A fairy tale about a girl who tortured cats. "The Girl and the Magic Cat" (fairy tale). How Br'er Turtle defeated Br'er Rabbit - Harris D.C.

Once upon a time there lived a girl, her name was Nastenka. Nastenka was very beautiful girl, but completely naughty. Unfortunately, she loved only herself, did not want to help anyone, and it seemed to her that everyone lived only for her sake.
Her mother will ask: “Nastenka, tidy up your toys,” and Nastenka replies: “You need it, you clean it up!” Mom will put a plate of porridge in front of Nastenka for breakfast, butter the bread, pour cocoa, and Nastenka will throw the plate on the floor and shout: “I won’t eat this disgusting porridge, you need to eat it yourself, but I want sweets, cakes and oranges! And in the store she didn’t have a clue when she liked some toy, she would stamp her feet and squeal for the whole store to hear: “I want it, buy it!” Buy it immediately, I said!” And it doesn’t matter to her that mom doesn’t have money and that mom is ashamed for such an ill-mannered daughter, but Nastenka, you know, screams: “You don’t love me! You must buy me everything I ask for! You don’t need me, right?!” Mom tried to talk to Nastenka, convince her that she shouldn’t behave like that, that it was ugly, tried to persuade her to be an obedient girl, but Nastenka didn’t care.
One day Nastenka had a very strong fight with her mother in the store, because her mother did not buy her another toy, Nastenka got angry and shouted angry words to her mother: “You are a bad mother!” I don't want a mom like you! I do not love you anymore! I don't need you! Leave!". Mom didn’t answer anything, she just cried quietly and went wherever her eyes looked and, without noticing that the further she went, the further Nastenka became from her, she forgot that she had a daughter. And when my mother left the city, it turned out that she had forgotten both her house and Nastenka, and forgot everything about herself.
After the quarrel, Nastenka turned around and went home, didn’t even look back at her mother, she thought her mother was coming, as always, after, having forgiven everything to her beloved daughter. I came to the house, looked, but my mother was not there. Nastenka was glad that she was left alone at home; she had never been left alone before. She threw off her shoes and blouse haphazardly, threw them right on the floor in the hallway, and went into the room. First of all, I took out a bowl of sweets, turned on the TV and lay down on the sofa to watch cartoons. The cartoons are interesting, the candies are delicious, Nastenka didn’t notice that evening had come. It’s dark outside the window, it’s dark in the room, only a little light from the TV falls on Nastenka’s sofa, and from the corners there’s a shadow, darkness creeping in. Nastenka felt scared, uncomfortable, lonely. Nastenka thinks that her mother has been gone for a long time, when will she come. And my tummy already hurts from the sweets, and I want to eat, but my mother still doesn’t come. The clock has already struck ten times, it’s already one in the morning, Nastenka has never been awake so late, and her mother still hasn’t come. And all around there are rustling noises, knocking noises, and crackling noises. And it seems to Nastenka that someone is walking in the corridor, creeping up to the room, and then suddenly it seems that the doorknob is knocking, but she is still alone. And Nastenka is already tired, and she wants to sleep, but she can’t sleep - she’s scared, and Nastenka thinks: “Well, where is mom, when will she come?”
Nastenka huddled in the corner of the sofa, covered her head with a blanket, covered her ears with her hands, and sat there all night until the morning, shaking with fear, and her mother never came.
There is nothing to do, Nastenka decided to go look for her mother. She left the house, but didn’t know where to go. I walked and wandered the streets, I was cold, I didn’t think to dress warmer myself, but there was no one to tell me, and there was no mother. Nastenka wants to eat, in the morning she only ate a piece of bread, but the day turns towards evening again, it’s about to start getting dark, and she’s afraid to go home.
Nastenka went into the park, sat down on a bench, sat there, crying, feeling sorry for herself. An old woman came up to her and asked: “Why are you crying little girl? Who offended you?”, and Nastenka replies: “My mother offended me, left me, left me alone, abandoned me, but I want to eat and I’m scared to sit at home alone in the dark, and I can’t find her anywhere. What should I do?" And that old lady was not simple, but magical, and she knew everything about everyone. The old woman stroked Nastenka’s head and said: “You Nastenka offended your mother very much, you drove her away from you. From such resentment, the heart becomes covered with an icy crust and a person leaves wherever his eyes look, and forgets everything about his past life. The further he goes, the more he forgets. And if three days and three nights pass after your quarrel, and you don’t find your mother and don’t ask her for forgiveness, then she will forget everything forever and will never remember anything from past life" “Where can I look for her,” Nastenka asks, “I’ve already been running around the streets all day, looking for her, but I can’t find her?” “I’ll give you a magic compass,” says the old woman, “instead of an arrow there is a heart.” Go to the place where you and your mother quarreled, look carefully at the compass, where the sharp tip of the heart points, that’s where you need to go. Look, hurry up, you don’t have much time left, and the path is long!” The old woman said this and disappeared, as if she had never existed at all. Nastenka thought that she had imagined everything, but no, there’s a compass, here it is, clutched in her fist, and instead of an arrow, there’s a golden heart on it.
Nastenka jumped up from the bench, ran to the store, to the very place where she had offended her mother, stood there, looked at the compass and suddenly saw her heart come to life, fluttered, darted around in a circle and stood up, tensed, pointing in one direction with its sharp tip , trembles, as if in a hurry. Nastenka ran with all her might. She ran, she ran, now the city was over, the forest was beginning, the branches were whipping her face, the roots of the trees were preventing her from running, they were clinging to her legs, there was a stabbing pain in her side, she had almost no strength left, but Nastenka was running. Meanwhile, evening had already come, it was dark in the forest, the heart on the compass was no longer visible, there was nothing to do, we had to settle down for the night. Nastenka hid in a hole between the roots of a large pine tree and curled up into a ball. It’s cold to lie on the bare ground, the rough bark scratches your cheek, the needles prick through your thin T-shirt, and there are rustling noises all around, it’s scary for Nastenka. Now it seems to her that wolves are howling, now it seems that the branches are cracking - a bear is making its way after her, Nastenka has shrunk into a ball and is crying. Suddenly she sees a squirrel galloping up to her and asks: “Why are you crying, girl, and why are you sleeping in the forest at night, alone?” Nastenka answers: “I offended my mother, now I’m looking for her to ask for forgiveness, but here it’s dark, scary and I really want to eat.” “Don’t be afraid, no one will hurt you in our forest,” says the squirrel, “we don’t have wolves or bears, and I’ll treat you with nuts now.” The squirrel called her cubs, they brought Nastenka some nuts, Nastenka ate, and fell asleep. I woke up with the first rays of the sun, ran further, the heart on the compass urged me on, hurried me, the last day remained.
Nastenka ran for a long time, all her legs were knocked down, she looked - there was a gap between the trees, a green lawn, a blue lake, and by the lake there was a beautiful house, painted shutters, a cockerel weather vane on the roof, and near the house Nastenkina’s mother was playing with some other people’s children - cheerful , joyful. Nastenka looks, can’t believe her eyes - other people’s children call her Nastenka’s mother mom, but she responds as if this is how it should be.
Nastenka burst into tears, sobbed loudly, ran up to her mother, wrapped her arms around her, pressed herself against her with all her might, and Nastenka’s mother stroked Nastenka’s head and asked: “What happened, girl, did you hurt yourself, or did you get lost?” Nastenka shouts: “Mom, it’s me, your daughter!”, and mom forgot everything. Nastenka began to cry more than ever, clung to her mother, shouting: “Forgive me, mommy, I will never behave like this again, I will become the most obedient, just forgive me, I love you more than anyone, I don’t need any other mother!” And a miracle happened - the ice crust on my mother’s heart melted, she recognized Nastenka, hugged her, and kissed her. I introduced Nastenka to the children, and they turned out to be little fairies. It turns out that fairies do not have parents, they are born in flowers, eat pollen and nectar, and drink dew, so when Nastenka’s mother came to them, they were very happy that they would now also have their own mother. Nastenka and her mother stayed with the fairies for a week and promised to come visit, and a week later, the fairies brought Nastenka and her mother home. Nastenka never quarreled or argued with her mother again, but helped in everything and became a real little housewife.


