2.5 hours. This time will be enough for the baby to rest, and he won’t even need a quick nap after lunch.

Why does a child sleep poorly, little, restlessly or not sleep at all at night and during the day at 7 months of age: reasons

  • A 7-month-old baby is already sensitive to what is happening around him. He may be awakened by conversations or other sounds, such as those coming from a TV or telephone.
  • In addition, a toddler at this age really wants attention from his mother. Perhaps you put him to sleep with you for up to six months, and then weaned him and began to put him in a separate crib.
  • Also, the causes of sleep disturbance may be illness, abdominal cramps, an uncomfortable sleeping place, unbearable humidity or a stuffy room.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 7 months of age?

There is no reason for a baby to sleep long hours at 7 months. It should not disrupt your sleep-wake schedule. If this happens, consult a doctor who will examine the baby. Diseases often go unnoticed in children.

How much should babies sleep at 8 months?

Sleep pattern in children aged 8 months during the day and night

  • For a baby who begins to move actively, learns to stand up and crawl, at this age 15 hours of sleep is enough. During the rest period, he will grow, his energy and strength will be replenished.
  • The child will be able to play and explore vigorously the world within 9 hours.

Sleep duration in children aged eight months

  • Some children at 8 months adhere to the old routine - sleep soundly during the day 2 times for 2.5 hours. And other toddlers can sleep for 3-4 hours at a time.
  • In total, kids should spend 5 hours on daytime rest, and 10 hours on nighttime rest.

Why does my child sleep poorly, restlessly, or not sleep at all during the day/night?

Sleep disturbances often occur for certain reasons.

  • It is difficult for him to breathe due to stuffiness or high humidity in the room.
  • It's hot or cold to sleep.
  • Sounds from the outside world or insects (in summer) interfere.
  • Tummy hurts due to complementary feeding.
  • It is uncomfortable to sleep on a pillow or a new mattress.

An 8-month-old baby constantly sleeps: why?

The cause of long sleep can be a disease inside the child’s body. You should contact your pediatrician.

And an eight-month-old baby may become overtired, because she now spends so much energy!

How much and how should a baby sleep at 9 months of age?

Proper sleep schedule for children 9 months of age

  • The correct daily routine for a nine-month-old baby consists of 8-9 hours of active educational games and two periods of sleep. By following a strict regime, you will notice that the baby will become cheerful, well-rested, and smiling.
  • In total, he needs 15 hours a day to rest.

Duration of sleep in a nine-month-old baby during the day and night

  • A child at this age should sleep at least 5 hours during the day. This time is divided into 2 equal periods of 2.5 hours.
  • And at night the baby will need 10 hours of sleep. Your child may not even wake up in dark time days for feeding.

Restless sleep in a child aged 9 months: reasons

Disturbed sleep patterns are not the best period in a baby’s life. The child may wake up from noise, conversation, the sounds of music, and, starting to cry, will not be able to sleep normally.

Before putting your baby to bed, pay attention to some points. After all, it is because of them that a newborn may not sleep.

  • The room should not be stuffy or humid.
  • The sleeping place should be comfortable.
  • Heat and cold are harmful to the baby.
  • Pay attention to whether the little one’s tummy is bothering him or whether something else hurts?

A 9-month-old baby sleeps constantly: why?

A baby at this age actively manifests itself and tries to stand on its feet, turns its head in all directions, and crawls. The cause of long sleep can be overwork.

It’s worth going to bed on time and making sure your baby doesn’t get tired, especially before bedtime!

The second reason is illness. Contact your doctor to examine your child.

How much should a 10 month old baby sleep day and night?

How long should a ten month old baby sleep at night and during the day?

  • A 10-month-old toddler should sleep at least 14 hours a day. The rest time is reduced by one hour, but it is enough for the baby to replenish its energy supply.
  • And the baby has been awake for 9-10 hours.

Duration of sleep in a child aged ten months

  • A child needs 10 hours to rest at night. Moreover, note that at this age you no longer need to get up to him in the dark to feed.
  • Daytime sleep time is 4 hours. It can be divided into 2 deep sleeps of 2 hours each.

Why can't a child of ten months of age sleep during the day or at night?

There are many reasons for poor sleep.

  • The child may be disturbed by voices, noise, or the sounds of the TV.
  • Stuffy room or high humidity.
  • A sleeping place that is inconvenient for a baby to sleep, for example, a wide parent’s bed.
  • Illnesses can especially bother you with colic in the abdomen.
  • Overwork.
  • Character. A child can express himself by demanding attention from his mother.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at ten months of age?

If your baby sleeps a couple of hours more than expected, doctors advise not to panic.

And if a child sleeps for a very long time and refuses to eat, he should be given Special attention. Perhaps something is bothering him. He is ill? Examine the baby yourself or contact your pediatrician!