Fairy Marie woke up and stretched in bed. She stood up and took out a magic wand from the nightstand that stood nearby. She ran it over her wings - they began to shimmer with the light of magic, the purple became even brighter and more beautiful. Then Marie combed her hair with a magic brush - the curls began to shine even more.
Having finished, the fairy opened the window and breathed in the fresh air, enjoying the new day. She jumped out of the window and flew to a water source that lived in the garden near her house. She washed her face and it became even nicer and cleaner. The cheeks were rosy, the lips were scarlet. All the fairies knew that in order to remain beautiful, you need to pay attention to your appearance and take time for yourself. Then the face, hair, shoulders, back, waist - everything is filled with the magic of beauty, because beauty is energy. Even in childhood, a fairy tale about a little girl taught a fairy how to take care of herself.
But Fairy Marie also knew that it was not enough to pay attention to yourself in the morning. It is also important to continue the day by doing good. After all, this is the only way - by exchanging energy, it can be multiplied. Only in this way will the fairy’s magic wand be able to glow with goodness and be able to fulfill the wishes of all children. And only in this way will she always have the energy to remain beautiful.

A fairy tale about a little girl for children: read

Marie flew to fulfill the children's wishes and first of all she tasted Tanya. Tanya's greatest wish was semolina porridge. More precisely, the lack of semolina porridge in kindergarten. The food they prepared there was simply disgusting. Lumpy and sticky. But the worst thing was that the teacher forced each child to finish eating it. It was only because of this that the little girl Tanya did not like to go to kindergarten.

Marie flew to Tanya in the morning and realized that the tiny princess deserves to have her wish come true! After all, she gave the world a lot of kindness and love, every day she stroked and fed her cat, watered the flowers, fed the birds, braided her mother’s hair, although for some reason her mother did not really like the braids. The fairy thought for a long time how to fulfill Tanya’s wish. Flew up to the cook, but the soul of the cook kindergarten was completely callous. Marie would never have been able to turn semolina into a tasty delicacy with the help of a chef. Then the fairy flew up to the teacher and understood everything. Marie twirled the wand in her hands and fulfilled Tanya’s wishes. The teacher received an SMS from her beloved and blossomed. And later that same evening, my beloved proposed marriage to the teacher! From that day on, she never again yelled at the children or forced them to eat something that tasted bad. semolina porridge. And the children were very happy!
Having spent a lot of energy solving the problem with Tanya’s wish and semolina, Marie flew to her friend Bradley. She was very glad that she now had such a smart friend who was constantly learning something new.
- Let's go for a walk? – asked Fairy Bradley, barely having flown into his house.
And the cat was just waiting for this offer, because he so wanted to feel freedom and catch the flow of life on the street. The fairy opened the balcony, and she and the cat quickly found themselves outside.
-What a wonderful spring! And how glad I am that you arrived, Marie. - Bradley said, looking at the trees, green grass, listening to birds singing, smelling the aroma of flowers and feeling not laminate under his feet, but real cool earth.
“I really missed you too Bradley.” What new things have you learned in the days we haven’t seen each other?
— For example, I learned about Elon Musk and now I dream of an electric car! You can’t imagine, but there are cars that are charged from an outlet and do not harm our environment!
- Incredibly interesting!
“I’ll tell you about this next time, but now, forgive me, Marie, but I really want to get all thoughts out of my head and just enjoy the fresh air, the noise of my yard and the smell of early spring.”
The fairy understood everything and fell silent. The cat did everything right. It's a pity that she couldn't always allow herself to stop and enjoy the moment, inhaling the aroma of spring. But now, next to Bradley, the fairy felt the need to relax in the same way and open her soul to the embrace of nature. However, after 5 minutes, a plastic bag flying in the air burst into the peaceful contemplation of beauty.

A fairy tale about a girl: how Tanya helped nature

- Look how beautiful it is! - said Bradley. He looked at how the light package easily circled in the air. He seemed to be dancing a dance, and then he came into contact with a tree and stopped there.
- This is not beauty at all. The fact is that bags harm our nature. If ordinary natural waste quickly rots in the Earth, then the bags take a very long time. For example, a banana peel will decompose in 6 days, and a bag in 100-200 years! Moreover, now this flying miracle hides the real beauty of the trees that should bloom.
“I think I understand,” said Bradley, who also loved nature and wanted to preserve its wealth.
The package suddenly fell off the branch again and flew down to the ground. Suddenly the same girl Tanya picked him up off the ground. She returned from kindergarten very joyful and happy. It was not at all difficult for her to pick up the bag and put it in the trash can. At this moment, the fairy’s wand glowed even more intensely, because Tanya deserved another wish to be fulfilled.

We have created more than 300 cat-free casseroles on the Dobranich website. Pragnemo perevoriti zvichaine vladannya spati u native ritual, spovveneni turboti ta tepla.Would you like to support our project? We will continue to write for you with renewed vigor!

A fairy tale about a girl who drew a house for a cat. At first the cat was happy with everything and rejoiced at the painted house, garden and fish pond. But as soon as a doghouse with a dog appeared in the picture, the cat said that she would not live in this house and left offended.

Capricious cat read

The girl sat at the table and drew pictures. Suddenly a striped cat came and began to watch what the Girl was doing.

What are you doing? - asked the curious Cat.

“I’m drawing a house for you,” said the Girl. - Look: here is the roof, here is the pipe on it, and this is the door...

What will I do there?

You will light the stove and cook porridge.

And the Girl drew smoke coming from the chimney of the house.

Where's the window? After all, the cat is jumping out the window!

Here are the windows for you. One, two, three, four... - said the Girl and drew four windows.

Where will I go for a walk?

Right here.

The girl drew a fence around the house.

“It will be a garden,” she said.

The cat looked and snorted:

What kind of garden is this? There's nothing here!..

Wait,” said the Girl. - Here is a flower bed with flowers, here is an apple tree with apples, and here is a vegetable garden: here carrots grow and cabbage grows...

Cabbage! - the Cat winced. - Where will I fish?


And the Girl drew a pond, and in the pond there were fish.

This is good... Will there be birds? - asked the curious Cat. - I love birds.

They will. Here's a chicken, here's a cockerel, here's a goose, and here's three chickens...

Then the Cat suddenly licked her lips, purred and asked quietly:

Well... will there be mice there... in the house?

No, there will be no mice.

Who will guard my house?

He will be guarded by... - The girl drew a booth. - This Bobik will be on guard!

The cat even twitched its tail, and for some reason its fur stood on end.

“I don’t like your house,” said the Cat. - I don’t want to live there!..

And she left as if she had been offended.

What a capricious Cat!

(Illustration by V.G. Suteev)