How much and how should a baby sleep at the age of 11 months?

Sleep patterns in children aged eleven months at night and during the day

  • The rest schedule for eleven-month-old children is no different from that of ten-month-old children. It becomes a little easier for mothers; they continue to live according to the old routine.
  • You also need to give babies at least 14 hours of rest, and divide daytime sleep into 2 periods.

Sleep duration for an 11 month old baby

  • The night in children aged 11 months lasts 10 hours. As a rule, babies should get a good night's sleep during this time.
  • And the child will spend 4 hours on daytime rest.

Why does an eleven-month-old baby sleep poorly or cannot sleep during the day or at night: reasons

  • A baby at this age may have difficulty sleeping due to poor health, or he may be disturbed by an external stimulus (insect, noise, sounds of music, conversation).
  • The regime is also disrupted due to stuffiness, moisture, uncomfortable sleeping place, and overwork.
  • Or the child just wants your attention.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 11 months of age?

An eleven-month-old child should sleep on a schedule. If the child steps away from him for a couple of hours, it’s okay.

And if he doesn’t wake up even to eat, it’s time to sound the alarm!

Pay attention to the baby - he may be sick. Consult a pediatrician.

How should a one-year-old child sleep during the day and at night?

Sleeping and waking patterns in a one-year-old child

  • At one year old, children do not change their routine much. They also need 13-14 hours to sleep.
  • Moreover, the daily nap of 2 times a day is preserved, but is reduced by half an hour to an hour.
  • The waking time is 10-11 hours.

Sleep duration in children at twelve months

  • The baby needs 10-11 hours to rest at night, and 3-4 during the day.
  • Before lunch, the child should have deep sleep lasting 2-2.5 hours, and after lunch - shallow sleep for 1-1.5.

The time to rest depends on the child’s well-being and mood.

Causes of poor sleep in children aged 12 months

A one-year-old toddler may not sleep well due to certain circumstances.

  • Stuffiness or humidity in the room.
  • Unusual sleeping place.
  • Uncomfortable mattress, pillow.
  • Noise, voice, sounds of music.
  • Overwork.
  • Diseases.
  • Lack of attention, the baby wants to call his mother to him.

Why does a one-year-old baby sleep a lot: reasons

Long sleep and disruption of the sleep-wake schedule may be due to an invisible disease occurring in the little person’s body, or overwork resulting from long “walks”.

When should a child switch to two or one naps?

At 12-18 months, the child should still have two naps during the day. Moreover, the baby should be put to bed before and after lunch.

According to the advice of many mothers, you need to teach your children to sleep during the day from 10 to 12 o’clock, feed them lunch, play, and then (from 15 to 16) go back to bed. Three hours will be enough for rest.

To make the transition to this mode easier for the child, add the time that the baby does not sleep during the day to night sleep. Let him spend a little more than usual on his night's rest.

And you should switch to one daytime nap at 1.5-2 years. Try to put your child to bed after lunch for 2.5-3 hours.

What does the baby do after birth? Sleeping. This is a wonderful time for a mother who has the opportunity to recover after childbirth. Sweet long sleep with short breaks for feeding - an ideal picture for a newborn, but quiet days will soon be replaced by a decrease in sleep time and an increase in wakefulness. Are there any guidelines indicating how much sleep a newborn should sleep?

The main “task” of a newborn is sleep, during which he gains strength, grows and prepares for active exploration of the world. How older child, the less sleep he needs

Day and night sleep

How long does a newborn sleep? Below is a table with average standards for babies up to one year:

AgeDaytime napNumber of dreamsNight sleepTotal sleep per day
Newborn9–10 a.m.5–6 9–10 a.m.18–20 h
1 month8–9 hours3–4 8–9 hours16–18 h
2 months7–8 hours3 9–10 a.m.16–18 h
3 months5–6 hours3 10–11 a.m.15–17 h
4 months5–6 hours3 10–11 a.m.15–17 h
5 months5–6 hours3 10–11 a.m.15–17 h
6 months4–5 hours2–3 10 o'clock14–15 h
7 months3–4 hours2 10 o'clock13–14 h
8 months3–4 hours2 10 o'clock13–14 h
9 months2–4 hours2 10 o'clock12–14 h
10 months2–4 hours2 10 o'clock12–13 h
11 months2–3 hours2 10 o'clock12–13 h
1 year2–3 hours1–2 10 o'clock12–13 h

These are just statistical averages. It is simply impossible to determine exactly how much newborns and children aged 1 month sleep; the time varies ±60-90 minutes. Everything will depend on the biorhythm of each individual little one.