Published by: Mishka 19.01.2018 16:51 24.05.2019

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There lived a girl in the city - thin, small. Everything amused her open heart and open soul amidst the acquaintance of this world, and brought joy. She learned to count to ten, learned the letters of the alphabet and drew, putting into the squiggles her own meaning that only she understood.
If she did not like the food offered by adults, she would turn away or cover her mouth when trying to feed it, without even tasting it. I drank only water so as not to eat all the rubbish that people got used to. And her mother did not force her to eat and did not cook any unnecessary cereals. And therefore the girl grew up bright and joyful, she was not capricious, like many children who are forced to do what they do not want, and because this is what adults are used to doing.
Tits flew to their balcony. They treated themselves to melon seeds, which the grandmother took care of in advance, preparing them while eating them. I washed them and dried them. These were tender and sweet seeds.
A girl met a free cat in the yard. They became friends. All yard cats are called Vaska and this one was no exception. They both loved milk, but they drank from different saucers. The girl loved adding different cereals. Grandma bought her corn and multigrain, from many different grains. And they were all delicious.
The cat looked like a small leopard - with reddish-fawn stripes. The smart and independent furry animal always walked on its own. The whole yard loved Vaska, they spoiled him as much as they could. He did not like either caramels or candy and cookies, which the children treated him to. He did not respect sausages and bread - he loved to chase pigeons, watch for sparrows and other birds. Only the crows were wary - somehow he didn’t like them, or maybe he was indifferent to them and avoided them. His face was important and kindness itself.
The girl loved the cat, although earlier, when she was very little, she would drag such cats by the tail. Now she no longer allowed herself to do this, but she didn’t ask for such animals to come home either, because first the hamster and then the smart rat were rustling in the cage at home. And therefore she knew that this was a very serious matter - an animal. After all, they must be looked after, fed, watered, and cleaned. And this is special work and, as her mother and grandmother told her, responsibility. And the cat Vaska already reciprocated her feelings.
One day the girl got sick. And the cat, preoccupied by her absence, decided to visit her, since she only lived on the third floor. The trees in the yard were tall, because no one trimmed them on time, and climbing to the third floor was not difficult for the cat. On the contrary, it aroused interest. He wanted to visit the girl, who was especially affectionately stroking him and scratching him behind the ear. Now it was his turn to look into her amazing sunny eyes, and therefore he easily climbed up the tree trunk right under the window and jumped onto the balcony. He cautiously looked into the door, which was open in the hot summer, moving his softly fluffy paws, and sniffed. In an unfamiliar environment it was impossible to make up his mind right away, and so he looked around, rubbing himself with his fur.
He was not afraid of being filled with things, although he saw everything for the first time. It was more important for him to see this sweet girl and therefore he quietly made his way into the new space. Mindful of his street identity, he was careful - they could scare him. But the girl, lying in her crib, noticed a glimpse of his tail and ears. She was delighted to see him and called quietly: “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, where are you from?” Are you an astronaut?
The cat meowed. His task now was to cheer up his girlfriend and speed up her recovery. Balloons were tied just next to the crib. He instantly realized the idea - he stood on his hind legs, reached out to them and, lightly fingering the thin ribbons, seemed to strum along these strings.
The girl laughed.
Then he tried again. The girl laughed again.
Then he repeated these attempts again and again until the room filled with her ringing laughter, filling with bells of all tones and shades.
Mom and grandmother, who came running to her laughter, were very surprised and did not even get angry at Vaska who had come without permission and did not drive him away, but poured milk into a saucer.
This is how the girl recovered and this is how the kind yard cat Vaska took root.
This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done!
And every fellow should have a delicious pancake, but while someone was listening to the fairy tale, the cat ate all the pancakes, so no one got it, but the good fairy tale remained as a keepsake.

Aunt Valya took the tabby kitten to her home when he lived for the second day under an old, sprawling acacia tree and meowed in a hoarse voice. Having fed the shaggy miracle, the woman stroked it with warm hands, pressing it either to her chest or to her lips. The kitten purred and touched the hands of its new owner with its claws. Each of them understood that now everything would be different, there would be a new life: for one well-fed and homely, for the second not so lonely. The striped miracle turned out to be a girl, and Aunt Valya immediately decided to name the kitten Anfisa.
Anfiska grew up as a lively and smart cat; she lived in the house for the second year and never remembered her past life before the acacia. Aunt Valya bought the freshest food for her pet, took her on her lap to watch TV, and allowed her to sleep on her bed. The cat sometimes managed to catch mice from the neighboring barn, then the happiness of the smiling housewife knew no bounds.
One day Aunt Valya went to a neighboring town on business. Anfisa was told not to go anywhere and to keep an eye on the house; the cat squinted, listening to the owner’s voice and purred quietly in response.
The woman rarely went anywhere, so the cat, not accustomed to such prolonged loneliness, decided to go outside the iron gates and see how she could demonstrate herself and her abilities and skills there, on the street.
The cat walked, quietly stepping with soft paws on the pebbles on the road, its tail wagging every now and then. It was quiet on the street, cars weren't trying to drive faster, people weren't in a hurry. Anfiska was completely bored, when suddenly she saw a red puppy in front of her, happily running after a cabbage butterfly. The cat rushed to meet the very little baby and hissed:
- Shi-shi-shi!
The puppy jumped away from the striped Anfiska, not understanding what he did wrong:
- Why are you scaring me? Did I bother you? I can scare you too! Woof woof woof!
The loud young bark of the puppy rang like a bell throughout the street; the cat realized that she had not frightened the red dog at all and decided to leave him. A huge silhouette appeared ahead.
- Who could it be? With horns and a tail! “Anfiska remembered everyone her owner had ever talked about and came to the conclusion that this was the neighbor’s cow, Zhdanka, who the other day had twisted her leg and now did not go to the meadow, but was tied up in a small clearing opposite the house. The cat rushed at the cow with a loud hiss:
- Shi-shi-shi!
Zhdanka stood with sad blue eyes and chewed gum. Of course it's funny tabby cat- She was not afraid of the bully, stepping only on her bad leg.
- What do you need? – the cow asked and turned away, demonstrating her clear advantage in every sense.
Anfiska continued to look at the horned miracle with a sharp gaze, raising her right paw. Zhdanka reluctantly turned and mumbled in a voice loud as a trumpet:
- Moo-moo-moo!
The cat jumped away from such surprise and ran away, managing to wag its fluffy tail. The street was long and the adventures did not end there. The cat ran, overtaking the butterflies, afraid that the lame Zhdanka was running after her and was about to overtake her. When her strength ran out, Anfiska stopped and looked around. She stood in front of a small wooden house, in the fence of which unfamiliar sounds were heard. The cat came closer and, sticking its muzzle through the gap on the gate, hissed:
- Shi-shi-shi!
It became quiet on the side of the gate and suddenly something cold and dirty touched the pink nose of striped Anfisa:
- Oink oink oink! – the sound came so close that there was no point in running away, and it was as if his paws gave way. A grimy little pig looked through the crack of a gate, sagging with age, choking and not blinking his tiny eyes.
- Why are you hissing? Haven't you seen any piglets? Are you really going to scare us with this?
The happy squeal of the pink pig caused a couple more of these little heels to come running to the gate. The cheerful grunting and quick running of small hooves made it clear that no one was afraid of the cat here either, and she could move on.
Having finally wilted and lost all hope of scaring anyone with her courage, striped Anfiska sat down on the road. Remembering her Aunt Valya and that she should come home soon, the cat wanted to go back. But…
At that moment, a flock of geese was returning from the river, the old gray goose led her relatives with an important gait, not giving way to anyone. Young goslings stretched their yellow necks to the sides, older geese managed to nibble grass from the side of the road. Anfiska decided not to miss this chance and blocked the path of the flock with one leap:
- Shi-shi-shi!
The cat arched its back, fluffed its whiskers, and its gaze became menacing. But the geese were not at all frightened and did not move. The goose hissed in a low voice:
- Why are you hissing? Who were you trying to scare with this? Don't you know who we are?
- Shhi-shhi-shhi! The whole flock began to shout at once, hissing and flapping their wings. Goose necks stretched in all directions, dust rose on the road from the pops, and feathers flew to the sides. There was such a noise from the geese! Some hissed, some cackled - it was scary to imagine that these birds could scare people like that. Anfiska ran away on all four paws, not noticing the hummocks and bushes. It was not far from home, but fear did not allow me to move quickly. Only on the porch of her home with Aunt Valya was she able to calm down and breathe freely. No one here could scare her and drive her away. It was here that she was the mistress and could do whatever she wanted.
The owner was not home yet; it was getting dark outside. A slight anxiety began to creep into the cat’s head, various thoughts ran around, making it difficult to concentrate on the dragonflies flying past. The barely audible creaking of the gate made it clear that everything was all right, that the beloved mistress had returned home.
Running towards her, Anfiska began to rub herself against her legs, purr loudly and show with all her appearance that she was bored and already hungry! Aunt Valya brought various goodies in her bags from the city, the woman either told her pet about her trip, or asked how she managed here without her!
Having eaten some fresh fish, the striped miracle lay down on the lap of its owner and began to lick her hands. Aunt Valya stroked the happy cat’s belly, promising to bring her something another time.
Anfiska was so happy that now she was not alone, that now no one would touch her. And the cat was embarrassed to talk about her today’s adventures, she was embarrassed for all the rash actions that she so suddenly wanted to do today.
And Anfiska decided for herself: in the future, never do anything for which she could later be very ashamed.

Fairy Marie woke up and stretched in bed. She stood up and took out a magic wand from the nightstand that stood nearby. She ran it over her wings - they began to shimmer with the light of magic, the purple became even brighter and more beautiful. Then Marie combed her hair with a magic brush - the curls began to shine even more.
Having finished, the fairy opened the window and breathed in the fresh air, enjoying the new day. She jumped out of the window and flew to a water source that lived in the garden near her house. She washed her face and it became even nicer and cleaner. The cheeks were rosy, the lips were scarlet. All the fairies knew that in order to remain beautiful, you need to pay attention to your appearance and take time for yourself. Then the face, hair, shoulders, back, waist - everything is filled with the magic of beauty, because beauty is energy. Even in childhood, a fairy tale about a little girl taught a fairy how to take care of herself.
But Fairy Marie also knew that it was not enough to pay attention to yourself in the morning. It is also important to continue the day by doing good. After all, this is the only way - by exchanging energy, it can be multiplied. Only in this way will the fairy’s magic wand be able to glow with goodness and be able to fulfill the wishes of all children. And only in this way will she always have the energy to remain beautiful.

A fairy tale about a little girl for children: read

Marie flew to fulfill the children's wishes and first of all she tasted Tanya. Tanya's greatest wish was semolina porridge. More precisely, the lack of semolina porridge in kindergarten. The food they prepared there was simply disgusting. Lumpy and sticky. But the worst thing was that the teacher forced each child to finish eating it. It was only because of this that the little girl Tanya did not like to go to kindergarten.

Marie flew to Tanya in the morning and realized that the tiny princess deserves to have her wish come true! After all, she gave the world a lot of kindness and love, every day she stroked and fed her cat, watered the flowers, fed the birds, braided her mother’s hair, although for some reason her mother did not really like the braids. The fairy thought for a long time how to fulfill Tanya’s wish. She flew up to the cook, but the soul of the cook from the kindergarten was completely callous. Marie would never have been able to turn semolina into a tasty delicacy with the help of a chef. Then the fairy flew up to the teacher and understood everything. Marie twirled the wand in her hands and fulfilled Tanya’s wishes. The teacher received an SMS from her beloved and blossomed. And later that same evening, my beloved proposed marriage to the teacher! From that day on, she never again yelled at the children or forced them to eat tasteless semolina porridge. And the children were very happy!
Having spent a lot of energy solving the problem with Tanya’s wish and semolina, Marie flew to her friend Bradley. She was very glad that she now had such a smart friend who was constantly learning something new.
- Let's go for a walk? – asked Fairy Bradley, barely having flown into his house.
And the cat was just waiting for this offer, because he so wanted to feel freedom and catch the flow of life on the street. The fairy opened the balcony, and she and the cat quickly found themselves outside.
- What a wonderful spring! And how glad I am that you arrived, Marie. - Bradley said, looking at the trees, green grass, listening to birds singing, smelling the aroma of flowers and feeling not laminate under his feet, but real cool earth.
- I really missed you too Bradley. What new things have you learned in the days we haven’t seen each other?
- For example, I learned about Elon Musk and now I dream of an electric car! You can’t imagine, but there are cars that are charged from an outlet and do not harm our environment!
- Incredibly interesting!
- I’ll tell you about this next time, but now, forgive me, Marie, but I really want to get all thoughts out of my head and just enjoy the fresh air, the noise of my yard and the smell of early spring.
The fairy understood everything and fell silent. The cat did everything right. It's a pity that she couldn't always allow herself to stop and enjoy the moment, inhaling the aroma of spring. But now, next to Bradley, the fairy felt the need to relax in the same way and open her soul to the embrace of nature. However, after 5 minutes, a plastic bag flying in the air burst into the peaceful contemplation of beauty.

A fairy tale about a girl: how Tanya helped nature

- Look how beautiful it is! - said Bradley. He looked at how the light package easily circled in the air. He seemed to be dancing a dance, and then he came into contact with a tree and stopped there.
- This is not beauty at all. The fact is that bags harm our nature. If ordinary natural waste quickly rots in the Earth, then the bags take a very long time. For example, a banana peel will decompose in 6 days, and a bag in 100-200 years! Moreover, now this flying miracle hides the real beauty of the trees that should bloom.
“I think I understand,” said Bradley, who also loved nature and wanted to preserve its wealth.
The package suddenly fell off the branch again and flew down to the ground. Suddenly the same girl Tanya picked him up off the ground. She returned from kindergarten very joyful and happy. It was not at all difficult for her to pick up the bag and put it in the trash can. At this moment, the fairy’s wand glowed even more intensely, because Tanya deserved another wish to be fulfilled.

We have created more than 300 cat-free casseroles on the Dobranich website. Pragnemo perevoriti zvichaine vladannya spati u native ritual, spovveneni turboti ta tepla.Would you like to support our project? We will continue to write for you with renewed vigor!

As a manuscript

Once upon a time there lived a cat, Masha. She lived when she was little com house on the edge of the city. And she was... Wherever She had been. In the grove where the big trees growVya, on slippery roofs and even, scary to say, ona landfill where various interesting things are thrown away.This was her favorite place to go.

But one day this happened: running away from the pain what a dog with evil round eyes, Mashka Okastuck on a completely unfamiliar street, on an unfamiliar my tree.

Wow! Where did I end up? - thought Masha and, having made himself more comfortable on a thick branch,began to watch the bully dog ​​who was barking under the tree.

It won't be long before you're late for lunch, what if it's too long? naked dog!

But the dog quickly got tired of the fun and ran away, contentedly wagging his tail. The cat Masha washed herself and was just about to get down from the tree to goyou for lunch, as in the house opposite, in the window, among the flowersexactly like pots she saw a strange stranger. She was strange in that she had almost no tail. It was amazing! But what was even more surprising was that she had such a pink one tied around her neck. a thing that girls wear on their heads. Ka I think it's called a bow.

- Very unusual, beautiful, thought Masha,- and, getting excited, began to tear at the bark with her claws. roar.

A beautiful stranger with a bow smelled the flower current of geranium and disappeared into the depths of the room. Returningwhen she got home, Masha climbed onto the stove and began to mother:

- Why don't I have such a bow? Why am I worse?No worse! That cat doesn't even have a tail, butI have the longest tail and I'm the best at catchingmice. True, I haven’t caught the biggest one yetthe evil Rat Nightmare, which the Cat told aboutTimofey. But I will definitely catch her.

And then, when Masha the Cat was scratching behind her ear with her hind paw, a very successful idea came to her mind thought.

He who is smart knows: if you do something to someone gift, then, usually, after a while they also give you something.

This means that you need to give a gift to a man named Uncle Seryozha. He also lived in a small house. The cat Masha sometimes played with him when she was in the building, and Uncle Seryozha fed her.

Without delaying a minute, Masha went to the dump ku and caught a mouse there, then with a gift in his teeth returned home, jumped onto the bed and laid mouse next to Uncle's mustache.

He opened his eyes, shouted joyfully, waved his hand kami, jumped out of bed and ran out of the room with a mouse in his hands.

How happy I was, I thought approvingly Masha, he ran to play. She jumped on a chairand purred contentedly. Now he must give me a bow!

But Masha the Cat waited a long time for a return gift th. She even decided to get angry and did not meow for two hours, but Uncle Seryozha did not pay any attention to her.attention. Then Masha took it and went for a walk on the embankment.

She got a bow in the evening, but it was paper and something on the tail. Masha was happy at first andI tried to pet him, but I couldn’t catch him,because he was flying away. She chased him, chased him,and then I got tired and lay down. Tired and bow

- It's just some rustling misunderstandingtion, not a bow. Why is he flying? - Masha is veryexcitedly extended her paw towards him. The bow remained onplace. Then she pressed him to the floor and tore him away fromhis long tail.

No, this misunderstanding did not suit her, such a smart, beautiful and striped cat, especially since what's on the tail. When Mashka the Cat scratched behind her ear with her hind paw, another good idea came to her mind.

She thought like this: if for a little mouse she tied a paper bow on the tail, then for the painAny mouse will definitely give her a big pink b ant, the same as that of a strange cat.

When Mashka the Cat put a big gray mouse on Uncle Seryozha’s bed, he was delightedeven more than the first time. He shouted and wavedhands like crazy, and then left with the mouseoutside. For some reason he returned upset and without bantha.

- “What is this,” he grumbled, “all catslike cats, they live quietly and don’t drag people into the houseall sorts of nasty things. And this...

Here Masha frowned.

- What crap is he talking about? No bastardI didn’t bring anything into the house. Strange UncleSeryozha. All! I won't give him any more gifts.Let him live without gifts. And I don't need a bow.