We will answer the most common questions from parents:

  • What is the normal amount of sleep for a 1 month old baby? The duration of day and night rest is approximately equal. Significant deviations from the average values ​​may be a reason to consult a pediatrician for advice or at least more careful monitoring by parents.
  • What to look for when determining sleep quality? It is impossible to say exactly how many hours newborns usually sleep: it is worth looking, first of all, not at the digital indicators, but at the emotional and physical state of the baby during waking hours. A sleepyhead baby who sleeps more than normal, but is active and cheerful, should not cause concern. The same situation is with children who sleep little. Provided they feel well, have an appetite and are free from whims, mothers should not be alarmed - this is a feature of the baby’s individual rhythm.
  • How does a child's sleep change as they get closer to one year? The total sleep time per day decreases, the baby establishes his own personal rhythm and daily routine. At one year of age, you can determine by sleep patterns whether the child will be a “night owl” or a “lark.” It’s great if you managed to set the child the same rhythm as all family members, then there will be no problems with getting to bed.

It’s great when the daily rhythms of mother and child coincide - the baby will have breakfast at the same time as the family, and parents will be able to get enough sleep

Changes by month


The key to good mood, appetite and well-being is strong healthy sleep. It is also an important condition for the full development of the toddler.

The most important thing that parents of a newborn baby in the first month of life must learn is that the child needs peace and rest to replenish his strength. The duration of this rest may be different for each toddler, so there is no need to panic.

Up to 3 months

At 2 months, the baby begins to form his own individual daily routine. The time of daytime rest decreases, and the time of night rest increases (if the baby does not confuse day and night). The baby begins to “walk” more and actively explore his surroundings. The duration of dreams may increase, and their number may decrease.

Can a baby's routine be adjusted at this age? Quite, especially if it does not coincide at all with the regime of adults. The baby can go to bed at night at 20:00, and get up at 2:00 am. Of course, at this time parents have the sweetest dreams, which means you can try to move the night's rest a little to a more appropriate time. By 3-4 months, the time of night sleep increases slightly, there are even cases when the baby sleeps peacefully throughout the night: it is common for a three-month-old baby to wake up after 5-6 hours to eat (we recommend reading:).

If a child does not want to sleep at night or his parents are categorically not satisfied with his schedule, gentle adjustment measures are necessary

From 3 to 6 months

Starting from 3-4 months, a clearer division into three periods appears: walk - feeding - sleep. Active time increases to 2 hours. The number of feedings decreases and is equal to 6 at this age. At night, a 4-6 month old baby is fed only once. By the age of six months, the child switches from 3 naps a day to 2 naps (before lunch and after).

6 to 9 months

An increase in the duration of night rest in 7-8 month old babies is associated with a decrease in periods of daytime sleep. Approaching 9 months of age, infants can already sleep through the night without waking up. Sometimes babies 7-8 months old still wake up to eat, but this is not due to physiological needs, but to the psychological need to suck formula from a bottle or mother’s breast.

9 to 12 months

Infants who eat mother's milk often sleep less than their peers who are on artificial feeding(we recommend reading: ). The reason is simple: the adapted formula takes longer to digest than breast milk. Thus, “artificial” babies can sleep up to 3 hours during the day, and their “milk” counterparts can sleep for about 1.5-2 hours.

Important “sleepy” moments

What conditions are important to observe for comfortable and long sleep? You should definitely be concerned about your surroundings. The appropriate sleep environment for a baby may not be the same as the parents' habits. Here are the tips of Dr. Komarovsky:

  1. Don't create artificial silence. Being in the mother's tummy, the child is no longer in complete silence. There are so many different sounds around (mother’s heartbeat, the work of the digestive organs). You should not create a vacuum of silence for him, especially when it comes to daytime sleep. At night, it is advisable to behave as quietly as possible so that the child has a clear division between day and night.
  2. Down with dark rooms during the day. It is not recommended to artificially darken rooms during daytime sleep. At night, on the contrary, it is worth closing the curtains tightly to help your baby form a clear division of the day.
  3. We remove the pillows. Orthopedists advise using hard, elastic mattresses and avoiding the use of pillows until the age of 2 years.
  4. Say no to dry and hot air. Optimal conditions for a comfortable and sound sleep: temperature – no higher than 22 °C and air humidity – no lower than 50-70%.
  5. A hearty lunch or dinner. Sleeping on an empty stomach is a dubious pleasure. It’s even less pleasant for a one-month-old baby to sleep hungry. Before going to bed, be sure to feed your baby, then you guarantee him a restful and sound sleep.

Now you know approximately how long newborns should sleep. The amount of sleep in children of the first year of life is associated with their physiological characteristics, personal needs, conditions and microclimate in the house. Sometimes even heredity affects the duration and quality of a baby’s sleep. Always monitor your baby’s health - perhaps it is poor health that is the cause of restless and anxious health.