The cat Masha arched her tail offendedly and went for a walk.

Time passed. Masha has almost forgotten about the bow, and about a stranger, but then the unexpected happened.Uncle Seryozha came home joyful and said, ohlooking around the room:

Today is our holiday, and everything should be Beautiful. Therefore, Masha, we will tie you with oursbow. You will be as beautiful as that Siamesethe cat I saw yesterday.

“I’m already the most beautiful,” thought Masha, but The Bantu was delighted. -Finally I thought of it.

The bow was big and pink, so she immediately wanted to show off in front of her friends. She slipped out the door and proudly walked down the street, debarking, pretending not to pay attention to the familiar cats and dogs, who looked in surprise, opening herd, follow her.

- That's what I am. The most beautiful, the smartest, the most striped cat who catches the bestmice. Now, if only you could sing me Rat Nightmaremother, then I would also be the most famous in the city.

And then, as sometimes happens, Masha saw her, Nightmare. A huge Rat was sitting in the bushes and behindlooked thoughtfully at the rusty tin can.The cat Masha froze, then sneaked upcame closer and jumped.

It was a great jump. The best Mashka the Cat's jump. But something terrible happened. A beautiful pink bow caught on a branch, andMasha, before reaching the rat, fell into the grass.

She hissed in frustration, then meowed loudly and in complete frustration began to tear off the stolen sewing And the Nightmare Rat is calm at this time left.

- This is what happens: if you are a cat andIf you're good at catching mice, you don't have tocarefully attach various foreign objects to oneselfYou. And if you sit all day on the window amonggeraniums, then you can attach something.

That's what Mashka the Cat thought and, upset, went to the roof to watch the sparrows.


One day Masha the cat was watching TV ste with Uncle Seryozha. Some cats love it toosee something interesting. And Mashka has the same Our favorite programs were “In the Animal World”and about the cat Matroskin. But sometimes, especially ifthe weather was bad outside, she looked at everything. That's why Uncle Seryozha cursed:

- Why are you, Masha, sitting by the TV all day long?visor? It won't take long to ruin your eyes. Better go outside for a walk.

But this time he was in a good mood and he didn’t swear when Masha sat down on the chair veryclose to the screen.

Look, Mashka, he said, is a famous rock singer. How he sings and bursts into tears!

But it’s true - he meows loudly, - I suck Mashka thought, rolling her eyes. “It’s just not clear.”Probably on foreign language. It turns out that ifa man meows loudly and becomes famousand it is shown on TV. But Uncle Seryozha is notmeows (Mashka looked at Uncle Seryozha), poethey don't show it to him.

The cat Masha scratched behind her ear with her hind paw and began to reason further:

- And if a real cat will be understandableif you meow, then it must be shownTV, especially since she is the most beautiful, saMaya is smart, the most striped cat, which is bettercatches everyone's mice. Oh, I'll be a rock star!

Then Uncle Seryozha turned off the TV and left. to your affairs. The cat Masha climbed onto the warm stoveku and decided to compose a song. She composed for a long time,the whole evening until I got hungry. It was frompersonal song - about Rat Nightmare, about love,about Fresh Frozen Capelin and much, much more something else.

- And I will perform on the roof, at night, in the lightthose stars and moons. It's stupid to perform during the day when UncleSeryozha at work...

The preparation took two days. The cat Masha managed to invite all her friends and even rehearse a little.

... It's time for the concert. They came to see him very much a lot of cats and cats. Probably hundreds. They disperseThey were hanging out on the fence, in the trees, on the roof of the barn. Onlyold Cat Timofey decided not to climb high and settled down on a woodpile against the wall, next to the metalchelic pelvis. “Singer”, all so striped and beautifulbright, climbed up onto the roofs in the light of the huge moonI'm at home, sat down next to the birdhouse and,she pulled her tail and sang:

- Meow-uuu, meow-uuu...

The audience listened with great attention to the the first verse, and when Masha the Cat began to sing the chorus,it was picked up by another 235 cats:

Shhhhhh!!! -

Snow was falling from the trees, and in the windows of neighboring the lights came on.

- Now they’ll come from television, I thought.The cat Mashka screamed with renewed vigor:


But instead of television from his house high disheveled Uncle Seryozha with a bucket of water and mug.

- Why are you organizing concerts here at two o’clock in the morning?do you think? - he shouted and began to pour hofreezing water. And this is very harmful - cold waterin winter. You might catch a cold.

The cat Timofey jumped in fright and dropped his rust pelvis It thundered with terrible force. The panic began. Hundreds of black, white, red, spotted cats and cats scattered: to the east, to the south, and some even to the west.

It's not fair. I haven’t finished singing yet... - I thought Masha jumped onto the birdhouse.

The rotten tree could not stand it, and the singer, along with flew into a snowdrift like a birdhouse. The concert is over.

Masha sulked at Uncle Seryozha for almost a whole I share. How else!

They made up on the day when the shows again call a rock singer you know. Uncle Seryozha looked -looked, then turned off the TV and said:

- Even you, Masha, sing better. And why herIs it only shown on TV? Such nonsense.

Masha did not answer anything, yawned, curled up in ball, and thought to myself:

- There's a lot of nonsense on TVut. Here is Cat Matroskin - yes! How he plays the guitarplays! We would sing with him!


As you know, Mashka the cat lives on the banks of the river. ki in a small house. This is not known, of course.everyone, but those who have been to these places and at least oneI saw Masha with my own eyes, he forever remembered thismy striped, the most beautiful, the most smart cat, which is the best at catching mice.

However, in Lately, for a whole range of rank, Masha was in a disgusting mood. The number of these reasons is very long, probably about a kilometer long.One thing can be said.

... The cat Mashka had a fight with Uncle Seryozha, whenwho also lived in this small house. And it's timethey fought because Uncle Seryozha tried tofeed Masha the cat with ocean fish callednu Fresh frozen capelin. Masha is very unhappy with herloved. She loved chicken chicken and fish bream. AUncle Seryozha stomped his feet on the Cat Masha and Cree chat:

- I'll rip your ears off! Come on, eat!

And Masha turned her face away from the fish and thought:

- Well, you’ll cut it short! For the whole month, onlyI pulled my tail twice. And here are the ears!

She was not at all afraid of him, but she was in a mood it was spoiled.

So, in such a disgusting mood, Ma the girl woke up early on a summer morning and discoveredthat Uncle Seryozha is not there.

- Well, let. I'll be hungry. All the same, there is nothing good from him, except for this stupid Capelinyou'll wait. I'd rather go outside and play tigers.

Tigers - so Masha thought - are small tabby cats that are shown on TV.Uncle Seryozha said that they are big, they know how to hide well in the grass and growl loudly.

Masha didn’t believe that they were big, she growled I didn’t know how, but I hid well. Although when the gameI was in tigers, I constantly thought:

- If I hide well, then how can you find me?blown to show on TV? What if I'm badIf I hide, then what kind of tiger am I?

But she didn’t get to play with tigers - there was grass wet from dew, and Masha, having worn out her front paws and muzzle, got out onto the asphalt road and walked alongembankment directly north.

Now I’ll go far, far away, to a place where I don’t a cat's paw stepped, and let Uncle Seryozha cry burning tears in a small hut.

She walked, walked, walked and already began to doubt whether Should she turn back when she saw Uncle Seryozha?He sat on the bank of the river With long stick in handsand looked at the water.

- It’s interesting, thought Mashka, that he does it do here?

The cat Masha was a wayward cat, and besides my husband is in a bad mood. That's why she's not greatcrawling, she quietly climbed a tall tree that leaned over the river, and settled down on a thick,a branch growing with moss. Then she hung her head and began to watch Uncle Seryozha. He sat for a long timecalmly, probably for about an hour, but suddenly he stood up and sweatedzero for the stick. The stick bent and out of the water showedthere was something incomprehensible.

Masha was surprised at first - what is it that Uncle Seryozha is dragging out of the water? - And then, looking closer, I realized - this is a shoe. Usually like this Uncle Seryozha puts things on his paws when goes for a walk.

Masha loved to rub against them. Is it true, this one that Uncle Seryozha pulled out, Masha doesn’t like itliked it. Too ragged and wet. Uncle is unlucky!

I'll wait until he pulls out the second one and go to mine, - thought Masha and, squinting her eyes, began to watch the sunbeams that were playingon the water. She looked and looked and did not notice howdozed off. The chirping woke her up. Masha lazilyI opened my eyes and saw you next to my mustachecalling-looking sparrow.

It’s imagining, - Masha thought sleepily and, without hesitation, she jumped.

The sparrow desperately flapped its wings and, tearing off flew off the branch. Masha also flew away.

- Wow! Is this in a dream or not? Even oldTimofey the cat didn't tell...

What Timofey the Cat and Mashka Dodu didn’t tell the mother did not have time: thousands of millions of splashes roseover the river, when the cat Masha with all four la Pami, not counting her tail, hit the water.

Uncle Seryozha pulled her out.

- Well well! You, Masha, are not a cat, but some kind of misunderstanding. For the first time I see cats with thatWhat height did we dive?

He wiped her with his jacket, took her in his arms, and they Grabbing a fishing rod, we went home.

I could swim out myself - having warmed up, I began to think Masha. - But he’s also a great guy - noconfused. And it’s also good that he forgot his catch.I wonder how long you need to sit at such a placea splash of water to remove one torn shoe. All-Uncle Seryozha’s life is hard. We need to go with him put up.

And they made peace.


One day Masha the cat was sitting on a bench at of your home. She basked under the warm rays of the suntsa and was waiting for Uncle Seryozha, who had gone for a walk withbig black bag. And Masha had a sign- if he left with a black bag, it means it’s coldSomething tasty will appear soon.

True, lately Uncle Seryozha for some reason brought only potatoes, which Masha did not respect.

She had been waiting for a long time. On the river that flows Kala was very close, the sunbeams were playing. ButMasha did not pay attention to them, becausesometimes she got into big trouble because of them ness.

Again, Uncle probably met his turn, - Mashka thought irritably. Who are these Oshes?di, Mashka didn’t know, but she didn’t like them very much. Because ofUncle Seryozha was often late and cursed.

When I have time, she will pull I’m afraid, I’ll catch these “queues” and scratch everyone. In the meantime, it's probably worth going for a walk.

She was about to jump to the ground when she saw Uncle. He walked along the embankment with a thick bag, fromwhich smelled very tasty of Bream fish and poultry Chicken.

- Clear! - Masha immediately rushed to Uncle Xie less often.

I must say that at such moments she loved him more than usual.

They entered the house. Uncle Seryozha gave Masha a mute more Chicken, more Bream and immediately left. Mashshe had lunch, climbed onto a chair and was already getting readytake a nap when an alarming thought came into her headthought: “Fish in the refrigerator, poultry in the refrigeratorke, and Uncle Seryozha is so careless... He took it and left.”

She nervously curled her tail and began to think thought: “And the Dog Sharik went to the village for yourunning The booth is empty. And there's a suspect next to the housedifferent personalities wander around without a certain placehundred of residence."

Masha walked past the refrigerator in thought. First from right to left, and a little later - from left right. Then she walked up to him and tried toopen the door. The refrigerator did not open.

- OK then. - Masha frowned. - He will comeguard yourself. And to be a good guard,” she scratched behind her ear, “you have to become evil.”dog. After all, everyone knows that the best hundredmugs are dogs on a chain.

She climbed out through the underground into the street and approached to the booth. Next to the booth lay a long and heavy chain.

- Somewhat ugly. Perhaps she will be minenot to your face. Well, her. It's better to guard it unattached.

Masha climbed into the booth, curled up in a ball on the straw and began to guard. It was quiet and peaceful in the booth koino. She didn't notice how she fell asleep.

Masha woke up because in the poplar branches Crows cawed above the booth. It became death on the street repent.

- Wow! - Masha said to herself. -I'm really worried!

She was overcome with anxiety: “What if they ate the food?” She jumped into the house and rushed to the kitchen. Thereeverything was still the same, and the refrigerator was not open fell.

- No, now I won’t sleep, but I’ll watch for real.

Having spread her mustache, Masha went out into the street and climbed onto the fence.

- You can see all the hooligans from here, let alone from booths!

It got dark. The lanterns came on, and instead of solar Electric bunnies jumped along the river. I don’t see any stray cats or dogs in the areaelk. And suddenly steps were heard.

- Here they are, outsider hooligans! They're walking on neck side.

The cat Masha began to sharpen her claws on the post.

- But Uncle Seryozha is missing! -

She jumped into the grass and hid.

- Now they will impudently crawl into the house and killRuth poultry Chicken and fish Bream. Then they will drag them awaya dark, secluded place and they will eat it. They are bream, of course. They will eat from the head.

These thoughts made Masha’s hair stand on end, and the tail curved into a hook. She jumped out on the trolleykicked, stood sideways to passers-by and hissed terribly.

- Oh! - shouted a passing stranger Te cha - this is a lynx!

And she ran quickly and quickly.

- Don't be afraid! - shouted the stranger Uncle, -it's simple wild cat, probably reed.

And he ran after Aunt, also very quickly.

- That’s better,” Masha thought and, satisfied, climbed onto the fence again. Guard.

Uncle Seryozha and the Dog Sharik appeared on the trail blowing day. Masha noticed them when they approachedwalked towards the fence. Uncle Seryozha said something loudlySharik. Masha listened.

So, Sharik, did you hear what they said on the trolleybus? A beast has appeared in our area. Wild and scary. Either a lynx. Either a tiger. They say from the zooparka ran away. You better be careful.

It’s strange,” Masha was surprised, “I kiss I kept watch all night and half a day, but didn’t see any animalsla. Maybe he's hiding in the park? Will be neededafter breakfast go and have a look.


One day the cat Masha was sitting on the fence and asked I missed you. She didn't want to do anything at all.This happens sometimes with cats. She looked atdusty grass and yawned...

- Wow, how boring, - thought Masha, - about I don't have a hundred strength!

And suddenly she was dumbfounded. - Appeared from the grass big mouse with paper in its teeth.

I have visions! Probably from the heat - it's time Masha screamed and, jumping to the ground, began to creep up blow towards the mouse.

There’s a telegram for you,” she squeaked and released the boo. magician and backed away.

Cat Masha, who has no telegrams I wasn’t looking forward to this day, I was very surprised, I folded it tail and sat down.

Wow! From whom?

From the Great Rat of Nightmares!

From Nightmares? Great? - Make Masha angry I was nervous and wanted to hit the postman with my pawwow, but I realized it in time - after all, Uncle SeryozhaI never hit a postman in the ear. She approachedtelegram closer and wanted to read it, butI couldn’t take anything.

What kind of nightmare did this Nightmare imagine? Yes for this one her handwriting would have been staked at school, but shesends grams.

Masha looked at the mouse sternly, like a teacher, and said:

Tell me, otherwise I can’t read the handwriting.

Urgent. Masha the cat personally in the paws. Great Nightmare invites you tomorrow morning at 11.00 todump to stage a battle. One on one. And ifIf you don't come, you will turn out to be a coward. Here - aboutthe mouse squeaked and disappeared.

-Am I the coward? - Masha was indignant. - Well,Tomorrow I’ll show this arrogant guy where Capelin spends the night!

The next morning she ate well, sharpened claws on the threshold and, of course, brushed her teeth. And then,without telling anyone, exactly at fifteen minutesnoon eleven went to battle.

The Nightmare Rat was already waiting for her. She sat on the highest heap of garbage and, smiling, looked to Masha. On her head there is a golden glitter like a helmetbody tin can.

Yeah, that means I'm a coward! Well, now we'll see - Masha moved forward. She walked, wagging her tail, calmly and confidently. But when there was very little left to Nightmare, probably about five meters, a whole cloud of rats and mice jumped out at her from behind the heap.They all piled on Masha.

It's not fair! The telegram said, what a one on one! - the Cat just had time to thinkMasha, how the battle began.

The mice squealed, the rats squealed, and Masha screamed in a bad voice, because a large mouse grabbed onto her most beautiful, most striped tail.

Above the landfill and along all the surrounding streets and, especially, in the alleys, like butterflies, wisps flutteredki wool. And everything would have ended very well for Masha it would be sad if at this time the landfill area were notthe good Mashkina flew at low levelfriend - Crow Kriolanta.

Where did Masha the Cat catch so many rats? Kriolanta was surprised. Sneezing from fur, she didcircle over the battlefield and realized that, most likely,It was the rats who caught Masha.

Ugly! Oh, how ugly! But for me alone You can’t cope here.” The crow got upset and,equal to the required speed, flew like the Dog Ball,who guarded Mashka's house.

Sharik, Sharik, quickly come to me! - screamed Kriolanta. - Save Masha!

Sharik heard. He broke free and ran away along the road, raising clouds of dust, following the Crow Kryolanta.

A minute later, with a menacing growl, he crashed into the thick of his enemies. The first, as the flying one noticed from above, The crow fled from the battlefield, throwing away its helmetNightmare. The whole army rushed after her. The cat Mashka, the dog Sharik and Vo remained at the landfill Rhona Kriolant.

- “How can it be,” Sharik barked, “you are sosmart, so striped, so beautiful cat, ohgo alone in all sorts of very dubious places!

- Ugly! Oh, how ugly!

Masha looked sadly at her shabby ny tail and answered mysteriously:

- It's all because of the telegram. That's what happened.And I thought to myself: - Hmmm... It turns out notYou can trust any piece of paper, that is, what is written there.


The cat Masha sat on a gnarled log and I looked at the first poplars with great displeasure new leaves.

It’s amazing how they stink,” Masha said with displeasure she sneezed. She was in a disgusting mood new, and all because usually at this time of year it startsUncle Seryozha, who lived in her house, began to disappear mike.

It happened like this: Uncle Seryozha got a large green backpack, I put all sorts of things in therethe necessary stupid things and said sadly som:

- Well, Masha, it's time to go on a business trip. A then he disappeared.

Masha wagged her tail in irritation.

- Here it is today. He packed his backpack and disappeared. Skaa hall that disappears for a week. How long will it last this week?

H what does he do on these business trips? Work at homeyou're enough. The firewood, for example, is lying unchopped. Aafter all, they need to heat the stove, - MashaI really loved to sit by the fire. Again, you need to go to the store for water and definitely go to the store. ObligationsYou definitely need to go to the store.

The cat Masha stood up and walked along the log, looking I yawned at the lemon butterfly.

- It’s good that there is also Aunt Vera, a neighbor whoshe feeds when Uncle Seryozha is away. But still- It’s a mess to leave for such a long time. Or maybe Uncle, on these business trips, field mice Vit or smells flowers?

But why so long and far away? It's easy get lost. His mustache is small, but everyone fromwe know to be able to travel and catchnecks, you must have a long mustache, such as a meNya, the most beautiful, the most striped and the most mustachioed cats.

Masha waved her paw in hopes of catching butterflies ku. She didn’t get it and lay down on the log again. The sun was hot, and she was already starting to fall asleep, when she suddenly realized why Uncle Seryozha was disappearing - he was looking for happiness! Like I once did.

The fact is that Masha the Cat did not always live in in his.small but nice house.

She was born in a factory where excavators are made, such big one-armed machines. She worked theremother - Cat Vasilisa. Of course, Vasilisa is not forscrewed in bolts and nuts, and, like any hard-workingcat caught mice. But life was comparativelynot bad. When Masha the Cat grew up, Uncle Zavthe owner where they lived with their mother gave her to anothergoy house. In this house Masha found out how much a pound isHa. Firstly, her tail was pinched, and secondly, herdid not feed and even beat, and, thirdly, the owners of thisthe houses were twitchy and a little crazy. The cat Masha nicknamed them “knock-eaters” because,when they ate, they swallowed everything so quickly that Maschkenothing was received. They also often drank water fromvery disgusting smell and loudly shouted all sorts of thingsnonsense in nasty voices. No, Masha doesn’t like them beat.

And then one day, being very hungry, little The cat Masha looked into the sky and saw there bright yellow chicken.

That’s who has a good life, thought Kosh ka Masha. - How yellow and fluffy he is. NaverNo, he has a lot of food.

After all, Masha did not yet know that it was not a chicken, but the sun. She didn’t know much then - not about astro nomy, neither about the moon nor about the stars.

- We have to go there. I'm tired of these crooks.

And Masha went. She walked through wild gardens, as high-altitude streets and vacant lots. Twice her a littlewas not run over by a car, but once a stray dog ​​attacked her, and Masha barely managed to climb onto the roar

She walked and walked, but she didn’t come to visit the chicken la, because he took it and hid behind the houses. And according toit began to get dark.

- Where did he run away to? - Masha was surprised.

There was nothing to do, and then she went wherever she wanted. they are watching. But Masha was already walking slowly, because very tired.

Night fell and the moon appeared in the sky. Masha looked up and was stunned. There instead of a big one, sitting next to a yellow, fluffy chicken was someone small, blue and plucked.

Masha became scared.

Probably they also appeared alive up there throats, she thought and cried.

Where should I go now? I'm completely lost.

But then the door of a small house opened and Uncle came out of the porch, it was Uncle Seryozha. He'sstood, listened, and then said sternly:

He took the little cat Masha, brought him into the house and fed him.

At first the cat Masha was very afraid that this guy Daddy will also fight and pinch his tail. But heturned out to be calm, and they became friends.

That was a long time ago...

A drop dripped onto Masha the Cat's nose. Masha from she closed her eyes and stood up. A huge thing was crawling across the sky cha.

This was not enough yet! - Cat Masha spray she bent into the grass and, shaking off her paws with disgust, went to to your house.

- It’s still interesting, she thought, whatDoes Uncle Seryozha need more happiness? What is he looking for? After allI'm home! And I am the best, the kindest, the mostaffectionate cat. He still couldn't find anything better.


Mashka the Cat had many different jokes cheniya. Just a few are covered hereof them. And Masha the Cat still lives with UncleSeryozhey in a small house, maybe someday may you read about her again, the most beautiful, the mostthe striped, smartest, but also the most wayward Cat, who catches mice better than anyone else.

If, of course, you liked it.

Uncle Seryozha

Once upon a time there lived a girl, her name was Nastenka. Nastenka was a very beautiful girl, but completely disobedient. Unfortunately, she loved only herself, did not want to help anyone, and it seemed to her that everyone lived only for her sake.
Her mother will ask: “Nastenka, tidy up your toys,” and Nastenka replies: “You need it, you clean it up!” Mom will put a plate of porridge in front of Nastenka for breakfast, butter the bread, pour cocoa, and Nastenka will throw the plate on the floor and shout: “I won’t eat this disgusting porridge, you need to eat it yourself, but I want sweets, cakes and oranges! And in the store she didn’t have a clue when she liked some toy, she would stamp her feet and squeal for the whole store to hear: “I want it, buy it!” Buy it immediately, I said!” And it doesn’t matter to her that mom doesn’t have money and that mom is ashamed for such an ill-mannered daughter, but Nastenka, you know, screams: “You don’t love me! You must buy me everything I ask for! You don’t need me, right?!” Mom tried to talk to Nastenka, convince her that she shouldn’t behave like that, that it was ugly, tried to persuade her to be an obedient girl, but Nastenka didn’t care.
One day Nastenka had a very strong fight with her mother in the store, because her mother did not buy her another toy, Nastenka got angry and shouted angry words to her mother: “You are a bad mother!” I don't want a mom like you! I do not love you anymore! I don't need you! Leave!". Mom didn’t answer anything, she just cried quietly and went wherever her eyes looked and, without noticing that the further she went, the further Nastenka became from her, she forgot that she had a daughter. And when my mother left the city, it turned out that she had forgotten both her house and Nastenka, and forgot everything about herself.
After the quarrel, Nastenka turned around and went home, didn’t even look back at her mother, she thought her mother was coming, as always, after, having forgiven everything to her beloved daughter. I came to the house, looked, but my mother was not there. Nastenka was glad that she was left alone at home; she had never been left alone before. She threw off her shoes and blouse haphazardly, threw them right on the floor in the hallway, and went into the room. First of all, I took out a bowl of sweets, turned on the TV and lay down on the sofa to watch cartoons. The cartoons are interesting, the candies are delicious, Nastenka didn’t notice that evening had come. It’s dark outside the window, it’s dark in the room, only a little light from the TV falls on Nastenka’s sofa, and from the corners there’s a shadow, darkness creeping in. Nastenka felt scared, uncomfortable, lonely. Nastenka thinks that her mother has been gone for a long time, when will she come. And my tummy already hurts from the sweets, and I want to eat, but my mother still doesn’t come. The clock has already struck ten times, it’s already one in the morning, Nastenka has never been awake so late, and her mother still hasn’t come. And all around there are rustling noises, knocking noises, and crackling noises. And it seems to Nastenka that someone is walking in the corridor, creeping up to the room, and then suddenly it seems that the doorknob is knocking, but she is still alone. And Nastenka is already tired, and she wants to sleep, but she can’t sleep - she’s scared, and Nastenka thinks: “Well, where is mom, when will she come?”
Nastenka huddled in the corner of the sofa, covered her head with a blanket, covered her ears with her hands, and sat there all night until the morning, shaking with fear, and her mother never came.
There is nothing to do, Nastenka decided to go look for her mother. She left the house, but didn’t know where to go. I walked and wandered the streets, I was cold, I didn’t think to dress warmer myself, but there was no one to tell me, and there was no mother. Nastenka wants to eat, in the morning she only ate a piece of bread, but the day turns towards evening again, it’s about to start getting dark, and she’s afraid to go home.
Nastenka went into the park, sat down on a bench, sat there, crying, feeling sorry for herself. An old woman came up to her and asked: “Why are you crying little girl? Who offended you?”, and Nastenka replies: “My mother offended me, left me, left me alone, abandoned me, but I want to eat and I’m scared to sit at home alone in the dark, and I can’t find her anywhere. What should I do?" And that old lady was not simple, but magical, and she knew everything about everyone. The old woman stroked Nastenka’s head and said: “You Nastenka offended your mother very much, you drove her away from you. From such resentment, the heart becomes covered with an icy crust and a person leaves wherever his eyes look, and forgets everything about his past life. The further he goes, the more he forgets. And if three days and three nights pass after your quarrel, and you don’t find your mother and don’t ask her for forgiveness, then she will forget everything forever and will never remember anything from her past life again.” “Where can I look for her,” Nastenka asks, “I’ve already been running around the streets all day, looking for her, but I can’t find her?” “I’ll give you a magic compass,” says the old woman, “instead of an arrow there is a heart.” Go to the place where you and your mother quarreled, look carefully at the compass, where the sharp tip of the heart points, that’s where you need to go. Look, hurry up, you don’t have much time left, and the path is long!” The old woman said this and disappeared, as if she had never existed at all. Nastenka thought that she had imagined everything, but no, there’s a compass, here it is, clutched in her fist, and instead of an arrow, there’s a golden heart on it.
Nastenka jumped up from the bench, ran to the store, to the very place where she had offended her mother, stood there, looked at the compass and suddenly saw her heart come to life, fluttered, darted around in a circle and stood up, tensed, pointing in one direction with its sharp tip , trembles, as if in a hurry. Nastenka ran with all her might. She ran, she ran, now the city was over, the forest was beginning, the branches were whipping her face, the roots of the trees were preventing her from running, they were clinging to her legs, there was a stabbing pain in her side, she had almost no strength left, but Nastenka was running. Meanwhile, evening had already come, it was dark in the forest, the heart on the compass was no longer visible, there was nothing to do, we had to settle down for the night. Nastenka hid in a hole between the roots of a large pine tree and curled up into a ball. It’s cold to lie on the bare ground, the rough bark scratches your cheek, the needles prick through your thin T-shirt, and there are rustling noises all around, it’s scary for Nastenka. Now it seems to her that wolves are howling, now it seems that the branches are cracking - a bear is making its way after her, Nastenka has shrunk into a ball and is crying. Suddenly she sees a squirrel galloping up to her and asks: “Why are you crying, girl, and why are you sleeping in the forest at night, alone?” Nastenka answers: “I offended my mother, now I’m looking for her to ask for forgiveness, but here it’s dark, scary and I really want to eat.” “Don’t be afraid, no one will hurt you in our forest,” says the squirrel, “we don’t have wolves or bears, and I’ll treat you with nuts now.” The squirrel called her cubs, they brought Nastenka some nuts, Nastenka ate, and fell asleep. I woke up with the first rays of the sun, ran further, the heart on the compass urged me on, hurried me, the last day remained.
Nastenka ran for a long time, all her legs were knocked down, she looked - there was a gap between the trees, a green lawn, a blue lake, and by the lake there was a beautiful house, painted shutters, a cockerel weather vane on the roof, and near the house Nastenkina’s mother was playing with some other people’s children - cheerful , joyful. Nastenka looks, can’t believe her eyes - other people’s children call her Nastenka’s mother mom, but she responds as if this is how it should be.
Nastenka burst into tears, sobbed loudly, ran up to her mother, wrapped her arms around her, pressed herself against her with all her might, and Nastenka’s mother stroked Nastenka’s head and asked: “What happened, girl, did you hurt yourself, or did you get lost?” Nastenka shouts: “Mom, it’s me, your daughter!”, and mom forgot everything. Nastenka began to cry more than ever, clung to her mother, shouting: “Forgive me, mommy, I will never behave like this again, I will become the most obedient, just forgive me, I love you more than anyone, I don’t need any other mother!” And a miracle happened - the ice crust on my mother’s heart melted, she recognized Nastenka, hugged her, and kissed her. I introduced Nastenka to the children, and they turned out to be little fairies. It turns out that fairies do not have parents, they are born in flowers, eat pollen and nectar, and drink dew, so when Nastenka’s mother came to them, they were very happy that they would now also have their own mother. Nastenka and her mother stayed with the fairies for a week and promised to come visit, and a week later, the fairies brought Nastenka and her mother home. Nastenka never quarreled or argued with her mother again, but helped in everything and became a real little housewife.

Once upon a time there lived in a house a master, a mistress, and a little boy. They had a little cat, Murka. The owners loved her very much and never beat her, but only stroked her. They lived and lived, and then one day the owners left the house to go about their business, but forgot to close the window. Only Murka remained at home. She sat for a long time at the open window and looked out onto the street. She was very interested in what was happening there.
And suddenly Murka saw a sparrow and jumped out of the window after him. But the sparrow flew away, and Murka was left alone. She had never been outside before and now didn’t know where to go. She sat down under a tree near the house and began to wait for her owners to come for her. It soon got dark and cold, Murka was completely frozen, but the owners did not return.
Some aunt was passing by, she saw Murka, bent down and said: “Oh, whose are you, Kisa? You are completely cold and shaking. Come with me, I’ll give you something to eat.” And she took it
Murka to live with himself. My aunt had a daughter at home - a little girl Olya. She had never seen cats before and was very happy when her mother brought Murka home. Olya did not know how to be friends with cats, and began to slap her on the head and drag her by the tail. Olya thought that the cat would be interested in playing like this. And Murka just meowed pitifully. “Oh,” thought Murka. - Why does this girl offend me so much? I've never been offended before, but now my tail hurts so much when Olya drags me around. And over my head
hits, but I really don’t like it.” And Murka began to meow pitifully and run away from the girl as soon as Olya wanted to play with her. “And why doesn’t she want to play with me? What doesn’t she like?” - Olya didn’t understand. And then, one night, Olya had a dream. She saw how the Cat Fairy came to their home and turned Olya into the cat Murka, and made Murka Olya. At first Olya was very interested, and she even liked being a cat, but then her new owner came and started playing with her: pulling her tail, hitting her on the head, pulling her whiskers and paws. Olya the cat got scared, hid in the farthest corner of the room under the bed and cried:
"I don't want to be more like a cat- it is so painful! I want to become a girl again!” Olya woke up in tears. But then she realized that it was just a dream, and was very happy - she was still a girl, and the cat Murka was sleeping next to her on the bed, curled up. And then Olya remembered how bad her life was as a cat, how hurt and offended she was. She took Murka in her arms, stroked her affectionately and said: “Forgive me, Murochka! I understood how to play with you, and I will never offend you again and I will not allow others. You are now under my protection! And Olya and Murka became best friends. Olya stroked Murka’s head, scratched him behind the ear, and gave him delicious milk. And when Murka wanted to play, she tied a piece of paper to a string and ran away, and Murka happily chased after her.

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